예제 #1
def get_hive_type(folder_path, outfile, temp_time, key):

	#make directory in /tmp so path name isn't so long
	temp_folder = "/tmp/hives_to_rename_"+temp_time
	print("The temp unallocated folder is: " + temp_folder)
	check_for_folder(temp_folder, outfile)	

	for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path):
		abs_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
		if re.search(str(key) + "_Unallocated", file_name) and (os.path.getsize(abs_file_path) and not(re.search(".txt", file_name))):
			#copy file to temp folder
			print("Copying file: " + abs_file_path + " to /tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)
			#outfile("Copying file: " + abs_file_path + " to /tmp/hives_to_rename_" + str(temp_time) +"\n")
			shutil.copy(abs_file_path, "/tmp/hives_to_rename_"+temp_time+"/"+file_name)
			#call get_hive_user_name
			get_hive_type_and_username(temp_time, file_name, outfile, abs_file_path, folder_path)

		elif re.search(str(key) + "_ORPHAN", file_name) and (os.path.getsize(abs_file_path) and not(re.search(".txt", file_name))):
			#copy file to temp folder
			print("Copying file: " + abs_file_path + " to /tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)
			#outfile("Copying file: " + abs_file_path + " to /tmp/hives_to_rename_" + str(temp_time) +"\n")
			shutil.copy(abs_file_path, "/tmp/hives_to_rename_"+temp_time+"/"+file_name)
			#call get_hive_user_name
			get_hive_type_and_username(temp_time, file_name, outfile, abs_file_path, folder_path)

	#delete temp folder
	if (os.path.exists("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)):
		shutil.rmtree("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)			
예제 #2
def get_hive_type(folder_path, outfile, temp_time, key):

	#make directory in /tmp so path name isn't so long
	temp_folder = "/tmp/hives_to_rename_"+temp_time
	print("The temp unallocated folder is: " + temp_folder)
	check_for_folder(temp_folder, outfile)	

	for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path):
		abs_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
		if re.search(str(key) + "_Unallocated", file_name) and (os.path.getsize(abs_file_path) and not(re.search(".txt", file_name))):
			#copy file to temp folder
			print("Copying file: " + abs_file_path + " to /tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)
			#outfile("Copying file: " + abs_file_path + " to /tmp/hives_to_rename_" + str(temp_time) +"\n")
			shutil.copy(abs_file_path, "/tmp/hives_to_rename_"+temp_time+"/"+file_name)
			#call get_hive_user_name
			get_hive_type_and_username(temp_time, file_name, outfile, abs_file_path, folder_path)

		elif re.search(str(key) + "_ORPHAN", file_name) and (os.path.getsize(abs_file_path) and not(re.search(".txt", file_name))):
			#copy file to temp folder
			print("Copying file: " + abs_file_path + " to /tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)
			#outfile("Copying file: " + abs_file_path + " to /tmp/hives_to_rename_" + str(temp_time) +"\n")
			shutil.copy(abs_file_path, "/tmp/hives_to_rename_"+temp_time+"/"+file_name)
			#call get_hive_user_name
			get_hive_type_and_username(temp_time, file_name, outfile, abs_file_path, folder_path)

	#delete temp folder
	if (os.path.exists("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)):
		shutil.rmtree("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)			
예제 #3
def process_folder(folder_to_process, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile):
	for root,dirs,files in os.walk(folder_to_process):
		for file_name in files:
			print("The current file is: " + file_name)
			abs_file_path = os.path.join(root,file_name)
			quoted_abs_file_path = '"'+abs_file_path+'"'

			file_name_print = file_name.encode('utf-8')
			abs_file_path_print = abs_file_path.encode('utf-8')

			#make output folder for this file
			check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + file_name, "NONE")

			#clean up printable variables
			file_name_print = re.sub('b\'','',str(file_name_print))
			file_name_print = re.sub("'",'',file_name_print)

			abs_file_path_print = re.sub('b\'','',str(abs_file_path_print))
			abs_file_path_print = re.sub("'",'', abs_file_path_print)

			print("The file to process is: " + abs_file_path_print)
			filename = os.path.basename(abs_file_path)
			run_mastiff("'"+ abs_file_path_print + "'", filename, folder_path, abs_file_path_print, outfile)
			run_pescanner("'"+ abs_file_path_print + "'", filename, folder_path, abs_file_path_print, outfile)
			run_pestr("'"+ abs_file_path_print + "'", filename, folder_path, abs_file_path_print, outfile)
			run_readpe("'"+ abs_file_path_print + "'", filename, folder_path, abs_file_path_print, outfile)
			run_pedump("'"+ abs_file_path_print + "'", filename, folder_path, abs_file_path_print, outfile)
			run_peframe("'"+ abs_file_path_print + "'", filename, folder_path, abs_file_path_print, outfile)
			run_signsrch("'"+ abs_file_path_print + "'", filename, folder_path, abs_file_path_print, outfile)
예제 #4
def run_mastiff(evidence, file_to_process, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile):
	print("Getting ready to run Mastiff.....")
	print("The file to process is: " + file_to_process)

	#make output folder for this file
	check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/MASTIFF", "NONE")

	#get md5 hash of file we are processing
	md5_hash = calculate_md5(evidence_no_quotes)
	print("The md5 hash of this file is: " + md5_hash)

	#set up mastiff command
	mastiff_command = "mas.py " + evidence 
	print("The mastiff command is: " + mastiff_command)
	outfile.write("The mastiff command is: " + mastiff_command + "\n\n")

	#run mastiff command
	subprocess.call([mastiff_command], shell=True)

	#move the mastiff output folder to the mantaray output folder
	move_command = "mv /var/log/mastiff/" + md5_hash + " " + "'" + folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/MASTIFF" + "'"
	print("The move command is: " + move_command)
	outfile.write("The move command is: " + move_command + "\n\n")
	#run move_command
	subprocess.call([move_command], shell=True)
예제 #5
def process_single_file(evidence, outfile, folder_path, key, outfile3):

	#initialize variables
	lat_long = []		
	files_of_interest = {}
	files_of_interest_list = []

	#get file extension
	fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(evidence)
	print("The filename is: " + fileName)
	print("The fileext is: " + fileExtension)
	filenames = fileName + fileExtension
	quoted_full_path = '"' + evidence + '"'
	if(fileExtension.lower() == ".jpg") or (fileExtension.lower() == ".jpeg"):
		exiftool_command = "exiftool -ext " + fileExtension.lower() + " " + quoted_full_path + " | grep 'GPS Position'"
		result = subprocess.call([exiftool_command], shell=True)
			print("No GPS Data in file: " + filenames)									
			#create output folder for processed files
			check_for_folder(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key), outfile)
			check_for_folder(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key) + "/GPS_DATA", outfile)

			#check to see if kml file exists
			if(os.path.isfile(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" +str(key) +"/GPS_DATA/" + "GPS_EXIF_data.kml")):
				print("KML file already exists")
				#chdir to output folder
				os.chdir(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key) + "/GPS_DATA")					
				kml = simplekml.Kml()

			#copy file with exifdata to output folder
			#shutil.copyfile(evidence, folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key) + "/GPS_DATA/" + filenames)
			#call exiftool again and capture the lat long information into a list
			(longitude, latitude) = convert_dms_to_decimal(quoted_full_path, fileExtension.lower())
			print("The latitude is: " + str(latitude))
			print("The longitude is: " + str(longitude))

			#add data to kml file
			kml.newpoint(name=filenames, coords=[(latitude, longitude)])

			#save kml file

			#add filename to list

			#get filesize
			file_size = os.path.getsize(evidence) 
			file_size = int(file_size)//1024
			#calculate MD5 value of file
			md5value = subprocess.check_output(["md5sum " + quoted_full_path + "| awk '{print $1}'"], shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
			md5value = md5value.strip()
			outfile3.write(quoted_full_path + "\t" + md5value + "\t" + str(file_size) + "\n")
예제 #6
파일: plaso_mr.py 프로젝트: cy-fir/mantaray
def plaso_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
    #(evidence_type, case_number, folder_path, evidence_path.strip())

    print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

    evidence_no_quotes = evidence
    evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

    root_folder_path_no_quotes = root_folder_path
    root_folder_path = "'" + root_folder_path + "'"

    #get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path_no_quotes + "/" + "Plaso"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/Plaso_mr_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    if (item_to_process == "Directory"):
        folder_to_process = evidence_no_quotes
        process_folder(folder_path, case_number, folder_to_process, outfile)
    elif (item_to_process == "EnCase Logical Evidence File"):
        file_to_process = evidence
        mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process,
        process_folder(mount_point, export_file, outfile)

        if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
            subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
    elif (item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):
        Image_Path = evidence_no_quotes

        #get datetime
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        process_folder(folder_path, case_number, Image_Path, outfile)

        ## I have not been able to test this code yet since I don't have a large enough test imge
        #set file to split
        #file_to_split = folder_path + "/" + case_number + ".plaso.csv"
        #file_to_split_basename = case_number + ".plaso.csv"

        #pass csv file to split_csv to see if it needs to get split
        #split_csv(case_number, folder_path, outfile)
        #split_csv(case_number, folder_path, outfile, file_to_split, file_to_split_basename)

    #close output file
예제 #7
def run_signsrch(evidence, file_to_process, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile):
	print("Getting ready to run PEFRAME.....")
	print("The file to process is: " + file_to_process)

	#make output folder for this file
	check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/SIGNSRCH", "NONE")

	#set up signsrch command
	signsrch_command = "signsrch " + evidence + " > " + "'" + folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/SIGNSRCH/SIGNSRCH_output.txt" + "'"
	print("The signsrch command is: " + signsrch_command)
	outfile.write("The signsrch command is: " + signsrch_command + "\n\n")

	#run signsrch command
	subprocess.call([signsrch_command], shell=True)
예제 #8
def run_peframe(evidence, file_to_process, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile):
	print("Getting ready to run PEFRAME.....")
	print("The file to process is: " + file_to_process)

	#make output folder for this file
	check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/PEFRAME", "NONE")

	#set up peframe command
	peframe_command = "peframe " + evidence + " > " + "'" + folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/PEFRAME/PEFRAME_output.txt" + "'"
	print("The peframe command is: " + peframe_command)
	outfile.write("The peframe command is: " + peframe_command + "\n\n")

	#run peframe command
	subprocess.call([peframe_command], shell=True)
예제 #9
def run_floss(evidence, file_to_process, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile):
	print("Getting ready to run FLOSS.....")
	print("The file to process is: " + file_to_process)

	#make output folder for this file
	check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/FLOSS", "NONE")

	#set up signsrch command
	signsrch_command = "floss -v " + evidence + " > " + "'" + folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/FLOSS/FLOSS_output.txt" + "'"
	print("The floss command is: " + floss_command)
	outfile.write("The floss command is: " + floss_command + "\n\n")

	#run signsrch command
	subprocess.call([floss_command], shell=True)
예제 #10
def mount_shadow_volumes(vssvolume_mnt, outfile, folder_path, log_folder_path, out_folder, key, searchfile):

	print("Inside mount_shadow_volumes sub")
	print("Vssvolume_mnt: " + vssvolume_mnt)

	#check for existence of folder
	vss_mount = check_for_folder("/mnt/vss_mount", outfile)

	vss_volumes = os.listdir(vssvolume_mnt)

	for item in vss_volumes:
		print("About to process Shadow Volume: " + item)

		#Create Output Directory
		if not os.path.exists(folder_path + "/VSS_" + str(item)):
			os.makedirs(folder_path + "/VSS_" + str(item))
			outfile.write("Just created output folder: " + folder_path + "/VSS_" + str(item) + "\n\n")
			print("Output folder: " + folder_path +"/VSS_" + str(item) + " already exists")
			outfile.write("Output folder: " + folder_path +"/VSS_" + str(item) + " already exists\n\n")

		out_folder = folder_path +"/VSS_" + str(item)
		#call parted function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, vssvolume_mnt + "/"+item)
		block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)
		for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
			print("About to search for files in: " + item)
			process_overt_deleted_files(value, key, vssvolume_mnt+"/"+item, outfile, folder_path, log_folder_path, out_folder, block_size, item, temp_time, searchfile)
def mount_shadow_volumes(vssvolume_mnt, outfile, folder_path, temp_time):

    print("Vssvolume_mnt: " + vssvolume_mnt)

    #check for existence of folder
    vss_mount = check_for_folder("/mnt/vss_mount", outfile)

    vss_volumes = os.listdir(vssvolume_mnt)
    for item in vss_volumes:
        print("Currently processing vss volume: " + item)
        #call parted function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile,
                                                vssvolume_mnt + "/" + item)
        block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)
        for key, value in partition_info_dict.items():
            print("About to process registry hives from: " + item)
            process_overt_deleted_files(value, key, vssvolume_mnt + "/" + item,
                                        outfile, folder_path, block_size, item,
                                        "SHADOW VOLUME", temp_time)

    #unmounting vss volume
    if (vssvolume_mnt != "NULL"):
        print("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt)
        outfile.write("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt + "\n")
        subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + vssvolume_mnt], shell=True)
예제 #12
def mount_shadow_volumes(vssvolume_mnt, outfile, folder_path, log_folder_path, out_folder, key, searchfile):

	print("Inside mount_shadow_volumes sub")
	print("Vssvolume_mnt: " + vssvolume_mnt)

	#check for existence of folder
	vss_mount = check_for_folder("/mnt/vss_mount", outfile)

	vss_volumes = os.listdir(vssvolume_mnt)

	for item in vss_volumes:
		print("About to process Shadow Volume: " + item)

		#Create Output Directory
		if not os.path.exists(folder_path + "/VSS_" + str(item)):
			os.makedirs(folder_path + "/VSS_" + str(item))
			outfile.write("Just created output folder: " + folder_path + "/VSS_" + str(item) + "\n\n")
			print("Output folder: " + folder_path +"/VSS_" + str(item) + " already exists")
			outfile.write("Output folder: " + folder_path +"/VSS_" + str(item) + " already exists\n\n")

		out_folder = folder_path +"/VSS_" + str(item)
		#call parted function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, vssvolume_mnt + "/"+item)
		block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)
		for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
			print("About to search for files in: " + item)
			process_overt_deleted_files(value, key, vssvolume_mnt+"/"+item, outfile, folder_path, log_folder_path, out_folder, block_size, item, temp_time, searchfile)
예제 #13
def run_pedump(evidence, file_to_process, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile):
	print("Getting ready to run PEDUMP.....")
	print("The file to process is: " + file_to_process)

	#make output folder for this file
	check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/PEDUMP", "NONE")

	#get md5 hash of file we are processing
	#md5_hash = calculate_md5(evidence_no_quotes)
	#print("The md5 hash of this file is: " + md5_hash)

	#set up pedump command
	pedump_command = "pedump " + evidence + " > " + "'" + folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/PEDUMP/PEDUMP_output.txt" + "'"
	print("The pedump command is: " + pedump_command)
	outfile.write("The pedump command is: " + pedump_command + "\n\n")

	#run pedump command
	subprocess.call([pedump_command], shell=True)
예제 #14
def run_readpe(evidence, file_to_process, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile):
	print("Getting ready to run READPE.....")
	print("The file to process is: " + file_to_process)

	#make output folder for this file
	check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/READPE", "NONE")

	#get md5 hash of file we are processing
	#md5_hash = calculate_md5(evidence_no_quotes)
	#print("The md5 hash of this file is: " + md5_hash)

	#set up readpe command
	readpe_command = "readpe " + evidence + " > " + "'" + folder_path + "/" + file_to_process + "/READPE/READPE_output.txt" + "'"
	print("The readpe command is: " + readpe_command)
	outfile.write("The readpe command is: " + readpe_command + "\n\n")

	#run prestr command
	subprocess.call([readpe_command], shell=True)
예제 #15
def remove_duplicates_mr(root_folder_path, evidence):

	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Remove_Duplicates"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	remove_dupes_command = "sudo fdupes -r -d -N " + evidence + " > " + '"' + folder_path + "/fdupes_duplicates_log.txt" + '"'
	print ("The remove dupes command is: " + remove_dupes_command + "\n\n")
	print ("Removing duplicate files recursively from folder: " + evidence + "\n\n")

	#run the remove dupes command
	subprocess.call([remove_dupes_command], shell=True)

	#get filesize of mmls_output.txt
	file_size = os.path.getsize(folder_path + "/fdupes_duplicates_log.txt") 

	#if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
	if(file_size == 0):
		print("No duplicates found\n")
		outfile = open(folder_path + "/fdupes_duplicates_log.txt", 'wt+')
		outfile.write("No duplicate files found!")
		#close outfile
		#if log file exists then run unix2dos against the logfile
		unix2dos(folder_path + "/fdupes_duplicates_log.txt")	

	#remove empty directories	
	for root,dirs,files in os.walk(root_folder_path):
		for directories in dirs:
			dir_name = os.path.join(root,directories)
			#if directory is empty then delete it
			if not os.listdir(dir_name):
예제 #16
def remove_duplicates_mr(root_folder_path, evidence):

    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

    evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

    #get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Remove_Duplicates"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    remove_dupes_command = "sudo fdupes -r -d -N " + evidence + " > " + '"' + folder_path + "/fdupes_duplicates_log.txt" + '"'
    print("The remove dupes command is: " + remove_dupes_command + "\n\n")
    print("Removing duplicate files recursively from folder: " + evidence +

    #run the remove dupes command
    subprocess.call([remove_dupes_command], shell=True)

    #get filesize of mmls_output.txt
    file_size = os.path.getsize(folder_path + "/fdupes_duplicates_log.txt")

    #if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
    if (file_size == 0):
        print("No duplicates found\n")
        outfile = open(folder_path + "/fdupes_duplicates_log.txt", 'wt+')
        outfile.write("No duplicate files found!")
        #close outfile
        #if log file exists then run unix2dos against the logfile
        unix2dos(folder_path + "/fdupes_duplicates_log.txt")

    #remove empty directories
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_folder_path):
        for directories in dirs:
            dir_name = os.path.join(root, directories)
            #if directory is empty then delete it
            if not os.listdir(dir_name):
예제 #17
def check_for_shadow_volumes(Image_Path, key, block_size, outfile, folder_path, temp_time):

    #set shadow volume variables
    has_shadow_volumes = "NULL"
    vssvolume_mnt = "NULL"

    #divide offset by block size so it is in correct format for vshadowinfo
    key_bytes = int(key)//int(block_size)
    key_bytes_disk_offset = int(key) * int(block_size)
    image_no_quotes = Image_Path.replace("'","")
    print("\nChecking: " + Image_Path + " for shadow volumes")

    f = open('/tmp/dump_' + temp_time + '.txt', 'w+t')
        vshadow_info_command = "vshadowinfo -v -o " + str(key) + " " + Image_Path# + " > /tmp/dump.txt"
        #print("The vshadow_command is: " + vshadow_info_command)
        outfile.write("The vshadow_command is: " + vshadow_info_command)
        subprocess.call([vshadow_info_command], shell=True, stdout = f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        #vshadow_output = subprocess.check_output([vshadow_info_command], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

        f =open('/tmp/dump_' + temp_time + '.txt', 'rt')
        #print("try succedded")
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if (re.search("No Volume Shadow Snapshots found", line)):
                has_shadow_volumes = "NO"

        if(has_shadow_volumes != "NO"):
            print("Partition at offset: " + str(key_bytes) + " has shadow volumes.")
            outfile.write("Partition at offset: " + str(key_bytes) + " has shadow volumes.")

            #check for existence of folder
            vssvolume_mnt = check_for_folder("/mnt/vssvolume", outfile)

            #mount shadow volumes for partition
            mount_shadow_command = "sudo vshadowmount -o " + str(key) + " " + Image_Path + " " + vssvolume_mnt
            print("The mount_shadow_command is: " + mount_shadow_command)

            subprocess.call(["sudo vshadowmount -o " + str(key) + " " + Image_Path + " " + vssvolume_mnt], shell=True,

            #pass vssvolume mount point to mount_shadow_volume for mounting
            mount_shadow_volumes(vssvolume_mnt, outfile, folder_path, temp_time)

        elif(has_shadow_volumes == "NO"):
            print("Partition at offset: " + str(key) + " has no shadow volumes")


        print("The vshadow_info command for partition: " + str(key) + " failed")

    return vssvolume_mnt
예제 #18
def pst_processor_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
	#(evidence_type, case_number, folder_path, evidence_path.strip())
	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

	evidence_no_quotes = evidence
	evidence = "'" + evidence + "'"

	root_folder_path_no_quotes = root_folder_path
	root_folder_path = "'" + root_folder_path + "'"

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path_no_quotes + "/" + "PST_Extracted_Emails"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	#create folder for extracted_messages
	check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" "All Extracted_Messages", "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/PST_mr_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	emails_of_interest_file = subprocess.check_output(['zenity --file-selection --filename="/mnt/hgfs/" '
										'--title "Select file containing email addresses of interest (comma seperated)"'],
										shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
	#process the PST file
	process_pst_command = 'readpst -o ' + "'" + folder_path + "/" "All Extracted_Messages" + "'" + " -D -j 4 -r -tea -e " + evidence	
	print("The process_pst_command is: " + process_pst_command)
	subprocess.call([process_pst_command],shell=True, universal_newlines=True)

	#open emails_of_interest_file and parse emails into list
	with open(emails_of_interest_file.strip(), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile:
		for line in infile:
			email_addresses_split = line.split(',')
			for element in email_addresses_split:
				print("Creating output folder for email address: " + element)
				check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + element, "NONE")

				#cd into the extracted_messages SENT folder
				os.chdir(folder_path + "/" "All Extracted_Messages/Personal Folders/Sent Items")

				#run the grep command in the SENT folder
				grep_command = "grep -rl --null --include '*.msg' --include '*.eml' " + element + " | xargs -0r cp -t " + "'" + folder_path + "/" + element + "'"
				print("The grep_command is: " + grep_command)
				subprocess.call([grep_command],shell=True, universal_newlines=True)

	#close output file
예제 #19
def mount_shadow_volumes(vssvolume_mnt, outfile, folder_path):

	print("Inside mount_shadow_volumes sub")
	print("Vssvolume_mnt: " + vssvolume_mnt)

	#check for existence of folder
	vss_mount = check_for_folder("/mnt/vss_mount", outfile)

	vss_volumes = os.listdir(vssvolume_mnt)
	for item in vss_volumes:
		print("About to process Shadow Volume: " + item)
		#call parted function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, vssvolume_mnt + "/"+item)
		block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)
		for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
			print("About to process registry hives from: " + item)
			process_overt_deleted_files(value, key, vssvolume_mnt+"/"+item, outfile, folder_path, block_size, item, temp_time)
def mount_shadow_volumes(vssvolume_mnt, outfile, folder_path, temp_time,

    print("Vssvolume_mnt: " + vssvolume_mnt)

    # disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command
    # is executed
    cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && " \
                "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false && " \
                "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling autorun-never true"
        subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
        print("Autmount false failed")

    #check for existence of folder
    vss_mount = check_for_folder("/mnt/vss_mount", outfile)

    vss_volumes = os.listdir(vssvolume_mnt)
    for item in vss_volumes:
        print("Currently processing vss volume: " + item)
        #call parted function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile,
                                                vssvolume_mnt + "/" + item)
        block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)
        for key, value in partition_info_dict.items():
            print("About to process Google Analytic Cookies from: " + item)
            mount.mount(value, key, vssvolume_mnt + "/" + item, outfile,
            os.makedirs(folder_path + "/" + item)
            process_dir(vss_mount, folder_path + "/" + item, parsers, item)

    #unmounting vss volume
    if (vssvolume_mnt != "NULL"):
            print("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt)
            outfile.write("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt + "\n")
            subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + vssvolume_mnt], shell=True)
            print("Unable to unmount: " + vssvolume_mnt)
            outfile.write("Unable to unmount: " + vssvolume_mnt)
예제 #21
def mount_shadow_volumes(vssvolume_mnt, outfile, folder_path):

    print("Inside mount_shadow_volumes sub")
    print("Vssvolume_mnt: " + vssvolume_mnt)

    #check for existence of folder
    vss_mount = check_for_folder("/mnt/vss_mount", outfile)

    vss_volumes = os.listdir(vssvolume_mnt)
    for item in vss_volumes:
        print("About to process Shadow Volume: " + item)
        #call parted function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile,
                                                vssvolume_mnt + "/" + item)
        block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)
        for key, value in partition_info_dict.items():
            print("About to process registry hives from: " + item)
            process_overt_deleted_files(value, key, vssvolume_mnt + "/" + item,
                                        outfile, folder_path, block_size, item,
def mount_shadow_volumes(vssvolume_mnt, outfile, folder_path, temp_time, parsers):

    print("Vssvolume_mnt: " + vssvolume_mnt)

    # disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command
    # is executed
    cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && " \
                "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false && " \
                "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling autorun-never true"
        subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
        print("Autmount false failed")

    #check for existence of folder
    vss_mount = check_for_folder("/mnt/vss_mount", outfile)

    vss_volumes = os.listdir(vssvolume_mnt)
    for item in vss_volumes:
        print("Currently processing vss volume: " + item)
        #call parted function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, vssvolume_mnt + "/"+item)
        block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)
        for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
            print("About to process Google Analytic Cookies from: " + item)
            process_dir(vss_mount, folder_path+"/"+item, parsers,item)

    #unmounting vss volume
    if(vssvolume_mnt != "NULL"):
            print("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt)
            outfile.write("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt + "\n")
            subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + vssvolume_mnt], shell=True)
            print("Unable to unmount: " + vssvolume_mnt)
            outfile.write("Unable to unmount: " + vssvolume_mnt)
예제 #23
def mount_shadow_volumes(vssvolume_mnt, outfile, folder_path, temp_time):

	print("Vssvolume_mnt: " + vssvolume_mnt)

	#check for existence of folder
	vss_mount = check_for_folder("/mnt/vss_mount", outfile)

	vss_volumes = os.listdir(vssvolume_mnt)
	for item in vss_volumes:
		print("Currently processing vss volume: " + item)
		#call parted function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, vssvolume_mnt + "/"+item)
		block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)
		for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
			print("About to process registry hives from: " + item)
			process_overt_deleted_files(value, key, vssvolume_mnt+"/"+item, outfile, folder_path, block_size, item, "SHADOW VOLUME", temp_time)
	#unmounting vss volume
	if(vssvolume_mnt != "NULL"):
		print("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt)
		outfile.write("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt + "\n")
		subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + vssvolume_mnt], shell=True)
예제 #24
def exifdata_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

	evidence_no_quotes = evidence

	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()

	#set Mount Point
	mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "EXIF_Tool"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/EXIF_Tool_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	#set up tuple holding all of the file extensions exiftool can process
	valid_extensions = ('3FR', '3G2', '3GP2', '3GP', '3GPP', 'ACR', 'AFM', 'ACFM', 'AMFM', 'AI', 'AIT', 'AIFF', 'AIF', 'AIFC', 'APE', 'ARW', 'ASF', 'AVI', 'BMP', 'DIB', 'BTF', 'TIFF', 'TIF', 'CHM', 'COS', 'CR2', 'CRW', 'CIFF', 'CS1', 'DCM', 'DC3', 'DIC', 'DICM', 'DCP', 'DCR', 'DFONT', 'DIVX', 'DJVU', 'DJV', 'DNG', 'DOC', 'DOT', 'DOCX', 'DOCM', 'DOTX', 'DOTM', 'DYLIB', 'DV', 'DVB', 'EIP', 'EPS', 'EPSF', 'EXR', 'PS', 'ERF', 'EXE', 'DLL', 'EXIF', 'F4A', 'F4B', 'F4P', 'F4V', 'FFF', 'FLA', 'FLAC', 'FLV', 'FPX', 'GIF', 'GZ', 'GZIP', 'HDP', 'HDR', 'WDP', 'HTML', 'HTM', 'XHTML', 'ICC', 'ICM', 'IIQ', 'IND', 'INDD', 'INDT', 'INX', 'ITC', 'JP2', 'JPF', 'JPM', 'JPX', 'JPEG', 'JPC', 'JPG', 'J2C', 'J2K', 'K25', 'KDC', 'KEY', 'KTH', 'LNK', 'M2TS', 'MTS', 'M2T', 'TS', 'M4A', 'M4B', 'M4P', 'M4V', 'MEF', 'MIE', 'MIFF', 'MIF', 'MKA', 'MKV', 'MKS', 'MOS', 'MOV', 'Q', 'MP3', 'MP4', 'MPC', 'MPEG', 'MPG', 'M2V', 'MPO', 'MQV', 'QT', 'MRW', 'MXF', 'NEF', 'NMBTEMPLATE', 'NRW', 'NUMBERS', 'ODB', 'ODC', 'ODF', 'ODG', 'OGI', 'ODP', 'ODS', 'ODT', 'OGG', 'ORF', 'OTF', 'PAGES', 'PDF', 'PEF', 'PFA', 'PFB', 'PFM', 'PGF', 'PICT', 'PCT', 'PMP', 'PNG', 'JNG', 'MNG', 'PPM', 'PBM', 'PGM', 'PPT', 'PPS', 'POT', 'POTX', 'POTM', 'PPSX', 'PPSM', 'PPTX', 'PPTM', 'PSD', 'PSB', 'PSP', 'PSPIMAGE', 'QTIF', 'QTI', 'QIF', 'RAF', 'RAM', 'RPM', 'RAW', 'RAR', 'RAW', 'RIFF', 'RIF', 'RM', 'RV', 'RMVB', 'RSRC', 'RTF', 'RW2', 'RWL', 'RWZ', 'SO', 'SR2', 'SRF', 'SRW', 'SVG', 'SWF', 'THM', 'THMX', 'TIFF', 'TIF', 'TTF', 'TTC', 'VOB', 'VRD', 'VSD', 'WAV', 'WEBM', 'WEBP', ',WMA', 'WMV', 'X3F', 'XCF', 'XLS', 'XLT', 'XLSX', 'XLSM', 'XLSB', 'XLTX', 'XLTM', 'XMP', 'ZIP')

	if(item_to_process =="EnCase Logical Evidence File"):

		file_to_process = evidence
		mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process, outfile)
		process_folder(mount_point, valid_extensions, item_to_process)

			subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)

	if(item_to_process == "Directory"):

		mount_point = evidence_no_quotes
		process_folder(mount_point, valid_extensions, item_to_process, outfile, folder_path)


	elif(item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):

		#get datetime
		now = datetime.datetime.now()

		#set Mount Point
		mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

		#select dd image to process	
		Image_Path = evidence

		#check if Image file is in Encase format
		if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):

			#strip out single quotes from the quoted path
			#no_quotes_path = Image_Path.replace("'","")
			#print("THe no quotes path is: " +  no_quotes_path)
			#call mount_ewf function
			Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

		#call mmls function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)

		#get filesize of mmls_output.txt
		file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt") 

		#if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
		if(file_size == 0):
			print("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			#call parted function
			partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)	


			#read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
			mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
			for line in mmls_output_file:
				if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
					print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
					outfile.write("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
					#call parted function
					partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

		#loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
		for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():

			#set up file object for output file
			output_file = folder_path + "/Exif_data_partition_offset_" + str(key) +".txt"
			print("The output_file is: " + output_file)
			exif_out = open(output_file, 'wt+')

			#disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command is executed
			cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
				subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
				print("Autmount false failed")

			#call mount sub-routine
			success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(value,key,Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

				print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
				outfile.write("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
				print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + ". Scanning for files of interest.....\n")
				outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")

				#get the filename without extension
				for root,dirs,files in os.walk(mount_point):
					for filenames in files:
						fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
						#replace the . in the file extension with nothing
						file_extension = fileExtension.replace('.','')	
						file_extension = file_extension.upper()				
						file_name = os.path.basename(fileName)
						for extension in valid_extensions:
							if(file_extension == extension):
								print("Running exiftool against file: " + filenames)
								outfile.write("Running exiftool against file: " + filenames)

								#chdir to output foler
								#get absolute path to file
								file_name = os.path.join(root,filenames)
								quoted_file_name = "'" +file_name +"'"

								#enclose strings in quotes
								quoted_root = "'" +root +"'"	
								#set up exiftool command			
								exif_command = "exiftool -ext " + extension + " -l -sep *********** -z " + quoted_file_name + " >> " + "'" +  folder_path + "/Exif_data_partition_offset_" + str(key) +".txt" + "'"
								#print("The exif command is: " + exif_command + "\n\n")
								outfile.write("The exif command is: " + exif_command + "\n\n")

								#execute the exif command
								subprocess.call([exif_command], shell=True)

				#unmount and remove mount points
					subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
				#unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
				if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
					losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
					subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)

			#close outfile

	#program cleanup
	#remove mount points created for this program
		if not (item_to_process == "Directory"):
		subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)

	#delete empty directories in output folder
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown=False):	
		for directories in dirs:
			files = []
			dir_path = os.path.join(root,directories)
			files = os.listdir(dir_path)	
			if(len(files) == 0):
예제 #25
파일: be_mr.py 프로젝트: champ1/mantaray
def be_mr(item_to_process, case_number, folder_path, evidence, whitelist_location, speed, keyword_list):
	evidence = "'" + evidence + "'"
	speed = speed.strip()

	#calculate number of processors to use (Speed-Slow, Speed-Fast, Speed-Med
	calc_cores_command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l"
	num_of_cores = subprocess.check_output([calc_cores_command], shell=True)
	num_of_cores = num_of_cores.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
	num_of_cores = num_of_cores.strip()
	print("This VM has " + str(num_of_cores) +" cores")

	if(num_of_cores == "1"):
		cores_to_use = 1	
	elif(speed == "Speed-Slow"):
		cores_to_use = 1
	elif(speed == "Speed-Med"):
		cores_to_use = int(num_of_cores)//2
	elif(speed == "Speed-Fast"):
		cores_to_use = num_of_cores 

	print("Item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("Case number is: " + case_number)
	print("Output folder is: " + folder_path)
	print("Evidence type is: " + evidence)
	print("Whitelist location is: " + whitelist_location)
	print("Processing speed is: " + speed)
	print("Keyword list is: " + keyword_list)

	#open a log file for output
	#log_file = folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_logfile.txt"
	#outfile = open(log_file, 'a')

	#add subfolder to output path so BE has empty folder to write to
	folder_path_be = "'" + folder_path +"/Bulk_Extractor_Results'" 
	check_for_folder(folder_path_be, "NONE")
	if(item_to_process == "Directory"):
		process_folder(evidence, folder_path_be, whitelist_location, speed, "NONE", keyword_list, cores_to_use)
	elif(item_to_process == "EnCase Logical Evidence File"):
		mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, evidence, "NONE")
		process_folder(mount_point, folder_path_be, whitelist_location, speed, "NONE", keyword_list, cores_to_use)
	elif(item_to_process == "Single File") or (item_to_process == "Memory Image") or (item_to_process == "EnCase Logical Evidence File"):

		#set up bulk extractor command
		if(whitelist_location != "NONE") and (keyword_list == "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -o " + folder_path_be + ' -w "' + whitelist_location + '" -j ' + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location == "NONE") and (keyword_list =="NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -o " + folder_path_be + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location != "NONE") and (keyword_list != "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -o " + folder_path_be + ' -w "' + whitelist_location + '" -F "' + keyword_list + '" -j ' + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location == "NONE") and (keyword_list != "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -o " + folder_path_be + ' -F "' + keyword_list + '" -j ' + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence

		#outfile.write("The be_command is: " + be_command + "\n")

		#run be_command
		print("The be command is: " + be_command)
		subprocess.call([be_command], shell=True)
	elif(item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):
		#set up bulk extractor command
		if(whitelist_location != "NONE") and (keyword_list == "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -C 60 -o " + folder_path_be + ' -w "' + whitelist_location + '" -j ' + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location == "NONE") and (keyword_list =="NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -C 60 -o " + folder_path_be + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location != "NONE") and (keyword_list != "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -C 60 -o " + folder_path_be + ' -w "' + whitelist_location + '" -F "' + keyword_list + '" -j ' + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location == "NONE") and (keyword_list != "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -C 60 -o " + folder_path_be + ' -F "' + keyword_list + '" -j ' + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence

		#run be_command
		print("The be command is: " + be_command)
		subprocess.call([be_command], shell=True)

		#run fiwalk
		fiwalk_command = "fiwalk -x " + evidence + " > " + '"' + folder_path + '/Bulk_Extractor_Results/fiwalk_output.xml' + '"'
		print("Running fiwalk: " + fiwalk_command)
		subprocess.call([fiwalk_command], shell=True)

		#run identify_filenames.py
		identify_filenames_command = "python3 /usr/share/bulk-extractor/python/identify_filenames.py --all --imagefile " + evidence + " --xmlfile " + '"' + folder_path + "/Bulk_Extractor_Results/fiwalk_output.xml" + '" "' + folder_path + "/Bulk_Extractor_Results" + '" "' + folder_path + "/Bulk_Extractor_Results/annotated_results/" + '"'
		print("Running identify_filenames.py: " + identify_filenames_command)
		subprocess.call([identify_filenames_command], shell=True)

		#chdir to output foler

		#run text files through unix2dos
		for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path + "/Bulk_Extractor_Results/"):
			for filenames in files:
				#get file extension
				fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
				if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
					full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
					quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
					print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + quoted_full_path)
					#unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + "'"+filenames+"'"
					unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
					subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #26
def plist_processor(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
    print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

    evidence_no_quotes = evidence
    evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

    #get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #set Mount Point
    mount_point = "/mnt/" + "MantaRay_" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "PLIST_Processor"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/PLIST_processor_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    #open an error file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/PLIST_processor_error_log.txt"
    outfile_error = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    #open file to write output
    exp_file = folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_PLIST_Triage.txt"
    export_file = open(exp_file, 'a')

    if (item_to_process == "Directory"):
        folder_to_process = evidence_no_quotes
        process_folder(folder_to_process, export_file, outfile, outfile_error,
    elif (item_to_process == "EnCase Logical Evidence File"):
        file_to_process = evidence
        mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process,
        process_folder(mount_point, export_file, outfile, outfile_error, now)

        if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
            subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
    elif (item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):

        #set Mount Point
        mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

        Image_Path = evidence

        #check if Image file is in Encase format
        if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
            #set mount point
            #mount_point = "/mnt/"+	case_number+"_ewf"
            Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

        #call mmls function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
        partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

        #get filesize of mmls_output.txt
        file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")

        #if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
        if (file_size == 0):
            print("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
            outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
            #call parted function
            partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)


            #read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
            mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt",
            for line in mmls_output_file:
                if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
                        "We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
                        "We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n"
                    #call parted function
                    partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(
                        outfile, Image_Path)

        #loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
        for key, value in partition_info_dict.items():
            cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
                subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
                print("Autmount false failed")

            #process plist files
            if (value == "hfs+"):
                #call mount sub-routine
                success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(
                    value, str(key), Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

                if (success_code):
                    print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " +
                          value + " at offset:" + str(key))
                        "Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value +
                        " at offset:" + str(key))

                    print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value +
                          " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")
                    outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value +
                                  " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")

                    process_folder(mount_point, export_file, outfile,
                                   outfile_error, now)

                    subprocess.call(['umount ' + mount_point], shell=True)
                    subprocess.call(['losetup -d ' + loopback_device_mount],

                print("This partition is not formatted HFS+")
                outfile.write("This partition is not formatted HFS+\n\n")
        #close export_file

        #chdir to output foler

        #unmount and remount points
        if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
            if (os.path.exists(mount_point + "_ewf")):
                subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"],
                os.rmdir(mount_point + "_ewf")

        #remove empty directories
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown=False):
            for directory in dirs:
                dir_path = os.path.join(root, directory)
                if not os.listdir(dir_path):
                    outfile.write("Removing empty folder: " + dir_path + "\n")

        #close outfiles

        #run text files through unix2dos
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
            for filenames in files:
                #get file extension
                fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
                if (fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
                    full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                    quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                    print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
                    unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
                    subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)

        #delete /tmp/ls_output.txt
        if (os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
            os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
        if (os.path.exists("/tmp/timeline_partition_info_" + temp_time +
            os.remove("/tmp/timeline_partition_info_" + temp_time + ".txt")
        if (os.path.exists("/tmp/dump_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
            os.remove("/tmp/dump_" + temp_time + ".txt")
        if (os.path.exists("/tmp/fls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
            os.remove("/tmp/fls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
        if (os.path.exists("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)):
            shutil.rmtree("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)
예제 #27
def create_kml_from_exif_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path,
    print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

    evidence_no_quotes = evidence
    evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "KML_From_EXIF"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/KML_From_EXIF_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    #initialize variables
    files_of_interest = {}
    files_of_interest_list = []
    mount_point = "NONE"

    log_file3 = folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_files_to_exploit.xls"
    outfile3 = open(log_file3, 'wt+')

    #write out column headers to xls file
    outfile3.write("Name\tMD5\tFile Size (kb)\n")

    if (item_to_process == "Directory"):
        #select folder to process
        folder_process = evidence_no_quotes

        #set folder variable to "folder" since this is a folder and not a disk partition
        folder = "Directory"

        #call process subroutine
        process(folder_process, outfile, folder_path, folder, outfile3)

    elif (item_to_process == 'EnCase Logical Evidence File'):
        folder = "LEF"
        file_to_process = evidence
        mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process,
        process(mount_point, outfile, folder_path, folder, outfile3)

        if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
            subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)

    elif (item_to_process == 'Single File'):
        process_single_file(evidence_no_quotes, outfile, folder_path,
                            "Single-File", outfile3)

    elif (item_to_process == 'Bit-Stream Image'):

        #select image to process
        Image_Path = evidence

        #get datetime
        now = datetime.datetime.now()

        #set Mount Point
        mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S")

        #check to see if Image file is in Encase format
        if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
            #strip out single quotes from the quoted path
            no_quotes_path = Image_Path.replace("'", "")
            print("The no quotes path is: " + no_quotes_path)
            #call mount_ewf function
            cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
                subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
                print("Autmount false failed")
            Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

        #call mmls function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
        #partition_info_dict_temp, temp_time = partition_info_dict

        #get filesize of mmls_output.txt
        file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
        print("The filesize is: " + str(file_size))

        #if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
        if (file_size == 0):
            print("mmls output was empty, running parted")
            outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted")
            #call parted function
            partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)


            #read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
            mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt",
            for line in mmls_output_file:
                if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
                        "We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
                        "We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n"
                    #call parted function
                    partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(
                        outfile, Image_Path)

            #close file

        #loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
        #for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
        for key, value in sorted(partition_info_dict.items()):

            #create output folder for processed files
            if not os.path.exists(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" +
                os.mkdir(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key))

            #disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command is executed
            cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
                subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
                print("Autmount false failed")

            #call mount sub-routine
            success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(
                value, key, Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

            if (success_code):
                print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value +
                      " at offset:" + str(key))
                outfile.write("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " +
                              value + " at offset:" + str(key))

                print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" +
                      str(key) + ". Scanning for files of interest.....\n")
                outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value +
                              " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")

                #call process subroutine
                process(mount_point, outfile, folder_path, key, outfile3)

                #unmount and remove mount points
                if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
                    subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point],
                #unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
                if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
                    losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
                    subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)

            #delete /tmp files created for processing bit-stream images
            if (os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
                os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")

    #write out list of filenames to end of output file so that user can create a filter for those filenames in Encase
        "\n\n******** LIST of FILENAMES of INTEREST ******************\n")
    #sort list so that all values are unique
    for files in files_of_interest_list:
        outfile3.write(files + "\n")

    #program cleanup

    #remove mount points created for this program
    if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
        subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
    if (os.path.exists(mount_point + "_ewf")):
        subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)
        os.rmdir(mount_point + "_ewf")

    #convert outfile using unix2dos
    #chdir to output foler

    #run text files through unix2dos
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
        for filenames in files:
            #get file extension
            fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
            if (fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
                full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
                unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + filenames
                subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)

    #delete empty directories in output folder
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown=False):
        for directories in dirs:
            files = []
            dir_path = os.path.join(root, directories)
            files = os.listdir(dir_path)
            if (len(files) == 0):

    #unmount and remove mount points
    if (mount_point != "NONE"):
        if (os.path.exists(mount_point + "_ewf")):
            subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"],
            os.rmdir(mount_point + "_ewf")
예제 #28
def av_scanner_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence, conf_file):
	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)
	print("The configuration file is located at: " + conf_file)

	evidence_no_quotes = evidence
	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()

	#set Mount Point
	mount_point = "/mnt/" + "MantaRay_" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")
	#create output folder path
	output_folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "AV_Scanner"
	check_for_folder(output_folder_path, "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = output_folder_path + "/AV_Scanner_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	if(item_to_process == "Single File"):
		print("Please put your file in a folder and then scan the folder")

	elif(item_to_process == "Directory"):
		folder_to_process = evidence_no_quotes
		process_folder(folder_to_process, output_folder_path, outfile, "Directory", conf_file)
	elif(item_to_process =="EnCase Logical Evidence File"):
		file_to_process = evidence
		mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process, outfile)
		process_folder(mount_point, output_folder_path, outfile, "LEF", conf_file)

			subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
	elif(item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):
		Image_Path = evidence
		#process every file on every partition
		#get datetime
		now = datetime.datetime.now()

		#set Mount Point
		mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

		#check if Image file is in Encase format
		if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):

			#strip out single quotes from the quoted path
			#no_quotes_path = Image_Path.replace("'","")
			#print("THe no quotes path is: " +  no_quotes_path)
			#call mount_ewf function
			Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile,mount_point)

		#call mmls function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
		partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

		#get filesize of mmls_output.txt
		file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt") 

		#if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
		if(file_size == 0):
			print("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			#call parted function
			partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)	


			#read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
			mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
			for line in mmls_output_file:
				if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
					print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
					outfile.write("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
					#call parted function
					partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

		#loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
		for key,value in sorted(partition_info_dict.items()):

			#disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command is executed
			cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
				subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
				print("Autmount false failed")

			#call mount sub-routine
			success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(value,str(key),Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

				print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
				outfile.write("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
				print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")
				outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")

				#call av_scanner function for each mount_point
				process_folder(mount_point, output_folder_path, outfile, "partition_offset_"+str(key), conf_file)
				print("We just finished scanning every file...sorting output")

				#unmount and remove mount points
					subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
				#unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
				if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
					losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
					subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)


		#delete /tmp files created for each partition
		if (os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
			os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")

	#close logfile

	#remove mount points created for this program
		subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)

#run text files through unix2dos
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(output_folder_path):
		for filenames in files:
			#get file extension
			fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
			if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
				full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
				quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
				print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + quoted_full_path)
				#unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + "'"+filenames+"'"
				unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
				subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #29
def av_scanner_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence,

    print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)
    print("The configuration file is located at: " + conf_file)

    evidence_no_quotes = evidence
    evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

    #get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #set Mount Point
    mount_point = "/mnt/" + "MantaRay_" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

    #create output folder path
    output_folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "AV_Scanner"
    check_for_folder(output_folder_path, "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = output_folder_path + "/AV_Scanner_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    if (item_to_process == "Single File"):
        print("Please put your file in a folder and then scan the folder")

    elif (item_to_process == "Directory"):
        folder_to_process = evidence_no_quotes
        process_folder(folder_to_process, output_folder_path, outfile,
                       "Directory", conf_file)
    elif (item_to_process == "EnCase Logical Evidence File"):
        file_to_process = evidence
        mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process,
        process_folder(mount_point, output_folder_path, outfile, "LEF",

        if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
            subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
    elif (item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):
        Image_Path = evidence
        #process every file on every partition
        #get datetime
        now = datetime.datetime.now()

        #set Mount Point
        mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

        #check if Image file is in Encase format
        if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):

            #strip out single quotes from the quoted path
            #no_quotes_path = Image_Path.replace("'","")
            #print("THe no quotes path is: " +  no_quotes_path)
            #call mount_ewf function
            Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

        #call mmls function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
        partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

        #get filesize of mmls_output.txt
        file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")

        #if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
        if (file_size == 0):
            print("mmls output was empty, running parted")
            outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted")
            #call parted function
            partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)


            #read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
            mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt",
            for line in mmls_output_file:
                if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
                        "We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
                        "We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n"
                    #call parted function
                    partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(
                        outfile, Image_Path)

        #loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
        for key, value in sorted(partition_info_dict.items()):

            #disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command is executed
            cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
                subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
                print("Autmount false failed")

            #call mount sub-routine
            success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(
                value, str(key), Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

            if (success_code):
                print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value +
                      " at offset:" + str(key))
                outfile.write("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " +
                              value + " at offset:" + str(key))

                print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" +
                      str(key) + "\n")
                outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value +
                              " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")

                #call av_scanner function for each mount_point
                process_folder(mount_point, output_folder_path, outfile,
                               "partition_offset_" + str(key), conf_file)
                print("We just finished scanning every file...sorting output")

                #unmount and remove mount points
                if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
                    subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point],
                #unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
                if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
                    losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
                    subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)

        #delete /tmp files created for each partition
        if (os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
            os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")

    #close logfile

    #remove mount points created for this program
    if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
    if (os.path.exists(mount_point + "_ewf")):
        subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)
        os.rmdir(mount_point + "_ewf")

#run text files through unix2dos
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(output_folder_path):
        for filenames in files:
            #get file extension
            fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
            if (fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
                full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + quoted_full_path)
                #unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + "'"+filenames+"'"
                unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
                subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #30
def carve_unallocated_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence, options):
	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)
	print("The options selected were: " + options)

	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()

	#set Mount Point
	mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S")
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Foremost"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/Foremost_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	Image_Path = evidence

	if(item_to_process == "Single File"):
		filename_to_process = evidence
		#set up foremost command
		if(not re.search('Configuration', options)):
			foremost_command = "foremost -d -o " + "'" + folder_path  + "/" + filename_to_process + "/unallocated_files" + "'" +" -t " + str(options) + " -i " + Image_Path

			foremost_command = "foremost -d -o " + "'" + folder_path + "/" + filename_to_process + "/unallocated_files" + "'" +" -c /etc/foremost.conf -i " + Image_Path
		print("The foremost_command is: " + foremost_command + "\n")

		#for a single file we don't need to run blkls, we just need to execute the foremost command
		#run foremost command
		subprocess.call([foremost_command], shell=True)
	elif(item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):

		#check if Image file is in Encase format
		if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
			#get datetime
			now = datetime.datetime.now()

			#set Mount Point
			mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S")
			#mount_point = "/mnt/"+case_number+"_unallocated"
			Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)
		#call mmls function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
		#partition_info_dict_temp, temp_time = partition_info_dict

		#get filesize of mmls_output.txt
		file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + str(temp_time) + ".txt") 

		#if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
		if(file_size == 0):
			print("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			#call parted function
			partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

			#read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
			mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
			for line in mmls_output_file:
				if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
					print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
					outfile.write("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
					#call parted function
					partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)
			#close outfile

		#loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
		for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
			#convert filesystem information into format required by foremost
			if(value == "hfs+"):
				value = "hfs"
			elif(value == "fat"):
				value = "fat16"

			#multiply key (offset) by 512 so it is in the right format for blkls
			key_bytes = int(key)//512

			#set up blkls command to gather unallocated clusters
			blkls_command = "blkls -A -f " + value + " -i raw -o " + str(key_bytes) + " " + Image_Path
			print("The blkls command is: " + blkls_command + "\n")
			outfile.write("The blkls command is: " + blkls_command + "\n")
			#set up foremost command
			if(not re.search('Configuration', options)):
				foremost_command = "foremost -d -o " + "'" + folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key) + "/unallocated_files" + "'" +" -t " + str(options)
				foremost_command = "foremost -d -o " + "'" + folder_path  + "/Partition_" + str(key) + "/unallocated_files" + "'" +" -c /etc/foremost.conf"
			print("The foremost_command is: " + foremost_command + "\n")
			outfile.write("The foremost_command is: " + foremost_command + "\n")

			#set up command to pipe blkls through foremost
			pipe_command = blkls_command + "| " + foremost_command
			print("The pipe command is: " + pipe_command)
			outfile.write("The pipe command is: " + pipe_command)

			#run pipe command
			subprocess.call([pipe_command], shell=True)


	#run fdupes against output path to eliminate dupes
	remove_dupes_module_noask(evidence, outfile, folder_path)

	#close outfile

	#chdir to output foler

	#run text files through unix2dos
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
		for filenames in files:
			#get file extension
			fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
			if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
				full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
				quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
				print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
				unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
				subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)

	#unmount and remove mount points
	if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
			subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)

	#delete /tmp files
	if (os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
		os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
def extract_registry_hives_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path,
                              evidence, options):
    print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)
    print("The options selected were: " + options)

    evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

    #get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #set Mount Point
    mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Extracted_Registry_Hives"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/Extracted_Registry_Hives_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    Image_Path = evidence

    #set item variable to tell functions whether data is from shadow volumes
    item = "NO"

    #check if Image file is in Encase format
    if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
        #set mount point
        #mount_point = "/mnt/"+	case_number+"_ewf"
        Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

    #call mmls function
    partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
    partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

    #get filesize of mmls_output.txt
    file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")

    #if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
    if (file_size == 0):
        print("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
        outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
        #call parted function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)
        block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)


        #get block_size since mmls was successful
        block_size = get_block_size_mmls(Image_Path, outfile, temp_time)

        #read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
        mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
        for line in mmls_output_file:
            if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
                print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
                    "We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
                #call parted function
                partition_info_dict = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

    #loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
    for key, value in partition_info_dict.items():

        #process overt registy hives
        if (value == "ntfs") or (value == "fat32"):
            if not os.path.exists(folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key)):
                os.makedirs(folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key))
                #print("Just created output folder: " + folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key))
                outfile.write("Just created output folder: " + folder_path +
                              "/Partition_" + str(key) + "\n\n")
                print("Output folder: " + folder_path + "/Partition_" +
                      str(key) + " already exists")
                outfile.write("Output folder: " + folder_path + "/Partition_" +
                              str(key) + " already exists\n\n")
            if (re.search("Unallocated", options)):
                process_unallocated_clusters(value, key, Image_Path, outfile,
                                             case_number, folder_path,
            if (re.search("Overt", options)):
                process_overt_deleted_files(value, key, Image_Path, outfile,
                                            folder_path, block_size, item,
                                            "OVERT/DELETED", temp_time)
            if (re.search("Shadow", options)):
                vssvolume_mnt = check_for_shadow_volumes(
                    Image_Path, key, block_size, outfile, folder_path,

            check_for_valid_hives(folder_path, outfile)
            get_hive_type(folder_path, outfile, temp_time, key)
            reset_registry_hive_timestamps(folder_path, outfile)

            print("This partition is not formatted NTFS or FAT32")
            outfile.write("This partition is not formatted NTFS or FAT32\n\n")

    #run fdupes against output path to eliminate dupes
    remove_dupes_module_noask(folder_path, outfile, str(key))

    #chdir to output foler

    #unmount and remount points
    if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
        if (os.path.exists(mount_point + "_ewf")):
            subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"],
            os.rmdir(mount_point + "_ewf")

    #remove empty directories
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown=False):
        for directory in dirs:
            dir_path = os.path.join(root, directory)
            if not os.listdir(dir_path):
                outfile.write("Removing empty folder: " + dir_path + "\n")

    #close outfiles

    #run text files through unix2dos
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
        for filenames in files:
            #get file extension
            fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
            if (fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
                full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
                unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
                subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)

    #delete /tmp/ls_output.txt
    if (os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
        os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
    if (os.path.exists("/tmp/timeline_partition_info_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
        os.remove("/tmp/timeline_partition_info_" + temp_time + ".txt")
    if (os.path.exists("/tmp/dump_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
        os.remove("/tmp/dump_" + temp_time + ".txt")
    if (os.path.exists("/tmp/fls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
        os.remove("/tmp/fls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
    if (os.path.exists("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)):
        shutil.rmtree("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)

    return (folder_path)
예제 #32
def sa_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

	evidence_no_quotes = evidence
	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()

	#set Mount Point
	mount_point = "/mnt/" + "MantaRay_" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Static Malware Analysis"
	check_for_folder(folder_path , "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/Static_Malware_Analysis_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	if(item_to_process == "Single File"):
		#get base filename to process
		filename = os.path.basename(evidence_no_quotes)
		print("The file to process is: " + filename)

		#make output folder for this file
		check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + filename, "NONE")

		#run Mastiff
		run_mastiff(evidence, filename, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile)

		#run pescanner
		run_pescanner(evidence, filename, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile)

		#run pestr
		run_pestr(evidence, filename, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile)

		#run readpe
		run_readpe(evidence, filename, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile)

		#run pedump
		run_pedump(evidence, filename, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile)

		#run peframe
		run_peframe(evidence, filename, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile)

		#run signsrch
		run_signsrch(evidence, filename, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile)

	elif(item_to_process == "Directory"):
		folder_to_process = evidence_no_quotes
		#get base filename to process
		process_folder(folder_to_process, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile)
	elif(item_to_process =="EnCase Logical Evidence File"):
		file_to_process = evidence
		mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process, outfile)
		process_folder(mount_point, folder_path, evidence_no_quotes, outfile)

			subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)

	#remove mount points created for this program
		subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)

	#close outfile

	#run text files through unix2dos
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
		for filenames in files:
			#get file extension
			fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
			if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
				full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
				quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
				print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + quoted_full_path)
				unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
				subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #33
def volatility_mr(case_number, root_folder_path,  evidence, profile_to_use):
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Volatility"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")
	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/Volatility_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	Image_Path = evidence

	#add quotes to image path in case of spaces
	quoted_path = "'" +Image_Path +"'"

	#allow user to use pre-selected profile name
	if profile_to_use == "NOPROFILESELECTED":

		#run first volatility command to get image type
		print("Checking RAM image for imageinfo information...This may take a few minutes....\n")
		imageinfo = subprocess.check_output(["vol -f " + quoted_path + " imageinfo"], shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
		print("The value of imageinfo is: " + imageinfo)
		outfile.write("The value of imageinfo is: " + imageinfo)

		#have user specify the image type
		profile_type = enterbox(msg="Please Enter the profile to use", title='Profile Type',default='',strip=True,image=None,root=None)

		print("Profile selected: " + profile_type)	

		print("Using profile " + profile_to_use)
		profile_type = profile_to_use

	#run kdbgscan
	print("\n\n[1 of 40] Running kdbgscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	kdbgscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " kdbgscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_kdbgscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([kdbgscan_command], shell=True)

	#run kprcscan
	#print("Running kprcscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	#kprcscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " kprcscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_kprcscan.txt"+"'"
	#subprocess.call([kprcscan_command], shell=True)

	#run pslist
	print("\n\n[2 of 40] Running pslist.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	pslist_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " pslist > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_pslist.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([pslist_command], shell=True)

	#run pstree
	print("\n\n[3 of 40] Running pstree.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	pstree_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " pstree > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_pstree.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([pstree_command], shell=True)

	#run psscan
	print("\n\n[4 of 40] Running psscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	psscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " psscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_psscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([psscan_command], shell=True)

	#run dlllist
	print("\n\n[5 of 40] Running dlllist.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	dlllist_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " dlllist > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_dlllist.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([dlllist_command], shell=True)

	#run handles
	print("\n\n[6 of 40] Running handles.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	handles_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " handles > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_handles.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([handles_command], shell=True)

	#run getsids
	print("\n\n[7 of 40] Running getsids.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	getsids_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " getsids > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_getsids.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([getsids_command], shell=True)

	#run verinfo
	#print("Running verinfo.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	#verinfo_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " verinfo > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_verinfo.txt"+"'"
	#subprocess.call([verinfo_command], shell=True)

	#run modules
	print("\n\n[8 of 40] Running modules.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	modules_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " modules > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_modules.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([modules_command], shell=True)

	#run modscan
	print("\n\n[9 of 40] Running modscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	modscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " modscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_modscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([modscan_command], shell=True)

	#run moddump
	#mkdir for moddump 
	os.mkdir(folder_path + "/moddump/")
	print("\n\n[10 of 40] Running moddump.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	moddump_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " moddump -D " + "'" +folder_path + "/moddump/" + "'" + " > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_moddump.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([moddump_command], shell=True)

	#run ssdt
	print("\n\n[11 of 40] Running ssdt.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	ssdt_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " ssdt > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_ssdt.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([ssdt_command], shell=True)

	#run driverscan
	print("\n\n[12 of 40] Running driverscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	driverscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " driverscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_driverscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([driverscan_command], shell=True)

	#run modscan
	print("\n\n[13 of 40] Running modscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	modscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " modscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_modscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([modscan_command], shell=True)

	#run filescan
	print("\n\n[14 of 40] Running filescan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	filescan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " filescan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_filescan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([filescan_command], shell=True)

	#run mutantscan
	print("\n\n[15 of 40] Running mutantscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	mutantscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " mutantscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_mutantscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([mutantscan_command], shell=True)

	#run symlinkscan
	print("\n\n[16 of 40] Running symlinkscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	symlinkscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " symlinkscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_symlinkscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([symlinkscan_command], shell=True)

	#run thrdscan
	print("\n\n[17 of 40] Running thrdscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	thrdscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " thrdscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_thrdscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([thrdscan_command], shell=True)

	#run connections
	print("\n\n[18 of 40] Running connections.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	connections_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " connections > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_connections.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([connections_command], shell=True)

	#run sockets
	print("\n\n[19 of 40] Running sockets.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	sockets_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " sockets > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_sockets.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([sockets_command], shell=True)

	#run sockscan
	print("\n\n[20 of 40] Running sockscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	sockscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " sockscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_sockscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([sockscan_command], shell=True)

	#run netscan
	print("\n\n[21 of 40] Running netscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	netscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " netscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_netscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([netscan_command], shell=True)

	#run hivescan
	print("\n\n[22 of 40] Running hivescan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	hivescan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " hivescan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_hivescan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([hivescan_command], shell=True)

	#run hivelist
	print("\n\n[23 of 40] Running hivelist.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	hivelist_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " hivelist > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_hivelist.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([hivelist_command], shell=True)

	#run userassist
	print("\n\n[24 of 40] Running userassist.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	userassist_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " userassist > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_userassist.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([userassist_command], shell=True)

	#run svcscan
	print("\n\n[25 of 40] Running svcscan.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	svcscan_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " svcscan > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_svcscan.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([svcscan_command], shell=True)

	#run ldrmodules
	print("\n\n[26 of 40] Running ldrmodules.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	ldrmodules_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " ldrmodules > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_ldrmodules.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([ldrmodules_command], shell=True)

	#run idt
	#print("Running idt.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	#idt_command = "vol idt -f " + quoted_path + "  > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_idt.txt"+"'"
	#subprocess.call([idt_command], shell=True)

	#run gdt
	print("\n\n[27 of 40] Running gdt.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	gdt_command = "vol gdt -f " + quoted_path + "  > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_gdt.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([gdt_command], shell=True)

	#run callbacks
	print("\n\n[28 of 40] Running callbacks.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	callbacks_command = "vol -f " + quoted_path + " callbacks > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + 	case_number + "_callbacks.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([callbacks_command], shell=True)

	#run devicetree
	print("\n\n[29 of 40] Running devicetree.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	devicetree_command = "vol -f " + quoted_path + " devicetree > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_devicetree.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([devicetree_command], shell=True)

	#VistaSP0x86run psxview
	print("\n\n[30 of 40] Running psxview.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.html) for more information\n")
	psxview_command = "vol -f " + quoted_path + " psxview > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_psxview.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([psxview_command], shell=True)

	#run privs
	print("\n\n[31 of 40] Running privs.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	privs_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " privs > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_privs.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([privs_command], shell=True)

	#run iehistory
	print("\n\n[32 of 40] Running devicetree.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	iehistory_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " iehistory > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_iehistory.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([iehistory_command], shell=True)

	#run unloadedmodules
	print("\n\n[33 of 40] Running unloadedmodules.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	unloadedmodules_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " unloadedmodules > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_unloadedmodules.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([unloadedmodules_command], shell=True)

	#run shellbags
	print("\n\n[34 of 40] Running shellbags.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	shellbags_command = "vol -f " + quoted_path + " shellbags > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_shellbags.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([shellbags_command], shell=True)

	#run vboxinfo
	print("\n\n[35 of 40] Running vboxinfo.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	vboxinfo_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " vboxinfo > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_vboxinfo.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([vboxinfo_command], shell=True)

	#run vmwareinfo
	print("\n\n[36 of 40] Running vmwareinfo.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	vmwareinfo_command = "vol -f " + quoted_path + " vmwareinfo > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_vmwareinfo.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([vmwareinfo_command], shell=True)

	#run hpakinfo
	print("\n\n[37 of 40] Running hpakinfo.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	hpakinfo_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " hpakinfo > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_hpakinfo.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([hpakinfo_command], shell=True)

	#run hpakextract
#	print("Running hpakextract.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
#	hpakextract_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " hpakextract > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_hpakextract.txt"+"'"
#	subprocess.call([hpakextract_command], shell=True)

	#run mbrparser
	print("\n\n[38 of 40] Running mbrparser.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	mbrparser_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " mbrparser > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_mbrparser.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([mbrparser_command], shell=True)

	#run mftparser
	print("\n\n[39 of 40] Running mftparser.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	mftparser_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " mftparser > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_mftparser.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([mftparser_command], shell=True)

	#run timeliner
	print("\n\n[40 of 40] Running timeliner.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	timeliner_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " timeliner > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_timeliner.txt"+"'"
	subprocess.call([timeliner_command], shell=True)

	#run dumpcerts
	#print("Running dumpcerts.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	#dumpcerts_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " dumpcerts > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_dumpcerts.txt"+"'"
	#subprocess.call([dumpcerts_command], shell=True)

	#run dumpfiles
	#	os.mkdir(folder_path + "/dumpfiles")
	#	print("Running dumpfiles.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/local/src/Manta_Ray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	#	dumpfiles_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " dumpfiles --dump-dir " + "'"+folder_path + "/dumpfiles"+"'"
	#	subprocess.call([dumpfiles_command], shell=True)
	#	print("Dumpdirs failed. Please report to MantaRay Forums at MantaRayForensics.com")
	#	outfile.write("\n#######\nDumpdirs failed. Please report to MantaRay Forums at MantaRayForensics.com\n#######\n")

	#run timers
	#print("Running timers.\nSee Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n")
	#timers_command = "vol --profile=" + profile_type + " -f " + quoted_path + " timers > " + "'"+folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_timers.txt"+"'"
	#subprocess.call([timers_command], shell=True)

	#close outfile

	#change dir into output folder

	#run unix2dos on text files
	unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos *.txt"
	subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #34
def volatility_mr(case_number, root_folder_path, evidence, selected_profile,
                  selected_plugin, selected_plugin_descr,

    ###Debug testing code###
    #print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    #print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    #print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Volatility"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/Volatility_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    Image_Path = evidence

    #add quotes to image path in case of spaces
    quoted_path = "'" + Image_Path + "'"

    #See Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n

    #start reporting lists####Still needs development; not being used at this time...
    win_plugins_complete = []
    win_plugins_not_supported = []
    win_plugins_skipped = []
    win_plugins_error = []

    ###debug printing###
    #print("This is selected_plugin type:\n",type(selected_plugin))
    #print("This is selected_plugin:\n",selected_plugin)
    #print("This is selected_plugin_descr:\n",selected_plugin_descr)

    #print banner - MR
    print("\nMantaRay > " + version)

    #print banner - Vol
    print("Volatility v2.4")

    print("Processing requested plugins:")

    #run selected plugins
    for plugin in selected_plugin:

        if plugin in suppress_list:
            num_index = complete_plugin_list.index(plugin)
            #print("This is num_index:",num_index)
            descr = selected_plugin_descr[num_index]
            print("\nRunning " + plugin + "...")
            print(descr + "...")
            print("The plugin " + plugin + " is not supported...")
            print("This plugin has advanced features.  Run manually...")
            outfile.write("The plugin " + plugin + " is not supported...\n")
                "This plugin has advanced features.  Run manually...\n\n")

        if plugin in plugin_not_currently_supported:
            num_index = complete_plugin_list.index(plugin)
            #print("This is num_index:",num_index)
            descr = selected_plugin_descr[num_index]
            print("\nRunning " + plugin + "...")
            print(descr + "...")
            print("The plugin " + plugin + " is not currently supported...")
            print("Support may be added in a future release...")
            print("Check GitHub for updates...")
            print("Currently running:", version)
            outfile.write("The plugin " + plugin +
                          " is not currently supported.\n")
            outfile.write("Support may be added in a future release.\n")
            outfile.write("Check GitHub for updates...\n")
            outfile.write("The plugin was skipped.\n\n")

        if plugin == 'pstotal':
            num_index = complete_plugin_list.index('pstotal')
            #print("This is num_index:",num_index)
            descr = selected_plugin_descr[num_index]
            plugin = 'pstotal.dot.full-graph'
            print("\nRunning pstotal...")

            pstotal_command = "vol.py --profile=" + selected_profile + " -f " + quoted_path \
            + " pstotal --output=dot > " + "'" + folder_path + \
            "/pstotal.dot.full-graph.txt" + "'"
            print("Processing DOT output for full process graph...")
            output = Popen([pstotal_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
            error_logging(outfile, folder_path, selected_profile, plugin,
                          output, win_plugins_error)

            pstotal_hidden_command = "vol.py --profile=" + selected_profile + " -f " + quoted_path \
            + " pstotal --output=dot -S -C > " + "'" + folder_path + \
            "/pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph.txt" + "'"
            print("Processing DOT output for only hidden process graph...")
            output = Popen([pstotal_hidden_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
            plugin = 'pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph'
            error_logging(outfile, folder_path, selected_profile, plugin,
                          output, win_plugins_error)

            pstotal_text_command = "vol.py --profile=" + selected_profile + " -f " + quoted_path + \
            " pstotal --output=text > " + "'" + folder_path + \
            "/pstotal.text-only.txt" + "'"
            print("Processing text output for hidden processes...")
            output = Popen([pstotal_text_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
            plugin = 'pstotal.text-only'
            error_logging(outfile, folder_path, selected_profile, plugin,
                          output, win_plugins_error)

            pstotal_graphviz_command1 = "dot -Tpng " + "'" + folder_path + "/pstotal.dot.full-graph.txt" \
            + "'" + " -o " + "'" + folder_path + \
            "/pstotal.dot.full-graph.png" + "'"
            print("Running Graphviz to create full graph (PNG)...")
            output = Popen([pstotal_graphviz_command1],
            plugin = 'pstotal.dot.full-graph'
            error_logging(outfile, folder_path, selected_profile, plugin,
                          output, win_plugins_error)

            pstotal_graphviz_command2 = "dot -Tpng " + "'" + folder_path + "/pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph.txt" \
            + "'" + " -o " + "'" + folder_path + \
            "/pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph.png" + "'"
            print("Running Graphviz to create hidden graph (PNG)...")
            output = Popen([pstotal_graphviz_command2],
            plugin = 'pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph'
            error_logging(outfile, folder_path, selected_profile, plugin,
                          output, win_plugins_error)

            plugin = 'pstotal'

        xp_2003_only_plugins = ['connections', 'evtlogs']

        if plugin in xp_2003_only_plugins:
            if re.search('XP', selected_profile):
                print("\nRunning [Windows XP and 2003 Only] plugin...")

            elif re.search('2003', selected_profile):
                print("\nRunning [Windows XP and 2003 Only] plugin...")


        xp_only_plugins = ['sockets', 'sockscan']

        if plugin in xp_only_plugins:
            if re.search('XP', selected_profile):
                print("\nRunning [Windows XP Only] plugin...")

        vista_and_newer_only_plugins = ['netscan', 'pooltracker']

        if plugin in vista_and_newer_only_plugins:
            os_support = ['Vista', 'Win7', 'Win8']
            for os_type in os_support:
                if re.search(os_type, selected_profile):
                    print("\nRunning Vista and newer only plugin...")

        ####ADD NEW MODULE####
        #elif plugin == <plugin name>:
        #	print("\nRunning " + plugin + "...")
        #	<plugin name>_command = "vol.py -f " + quoted_path + plugin + " > " \
        #	+ "'" + folder_path + "/<plugin name>.txt"+"'"
        #	output = Popen([<plugin name>_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
        #	error_logging(outfile,folder_path,selected_profile,plugin,output,win_plugins_error)
        #	win_plugins_complete.append('devicetree')

            num_index = complete_plugin_list.index(plugin)
            #print("This is num_index:",num_index)
            descr = selected_plugin_descr[num_index]
            print("\nRunning " + plugin + "...")
            #print("This is plugin:\n",plugin)
            processing_command = "vol.py --profile=" + selected_profile + " -f " + quoted_path + " " + plugin + " > " \
            + "'" + folder_path + "/" + plugin + ".txt"+"'"
            #print("Vol Processing Command:",processing_command)
            output = Popen([processing_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
            error_logging(outfile, folder_path, selected_profile, plugin,
                          output, win_plugins_error)

        except OSError as error:
            print("The plugin " + pluin +
                  "experienced an OSError and failed, see log file...\n")
            outfile.write("The plugin " + plugin +
                          " experienced an OSError and failed.\n")
            outfile.write(error + "\n")

    #close outfile

    #change permissions (option)
    #chmod_command = "chmod -R 777 " + root_folder_path
    #subprocess.call([chmod_command], shell=True)

    #change dir into output folder

    #run text files through unix2dos
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
        for filenames in files:
            #get file extension
            fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
            if (fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
                full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
                unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
                subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #35
def process_single_file(evidence, outfile, folder_path, key, outfile3):

    #initialize variables
    lat_long = []
    files_of_interest = {}
    files_of_interest_list = []

    #get file extension
    fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(evidence)
    print("The filename is: " + fileName)
    print("The fileext is: " + fileExtension)
    filenames = fileName + fileExtension
    quoted_full_path = '"' + evidence + '"'
    if (fileExtension.lower() == ".jpg") or (fileExtension.lower() == ".jpeg"):
        exiftool_command = "exiftool -ext " + fileExtension.lower(
        ) + " " + quoted_full_path + " | grep 'GPS Position'"
        result = subprocess.call([exiftool_command], shell=True)
        if (result):
            print("No GPS Data in file: " + filenames)
            #create output folder for processed files
            check_for_folder(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key),
                folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key) + "/GPS_DATA",

            #check to see if kml file exists
            if (os.path.isfile(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key) +
                               "/GPS_DATA/" + "GPS_EXIF_data.kml")):
                print("KML file already exists")
                #chdir to output folder
                os.chdir(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key) +
                kml = simplekml.Kml()

            #copy file with exifdata to output folder
            #shutil.copyfile(evidence, folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key) + "/GPS_DATA/" + filenames)

            #call exiftool again and capture the lat long information into a list
             latitude) = convert_dms_to_decimal(quoted_full_path,
            print("The latitude is: " + str(latitude))
            print("The longitude is: " + str(longitude))

            #add data to kml file
            kml.newpoint(name=filenames, coords=[(latitude, longitude)])

            #save kml file

            #add filename to list

            #get filesize
            file_size = os.path.getsize(evidence)
            file_size = int(file_size) // 1024
            #calculate MD5 value of file
            md5value = subprocess.check_output(
                ["md5sum " + quoted_full_path + "| awk '{print $1}'"],
            md5value = md5value.strip()
            outfile3.write(quoted_full_path + "\t" + md5value + "\t" +
                           str(file_size) + "\n")
예제 #36
def mr_registry(case_number, folder_to_process, root_folder_path):
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)

    #get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    temp_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "RegRipper"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/RegRipper_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    #set path to text files containing plugins to run for each hive type
    sam_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/sam"
    ntuser_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/ntuser-all"
    system_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/system"
    software_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/software"
    usrclass_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/usrclass-all"
    security_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/security"

    #read filename and atime into dictionary
    file_metadata = {}

    #run ls command against folder containing registry hives
    f = open('/tmp/ls_output_' + temp_time + '.txt', 'wt')
    ls_command = "ls -lt -ur | awk '{print $9, $10}'"
    print("The ls_command is: " + ls_command)
        print("Call to ls command failed")

    #read infile and process each file from oldest to youngest based on atime
    f = open('/tmp/ls_output_' + temp_time + '.txt', 'rt')
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        file_name = line
        abs_file_path = os.path.join(folder_to_process, file_name)

        #process hives in ascending order based on atime
        if (re.search("USRCLASS", file_name)):
            print("About to process file: " + file_name)
            process_usrclass(abs_file_path, usrclass_plugins, file_name,
                             folder_path, outfile)
        elif (re.search("NTUSER", file_name)):
            print("About to process file: " + file_name)
            process_ntuser(abs_file_path, ntuser_plugins, file_name,
                           folder_path, outfile)
        elif (re.search("SAM", file_name)):
            hive_name_info = "SAM_INFO"
            process_other_hives(abs_file_path, sam_plugins, file_name,
                                hive_name_info, folder_path, outfile)
        elif (re.search("SOFTWARE", file_name)):
            hive_name_info = "SOFTWARE_INFO"
            process_other_hives(abs_file_path, software_plugins, file_name,
                                hive_name_info, folder_path, outfile)
        elif (re.search("SYSTEM", file_name)):
            hive_name_info = "SYSTEM_INFO"
            process_other_hives(abs_file_path, system_plugins, file_name,
                                hive_name_info, folder_path, outfile)
        elif (re.search("SECURITY", file_name)):
            hive_name_info = "SECURITY_INFO"
            process_other_hives(abs_file_path, security_plugins, file_name,
                                hive_name_info, folder_path, outfile)


    #run text files through unix2dos
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
        for filenames in files:
            #get file extension
            fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
            if (fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
                full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
                unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
                subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)

    #close outfile

    #delete /tmp/ls_output.txt
    if (os.path.exists("/tmp/ls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
        os.remove("/tmp/ls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
예제 #37
def jumplist_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):

	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()

	#set Mount Point
	mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S")
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Jumplist_Parser"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/Jumplist_Parser_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')


	#select image to process
	Image_Path = evidence
	print("The image path is: " + Image_Path)

	#check to see if Image file is in Encase format
	if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
		#strip out single quotes from the quoted path
		no_quotes_path = Image_Path.replace("'","")
		print("The no quotes path is: " + no_quotes_path)
		#call mount_ewf function
		Image_Path = mount_ewf(no_quotes_path, outfile, mount_point)

	#call mmls function
	partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
	partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

	#get filesize of mmls_output.txt
	file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time +".txt") 
	print("The filesize is: " + str(file_size))

	#if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
	if(file_size == 0):
		print("mmls output was empty, running parted")
		outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted")
		#call parted function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)


		#read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
		mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
		for line in mmls_output_file:
			if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
				print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
				outfile.write("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
				#call parted function
				partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

	#loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
	#for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
	for key,value in sorted(partition_info_dict.items()):

		#disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command is executed
		cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
			subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
			print("Autmount false failed")

		#run mount command
		success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(value,key,Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

			print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
			outfile.write("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
			print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + ".\n")
			outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")
			#run jl.pl against every JumpList file found under mount_point if filesystem is fat32 or ntfs
			if(value == "ntfs") or (value=="fat32"):
				for root, dirs, files in os.walk(mount_point):
					for filenames in files:
						#get file extension
						fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
						if(fileExtension.lower() == ".automaticdestinations-ms"):
							full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
							quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
							print("Processing Jump List: " + filenames)
							outfile.write("Processing Jump List: " + filenames + "\n")

							#get profile name
							profile = get_account_profile_names(full_path, outfile)
							print("The profile is: " + profile)
							outfile.write("The profile is: " + profile + "\n")
							#process Jumplist files with jl.pl
							#jl_command = "perl /usr/share/windows-perl/jl.pl -u " + "'" + profile + "'" + " -f " + full_path + " >> " + "'" + folder_path + "/jumplist_metadata.txt" + "'"
							jl_command_tln = "perl /usr/share/windows-perl/jl.pl -u " + "'" + profile + "'" + " -t -f " + quoted_full_path + " >> " + "'" + folder_path + "/jumplist_metadata_tln.txt" + "'"
							outfile.write("The jl_command_tln is: " + jl_command_tln + "\n")
							subprocess.call([jl_command_tln], shell=True)
							print("Scanning file: " + filenames + ".  This file is not a jumplist.")
				#unmount and remove mount points
					subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
				#unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
				if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
					losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
					subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)
				print("Filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + " is not NTFS or FAT32")
				outfile.write("Filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + " is not NTFS or FAT32\n")

					subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
				#unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
				if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
					losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
					subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)
			#create timeline
			parse_command = "perl /usr/share/windows-perl/parse.pl -f " + "'" + folder_path + "/jumplist_metadata_tln.txt" + "'" + "> " + "'" + folder_path + "/jumplist_timeline.txt" + "'"
			subprocess.call([parse_command], shell=True)

	#unmount and remove mount points
	#	os.rmdir(mount_point)
		print("Unmounting mount point for ewf before exiting\n\n")
		subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)

	#program cleanup
	#convert outfile using unix2dos	
	#chdir to output foler

	#run text files through unix2dos
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
			for filenames in files:
				#get file extension
				fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
				if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
					full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
					quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
					print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
					unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + "'"+filenames+"'"
					subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #38
def entropy_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

	evidence_no_quotes = evidence
	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()

	#set Mount Point
	mount_point = "/mnt/" + "MantaRay_" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Entropy"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/Entropy_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	#open file to write output
	exp_file = folder_path + "/" + case_number +"_entropy.csv"
	export_file = open(exp_file, 'a+', encoding='latin-1', errors="ignore")
	#export_file = open(exp_file, 'a')

	if(item_to_process == "Single File"):
		ent = calc_entropy(evidence)

	elif(item_to_process == "Directory"):
		folder_to_process = evidence_no_quotes
		process_folder(folder_to_process, export_file, outfile)
	elif(item_to_process =="EnCase Logical Evidence File"):
		file_to_process = evidence
		mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process, outfile)
		process_folder(mount_point, export_file, outfile)

			subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
	elif(item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):
		Image_Path = evidence
		#process every file on every partition
		#get datetime
		now = datetime.datetime.now()

		#set Mount Point
		mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

		#check if Image file is in Encase format
		if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):

			#strip out single quotes from the quoted path
			#no_quotes_path = Image_Path.replace("'","")
			#print("THe no quotes path is: " +  no_quotes_path)
			#call mount_ewf function
			Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile,mount_point)

		#call mmls function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
		partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

		#get filesize of mmls_output.txt
		file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt") 

		#if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
		if(file_size == 0):
			print("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			#call parted function
			partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)	


			#read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
			mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
			for line in mmls_output_file:
				if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
					print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
					outfile.write("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
					#call parted function
					partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

		#loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
		for key,value in sorted(partition_info_dict.items()):

			#disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command is executed
			cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
				subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
				print("Autmount false failed")

			#call mount sub-routine
			success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(value,str(key),Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

				print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
				outfile.write("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
				print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")
				outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")

				#call entropy function for each mount_point
				process_folder(mount_point, export_file, outfile)
				print("We just finished calculating the entropy for every file...sorting output")

				#unmount and remove mount points
					subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
				#unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
				if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
					losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
					subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)


		#delete /tmp files created for each partition
		if (os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
			os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")


	#close output file

	#sort output file
	sort_command = "strings -a  " + "'" + exp_file + "'" + " |sort -t\| -r -k 2n > " + "'" + folder_path + "'" + "/" + case_number +"_entropy_sorted.csv"
	subprocess.call([sort_command], shell=True)

	#write header row to export_file
	#sed_command = "sed -i '1i\ Entropy,File Name,File Size,MD5,File Path' " + "'" + folder_path + "'" + "/" + 	case_number +"_entropy_sorted.csv"
	sed_command = "sed -i '1i\ Entropy,File Name,File Size,FilePath' " + "'" + folder_path + "'" + "/" + 	case_number +"_entropy_sorted.csv"
	subprocess.call([sed_command], shell=True)

	#remove original output file

	#remove mount points created for this program
		subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)
예제 #39
def extract_registry_hives_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence, options):
	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)
	print("The options selected were: " + options)

	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()

	#set Mount Point
	mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Extracted_Registry_Hives"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/Extracted_Registry_Hives_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	Image_Path = evidence

	#set item variable to tell functions whether data is from shadow volumes
	item = "NO"

	#check if Image file is in Encase format
	if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
		#set mount point
		#mount_point = "/mnt/"+	case_number+"_ewf"
		Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

	#call mmls function
	partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
	partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

	#get filesize of mmls_output.txt
	file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time +".txt") 

	#if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
	if(file_size == 0):
		print("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
		outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
		#call parted function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)
		block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)


		#get block_size since mmls was successful
		block_size = get_block_size_mmls(Image_Path, outfile, temp_time)

		#read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
		mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
		for line in mmls_output_file:
			if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
				print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
				outfile.write("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
				#call parted function
				partition_info_dict = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

	#loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
	for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():

		#process overt registy hives
		if(value =="ntfs") or (value=="fat32"):
			if not os.path.exists(folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key)):
				os.makedirs(folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key))
				#print("Just created output folder: " + folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key))	
				outfile.write("Just created output folder: " + folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key) + "\n\n")
				print("Output folder: " + folder_path +"/Partition_" + str(key) + " already exists")
				outfile.write("Output folder: " + folder_path +"/Partition_" + str(key) + " already exists\n\n")	
			if(re.search("Unallocated", options)):
				process_unallocated_clusters(value, key, Image_Path, outfile, case_number, folder_path, block_size)
			if(re.search("Overt", options)):		
				process_overt_deleted_files(value, key, Image_Path, outfile, folder_path, block_size, item, "OVERT/DELETED", temp_time)
			if(re.search("Shadow", options)):			
				vssvolume_mnt = check_for_shadow_volumes(Image_Path, key, block_size, outfile, folder_path, temp_time)
			check_for_valid_hives(folder_path, outfile)
			get_hive_type(folder_path, outfile, temp_time, key)
			reset_registry_hive_timestamps(folder_path, outfile)
			print("This partition is not formatted NTFS or FAT32")
			outfile.write("This partition is not formatted NTFS or FAT32\n\n")

	#run fdupes against output path to eliminate dupes
	remove_dupes_module_noask(folder_path, outfile, str(key))

	#chdir to output foler

	#unmount and remount points
	if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
			subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)

	#remove empty directories
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown = False):
		for directory in dirs:
			dir_path = os.path.join(root, directory)
			if not os.listdir(dir_path):
				outfile.write("Removing empty folder: " + dir_path + "\n")

	#close outfiles

	#run text files through unix2dos
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
		for filenames in files:
			#get file extension
			fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
			if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
				full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
				quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
				print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
				unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
				subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)

	#delete /tmp/ls_output.txt
	if (os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
		os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
	if (os.path.exists("/tmp/timeline_partition_info_" + temp_time +".txt")):
		os.remove("/tmp/timeline_partition_info_" + temp_time +".txt")
	if (os.path.exists("/tmp/dump_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
		os.remove("/tmp/dump_" + temp_time + ".txt")
	if (os.path.exists("/tmp/fls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
		os.remove("/tmp/fls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
	if (os.path.exists("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)):
		shutil.rmtree("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)

예제 #40
def filename_search_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path,
                       evidence, searchfile):
    print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

    #get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #set Mount Point
    mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S")

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Filename_Search"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    #create Log Folder
    log_folder_path = folder_path + "/" + "Filename_Logs"
    check_for_folder(log_folder_path, "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = log_folder_path + "/Filename_Search_Log.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    Image_Path = '"' + evidence + '"'

    #set item variable to tell functions whether data is from shadow volumes
    item = "NO"

    #check if Image file is in Encase format
    if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
        #set mount point
        mount_point = "/mnt/" + case_number + "_unallocated"
        Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

    #call mmls function
    partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
    partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

    #get filesize of mmls_output.txt
    file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")

    #if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
    if (file_size == 0):
        print("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
        outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
        #call parted function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)
        block_size = get_block_size_parted(outfile, temp_time)


        #get block_size since mmls was successful
        block_size = get_block_size_mmls(Image_Path, outfile)

        #read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
        mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
        for line in mmls_output_file:
            if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
                print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
                    "We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
                #call parted function
                partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

    #loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
    for key, value in partition_info_dict.items():

        #process overt registy hives
        if (value == "ntfs") or (value == "fat32"):
            if not os.path.exists(folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key)):
                os.makedirs(folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key))
                #print("Just created output folder: " + folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key))
                outfile.write("Just created output folder: " + folder_path +
                              "/Partition_" + str(key) + "\n\n")
                print("Output folder: " + folder_path + "/Partition_" +
                      str(key) + " already exists")
                outfile.write("Output folder: " + folder_path + "/Partition_" +
                              str(key) + " already exists\n\n")

            #chande output dir
            out_folder = folder_path + "/Partition_" + str(key)

            process_overt_deleted_files(value, key, Image_Path, outfile,
                                        folder_path, log_folder_path,
                                        out_folder, block_size, item,
                                        temp_time, searchfile)
            vssvolume_mnt = check_for_shadow_volumes(
                Image_Path, key, block_size, outfile, folder_path,
                log_folder_path, out_folder, temp_time, searchfile)

            print("This partition is not formatted NTFS or FAT32")
            outfile.write("This partition is not formatted NTFS or FAT32\n\n")

    #run fdupes against output path to eliminate dupes
    remove_dupes_module_noask(folder_path, outfile, str(key))

                    log_folder_path + "/fdupes_duplicates_log.txt")

    #chdir to output foler

    #unmount shadow volumes
    if (vssvolume_mnt != "NULL"):
        print("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt)
        outfile.write("Unmounting: " + vssvolume_mnt + "\n")
        subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + vssvolume_mnt], shell=True)

    #unmount and remount points
    if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
        if (os.path.exists(mount_point + "_ewf")):
            subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"],
            os.rmdir(mount_point + "_ewf")

    #remove empty directories
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown=False):
        for directory in dirs:
            dir_path = os.path.join(root, directory)
            if not os.listdir(dir_path):
                outfile.write("Removing empty folder: " + dir_path + "\n")

    #close outfiles

    #add md5 later
    #	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
    #		for f in files:
    #			current_file = os.path.join(root,f)
    #			H = hashlib.md5()
    #			with open(current_file) as FIN:
    #				H.update(FIN.read().encode('utf8'))
    #				out_prep = current_file + H.hexdigest()
    #				md5out.write(out_prep)
    #	md5out.close()

    #delete temp files
    #os.remove('/tmp/fls_output_ntfs_' + temp_time + '.txt')

    #run text files through unix2dos

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
        for filenames in files:
            #get file extension
            fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
            if (fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
                full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
                unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
                subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #41
def volatility_mr(case_number, root_folder_path,  evidence, selected_profile, selected_plugin, selected_plugin_descr, complete_plugin_list):

	###Debug testing code###
	#print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	#print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	#print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Volatility"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")
	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/Volatility_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	Image_Path = evidence

	#add quotes to image path in case of spaces
	quoted_path = "'" + Image_Path + "'"

	#See Volatility Commands reference data (/usr/share/mantaray/docs/VolatilityUsage23.rst) for more information\n

	#start reporting lists####Still needs development; not being used at this time...
	win_plugins_complete = []
	win_plugins_not_supported = []
	win_plugins_skipped = []
	win_plugins_error = []

	###debug printing###
	#print("This is selected_plugin type:\n",type(selected_plugin))
	#print("This is selected_plugin:\n",selected_plugin)
	#print("This is selected_plugin_descr:\n",selected_plugin_descr)

	#print banner - MR
	print("\nMantaRay > " + version)

	#print banner - Vol
	print("Volatility v2.4")

	print("Processing requested plugins:")
	#run selected plugins
	for plugin in selected_plugin:

		if plugin in suppress_list:
			num_index = complete_plugin_list.index(plugin)
			#print("This is num_index:",num_index)
			descr = selected_plugin_descr[num_index]
			print("\nRunning " + plugin + "...")
			print(descr + "...")
			print("The plugin " + plugin + " is not supported...")
			print("This plugin has advanced features.  Run manually...")
			outfile.write("The plugin " + plugin + " is not supported...\n")
			outfile.write("This plugin has advanced features.  Run manually...\n\n")

		if plugin in plugin_not_currently_supported:
			num_index = complete_plugin_list.index(plugin)
			#print("This is num_index:",num_index)
			descr = selected_plugin_descr[num_index]
			print("\nRunning " + plugin + "...")
			print(descr + "...")
			print("The plugin " + plugin + " is not currently supported...")
			print("Support may be added in a future release...")
			print("Check GitHub for updates...")
			print("Currently running:",version)
			outfile.write("The plugin " + plugin + " is not currently supported.\n")
			outfile.write("Support may be added in a future release.\n")
			outfile.write("Check GitHub for updates...\n")
			outfile.write("The plugin was skipped.\n\n")

		if plugin == 'pstotal':
			num_index = complete_plugin_list.index('pstotal')
			#print("This is num_index:",num_index)
			descr = selected_plugin_descr[num_index]
			plugin = 'pstotal.dot.full-graph'
			print("\nRunning pstotal...")

			pstotal_command = "vol.py --profile=" + selected_profile + " -f " + quoted_path \
			+ " pstotal --output=dot > " + "'" + folder_path + \
			"/pstotal.dot.full-graph.txt" + "'"
			print("Processing DOT output for full process graph...")
			output = Popen([pstotal_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
			pstotal_hidden_command = "vol.py --profile=" + selected_profile + " -f " + quoted_path \
			+ " pstotal --output=dot -S -C > " + "'" + folder_path + \
			"/pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph.txt" + "'"
			print("Processing DOT output for only hidden process graph...")
			output = Popen([pstotal_hidden_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
			plugin = 'pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph'

			pstotal_text_command = "vol.py --profile=" + selected_profile + " -f " + quoted_path + \
			" pstotal --output=text > " + "'" + folder_path + \
			"/pstotal.text-only.txt" + "'"
			print("Processing text output for hidden processes...")
			output = Popen([pstotal_text_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
			plugin = 'pstotal.text-only'

			pstotal_graphviz_command1 = "dot -Tpng " + "'" + folder_path + "/pstotal.dot.full-graph.txt" \
			+ "'" + " -o " + "'" + folder_path + \
			"/pstotal.dot.full-graph.png" + "'"
			print("Running Graphviz to create full graph (PNG)...")
			output = Popen([pstotal_graphviz_command1], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
			plugin = 'pstotal.dot.full-graph'

			pstotal_graphviz_command2 = "dot -Tpng " + "'" + folder_path + "/pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph.txt" \
			+ "'" + " -o " + "'" + folder_path + \
			"/pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph.png" + "'"
			print("Running Graphviz to create hidden graph (PNG)...")
			output = Popen([pstotal_graphviz_command2], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
			plugin = 'pstotal.dot.hidden-only-graph'

			plugin = 'pstotal'

		xp_2003_only_plugins = ['connections', 'evtlogs']

		if plugin in xp_2003_only_plugins: 
			if re.search('XP', selected_profile):
				print("\nRunning [Windows XP and 2003 Only] plugin...")

			elif re.search('2003', selected_profile):
				print("\nRunning [Windows XP and 2003 Only] plugin...")


		xp_only_plugins = ['sockets','sockscan']

		if plugin in xp_only_plugins: 
			if re.search('XP', selected_profile):
				print("\nRunning [Windows XP Only] plugin...")

		vista_and_newer_only_plugins = ['netscan','pooltracker']

		if plugin in vista_and_newer_only_plugins:
			os_support = ['Vista','Win7','Win8']  
			for os_type in os_support:
				if re.search(os_type, selected_profile):
					print("\nRunning Vista and newer only plugin...")

		####ADD NEW MODULE####
		#elif plugin == <plugin name>:	
		#	print("\nRunning " + plugin + "...")
		#	<plugin name>_command = "vol.py -f " + quoted_path + plugin + " > " \
		#	+ "'" + folder_path + "/<plugin name>.txt"+"'"
		#	output = Popen([<plugin name>_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)
		#	error_logging(outfile,folder_path,selected_profile,plugin,output,win_plugins_error)
		#	win_plugins_complete.append('devicetree')

			num_index = complete_plugin_list.index(plugin)
			#print("This is num_index:",num_index)
			descr = selected_plugin_descr[num_index]
			print("\nRunning " + plugin + "...")
			#print("This is plugin:\n",plugin)	
			processing_command = "vol.py --profile=" + selected_profile + " -f " + quoted_path + " " + plugin + " > " \
			+ "'" + folder_path + "/" + plugin + ".txt"+"'"
			#print("Vol Processing Command:",processing_command)
			output = Popen([processing_command], shell=True, stderr=PIPE)

		except OSError as error:
			print("The plugin " + pluin + "experienced an OSError and failed, see log file...\n")
			outfile.write("The plugin " + plugin + " experienced an OSError and failed.\n")
			outfile.write(error + "\n")
	#close outfile

	#change permissions (option)
	#chmod_command = "chmod -R 777 " + root_folder_path
	#subprocess.call([chmod_command], shell=True)

	#change dir into output folder

	#run text files through unix2dos
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
		for filenames in files:
			#get file extension
			fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
			if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
				full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
				quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
				print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
				unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
				subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #42
파일: be_mr.py 프로젝트: chapinb/mantaray
def be_mr(item_to_process, case_number, folder_path, evidence, whitelist_location, speed, keyword_list):
	evidence = "'" + evidence + "'"
	speed = speed.strip()

	#calculate number of processors to use (Speed-Slow, Speed-Fast, Speed-Med
	calc_cores_command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l"
	num_of_cores = subprocess.check_output([calc_cores_command], shell=True)
	num_of_cores = num_of_cores.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
	num_of_cores = num_of_cores.strip()
	print("This VM has " + str(num_of_cores) +" cores")

	if(num_of_cores == "1"):
		cores_to_use = 1	
	elif(speed == "Speed-Slow"):
		cores_to_use = 1
	elif(speed == "Speed-Med"):
		cores_to_use = int(num_of_cores)//2
	elif(speed == "Speed-Fast"):
		cores_to_use = num_of_cores 

	print("Item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("Case number is: " + case_number)
	print("Output folder is: " + folder_path)
	print("Evidence type is: " + evidence)
	print("Whitelist location is: " + whitelist_location)
	print("Processing speed is: " + speed)
	print("Keyword list is: " + keyword_list)

	#open a log file for output
	#log_file = folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_logfile.txt"
	#outfile = open(log_file, 'a')

	#add subfolder to output path so BE has empty folder to write to
	folder_path_be = "'" + folder_path +"/Bulk_Extractor_Results'" 
	check_for_folder(folder_path_be, "NONE")
	if(item_to_process == "Directory"):
		process_folder(evidence, folder_path_be, whitelist_location, speed, "NONE", keyword_list, cores_to_use)
	elif(item_to_process == "EnCase Logical Evidence File"):
		mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, evidence, "NONE")
		process_folder(mount_point, folder_path_be, whitelist_location, speed, "NONE", keyword_list, cores_to_use)
	elif(item_to_process == "Single File") or (item_to_process == "Memory Image") or (item_to_process == "EnCase Logical Evidence File"):

		#set up bulk extractor command
		if(whitelist_location != "NONE") and (keyword_list == "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -o " + folder_path_be + " -w " + whitelist_location + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location == "NONE") and (keyword_list =="NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -o " + folder_path_be + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location != "NONE") and (keyword_list != "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -o " + folder_path_be + " -w " + whitelist_location + " -x find l -F " + keyword_list + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location == "NONE") and (keyword_list != "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -o " + folder_path_be + " -x find -F " + keyword_list + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence

		#outfile.write("The be_command is: " + be_command + "\n")

		#run be_command
		print("The be command is: " + be_command)
		subprocess.call([be_command], shell=True)
	elif(item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):
		#set up bulk extractor command
		if(whitelist_location != "NONE") and (keyword_list == "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -C 60 -o " + folder_path_be + " -w " + whitelist_location + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location == "NONE") and (keyword_list =="NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -C 60 -o " + folder_path_be + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location != "NONE") and (keyword_list != "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -C 60 -o " + folder_path_be + " -w " + whitelist_location + " -x find -F " + keyword_list + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence
		elif(whitelist_location == "NONE") and (keyword_list != "NONE"):
			be_command = "bulk_extractor -C 60 -o " + folder_path_be + " -x find -F " + keyword_list + " -j " + str(cores_to_use) + " " + evidence

		#run be_command
		print("The be command is: " + be_command)
		subprocess.call([be_command], shell=True)

		#run fiwalk
		fiwalk_command = "fiwalk -x " + evidence + " >" + '"' + folder_path + "/Bulk_Extractor_Results/fiwalk_output.xml" + "'"
		print("Running fiwalk: " + fiwalk_command)
		subprocess.call([fiwalk_command], shell=True)

		#run identify_filenames.py
		identify_filenames_command = "python3 /usr/share/bulk_extractor/python/identify_filenames.py --all --imagefile " + evidence + " --xmlfile " + '"' + folder_path + "/Bulk_Extractor_Results/fiwalk_output.xml" + '"' + " "  + '"' + folder_path + "/Bulk_Extractor_Results" + '"' + " " + '"' + folder_path + "/Bulk_Extractor_Results/annotated_results/" + '"'
		print("Running identify_filenames.py: " + identify_filenames_command)
		subprocess.call([identify_filenames_command], shell=True)

		#chdir to output foler

		#run text files through unix2dos
		for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path + "/Bulk_Extractor_Results/"):
			for filenames in files:
				#get file extension
				fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
				if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
					full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
					quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
					print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + quoted_full_path)
					#unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + "'"+filenames+"'"
					unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
					subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)
예제 #43
def mr_registry(case_number, folder_to_process, root_folder_path):
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()
	temp_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "RegRipper"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/RegRipper_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	#set path to text files containing plugins to run for each hive type
	sam_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/sam"
	ntuser_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/ntuser-all"
	system_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/system"
	software_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/software"
	usrclass_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/usrclass-all"
	security_plugins = "/usr/share/regripper/plugins/security"

	#read filename and atime into dictionary
	file_metadata = {}

	#run ls command against folder containing registry hives
	f = open('/tmp/ls_output_' + temp_time + '.txt', 'wt')
	ls_command = "ls -lt -ur | awk '{print $9, $10}'"
	print("The ls_command is: " + ls_command)
		subprocess.call([ls_command], shell=True, stdout = f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
		print("Call to ls command failed")

	#read infile and process each file from oldest to youngest based on atime
	f = open('/tmp/ls_output_' + temp_time + '.txt', 'rt')
	for line in f:
		line = line.strip()
		file_name = line
		abs_file_path = os.path.join(folder_to_process,file_name)

		#process hives in ascending order based on atime
		if(re.search("USRCLASS", file_name)):
			print("About to process file: " + file_name)
			process_usrclass(abs_file_path, usrclass_plugins, file_name, folder_path, outfile)
		elif(re.search("NTUSER", file_name)):
			print("About to process file: " + file_name)
			process_ntuser(abs_file_path, ntuser_plugins, file_name, folder_path, outfile)
		elif(re.search("SAM", file_name)):
			hive_name_info = "SAM_INFO"
			process_other_hives(abs_file_path, sam_plugins, file_name, hive_name_info, folder_path, outfile)
		elif(re.search("SOFTWARE", file_name)):
			hive_name_info = "SOFTWARE_INFO"
			process_other_hives(abs_file_path, software_plugins, file_name, hive_name_info, folder_path, outfile)
		elif(re.search("SYSTEM", file_name)):
			hive_name_info = "SYSTEM_INFO"
			process_other_hives(abs_file_path, software_plugins, file_name, hive_name_info, folder_path, outfile)
		elif(re.search("SECURITY", file_name)):
			hive_name_info = "SECURITY_INFO"
			process_other_hives(abs_file_path, software_plugins, file_name, hive_name_info, folder_path, outfile)



	#run text files through unix2dos
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
		for filenames in files:
			#get file extension
			fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
			if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
				full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
				quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
				print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
				unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
				subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)

	#close outfile

	#delete /tmp/ls_output.txt
	if (os.path.exists("/tmp/ls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
		os.remove("/tmp/ls_output_" + temp_time +".txt")
예제 #44
def plaso_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
	#(evidence_type, case_number, folder_path, evidence_path.strip())
	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

	evidence_no_quotes = evidence
	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	root_folder_path_no_quotes = root_folder_path
	root_folder_path = "'" + root_folder_path + "'"

	#get datetime
	now = datetime.datetime.now()
	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path_no_quotes + "/" + "Plaso"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/Plaso_mr_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	if(item_to_process == "Directory"):
		folder_to_process = evidence_no_quotes
		process_folder(folder_path, case_number, folder_to_process, outfile)
	elif(item_to_process =="EnCase Logical Evidence File"):
		file_to_process = evidence
		mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process, outfile)
		process_folder(mount_point, export_file, outfile)

			subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
	elif(item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image"):
		Image_Path = evidence_no_quotes
		#get datetime
		now = datetime.datetime.now()
		process_folder(folder_path, case_number, Image_Path, outfile)


		## I have not been able to test this code yet since I don't have a large enough test imge
		#set file to split
		#file_to_split = folder_path + "/" + case_number + ".plaso.csv"
		#file_to_split_basename = case_number + ".plaso.csv"

		#pass csv file to split_csv to see if it needs to get split
		#split_csv(case_number, folder_path, outfile)
		#split_csv(case_number, folder_path, outfile, file_to_split, file_to_split_basename)



	#close output file
예제 #45
def pst_processor_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
    #(evidence_type, case_number, folder_path, evidence_path.strip())

    print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

    evidence_no_quotes = evidence
    evidence = "'" + evidence + "'"

    root_folder_path_no_quotes = root_folder_path
    root_folder_path = "'" + root_folder_path + "'"

    #get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path_no_quotes + "/" + "PST_Extracted_Emails"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    #create folder for extracted_messages
    check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" "All Extracted_Messages", "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/PST_mr_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    emails_of_interest_file = subprocess.check_output([
        'zenity --file-selection --filename="/mnt/hgfs/" '
        '--title "Select file containing email addresses of interest (comma seperated)"'

    #process the PST file
    process_pst_command = 'readpst -o ' + "'" + folder_path + "/" "All Extracted_Messages" + "'" + " -D -j 4 -r -tea -e " + evidence
    print("The process_pst_command is: " + process_pst_command)
    subprocess.call([process_pst_command], shell=True, universal_newlines=True)

    #open emails_of_interest_file and parse emails into list
    with open(emails_of_interest_file.strip(), 'r',
              encoding='utf-8') as infile:
        for line in infile:
            email_addresses_split = line.split(',')
            for element in email_addresses_split:
                print("Creating output folder for email address: " + element)
                check_for_folder(folder_path + "/" + element, "NONE")

                #cd into the extracted_messages SENT folder
                os.chdir(folder_path + "/"
                         "All Extracted_Messages/Personal Folders/Sent Items")

                #run the grep command in the SENT folder
                grep_command = "grep -rl --null --include '*.msg' --include '*.eml' " + element + " | xargs -0r cp -t " + "'" + folder_path + "/" + element + "'"
                print("The grep_command is: " + grep_command)

    #close output file
예제 #46
def create_kml_from_exif_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
	print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
	print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
	print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
	print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

	evidence_no_quotes = evidence
	evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

	#create output folder path
	folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "KML_From_EXIF"
	check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

	#open a log file for output
	log_file = folder_path + "/KML_From_EXIF_logfile.txt"
	outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

	#initialize variables
	files_of_interest = {}
	files_of_interest_list = []
	mount_point = "NONE"

	log_file3 = folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_files_to_exploit.xls"
	outfile3 = open(log_file3, 'wt+')

	#write out column headers to xls file
	outfile3.write("Name\tMD5\tFile Size (kb)\n")

	if(item_to_process == "Directory"):
		#select folder to process
		folder_process = evidence_no_quotes
		#set folder variable to "folder" since this is a folder and not a disk partition
		folder = "Directory"

		#call process subroutine
		process(folder_process, outfile, folder_path, folder, outfile3)

	elif(item_to_process == 'EnCase Logical Evidence File'):
		folder = "LEF"
		file_to_process = evidence
		mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process, outfile)
		process(mount_point, outfile, folder_path, folder, outfile3)

			subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)

	elif(item_to_process == 'Single File'):
		process_single_file(evidence_no_quotes, outfile, folder_path, "Single-File", outfile3)

	elif(item_to_process == 'Bit-Stream Image'):

		#select image to process
		Image_Path = evidence

		#get datetime
		now = datetime.datetime.now()

		#set Mount Point
		mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S")	

		#check to see if Image file is in Encase format
		if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
			#strip out single quotes from the quoted path
			no_quotes_path = Image_Path.replace("'","")
			print("The no quotes path is: " + no_quotes_path)
			#call mount_ewf function
			cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
				subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
				print("Autmount false failed")
			Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

		#call mmls function
		partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
		#partition_info_dict_temp, temp_time = partition_info_dict

		#get filesize of mmls_output.txt
		file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time +".txt") 
		print("The filesize is: " + str(file_size))

		#if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
		if(file_size == 0):
			print("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted")
			#call parted function
			partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)	

			#read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
			mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
			for line in mmls_output_file:
				if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
					print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
					outfile.write("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
					#call parted function
					partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

			#close file

		#loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
		#for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
		for key,value in sorted(partition_info_dict.items()):

			#create output folder for processed files
			if not os.path.exists(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key)):
				os.mkdir(folder_path + "/Processed_files_" + str(key))

			#disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command is executed
			cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
				subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
				print("Autmount false failed")

			#call mount sub-routine
			success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(value,key,Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

				print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
				outfile.write("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
				print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + ". Scanning for files of interest.....\n")
				outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")

				#call process subroutine
				process(mount_point, outfile, folder_path, key, outfile3)

				#unmount and remove mount points
					subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
				#unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
				if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
					losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
					subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)

			#delete /tmp files created for processing bit-stream images
			if (os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")):
				os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")

	#write out list of filenames to end of output file so that user can create a filter for those filenames in Encase
	outfile3.write("\n\n******** LIST of FILENAMES of INTEREST ******************\n")
	#sort list so that all values are unique
	for files in files_of_interest_list:
		outfile3.write(files + "\n")

	#program cleanup

	#remove mount points created for this program
		subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point], shell=True)
		subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)
	#convert outfile using unix2dos	
	#chdir to output foler

	#run text files through unix2dos
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
		for filenames in files:
			#get file extension
			fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
			if(fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
				full_path = os.path.join(root,filenames)
				quoted_full_path = "'" +full_path+"'"
				print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
				unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + filenames
				subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)

	#delete empty directories in output folder
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown=False):	
		for directories in dirs:
			files = []
			dir_path = os.path.join(root,directories)
			files = os.listdir(dir_path)	
			if(len(files) == 0):

	#unmount and remove mount points
	if(mount_point != "NONE"):
			subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)
예제 #47
def plist_processor(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):
    print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

    evidence_no_quotes = evidence
    evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

    # get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    # set Mount Point
    mount_point = "/mnt/" + "MantaRay_" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

    # create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "PLIST_Processor"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    # open a log file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/PLIST_processor_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, "wt+")

    # open an error file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/PLIST_processor_error_log.txt"
    outfile_error = open(log_file, "wt+")

    # open file to write output
    exp_file = folder_path + "/" + case_number + "_PLIST_Triage.txt"
    export_file = open(exp_file, "a")

    if item_to_process == "Directory":
        folder_to_process = evidence_no_quotes
        process_folder(folder_to_process, export_file, outfile, outfile_error, now)
    elif item_to_process == "EnCase Logical Evidence File":
        file_to_process = evidence
        mount_point = mount_encase_v6_l01(case_number, file_to_process, outfile)
        process_folder(mount_point, export_file, outfile, outfile_error, now)

        # umount
        if os.path.exists(mount_point):
            subprocess.call(["sudo umount -f " + mount_point], shell=True)
    elif item_to_process == "Bit-Stream Image":

        # set Mount Point
        mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S_%f")

        Image_Path = evidence

        # check if Image file is in Encase format
        if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
            # set mount point
            # mount_point = "/mnt/"+	case_number+"_ewf"
            Image_Path = mount_ewf(Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

            # call mmls function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
        partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

        # get filesize of mmls_output.txt
        file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")

        # if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
        if file_size == 0:
            print("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
            outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted\n")
            # call parted function
            partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)


            # read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
            mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", "r")
            for line in mmls_output_file:
                if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
                    print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
                    outfile.write("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
                    # call parted function
                    partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

            # loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
        for key, value in partition_info_dict.items():
            cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
                subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
                print("Autmount false failed")

                # process plist files
            if value == "hfs+":
                # call mount sub-routine
                success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(value, str(key), Image_Path, outfile, mount_point)

                if success_code:
                    print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))
                    outfile.write("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key))

                    print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")
                    outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")

                    # process
                    process_folder(mount_point, export_file, outfile, outfile_error, now)

                    # unmount
                    subprocess.call(["umount " + mount_point], shell=True)
                    subprocess.call(["losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount], shell=True)

                print("This partition is not formatted HFS+")
                outfile.write("This partition is not formatted HFS+\n\n")
                # close export_file

        # chdir to output foler

        # unmount and remount points
        if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
            if os.path.exists(mount_point + "_ewf"):
                subprocess.call(["sudo umount -f " + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)
                os.rmdir(mount_point + "_ewf")

                # remove empty directories
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path, topdown=False):
            for directory in dirs:
                dir_path = os.path.join(root, directory)
                if not os.listdir(dir_path):
                    outfile.write("Removing empty folder: " + dir_path + "\n")

                    # close outfiles

        # run text files through unix2dos
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
            for filenames in files:
                # get file extension
                fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
                if fileExtension.lower() == ".txt":
                    full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                    quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                    print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + filenames)
                    unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
                    subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)

                    # delete /tmp/ls_output.txt
        if os.path.exists("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt"):
            os.remove("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
        if os.path.exists("/tmp/timeline_partition_info_" + temp_time + ".txt"):
            os.remove("/tmp/timeline_partition_info_" + temp_time + ".txt")
        if os.path.exists("/tmp/dump_" + temp_time + ".txt"):
            os.remove("/tmp/dump_" + temp_time + ".txt")
        if os.path.exists("/tmp/fls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt"):
            os.remove("/tmp/fls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
        if os.path.exists("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time):
            shutil.rmtree("/tmp/hives_to_rename_" + temp_time)
예제 #48
def jumplist_mr(item_to_process, case_number, root_folder_path, evidence):

    print("The item to process is: " + item_to_process)
    print("The case_name is: " + case_number)
    print("The output folder is: " + root_folder_path)
    print("The evidence to process is: " + evidence)

    evidence = '"' + evidence + '"'

    #get datetime
    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    #set Mount Point
    mount_point = "/mnt/" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S")

    #create output folder path
    folder_path = root_folder_path + "/" + "Jumplist_Parser"
    check_for_folder(folder_path, "NONE")

    #open a log file for output
    log_file = folder_path + "/Jumplist_Parser_logfile.txt"
    outfile = open(log_file, 'wt+')

    #select image to process
    Image_Path = evidence
    print("The image path is: " + Image_Path)

    #check to see if Image file is in Encase format
    if re.search(".E01", Image_Path):
        #strip out single quotes from the quoted path
        no_quotes_path = Image_Path.replace("'", "")
        print("The no quotes path is: " + no_quotes_path)
        #call mount_ewf function
        Image_Path = mount_ewf(no_quotes_path, outfile, mount_point)

    #call mmls function
    partition_info_dict, temp_time = mmls(outfile, Image_Path)
    partition_info_dict_temp = partition_info_dict

    #get filesize of mmls_output.txt
    file_size = os.path.getsize("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt")
    print("The filesize is: " + str(file_size))

    #if filesize of mmls output is 0 then run parted
    if (file_size == 0):
        print("mmls output was empty, running parted")
        outfile.write("mmls output was empty, running parted")
        #call parted function
        partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)


        #read through the mmls output and look for GUID Partition Tables (used on MACS)
        mmls_output_file = open("/tmp/mmls_output_" + temp_time + ".txt", 'r')
        for line in mmls_output_file:
            if re.search("GUID Partition Table", line):
                print("We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted")
                    "We found a GUID partition table, need to use parted\n")
                #call parted function
                partition_info_dict, temp_time = parted(outfile, Image_Path)

    #loop through the dictionary containing the partition info (filesystem is VALUE, offset is KEY)
    #for key,value in partition_info_dict.items():
    for key, value in sorted(partition_info_dict.items()):

        #disable auto-mount in nautilis - this stops a nautilis window from popping up everytime the mount command is executed
        cmd_false = "sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false && sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"
            subprocess.call([cmd_false], shell=True)
            print("Autmount false failed")

        #run mount command
        success_code, loopback_device_mount = mount(value, key, Image_Path,
                                                    outfile, mount_point)

        if (success_code):
            print("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " + value +
                  " at offset:" + str(key))
            outfile.write("Could not mount partition with filesystem: " +
                          value + " at offset:" + str(key))

            print("We just mounted filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" +
                  str(key) + ".\n")
            outfile.write("We just mounted filesystem: " + value +
                          " at offset:" + str(key) + "\n")

            #run jl.pl against every JumpList file found under mount_point if filesystem is fat32 or ntfs
            if (value == "ntfs") or (value == "fat32"):
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(mount_point):
                    for filenames in files:
                        #get file extension
                        fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
                        if (fileExtension.lower() ==
                            full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                            quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                            print("Processing Jump List: " + filenames)
                            outfile.write("Processing Jump List: " +
                                          filenames + "\n")

                            #get profile name
                            profile = get_account_profile_names(
                                full_path, outfile)
                            print("The profile is: " + profile)
                            outfile.write("The profile is: " + profile + "\n")

                            #process Jumplist files with jl.pl
                            #jl_command = "perl /usr/share/windows-perl/jl.pl -u " + "'" + profile + "'" + " -f " + full_path + " >> " + "'" + folder_path + "/jumplist_metadata.txt" + "'"
                            jl_command_tln = "perl /usr/share/windows-perl/jl.pl -u " + "'" + profile + "'" + " -t -f " + quoted_full_path + " >> " + "'" + folder_path + "/jumplist_metadata_tln.txt" + "'"
                            outfile.write("The jl_command_tln is: " +
                                          jl_command_tln + "\n")
                            subprocess.call([jl_command_tln], shell=True)
                            print("Scanning file: " + filenames +
                                  ".  This file is not a jumplist.")
                #unmount and remove mount points
                if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
                    subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point],
                #unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
                if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
                    losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
                    subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)
                print("Filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" + str(key) +
                      " is not NTFS or FAT32")
                outfile.write("Filesystem: " + value + " at offset:" +
                              str(key) + " is not NTFS or FAT32\n")

                if (os.path.exists(mount_point)):
                    subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point],
                #unmount loopback device if this image was HFS+ - need to run losetup -d <loop_device> before unmounting
                if not (loopback_device_mount == "NONE"):
                    losetup_d_command = "losetup -d " + loopback_device_mount
                    subprocess.call([losetup_d_command], shell=True)
            #create timeline
            parse_command = "perl /usr/share/windows-perl/parse.pl -f " + "'" + folder_path + "/jumplist_metadata_tln.txt" + "'" + "> " + "'" + folder_path + "/jumplist_timeline.txt" + "'"
            subprocess.call([parse_command], shell=True)

    #unmount and remove mount points
    #	os.rmdir(mount_point)
    if (os.path.exists(mount_point + "_ewf")):
        print("Unmounting mount point for ewf before exiting\n\n")
        subprocess.call(['sudo umount -f ' + mount_point + "_ewf"], shell=True)
        os.rmdir(mount_point + "_ewf")

    #program cleanup
    #convert outfile using unix2dos
    #chdir to output foler

    #run text files through unix2dos
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path):
        for filenames in files:
            #get file extension
            fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filenames)
            if (fileExtension.lower() == ".txt"):
                full_path = os.path.join(root, filenames)
                quoted_full_path = "'" + full_path + "'"
                print("Running Unix2dos against file: " + quoted_full_path)
                #unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + "'"+filenames+"'"
                unix2dos_command = "sudo unix2dos " + quoted_full_path
                subprocess.call([unix2dos_command], shell=True)