コード例 #1
ファイル: parse.py プロジェクト: stefank0/halite3
def parse_replay_file(file):
    with open(file, 'rb') as f:
        content = zstd.loads(f.read())
            return json.loads(content)
        except TypeError:
            return json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))
コード例 #2
ファイル: download_game.py プロジェクト: wizzup/Halite-III
 def _unzip(game_id, game_binary):
     Takes a zstd file and unzips it
     :param game_id: The unique id for the game object (name of resulting file)
     :param game_binary: The zipped binary
     :return: the file unzipped if possible
         return zstd.loads(game_binary).decode()
     except Exception:
         raise ValueError("Could not unzip file at: {}!".format(game_id))
コード例 #3
ファイル: Sparkle.py プロジェクト: cdluminate/ladderloss
def jsonLoad(src: Any) -> Any:
    Load object from Json file handler, binary buffer, or file path.
    if isinstance(src, str):
        gz, zst = src.endswith('.gz'), src.endswith('.zst')
        if zst:
            with open(src, 'rb') as f:
                return json.loads(zstd.loads(f.read()))
            with (gzip.open(src, 'rb') if gz else open(src, 'r')) as f:
                return json.loads(f.read())
        return json.load(src)
コード例 #4
 def load_replay(self, path: str, meta_only=False):
     with open(path, 'rb') as infile:
         raw_replay = zstd.loads(infile.read()).decode()
     replay = json.loads(raw_replay)
     self.path = path
     self.replay = replay
                  'game_statistics', 'map_generator_seed',
                  'number_of_players', 'players']
     self.meta_data = {key: replay[key] for key in meta_keys}
     #self.meta_data['GAME_CONSTANTS']['DEFAULT_MAP_HEIGHT'] = 64
     if meta_only:
     self.events = [self.parse_events(f) for f in replay['full_frames']]
     self.factories = self.parse_factories()
     self.production = self.load_production(replay)
     self.moves, self.generate = self.load_moves(replay)
     self.entities, self.ship_ids = self.load_entities(replay)
     self.energy = self.load_energy(replay)
     self.deposited = self.load_deposited(replay)
     self.dropoffs = self.load_dropoffs()
     # player_names = [x['name'].split(' ')[0] for x in meta_data['players']]
     # Some of these need to be trimmed
     # First is just an init frame
     self.events = self.events[1:]
     # Last reflects what the production will be if moves were made on last frame
     # (but there aren't any on last). Also, we don't care what the production looks like
     # on the last frame (because we will have already made our last move).
     # The indexing is weird because the replays show what production would be after moves
     # are made.
     self.production = self.production[:-2]
     self.dropoffs = self.dropoffs[:-2]
     # As if moved after last frame, but there are no moves
     self.energy = self.energy[:-1]
     self.deposited = self.deposited[:-1]
コード例 #5
def get_winner_name(file_path):
    #print("Loading:" + file_path)
    with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
        data = json.loads(zstd.loads(f.read()))
    total_turns = data["game_statistics"]["number_turns"]
    players = [{
        "id": item["player_id"],
        "rank": item["rank"]
    } for item in data["game_statistics"]["player_statistics"]]
    for rank in players:
        for player_object in data["players"]:
            if player_object["player_id"] == rank["id"]:
                rank = {**player_object, **rank}
            if rank["rank"] == 1:
                winner = rank
    #print("winer:", winner["name"])
    return winner["name"]
コード例 #6
ファイル: parse.py プロジェクト: djbyrne/Halite-III
def parse_replay_file(file_name, player_name):
    print("Load Replay: " + file_name)
    with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
        data = json.loads(zstd.loads(f.read()).decode('utf-8'))

    print("Load Basic Information")
    player = [p for p in data['players'] if p['name'] == player_name][0]
    player_id = int(player['player_id'])
    my_shipyard = hlt.Shipyard(
        player_id, ARBITRARY_ID,
    other_shipyards = [
            p['player_id'], ARBITRARY_ID,
                         p['factory_location']['y'])) for p in data['players']
        if int(p['player_id']) != player_id
    width = data['production_map']['width']
    height = data['production_map']['height']

    print("Load Cell Information")
    first_cells = []
    for x in range(len(data['production_map']['grid'])):
        row = []
        for y in range(len(data['production_map']['grid'][x])):
            row += [
                hlt.MapCell(hlt.Position(x, y),
    frames = []
    for f in data['full_frames']:
        prev_cells = first_cells if len(frames) == 0 else frames[-1]._cells
        new_cells = copy.deepcopy(prev_cells)
        for c in f['cells']:
            new_cells[c['y']][c['x']].halite_amount = c['production']
        frames.append(hlt.GameMap(new_cells, width, height))

    print("Load Player Ships")
    moves = [{} if str(player_id) not in f['moves'] else {
        m['id']: m['direction']
        for m in f['moves'][str(player_id)] if m['type'] == "m"
    } for f in data['full_frames']]
    ships = [{} if str(player_id) not in f['entities'] else {
        int(sid): hlt.Ship(player_id, int(sid),
                           hlt.Position(ship['x'], ship['y']), ship['energy'])
        for sid, ship in f['entities'][str(player_id)].items()
    } for f in data['full_frames']]

    print("Load Other Player Ships")
    other_ships = [{
        int(sid): hlt.Ship(int(pid), int(sid),
                           hlt.Position(ship['x'], ship['y']), ship['energy'])
        for pid, p in f['entities'].items() if int(pid) != player_id
        for sid, ship in p.items()
    } for f in data['full_frames']]

    print("Load Droppoff Information")
    first_my_dropoffs = [my_shipyard]
    first_them_dropoffs = other_shipyards
    my_dropoffs = []
    them_dropoffs = []
    for f in data['full_frames']:
        new_my_dropoffs = copy.deepcopy(
            first_my_dropoffs if len(my_dropoffs) == 0 else my_dropoffs[-1])
        new_them_dropoffs = copy.deepcopy(first_them_dropoffs if len(
            them_dropoffs) == 0 else them_dropoffs[-1])
        for e in f['events']:
            if e['type'] == 'construct':
                if int(e['owner_id']) == player_id:
                            player_id, ARBITRARY_ID,
                            e['owner_id'], ARBITRARY_ID,
    return list(
        zip(frames, moves, ships, other_ships, my_dropoffs, them_dropoffs))
コード例 #7
def load_replay(file_name, player_id, mus_are_known=True):
    player_id = str(player_id)
    parsed_frames = []
    with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
        data = json.loads(zstd.loads(f.read()).decode("utf-8"))

    if mus_are_known:
        game_mus, went_home = read_mus(player_id)
        game_mus, went_home = None, None  #fake_mus(player_id, data)
    Notes on replay format (keys of data['full_frames']):
    entities: ships on the map at the BEGINNING of the frame
    moves: moves taken by those entities THIS turn
    events: events that happened THIS turn
    cells: changes to cells THIS turn
    deposited: total depositied for all of time as of END of this frame
    energy: player energy at END of turn

    # ***** Unchanging constants *****
    board_size = data['production_map']['width']
    max_turns = data['GAME_CONSTANTS']['MAX_TURNS']
    actual_turns = len(data['full_frames'])

    # ***** Load initial state *****
    halite = np.zeros((board_size, board_size), dtype=np.int32)
    friendly_dropoffs = np.zeros((board_size, board_size), dtype=np.int32)
    enemy_dropoffs = np.zeros((board_size, board_size), dtype=np.int32)

    for y in range(board_size):  #halite
        for x in range(board_size):
            halite[y][x] = data['production_map']['grid'][y][x]['energy']

    for player_info in data['players']:  # dropoffs
        player = str(player_info['player_id'])
        x = player_info['factory_location']['x']
        y = player_info['factory_location']['y']
        if (player == player_id):  # friendly
            friendly_dropoffs[y][x] = 1
        else:  #enemy
            enemy_dropoffs[y][x] = 1

    ship_info = {}

    # ***** Update for each frame *****
    for t in range(actual_turns):
        frame = data['full_frames'][t]
        if mus_are_known:
            frame_mus = ([] if t == 0 else game_mus[t - 1]) if t <= len(game_mus) else \
                {j:None for i in frame["entities"] for j in frame["entities"][i]} # Mus are all none if no moves were made
            frame_went_home = ([] if t == 0 else went_home[t - 1]) if t <= len(went_home) else \
                {j:None for i in frame["entities"] for j in frame["entities"][i]}

        # Generate matrices for this turn
        old_halite = np.copy(halite)
        friendly_ships = np.zeros((board_size, board_size), dtype=np.int32)
        friendly_ships_halite = np.zeros((board_size, board_size),
        old_friendly_dropoffs = np.copy(friendly_dropoffs)
        enemy_ships = np.zeros((board_size, board_size), dtype=np.int32)
        enemy_ships_halite = np.zeros((board_size, board_size), dtype=np.int32)
        old_enemy_dropoffs = np.copy(enemy_dropoffs)
        ship_info = {}
        # move info keyed by ship id
        moves = {str(d['id']): d for d in data['full_frames'][t]['moves'][player_id] if 'id' in d} \
                    if player_id in data['full_frames'][t]['moves'] else {}
        """ Note to Nate and Kent:

        don't give a f**k about masks

        buffer is going to be flat, don't forget to grab one extra obs at the end when sampling

        it's ok that the obs after a ship dies is unrelated, next obs only matters when done == False (probably)

        don't aggregate retrace at the end yet because we think it ignores cutoffs and that's hard ?

        everything seems shifted one timestep in the replay. ship as entity shows up on the same frame its move shows up in
            and we moved the moves so ...? figure out what to do about this Monday December 3rd 2018

        rounds_left = max_turns - t
        player_energy = data['full_frames'][t - 1]['energy'][
            player_id] if t > 0 else 5000  # energy at END of frame
        energy_delta = frame['energy'][player_id] - player_energy

        for changed_cell in frame['cells']:  # update halite
            x = changed_cell['x']
            y = changed_cell['y']
            halite[y][x] = changed_cell['production']

        for player in frame['entities']:  # update ships
            player_entities = frame['entities'][player]
            for entity_id in player_entities:
                entity = player_entities[entity_id]
                x = entity['x']
                y = entity['y']
                energy = entity['energy']
                if (player == player_id):  # friendly
                    ship_info[entity_id] = {'pos': {'x': x, 'y': y}}
                    ship_info[entity_id]['energy'] = energy
                        'energy_delta'] = 0  # will be overridden once we know what actually happened
                    # note: create supply depot move looks like this: {'id': 5, 'type': 'c'}
                    assert (not mus_are_known or t == 0
                            or t >= actual_turns - 1
                            or frame_went_home[entity_id]
                            is not None), "frame_went_home is None!! :("
                    if mus_are_known and frame_went_home[entity_id]:
                        ship_info[entity_id]['action'] = 'h'
                        ship_info[entity_id]['action'] = 'o' if not entity_id in moves else \
                                moves[entity_id]['direction'] if 'direction' in moves[entity_id] else moves[entity_id]['type']
                    friendly_ships[y][x] = 1
                    friendly_ships_halite[y][x] = energy
                    assert (not mus_are_known or t == 0
                            or t >= actual_turns - 1 or frame_mus[entity_id]
                            is not None), "mus are None!! :("
                    ship_info[entity_id]["mus"] = np.array(
                        dtype=np.float32) if mus_are_known else np.array(
                else:  # enemy
                    enemy_ships[y][x] = 1
                    enemy_ships_halite[y][x] = energy

        if t > 0:
            # compute ship halite deltas for previous turn
            for idee in parsed_frames[t - 1]['ship_info']:
                parsed_frames[t-1]['ship_info'][idee]['energy_delta'] = \
                                  (ship_info[idee]['energy'] if idee in ship_info else 0) \
                                - parsed_frames[t-1]['ship_info'][idee]['energy']

        for event in frame['events']:  # update dropoffs
            if event['type'] == 'construct':
                x = event['location']['x']
                y = event['location']['y']
                player = str(event['owner_id'])
                if (player == player_id):  # friendly
                    friendly_dropoffs[y][x] = 1
                else:  # enemy
                    enemy_dropoffs[y][x] = 1

        halite_left = old_halite.sum(
        )  # This is different than the halite available on the
        # online thing.  Mine doesn't count onboard ship halite.

        # remember that old mean "beginning of turn" aka current state during which actions were taken
        turn_results = {
            "halite_map": old_halite,  # beginning of turn
            friendly_ships,  # indicator variable      # beginning of turn
            friendly_ships_halite,  # beginning of turn
            old_friendly_dropoffs,  # indicator        # beginning of turn
            "enemy_ships": enemy_ships,  # beginning of turn
            "enemy_ships_halite": enemy_ships_halite,  # beginning of turn
            "enemy_dropoffs": old_enemy_dropoffs,  # beginning of turn
            old_halite.sum(),  # total on the board    # beginning of turn
            player_energy,  # how much you have in the bank    # beginning of turn
            "rounds_left": rounds_left,  # beginning of turn
            "board_size": board_size,
            "energy_delta": energy_delta,  #ON THIS TURN **************
            ship_info,  # dictionary keyed by ship_id, contains (x,y) pos, energy, energy-delta, action and mu
            #                                           Beg.    Beg.    on turn        on-turn      on-turn


    parsed_frames = parsed_frames[1:-1]
    return parsed_frames
コード例 #8
    def parse_replay_file(self, file_name, player_name):
        ARBITRARY_ID = -1
        with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
            data = json.loads(zstd.loads(f.read()))

        player = [
            p for p in data['players']
            if p['name'].split(" ")[0] == player_name
        player_id = int(player['player_id'])
        my_shipyard = entity.Shipyard(
            player_id, ARBITRARY_ID,
        other_shipyards = [
                p['player_id'], ARBITRARY_ID,
            for p in data['players'] if int(p['player_id']) != player_id
        width = data['production_map']['width']
        height = data['production_map']['height']

        first_cells = []
        for x in range(len(data['production_map']['grid'])):
            row = []
            for y in range(len(data['production_map']['grid'][x])):
                row += [
                        positionals.Position(x, y),
        frames = []
        frames.append(game_map.GameMap(first_cells, width, height))

        first_my_dropoffs = [my_shipyard]
        first_them_dropoffs = other_shipyards
        my_dropoffs = []
        them_dropoffs = []
        for f in data['full_frames']:
            new_my_dropoffs = copy.deepcopy(first_my_dropoffs if len(
                my_dropoffs) == 0 else my_dropoffs[-1])
            new_them_dropoffs = copy.deepcopy(first_them_dropoffs if len(
                them_dropoffs) == 0 else them_dropoffs[-1])
            for e in f['events']:
                if e['type'] == 'construct':
                    if int(e['owner_id']) == player_id:
                                player_id, ARBITRARY_ID,
                                e['owner_id'], ARBITRARY_ID,

        return frames[0], my_dropoffs[-1], them_dropoffs[-1]
コード例 #9
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: sigman78/python-zstd
 def test_random(self):
   DATA = os.urandom(128 * 1024)  # Read 128kb
   self.assertEqual(DATA, zstd.loads(zstd.dumps(DATA)))
コード例 #10
 def helper_compression_random(self):
     DATA = os.urandom(128 * 1024)  # Read 128kb
     self.assertEqual(DATA, zstd.loads(zstd.dumps(DATA)))
コード例 #11
def parse_replay_file(file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
        data = json.loads(zstd.loads(f.read()))
    constants.set_dimensions(data["production_map"]["width"], data["production_map"]["height"])
    player_id = int(file_name.split("-")[-1][:-4])
    player_name = name_dict[player_id] if player_id in name_dict else None
    player = [p for p in data['players'] if " ".join(p['name'].split(" ")[:-1]) == player_name]
    if len(player) > 0:
        player = player[0]
        print(f"Skipping {file_name}")
        return []
    player_id = int(player["player_id"])
    my_shipyard = entity.Shipyard(player_id, ARBITRARY_ID,
    other_shipyards = [
        entity.Shipyard(p['player_id'], ARBITRARY_ID,
                        positionals.Position(p['factory_location']['x'], p['factory_location']['y']))
        for p in data['players'] if int(p['player_id']) != player_id]
    width = data['production_map']['width']
    height = data['production_map']['height']
    first_cells = []
    for x in range(len(data['production_map']['grid'])):
        row = []
        for y in range(len(data['production_map']['grid'][x])):
            row += [game_map.MapCell(positionals.Position(x, y), data['production_map']['grid'][x][y]['energy'])]
    frames = []
    for f in data['full_frames']:
        prev_cells = first_cells if len(frames) == 0 else frames[-1]._cells
        new_cells = copy.deepcopy(prev_cells)
        for c in f['cells']:
            new_cells[c['y']][c['x']].halite_amount = c['production']
        frames.append(game_map.GameMap(new_cells, width, height))

    moves = [{} if str(player_id) not in f['moves'] else {m['id']: m['direction'] for m in f['moves'][str(player_id)] if
                                                          m['type'] == "m"} for f in data['full_frames']]
    ships = [{} if str(player_id) not in f['entities'] else {
        int(sid): entity.Ship(player_id, int(sid), positionals.Position(ship['x'], ship['y']), ship['energy']) for
    sid, ship in
        f['entities'][str(player_id)].items()} for f in data['full_frames']]
    other_ships = [
        {int(sid): entity.Ship(int(pid), int(sid), positionals.Position(ship['x'], ship['y']), ship['energy']) for
         pid, p in
         f['entities'].items() if
         int(pid) != player_id for sid, ship in p.items()} for f in data['full_frames']]
    first_my_dropoffs = [my_shipyard]
    first_them_dropoffs = other_shipyards
    my_dropoffs = []
    them_dropoffs = []
    for f in data['full_frames']:
        new_my_dropoffs = copy.deepcopy(first_my_dropoffs if len(my_dropoffs) == 0 else my_dropoffs[-1])
        new_them_dropoffs = copy.deepcopy(first_them_dropoffs if len(them_dropoffs) == 0 else them_dropoffs[-1])
        for e in f['events']:
            if e['type'] == 'construct':
                if int(e['owner_id']) == player_id:
                        entity.Dropoff(player_id, ARBITRARY_ID,
                                       positionals.Position(e['location']['x'], e['location']['y'])))
                        entity.Dropoff(e['owner_id'], ARBITRARY_ID,
                                       positionals.Position(e['location']['x'], e['location']['y'])))
    return list(zip(frames, moves, ships, other_ships, my_dropoffs, them_dropoffs))
コード例 #12
ファイル: nightmare.py プロジェクト: wizzup/Halite-III
def read_replay(filelike):
    return json.loads(zstd.loads(filelike.read()))
コード例 #13
ファイル: parse.py プロジェクト: jgblight/halite3
def parse_compressed_replay_file(file_name, player_id):
    with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
        data = json.loads(zstd.loads(f.read()).decode())
    return parse_replay_data(data, player_id)
コード例 #14
ファイル: process.py プロジェクト: bderrett/halite3
def process_file(replay_file):
    """Generate states for all players in the game.

    List of GameFrames
    out_path = replay_file.replace("training_replays", "processed_replays")
    if os.path.exists(out_path):

    replay = json.loads(zstd.loads(open(replay_file, "rb").read()))
    production_arr = parse_initial_production(replay["production_map"])
    width, height = production_arr.shape

    factory_locations = {}
    for player in replay["players"]:
        player_id = player["player_id"]
        factory_loc = player["factory_location"]
        factory_locations[player_id] = (factory_loc["x"], factory_loc["y"])

    game_constants = replay["GAME_CONSTANTS"]
    map_width = game_constants["DEFAULT_MAP_WIDTH"]
    num_players = replay["number_of_players"]

    num_turns = game_constants["MAX_TURNS"]

    state_actions = []
    dropoff_locs = {player_id: [] for player_id in range(num_players)}
    for frame_num, frame in enumerate(replay["full_frames"]):
        # Look carefully at the JSON to understand this.
        # To get the state for (0-indexed) turn i, use the energy from frame i
        # and the entities from frame i + 1
        if frame_num == len(replay["full_frames"]) - 1:
        next_frame = replay["full_frames"][frame_num + 1]

        # TODO: see why the max is needed
        turns_remaining = max(num_turns - frame_num, 0)

        # player -> (ship_id -> position)
        ship_ids = {player_id: {} for player_id in range(num_players)}

        # player -> ship_id mutable
        player_ship_set = {player_id: set() for player_id in range(num_players)}

        # player_id -> (position -> energy)
        ship_pos_energy = {player_id: {} for player_id in range(num_players)}
        for player_id, entities in next_frame["entities"].items():
            player_id = int(player_id)
            for ship_id, ship_info in entities.items():
                ship_id = int(ship_id)
                x, y = ship_info["x"], ship_info["y"]
                ship_ids[player_id][ship_id] = x, y
                ship_pos_energy[player_id][(x, y)] = ship_info["energy"]

        spawns = []
        moves = defaultdict(dict)
        constructions = {player_id: [] for player_id in range(num_players)}

        scores = {
            int(player_id_str): energy
            for player_id_str, energy in frame["energy"].items()

        # Update the Halite map.
        for cell in frame["cells"]:
            production_arr[cell["x"], cell["y"]] = cell["production"]

        for player_id_str, player_moves in next_frame["moves"].items():
            player_id = int(player_id_str)
            for move in player_moves:
                if move["type"] == "g":
                    assert scores[player_id] >= 1000
                elif move["type"] == "m":
                    ship_id = move["id"]
                    position = ship_ids[player_id][ship_id]
                    moves[player_id][position] = actions.ACTION_CHR_DIR[
                elif move["type"] == "c":
                    loc = frame["entities"][player_id_str][str(move["id"])]
                    constructions[player_id].append((loc["x"], loc["y"]))

        for event in frame["events"]:
            if event["type"] == "spawn":
                # These events are handled as moves.
            elif event["type"] == "shipwreck":
                # We don't care about these.
            player_id = int(event["owner_id"])
            assert event["type"] == "construct"
            location = event["location"]
            dropoff_locs[player_id].append((location["x"], location["y"]))

        if frame_num <= num_turns:
            for player_id, p_ship_ids in player_ship_set.items():
                for ship_id in p_ship_ids:
                    position = ship_ids[player_id][ship_id]
                    # some players rely on the halite engine collecting for
                    # them automatically
                    moves[player_id][position] = (0, 0)

        action = Actions(
            moves={0: moves[0]},  # only consider moves for p0
            constructions={0: constructions[0]},
        state = State(

        state_actions.append((state, action))

    # TODO: add rewards
    sar = state_actions
    out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_path)
    os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
    dump(sar, open(out_path, "wb"))