コード例 #1
class WorkflowActionCreatePartitionsAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of Analysis Requests 'copy_to_new' action

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        url = "{}/partition_magic?uids={}".format(self.back_url, ",".join(uids))
        return self.redirect(redirect_url=url)
コード例 #2
class WorkflowActionCopyToNewAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of Analysis Requests 'copy_to_new' action

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        url = "{}/ar_add?ar_count={}&copy_from={}".format(
            self.back_url, len(uids), ",".join(uids))
        return self.redirect(redirect_url=url)
コード例 #3
class WorkflowActionPrintStickersAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of Analysis Requests 'print_stickers' action

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        url = "{}/sticker?template={}&items={}".format(self.back_url,
            self.context.bika_setup.getAutoStickerTemplate(), ",".join(uids))
        return self.redirect(redirect_url=url)
コード例 #4
class WorkflowActionPublishAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of Analysis Requests 'publish'-like actions

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        purl = self.context.portal_url()
        uids = ",".join(uids)
        url = "{}/analysisrequests/publish?items={}".format(purl, uids)
        return self.redirect(redirect_url=url)
コード例 #5
class WorkflowActionStoreAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of Analysis Requests 'store' action

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        """Redirects the user to the Storage container selector view
        url = "{}/storage_store_samples?uids={}".format(self.back_url,
        return self.redirect(redirect_url=url)
コード例 #6
class WorkflowActionSendToPotAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of Analysis Request "send_to_pot" action

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        """Redirects the user to the point of testing shipment view
        uids = ",".join(uids)
        url = "{}/pot_shipment?uids={}".format(self.back_url, uids)
        return self.redirect(redirect_url=url)
コード例 #7
class WorkflowActionProcessAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of Analysis Requests 'process' action

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        """Redirects the user to the partition magic view
        url = "{}/partition_magic?uids={}".format(self.back_url,
        return self.redirect(redirect_url=url)
コード例 #8
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: mikejmets/senaite.queue
class WorkflowActionRemoveAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of queue tasks' remove action

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        """Removes the selected tasks and redirects to the previous URL
        queue = qapi.get_queue()
        map(queue.delete, uids)

        url = api.get_url(api.get_portal())
        url = "{}/queue_tasks".format(url)
        return self.redirect(url)
コード例 #9
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: vinely/senaite.core
class WorkflowActionPublishSamplesAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of the client 'publish_samples' action

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        published = []

        # get the selected ARReport objects
        reports = map(api.get_object_by_uid, uids)
        # get all the contained sample UIDs of the generated PDFs
        sample_uids = map(self.get_sample_uids_in_report, reports)
        # uniquify the UIDs of the contained samples
        unique_sample_uids = set(

        # publish all the contained samples of the selected reports
        for uid in unique_sample_uids:
            sample = api.get_object_by_uid(uid)
            if self.publish_sample(sample):

        # generate a status message of the published sample IDs
        message = _("No items published")
        if published:
            message = _("Published {}".format(", ".join(
                map(api.get_id, published))))

        # add the status message for the response
        self.add_status_message(message, "info")

        # redirect back
        referer = self.request.get_header("referer")
        return self.redirect(redirect_url=referer)

    def get_sample_uids_in_report(self, report):
        """Return a list of contained sample UIDs
        metadata = report.getMetadata() or {}
        return metadata.get("contained_requests", [])

    def publish_sample(self, sample):
        """Set status to prepublished/published/republished
        status = api.get_workflow_status_of(sample)
        transitions = {"verified": "publish", "published": "republish"}
        transition = transitions.get(status, "prepublish")
        succeed, message = doActionFor(sample, transition)
        return succeed
コード例 #10
ファイル: events.py プロジェクト: pombreda/UnnaturalCodeFork
class RevisionsRemoved(ScannerEvent):
    """Revisions have been removed from the branch."""


    def __init__(self, db_branch, bzr_branch, removed_history):
        """Construct a `RevisionsRemoved` event.

        :param db_branch: The database branch.
        :param bzr_branch: The Bazaar branch.
        :param removed_history: The mainline database `IRevision` objects that
            are no longer present in the mainline of the Bazaar branch.
        ScannerEvent.__init__(self, db_branch, bzr_branch)
        self.removed_history = removed_history
コード例 #11
ファイル: events.py プロジェクト: pombreda/UnnaturalCodeFork
class NewMainlineRevisions(ScannerEvent):
    """A new revision has been found in the branch."""


    def __init__(self, db_branch, bzr_branch, bzr_revisions):
        """Construct a `NewRevisions` event.

        :param db_branch: The database branch.
        :param bzr_branch: The Bazaar branch.
        :param db_revision: An `IRevision` for the new revision.
        :param bzr_revision: The new Bazaar revision.
        :param revno: The revision number of the new revision, None if not
        ScannerEvent.__init__(self, db_branch, bzr_branch)
        self.bzr_revisions = bzr_revisions
コード例 #12
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: mikejmets/senaite.queue
class WorkflowActionRequeueAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """Adapter in charge of queue tasks' requeue action

    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        """Re-queues the selected tasks and redirects to the previous URL
        queue = qapi.get_queue()
        for uid in uids:
            task = queue.get_task(uid)
            task.retries = get_max_retries()

        url = api.get_url(api.get_portal())
        url = "{}/queue_tasks".format(url)
        return self.redirect(url)
コード例 #13
ファイル: events.py プロジェクト: pombreda/UnnaturalCodeFork
class ScanCompleted(ScannerEvent):
    """The scan has been completed and the database is up-to-date."""


    def __init__(self, db_branch, bzr_branch, logger, new_ancestry):
        """Construct a `ScanCompleted` event.

        :param db_branch: The database branch.
        :param bzr_branch: The Bazaar branch.
        :param bzr_ancestry: A set of all the revisions -- mainline or
            otherwise -- in the Bazaar branch.
        :param logger: A Python logger object that's used to report incidental
            information, such as merges that we find.
        ScannerEvent.__init__(self, db_branch, bzr_branch)
        self.new_ancestry = new_ancestry
        # This is kind of ick. In a strict Zope sense, the logger should
        # probably be a registered utility.
        self.logger = logger
コード例 #14
ファイル: events.py プロジェクト: pombreda/UnnaturalCodeFork
class TipChanged(ScannerEvent):
    """The tip of the branch has changed."""

    def __init__(self, db_branch, bzr_branch, initial_scan):
        """Construct a `TipChanged` event.

        :param db_branch: The database branch.
        :param bzr_branch: The Bazaar branch.
        :param initial_scan: Is this the first scan of the branch?
        ScannerEvent.__init__(self, db_branch, bzr_branch)
        self.initial_scan = initial_scan

    def old_tip_revision_id(self):
        """The tip revision id from the last scan."""
        return self.db_branch.last_scanned_id

    def new_tip_revision_id(self):
        """The new tip revision id from this scan."""
        return self.bzr_branch.last_revision()
コード例 #15
class WorkflowActionGenericAdapter(RequestContextAware):
    """General purpose adapter for processing workflow action requests

    def __call__(self, action, objects):
        """Performs the given action to the objects passed in
        transitioned = self.do_action(action, objects)
        if not transitioned:
            return self.redirect(message=_("No changes made."),

        # TODO Here we could handle subscriber adapters here?

        # Redirect the user to success page
        return self.success(transitioned)

    def do_action(self, action, objects):
        """Performs the workflow transition passed in and returns the list of
        objects that have been successfully transitioned
        transitioned = []
        for obj in objects:
            obj = api.get_object(obj)
            success, message = do_action_for(obj, action)
            if success:
        return transitioned

    def is_context_only(self, objects):
        """Returns whether the action applies to the current context only
        if len(objects) > 1:
            return False
        return self.context in objects

    def success(self, objects, message=None):
        """Redirects the user to success page with informative message
        if self.is_context_only(objects):
            return self.redirect(message=_("Changes saved."))

        ids = map(api.get_id, objects)
        if not message:
            message = _("Saved items: {}").format(", ".join(ids))
        return self.redirect(message=message)

    def get_form_value(self, form_key, object_brain_uid, default=None):
        """Returns a value from the request's form for the given uid, if any
        if form_key not in self.request.form:
            return default

        uid = object_brain_uid
        if not api.is_uid(uid):
            uid = api.get_uid(object_brain_uid)

        values = self.request.form.get(form_key)
        if isinstance(values, list):
            if len(values) == 0:
                return default
            if len(values) > 1:
                logger.warn("Multiple set of values for {}".format(form_key))
            values = values[0]

        return values.get(uid, default)
コード例 #16
class AdminClientDisconnected(object):

    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.object = obj