예제 #1
def super_path(function, args, params):
    N = int(params['N'])
    if WIDE:
        g = make_grid(N * 3, N)
        g = make_grid(N, N)
    fn_params = {}
    p_params = {}

    for param, value in params.iteritems():
        if param in args:
            fn_params[param] = value

    for (i, j) in g:
        if WIDE:
            g[(i, j)] = function(i, j, dx=-3 * N / 2, dy=-N / 2, **fn_params)
            g[(i, j)] = function(i, j, dx=-N / 2, dy=-N / 2, **fn_params)

    radius = N / 2 - N * FRACTION
    angle = params.get('angle', 0)
    s_angle = radians(angle)
    e_angle = radians(angle + 180)
    sx = int(N / 2 - cos(s_angle) * radius)
    sy = int(N / 2 + sin(s_angle) * radius)
    if WIDE:
        ex = 3 * N - N * FRACTION - 1
        ex = int(N / 2 - cos(e_angle) * radius)
    ey = int(N / 2 + sin(e_angle) * radius)
    (score, path) = djikstra(g, (sx, sy), (ex, ey),
    return g, score, path
예제 #2
def super_path(function, args, params):
    N = int( params['N'] )
    if WIDE:
        g = make_grid(N*3, N)
        g = make_grid(N,N)
    fn_params = {}
    p_params = {}
    for param, value in params.iteritems():
        if param in args:
            fn_params[param] = value
    for (i,j) in g:
        if WIDE:
            g[ (i,j) ] = function(i,j,dx=-3*N/2, dy=-N/2, **fn_params)
            g[ (i,j) ] = function(i,j,dx=-N/2, dy=-N/2, **fn_params)

    radius = N/2-N*FRACTION
    angle = params.get('angle', 0)
    s_angle = radians(angle)
    e_angle = radians(angle + 180)
    sx = int(N/2 - cos( s_angle ) * radius)
    sy = int(N/2 + sin( s_angle ) * radius)
    if WIDE:
        ex = 3*N-N*FRACTION-1
        ex = int(N/2 - cos( e_angle) * radius)
    ey = int(N/2 + sin( e_angle ) * radius)
    (score, path) = djikstra(g, (sx,sy), (ex,ey), constant=params['P'], neighbors=params['eight'])
    return g, score, path
예제 #3
def test_djikstra():
    answers = [float("Inf"), 0, 2, 3, 4, 6]
    source = 1
    n = 5
    graph = {
        1: [(2, 2), (3, 4)],
        2: [(3, 1), (4, 2)],
        3: [(5, 4)],
        4: [(5, 2)],
        5: []

    shortest_paths = djikstra(graph, n, source)
    for i in range(n + 1):
        assert shortest_paths[i] == answers[i]
예제 #4
 def test_multiple_poly_djikstra(self):
     robot = Object(Point(20, 40), 
             [Polygon([Point(0, 0), Point(30, 30), Point(10, -20)]), 
                 Polygon([Point(0, 0), Point(10, -20), Point(10, -30), Point(0, -30)])])
     obs = Object(Point(20,20), 
             [Polygon([Point(100, 100), Point(100, 200), Point(300, 200), Point(300, 100)])])
     cspace_obj = obs.cspace_object(robot)
     goal = Point(300, 300)
     world = World(robot, [obs], goal, self.window)
     graph = world.graph_to_weighted_graph()
     (cost, edges) = djikstra(graph, robot.ref_point, goal)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(cost, 424.94202022)
     if DRAW:
예제 #5
 def test_djikstra(self):
     robot = Object(Point(20, 40), 
             [Polygon([Point(0, 0), Point(30, 30), Point(10, -20)])])
     obs = Object(Point(20,20), 
             [Polygon([Point(100, 100), Point(100, 200), Point(300, 200), Point(300, 100)])])
     goal = Point(300, 300)
     cspace_obj = obs.cspace_object(robot)
     world = World(robot, [obs], goal)
     graph = world.graph_to_weighted_graph()
     (cost, edges) = djikstra(graph, robot.ref_point, goal)
     if DRAW == True:
         for e in edges:
             e.draw(self.window, color='green')
         raw_input('Press Enter to close window')
     expected = Object(Point(20,20),
         [Polygon([Point(70 , 70), Point(270 , 70) , Point(300 , 100) , Point(300 , 200) , Point(290 , 220) , Point(90 , 220) , Point(70 , 170) , Point(70 , 70)])])
     self.assertEqual(cspace_obj, expected)
예제 #6
def super_path(function, args, params):
    N = int( params['N'] )
    if WIDE:
        g = make_grid(N*3, N)
        g = make_grid(N,N)
    fn_params = {}
    p_params = {}
    for param, value in params.iteritems():
        if param in args:
            fn_params[param] = value
    angle = params.get('angle', 0)
    sx, sy = fractional_coordinates(N, params.get('start', .1), angle)
    ex, ey = fractional_coordinates(N, params.get('goal', .1), angle+180)
    dx, dy = fractional_coordinates(N, params.get('obs', 0.0), angle)
    for (i,j) in g:
        g[ (i,j) ] = function(i,j,dx=-dx, dy=-dy, **fn_params)

    (score, path) = djikstra(g, (sx,sy), (ex,ey), constant=params['P'], neighbors=params['eight'])
    return g, score, path
예제 #7
def super_path(function, args, params):
    N = int(params['N'])
    if WIDE:
        g = make_grid(N * 3, N)
        g = make_grid(N, N)
    fn_params = {}
    p_params = {}

    for param, value in params.iteritems():
        if param in args:
            fn_params[param] = value

    angle = params.get('angle', 0)
    sx, sy = fractional_coordinates(N, params.get('start', .1), angle)
    ex, ey = fractional_coordinates(N, params.get('goal', .1), angle + 180)
    dx, dy = fractional_coordinates(N, params.get('obs', 0.0), angle)
    for (i, j) in g:
        g[(i, j)] = function(i, j, dx=-dx, dy=-dy, **fn_params)

    (score, path) = djikstra(g, (sx, sy), (ex, ey),
    return g, score, path
예제 #8
from parser import parse

args = parse()

N = args.size
fne, argmap = args.fmap

g = make_grid(N, N)

xs = range(1,100)
ys = []
for x in xs:
    A = x
    for (i,j) in g:
        g[ (i,j) ] = gaussian(i,j, dy=-N/2, varx=varx, vary=vary, A=x)
    c,p = djikstra(g, (0,0), (0,N-1), constant=path_constant)
    m = max([a[0] for a in p])
    print "%d\t%d"%(x, m)
import pylab

g = make_grid(N, N)
for (i,j) in g:
    g[ (i,j) ] = fne(i,j,dx=-N/2, dy=-N/2)

plan(g, (N*3/4,0), (N/4,N-1), constant=args.pathconstant, **{})
예제 #9
for (weight_migration, weight_overload) in costs:

  i = 0
  print("Migration Weight:", weight_migration, "Overload Weight:", weight_overload, " : ")
  for (edges, vertices) in graphs:
    currentEdges = []; currentVertices = []
    currentEdges = deepcopy(edges)
    currentVertices = deepcopy(vertices)
    nbVertices = len(edges)
    #start = input('Start cell  : (From 0 to ' + str(nbVertices-1) + '): ')
    #target = input('End cell  : (From 0 to ' + str(nbVertices-1) + '): ')
    start = 0
    target = 67
    previous = []
    previous, probabilities = djikstra(currentVertices, currentEdges, start, weight_migration, weight_overload)
    path, distance, nbMigrations, nbOverloadedCells = shortest(currentEdges, previous, start, target, weight_migration, weight_overload, probabilities)
    print("Graph:", i , "Path:", path, "Distance:",  distance, "Nb Migrations:", nbMigrations, "Nb Overloaded cells:", nbOverloadedCells)
    i = i + 1


nbVertices = len(edges_6)
start = input('Start cell  : (From 0 to ' + str(nbVertices-1) + '): ')
target = input('End cell  : (From 0 to ' + str(nbVertices-1) + '): ')
start = int(start)
target = int(target)
previous = []
previous = djikstra(vertices_6, edges_6, start)
예제 #10
print(f"{m} edges in format (source, target, cost)")
for _ in range(m):
    edge = list(map(float, input().split()))

    if int(edge[0]) in vertices and int(edge[1]) in vertices:
        graph[int(edge[0]), int(edge[1])] = edge[2]
        print(f"Edge coordinates should be from range[1, {n}]")

source = int(input("source:"))

#uruchomienie algorytmu

start = time.time()
distance, predecessor = djikstra(graph, source, n)
end = time.time()

print("\ntarget \t distance")
for i in range(n):
    print(f"{i+1} \t {distance[i+1]}")

print(f"\nTime: {(end-start)/1000}ms", file=sys.stderr)

print("\nPaths:", file=sys.stderr)
for i in range(n):
    target = i + 1
    print(f"target: {target}", file=sys.stderr)
    while predecessor[target] > 0:
            f"\t({predecessor[target]}, {target}) = {graph[predecessor[target], target]}",
예제 #11
 def djikstra(self, color='green'):
     graph = self.graph_to_weighted_graph()
     (cost, edges) = djikstra(graph, self.robot.ref_point, self.goal)
     for e in edges:
         e.draw(self.window, color=color)
예제 #12
start_needed = True
while start_needed == True:
    startx, starty = input("Enter the start position 'x y':\n").split()
    startx = int(startx)
    starty = int(starty)
    if startx > mazewidth or starty > mazeheight:
            "That start position is outside of the maze. The maze you selected has dimensions ("
            + str(mazewidth) + "," + str(mazeheight) + "). Try again.")
        start_needed = False

goal_needed = True
while goal_needed == True:
    goalx, goaly = input("Enter the goal position 'x y':\n").split()
    goalx = int(goalx)
    goaly = int(goaly)
    if goalx > mazewidth or goaly > mazeheight:
            "That goal position is outside of the maze. The maze you selected has dimensions ("
            + str(mazewidth) + "," + str(mazeheight) + "). Try again.")
    elif goalx == startx and goaly == starty:
            "That goal is the same as the start position! Try something harder."
        goal_needed = False

djikstra(robot_type, mazetype, startx, starty, goalx, goaly, diameter,