def mount_disks(config): target_ip = config['main']['target_ip'] time.sleep(10) cl = client.Client(target_ip, timeout=300) cl.timeout = 100 cl.btrfs.create('storage', ['/dev/sda']) cl.disk.mount('/dev/sda', '/var/cache', options=[""])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') self.target_ip = config['main']['target_ip'] self.zt_access_token = config['main']['zt_access_token'] self.client = client.Client(self.target_ip) self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer {}'.format(self.zt_access_token) self.root_url = '' self.ovs_flist = '' = 'ardb://' self.client.timeout = 80 super(BaseTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') self.target_ip = config['main']['target_ip'] self.zt_access_token = config['main']['zt_access_token'] or os.environ[ "zt_access_token"] self.client = client.Client(self.target_ip) self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer {}'.format( self.zt_access_token) self.root_url = '' self.smallsize_img = '' self.ovs_flist = '' = 'zdb://' self.client.timeout = 80 super(BaseTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def test001_update_zos_versoin(self): """ zos-052 *Test case for updating zeroos version **Test Scenario:** #. Create a vm, should succeed. #. Update zos vm version. #. Wait till the node is back, then check if the version has been updated. """ self.lg('Create a vm, should succeed') vm_name = self.rand_str() nics = [{'id': 'None', 'type': 'default'}] pub_port = randint(4000, 5000) ports = {pub_port: 6379} vm_uuid = self.create_vm(name=vm_name, flist=self.zos_flist, memory=2048, port=ports, nics=nics) time.sleep(20) vm_cl = client.Client(self.target_ip, port=pub_port) self.lg('Update zos node') rs = self.assertEqual(rs[:4], 'PONG') cur_version = rs.split()[2] r = Repo('../.') for branch in r.remotes.origin.refs: if cur_version != branch.remote_head: new_version = branch.remote_head break vm_cl.power.update('zero-os-{}.efi'.format(new_version)) time.sleep(10) self.lg( 'Wait till the node is back, then check if the version has been updated.' ) res = self.ping_zos(vm_cl, timeout=300) self.assertTrue(res, "Can't ping zos node") rs = self.assertEqual(rs.split()[2], new_version) self.lg('Destroy the vm') self.client.kvm.destroy(vm_uuid)
def teardown(options): zos_vm_name = os.environ['vm_zos_name'] # get zeroos host client params = { 'grant_type': 'client_credentials', 'client_id': options.client_id, 'client_secret': options.client_secret, 'response_type': 'id_token', 'scope': 'user:memberof:threefold.sysadmin,offline_access' } jwt ='', params=params).text zos_client = client.Client(options.zos_ip, password=jwt) # remove vms and bridge print('removing vms and bridge') vms = zos_client.kvm.list() vm_uuid = [ vm['uuid'] for vm in vms if vm['name'] == os.environ['vm_ubuntu_name'] ] if vm_uuid: zos_client.kvm.destroy(vm_uuid[0]) vm_uuid = [vm['uuid'] for vm in vms if vm['name'] == zos_vm_name] if vm_uuid: zos_client.kvm.destroy(vm_uuid[0]) bridge = os.environ['bridge'] if bridge in zos_client.bridge.list(): zos_client.bridge.delete(bridge) # remove the zos_vm disk from the host print('removing zos_vm disk') zos_client.bash('rm -rf /var/cache/{}.qcow2'.format( os.environ['ubuntu_port'])) # leave the zt-network os.system('zerotier-cli leave {}'.format(os.environ['ZT_NET_ID']))
def get(self, host, port=6379, password=''): return g8core.Client(host=host, port=port, password=password)
def main(options): utils = Utils(options) # get zeroos host client params = { 'grant_type': 'client_credentials', 'client_id': options.client_id, 'client_secret': options.client_secret, 'response_type': 'id_token', 'scope': 'user:memberof:threefold.sysadmin,offline_access' } jwt ='', params=params).text zos_client = client.Client(options.zos_ip, password=jwt) vm_zos_name = os.environ['vm_zos_name'] vm_ubuntu_name = os.environ['vm_ubuntu_name'] rand_num = random.randint(3, 125) vm_zos_ip = '10.100.{}.{}'.format(rand_num, random.randint(3, 125)) vm_ubuntu_ip = '10.100.{}.{}'.format(rand_num, random.randint(126, 253)) zos_flist = '{}.flist'.format( options.branch) ubuntu_flist = '' script = """ apt-get install git python3-pip -y git clone cd 0-core; git checkout %s; pip3 install client/py-client/. cd tests pip3 install -r requirements.txt sed -i -e"s/^target_ip=.*/target_ip=%s/" config.ini sed -i -e"s/^zt_access_token=.*/zt_access_token=%s/" config.ini interface=$(ip a | grep 3: | awk '{print $2}') dhclient $interface """ % (options.branch, vm_zos_ip, options.zt_token) # create a bridge and assign specific ips for the vms bridge = os.environ['bridge'] vm_zos_mac = utils.random_mac() vm_ubuntu_mac = utils.random_mac() ubuntu_port = int(os.environ['ubuntu_port']) cidr = '10.100.{}.1/24'.format(rand_num) start = '10.100.{}.2'.format(rand_num) end = '10.100.{}.254'.format(rand_num) zos_client.bridge.create(bridge, network='dnsmasq', nat=True, settings={ 'cidr': cidr, 'start': start, 'end': end }) zos_client.json('', { 'bridge': bridge, 'ip': vm_zos_ip, 'mac': vm_zos_mac }) zos_client.json('', { 'bridge': bridge, 'ip': vm_ubuntu_ip, 'mac': vm_ubuntu_mac }) # create a zeroos vm print('* Creating zero-os vm') print('zos_vm ip: ' + vm_zos_ip) zos_client.bash( 'qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/cache/{}.qcow2 30G'.format(ubuntu_port)) nic = [{'type': 'bridge', 'id': bridge, 'hwaddr': vm_zos_mac}] zos_client.kvm.create(name=vm_zos_name, flist=zos_flist, cpu=4, memory=8192, nics=nic, kvm=True, media=[{ 'url': '/var/cache/{}.qcow2'.format(ubuntu_port) }], cmdline='development') # create sshkey and provide the public key keypath = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/') if not os.path.isfile(keypath): os.system("echo | ssh-keygen -P ''") with open(keypath, "r") as key: pub_key = pub_key.replace('\n', '') # create an ubuntu vm to run testcases from print('* Creating ubuntu vm to fire the testsuite from') print('ubuntu_vm ip: ' + vm_ubuntu_ip) nics = [{ 'type': 'default' }, { 'type': 'bridge', 'id': bridge, 'hwaddr': vm_ubuntu_mac }] zos_client.kvm.create(name=vm_ubuntu_name, flist=ubuntu_flist, cpu=4, memory=8192, nics=nics, port={ubuntu_port: 22}, config={'/root/.ssh/authorized_keys': pub_key}) # access the ubuntu vm and start ur testsuite time.sleep(10) script_path = '/tmp/' with open(script_path, "w") as f: f.write(script) utils.send_script_to_remote_machine(script_path, options.zos_ip, ubuntu_port) print('* Setup the environment') cmd = 'bash' utils.run_cmd_on_remote_machine(cmd, options.zos_ip, ubuntu_port) time.sleep(30) # Make sure zrobot server is not running zrobot_kill = """ from zeroos.core0 import client cl = client.Client('%s') cont = cl.container.find('zrobot') if cont: cont_cl = cl.container.client(1) cl.bash("echo $'import time; time.sleep(1000000000)' > /mnt/containers/1/").get() out = cont_cl.bash('ps aux | grep server').get().stdout cont_cl.bash('kill -9 {}'.format(out.split()[1])).get() """ % (vm_zos_ip) time.sleep(5) script_path = '/tmp/' with open(script_path, "w") as f: f.write(zrobot_kill) utils.send_script_to_remote_machine(script_path, options.zos_ip, ubuntu_port) print('* killing zrobot server') cmd = 'python3' utils.run_cmd_on_remote_machine(cmd, options.zos_ip, ubuntu_port)
default=4, help="Time between creating containers") parser.add_argument("--zos_ip", dest="zos_ip", help="IP for zos machine", required=True) parser.add_argument("--jwt", dest="jwt", default='', help="JWT for authentiicating ZOS client") parser.add_argument("--teardown", dest="teardown", action='store_true', help="Deleting the containers used for this test") options = parser.parse_args() cl = client.Client(options.zos_ip, password=options.jwt, testConnectionAttempts=0) tag = 'test_cont' if options.teardown: delete_containers() else: cont_list, mem_used = create_containers() plt.plot(cont_list, mem_used) plt.xlabel('Number of Containers') plt.ylabel('Memory Usage') plt.savefig('ZOS_Memory_Usage.png')