コード例 #1
ファイル: test_tube.py プロジェクト: muthumal21/BDAMahout
    def test_tubeDiverting_ReEntrantResumeReceive(self):
        Diverting a tube that is receiving data from a fount which
        synchronously produces some data to C{receive} will ... uh .. work.
        class Switcher(object):
            def received(self, data):
                if data == "switch":
                    diverter.divert(series(Switchee(), fakeDrain))
                    return None
                    return [data]

        class Switchee(object):
            def received(self, data):
                yield "switched " + data

        fakeDrain = self.fd
        destinationTube = PassthruTube()
        # `reassemble` should not be called, so don't implement it
        directlyProvides(destinationTube, IDivertable)

        diverter = Diverter(destinationTube)

        firstDrain = series(Switcher(), diverter)

        ff = FakeFountWithBuffer()
        nf = ff.flowTo(firstDrain)
        self.assertEquals(self.fd.received, ["before", "switched after"])
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, value):
     """Create a term from the single value
     This class prevents the use of the silly bugged SimpleTerm.
     self.value = value
     self.token = value
     self.title = value
     directlyProvides(self, ITitledTokenizedTerm)
コード例 #3
ファイル: vocabularies.py プロジェクト: trollfot/sd.rendering
 def __init__(self, name, label):
     """Create a term from the single value. This class prevents
     the use of the silly bugged SimpleTerm.
     self.value = name
     self.token = name
     self.title = label
     directlyProvides(self, ITitledTokenizedTerm)
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self, name, docstring):
     """Create a term from the single value
     This class prevents the use of the silly bugged SimpleTerm.
     self.value = name
     self.token = name
     self.title = _(name, default=docstring)
     directlyProvides(self, ITitledTokenizedTerm)
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, value):
     """Create a term from the single value
     This class prevents the use of the silly bugged SimpleTerm.
     self.value = value
     self.token = value
     self.title = value
     directlyProvides(self, ITitledTokenizedTerm)
コード例 #6
 def setUp(self):
     app = self.layer['app']
     self.portal = self.layer['portal']
     self.request = self.layer['request']
     directlyProvides(self.request, IBrowserLayer)
     setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
     self.browser = Browser(app)
コード例 #7
 def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dct):
     abstract = False
     if "_abstract" in dct:
         del dct["_abstract"]
         abstract = True
     new_class = type.__new__(metacls, name, bases, dct)
     if not abstract:
         classImplements(new_class, ISection)
         directlyProvides(new_class, ISectionBlueprint)
     return new_class
コード例 #8
 def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dct):
     abstract = False
     if "_abstract" in dct:
         del dct["_abstract"]
         abstract = True
     new_class = type.__new__(metacls, name, bases, dct)
     if not abstract:
         classImplements(new_class, ISection)
         directlyProvides(new_class, ISectionBlueprint)
     return new_class
コード例 #9
ファイル: vocabulary.py プロジェクト: c0ns0le/zenoss-4
 def __init__(self, value, token=None, title=None):
     """Create a term for value and token. If token is omitted,
     str(value) is used for the token.  If title is provided, 
     term implements ITitledTokenizedTerm.
     self.value = value
     if token is None:
         token = value
     self.token = str(token)
     self.title = title
     if title is not None:
         directlyProvides(self, ITitledTokenizedTerm)
コード例 #10
 def setUp(self):
     app = self.layer['app']
     self.portal = self.layer['portal']
     self.wt = self.portal['portal_workflow']
     self.request = self.layer['request']
     directlyProvides(self.request, IBrowserLayer)
     setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
     self.browser = Browser(app)
     self.wt.setChainForPortalTypes(['Document', 'Event', 'Folder', 'News Item'],
コード例 #11
ファイル: vocabulary.py プロジェクト: grodniewicz/oship
 def __init__(self, value, token=None, title=None):
     """Create a term for value and token. If token is omitted,
     str(value) is used for the token.  If title is provided, 
     term implements ITitledTokenizedTerm.
     self.value = value
     if token is None:
         token = value
     self.token = str(token)
     self.title = title
     if title is not None:
         directlyProvides(self, ITitledTokenizedTerm)
 def setUp(self):
     self.portal = self.layer['portal']
     self.request = self.layer['request']
     setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
     directlyProvides(self.request, IBrowserLayer)
         ['Document', 'Folder', 'sc.microsite', ],
     self.microsite = self.setup_microsite()
     self.acessibilidade = self.setup_acessibilidade()
     self.browser = Browser(self.layer['app'])
コード例 #13
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: imsweb/ims.fieldupdater
    def setUp(self):
        super(IntegrationTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.portal = self.layer['portal']
        self.request = self.layer
        setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
        self.view = self.portal.restrictedTraverse('@@mass-edit')
        self.portal.invokeFactory('Document', 'page1')
        self.portal.invokeFactory('Document', 'page2')

        self.page1 = self.portal['page1']
        self.page2 = self.portal['page2']
        directlyProvides(self.page1, IMassEditTest)
        directlyProvides(self.page2, IMassEditTest)
コード例 #14
 def setUp(self):
     self.portal = self.layer['portal']
     self.request = self.layer['request']
     setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
     directlyProvides(self.request, IBrowserLayer)
     self.microsite = self.setup_microsite()
     self.page = self.setup_page(self.microsite)
     self.browser = Browser(self.layer['app'])
コード例 #15
ファイル: vocabulary.py プロジェクト: grodniewicz/oship
    def __init__(self, terms, *interfaces):
        """Initialize the vocabulary given a list of terms.

        The vocabulary keeps a reference to the list of terms passed
        in; it should never be modified while the vocabulary is used.

        One or more interfaces may also be provided so that alternate
        widgets may be bound without subclassing.
        self.by_value = {}
        self.by_token = {}
        self._terms = terms
        for term in self._terms:
            self.by_value[term.value] = term
            self.by_token[term.token] = term
        if not (len(self.by_value) == len(self.by_token) == len(terms)):
            raise ValueError(
                'Supplied vocabulary values resulted in duplicate term tokens')
        if interfaces:
            directlyProvides(self, *interfaces)
コード例 #16
ファイル: vocabulary.py プロジェクト: c0ns0le/zenoss-4
    def __init__(self, terms, *interfaces):
        """Initialize the vocabulary given a recursive dict (i.e a tree) with 
        ITokenizedTerm objects for keys and self-similar dicts representing the 
        branches for values.

        Refer to the method fromDict for more details.

        Concerning the ITokenizedTerm keys, the 'value' and 'token' attributes of
        each key (including nested ones) must be unique.

        One or more interfaces may also be provided so that alternate
        widgets may be bound without subclassing.
        self._terms = self.terms_factory()

        self.path_by_value = {}
        self.term_by_value = {}
        self.term_by_token = {}

        if interfaces:
            directlyProvides(self, *interfaces)
コード例 #17
ファイル: vocabulary.py プロジェクト: c0ns0le/zenoss-4
    def __init__(self, terms, *interfaces):
        """Initialize the vocabulary given a list of terms.

        The vocabulary keeps a reference to the list of terms passed
        in; it should never be modified while the vocabulary is used.

        One or more interfaces may also be provided so that alternate
        widgets may be bound without subclassing.
        self.by_value = {}
        self.by_token = {}
        self._terms = terms
        for term in self._terms:
            if term.value in self.by_value:
                raise ValueError(
                    'term values must be unique: %s' % repr(term.value))
            if term.token in self.by_token:
                raise ValueError(
                    'term tokens must be unique: %s' % repr(term.token))
            self.by_value[term.value] = term
            self.by_token[term.token] = term
        if interfaces:
            directlyProvides(self, *interfaces)
コード例 #18
    def __init__(self, terms, *interfaces):
        """Initialize the vocabulary given a list of terms.

        The vocabulary keeps a reference to the list of terms passed
        in; it should never be modified while the vocabulary is used.

        One or more interfaces may also be provided so that alternate
        widgets may be bound without subclassing.
        self.by_value = {}
        self.by_token = {}
        self._terms = terms
        for term in self._terms:
            if term.value in self.by_value:
                raise ValueError(
                    'term values must be unique: %s' % repr(term.value))
            if term.token in self.by_token:
                raise ValueError(
                    'term tokens must be unique: %s' % repr(term.token))
            self.by_value[term.value] = term
            self.by_token[term.token] = term
        if interfaces:
            directlyProvides(self, *interfaces)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_tube.py プロジェクト: muthumal21/BDAMahout
    def test_tubeDivertingControlsWhereOutputGoes(self):
        If a siphon A with a tube Ap is flowing to a siphon B with a divertable
        tube Bp, Ap.received may switch B to a drain C, and C will receive any
        outputs produced by that received call; B (and Bp) will not.
        class Switcher(object):
            def received(self, data):
                if data == "switch":
                    yield "diverting"
                    diverter.divert(series(Switchee(), fakeDrain))
                    yield "switched"
                    yield data

        class Switchee(object):
            def received(self, data):
                yield "switched({0})".format(data)

        fakeDrain = self.fd
        destinationTube = PassthruTube()
        # `reassemble` should not be called, so don't implement it
        directlyProvides(destinationTube, IDivertable)
        diverter = Diverter(PassthruTube())

        firstDrain = series(Switcher(), diverter)
                         ["before", "diverting",
コード例 #20
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: imsweb/ims.upload
 def setUp(self):
     super(IntegrationTestCase, self).setUp()
     directlyProvides(self.portal.REQUEST, IUploadLayer)
     directlyProvides(self.request, IUploadLayer)
コード例 #21
 def setUp(self):
     self.portal = self.layer['portal']
     self.request = self.layer['request']
     self.qi = self.portal['portal_quickinstaller']
     directlyProvides(self.request, IBrowserLayer)
     setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
コード例 #22
from twisted.internet import main, posixbase
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorFDSet, IReactorDaemonize
from twisted.python import log, failure

class _IKQueue(Interface):
    An interface for KQueue implementations.

    kqueue = Attribute("An implementation of kqueue(2).")
    kevent = Attribute("An implementation of kevent(2).")

declarations.directlyProvides(select, _IKQueue)

@implementer(IReactorFDSet, IReactorDaemonize)
class KQueueReactor(posixbase.PosixReactorBase):
    A reactor that uses kqueue(2)/kevent(2) and relies on Python 2.6 or higher
    which has built in support for kqueue in the select module.

    @ivar _kq: A C{kqueue} which will be used to check for I/O readiness.

    @ivar _impl: The implementation of L{_IKQueue} to use.

    @ivar _selectables: A dictionary mapping integer file descriptors to
        instances of L{FileDescriptor} which have been registered with the
        reactor.  All L{FileDescriptor}s which are currently receiving read or
コード例 #23
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from collective.lineage.interfaces import IChildSite
from plone.memoize import ram
from zope.interface.declarations import directlyProvides
from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyFactory
from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm
from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary
import plone.api

# cache until next zope restart
# XXX: ideally invalidate when new subsites are created
@ram.cache(lambda *args: ())
def childSiteVocabulary(context):
    """returns the available childsites of the portal
    cat = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
    portal = plone.api.portal.get()
    brains = cat(
    terms = [
        SimpleTerm(value=brain.UID, token=brain.UID, title=brain.Title)
        for brain in brains
    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)

directlyProvides(childSiteVocabulary, IVocabularyFactory)
コード例 #24
ファイル: tor_manager.py プロジェクト: gemgr/magic-wormhole
def get_tor(reactor, launch_tor=False, tor_control_port=None,
            timing=None, stderr=sys.stderr):
    If launch_tor=True, I will try to launch a new Tor process, ask it
    for its SOCKS and control ports, and use those for outbound
    connections (and inbound onion-service listeners, if necessary).

    Otherwise if tor_control_port is provided, I will attempt to connect
    to an existing Tor's control port at the endpoint it specifies.  I'll
    ask that Tor for its SOCKS port.

    With no arguments, I will try to connect to an existing Tor's control
    port at the usual places: [unix:/var/run/tor/control,
    tcp:, tcp:].  If any are successful, I'll
    ask that Tor for its SOCKS port.  If none are successful, I'll
    attempt to do SOCKS to the usual places: [tcp:,

    If I am unable to make a SOCKS connection, the initial connection to
    the Rendezvous Server will fail, and the program will terminate.

    Control-port connections can only succeed if I can authenticate (by
    reading a cookie file named by the Tor process), so the current user
    must have permission to read that file (either they started Tor, e.g.
    TorBrowser, or they are in a unix group that's been given access,
    e.g. debian-tor).
    # rationale: launching a new Tor takes a long time, so only do it if
    # the user specifically asks for it with --launch-tor. Using an
    # existing Tor should be much faster, but still requires general
    # permission via --tor.

    if not txtorcon:
        raise errors.NoTorError()

    if not isinstance(launch_tor, bool): # note: False is int
        raise TypeError("launch_tor= must be boolean")
    if not isinstance(tor_control_port, (type(""), type(None))):
        raise TypeError("tor_control_port= must be str or None")
    assert tor_control_port != ""
    if launch_tor and tor_control_port is not None:
        raise ValueError("cannot combine --launch-tor and --tor-control-port=")
    timing = timing or DebugTiming()

    # Connect to an existing Tor, or create a new one. If we need to
    # launch an onion service, then we need a working control port (and
    # authentication cookie). If we're only acting as a client, we don't
    # need the control port.

    if launch_tor:
        print(" launching a new Tor process, this may take a while..",
        with timing.add("launch tor"):
            tor = yield txtorcon.launch(reactor,
    elif tor_control_port:
        with timing.add("find tor"):
            control_ep = clientFromString(reactor, tor_control_port)
            tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor, control_ep) # might raise
            print(" using Tor via control port at %s" % tor_control_port,
        # Let txtorcon look through a list of usual places. If that fails,
        # we'll arrange to attempt the default SOCKS port
        with timing.add("find tor"):
                tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor)
                print(" using Tor via default control port", file=stderr)
            except Exception:
                # TODO: make this more specific. I think connect() is
                # likely to throw a reactor.connectTCP -type error, like
                # ConnectionFailed or ConnectionRefused or something
                print(" unable to find default Tor control port, using SOCKS",
                tor = SocksOnlyTor(reactor)
    directlyProvides(tor, _interfaces.ITorManager)
コード例 #25
from twisted.internet import main, posixbase
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorFDSet, IReactorDaemonize
from twisted.python import log, failure
from zope.interface import implementer, declarations, Interface, Attribute

class _IKQueue(Interface):
    An interface for KQueue implementations.
    kqueue = Attribute("An implementation of kqueue(2).")
    kevent = Attribute("An implementation of kevent(2).")

declarations.directlyProvides(select, _IKQueue)

@implementer(IReactorFDSet, IReactorDaemonize)
class KQueueReactor(posixbase.PosixReactorBase):
    A reactor that uses kqueue(2)/kevent(2) and relies on Python 2.6 or higher
    which has built in support for kqueue in the select module.

    @ivar _kq: A C{kqueue} which will be used to check for I/O readiness.

    @ivar _impl: The implementation of L{_IKQueue} to use.

    @ivar _selectables: A dictionary mapping integer file descriptors to
        instances of L{FileDescriptor} which have been registered with the
        reactor.  All L{FileDescriptor}s which are currently receiving read or
コード例 #26

def TemplatesVocabulary(context):
    adapters = getUtilitiesFor(ICollectiveContactMailactionTemplate)

    terms = []
    for adTuple in adapters:

    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)

directlyProvides(TemplatesVocabulary, IVocabularyFactory)

def MailSenderVocabulary(context):

    items = {}

    # Portal/global E-Mail Address
    portal = api.portal.get()
    items[portal.email_from_address] = formataddr((

    # The current authenticated Members E-Mail.
    member = api.user.get_current()
コード例 #27
def get_tor(reactor,
    If launch_tor=True, I will try to launch a new Tor process, ask it
    for its SOCKS and control ports, and use those for outbound
    connections (and inbound onion-service listeners, if necessary).

    Otherwise if tor_control_port is provided, I will attempt to connect
    to an existing Tor's control port at the endpoint it specifies.  I'll
    ask that Tor for its SOCKS port.

    With no arguments, I will try to connect to an existing Tor's control
    port at the usual places: [unix:/var/run/tor/control,
    tcp:, tcp:].  If any are successful, I'll
    ask that Tor for its SOCKS port.  If none are successful, I'll
    attempt to do SOCKS to the usual places: [tcp:,

    If I am unable to make a SOCKS connection, the initial connection to
    the Rendezvous Server will fail, and the program will terminate.

    Control-port connections can only succeed if I can authenticate (by
    reading a cookie file named by the Tor process), so the current user
    must have permission to read that file (either they started Tor, e.g.
    TorBrowser, or they are in a unix group that's been given access,
    e.g. debian-tor).
    # rationale: launching a new Tor takes a long time, so only do it if
    # the user specifically asks for it with --launch-tor. Using an
    # existing Tor should be much faster, but still requires general
    # permission via --tor.

    if not txtorcon:
        raise errors.NoTorError()

    if not isinstance(launch_tor, bool):  # note: False is int
        raise TypeError("launch_tor= must be boolean")
    if not isinstance(tor_control_port, (type(""), type(None))):
        raise TypeError("tor_control_port= must be str or None")
    assert tor_control_port != ""
    if launch_tor and tor_control_port is not None:
        raise ValueError("cannot combine --launch-tor and --tor-control-port=")
    timing = timing or DebugTiming()

    # Connect to an existing Tor, or create a new one. If we need to
    # launch an onion service, then we need a working control port (and
    # authentication cookie). If we're only acting as a client, we don't
    # need the control port.

    if launch_tor:
        print(" launching a new Tor process, this may take a while..",
        with timing.add("launch tor"):
            tor = yield txtorcon.launch(reactor,
    elif tor_control_port:
        with timing.add("find tor"):
            control_ep = clientFromString(reactor, tor_control_port)
            tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor, control_ep)  # might raise
            print(" using Tor via control port at %s" % tor_control_port,
        # Let txtorcon look through a list of usual places. If that fails,
        # we'll arrange to attempt the default SOCKS port
        with timing.add("find tor"):
                tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor)
                print(" using Tor via default control port", file=stderr)
            except Exception:
                # TODO: make this more specific. I think connect() is
                # likely to throw a reactor.connectTCP -type error, like
                # ConnectionFailed or ConnectionRefused or something
                print(" unable to find default Tor control port, using SOCKS",
                tor = SocksOnlyTor(reactor)
    directlyProvides(tor, _interfaces.ITorManager)
コード例 #28

def TemplatesVocabulary(context):
    adapters = getUtilitiesFor(ICollectiveContactMailactionTemplate)

    terms = []
    for adTuple in adapters:

    return SimpleVocabulary(terms)

directlyProvides(TemplatesVocabulary, IVocabularyFactory)

def MailSenderVocabulary(context):

    items = {}

    # Portal/global E-Mail Address
    portal = api.portal.get()
    items[portal.email_from_address] = formataddr((

    # The current authenticated Members E-Mail.
    member = api.user.get_current()