예제 #1
파일: loadlog.py 프로젝트: neuromind81/aibs
def loadsweeptimesnogap(path):
    '''loads sweep timing corrected for computer - monitor delay'''
    datapath = path + ".dat"
    metapath = path + ".meta"
    channels,_ = loadmeta(metapath)
#    m = open(metapath)
#    meta = m.readlines()
#    channels = int(meta[7].split(' = ')[1])
#    #samplerate = int(meta[10].split(' = ')[1])
#    #duration = len(data)/channels/samplerate
    data = loadbinary(datapath, channels=channels)
    sweeptrace = np.array(data[:, (channels-5)])
    vsynctrace = np.array(data[:, (channels-4)])
    diodetrace = np.array(data[:, (channels-3)])
#    d = open(datapath)
#    data = np.fromfile(d,np.int16)    
#    datareshaped = np.transpose(np.reshape(data,(len(data)/channels,channels)))
#    del data
#    sweeptrace = datareshaped[(channels-3),:]
#    vsynctrace = datareshaped[(channels-2),:]
#    diodetrace = datareshaped[(channels-1),:]
#    del datareshaped   
    temp = findlevel(sweeptrace, 4000, 'up')
    sthr = -1*(np.ptp(sweeptrace)/4)    
    sweep = findlevels(sweeptrace, sthr, 3000, 'up')
    sweep = insert(sweep, 0, temp)
    sweep = delete(sweep, len(sweep)-1, 0)
    sweepdown = findlevels(sweeptrace, sthr, 3000, 'down')
    if len(sweepdown) > len(sweep):
        sweepdown = delete(sweepdown, len(sweepdown)-1, 0)
    sweep = np.column_stack([sweep, sweepdown])
    vthr = -1*(np.ptp(vsynctrace)/5)
    vsync = findlevels(vsynctrace, vthr, 300, 'up')
    dthr = np.ptp(diodetrace)/4    
    diode = findlevels(diodetrace, dthr, 200, 'both')
    #diode = np.reshape(diode, (len(diode)/2, 2))
    diode = np.delete(diode,[0,1],0)
    #corrects for delay between computer and monitor
    delay = vsync[0] - diode[0] + 0.0
    print "***monitor lag:", (delay/20000)
    if delay > 0:
        print "ERROR: diode before vsync"
        sys.exit('diode error')
    sweep -= delay
    #converts to time
    sweeptiming = sweep + 0.0
    sweeptiming /= 20000    
    return sweeptiming
예제 #2
파일: OPTools.py 프로젝트: neuromind81/aibs
def getsync(syncpath, stimuluscondition):
    '''stimuluscondition to synccondition'''
    print "loading stimulus sync from:",syncpath
    sync = sio.loadmat(syncpath)
    syncframe = sync['syncframe']
    syncdata = sync['syncdata']
    del sync

    '''test integrity of sync signal'''
    thr = np.amin(syncdata)+(0.75*(np.ptp(syncdata)))
    temp = findlevels(syncdata, thr, 100, 'both')
    levellen = np.ediff1d(temp, to_begin=temp[0])
    fframe = findlevel(levellen, 256, 'down')
    print "first frame:", fframe
    test = np.where(levellen>256)
    if amax(test) > fframe:
        print "SYNC ERROR!!"
        sys.exit('Problems with the sync data')
        print "Sync is good!"
    '''stimulus frame to acquisition frame'''
    synccondition = np.zeros((size(stimuluscondition,0),size(stimuluscondition,1)))

    for i in range(len(stimuluscondition)):
        start = stimuluscondition[i,0] + fframe
        end = stimuluscondition[i,1] + fframe
        temp = []
        temp = np.where(syncframe[0][:] == start)
        synccondition[i,0] = int(floor(temp[0][0]/256/8))
        temp = []
        temp = np.where(syncframe[0][:] == end)        
        synccondition[i,1] = int(floor(temp[0][0]/256/8))

    synccondition[:,2:] = stimuluscondition[:,2:]
    return synccondition
예제 #3
def offstim(logpath, modality):
    '''segregates stimuluscondition into offstim (when fg object off monitor) and on stim (when fg object on monitor)'''
    offon = offwindow(logpath)
    (stimuluscondition, sweeplength, constring) = getSweepTimesOP(logpath, modality)

    stimoff = []
    stimon = []
    for i in range(len(stimuluscondition)):
        sweepst = stimuluscondition[i,0]
        sweepend = stimuluscondition[i,1]
        startp = findlevel(offon[:,0], sweepst, 'up') - 1
        if sweepst < offon[startp,1]:
            '''start of sweep when OFF'''
            if sweepend < offon[startp,1]:
                tin = array(sweepst, sweepend, stimuluscondition[i,2], stimuluscondition[i,3], stimuluscondition[i,4], stimuluscondition[i,5], stimuluscondition[i,6])
            if sweepend > offon[startp,1]:
                tin = array(sweepst, offon[startp,1], stimuluscondition[i,2], stimuluscondition[i,3], stimuluscondition[i,4], stimuluscondition[i,5], stimuluscondition[i,6])

            stimoff = append(stimuluscondition, i, tin, 0)
            '''start of sweep when ON'''