예제 #1
def flag_tell(w, f, w_tpl, f_tpl, bp, o):
    # another way of flagging tellurics
    # more testing needed
    x = np.arange(len(f_tpl))
    ba = (np.load("lib/CRIRES/blaze_K2166.npy"))[o - 1]
    bandp = (np.poly1d(ba)(x))
    #    print(len(x),len(bandp))
    #   exit()
    good = np.where(
        f_tpl / np.nanmean(f_tpl) > 0.8 * bandp / np.nanmean(bandp))
    bp[f_tpl / np.nanmean(f_tpl) < 0.8 * bandp / np.nanmean(bandp)] |= 64

    #        good = np.where((f_tpl/np.nanmean(f_tpl) > 0.9*bandp/np.nanmean(bandp)) & (f/np.nanmean(f) > 0.9*bandp/np.nanmean(bandp)))
    #       bp[(f_tpl/np.nanmean(f_tpl) < 0.9*bandp/np.nanmean(bandp)) & (f/np.nanmean(f) < 0.9*bandp/np.nanmean(bandp))] |= 64

    w1 = w * 1.

    gplot(w, f / np.nanmean(f), 'w l t "data flag",', w_tpl,
          f_tpl / np.nanmean(f_tpl), 'w l t "tpl flag",', w1,
          bandp / np.mean(bandp) * 0.85, 'w l t "blaze"')

    w = w[good]
    f = f[good]
    w_tpl = w_tpl[good]
    f_tpl = f_tpl[good]

    #     return w,f,w_tpl,f_tpl
    return bp
예제 #2
파일: calcspec.py 프로젝트: sgongar/serval
def qfacmask(lnw, f, sz=26, thres=3000., plot=False):
    '''mask the parts of the spectrum which have a a Q-factor higher than thres
      calculate moving Q factor'''
    lnf = np.log(f)
    qi = (np.gradient(lnf) /
          np.gradient(lnw))**2  # ((lnf[1:]-lnf[:-1])/(lnw[1:]-lnw[:-1]))**2
    Q = np.zeros(len(qi) + sz)  # includes padded zeros
    Q[sz / 2:-sz / 2] = np.cumsum(qi)
    Q[-sz / 2:] = Q[-sz / 2 - 1]  # pad the last; the first have zero
    num = np.empty_like(qi)
    num[sz / 2:-sz / 2] = sz
    num[:sz / 2] = np.arange(sz / 2, sz)
    num[-sz / 2:] = np.arange(sz / 2, sz)[::-1]
    Qb = np.sqrt((Q[sz:] - Q[:-sz]) / num)  # normalise
    idx = Qb > thres  # core index
    reg = True * idx
    for i, msk in enumerate(idx):
        if msk: reg[max(i - sz / 2, 1):i + sz / 2] = True
    if plot:
        from gplot import *
            lnw, f, Qb, " ,'' us 1:3 axis x1y2, " + str(thres) +
            " axis x1y2 t 'threshold'")
        ogplot(lnw[reg], f[reg], ",", lnw[idx], f[idx])
    return reg
예제 #3
    def spaghetti(self):
        o = np.tile(self.orders, (self.rvc.shape[0], 1))
        bjd = np.tile(self.bjd, (self.rvc.shape[1], 1)).T

        # color bjd with lc variable => same color for same floor(bjd)
        #gplot(ovis, vis.rvc.ravel(), bjdvis.ravel(), ' lc variable pt 7 ps 0.5,', onir+60, nir.rvc.ravel(), bjdnir.ravel(), ' lc variable pt 7 ps 0.5')
        gplot.key('tit "%s"' % self.keytitle)
        gplot.xlabel('"Order"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]"').cblabel(
            '"BJD - 2 450 000"')
        gplot(o.ravel(), self.rvc.ravel(), bjd.ravel(),
              'us 1:2:($3-2450000) palette')
        pause('spaghetti %s' % self.keytitle)
예제 #4
파일: chi2map.py 프로젝트: sgongar/serval
    def __init__(self,
        self.args = RV, e_RV, rv, e_rv, orders, keytitle, rchi
        self.No = No  # Number of orders
        self.chi2map = chi2map
        self.name = name
        self.info = name.split('/')[-1]
        self.vrange = v_lo, v_step = vrange
        self.vgrid = v_lo + v_step * np.arange(chi2map.shape[1])

        # normalised master map
        self.mCCF = chi2map[orders].sum(axis=0)

        # master CCF from rescaled order-wise CCF
        if rchi is not None:
            self.mCCF = (chi2map[orders] /
                         rchi[orders][:, np.newaxis]**2).sum(axis=0)

        self.nmCCF = self.mCCF / self.mCCF.max()

        self.mlRV, self.e_mlRV, _, _ = SSRstat(self.vgrid,
        self.mlRV, self.e_mlRV = self.mlRV * 1000, self.e_mlRV * 1000

        # Derive again the RV from the CCF minima
        v, e_v, _, self.SSRv = zip(*[
            SSRstat(self.vgrid, cmo, dk=1, plot=0) for cmo in chi2map[orders]
        V, e_V = wsem(np.array(v), e=np.array(e_v), rescale=0)
        V, e_V = wsem(np.array(v), e=np.array(e_v))
        if 0:
            print V, e_V
            print RV, e_RV
            gplot(rv, e_rv, 'us 0:1:2 w e,', v, e_v,
                  'us 0:1:2 w e lc 3, %s,%s' % (RV, V))
            gplot(rv, e_rv, 'us 0:1:2 w e,', v, e_v * rchi[1:][orders],
                  'us 0:1:2 w e lc 3, %s,%s' % (RV, V))
예제 #5
 def disp(self):
     orddisp = self.rv - self.RV[:, np.newaxis]
     #ok &= np.abs(orddisp-d_ordmean) <= 3*ordstd  # clip and update mask
     ordstd, d_ordmean = wstd(orddisp, self.e_rv, axis=0)
     #ordmean += d_ordmean                # update ordmean
     gplot.tit('"Order dispersion %s";' % self.keytitle)
     gplot.xlabel('"Order"').ylabel('"RV_{n,o} - RV_n [m/s]"')
         orddisp.T, ' matrix us (%s-1):3 t ""' %
         "".join(['$1==%s?%s:' % io for io in enumerate(self.orders)]))
     ogplot(self.orders, ordstd, ' w lp lt 3 t "", "" us 1:(-$2) w lp t ""')
예제 #6
    def plot_dlwno(self):
        '''Show RVs over order for each observation.'''
        (bjd, dLW,
         e_dLW), dlw, e_rv = self.dlw.T[[0, 1,
                                         2]], self.dlw[:, 3:], self.allerr[:,
        n = 0
        while 0 <= n < self.N:
            gplot.key('tit "%s %s %s"' % (n + 1, bjd[n], self.info[n]))
            if 1:
                gplot.multiplot('layout 2,1')
                # bottom panel
                gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"dLW [1000(m/s)^2]"')
                hypertext = ' "" us 1:2:(sprintf("No: %d\\nID: %s\\nBJD: %f\\ndLW: %f+/-%f",$0+1, stringcolumn(4), $1, $2, $3)) w labels hypertext point pt 0  lt 1 t "",'
                gplot(bjd - 2450000,
                      'us 1:2:3 w e pt 6,' + hypertext, [bjd[n] - 2450000],
                      [dLW[n]], [e_dLW[n]],
                      'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 t""',
                      flush=' \n')

            gplot.xlabel('"order"').ylabel('"dLW [m/s]"')
            gplot(self.orders, dlw[n, self.orders], self.e_rv[n] * 0,
                  'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7')
            '''      , %s lt 3 t "%s +/- %sm/s", "+" us 1:(%s):(%s) w filledcurves lt 3 fs transparent solid 0.50 t ""' %(RVc[n], RVc[n], e_RVc[n], RVc[n]-e_RVc[n], RVc[n]+e_RVc[n]))
         gplot.xlabel('"wavelength"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]"')
         gplot.put('i=2; bind "$" "i = i%2+1; xlab=i==1?\\"order\\":\\"wavelength\\"; set xlabel xlab; set xra [*:*]; print i; if (i==1) {unset log} else {set log x} ; repl"')
         #gplot(self.orders, lam_o[n,self.orders], self.rvc[n], self.e_rv[n], 'us i:3:4 w e pt 7, %s lt 3 t "%s +/- %sm/s", "+" us 1:(%s):(%s) w filledcurves lt 3 fs transparent solid 0.20 t "", %s*(log(x)-%s)+%s lt 2, "+" us 1:(%s*(log(x)-%s)+%s):(%s*(log(x)-%s)+%s) w filledcurves lt 2 fs transparent solid 0.20 t ""' %(RVc[n], RVc[n], e_RVc[n], RVc[n]-e_RVc[n], RVc[n]+e_RVc[n], crx[n], lnlv[n], RVc[n], crx[n]-e_crx[n], lnlv[n], RVc[n], crx[n]+e_crx[n], lnlv[n], RVc[n]))
         RVmod = crx[n]*(np.log(lam_o[n,self.orders])-lnlv[n])+RVc[n]
         RVlow = (crx[n]-e_crx[n])*(np.log(lam_o[n,self.orders])-lnlv[n])+RVc[n]
         RVupp = (crx[n]+e_crx[n])*(np.log(lam_o[n,self.orders])-lnlv[n])+RVc[n]
         gplot(self.orders, lam_o[n,self.orders], self.rvc[n], self.e_rv[n], RVmod, RVlow, RVupp,'us i:3:4 w e pt 7, "" us i:5 w l lt 2 t "CRX = %g +/- %g m/s/Np", "" us i:6:7 w  filledcurves lt 2 fs transparent solid 0.20 t "",  %s lt 3 t "%g +/- %g m/s", "+" us 1:(%s):(%s) w filledcurves lt 3 fs transparent solid 0.20 t ""' %(crx[n], e_crx[n], RVc[n], RVc[n], e_RVc[n], RVc[n]-e_RVc[n], RVc[n]+e_RVc[n]))
            nn = pause('%i/%i %s %s' % (n + 1, self.N, bjd[n], self.info[n]))
                n += int(nn)
                if nn in ('-', "D", "B"):
                    n -= 1
                elif nn in ('^'):
                    n = 0
                elif nn in ('$'):
                    n = self.N - 1
                    n += 1
예제 #7
 def plotrv(self):
     '''Show RVs over order for each observation.'''
     bjd, RVc, e_RVc = self.bjd, self.RVc, self.e_RVc
     arg = ''
     if not self.has_d.all():
         arg += 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 6 lt 7 t "RV no drift"'
     if self.has_d.any():
         if arg: arg += ', "" '
         arg += 'us 1:($2/$4):3 w e pt 7 lt 7 t "RVc"'
     hypertext = ', "" us 1:2:(sprintf("No: %d\\nID: %s\\nBJD: %f\\nRV: %f +/- %f",$0+1, stringcolumn(5),$1, $2, $3)) w labels hypertext point pt 0  lt 1 t ""'
     arg += hypertext
     gplot.key('tit "%s (rms = %.3g m/s)"' % (self.keytitle, self.mlrms[0]))
     gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]"')
     gplot(bjd - 2450000, RVc, e_RVc, self.has_d, self.info, arg)
     pause('rv ', self.tag)
예제 #8
 def mlc(self):
     '''Show RVs over order for each observation.'''
     _, mlRVc, e_mlRVc = self.tmlc.T[0:3]
     bjd, RVc, e_RVc = self.bjd, self.RVc, self.e_RVc
     if 1:
         gplot.key('tit "%s"' % self.keytitle)
         gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]"')
             bjd - 2450000, RVc, e_RVc,
             ' us 1:2:3 w e pt 5 lc 1 t "RVc (rms = %1.3g m/s)' %
             bjd - 2450000, self.tmlc.T[1:],
             'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lc 3 t "\\nmlRVc (rms = %1.3g m/s)\\nrms(diff)=%.2f m/s"'
             % (mlrms(mlRVc, e=e_mlRVc)[0], mlrms(mlRVc - RVc, e_RVc)[0]))
         pause('rv ', self.tag)  # , ""  us 1:2:($3/$4) w e pt 7 lt 1
예제 #9
def deconv_RL(f_tpl, w_tpl, bb=4):
    # Deconvolution of f_tpl using Richardson Lucy algorithm
    # needed for CRIRES data
    psf = np.ones((1, bb)) / bb
    f2 = f_tpl + 0.
    f_tpl1 = np.reshape(f_tpl, (1, -1))

    deconv_RL = restoration.richardson_lucy(f_tpl1 / np.max(f_tpl1) / 2.,
    f_tpl = deconv_RL * np.max(f_tpl1) * 2

    rv, ccc = pyasl.crosscorrRV(w_tpl[200:-200],
    pol = (np.poly1d(np.polyfit(rv, ccc, 15)))(rv)
    shift = rv[np.argmax(pol)]

    print('shift RL:         ', shift, rv[np.argmax(ccc)])
    # there seems to appear a shift in the spectra after the deconvolution
    # why ???
    # correction ???
    # more testing needed, or another way of deconvolution

    plot_RL = 0
    if plot_RL:
        gplot(rv, ccc, 'w l,', rv, pol, 'w l')
        #  gplot(w_tpl, f2, 'w l,', w_tpl /(1+shift/3e5),f_tpl,'w l')

#     w_tpl /= (1+shift/3e5)
        bo = 10
        f_tpl = f_tpl[bo:-bo]
        w_tpl = w_tpl[bo:-bo]
        f_ok = f_ok[bo:-bo]
        w_ok = w_ok[bo:-bo]
        x_ok = x_ok[bo:-bo]

    return f_tpl, w_tpl
예제 #10
    def plot_halpha(self):
        '''Show RVs over order for each observation.'''
        bjd, halpha, e_halpha = self.halpha[0:3]
        arg = ''
        if not self.has_d.all():
            arg += 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 6 lt 7 t "dLW no drift"'
        if self.has_d.any():
            if arg: arg += ', "" '
            arg += 'us 1:2:($3/$4) w e pt 7 lt 7 t "dLW"'
        hypertext = ', "" us 1:2:(sprintf("No: %d\\nID: %s\\nBJD: %f\\ndLW: %f +/- %f",$0+1, stringcolumn(5),$1, $2, $3)) w labels hypertext point pt 0  lt 1 t "",'
        arg += hypertext

        gplot.key('tit "%s"' % (self.keytitle))
        gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"Halpha index"')

        gplot(bjd - 2450000, halpha, e_halpha, e_halpha, self.info, arg)
        pause('halpha ', self.tag)
예제 #11
def example():
    # a noisy time serie
    x = np.arange(10490) / 40.0 + 0.1
    yorg = np.sin(x * 1.65) + 0.1 * np.sin(x * 1.65 * 6.32)
    y = yorg + 0.021 * np.random.randn(x.size)

    mod, yfit = ucbspl_fit(x, y, w=1 + 0 * y, K=1800, lam=0.11, retfit=True)

    gplot(x, y, yorg, ' lt 2,"" us 1:3 w l  lt 1 t "org"')
    ogplot(x, yfit, yfit - yorg, 'w l,"" us 1:3')

    A = np.array([[20, -5, 0, 0], [-5, 15, -5, 0], [0, -5, 15, -5],
                  [0, 0, -5, 10]])
    D = np.array([1100, 100, 100, 100])
    print "SciPy - Solve Banded"
    print "A:", A
    print "D:", D
    print "Result:", SolveBanded(A, D)
예제 #12
 def prerv(self):
     '''Show RVs over order for each observation.'''
     prebjd, preRV, pree_RVc = self.tpre.T[0:3]
     preRVc = preRV - np.nan_to_num(self.trvc[8])
     bjd, RVc, e_RVc = self.bjd, self.RVc, self.e_RVc
     if 1:
         gplot.key('tit "%s"' % self.keytitle)
         gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]"')
         #gplot(';set ytics nomirr; set y2tics;', flush='')
             prebjd - 2450000, preRVc, pree_RVc,
             'us 1:2:3 w e pt 5 lt 3 t "preRVc (rms = %1.3g m/s)"' %
             mlrms(preRVc, e=pree_RVc)[0])
         #         ogplot(bjd-2450000, RVc-np.median(RVc)+np.median(drsRVc), e_RVc, ' us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 1 t "RVc-med(RVc)+med(DRS)"')
             bjd - 2450000, RVc - np.median(RVc) + np.median(preRVc), e_RVc,
             ' us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 1 t "RVc (rms = %1.3g m/s)"' %
         pause('rv ', self.tag)  # , ""  us 1:2:($3/$4) w e pt 7 lt 1
예제 #13
 def drsrv(self):
     '''Show RVs over order for each observation.'''
     drsbjd, drsRVc, drse_RVc = self.drs.T[0:3]
     drsRVc = drsRVc - np.nan_to_num(self.trvc[8])
     bjd, RVc, e_RVc = self.bjd, self.RVc, self.e_RVc
     if 1:
         gplot.key('tit "%s"' % self.keytitle)
         gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]"')
         #gplot(';set ytics nomirr; set y2tics;', flush='')
             drsbjd - 2450000, drsRVc, drse_RVc,
             'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 1 t "DRS (rms = %1.3g m/s)"' %
             mlrms(drsRVc, e=drse_RVc)[0])
         #         ogplot(bjd-2450000, RVc-np.median(RVc)+np.median(drsRVc), e_RVc, ' us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 1 t "RVc-med(RVc)+med(DRS)"')
             bjd - 2450000, RVc - np.median(RVc) + np.nanmedian(drsRVc),
             ' us 1:2:3 w e pt 5 lt 3 t "\\nRVc (rms = %1.3g m/s)\\nrms(diff) = %.2f m/s"'
             % (self.mlrms[0], mlrms(drsRVc - RVc, e_RVc)[0]))
         pause('rv ', self.tag)  # , ""  us 1:2:($3/$4) w e pt 7 lt 1
예제 #14
    def plot_dlwo(self):
        bjd, RVc, e_RVc, RVd, e_RVd, RV, e_RV, BRV, RVsa = self.trvc
        allrv = self.allrv
        bjd, RV, e_RV, rv, e_rv = allrv[:,
                                        0], allrv[:,
                                                  1], allrv[:,
                                                            2], allrv[:,
                                                                      5:], self.allerr[:,
        dlw = self
        (bjd, dLW,
         e_dLW), dlw, e_rv = self.dlw.T[[0, 1,
                                         2]], self.dlw[:, 3:], self.allerr[:,
        bjdmap = np.tile(bjd[:, np.newaxis], rv.shape[1])
        omap = np.tile(np.arange(len(self.dlw.T)), dlw.shape[0]).T

        # Drift and sa yet no applied to rvo
        # gplot(bjd, RV, e_RV, 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7',)
        # gplot(bjdmap.ravel(), rv.ravel(), e_rv.ravel(), omap.ravel(), 'us 1:2:4 w p pt 7 palette, "'+obj+'/'+obj+'.rvo.dat'+'" us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 7')
        rvc = rv - (np.nan_to_num(RVd) + np.nan_to_num(RVsa))[:, np.newaxis]
        gplot.palette('define (0 "blue", 1 "green", 2 "red")').key(
            'tit "%s"' % self.keytitle)
        gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"dLW [1000 (m/s)^2]')
        # not drift corrected
        #gplot(bjdmap.ravel(), rv.ravel(), e_rv.ravel(), omap.ravel(), 'us 1:2:4 w p pt 7 palette,', bjd, RV, e_RV, 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 7')
        # drift corrected
        arg = ''
        if not self.has_d.all():
            arg += 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 6 lt 7 t "dLWo (no drift)"'
        if self.has_d.any():
            if arg: arg += ', "" '
            arg += 'us 1:2:($3/$4) w e pt 7 lt 7 t "dLWo"'
            bjdmap.ravel() - 2450000, dlw.ravel(), e_rv.ravel(), omap.ravel(),
            'us 1:2:4 w p pt 7 ps 0.5 palette t "RV_o",', bjd - 2450000, dLW,
            e_dLW, self.has_d,
            arg)  # 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 6 lt 7, ""  us 1:2:($3/$4) w e pt 7 lt 7')

        pause('dLWo ', self.tag)
예제 #15
    def plotrvo(self):
        bjd, RVc, e_RVc, RVd, e_RVd, RV, e_RV, BRV, RVsa = self.trvc
        allrv = self.allrv
        bjd, RV, e_RV, rv, e_rv = allrv[:,
                                        0], allrv[:,
                                                  1], allrv[:,
                                                            2], allrv[:,
                                                                      5:], self.allerr[:,
        bjdmap = np.tile(bjd[:, np.newaxis], rv.shape[1])
        omap = np.tile(np.arange(len(rv.T)), rv.shape[0]).T

        # Drift and sa yet no applied to rvo
        # gplot(bjd, RV, e_RV, 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7',)
        # gplot(bjdmap.ravel(), rv.ravel(), e_rv.ravel(), omap.ravel(), 'us 1:2:4 w p pt 7 palette, "'+obj+'/'+obj+'.rvo.dat'+'" us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 7')
        rvc = rv - (np.nan_to_num(RVd) + np.nan_to_num(RVsa))[:, np.newaxis]
        gplot.palette('define (0 "blue", 1 "green", 2 "red")').key(
            'tit "%s"' % self.keytitle)
        gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]')
        # not drift corrected
        #gplot(bjdmap.ravel(), rv.ravel(), e_rv.ravel(), omap.ravel(), 'us 1:2:4 w p pt 7 palette,', bjd, RV, e_RV, 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 7')
        # drift corrected
        arg = ''
        hypertext = ''
        if not self.has_d.all():
            arg += 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 6 lt 7 t "RV no drift"'
        if self.has_d.any():
            if arg: arg += ', "" '
            arg += 'us 1:2:($3/$4) w e pt 7 lt 7 t "RVc"'
        if 1:
            hypertext = ' "" us 1:2:(sprintf("o: %d\\nBJD: %f\\nRV: %f", $4, $1, $2)) w labels hypertext point pt 0 lt 1 t "",'
            arg += ', "" us 1:2:(sprintf("No: %d\\nID: %s\\nBJD: %f\\nRV: %f+/-%f",$0+1, stringcolumn(5),$1, $2, $3)) w labels hypertext point pt 0  lt 1 t ""'

            bjdmap.ravel() - 2450000, rvc.ravel(), e_rv.ravel(), omap.ravel(),
            'us 1:2:4 w p pt 7 ps 0.5 palette t "RV_o",' + hypertext,
            bjd - 2450000, RVc, e_RVc, self.has_d, self.info,
            arg)  # 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 6 lt 7, ""  us 1:2:($3/$4) w e pt 7 lt 7')

        pause('rvo ', self.tag)
예제 #16
파일: chi2map.py 프로젝트: sgongar/serval
        def plot_input(*args):
            RV, e_RV, rv, e_rv, orders, keytitle, rchi = args
            gplot.palette('defined (0 "blue", 1 "green", 2 "red")')
            mm = np.nanmean(chi2map, axis=0)

            gplot.multiplot("layout 1,2")
            # Plot order,RV,chi2map and overplot RV and master map
            # easy to plot as image
            gplot.xlabel('"order"').ylabel('"RV [km/s]"').cblabel(
                '"{/Symbol c^2}"')
                  'matrix us 1:($2*%s+%s):3  w image, ' % (v_step, v_lo), rv,
                  e_rv, 'us 0:1:2 w e pt 6 lc 7, ', mm, mm,
                  'us (-$1-5):($2*%s+%s):3 matrix w image' % (v_step, v_lo),
                  ',', [-5.5], [RV], [e_RV], 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lc 7')
            gplot.xlabel('"RV [km/s]"').ylabel('""').cblabel('"order"')
                  'matrix us ($1*%s+%s):3:2  w l palette , ' % (v_step, v_lo),
                  chi2map.min(axis=1), rv, e_rv, 'us 2:1:3 w xe pt 7, ', mm,
                  'us ($0*%s+%s):1 w l' % (v_step, v_lo), ' lc 7 lw 2,',
                  [mm.min()], [RV], [e_RV], 'us 2:1:3 w xe pt 7 lc 7 ')
예제 #17
def read_spec(self, s, inst, plot=False, **kwargs):
    #print s, inst
    sp = inst.read(self, s, **kwargs)
    return sp

    if '.tar' in s: s = file_from_tar(s, inst=inst, fib=self.fib, **kwargs)
    if 'HARP' in inst: sp = read_harps(self, s, inst=inst, **kwargs)
    elif inst == 'CARM_VIS': sp = read_carm_vis(self, s, **kwargs)
    elif inst == 'CARM_NIR': sp = read_carm_nir(self, s, **kwargs)
    elif inst == 'FEROS': sp = read_feros(self, s, **kwargs)
    elif inst == 'FTS': sp = read_fts(self, s, **kwargs)
    elif inst == 'HPF': sp = read_hpf(self, s, **kwargs)
        return None
    #if hasattr(s, 'close'):

    if plot:
        for o in range(len(sp.w)):
            gplot(sp.w[o], sp.f[o], " w lp t 'order %i'" % o)
    return sp
예제 #18
파일: chi2map.py 프로젝트: sgongar/serval
def SSRstat(vgrid, SSR, dk=1, plot='maybe'):
    '''taken from serval.py and modified with SSRv (chi2 minimum)'''
    v_step = vgrid[1] - vgrid[0]
    # analyse peak
    k = SSR[dk:-dk].argmin() + dk  # best point (exclude borders)
    vpeak = vgrid[k - dk:k + dk + 1]
    SSRpeak = SSR[k - dk:k + dk + 1] - SSR[k]
    # interpolating parabola (direct solution) through the three pixels in the minimum
    a = np.array([
        0, (SSR[k + dk] - SSR[k - dk]) / (2 * v_step),
        (SSR[k + dk] - 2 * SSR[k] + SSR[k - dk]) / (2 * v_step**2)
    ])  # interpolating parabola for even grid
    v = (SSR[k + dk] - SSR[k - dk]) / (SSR[k + dk] - 2 * SSR[k] +
                                       SSR[k - dk]) * 0.5 * v_step

    SSR_v = SSR[k] - a[1]**2 / a[
        2] / 4.  # a1*v+a2*v**2   # position of parabola minimum = a1*v+a2*v**2 = - a[1]^2/2./a[2]+a[1]^2/4./a[2] = -a[1]^2/a[2]/4.
    v = vgrid[k] - a[1] / 2. / a[2]  # parabola minimum
    e_v = np.nan
    if -1 in SSR:
        print 'opti warning: bad ccf.'
    elif a[2] <= 0:
        print 'opti warning: a[2]=%f<=0.' % a[2]
    elif not vgrid[0] <= v <= vgrid[-1]:
        print 'opti warning: v not in [va,vb].'
        e_v = 1. / a[2]**0.5
    if (plot == 1 and np.isnan(e_v)) or plot == 2:
        gplot.yrange('[*:%f]' % SSR.max())
            vgrid, SSR - SSR[k], " w lp, v1=" + str(vgrid[k]) +
            ", %f+(x-v1)*%f+(x-v1)**2*%f," % tuple(a), [v, v], [0, SSR[1]],
            'w l t "%f km/s"' % v)
        ogplot(vpeak, SSRpeak, ' lt 1 pt 6; set yrange [*:*]')
    return v, e_v, a, SSR_v
예제 #19
파일: chi2map.py 프로젝트: sgongar/serval
    def plot(self):
        RV, e_RV, rv, e_rv, orders, keytitle, rchi = self.args
        chi2map = self.chi2map[orders]

        # Plot all maps normalised
        gplot.key('Left center rev top title "%s"' % keytitle)
        gplot.palette('defined (0 "blue", 1 "green", 2 "red")')
            '"v [km/s]"; set ylabel "chi^2 / max(chi^2)"; set cblabel "order"')
        #gplot(chi2map, ' matrix us ($1*%s+%s):3:2 w l palette'%self.vrange)
        gplot((chi2map / chi2map.max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]).T,
              ' matrix us (%s+$1*%s):3:2 w l palette t "%s"' % (self.vrange +
                                                                (self.info, )),

        #ogplot(self.rCCF/self.rCCF.max(), ' us (%s+$0*%s):1 w l lt 4 lw 2 t "total"'%self.vrange, flush='')
        # the master CCF
               ' us (%s+$0*%s):1 w l lt 7 lw 2 t "lnL"' % self.vrange,
        # the parabola  for the master
            '((x-%s)**2/%s**2+%s)/%s lc 7 dt 2 t "lnL (parabola %.5g +/- %.5g m/s)"'
            % (self.mlRV / 1000, self.e_mlRV / 1000., self.mCCF.min(),
               self.mCCF.max(), self.mlRV, self.e_mlRV),
        ogplot("((x-%s)**2/%s**2+%s)/%s lc 9 dt 3 t 'RV,e\_RV (parabola)'" %
               (RV, e_RV, self.mCCF.min(), self.mCCF.max()),

        ogplot([RV] * 2, [0, 1], [e_RV] * 2,
               'us 1:2:3 w xerrorlines pt 2 lt 9 t "%.5g +/- %.5g m/s"' %
               (RV * 1000, e_RV * 1000),
        ogplot(rv, (chi2map / chi2map.max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]).min(axis=1),
               'us 1:2 lt 7 pt 1 t "chi^2_{min}"')
예제 #20
#! /usr/bin/ipython
import numpy as np
import ke
from gplot import *
from pause import *

ke._Ecs(0.0001, 1., n=15)
ke.E(0.0001, 1., n=15, typ='atr')

x=np.arange(0,10,0.001); y=1*x; ke._ke_newton.v_cos(x,y, x.size); gplot(x,y-np.cos(x)) 
x=np.arange(0,10,0.001); y=1*x; ke._ke_newton.v_sin(x,y, x.size); gplot(x,y-np.sin(x)) 

e = 1.0
E = np.arange(-10,6,0.001)
E = np.arange(0,3,0.001); M = ke.M(E, e)

if 0:
   gplot(M, E, ke._E_newton(M, e), ke.E(M, e, n=55, typ='atr'), ' us 1:3, "" us 1:4')
   gplot('"" us 1:($3-$2), "" us 1:($4-$2)')
   gplot(M, np.log10(np.abs(ke._E(M, e, n=55)-E)))


M = np.arange(0, np.pi, np.pi/1000);

timeit ke._E(M, e, n=29)
#1000 loops, best of 3: 1.51 ms per loop

timeit ke.E(M, e, n=29)
#1000 loops, best of 3: 1.51 ms per loop
예제 #21
    if not case:
        import doctest
    elif case == 1:
        # chi2map for a linear fit and comparison with curve_fit
        from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

        # model
        trend = lambda x, a, b: a + b * x  # = np.polynomial.polyval(x, a)
        a0, a1 = 2, 2

        # data
        x = np.arange(20)
        e = 2 + np.random.rand(20)
        y = trend(x, a0, a1) + 2 * np.random.normal(0, e)  # scale e by 2
        gplot(x, y, e, "w e pt 7")

        # curve_fit
        a_cf, cov_cf = curve_fit(trend, x, y, [0.0, 0.0], e)

        # paraboloid
        # parameter and chi2 samples
        P = [[1, 0], [0, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1], [1, -1]]
        # chi2map
        z = [np.dot((y - trend(x, *p))**2, 1 / e**2) for p in P]

        cov = covmat_fit(P, z, N=len(x))
        #cov = covmat_fit(zip(*P), z)
예제 #22
    def plotrvno(self):
        '''Show RVs over order for each observation.'''
        bjd, RVc, e_RVc = self.bjd, self.RVc, self.e_RVc
        crx, e_crx = self.tcrx[1:3]
        lam_o = np.exp(self.tcrx[6:].T)
        lnlv = np.log(self.tcrx[5])
        print "use '$' to toggle between orders and wavelength"
        n = 0
        while 0 <= n < self.N:
            gplot.key('tit "%s %s %s"' % (n + 1, bjd[n], self.info[n]))
            if 1:
                gplot.multiplot('layout 2,1')
                # top panel
                gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]"')
                arg = ''
                if not self.has_d.all():
                    arg += 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 6 lt 7 t "RV no drift",'
                if self.has_d.any():
                    if arg: arg += ' "" '
                    arg += 'us 1:($2/$4):3 w e pt 7 lt 7 t "RVc",'
                hypertext = '"" us 1:2:(sprintf("No: %d\\nID: %s\\nBJD: %f\\nRV: %f +/- %f",$0+1, stringcolumn(5),$1, $2, $3)) w labels hypertext point pt 0  lt 1 t "",'

                gplot(bjd - 2450000,
                      bjd[n] - 2450000,
                      'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 t ""',
                      flush=' \n')

            # bottom panel
            gplot.xlabel('"order"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]"')
            gplot.xlabel('"wavelength"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]"')
                'i=2; bind "$" "i = i%2+1; xlab=i==1?\\"order\\":\\"wavelength\\"; set xlabel xlab; set xra [*:*]; print i; if (i==1) {unset log} else {set log x} ; repl"'
            RVmod = crx[n] * (np.log(lam_o[n, self.orders]) - lnlv[n]) + RVc[n]
            RVlow = (crx[n] - e_crx[n]) * (np.log(lam_o[n, self.orders]) -
                                           lnlv[n]) + RVc[n]
            RVupp = (crx[n] + e_crx[n]) * (np.log(lam_o[n, self.orders]) -
                                           lnlv[n]) + RVc[n]
            hypertext = ', "" us i:3:(sprintf("No: %d\\nID: %s\\nBJD: %f\\nRV: %f +/- %f\\n' % (
                n + 1, self.info[n], bjd[n], RVc[n], e_RVc[n]
            ) + 'o: %d\\nrv[o]: %f +/- %f", $1, $3, $4)) w labels hypertext point pt 0 lt 1 t ""'

                self.orders, lam_o[n, self.orders], self.rvc[n], self.e_rv[n],
                RVmod, RVlow, RVupp, 'us i:3:4 w e pt 7' + hypertext +
                ', "" us i:5 w l lt 2 t "CRX = %g +/- %g m/s/Np", "" us i:6:7 w  filledcurves lt 2 fs transparent solid 0.20 t "",  %s lt 3 t "%g +/- %g m/s", "+" us 1:(%s):(%s) w filledcurves lt 3 fs transparent solid 0.20 t ""'
                % (crx[n], e_crx[n], RVc[n], RVc[n], e_RVc[n],
                   RVc[n] - e_RVc[n], RVc[n] + e_RVc[n]))

            nn = pause('%i/%i %s %s' % (n + 1, self.N, bjd[n], self.info[n]))
                n += int(nn)
                if nn in ('-', "D", "B"):
                    n -= 1
                elif nn in ('^'):
                    n = 0
                elif nn in ('$'):
                    n = self.N - 1
                    n += 1
예제 #23
파일: chi2map.py 프로젝트: sgongar/serval
    def plot_fit(self):
        RV, e_RV, rv, e_rv, orders, keytitle, rchi = self.args
        x, xc, ind = self.xarg
        vv = self.vv
        lnL0 = np.array([cs_o(vv) for cs_o in self.cs])
        gplot.palette('defined (0 "blue", 1 "green", 2 "red")')
        gplot.multiplot("layout 1,2")
            '"v [m/s]"; set ylabel "chi^2 / max(chi^2)"; set cblabel "order"')
        nlnL0 = lnL0.T / lnL0.max(axis=1)
        mm = nlnL0.sum(axis=1)

        # left panel: the lnL parabolas in RV[km/s]
            ' matrix us ($1*%s+%s):3:2 w l palette,' % (vv[1] - vv[0], vv[0]),
            'us 2:1:3 w xe pt 6 lc 7, ',
            mm / mm.max(),
            'us ($0*%s+%s):1 w l' % (vv[1] - vv[0], vv[0]),
            ' lc 7 lw 2,',
            #[(mm/mm.max()).min()], [RV[i]/1000], [e_RVc[i]/1000], 'us 2:1:3 w xe pt 7 lc 7 '

        # right panel: the map ln(lam) vs RV [m/s]
            '"ln(wavelength)"; set ylabel "velocity v [m/s]"; set cblabel "chi^2 / max(chi^2)"'
        gplot.yrange('[%s:%s]' % ((rv * 1000 - e_rv * 1000).min(), 1000 *
                                  (rv + e_rv).max()))
        # lnL as maps ,width  shoul be addjust
        # often some maps are not drawn
            "a='0 " + " ".join(map(str, self.ll)) + "'" +
            ', for [i=2:%s+1]' % len(lnL0),
            vv * 1000,
            lnL0 / lnL0.max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis],
            ' us (word(a,i)+0):1:(0.002):(%s):i with boxxy palette fs solid t "",'
            % ((vv[1] - vv[0]) * 1000 / 2),
            rv * 1000,
            e_rv * 1000,
            " w e pt 7 lc 7 t 'RV_o',",  #x,(x-xc)* self.crx+pval[0], 'w l lc 1,',
            ((x - xc) * self.crx / 1000.) * 1000 + self.zz,
            'w l lc 3 t "%s"' % self.crx)

        if 0:
                '"v [m/s]"; set ylabel "chi^2/max(chi^2)"; set cblabel "order"'
            #gplot(chi2map, ' matrix us ($1*%s+%s):3:2 w l palette'%(v_step, v_lo))
            gplot(chi2map.T / chi2map.max(axis=1),
                  ' matrix us ($1*%s+%s):3:2 w l palette' % (v_step, v_lo))

            gplot(lnLvbint, 'matrix us 1:3:2  w l palette,', uu.sum(axis=0),
                  "us ($0-30):1")
            #gplot(chi2map, 'matrix us 1:2:3 w l palette')
            ij = 19
            gplot(lnLvb[ij], 'matrix us 1:2:3 w image,',
                  np.argmin(lnLvb[ij], axis=1))
            gplot.splot(np.log(np.array(lnLvbint).T - lnLvbint.min()),
                        'matrix us 1:2:3 w l palette')
예제 #24
파일: chi2map.py 프로젝트: sgongar/serval
    def mlcrx(self, x, xc, ind):
        '''Maximum likelihood'''
        self.xarg = x, xc, ind
        self.crx, self.e_crx = np.nan, np.nan

        chi2map = self.chi2map  #- self.chi2map.min(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
        v_lo, v_step = self.vrange
        vgrid = v_lo + v_step * np.arange(chi2map.shape[1])

        if 0:
            # test data
            oo = ~np.isnan(chi2map[:, 0])
            rv[i] = (x - 8.6) * 0.6 * 1000 + np.sin(x * 100) * 100 + 50
            e_rv[i] = rv[i] * 0 + 10
            rv[i][~oo] = np.nan
            gplot(x, rv[i], e_rv[i], " w e")
            #pval, cov = curve_fit(func, x[ind]-xc, rv[i][ind], np.array([0.0, 0.0]), e_rv[i][ind])
            #crx[i] = pval[1]
            #chi2map = (1./2*(vgrid[:,np.newaxis]-rv[i]/1000)**2/(e_rv[i]/1000)**2).T

        def plot_input(*args):
            RV, e_RV, rv, e_rv, orders, keytitle, rchi = args
            gplot.palette('defined (0 "blue", 1 "green", 2 "red")')
            mm = np.nanmean(chi2map, axis=0)

            gplot.multiplot("layout 1,2")
            # Plot order,RV,chi2map and overplot RV and master map
            # easy to plot as image
            gplot.xlabel('"order"').ylabel('"RV [km/s]"').cblabel(
                '"{/Symbol c^2}"')
                  'matrix us 1:($2*%s+%s):3  w image, ' % (v_step, v_lo), rv,
                  e_rv, 'us 0:1:2 w e pt 6 lc 7, ', mm, mm,
                  'us (-$1-5):($2*%s+%s):3 matrix w image' % (v_step, v_lo),
                  ',', [-5.5], [RV], [e_RV], 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lc 7')
            gplot.xlabel('"RV [km/s]"').ylabel('""').cblabel('"order"')
                  'matrix us ($1*%s+%s):3:2  w l palette , ' % (v_step, v_lo),
                  chi2map.min(axis=1), rv, e_rv, 'us 2:1:3 w xe pt 7, ', mm,
                  'us ($0*%s+%s):1 w l' % (v_step, v_lo), ' lc 7 lw 2,',
                  [mm.min()], [RV], [e_RV], 'us 2:1:3 w xe pt 7 lc 7 ')

        if 0:

        # Spline interpolate each chi2map
        self.ll = ll = x[ind]
        rchi = self.args[-1]
        self.cs = cs = [
            spl.ucbspl_fit(vgrid, chi_o, K=len(chi_o))
            for chi_o in (chi2map[ind] - np.array(self.SSRv)[:, np.newaxis]) /
            rchi[ind][:, np.newaxis]**2

        self.vv = vv = np.arange(vgrid[30], vgrid[-30], 0.01)

        if 0:
            # discrete brute force minisation
            lnLvb = []
            bb = np.arange(-0.8, 0.8, 0.005)
            for bbi in bb:
                lnLv = []
                for x_o, cs_o in zip(ll, cs):
                    lnLv += [cs_o(vv + (x_o - xc) * bbi)]
                lnLvb += [lnLv]
            lnLvb = np.array(lnLvb)
            lnLvbint = lnLvb.sum(axis=1).T
            ii = np.unravel_index(lnLvbint.argmin(), lnLvbint.shape)
            crx_i = bb[ii[1]] * 1000  # km to m/s
            zz = vv[ii[0]] * 1000

        if 1:
            # paraboloid
            #imin,jmin = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(lnLvbint), lnLvbint.shape)
            #sl = np.s_[imin-10:imin+11, jmin-10:jmin+11]
            #X = np.tile(vv, bb.shape+(1,)).T[sl].ravel()
            #Y = np.tile(bb, vv.shape+(1,))[sl].ravel()
            #z = lnLvbint[sl].ravel()  # ln L = chi^2/2

            #cov = paraboloid.covmat_fit([X,Y], z, N=self.No[ind].sum())
            #cov =bbi paraboloid.covmat_fit([X,Y], z)

                # setup a grid around the start guess mlRv and mlCRX=0
                par = map(
                        np.arange(self.mlRV / 1000. - 1, self.mlRV / 1000. + 1,
                        np.arange(-500, 500, 50) / 1000.))
                # par = map(np.ravel, np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.mlRV/1000.-0.1, self.mlRV/1000.+.1,0.02), np.arange(-500,500,50)/1000.))

                z = [
                        cs_o(vvi + (x_o - xc) * bbi)
                        for x_o, cs_o in zip(ll, cs)
                    ]) for vvi, bbi in zip(*par)

                # gplot.splot(par, z, ' palette')
                cov = paraboloid.covmat_fit(zip(*par), z, N=len(cs))

                zmod = cov.p(zip(*par))
                #pause("\n", cov.Va*1000**2, cov.Xc*1000)
                #cov = paraboloid.covmat_fit(par, z)
                #cov = paraboloid.covmat_fit(par, z, N=self.No[ind].sum())

                v, b = cov.Xc
                e_v, e_b = cov.e_a
                #gplot.splot(par, z, ' palette,', v,b, cov.min); pause("v", v, "b", b)
                #gplot.splot(par, z, zmod, ' palette, "" us 1:2:4 palette pt 6 , "" us 1:2:(($3-$4)*10),', v,b, cov.min); pause("v", v, "b", b)

                if -1 < v < 1 and -0.5 < b < 0.5 and np.isfinite(
                    # refit closer to minimum
                    par = map(
                            np.arange(v - 3 * e_v, v + 3 * e_v, e_v / 2),
                            np.arange(b - 3 * e_b, b + 3 * e_b, e_b / 2)))
                    z = [
                            cs_o(vvi + (x_o - xc) * bbi)
                            for x_o, cs_o in zip(ll, cs)
                        ]) for vvi, bbi in zip(*par)
                    zmod = cov.p(zip(*par))
                    cov = paraboloid.covmat_fit(zip(*par), z, N=len(cs))

                self.crx = cov.Xc[1] * 1000
                self.e_crx = cov.e_a[1] * 1000
                print "warning: mlCRX failed."

        if 0:
            # scipy optimisation
            def lnL(a):
                return np.sum([
                    cs_o(a[0] + a[1] * (x_o - xc))
                    for x_o, cs_o in zip(ll, cs)

            from scipy.optimize import fmin
            pp = fmin(lnL, [0, 0], disp=False)
            #print pp * 1000
            self.zz = pp[0] * 1000
            self.crx = pp[1] * 1000
            self.e_crx = None  # e_crx[i]

        #SSRstat(self.vgrid, self.mCCF, dk=1, plot=0)[0:2]
        #ii = np.argmin(self.mCCF); ss = np.s_[ii-3:ii+3]
        #uu = paraboloid.covmat_fit([self.vgrid[ss]], self.mCCF[ss])
        #uu.Xc, uu.e_a

        return self.crx, self.e_crx
예제 #25
    def ls(self, suf='_A_mod.fits'):
        '''Show last square fit form fits file.'''
        #prebjd, preRV, pree_RVc = self.tpre.T[0:3]
        #for n in range(self.N):
        gplot.key("Left left rev bottom title '%s'" % self.keytitle)
             if def_wlog: w2 = np.exp(w2)
            res = np.nan * f2
            res[pmin:pmax] = (f2[pmin:pmax]-f2mod[pmin:pmax]) / e2[pmin:pmax]  # normalised residuals
            b = str(stat['std'])
            #gplot_set('set key left Left rev samplen 2 tit "%s (o=%s, v=%.2fm/s)"'%(obj,o,rvo))
            #gplot_set('set ytics nomirr; set y2tics; set y2range [-5*%f:35*%f]; set bar 0.5'%(rchi,rchi))
            #gplot_set('i=1; bind "$" "i = i%2+1; xlab=i==1?\\"pixel\\":\\"wavelength\\"; set xlabel xlab; set xra [*:*]; print i; repl"')
            #gplot('[][][][-5:35]',x2, w2, f2, e2.clip(0.,f2.max()), 'us (column(i)):3:4 w errorli t "'+sp.timeid+' all"', flush='')
            ogplot(x2,w2, f2, ((b2==0)|(b2==flag.clip))*0.5, 1+4*(b2==flag.clip), 'us (column(i)):3:4:5 w p pt 7 lc var ps var t "'+sp.timeid+' telluric free"', flush='')
            ogplot(x2,w2, f2mod,(b2==0)*0.5, 'us (column(i)):3:4 w lp lt 3 pt 7 ps var t "Fmod"', flush='')
            ogplot(x2,w2, res, b2, "us (column(i)):3:4 w lp pt 7 ps 0.5 lc var axis x1y2 t 'residuals'", flush='')
            # legend with translation of bpmap, plot dummy using NaN function
            ogplot(", ".join(["NaN w p pt 7 ps 0.5 lc "+str(f) +" t '"+str(f)+" "+",".join(flag.translate(f))+"'" for f in np.unique(b2)]), flush='')

            ogplot("0 axis x1y2 lt 3 t'',"+b+" axis x1y2 lt 1,-"+b+" axis x1y2 lt 1 t ''", flush='')

            ogplot(x2,w2, ((b2&flag.atm)!=flag.atm)*40-5, 'us (column(i)):3 w filledcurve x2 fs transparent solid 0.5 noborder lc 9 axis x1y2 t "tellurics"', flush='')
            ogplot(x2,w2, ((b2&flag.sky)!=flag.sky)*40-5, 'us (column(i)):3 w filledcurve x2 fs transparent solid 0.5 noborder lc 6 axis x1y2 t "sky"')
            pause('large RV ' if abs(rvo/1000-rvguess+vref)>rvwarn else 'look ', o, ' rv = %.3f +/- %.3f m/s   rchi = %.2f' %(rvo, e_rv[i,o],rchi2[i,o]))
      # end loop over orders
        n = 0
        o = 40
        while True:
            name = self.dir + '/res/' + self.info[n][:-5] + suf
            hdu = pyfits.open(name)
            resmap = hdu['res'].data
            fmod = hdu['fmod'].data
            e_f = hdu['err'].data
            wave = hdu['wave'].data
            flux = fmod + resmap
            bpmap = 0 * wave
            rvo = 1
            if 1:
                gplot_set('set xlabel "wavelength [A]"; set ylabel "flux"')
                    'set key default left Left rev samplen 2 tit "%s (o=%s, v=%.2fm/s)"'
                    % (self.tag, o, rvo))
                    'set ytics nomirr; set y2tics; set y2range [-5*%f:35*%f]; set bar 0.5'
                    % (1, 1))
                    'i=1; bind "$" "i = i%2+1; xlab=i==1?\\"pixel\\":\\"wavelength\\"; set xlabel xlab; set xra [*:*]; print i; repl"'
                x2 = wave[o]
                w2 = wave[o]
                f2 = flux[o]
                f2mod = fmod[o]
                e2 = e_f[o]
                b2 = bpmap[o]
                res = resmap[o] / f2
                      e2.clip(0., f2.max()),
                      'us (column(i)):3:4 w errorli t "' + self.info[n] +
                      ' all"',
                #ogplot(x2,w2, f2, ((b2==0)|(b2==flag.clip))*0.5, 1+4*(b2==flag.clip), 'us (column(i)):3:4:5 w p pt 7 lc var ps var t "'+sp.timeid+' telluric free"', flush='')
                       f2mod, (b2 == 0) * 0.5,
                       'us (column(i)):3:4 w lp lt 3 pt 7 ps var t "Fmod"',
                    x2, w2, res / e2, b2,
                    "us (column(i)):3:4 w lp pt 7 ps 0.5 lc var axis x1y2 t 'residuals'"
                # legend with translation of bpmap, plot dummy using NaN function
                #ogplot(", ".join(["NaN w p pt 7 ps 0.5 lc "+str(f) +" t '"+str(f)+" "+",".join(flag.translate(f))+"'" for f in np.unique(b2)]), flush='')
                no = pause('%i/%i %s %s %s' %
                           (n + 1, self.N, o, self.bjd[n], self.info[n]))
                    o = int(no)
                    if no in ('-', "D", "B"):
                        n -= 1
                    elif no in ('e'):
                    elif no in ('^'):
                        n = 0
                    elif no in ('$'):
                        n = self.N - 1
                    elif no in (')'):
                        o += 1
                    elif no in ('('):
                        o -= 1
                        n += 1
                n = np.clip(n, 0, self.N - 1)
                o = np.clip(o, 0, resmap.shape[0] - 1)
예제 #26
    def postrv(self,

        rv, e_rv = self.allrv[:, 5 + self.orders], self.allerr[:,
                                                               5 + self.orders]
        RV, e_RV = nanwsem(rv, e=e_rv, axis=1)

        allrv = self.allrv
        allerr = self.allerr

        bjd, RVc, e_RVc, RVd, e_RVd, RV, e_RV, BRV, RVsa = self.trvc

        bjd, RV, e_RV, rv, e_rv = allrv[:,
                                        0], allrv[:,
                                                  1], allrv[:,
                                                            2], allrv[:,
                                                                      5:], allerr[:,
        bjdmap = np.tile(bjd[:, np.newaxis], rv.shape[1])
        omap = np.tile(np.arange(len(rv.T)), rv.shape[0]).T

        #gplot(bjd, RV, e_RV, 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7',)
        #gplot(bjdmap.ravel(), rv.ravel(), e_rv.ravel(), omap.ravel(), 'us 1:2:4 w p pt 7 palette, "'+obj+'/'+obj+'.rvo.dat'+'" us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 7')
        rvc = rv - (np.nan_to_num(RVd) + np.nan_to_num(RVsa))[:, np.newaxis]

        gplot.palette('define (0 "blue", 1 "green", 2 "red")').key(
            'tit "%s"' % self.keytitle)
        gplot.xlabel('"BJD - 2 450 000"').ylabel('"RV [m/s]')
        # not drift corrected
        gplot(bjdmap.ravel() - 2450000, rv.ravel(), e_rv.ravel(), omap.ravel(),
              'us 1:2:4 w p pt 7 palette,', bjd - 2450000, RV, e_RV,
              'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 7')
        # drift corrected
        #gplot(bjdmap.ravel(), rvc.ravel(), e_rv.ravel(), omap.ravel(), 'us 1:2:4 w p pt 7 ps 0.5 palette,', bjd, RVc, e_RVc, 'us 1:2:3 w e pt 7 lt 7')


        # minimise (rv_io - rv_i - m_o)^2 / (e_rv_io^2 + e_rv_i^2 + e_rv_o^2)
        e_n = 0
        e_o = 0
        m_o = 0
        for e_n in [0, 0.1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200]:
            e_r = np.sqrt(e_rv**2 + e_n**2 + e_o**2)
            RV, e_RV = nanwsem(rv - m_o, e=e_r, axis=1)
            RV = RV[:, np.newaxis]
            m_o = (wmean(rv - RV, 1 / e_r**2, axis=0) *
                   0)[np.newaxis, :]  # order offset
            r = rv - RV - m_o  # residuals
            e_n = np.sqrt((np.nansum(
                (r**2 - e_rv**2 - e_o**2) / e_r**2, axis=1) /
                           np.nansum(1 / e_r**2, axis=1)).clip(
                               min=0))[:, np.newaxis]  # keepdims not in v1.6.1
            e_o = np.sqrt(
                (np.nansum((r**2 - e_rv**2 - e_n**2) / e_r**2, axis=0) /
                 np.nansum(1 / e_r**2, axis=0)).clip(min=0))[np.newaxis, :]
            L = -0.5 * np.nansum(r**2 / e_r**2) - 0.5 * np.nansum(
                np.log(2. * np.pi * e_r**2))
            print L, e_n.ravel()
            gplot.unset(' multiplot')
            gplot.datafile('missing "nan"')
            gplot.multiplot('layout 1,2;')
            gplot.xlabel('"order"').ylabel('"rvo - RV [m/s]"')
            gplot(rv - RV, ' matrix,', m_o.ravel(), 'us 0:1')
            gplot.xlabel('"obs No."').ylabel('"rvo - RV [m/s]"')
            gplot((rv - RV).T, ' matrix')

        # ind, = where(np.isfinite(e_rv[i])) # do not use the failed and last order
        RV, e_RV = nanwsem(rv, e=e_rv, axis=1)
        RVc = RV - np.nan_to_num(RVd) - np.nan_to_num(RVsa)
        e_RVc = np.sqrt(e_RV**2 + np.nan_to_num(e_RVd)**2)
예제 #27
def ucbspl_fit(x,
   Fit a uniform cubic spline to data.

   x : array_like
      Data position.
   y : array_like
      Data values.
   w : array_like
      Data weights (1/e_y^2).
   K : integer
      Number of uniform knots.
   xmin : float
      Position of the first knot (default minimum of x).
   xmax : float
      Position of the last knot (default maximum of x).
   lam : float
      Penality, smoothing value (default 0, i.e. spline regression).
   pord : int
      Penality order (default 2, i.e. second derivative/curvature).
   mu : array_like
      Analog to mean value of a Gaussian process.
   e_mu : array_like
      Deviation of mu.
   nat : boolean
      Natural spline. (Unclear how to treat this for pord!=2.)
   e_yk : boolean
      Error estimates for the knot values.
      In unweighted case, it estimates the np.sqrt((N-1)/(K-1)).
   retfit: boolean
      If true the returned tuple contains the predicted values y(x) at the data position x.
   var : boolean
      Variance of the model prediction.
   cov : boolean
      If false band matrices are used for efficient solution of equation system with band solver.
      If true covariances are estimated using matrix inversion.

      The spline model.
   ucbspl, yfit, varmod, v_cspl
      The content of tuple depends on keywords retfit, var, cov.

   >>> x = np.r_[0:100., 400:500, 600:700]
   >>> xx = np.r_[0:x[-1]:0.1]
   >>> y = (np.sin(0.1*x)+1)*1000

   Comparison of simple and proper variance estimation

   >>> spl, v_spl, c = ucbspl_fit(x, y, w=1./1000**2, K=50, lam=0.00000001, pord=1, nat=0, var=True, cov=True)
   >>> gplot(xx, spl(xx), np.sqrt(v_spl(xx)), np.sqrt(c(xx)), ' us 1:($2-$3):($2+$3) with filledcurves fill transparent solid 0.5, "" us 1:($2-$4):($2+$4) with filledcurves fill transparent solid 0.5 lt 3, ""  w l lt 7,', spl.xk, spl(), ' lt 7 ps 0.5 pt 7,', x, y, ' pt 7 lt 1')

   >>> spl, v_spl = ucbspl_fit(x, y, w=0.00001, K=50, mu=800, e_mu=800, nat=0, var=True)
   >>> gplot(x, y, ' pt 7')
   >>> ogplot(xx, spl(xx), np.sqrt(v_spl(xx)), '  w l, "" us 1:($2-$3):($2+$3) with filledcurves fill transparent solid 0.5')

   Comparison of penality order

   >>> gplot(x, y, ' pt 7')
   >>> for e_mu in [5, 1, 0.1]:
   ...    spl = ucbspl_fit(x, y, K=50, mu=500, e_mu=e_mu)
   ...    ogplot(xx, spl(xx), 'w l t "mu=0.5 +/- %s"'%e_mu)
   >>> for lam in [0.1, 1, 10, 100, 10000]:
   ...    spl = ucbspl_fit(x, y, K=50, lam=lam, pord=1, nat=0)
   ...    ogplot(xx,spl(xx), 'w l t "lam=%s",' % lam, spl.xk, spl(), ' ps 0.3 pt 6 lt 3 t ""')
   >>> for lam in [0.0000001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100000]:
   ...    spl = ucbspl_fit(x, y, K=50, lam=lam, pord=2, nat=0)
   ...    ogplot(xx,spl(xx), 'w l t "lam=%s",' % lam, spl.xk, spl(), ' ps 0.3 pt 6 lt 3 t ""')
   >>> for lam in [1/0.1**2, 1, 1/5.**2]:
   ...    spl = ucbspl_fit(x, y, K=50, lam=lam, pord=0, nat=0)
   ...    ogplot(xx, spl(xx), 'w l t "lam=%s"' % lam)

    if y is None:  # uniform data
        y = x
        x = np.linspace(xmin or 0,
                        y.size - 1 if xmax is None else xmax,
    if w is None:
        w = 1
        wy = y
        wy = w * y
    wy = np.ascontiguousarray(wy)

    if xmin is None: xmin = x.min()
    if xmax is None: xmax = x.max()

    G, kk = [cbspline_Bk, _cbspline_Bk][c](x, K, xmin, xmax)

    if nat:
        Gorg = 1 * G
        bk2bknat(G, kk, K)

    nk = K + 2
    BTy = np.zeros(nk)
    BTBbnd = np.zeros((4, nk))

    if 0:
        # the slow way without band storage
        print 'bspline2'
        B = bspline2((x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min()) * K, K, D=3)
        n = B.shape[1]
        D = np.diff(np.eye(n), n=pord).T
        print 'BTy'
        BTy = np.dot(B.T, y)
        print 'BTB'
        BTB = np.dot(B.T, B) + lam * np.dot(D.T, D)
        #BTB = B.T.dot(B)+lam*D.T.dot(D)
        #a = np.linalg.solve(BTB, BTy) # too slow
        a = solve_banded((3, 3), bandmat(BTB, bw=7), BTy)
        print a
        yfit = np.dot(B, a)

    if c:
        # C version for band matrix
        _cbspline.rhs_fill(BTy, G, wy, kk, kk.size)
        # w.size=1 not broadcasted in lhsbnd_fill
        _cbspline.lhsbnd_fill(BTBbnd, G,
                              w if np.size(w) > 1 else np.full_like(y, w), kk,
                              kk.size, nk)
        if nat:
            BTy = 1 * BTy[1:K + 1]
            BTBbnd = 1 * BTBbnd[:, 1:K + 1]
        if lam:
            _cbspline.add_DTD(BTBbnd, BTy.size, lam, pord)
        # Python version for band matrix
        # compute sum_jk B_j(x_i) B_k(x_i) w_i
        for k in range(4):
            BTy += np.bincount(kk + k, wy * G[k], nk)
            #for j in range(k+1):
            #BTBbnd[3-k+j] += np.bincount(kk+k, w*G[k]*G[j], nk) # fill upper
            #for j in range(k+1):
            #BTBbnd[k-j] += np.bincount(kk+j, w*G[k]*G[j], nk)  # fill lower
            for j in range(k, 4):
                BTBbnd[j - k] += np.bincount(kk + k, w * G[k] * G[j],
                                             nk)  # fill lower

        if nat:
            BTy = BTy[1:K + 1] * 1
            BTBbnd = BTBbnd[:, 1:K + 1] * 1

        if lam:
            # Add penalty lam*DTD
            print lam
            if pord == 0:
                # diagonal
                BTBbnd[0] += lam
            elif pord == 1:
                #  1  2 ...  2  2  1
                # -1 -1 ... -1 -1
                # diagonal
                BTBbnd[0, [0, -1]] += lam
                BTBbnd[0, 1:-1] += 2 * lam
                # subdiagonals
                BTBbnd[1, :-1] -= lam
            elif pord == 2:
                #   1  5  6 ...  6  5  1
                #  -2 -4 -4 ... -4 -2
                #   1  1  1 ...  1
                # diagonal
                BTBbnd[0, [0, -1]] += lam
                BTBbnd[0, [1, -2]] += 5 * lam
                BTBbnd[0, 2:-2] += 6 * lam
                # first subdiagonal
                BTBbnd[1, [0, -2]] -= 2 * lam
                BTBbnd[1, 1:-2] -= 4 * lam
                # second subdiagonal
                BTBbnd[2, :-2] += lam
                # generic version
                D = np.diff(np.eye(nk), n=pord)
                DTD = lam * np.dot(D, D.T)
                for k in range(4):
                    BTBbnd[k, :-k] += np.diag(DTD, k)


    if mu is not None and e_mu:
        # GP like penality with mu and variance
        BTy += mu / e_mu**2
        BTBbnd[0] += 1. / e_mu**2

    if cov:
        # invert matrix
        BTB = np.diag(BTBbnd[0])
        for i in range(1, 4):
            BTB += np.diag(BTBbnd[i, :-i], i) + np.diag(BTBbnd[i, :-i], -i)
        covmat = np.linalg.inv(BTB)
        BTy = covmat.dot(BTy)
        if c:  # python version
            #BTB = np.diag(BTBbnd[0])
            #tt = BTy*1
            #for i in range(1,4): BTB += np.diag(BTBbnd[i,:-i], i) + np.diag(BTBbnd[i,:-i], -i)
            #print _cbspline.cholsol(BTB, tt, BTy.size)
            _cbspline.cholbnd(BTBbnd, BTy, BTy.size, 3)
            #_cbspline.cholbnd_upper(gg, uu,  BTy.size, 3)
        elif 1:  # python version
            # old c version with Gauss elimination
            # symmetric part
            BTBbnd[4, :-1] = BTBbnd[2, 1:]
            BTBbnd[5, :-2] = BTBbnd[1, 2:]
            BTBbnd[6, :-3] = BTBbnd[0, 3:]
            _cbspline.bandsol(BTBbnd, BTy, BTy.size, 7)
            # only works with "1*" (copy needed: np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(BTBbnd): TypeError: strided arrays not supported)

    a = BTy
    if nat:
        G = Gorg
        a = np.r_[2 * a[0] - a[1], a, 2 * a[K - 1] - a[K - 2]]

    mod = ucbspl(a, xmin, xmax)
    out = mod
    if retfit or var or cov:
        out = out,

    if retfit:
        # same as yfit = mod(x), but re-using G[k]
        yfit = 0.
        for k in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            yfit += a[kk + k] * G[k]
        out += yfit,

    # error estimation for knot coefficients ak
    #    sig(ak)^-2 = sum_i Bk(x_i) * w_i
    if var or e_yk:
        wa = 0.  # = sum_i Bk(x_i) * w_i =  1/var(ak)
        for k, Gk in enumerate(
                G):  # short loop, but bincount could also have overhead
            wa += np.bincount(kk + k, Gk * w, nk)
        if mu is not None and e_mu:
            wa += 1. / e_mu**2
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):  # yet lam is not handled
            vara = 1. / wa
        varmod = ucbspl(vara, xmin, xmax)
        if var:
            out += varmod,

    if cov:
        # compute   sum_i,j B_j(x) * cov_jk B_k(x)
        out += v_cspl(covmat, xmin, xmax),
        #gplot(x, v_f(x), varmod(x), ', "" us 1:3,', varmod.xk, varmod(), v_f(varmod.xk),', "" us 1:3')

    # error estimation for knot values
    # var(yk) = 1/6 var(ak-1) + 4/6 var(ak) + 1/6 var(ak+1)
    if e_yk:
        mod.e_yk = np.sqrt(varmod())

    if plot:
            ' w l lt 1,',  # oversample the knots
            ' lt 1 pt 7,',
            ' lt 3, "" us 1:3 w l lt 2')

    return out
예제 #28
def read_feros(self, s, orders=None, pfits=True, verb=True):
   SYNTAX: read_feros(filename)
   OUTPUT: namedtuple('spectrum', 'w f berv bjd blaze drift timeid sn55 ')
           w    - wavelength
           f    - flux
           berv - Barycentric Earth Radial Velocity
           bjd  - Barycentric Julian Day
           blaze - Blaze filename
           drift - Used RV Drift
           sn55  - S_N order center55

    hdulist = pyfits.open(s)  # slow 30 ms
    if orders is None or self.header is None:
        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        self.inst = hdr['INSTRUME']

        #data,hdr = fitsio.read(s,header=True)
        indberv = [
            i for i, s in enumerate(hdr.values()) if 'BARY_CORR' in str(s)
        ][0] + 1
        self.drsberv = float(hdr[indberv])
        # FEROS drsberv are wrong and already applied to the spectra
        # remove it from the spectrum
        self.drsbjd = hdr.get('MJD-OBS',
                              np.nan)  #hdr.get(HIERARCH+'ESO DRS BJD',0)
        if self.drsbjd: self.drsbjd += 2400000.5
        if self.fib == 'B': self.drsberv = np.nan

        self.tmmean = 0.5  # hdr['HIERARCH ESO INS DET1 TMMEAN'] not available
        self.exptime = hdr['EXPTIME']
        self.dateobs = hdr['ARCFILE'][6:-5]  # hdr['DATE-OBS']
        # FEROS has no S/N estimates; judge with airmass and seeing
        #print hdr['DATASUM'], self.exptime, hdr['HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START'], hdr['HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM START']
        seefhwm = hdr['HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM START']  # if -1 assume 3.0
        self.sn55 = 100 / hdr['HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START'] / (
            seefhwm if seefhwm > 0 else 3.0)
        self.blaze = ''  #hdr[HIERARCH+'ESO DRS BLAZE FILE']
        self.drift = hdr.get(HIERARCH + 'ESO DRS DRIFT RV USED', np.nan)

        #fileid = str(hdr.ascardlist()['MJD-OBS'])     # read the comment
        fileid = hdr.get('ARCFILE',
                         0)  #fileid[fileid.index('(')+1:fileid.index(')')]
        self.calmode = hdr.get(
            0).split("_")[3]  #fileid[fileid.index('(')+1:fileid.index(')')]
        calmodedict = {'objcal': 'OBJ,ThAr', 'objsky': 'OBJ,SKY'}
        if self.calmode in calmodedict:
            self.calmode = calmodedict[self.calmode]
        self.timeid = self.dateobs  #fileid

        if self.calmode != 'OBJ,ThAr' and hdr.get(
                'FILENAME') != 'rebinned1.bdf':
            self.flag = 1
        #  hdr['OBJECT'] = hdr.get('OBJECT','FOX')
        self.header = hdr
    hdr = self.header
    if verb:
        print "read_feros:", self.timeid, self.header[
            'OBJECT'], self.drsbjd, self.sn55, self.drsberv, self.drift, self.flag, self.calmode

    if orders is not None:  # read order data
        if self.filename.endswith('.mt'):
            realname = os.path.realpath(self.filename)
            data = [
                pyfits.getdata(realname.replace('01.mt', '%02i.mt' % (o + 1)))
                for o in range(39)
            fsize = max([len(fo) for fo in data])
            f = np.zeros((39, fsize)).astype(float)
            for o, fo in enumerate(data):
                f[o, 0:len(fo)] = fo * 100000.
            f = hdulist[0].data * 100000.
        bpmap = np.isnan(f).astype(int)  # flag 1 for nan
        bpmap[f < 0.0001] |= flag.neg  # flag 2 for zero and negative flux

        # print " applying wavelength solution ", file
        CRPIX1 = -49.
        CDELT1 = 0.03
        w = 0 * f.astype(float)
        his = list(hdr.get_history())
        wind = [i for i, x in enumerate(his) if 'WSTART' in x][0]
        wstart = ' '.join(his[wind + 1:wind + 14])
        wstart = np.fromstring(wstart, dtype=float, sep=' ')
        for i in range(39):
            #wstart = 3.527250000000000E+03
            w[i] = wstart[i] + CDELT1 * np.arange(w[0].size)
        c = 299792.4580  # [km/s]
        w *= (1 - self.drsberv / c)
        w = airtovac(w)
        #from gplot import  *; gplot(lam[i],data[i])
        #lam = hdulist['WAVE'].data
        e = np.ones_like(f) * 100.
        e[bpmap == 0] = 1.0 * 10.  #np.sqrt(data[bpmap==0]) # slow 50 ms

        if self.fib != 'B':  # filter for cosmics
            look = (None, )
            kap = 4.5
            for o in range(39):
                idx, = np.where(bpmap[o] == 0)
                if 1:
                    # using a robust 4.5 68 percentile clipping
                    #hh = np.argsort(f[o][idx])
                    #ii = hh[len(hh)*0.98:]  # reject 2%
                    p1sig = (100 - 68.2) / 2
                    p16, p50, p84 = np.percentile(f[o][idx],
                                                  (p1sig, 50, 100 - p1sig))
                    rbsig = (p84 - p16) / 2  # robust five sigma
                    ii = idx[f[o][idx] > p50 + kap * rbsig]
                    if o in look:
                            w[o], f[o], ',', w[o][idx], f[o][idx], ',',
                            w[o][ii], f[o][ii], ",%f, %f, %f, %f" %
                            (p16, p50, p84, p50 + kap * rbsig))
                if 0:
                    # moving robust 4.5sigma clipping
                    csum = np.cumsum(f[o][idx])
                    mvmean = (csum[400:] - csum[:-400]) / 400
                    #mvmean = np.lib.pad(mvmean, (400,400), 'edge')
                    mvmean = np.concatenate((np.zeros(200) + mvmean[0], mvmean,
                                             np.zeros(200) + mvmean[-1]))
                    csum = np.cumsum(abs(f[o][idx] - mvmean))
                    mvrbsig = (csum[400:] - csum[:-400]) / 400
                    mvrbsig = np.concatenate(
                        (np.zeros(200) + mvrbsig[0], mvrbsig,
                         np.zeros(200) + mvrbsig[-1]))
                    ii = idx[f[o][idx] > mvmean + kap * mvrbsig]
                    if o in look:
                        gplot(w[o], f[o], ',', w[o][idx], f[o][idx], mvmean,
                              mvmean + kap * mvrbsig, ',"" us 1:3, "" us 1:4,',
                              w[o][ii], sf[o][ii])
                bpmap[o][ii] |= flag_cosm
                if o in look:
        return w, f, e, bpmap
예제 #29
def atm_model(w, f, berv, o):
    # divides spectra by atmosphere model
    # much more testing needed !
    modelfile = 'inst/CRIRES_atm/stdAtmos_crires_airmass1.fits'
    hdu = fits.open(modelfile, ignore_blank=True)
    atm_model = hdu[1].data
    w_atm2 = atm_model.field(0).astype(np.float64)
    f_atm2 = atm_model.field(1).astype(np.float64)

    #       file_obs2 = "data/CRIRES/210220_PiOri/cr2res_obs_nodding_extracted_combined.fits"
    file_obs2 = "/data/jana/VIPER/210220_tetVir/K2166/cr2res_obs_nodding_extracted_combined.fits"
    x2, w_atm, f_atm, bp2, bjd2, berv2 = Spectrum(file_obs2, o=o)
    bw = (np.load('wave_solution_tetvir.npy'))[o - 1]
    w_atm = np.poly1d(bw[::-1])(x2)

    #  bb = [-0.457193, 314.784913, 5675608.219445]
    ba = (np.load("lib/CRIRES/blaze_K2166.npy"))[o - 1]
    bandp = np.poly1d(ba)(x2)

    lmin = w[0]
    lmax = w[-1]
    lmin = max(w[0], w_atm[0])
    lmax = min(w[-1], w_atm[-1])

    smo = slice(*np.searchsorted(w_atm, [lmin, lmax]))
    w_atm1 = w_atm[smo]
    f_atm1 = f_atm[smo]
    smo = slice(*np.searchsorted(w, [lmin, lmax]))
    w = w[smo]
    f = f[smo]
    bandp = bandp[smo]

    gplot(w_atm, f_atm / np.nanmean(f_atm), 'w l t "tell",', w,
          f / np.nanmean(f), 'w l t "data",', w, bandp / np.mean(bandp) * 0.9,
          'w l t "bandp"')  #, w_atm1,f_atm1/np.nanmean(f_atm1),'w l')

    # correction of shift between model and observed data
    rv, ccc = pyasl.crosscorrRV(w,
    pol = (np.poly1d(np.polyfit(rv, ccc, 15)))(rv)
    shift = rv[np.argmax(pol)]
    print('shift atmmod: ', shift)
    print(w, w_atm1)
    w_atm /= (1 + shift / 3e5)
    smo = slice(*np.searchsorted(w_atm, [lmin, lmax]))
    w_atm1 = w_atm[smo]
    f_atm1 = f_atm[smo]

    print(w, w_atm1)

    f_atm1 = np.interp(w, w_atm1, f_atm1)

    #    f_div = f/np.nanmean(f)/(f_atm1/np.mean(f_atm1))
    f_div = f / f_atm1
    print('mean', np.nanmean(abs(f / np.mean(f) - f_div / np.mean(f_div))))
    i_flag = np.where(
        abs(f_div) <= (np.median(f_div) + 2 * np.std(abs(f_div))))[0]
    #      i_flag = np.where(abs(f/np.nanmean(f)-f_div/np.nanmean(f_div)) <= 0.2)[0]
    #    f_div[f_div<=0] = 1000
    #     i_flag = np.where(abs(f_div) <= (np.median(f_div)*1.5))[0]
    w1 = w * 1.
    w = w[i_flag]
    f = f[i_flag]
    f_div = f_div[i_flag]  #*np.median(f)

    plot_tell = 1
    if plot_tell:
        print('mean', np.nanmean(abs(f / np.mean(f) - f_div / np.mean(f_div))))
        #        gplot(w,f/np.mean(f),'w l,', w,f_atm1/np.mean(f_atm1),'w l')
        gplot(w, f / np.mean(f), 'w l t "data",', w, f_div / np.mean(f_div),
              'w l t "div data",', w1, f_atm1 / np.mean(f_atm1),
              'w l t "tell",', w,
              abs(f / np.nanmean(f) - f_div / np.nanmean(f_div)),
              'w p pt 7 ps 0.4 t "res"')

    return w, f_div, i_flag  #f_atm