コード例 #1
ファイル: test_pmap_indexes.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def test_truncate_table_with_index(testset1):
    Fill a table with records that has indexes, truncate the table and check that
    all index records have been deleted as well.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
            with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    schema.users[txn, user.oid] = user

        stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                records = schema.users.truncate(txn)

                assert records == len(testset1) * (
                    len(schema.users.indexes()) + 1)

        assert stats.dels == records
        assert stats.puts == 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_pmap_indexes.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def test_delete_nonindexes2(testset1):

    WARNING: quadratic run-time (in testset size)
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    schema.users[txn, user.oid] = user

            with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                for j in range(10):
                    fullset = set(range(j * 100, (j + 1) * 100))
                    for i in range(100):
                        user_oid = j * 100 + i
                        del schema.users[txn, user_oid]

                        user_oids = set(
                                                             from_key=(j, 0),
                                                             to_key=(j + 1,

                        assert fullset == user_oids
コード例 #3
def test_truncate_table():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:
        print('Using temporary directory {} for database'.format(dbpath))

        schema = Schema1()

        stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()
        tabs = [

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for tab in tabs:

コード例 #4
ファイル: test_pmap_indexes.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def test_delete_nonunique_indexes(testset1):
    Insert records into a table with a non-unique index, delete data records and check
    that index records have been deleted as a consequence too.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    schema.users[txn, user.oid] = user

            with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    del schema.users[txn, user.oid]

            with db.begin() as txn:
                for j in range(10):
                    user_oids = list(
                                                         from_key=(j, 0),
                                                         to_key=(j + 1, 0)))

                    assert [] == user_oids
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_pmap_indexes.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def test_fill_non_unique_indexes(testset1):
    Insert records into a table with a non-unique, non-nullable indexed column.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    schema.users[txn, user.oid] = user

            # check non-unique indexes
            with db.begin() as txn:
                for j in range(10):
                    user_oids = list(
                                                         from_key=(j, 0),
                                                         to_key=(j + 1, 0)))

                    assert list(range(j * 100, (j + 1) * 100)) == user_oids
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_zdb_fbs.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def main2(reactor):
    dbpath = '/tmp/zlmdb1'

    print('Using database directory {}'.format(dbpath))

    schema = UsersSchema()

    with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

        N = 1000
        with db.begin() as txn:
            cnt_begin = schema.tab_oid_fbs.count(txn)

        stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

        with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
            for i in range(N):
                user = UserFbs.create_test_user()
                schema.tab_oid_fbs[txn, user.oid] = user

        assert stats.puts == N
        assert stats.dels == 0

        with db.begin() as txn:
            cnt_end = schema.tab_oid_fbs.count(txn)

        cnt = cnt_end - cnt_begin
        assert cnt == N

        print('{} records written, {} records total'.format(cnt, cnt_end))

    yield util.sleep(1)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_flatbuffers.py プロジェクト: isabella232/zlmdb
def test_pmap_flatbuffers_count():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:
        print('Using temporary directory {} for database'.format(dbpath))

        schema = UsersSchema()

        # max DB size is 100 MB
        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath, maxsize=100 * (2**20)) as db:

            oids = set()
            oid_to_referred_by = {}

            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            # number of transactions
            M = 5

            # number of insert rows per transaction
            N = 10000
            for j in range(M):
                with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                    for i in range(N):
                        user = User.create_test_user()
                        schema.tab_oid_fbs[txn, user.oid] = user
                        oid_to_referred_by[user.oid] = user.referred_by

                assert stats.puts == N
                assert stats.dels == 0
                duration_ns = stats.duration
                duration_ms = int(duration_ns / 1000000.)
                rows_per_sec = int(round(float(stats.puts + stats.dels) * 1000. / float(duration_ms)))
                print('Transaction ended: puts={} / dels={} rows in {} ms, {} rows/sec'.format(
                    stats.puts, stats.dels, duration_ms, rows_per_sec))


            # count all rows
            with db.begin() as txn:
                cnt = schema.tab_oid_fbs.count(txn)

            assert cnt == N * M

            # retrieve
            with db.begin() as txn:
                for j in range(5):
                    started = zlmdb.walltime()
                    M = 100
                    for i in range(M):
                        for oid in random.sample(oids, N):
                            user = schema.tab_oid_fbs[txn, oid]
                            assert user
                            assert user.referred_by == oid_to_referred_by.get(oid, None)
                    duration_ns = zlmdb.walltime() - started
                    duration_ms = int(duration_ns / 1000000.)
                    rows_per_sec = int(round(float(M * N) * 1000. / float(duration_ms)))
                    print('Transaction ended: {} rows read in {} ms, {} rows/sec'.format(
                        M * N, duration_ms, rows_per_sec))
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_pmap_indexes.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def test_fill_indexes_nullable(testset1):
    Test filling a table with multiple indexes, some of which are on NULLable columns, and fill
    with records that have those column values actually NULL.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    _user = deepcopy(user)

                    # "user.email" is an indexed column that is nullable
                    _user.email = None

                    # "user.mrealm" is an indexed (composite) column that is nullable
                    _user.mrealm = None
                    schema.users[txn, _user.oid] = _user

            # check indexes has been written to (in addition to the table itself)
            num_indexes = len(schema.users.indexes())

            # because we have set 2 indexed columns to NULL, we need to subtract those 2
            # from the total number of indexes
            assert stats.puts == len(testset1) * (1 + num_indexes - 2)

            # check saved objects
            with db.begin() as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    _user = deepcopy(user)
                    _user.email = None
                    _user.mrealm = None

                    obj = schema.users[txn, _user.oid]

                    assert _user == obj

            # check unique indexes
            with db.begin() as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    # check one of the indexes that was indeed filled
                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_authid[txn, user.authid]
                    assert user.oid == user_oid

                    # check indexes that have NOT been filled
                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_email[txn, user.email]
                    assert user_oid is None

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_mrealm_authid[txn,
                    assert user_oid is None
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_pmap_indexes.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def test_delete_indexes(testset1):
    Insert records into a table with indexes, delete data records and check that index
    records have been deleted as a consequence too.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            # insert data records
            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    schema.users[txn, user.oid] = user

            # check that all index records have been deleted as well
            with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    del schema.users[txn, user.oid]

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_authid[txn, user.authid]
                    assert user_oid is None

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_email[txn, user.email]
                    assert user_oid is None

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_realm[txn, (user.realm_oid,
                    assert user_oid is None

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_icecream[txn,
                    assert user_oid is None

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_mrealm_authid[txn,
                    assert user_oid is None

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_mrealm_notnull_authid[txn, (
                        user.mrealm_notnull, user.authid)]
                    assert user_oid is None
コード例 #10
def test_fill_with_indexes(testset1):
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:
        print('Using temporary directory {} for database'.format(dbpath))

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    schema.users[txn, user.oid] = user

            # check indexes has been written to (in addition to the table itself)
            num_indexes = len(schema.users.indexes())
            assert stats.puts == len(testset1) * (1 + num_indexes)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_pmap_indexes.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def test_set_notnull_indexes_nullable(testset1):
    Fill table with indexed column (unique-nullable) with indexed column
    values NON-NULL, then (in a 2nd transaction) set the indexed column
    to NULL value and check that index records are created.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            # fill table with NULLs in indexed column
            with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    _user = deepcopy(user)
                    _user.email = None
                    schema.users[txn, _user.oid] = _user

            # now update table with NON-NULLs in indexed column
            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    _user = schema.users[txn, user.oid]
                    _user.email = user.email
                    schema.users[txn, _user.oid] = _user

            # check that the table records have their indexed
            # column values updated to NON-NULLs
            with db.begin() as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    obj = schema.users[txn, user.oid]
                    assert user == obj

            # check that the index records that previously not existed
            # have been created (as the indexed column values have been
            # set to NON-NULLs)
            with db.begin() as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_authid[txn, user.authid]
                    assert user.oid == user_oid

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_email[txn, user.email]
                    assert user.oid == user_oid
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_pmap_types.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def test_pmap_value_types():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:
        print('Using temporary directory {} for database'.format(dbpath))

        schema = Schema1()

        n = 100
        stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

        tabs = [
            (schema.tab_oid_json, schema.tab_str_json, schema.tab_uuid_json),
            (schema.tab_oid_cbor, schema.tab_str_cbor, schema.tab_uuid_cbor),
            (schema.tab_oid_pickle, schema.tab_str_pickle,

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
            for tab_oid, tab_str, tab_uuid in tabs:
                with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                    for i in range(n):
                        user = User.create_test_user(i)
                        tab_oid[txn, user.oid] = user
                        tab_str[txn, user.authid] = user
                        tab_uuid[txn, user.uuid] = user

                print('transaction committed')
                assert stats.puts == n * 3
                assert stats.dels == 0


                with db.begin() as txn:
                    cnt = tab_oid.count(txn)
                    assert cnt == n

                    cnt = tab_str.count(txn)
                    assert cnt == n

                    cnt = tab_uuid.count(txn)
                    assert cnt == n

        print('database closed')
コード例 #13
def test_truncate_table_with_index(testset1):
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:
        print('Using temporary directory {} for database'.format(dbpath))

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
            with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    schema.users[txn, user.oid] = user

        stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                records = schema.users.truncate(txn)
                print('table truncated:', records)

コード例 #14
ファイル: test_flatbuffers.py プロジェクト: isabella232/zlmdb
def test_pmap_flatbuffers_values():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:
        print('Using temporary directory {} for database'.format(dbpath))

        schema = UsersSchema()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

            N = 100
            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for i in range(N):
                    user = User.create_test_user()
                    schema.tab_oid_fbs[txn, user.oid] = user

            assert stats.puts == N
            assert stats.dels == 0

            with db.begin() as txn:
                cnt = schema.tab_oid_fbs.count(txn)

            assert cnt == N
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_pmap_indexes.py プロジェクト: oberstet/zlmdb
def test_fill_indexes(testset1):
    Fill a table with multiple indexes with data records that have all columns filled
    with NON-NULL values.
    with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:

        schema = Schema4()

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:

            stats = zlmdb.TransactionStats()

            # fill table, which also triggers inserts into the index pmaps
            with db.begin(write=True, stats=stats) as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    schema.users[txn, user.oid] = user

            # check indexes has been written to (in addition to the table itself)
            num_indexes = len(schema.users.indexes())
            assert stats.puts == len(testset1) * (1 + num_indexes)

            # check saved objects
            with db.begin() as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    obj = schema.users[txn, user.oid]

                    assert user == obj

            # check unique indexes
            with db.begin() as txn:
                for user in testset1:
                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_authid[txn, user.authid]
                    assert user.oid == user_oid

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_email[txn, user.email]
                    assert user.oid == user_oid

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_icecream[txn,
                    assert user.oid == user_oid

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_mrealm_authid[txn,
                    assert user.oid == user_oid

                    user_oid = schema.idx_users_by_mrealm_notnull_authid[txn, (
                        user.mrealm_notnull, user.authid)]
                    assert user.oid == user_oid

            # check non-unique index
            users_by_icecream = {}
            for user in testset1:
                if user.icecream not in users_by_icecream:
                    users_by_icecream[user.icecream] = set()

            MAX_OID = 9007199254740992
            with db.begin() as txn:
                for icecream in users_by_icecream:
                    for _, user_oid in schema.idx_users_by_icecream.select(
                            from_key=(icecream, 0),
                            to_key=(icecream, MAX_OID + 1),
                        assert user_oid in users_by_icecream[icecream]