def items(self): request = self.request results = self.context['members'].values() auth = getUtility(IAuthentication) for member in results: try: principal = auth.getPrincipal(member.__name__) except PrincipalLookupError: principal = None space = IPersonalSpace(principal, None) profile = IPersonalProfile(principal, None) image = getattr(profile, 'profileImage', None) if image and IImage.providedBy(image): w, h = image.width, image.height if w > 128: xscale = 128.0/w else: xscale = 1.0 if h > 128: yscale = 120.0/h else: yscale = 1.0 scale = xscale < yscale and xscale or yscale image = (int(round(w*scale)), int(round(h*scale))) default = False else: image = (128, 97) default = True info = { 'id': member.__name__, 'title': getattr(profile, 'title', _(u'Unknown')), 'description': getattr(principal, 'description', u''), 'manager': u'', 'personalspace': u'', 'joined': member.joined, 'imagex': image[0], 'imagey': image[1], 'default': default} if space is not None: info['manager'] = space.title info['personalspace'] = absoluteURL(space, self.request) info = { 'title': info['title'], 'description': info['description'], 'guid': info['personalspace'] or info['id'], 'pubDate': rfc822.formatdate(time.mktime( info['joined'].timetuple())), 'isPermaLink': True} if profile is not None: info['author'] = u'%s (%s)'%(, profile.title) yield info
def getMemberInfo(self, id): member = self.context[id] try: principal = self.auth.getPrincipal(member.__name__) except PrincipalLookupError: principal = None try: profile = IPersonalProfile(principal) except: return image = profile.profileImage if image and IImage.providedBy(image): w, h = image.width, image.height if w > 128: xscale = 128.0/w else: xscale = 1.0 if h > 128: yscale = 120.0/h else: yscale = 1.0 scale = xscale < yscale and xscale or yscale image = (int(round(w*scale)), int(round(h*scale))) default = False else: image = (128, 97) default = True info = { 'id': id, 'title': getattr(profile, 'title', _(u'Unknown')), 'description': getattr(principal, 'description', u''), 'manager': u'', 'personalspace': u'', 'joined': member.joined, 'imagex': image[0], 'imagey': image[1], 'default': default, 'photo': profile.photoUrl(self.request)} space = if space is not None: info['manager'] = space.title info['personalspace'] = absoluteURL(space, self.request) return info
def getMemberInfo(self, hf): if IPersonalSpace.providedBy(hf): principal = hf.principal else: principal = getattr(IOwnership(hf, None), 'owner', None) if principal is None: return try: profile = IPersonalProfile(principal) except TypeError: return image = profile.profileImage if IImage.providedBy(image) and image: w, h = image.width, image.height if w > 128: xscale = 128.0/w else: xscale = 1.0 if h > 120: yscale = 120.0/h else: yscale = 1.0 scale = xscale < yscale and xscale or yscale image = (int(round(w*scale)), int(round(h*scale))) default = False else: image = (128, 98) default = True info = { 'id': hf.__name__, 'title': profile.title, 'description': principal.description, 'manager': hf.title, 'joined': profile.registered, 'imagex': image[0], 'imagey': image[1], 'default': default, 'photo': profile.photoUrl(self.request)} return info