コード例 #1
def get_portRet():
    portId = get_df('portId_5_5')
    portId = portId.T

    ret = get_df('ret')
    weight = get_df('weight')

    ports = np.sort(
        [p for p in portId.iloc[:, -1].unique() if not np.isnan(p)])

    portRet = pd.DataFrame()
    for month in portId.columns.tolist():
        year = month[:4]
        validmonths = [year + '-0' + str(i) for i in range(7, 10)]
        validmonths += [year + '-1' + str(i) for i in range(3)]
        validmonths += [
            str(int(year) + 1) + '-0' + str(i) for i in range(1, 7)

        for port in ports:
            stocks = portId[portId[month] == port].index.tolist()
            for validmonth in validmonths:
                if validmonth in ret.index.tolist():
                    tmp = pd.DataFrame()
                    tmp['ret'] = ret.loc[validmonth, stocks]
                    tmp['weight'] = weight.loc[validmonth, stocks]
                    tmp = tmp.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
                    pr = pandasu.mean_self(tmp, 'ret', 'weight')
                    portRet.loc[validmonth, port] = pr
                    portRet.loc[validmonth, port] = np.NaN
        print month
    portRet = portRet.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
    save_df(portRet, 'portRet')
コード例 #2
def get_rf():
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sp, 'TRD_Nrrate.csv'))
    q = 'Nrr1 == NRI01'  # TODO:TBC=国债票面利率
    df = filterDf(df, q)
    colnames = ['Clsdt', 'Nrrmtdt']
    df = df.sort_values('Clsdt')

    df = df[colnames]
    df = df.set_index('Clsdt')

    dates = pd.date_range(df.index[0], df.index[-1], freq='D')
    dates = [d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for d in dates]

    newdf = pd.DataFrame(index=dates)
    newdf['Nrrmtdt'] = df['Nrrmtdt']
    newdf = newdf.fillna(method='ffill')
    newdf = newdf.reset_index()
    newdf['month'] = newdf['index'].apply(
        lambda x: '-'.join(x.split('-')[:-1]))

    avg = newdf.groupby('month').mean()
    avg = avg / 100
    del avg.index.name
    avg.columns = ['rf']
    save_df(avg, 'rf')
コード例 #3
def get_btm2():
    size = get_df('size')  #TODO:流通市值对应所有者权益?,总市值?
    totshe = get_df('totshe')
    size, totshe = pandasu.get_inter_frame(size, totshe)
    btm = totshe / size
    btm.index = [str(int(ind[:4]) + 1) + '-06' for ind in btm.index]
    save_df(btm, 'btm2')
コード例 #4
def get_bv():
    name = 'bv'
    tbname = 'FI_T9'
    fldname = 'F091001A'  #每股净资产
    timefld = 'Accper'

    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sp, tbname + '.csv'))

    q1 = 'Typrep == A'
    q2 = 'Accper endswith 12-31'  # TODO: only need annual report
    q = [q1, q2]
    df = filterDf(df, q)
    colnames = ['Stkcd', timefld, fldname]

    df = df[colnames]
    subdfs = []
    for stockId, x in list(df.groupby('Stkcd')):
        tmpdf = x[[timefld, fldname]]
        tmpdf = tmpdf.set_index(timefld)
        tmpdf.columns = [stockId]

    table = pd.concat(subdfs, axis=1)
    table.index = [ind[:-3] for ind in table.index]
    table = table.sort_index(ascending=True)

    save_df(table, name)
コード例 #5
def get_inv():
    totAsset = get_df('totAsset')
    inv = totAsset.pct_change()
    inv.index = [
        str(int(ind[:4]) + 1) + '-06' for ind in inv.index
    ]  #TODO:In june of year t,inv comes from fiscal year ending in year t-1
    save_df(inv, 'inv')
コード例 #6
def get_portRet_ts():
    port = pd.read_csv(r'D:\quantDb\resset\PMONRET_FF.csv')
    q1 = 'Exchflg == 0'
    q2 = 'Mktflg == A'
    port = filterDf(port, [q1, q2])
    port['Date'] = [d[:-3] for d in port['Date']]

    months = sorted(port['Date'].unique().tolist())

    portRet_rs_tmv = pd.DataFrame()
    portRet_rs_mc = pd.DataFrame()
    for month in months:
        for i in range(1, 6):
            for j in range(1, 6):
                    portRet_rs_tmv.loc[month, i * 10 + j] = port[
                        (port['Date'] == month) & (port['Sizeflg'] == i)
                        & (port['BMflg'] == j)]['Pmonret_tmv'].values[0]
                except IndexError:
                    portRet_rs_tmv.loc[month, i * 10 + j] = np.NaN
                    portRet_rs_mc.loc[month, i * 10 +
                                      j] = port[(port['Date'] == month)
                                                & (port['Sizeflg'] == i)
                                                 == j)]['Pmonret_mc'].values[0]
                except IndexError:
                    portRet_rs_mc.loc[month, i * 10 + j] = np.NaN
        print month

    save_df(portRet_rs_tmv, 'portRet_rs_tmv')
    save_df(portRet_rs_mc, 'portRet_rs_mc')
コード例 #7
def get_GTAff3():
    ff3 = pd.read_csv(
    ff3 = ff3[ff3['MarkettypeID'] == 'P9709']  #综合A股和创业板
    ff3 = ff3.set_index('TradingMonth')
    del ff3['MarkettypeID']
    del ff3.index.name
    save_df(ff3, 'ff3')
コード例 #8
def get_portEret_ts():
    portRet_rs_tmv = get_df('portRet_rs_tmv')
    portRet_rs_mc = get_df('portRet_rs_mc')
    rf = get_df('rf')

    portEret_rs_tmv = portRet_rs_tmv.sub(rf['rf'], axis=0)
    portEret_rs_mc = portRet_rs_mc.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
    save_df(portEret_rs_tmv, 'portEret_rs_tmv')
    save_df(portEret_rs_mc, 'portEret_rs_mc')
コード例 #9
def get_rp():
    rf = get_df('rf')
    rm = get_df('rm')

    rp = rm['rm'] - rf['rf']

    rp = rp.to_frame()
    rp.columns = ['rp']
    save_df(rp, 'rp')
コード例 #10
def get_portId(sizeNum, btmNum):
    sizeId = get_df('sizeId_%s' % sizeNum)
    if btmNum == 3:
        btmId = get_df('btmId_[0.3, 0.7]')  #TODO: change the file name
        btmId = get_df('btmId_%s' % btmNum)

    sizeId, btmId = pandasu.get_inter_frame(sizeId, btmId)

    portId = sizeId * 10 + btmId
    save_df(portId, 'portId_%s_%s' % (sizeNum, btmNum))
コード例 #11
def get_nfc():
    non-financial stock codes
    tbname = 'TRD_Co'
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sp, tbname + '.csv'))
    nf = df[df['Indcd'] != 1]
    nf = nf.reset_index()
    nf = nf[['Stkcd']]
    save_df(nf, 'nfc')
コード例 #12
def get_op():
    operIncom = get_df('operIncom')
    admExp = get_df('admExp').fillna(method='ffill')
    finanExp = get_df('finanExp').fillna(method='ffill')
    operExp = get_df('operExp').fillna(method='ffill')

    op = operIncom - admExp - finanExp - operExp
    op.index = [
        str(int(ind[:4]) + 1) + '-06' for ind in op.index
    ]  #TODO:In june of year t,op comes from fiscal year ending in year t-1
    save_df(op, 'op')
コード例 #13
def get_smb_hml():
    portId = get_df('portId_2_3')
    portId = portId.T  #TODO: transpose
    ret = get_df('ret')
    weight = get_df('weight')

    def _get_portRet(validmonth, stocks):
        tmp = pd.DataFrame()
        if validmonth in ret.index.tolist():
            tmp['ret'] = ret.loc[validmonth,
                                 stocks]  # TODO: validmonth rathar than month
            tmp['weight'] = weight.loc[validmonth, stocks]
            tmp = tmp.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
            portRet = pandasu.mean_self(tmp, 'ret', 'weight')
            return portRet
            return np.NaN

    factor = pd.DataFrame(columns=['smb', 'hml'])
    months = portId.columns.tolist()
    for month in months:
        year = month[:4]
        validmonths = [year + '-0' + str(i) for i in range(7, 10)]
        validmonths += [year + '-1' + str(i) for i in range(3)]
        validmonths += [
            str(int(year) + 1) + '-0' + str(i) for i in range(1, 7)

        aa = portId[portId[month] == 11].index.tolist()
        ab = portId[portId[month] == 12].index.tolist()
        ac = portId[portId[month] == 13].index.tolist()

        ba = portId[portId[month] == 21].index.tolist()
        bb = portId[portId[month] == 22].index.tolist()
        bc = portId[portId[month] == 23].index.tolist()

        for validmonth in validmonths:
            aaret = _get_portRet(validmonth, aa)
            abret = _get_portRet(validmonth, ab)
            acret = _get_portRet(validmonth, ac)

            baret = _get_portRet(validmonth, ba)
            bbret = _get_portRet(validmonth, bb)
            bcret = _get_portRet(validmonth, bc)

            smb = (aaret + abret + acret) / 3.0 - (baret + bbret + bcret) / 3.0
            hml = (acret + bcret) / 2.0 - (aaret + baret) / 2.0
            factor.loc[validmonth] = [smb, hml]
            print validmonth
    save_df(factor, 'smb_hml')
コード例 #14
def get_btm1():
    bv = get_df('bv')
    mv = get_df('mv')

    inds = sorted(
    cols = sorted(

    bv = bv.loc[inds, cols]
    mv = mv.loc[inds, cols]

    btm = bv / mv

    btm.index = [str(int(ind[:4]) + 1) + '-06' for ind in btm.index]
    #TODO: notice that we can only use the data 6 months later
    save_df(btm, 'btm')
コード例 #15
def _get_indictor2(name, tbname, fldname, timefld='Trdmnt'):
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sp, tbname + '.csv'))
    q = 'Markettype in [1,4,16]'
    df = filterDf(df, q)
    colnames = ['Stkcd', timefld, fldname]

    df = df[colnames]
    subdfs = []
    for stockId, x in list(df.groupby('Stkcd')):
        tmpdf = x[[timefld, fldname]]
        tmpdf = tmpdf.set_index(timefld)
        tmpdf.columns = [stockId]

    table = pd.concat(subdfs, axis=1)
    table = table.sort_index(ascending=True)
    save_df(table, name)
コード例 #16
def _get_indictor1(name, tbname, fldname, timefld='Accper'):
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sp, tbname + '.csv'))
    df = df[df['Typrep'] == 'A']
    q = 'Accper endswith 12-31'
    df = filterDf(df, q)
    colnames = ['Stkcd', timefld, fldname]
    df = df[colnames]
    subdfs = []
    for stockId, x in list(df.groupby('Stkcd')):
        tmpdf = x[[timefld, fldname]]
        tmpdf = tmpdf.set_index(timefld)
        tmpdf.index = [ind[:-3] for ind in tmpdf.index]
        tmpdf.columns = [stockId]

    table = pd.concat(subdfs, axis=1)
    table = table.sort_index(ascending=True)
    save_df(table, name)
コード例 #17
def get_factorId(tbname, param):
    :param tbname:
    :param param:an int number or a list of breakpoints such as [0.3,0.7]
    df = get_df(tbname)
    nfc = get_df('nfc')['Stkcd'].values
    nfc = [str(n) for n in nfc]
    cols = [s for s in df.columns if s in nfc]
    df = df[cols]

    ids = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns)
    for month in df.index.tolist():
        sub = df.loc[month].to_frame()
        sub = sub.dropna()
        sub['id'] = mathu.getPortId(sub, param)
        ids.loc[month] = sub['id']
        print month
    save_df(ids, '%sId_%s' % (tbname, param))
コード例 #18
def validate_bv():
    name = 'bv1'
    tbname = 'FAR_Finidx'
    fldname = 'T60300'
    timefld = 'Accper'

    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sp, tbname + '.csv'))
    colnames = ['Stkcd', timefld, fldname]
    df = df[colnames]
    subdfs = []
    for stockId, x in list(df.groupby('Stkcd')):
        tmpdf = x[[timefld, fldname]]
        tmpdf = tmpdf.set_index(timefld)
        tmpdf.index = [ind[:-3] for ind in tmpdf.index]
        tmpdf.columns = [stockId]

    table = pd.concat(subdfs, axis=1)
    table = table.sort_index(ascending=True)
    save_df(table, name)
コード例 #19
def get_rm1():
    Mretwd = get_df('ret')
    weight = get_df('weight')

    rm = pd.DataFrame()

    for month in Mretwd.index.tolist():
        tmpdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=Mretwd.columns)
        tmpdf.loc['ret'] = Mretwd.loc[month]
        tmpdf.loc['weight'] = weight.loc[month]
        tmpdf = tmpdf.T
        tmpdf = tmpdf.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
        if tmpdf.shape[0] > 0:
            ret = np.average(tmpdf['ret'], weights=tmpdf['weight'])
            rm.loc[month, 'rm'] = ret
            rm.loc[month, 'rm'] = np.NaN
        print month

    save_df(rm, 'rm1')
コード例 #20
def get_rm():
    name = 'rm'
    dbname = ''
    tbname = 'TRD_Cnmont'
    fldname = 'Cmretwdos'
    timefld = 'Trdmnt'
    q = []
    cols = []

    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sp, tbname + '.csv'))
    q = 'Markettype == 5'  #综合A股市场
    df = filterDf(df, q)
    colnames = [timefld, fldname]

    df = df[colnames]

    df = df.set_index('Trdmnt')
    df = df.sort_index()
    del df.index.name
    df.columns = ['rm']
    save_df(df, 'rm')
コード例 #21
def get_mv():
    name = 'mv'
    tbname = 'TRD_Mnth'
    fldname = 'Mclsprc'  #月收盘价
    timefld = 'Trdmnt'

    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sp, tbname + '.csv'))
    q1 = 'Markettype in [1,4,16]'
    q2 = 'Trdmnt endswith 12'  #TODO: only need the data in December
    q = [q1, q2]
    df = filterDf(df, q)
    colnames = ['Stkcd', timefld, fldname]

    df = df[colnames]
    subdfs = []
    for stockId, x in list(df.groupby('Stkcd')):
        tmpdf = x[[timefld, fldname]]
        tmpdf = tmpdf.set_index(timefld)
        tmpdf.columns = [stockId]

    table = pd.concat(subdfs, axis=1)
    table = table.sort_index(ascending=True)
    save_df(table, name)
コード例 #22
def get_weight():
    size = get_df('size')
    weight = size.shift(1)
    save_df(weight, 'weight')
コード例 #23
def get_portEret():
    portRet = get_df('portRet')
    rf = get_df('rf')
    portEret = portRet.sub(rf['rf'], axis=0)
    portEret = portEret.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
    save_df(portEret, 'portEret')