コード例 #1
def find_grid_positions(match_scores, match_locations, well_size, num_positions):
    """Find the positions of one axis of a grid, given a set of scores for possible wells
    and the positions on that axis where those scores were found."""
    # match scores and locations are the positions (along just the x or y axis)
    # of possible wells. If there are 12 rows of wells along that given axis,
    # then these locations should group into 12 clusters, plus some background
    # false positives. These false positives likely have lower scores, though.
    # So: construct a 1-d array that has the well scores at each position.
    # Then, smooth the array, so that clusters of points will merge together,
    # and find the highest local maxima of the smoothed array.
    match_locations = match_locations.round().astype(int)
    min_loc, max_loc = match_locations.min(), match_locations.max()
    accumulator = numpy.zeros((max_loc - min_loc + 1), dtype=match_scores.dtype)
    match_locations -= min_loc
    for score, loc in zip(match_scores, match_locations):
        accumulator[loc] += score
    # NB: above is NOT the same as accumulator[match_locations] += match_scores
    # because if there are duplicate locations in match_locations, they'll only get
    # counted once in this formulation, but the for-loop makes sure each gets
    # accumulated properly.
    smoothed = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(accumulator, well_size/5, mode='constant')
    positions, scores = maxima.find_local_maxima(smoothed, min_distance=well_size/3)
    positions = positions[:,0]
    best = scores.argsort()[-num_positions:]
    return numpy.sort(positions[best]) + min_loc
コード例 #2
def find_potential_well_centroids(image, well_mask, well_size):
    small_image, zoom_factor = downsample_image(image)
    small_mask = zoom(well_mask, 1/zoom_factor, order=1, output=numpy.float32)
    small_mask = small_mask > 0.5
    small_well_size = well_size / zoom_factor
    peaks = match_template.match_template(small_image, small_mask, pad_input=True, mode='edge')
    min_distance = 0.9*small_well_size
    centroids, match_scores = maxima.find_local_maxima(peaks, min_distance)
    good_matches = match_scores > 0.05 * match_scores.max()
    x, y = centroids.T
    # excludes centroids near the edges
    radius = small_well_size/2
    good_centroids = ((x > radius) & (x < peaks.shape[0] - radius) &
        (y > radius) & (y < peaks.shape[1] - radius))
    centroid_mask = good_matches & good_centroids
    return match_scores[centroid_mask], centroids[centroid_mask] * zoom_factor