def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     # reset the suite variables
     # test suite name is the name of the suite class
     # or the suite_name arg if passed
     if 'suite_name' in kwargs:
         if assert_variable_type(kwargs['suite_name'], str):
             self.suite_name = kwargs['suite_name']
         # suite name defaults to class name
         self.suite_name = self.__class__.__name__                          
     # add test suite to class static total list
         # make sure a suite with the same
         # name does not already exist
         if self.suite_name not in ExternalProgramTestSuite._test_suites:  
             ExternalProgramTestSuite._test_suites[self.suite_name] = {'self': self,
                                                                       'name': self.suite_name,
                                                                       'description': self.suite_description,
                                                                       'args': kwargs,
                                                                       'num_passed': 0,
                                                                       'num_tests': 0,
                                                                       'num_checks': 0,
                                                                       'num_checks_passed': 0,
                                                                       'execution_time': 0,
                                                                       'has_run': False,
                                                                       'pass_threshold': 100,
                                                                       'passed': False}
             raise ValueError('A suite with the name "%s" already exists. '
                              'Please rename one of suite classes or pass a unique "suite_name" argument to one or both of the constructors.')
     except ValueError as e:
          raise Exception('[%s] %s' %(type(e).__name__, e))
    def __init__(self, stream, print_stream=True, log_file=None):
        """Initialize the stream reader/writer
        Positional arguments:
        stream -- the stream to read from.
                  Usually a process' stdout or stderr.
        log_file -- the file to write the stream output to               
        # Queue to hold stream
        self._q = Queue()
        # string to hold cumulative output
        self._output = ""
        # verify arguments
        assert_variable_type(log_file, [str, NoneType])
        assert_variable_type(stream, FileType)

        def _populate_queue(stream, queue, log_file):
            """ Collect lines from 'stream', put them in 'queue'.
            Write the stream output to the log_file if it was supplied.
            while True:
                line = stream.readline()
                if line:
                    if print_stream:
                    self._output += line + "\r\n"
                    if log_file is not None:
                        with open(log_file, 'a') as f:

        self._t = Thread(target=_populate_queue,
                         args=(stream, self._q, log_file))
        self._t.daemon = True
        self._t.start()  #start collecting lines from the stream
    def __init__(self, stream, print_stream=True, log_file=None):
        """Initialize the stream reader/writer
        Positional arguments:
        stream -- the stream to read from.
                  Usually a process' stdout or stderr.
        log_file -- the file to write the stream output to               
        # Queue to hold stream
        self._q = Queue()
        # string to hold cumulative output
        self._output = ""
        # verify arguments
        assert_variable_type(log_file, [str, NoneType])
        assert_variable_type(stream, FileType)
        def _populate_queue(stream, queue, log_file):
            """ Collect lines from 'stream', put them in 'queue'.
            Write the stream output to the log_file if it was supplied.
            while True:
                line = stream.readline()
                if line:
                    if print_stream:
                    self._output += line + "\r\n"
                    if log_file is not None:
                        with open(log_file, 'a') as f:

        self._t = Thread(target = _populate_queue,
                         args = (stream, self._q, log_file))
        self._t.daemon = True
        self._t.start() #start collecting lines from the stream
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     # reset the suite variables
     # test suite name is the name of the suite class
     # or the suite_name arg if passed
     if 'suite_name' in kwargs:
         if assert_variable_type(kwargs['suite_name'], str):
             self.suite_name = kwargs['suite_name']
         # suite name defaults to class name
         self.suite_name = self.__class__.__name__
     # add test suite to class static total list
         # make sure a suite with the same
         # name does not already exist
         if self.suite_name not in ExternalProgramTestSuite._test_suites:
             ExternalProgramTestSuite._test_suites[self.suite_name] = {
                 'self': self,
                 'name': self.suite_name,
                 'description': self.suite_description,
                 'args': kwargs,
                 'num_passed': 0,
                 'num_tests': 0,
                 'num_checks': 0,
                 'num_checks_passed': 0,
                 'execution_time': 0,
                 'has_run': False,
                 'pass_threshold': 100,
                 'passed': False
             raise ValueError(
                 'A suite with the name "%s" already exists. '
                 'Please rename one of suite classes or pass a unique "suite_name" argument to one or both of the constructors.'
     except ValueError as e:
         raise Exception('[%s] %s' % (type(e).__name__, e))
def run_subprocess(executable_command,
                   command_arguments = [],
    """Create and run a subprocess and return the process and
    execution time after it has completed.  The execution time
    does not include the time taken for file i/o when logging
    the output if stdout_file and stderr_file arguments are given. 

    Positional arguments:
    executable_command (str) -- executable command to run
    command_arguments (list) -- command line arguments
    timeout (int/float) -- how many seconds to allow for process completion
    print_process_output (bool) -- whether to print the process' live output 
    stdout_file (str) -- file to log stdout to
    stderr_file (str) -- file to log stderr to
    poll_seconds(int/float) -- how often in seconds to poll the subprocess 
                                to check for completion
    # validate arguments
    # list
    assert_variable_type(command_arguments, list)     
    # strings
    assert_variable_type(executable_command, str) 
    _string_vars = [stdout_file,
    [assert_variable_type(x, [str, NoneType]) for x in _string_vars + command_arguments]
    # bools 
    assert_variable_type(print_process_output, bool) 
    # floats
    _float_vars = [timeout,
    [assert_variable_type(x, [int, float, NoneType]) for x in _float_vars]
    global process, _nbsr_stdout, _nbsr_stderr
    process = None
    _nbsr_stdout = None
    _nbsr_stderr = None
    def _exec_subprocess():
        # create the subprocess to run the external program
        global process, _nbsr_stdout, _nbsr_stderr
        process = subprocess.Popen([executable_command] + command_arguments, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=buffer_size)
        # wrap p.stdout with a NonBlockingStreamReader object:
        _nbsr_stdout = NBSRW(process.stdout, print_process_output, stdout_file)
        _nbsr_stderr = NBSRW(process.stderr, print_process_output, stderr_file)
        # set deadline if timeout was set
        _deadline = None
        if timeout is not None:           
            _deadline = timeit.default_timer() + timeout
        # poll process while it runs
        while process.poll() is None:
            # throw TimeoutError if timeout was specified and deadline has passed           
            if _deadline is not None and timeit.default_timer() > _deadline and process.poll() is None:
                raise TimeoutError("Sub-process did not complete before %.4f seconds elapsed" %(timeout))
            # sleep to yield for other processes           
    execution_time = timeit.timeit(_exec_subprocess, number=1)                             
    # return process to allow application to communicate with it
    # and extract whatever info like stdout, stderr, returncode
    # also return execution_time to allow 
    return process, execution_time
 def _validate_argument(self, argument, types):
     key = argument.keys()[0]     
     valid, message = assert_variable_type(argument[key], types, False)
     if not valid:
         self._invalid_args.append("%s: %s" %(key, message))
 def _validate_argument(self, argument, types):
     key = argument.keys()[0]
     valid, message = assert_variable_type(argument[key], types, False)
     if not valid:
         self._invalid_args.append("%s: %s" % (key, message))