예제 #1
def store_counts(data, stats, now):
	logger.info('Storing count snapshot')
	with database.transaction() as t:
		t.execute('SELECT name, id FROM count_types ORDER BY ord')
		name_data = t.fetchall()
		name_order = map(lambda x: x[0], name_data)
		names = dict(name_data)
		# It seems MySQL complains with insert ... select in some cases.
		# So we do some insert-select-insert magic here. That is probably
		# slower, but no idea how to help that. And it should work.
		t.execute('SELECT name, id FROM clients WHERE name IN (' + (','.join(['%s'] * len(data))) + ')', data.keys())
		clients = dict(t.fetchall())
		# Create a snapshot for each client
		t.executemany('INSERT INTO count_snapshots (timestamp, client) VALUES(%s, %s)', map(lambda client: (now, client), clients.values()))
		t.execute('SELECT client, id FROM count_snapshots WHERE timestamp = %s', (now,))
		snapshots = dict(t.fetchall())
		# Push all the data in
		def truncate(data, limit):
			if data > 2**limit-1:
				logger.warn("Number %s overflow, truncating to %s", data, 2**limit-1)
				return 2**limit-1
				return data
		def clientdata(client):
			snapshot = snapshots[clients[client]]
			l = min(len(data[client]) / 2, len(name_order))
			return map(lambda name, index: (snapshot, names[name], truncate(data[client][index * 2], 63), truncate(data[client][index * 2 + 1], 63)), name_order[:l], range(0, l))
		def clientcaptures(client):
			snapshot = snapshots[clients[client]]
			return map(lambda i: (snapshot, i, truncate(stats[client][3 * i], 31), truncate(stats[client][3 * i + 1], 31), truncate(stats[client][3 * i + 2], 31)), range(0, len(stats[client]) / 3))
		def join_clients(c1, c2):
			return c1
		t.executemany('INSERT INTO counts(snapshot, type, count, size) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)', reduce(join_clients, map(clientdata, data.keys())))
		t.executemany('INSERT INTO capture_stats(snapshot, interface, captured, dropped, dropped_driver) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', reduce(join_clients, map(clientcaptures, stats.keys())))
예제 #2
def search_in_board(words, board):
    trie = Trie.create(words+words[::-1])
    acc_hash = {}
    handled_paths = []
    pos_list = [(i,j) for i in range(len(board)) for j in range(len(board[0]))]
    while len(pos_list) > 0:
        i,j = pos_list.pop(0)
        cur_char = board[i][j]
        # ((0,0),'o',[])
        cur_word_point = ([(i,j)], cur_char)
        # [((1,0),'e'),((0,1),'a')]
        neighbors = find_neighbors((i,j),board)
        cur_words = acc_hash.get((i,j), [])
        # remove all the paths which have been handled
        cur_words = filter(lambda x: x[0] not in handled_paths, cur_words)
        filtered_prefixs = filter_by_prefix(
                cur_words+[cur_word_point], neighbors, trie)
        # [((0,1),'oa',[(0,0)])]
        update_acc_hash(acc_hash, filtered_prefixs)
        # add all the paths which have been handled
        map(lambda x: handled_paths.append(x[0]), cur_words)
        # add some position for new path
        for cur_word_point in filtered_prefixs:
            cur_pos = cur_word_point[0][-1]
            if cur_pos not in pos_list:

    # return acc_hash
    word_points = filter_words(acc_hash)
    return map(lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), word_points)
    def to_dict(self):
        Returns the model properties as a dict
        result = {}

        for attr, _ in iteritems(self.swagger_types):
            value = getattr(self, attr)
            if isinstance(value, list):
                result[attr] = list(map(
                    lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
            elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
                result[attr] = value.to_dict()
            elif isinstance(value, dict):
                result[attr] = dict(map(
                    lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
                    if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
                result[attr] = value

        return result
예제 #4
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: Nextdoor/kingpin
def diff_dicts(dict1, dict2):
    """Compares two dicts and returns the difference as a string,
    if there is any.

    Sorts two dicts (including sorting of the lists!!) and then diffs them.
    This will ignore string types ('unicode' vs 'string').

        dict1: First dict
        dict2: Second dict

        A diff string if there's any difference, otherwise None.
    dict1 = order_dict(dict1)
    dict2 = order_dict(dict2)

    if dict1 == dict2:

    dict1 = pprint.pformat(dict1).splitlines()
    dict2 = pprint.pformat(dict2).splitlines()

    # Remove unicode identifiers.
    dict1 = map(lambda line: line.replace('u\'', '\''), dict1)
    dict2 = map(lambda line: line.replace('u\'', '\''), dict2)

    return '\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff(dict1, dict2, n=2))
예제 #5
    def schema_shell(self):
        """Performs the 'schema-shell' command."""
        schema_shell_home = self.env.get(SCHEMA_SHELL_HOME)
        assert (schema_shell_home is not None), \
            ("Environment variable undefined: %r" % SCHEMA_SHELL_HOME)
        assert os.path.isdir(schema_shell_home), \
            ("Invalid home directory for KijiSchema shell: %r" % schema_shell_home)
        schema_shell_script = os.path.join(schema_shell_home, "bin", "kiji-schema-shell")
        assert os.path.isfile(schema_shell_script), \
            ("KijiSchema shell not found: %r" % schema_shell_script)

        env = dict(self.env)

        classpath = env.get(KIJI_CLASSPATH, "").split(":") + list(self.express.get_classpath())
        env[KIJI_CLASSPATH] = ":".join(classpath)

        java_opts = env.get("JAVA_OPTS", "")
        # FIXME: I cannot find any trace of the Java system property "express.tmpjars"!
        # java_opts += (" -Dexpress.tmpjars=%s" % ???)

        # Relevant for KijiSchema 1.1 only and will be removed in Express 3.0:
        java_opts += " -Dorg.kiji.schema.impl.AvroCellEncoder.SCHEMA_VALIDATION=DISABLED"
        env["JAVA_OPTS"] = java_opts

        cmd = [schema_shell_script]
        logging.debug("Launching kiji-schema shell with:\n%s\with KIJI_CLASSPATH:\n%s",
                      " \\\n\t".join(map(repr, cmd)), "\n".join(map(tab_indent, classpath)))
        logging.debug("Computed KIJI_CLASSPATH:")
        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env)
            return proc.wait()
        except subprocess.SubProcessError:
예제 #6
파일: test_rdq.py 프로젝트: jcollie/txrdq
 def testNarrowNarrowWidenNarrow(self):
     items = range(14)
     dq = ResizableDispatchQueue(self.slow, 3)
     map(dq.put, items)
     # jobs 0, 1, 2 will be dispatched at time 0.00
     reactor.callLater(0.1, dq.setWidth, 2)
         0.1, self._testPending, dq, [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13])
     # At time 0.20 jobs 0, 1, and 2 will all finish, but the
     # queue now has width 2, so 3 and 4 will be dispatched.
         0.25, self._testPending, dq, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13])
     reactor.callLater(0.3, dq.setWidth, 1)
     # 3 and 4 will finish at 0.40, and the queue is now width 1, so 5
     # will be dispatched at 0.40. Then 6 will be dispatched at 0.60.
     reactor.callLater(0.7, dq.setWidth, 3)
     # At 0.7 the queue is widened to 3, so 2 more jobs (7, 8) will be
     # dispatched. 6 will finish at 0.80, so one more job (9) will be
     # dispatched at 0.8.
     reactor.callLater(0.85, dq.setWidth, 1)
     # 7 and 8 will have finished at 0.9, at which point the queue is
     # down to size 1, but 9 is still in progress. At 1.0, 9 will finish
     # and 10 will launch. At 1.20, 10 will finish and 11 will be
     # dispatched.  11 will finish at about 1.40.
     return self._stopAndTest(1.35, dq, [12, 13])
예제 #7
def test_format(obj, precision=6):
    tf = lambda o: test_format(o, precision)
    delimit = lambda o: ', '.join(o)
    otype = type(obj)
    if otype is str:
        return "'%s'" % obj
    elif otype is float or otype is int:
        if otype is int:
            obj = float(obj)
        fstr = '%%.%df' % precision
        return fstr % obj
    elif otype is set:
        if len(obj) == 0:
            return 'set()'
        return '{%s}' % delimit(sorted(map(tf, obj)))
    elif otype is dict:
        return '{%s}' % delimit(sorted(tf(k)+': '+tf(v) for k,v in obj.items()))
    elif otype is list:
        return '[%s]' % delimit(map(tf, obj))
    elif otype is tuple:
        return '(%s%s)' % (delimit(map(tf, obj)), ',' if len(obj) is 1 else '')
    elif otype.__name__ in ['Vec','Mat']:
        entries = tf({x:obj.f[x] for x in obj.f if obj.f[x] != 0})
        return '%s(%s, %s)' % (otype.__name__, test_format(obj.D), entries)
        return str(obj)
예제 #8
파일: test_rdq.py 프로젝트: jcollie/txrdq
 def testParallel(self):
     dq = ResizableDispatchQueue(self.slow, 3)
     map(dq.put, range(3))
     # This should finish in about 0.2 seconds, with nothing on the
     # queue.  We stop after just 0.001 seconds. All three tasks should
     # be dispatched immediately.
     return self._stopAndTest(0.001, dq, [])
예제 #9
파일: test_rdq.py 프로젝트: jcollie/txrdq
 def testNarrowNarrowWiden(self):
     dq = ResizableDispatchQueue(self.slow, 3)
     map(dq.put, range(11))
     reactor.callLater(0.1, dq.setWidth, 2)
     reactor.callLater(0.3, dq.setWidth, 1)
     reactor.callLater(0.7, dq.setWidth, 3)
     return self._stopAndTest(0.9, dq, [10])
예제 #10
파일: test_rdq.py 프로젝트: jcollie/txrdq
 def testJustOne(self):
     dq = ResizableDispatchQueue(self.slow, 1)
     map(dq.put, range(3))
     # This should finish in about 0.2 seconds, with 2 things still on
     # the queue because we stop it after 0.001 so task 0 is already
     # executing but 1 and 2 are queued.
     return self._stopAndTest(0.001, dq, [1, 2])
예제 #11
파일: test_rdq.py 프로젝트: jcollie/txrdq
 def testSequential(self):
     dq = ResizableDispatchQueue(self.slow, 1)
     map(dq.put, range(3))
     # This should finish in about 0.6 seconds, with nothing still on
     # the queue because we stop after 0.5 seconds so all three tasks
     # will have been dispatched one after another.
     return self._stopAndTest(0.5, dq, [])
예제 #12
def calculateSparseDictCOO(data_set, data_label_hash, jump=1, valid_flag=False):
	row = []
	col = []
	data = []
	row_valid = []
	col_valid = []
	data_valid = []

	doc_ids = set(sorted(map(lambda row:int(row[0]), data_set)))
	base_ids_list = filter(lambda ids: ids % jump == 0, doc_ids)
	train_ids = base_ids_list
	valid_ids = set()
	if valid_flag:
		valid_index = filter(lambda ids: ids % validation_perc == 0, range(len(base_ids_list)))
		valid_ids = [base_ids_list[i] for i in valid_index]
		base_ids = set(base_ids_list)
		train_ids = sorted(base_ids - set(valid_ids))

	labels = map(lambda trid: int(data_label_hash[trid]), train_ids)
	labels_valid = map(lambda vlid: int(data_label_hash[vlid]), valid_ids)
	for i in range(len(data_set)):
		if int(data_set[i][0]) in train_ids:
			# labels.append(int(data_label_hash[int(data_set[i][0])]))
		elif int(data_set[i][0]) in valid_ids:
			# labels_valid.append(int(data_label_hash[int(data_set[i][0])]))

	train = translate(row), col, data, labels
	valid = translate(row_valid), col_valid, data_valid, labels_valid
	return train, valid
예제 #13
def trigger_mopage_refresh(obj, event):
    event_pages = filter(None,
                          map(lambda parent: IEventPage(parent, None),
    if not event_pages:
        # We are not within an event page.
        # We only trigger when publishing an event page
        # or a child of an event page.

    triggers = filter(None,
                      map(lambda parent: IPublisherMopageTrigger(parent, None),
    if not triggers or not triggers[0].is_enabled():

    for events in event_pages:

    from collective.taskqueue import taskqueue

    trigger_url = triggers[0].build_trigger_url()
    callback_path = '/'.join(getSite().getPhysicalPath()
                             + ('taskqueue_events_trigger_mopage_refresh',))
    taskqueue.add(callback_path, params={'target': trigger_url})
예제 #14
파일: html.py 프로젝트: allieus/askbot3
def moderate_tags(html):
    """replaces instances of <a> and <img>
    with "item in moderation" alerts
    from askbot.conf import settings
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib')
    replaced = False
    if settings.MODERATE_LINKS:
        links = soup.find_all('a')
        if links:
            template = get_template('widgets/moderated_link.jinja')
            aviso = BeautifulSoup(template.render(), 'html5lib').find('body')
            map(lambda v: v.replaceWith(aviso), links)
            replaced = True

    if settings.MODERATE_IMAGES:
        images = soup.find_all('img')
        if images:
            template = get_template('widgets/moderated_link.jinja')
            aviso = BeautifulSoup(template.render(), 'html5lib').find('body')
            map(lambda v: v.replaceWith(aviso), images)
            replaced = True

    if replaced:
        return force_text(soup.find('body').renderContents(), 'utf-8')

    return html
예제 #15
def parsexyz(filename):
    lst = parseALL(filename," Number     Number       Type","         ")
    lines = map(float,lst[1:-1])
    xyz = [lines[x:x+3] for x in xrange(0, len(lines), 3)] 
    b = xyz[1::2]
    Z = map(int,lines[1::6])
    return (Z,np.array(b)) 
예제 #16
    def vectorize(self):
        ld = '('
        rd = ')'
        outstr = ''

        if self.__dict__[field_rarity]:
            outstr += ld + self.__dict__[field_rarity] + rd + ' '

        coststr = self.__dict__[field_cost].vectorize(delimit = True)
        if coststr:
            outstr += coststr + ' '

        typestr = ' '.join(map(lambda s: '(' + s + ')',
                               self.__dict__[field_supertypes] + self.__dict__[field_types]))
        if typestr:
            outstr += typestr + ' '

        if self.__dict__[field_subtypes]:
            outstr += ' '.join(self.__dict__[field_subtypes]) + ' '

        if self.__dict__[field_pt]:
            outstr += ' '.join(map(lambda s: '(' + s + ')',
                                   self.__dict__[field_pt].replace('/', '/ /').split()))
            outstr += ' '
        if self.__dict__[field_loyalty]:
            outstr += '((' + self.__dict__[field_loyalty] + ')) '
        outstr += self.__dict__[field_text].vectorize()

        if self.bside:
            outstr = '_ASIDE_ ' + outstr + '\n\n_BSIDE_ ' + self.bside.vectorize()

        return outstr
예제 #17
파일: api.py 프로젝트: mrooney/mintapi
    def get_budgets(self):  # {{{
        # Get categories
        categories = self.get_categories()

        # Issue request for budget utilization
        first_of_this_month = date.today().replace(day=1)
        eleven_months_ago = (first_of_this_month - timedelta(days=330)).replace(day=1)
        url = "{}/getBudget.xevent".format(MINT_ROOT_URL)
        params = {
            'startDate': eleven_months_ago.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),
            'endDate': first_of_this_month.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),
            'rnd': Mint.get_rnd(),
        response = json.loads(self.get(url, params=params, headers=JSON_HEADER).text)

        # Make the skeleton return structure
        budgets = {
            'income': response['data']['income'][
                str(max(map(int, response['data']['income'].keys())))
            'spend': response['data']['spending'][
                str(max(map(int, response['data']['income'].keys())))

        # Fill in the return structure
        for direction in budgets.keys():
            for budget in budgets[direction]:
                budget['cat'] = self.get_category_from_id(

        return budgets
예제 #18
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: AEliu/calibre
def initialize_constants():
    global __version__, __appname__, modules, functions, basenames, scripts

    src = open('src/calibre/constants.py', 'rb').read()
    nv = re.search(r'numeric_version\s+=\s+\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)', src)
    __version__ = '%s.%s.%s'%(nv.group(1), nv.group(2), nv.group(3))
    __appname__ = re.search(r'__appname__\s+=\s+(u{0,1})[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]',
    epsrc = re.compile(r'entry_points = (\{.*?\})', re.DOTALL).\
            search(open('src/calibre/linux.py', 'rb').read()).group(1)
    entry_points = eval(epsrc, {'__appname__': __appname__})

    def e2b(ep):
        return re.search(r'\s*(.*?)\s*=', ep).group(1).strip()

    def e2s(ep, base='src'):
        return (base+os.path.sep+re.search(r'.*=\s*(.*?):', ep).group(1).replace('.', '/')+'.py').strip()

    def e2m(ep):
        return re.search(r'.*=\s*(.*?)\s*:', ep).group(1).strip()

    def e2f(ep):
        return ep[ep.rindex(':')+1:].strip()

    basenames, functions, modules, scripts = {}, {}, {}, {}
    for x in ('console', 'gui'):
        y = x + '_scripts'
        basenames[x] = list(map(e2b, entry_points[y]))
        functions[x] = list(map(e2f, entry_points[y]))
        modules[x] = list(map(e2m, entry_points[y]))
        scripts[x] = list(map(e2s, entry_points[y]))
예제 #19
파일: core.py 프로젝트: TYP30/apptools
	def render(self, path, context={}, elements={}, content_type='text/html', headers={}, **kwargs):

		''' Return a response containing a rendered Jinja template. Creates a session if one doesn't exist. '''
		if isinstance(self.context, dict) and len(self.context) > 0:
			tmp_context = self.context
			self.context = self.baseContext
			map(self._setcontext, tmp_context)
			self.context = self.baseContext
		# Build response HTTP headers
		response_headers = {}
		for key, value in self.baseHeaders.items():
			response_headers[key] = value
		if len(headers) > 0:
			for key, value in headers.items():
				response_headers[key] = value
		# Consider kwargs
		if len(kwargs) > 0:
			for k, v in kwargs.items():
				self.context[k] = v
		# Bind runtime-level template context
			self.context = self._bindRuntimeTemplateContext(self.context)
		except NotImplementedError, e:
			if config.debug:
				raise ## in production, the show must go on...
예제 #20
파일: fetcher.py 프로젝트: kapv89/slither
  def child_urls(self):
    if self.response().status_code != 200 or self.response().headers['content-type'] != 'text/html' :
      return []

    hrefs = map(lambda a: str(a.get('href')), self.soup().find_all('a'))
    childrens = filter(bool, map(self.process_href, hrefs))
    return childrens
예제 #21
	def __call__(self, url, count_of_crawler):
		Function which fetch the content from the given URL and collect all the
		URL in the content and pass the first url of the page to fetch the
			page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
			soup = BeautifulSoup(page.read())	

			links_on_page = map(lambda anchor: anchor.get('href'), 

			cleaned_url = map(lambda link: link if urlparse(link).scheme 
	 				and urlparse(url).netloc else (urlparse(url)
					.scheme+"://"+urlparse(url).netloc+link if 
					link[0] == "/" else url+link), links_on_page)
			next_url_to_visit = [next_url for next_url in cleaned_url\
				 if not next_url in visited_url and not "#" in next_url][0]
			if count_of_crawler and next_url_to_visit:	
				count_of_crawler = crawler(next_url_to_visit, 
			print "It seems there is some issue in URL "+url
		return count_of_crawler
예제 #22
 def test_0(self):
     accuracies = map(get_lfw_restricted_accuracy,
                      map(lambda x: '%02i' % x, range(1, 11)))
     accuracy_avg = np.mean(np.array(accuracies))
     accuracy_std = np.std(np.array(accuracies))
     print('Accuracy on LFW test set (10 fold CV): %4.3g +/- %4.3g' % (
         accuracy_avg, accuracy_std))
예제 #23
def run_clustering_example(run):
  global current_graph_state
  n = 100
  accs = []
  for i in range(100):
    current_graph_state = GraphState()
    sampler = run()
    samples = [sampler() for i in range(n)]
    templ = current_graph_state.to_JSON()
    rand_params = hs_rand_template_params(templ)
    print hs_sample_bayes_net(templ, rand_params)
    varvals = state_to_varvals(hs_sample_bayes_net(templ, rand_params))
    frozen_samples = [freeze_value(samp, varvals) for samp in samples]
    true_latents = [x[0] for x in frozen_samples]
    print true_latents
    templ = condition_on_frozen_samples(current_graph_state, samples, [x[1] for x in frozen_samples])
    print 'best score', params_score(templ, rand_params)
    state_params_list = infer_states_and_parameters(templ)
    rand_cs = params_to_cluster_centers(rand_params)
    iter_accs = []
    j = 0
    for (state, params, score) in state_params_list:
      print 'score', score
      cs = params_to_cluster_centers(params)
      # if j > 1:
      #   varvals = state_to_varvals(state)
      #   state_latents = [freeze_value(samp[0], varvals) for samp in samples]
      #   acc = cluster_assignment_accuracy(true_latents, state_latents)
      #   iter_accs.append(acc)
      j += 1
  print map(mean, zip(*accs))
예제 #24
 def step(self):
     r = self.table.step(self.tps)
     self.t += self.tps
     if not self.table.fullyOcc():
         self.lastseent = self.t
         self.lastseen = map(int,self.table.ball.getpos())
     #print self.lastseen, self.lastseent
     # Update particles
     weights = [p.weight for p in self.particles]
     ps = self.getPartPs()
     newws = [w*p for w,p in zip(weights, ps)]
     newws = map(lambda x: np.power(x,self.temp), newws)
     totw = sum(newws)
     newws = map(lambda x: x / totw, newws)
     #seff = sum(map(lambda w: 1 / (w*w), newws))
     newparts = copy.copy(self.particles); newparts.append("Empty")
     newps = selectReplace(newparts,newws,len(self.particles))
     rejns = 0.
     for i in range(len(newps)):
         if newps[i] == "Empty": newps[i] = Particle(self.table,self.kapv,self.kapb,self.kapm,self.perr,self.tps,self.lastseent, self.lastseen); rejns += 1.
         #else: newps[i] = copy.deepcopy(newps[i])
     for p in newps: p.weight = 1
     self.lastrej = rejns / self.npart
     self.particles = newps
     return r
예제 #25
    def get_disks(self):
        disks_to_attach_names = self.__get_disks_to_attach_names()
        self.disks = map(lambda disk: self.__add_attach_data_to_disk(disk, disks_to_attach_names), self.disks)

        return map(lambda disk: {"name": disk.getAttribute('ovf:diskId'),
                                 "capacity": int(disk.getAttribute('ovf:capacity')) / (2**30),
                                 "attach": disk.getAttribute('attach')}, self.disks)
def farpairs_ranges(ratings):
    pairs = []
    for i in xrange(len(ratings)):
        for j in xrange(len(ratings)):
            dist = abs(i-j)
            std1 = ratings[i][2]
            avg1 = ratings[i][1]
            std2 = ratings[j][2]
            avg2 = ratings[j][1]

            if (avg1 + std1 > avg2 - std2 and avg1 + std1 <= avg2 + std2) or \
               (avg2 + std2 > avg1 - std1 and avg2 + std2 <= avg1 + std1):
                pairs.append([i, j, dist])
    pairs.sort(lambda x,y: x[2] < y[2] and -1 or 1)
    pairs = map(lambda x: x[:1], pairs)
    idxs = []
    for p in pairs:
    subset = set()
    while len(idxs) > 0 and len(subset) < WINDOW:
    subset = filter(lambda x: x in subset, range(len(ratings)))
    subset = map(lambda x: ratings[x], subset)
    return reorder(ratings, subset)
예제 #27
파일: offline.py 프로젝트: minrk/phoenix
    def plot_data(self,v):
        Simple plot window that can be updated very fast.
        No grid or resize like plot()
        if self.plotwin == None:
            self.plotwin = Tk()
            self.plotwin.title('Phoenix plot')
            self.plotwin.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.clean_qplot)
            self.canvas = Canvas(self.plotwin, background='white', width=WIDTH + 20, height=HALF_HEIGHT*2 + 20)

            self.canvas.create_rectangle(10, 10, WIDTH+10, HALF_HEIGHT*2 + 10, outline='#009900')
            self.canvas.create_line([(10, HALF_HEIGHT+10), (WIDTH+10, HALF_HEIGHT+10)], fill='#00ff00')
        if len(self.plot_trace) != 0:
            map(lambda x: self.canvas.delete(x), self.plot_trace)
            self.plot_trace = []
        numchans = len(v[0]) - 1
        npoints = len(v)
        xscale = WIDTH/v[-1][0]
        yscale = HALF_HEIGHT/YMAX
        for ch in range(numchans):
            a = []
            for i in range(npoints):
                x = 10 + v[i][0] * xscale
                y = (HALF_HEIGHT + 10) - v[i][ch+1] * yscale
                a.append((x, y))
            line = self.canvas.create_line(a, fill=self.colors[ch])            
예제 #28
def find_segments(doc, key, use_segment_table = True):
    key_pieces = key.split(':')
    while len(key_pieces) < 3:

    filter_func = lambda x: str(x.ifos) == key_pieces[0] and (str(x.name) == key_pieces[1] or key_pieces[1] == '*') and (str(x.version) == key_pieces[2] or key_pieces[2] == '*') 

    # Find all segment definers matching the critieria
    seg_def_table = lsctables.SegmentDefTable.get_table(doc)
    seg_defs      = filter(filter_func, seg_def_table)
    seg_def_ids   = map(lambda x: str(x.segment_def_id), seg_defs)

    # Find all segments belonging to those definers
    if use_segment_table:
        seg_table     = lsctables.SegmentTable.get_table(doc)
        seg_entries   = filter(lambda x: str(x.segment_def_id) in seg_def_ids, seg_table)
        seg_sum_table = lsctables.SegmentSumTable.get_table(doc)
        seg_entries   = filter(lambda x: str(x.segment_def_id) in seg_def_ids, seg_sum_table)

    # Combine into a segmentlist
    ret = segmentlist(map(lambda x: segment(x.start_time, x.end_time), seg_entries))


    return ret
예제 #29
	def test_001_diff_phasor_vcc(self):
		a = [1+2j,2+3.5j,3.5+4j,4+5j,5+6j]
		b = [1j,1j,1j,1j,1j]
		c = [-1j+3,1j,-7+0j,2.5j+0.333,3.2j]
		d = [(0.35979271051026462+0.89414454782483865j),
		e = [(0.16207552830286298+0.435385030608331j),
		multconj = lambda x,y: x.conjugate()*y
		src_data        = a+b+c+d+e
		expected_result = [0j,0j,0j,0j,0j]+map(multconj,a,b)+map(multconj,b,c)+map(multconj,c,d)+map(multconj,d,e)
		src = blocks.vector_source_c(src_data)
		s2v = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, 5)
		diff_phasor_vcc = grdab.diff_phasor_vcc(5)
		v2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, 5)
		dst = blocks.vector_sink_c()
		self.tb.connect(src, s2v, diff_phasor_vcc, v2s, dst)
		result_data = dst.data()
		# print expected_result
		# print result_data
		self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual(expected_result, result_data, 6)
예제 #30
def reverse_lists(lists):
	>>> reverse_lists([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
	[[3, 2, 1], [6, 5, 4]]

	return list(map(list, map(reversed, lists)))
예제 #31
if D=="/":
if D=="%":
예제 #32
파일: c.py 프로젝트: RyoSci/AtCoder
import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline

x, y, a, b = list(map(int, input().split()))
ans = 0

if x*a >= x+b:
    ans += (y-x)//b
    if (y-x) % b == 0:
        ans -= 1
    now = x
    for i in range(1, 100):
        if now*a <= now+b:
            if now*a < y:
                now *= a
                ans += 1
            if now+b < y:
                ans += (y-now)//b
                if (y-now) % b == 0:
                    ans -= 1
예제 #33
# 1546번

case = int(input())
score = list(map(int, input().split()))

good = max(score)
new_score = 0
for i in range(len(score)):
    new_score += score[i] / good * 100

print(new_score / case) 
예제 #34
def analyze_course_content(course_id, 
    Compute course_content table, which quantifies:

    - number of chapter, sequential, vertical modules
    - number of video modules
    - number of problem, *openended, mentoring modules
    - number of dicussion, annotatable, word_cloud modules

    Do this using the course "xbundle" file, produced when the course axis is computed.

    Include only modules which had nontrivial use, to rule out the staff and un-shown content. 
    Do the exclusion based on count of module appearing in the studentmodule table, based on 
    stats_module_usage for each course.

    Also, from the course listings file, compute the number of weeks the course was open.

    If do_upload (triggered by --force-recompute) then upload all accumulated data to the course report dataset 
    as the "stats_course_content" table.  Also generate a "course_summary_stats" table, stored in the
    course_report_ORG or course_report_latest dataset.  The course_summary_stats table combines
    data from many reports,, including stats_course_content, the medians report, the listings file,
    broad_stats_by_course, and time_on_task_stats_by_course.

    if do_upload:
        if use_dataset_latest:
            org = "latest"
            org = courses[0].split('/',1)[0]	# extract org from first course_id in courses

        crname = 'course_report_%s' % org

        gspath = gsutil.gs_path_from_course_id(crname)
        gsfnp = gspath / CCDATA
        gsutil.upload_file_to_gs(CCDATA, gsfnp)
        tableid = "stats_course_content"
        dataset = crname

        mypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        SCHEMA_FILE = '%s/schemas/schema_content_stats.json' % mypath

            the_schema = json.loads(open(SCHEMA_FILE).read())[tableid]
        except Exception as err:
            print "Oops!  Failed to load schema file for %s.  Error: %s" % (tableid, str(err))

        if 0:
            bqutil.load_data_to_table(dataset, tableid, gsfnp, the_schema, wait=True, verbose=False,
                                      format='csv', skiprows=1)

        table = 'course_metainfo'
        course_tables = ',\n'.join([('[%s.course_metainfo]' % bqutil.course_id2dataset(x)) for x in courses])
        sql = "select * from {course_tables}".format(course_tables=course_tables)
        print "--> Creating %s.%s using %s" % (dataset, table, sql)

        if 1:
            metainfo_dataset = bqutil.get_bq_table(dataset, table, sql=sql, 
                                          newer_than=datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 16, 3, 0),
            # bqutil.create_bq_table(dataset, table, sql, overwrite=True)

        # make course_summary_stats table
        # This is a combination of the broad_stats_by_course table (if that exists), and course_metainfo.
        # Also use (and create if necessary) the nregistered_by_wrap table.

        # get the broad_stats_by_course data
        bsbc = bqutil.get_table_data(dataset, 'broad_stats_by_course')

        table_list = bqutil.get_list_of_table_ids(dataset)

        latest_person_course = max([ x for x in table_list if x.startswith('person_course_')])
        print "Latest person_course table in %s is %s" % (dataset, latest_person_course)
        sql = """
                SELECT pc.course_id as course_id, 
                    cminfo.wrap_date as wrap_date,
                    count(*) as nregistered,
                    sum(case when pc.start_time < cminfo.wrap_date then 1 else 0 end) nregistered_by_wrap,
                    sum(case when pc.start_time < cminfo.wrap_date then 1 else 0 end) / nregistered * 100 nregistered_by_wrap_pct,
                    [{dataset}.{person_course}] as pc
                left join (
                 SELECT course_id,
                      TIMESTAMP(concat(wrap_year, "-", wrap_month, '-', wrap_day, ' 23:59:59')) as wrap_date,
                 FROM (
                  SELECT course_id, 
                    regexp_extract(value, r'(\d+)/\d+/\d+') as wrap_month,
                    regexp_extract(value, r'\d+/(\d+)/\d+') as wrap_day,
                    regexp_extract(value, r'\d+/\d+/(\d+)') as wrap_year,
                  FROM [{dataset}.course_metainfo]
                  where key='listings_Course Wrap'
                 )) as cminfo
                on pc.course_id = cminfo.course_id
                group by course_id, wrap_date
                order by course_id
        """.format(dataset=dataset, person_course=latest_person_course)

        nr_by_wrap = bqutil.get_bq_table(dataset, 'nregistered_by_wrap', sql=sql, key={'name': 'course_id'})

        # rates for registrants before and during course
        sql = """
                    ncertified / nregistered * 100 as pct_certified_of_reg,
                    ncertified_and_registered_before_launch / nregistered_before_launch * 100 as pct_certified_reg_before_launch,
                    ncertified_and_registered_during_course / nregistered_during_course * 100 as pct_certified_reg_during_course,
                    ncertified / nregistered_by_wrap * 100 as pct_certified_of_reg_by_wrap,
                    ncertified / nviewed * 100 as pct_certified_of_viewed,
                    ncertified / nviewed_by_wrap * 100 as pct_certified_of_viewed_by_wrap,
                    ncertified_by_ewrap / nviewed_by_ewrap * 100 as pct_certified_of_viewed_by_ewrap,
                # ------------------------
                # get aggregate data
                SELECT pc.course_id as course_id, 
                    cminfo.wrap_date as wrap_date,
                    count(*) as nregistered,
                    sum(case when pc.certified then 1 else 0 end) ncertified,
                    sum(case when (TIMESTAMP(pc.cert_created_date) < cminfo.ewrap_date) and (pc.certified and pc.viewed) then 1 else 0 end) ncertified_by_ewrap,
                    sum(case when pc.viewed then 1 else 0 end) nviewed,
                    sum(case when pc.start_time < cminfo.wrap_date then 1 else 0 end) nregistered_by_wrap,
                    sum(case when pc.start_time < cminfo.wrap_date then 1 else 0 end) / nregistered * 100 nregistered_by_wrap_pct,
                    sum(case when (pc.start_time < cminfo.wrap_date) and pc.viewed then 1 else 0 end) nviewed_by_wrap,
                    sum(case when (pc.start_time < cminfo.ewrap_date) and pc.viewed then 1 else 0 end) nviewed_by_ewrap,
                    sum(case when pc.start_time < cminfo.launch_date then 1 else 0 end) nregistered_before_launch,
                    sum(case when pc.start_time < cminfo.launch_date 
                              and pc.certified
                              then 1 else 0 end) ncertified_and_registered_before_launch,
                    sum(case when (pc.start_time >= cminfo.launch_date) 
                              and (pc.start_time < cminfo.wrap_date) then 1 else 0 end) nregistered_during_course,
                    sum(case when (pc.start_time >= cminfo.launch_date) 
                              and (pc.start_time < cminfo.wrap_date) 
                              and pc.certified
                              then 1 else 0 end) ncertified_and_registered_during_course,
                    [{dataset}.{person_course}] as pc
                left join (
                # --------------------
                #  get course launch and wrap dates from course_metainfo

       SELECT AA.course_id as course_id, 
              AA.wrap_date as wrap_date,
              AA.launch_date as launch_date,
              BB.ewrap_date as ewrap_date,
       FROM (
               #  inner get course launch and wrap dates from course_metainfo
                SELECT A.course_id as course_id,
                  A.wrap_date as wrap_date,
                  B.launch_date as launch_date,
                 SELECT course_id,
                      TIMESTAMP(concat(wrap_year, "-", wrap_month, '-', wrap_day, ' 23:59:59')) as wrap_date,
                 FROM (
                  SELECT course_id, 
                    regexp_extract(value, r'(\d+)/\d+/\d+') as wrap_month,
                    regexp_extract(value, r'\d+/(\d+)/\d+') as wrap_day,
                    regexp_extract(value, r'\d+/\d+/(\d+)') as wrap_year,
                  FROM [{dataset}.course_metainfo]
                  where key='listings_Course Wrap'
                ) as A
                left outer join 
                 SELECT course_id,
                      TIMESTAMP(concat(launch_year, "-", launch_month, '-', launch_day)) as launch_date,
                 FROM (
                  SELECT course_id, 
                    regexp_extract(value, r'(\d+)/\d+/\d+') as launch_month,
                    regexp_extract(value, r'\d+/(\d+)/\d+') as launch_day,
                    regexp_extract(value, r'\d+/\d+/(\d+)') as launch_year,
                  FROM [{dataset}.course_metainfo]
                  where key='listings_Course Launch'
                ) as B
                on A.course_id = B.course_id 
                # end inner course_metainfo subquery
            ) as AA
            left outer join
                 SELECT course_id,
                      TIMESTAMP(concat(wrap_year, "-", wrap_month, '-', wrap_day, ' 23:59:59')) as ewrap_date,
                 FROM (
                  SELECT course_id, 
                    regexp_extract(value, r'(\d+)/\d+/\d+') as wrap_month,
                    regexp_extract(value, r'\d+/(\d+)/\d+') as wrap_day,
                    regexp_extract(value, r'\d+/\d+/(\d+)') as wrap_year,
                  FROM [{dataset}.course_metainfo]
                  where key='listings_Empirical Course Wrap'
            ) as BB
            on AA.course_id = BB.course_id

                # end course_metainfo subquery
                # --------------------
                ) as cminfo
                on pc.course_id = cminfo.course_id
                group by course_id, wrap_date
                order by course_id
                # ---- end get aggregate data
                order by course_id
        """.format(dataset=dataset, person_course=latest_person_course)

        print "--> Assembling course_summary_stats from %s" % 'stats_cert_rates_by_registration'
        cert_by_reg = bqutil.get_bq_table(dataset, 'stats_cert_rates_by_registration', sql=sql, 
                                          newer_than=datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 16, 3, 0),
                                          key={'name': 'course_id'})

        # start assembling course_summary_stats

        c_sum_stats = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
        for entry in bsbc['data']:
            course_id = entry['course_id']
            cmci = c_sum_stats[course_id]
            cnbw = nr_by_wrap['data_by_key'][course_id]
            nbw = int(cnbw['nregistered_by_wrap'])
            cmci['nbw_wrap_date'] = cnbw['wrap_date']
            cmci['nregistered_by_wrap'] = nbw
            cmci['nregistered_by_wrap_pct'] = cnbw['nregistered_by_wrap_pct']
            cmci['frac_female'] = float(entry['n_female_viewed']) / (float(entry['n_male_viewed']) + float(entry['n_female_viewed']))
            ncert = float(cmci['certified_sum'])
            if ncert:
                cmci['certified_of_nregistered_by_wrap_pct'] = nbw / ncert * 100.0
                cmci['certified_of_nregistered_by_wrap_pct'] = None
            cbr = cert_by_reg['data_by_key'][course_id]
            for field, value in cbr.items():
                cmci['cbr_%s' % field] = value

        # add medians for viewed, explored, and certified

        msbc_tables = {'msbc_viewed': "viewed_median_stats_by_course",
                       'msbc_explored': 'explored_median_stats_by_course',
                       'msbc_certified': 'certified_median_stats_by_course',
                       'msbc_verified': 'verified_median_stats_by_course',
        for prefix, mtab in msbc_tables.items():
            print "--> Merging median stats data from %s" % mtab
            bqdat = bqutil.get_table_data(dataset, mtab)
            for entry in bqdat['data']:
                course_id = entry['course_id']
                cmci = c_sum_stats[course_id]
                for field, value in entry.items():
                    cmci['%s_%s' % (prefix, field)] = value

        # add time on task data

        tot_table = "time_on_task_stats_by_course"
        prefix = "ToT"
        print "--> Merging time on task data from %s" % tot_table
            bqdat = bqutil.get_table_data(dataset, tot_table)
        except Exception as err:
            bqdat = {'data': {}}
        for entry in bqdat['data']:
            course_id = entry['course_id']
            cmci = c_sum_stats[course_id]
            for field, value in entry.items():
                if field=='course_id':
                cmci['%s_%s' % (prefix, field)] = value

        # add serial time on task data

        tot_table = "time_on_task_serial_stats_by_course"
        prefix = "SToT"
        print "--> Merging serial time on task data from %s" % tot_table
            bqdat = bqutil.get_table_data(dataset, tot_table)
        except Exception as err:
            bqdat = {'data': {}}
        for entry in bqdat['data']:
            course_id = entry['course_id']
            cmci = c_sum_stats[course_id]
            for field, value in entry.items():
                if field=='course_id':
                cmci['%s_%s' % (prefix, field)] = value

        # add show_answer stats

        tot_table = "show_answer_stats_by_course"
        prefix = "SAS"
        print "--> Merging show_answer stats data from %s" % tot_table
            bqdat = bqutil.get_table_data(dataset, tot_table)
        except Exception as err:
            bqdat = {'data': {}}
        for entry in bqdat['data']:
            course_id = entry['course_id']
            cmci = c_sum_stats[course_id]
            for field, value in entry.items():
                if field=='course_id':
                cmci['%s_%s' % (prefix, field)] = value

        # setup list of keys, for CSV output

        css_keys = c_sum_stats.values()[0].keys()

        # retrieve course_metainfo table, pivot, add that to summary_stats

        print "--> Merging course_metainfo from %s" % table
        bqdat = bqutil.get_table_data(dataset, table)

        listings_keys = map(make_key, ["Institution", "Semester", "New or Rerun", "Andrew Recodes New/Rerun", 
                                       "Course Number", "Short Title", "Andrew's Short Titles", "Title", 
                                       "Instructors", "Registration Open", "Course Launch", "Course Wrap", "course_id",
                                       "Empirical Course Wrap", "Andrew's Order", "certifies", "MinPassGrade",
                                       '4-way Category by name', "4-way (CS, STEM, HSocSciGov, HumHistRel)"
        for lk in listings_keys:
            css_keys.insert(1, "listings_%s" % lk)

        COUNTS_TO_KEEP = ['discussion', 'problem', 'optionresponse', 'checkboxgroup', 'optioninput', 
                          'choiceresponse', 'video', 'choicegroup', 'vertical', 'choice', 'sequential', 
                          'multiplechoiceresponse', 'numericalresponse', 'chapter', 'solution', 'img', 
                          'formulaequationinput', 'responseparam', 'selfassessment', 'track', 'task', 'rubric', 
                          'stringresponse', 'combinedopenended', 'description', 'textline', 'prompt', 'category', 
                          'option', 'lti', 'annotationresponse', 
                          'annotatable', 'colgroup', 'tag_prompt', 'comment', 'annotationinput', 'image', 
                          'options', 'comment_prompt', 'conditional', 
                          'answer', 'poll_question', 'section', 'wrapper', 'map', 'area', 
                          'customtag', 'transcript', 
                          'split_test', 'word_cloud', 
                          'openended', 'openendedparam', 'answer_display', 'code', 
                          'drag_and_drop_input', 'customresponse', 'draggable', 'mentoring', 
                          'textannotation', 'imageannotation', 'videosequence', 
                          'feedbackprompt', 'assessments', 'openassessment', 'assessment', 'explanation', 'criterion']

        for entry in bqdat['data']:
            thekey = make_key(entry['key'])
            # if thekey.startswith('count_') and thekey[6:] not in COUNTS_TO_KEEP:
            #     continue
            if thekey.startswith('listings_') and thekey[9:] not in listings_keys:
                # print "dropping key=%s for course_id=%s" % (thekey, entry['course_id'])
            c_sum_stats[entry['course_id']][thekey] = entry['value']
            #if 'certifies' in thekey:
            #    print "course_id=%s, key=%s, value=%s" % (entry['course_id'], thekey, entry['value'])
            if thekey not in css_keys:

        # compute forum_posts_per_week
        for course_id, entry in c_sum_stats.items():
            nfps = entry.get('nforum_posts_sum', 0)
            if nfps:
                fppw = int(nfps) / float(entry['nweeks'])
                entry['nforum_posts_per_week'] = fppw
                print "    course: %s, assessments_per_week=%s, forum_posts_per_week=%s" % (course_id, entry['total_assessments_per_week'], fppw)
                entry['nforum_posts_per_week'] = None

        # read in listings file and merge that in also
        if listings_file:
            if listings_file.endswith('.csv'):
                listings = csv.DictReader(open(listings_file))
                listings = [ json.loads(x) for x in open(listings_file) ]
            for entry in listings:
                course_id = entry['course_id']
                if course_id not in c_sum_stats:
                cmci = c_sum_stats[course_id]
                for field, value in entry.items():
                    lkey = "listings_%s" % make_key(field)
                    if not (lkey in cmci) or (not cmci[lkey]):
                        cmci[lkey] = value

        print "Storing these fields: %s" % css_keys

        # get schema
        mypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        the_schema = json.loads(open('%s/schemas/schema_combined_course_summary_stats.json' % mypath).read())
        schema_dict = { x['name'] : x for x in the_schema }

        # write out CSV
        css_table = "course_summary_stats"
        ofn = "%s__%s.csv" % (dataset, css_table)
        ofn2 = "%s__%s.json" % (dataset, css_table)
        print "Writing data to %s and %s" % (ofn, ofn2)

        ofp = open(ofn, 'w')
        ofp2 = open(ofn2, 'w')
        dw = csv.DictWriter(ofp, fieldnames=css_keys)
        for cid, entry in c_sum_stats.items():
            for ek in entry:
                if ek not in schema_dict:
                # entry[ek] = str(entry[ek])	# coerce to be string
            ofp2.write(json.dumps(entry) + "\n")
            for key in css_keys:
                if key not in entry:
                    entry[key] = None

        # upload to bigquery
        # the_schema = [ { 'type': 'STRING', 'name': x } for x in css_keys ]
        if 1:
            gsfnp = gspath / dataset / (css_table + ".json")
            gsutil.upload_file_to_gs(ofn2, gsfnp)
            # bqutil.load_data_to_table(dataset, css_table, gsfnp, the_schema, wait=True, verbose=False,
            #                           format='csv', skiprows=1)
            bqutil.load_data_to_table(dataset, css_table, gsfnp, the_schema, wait=True, verbose=False)


    print "-"*60 + " %s" % course_id

    # get nweeks from listings
    lfn = path(listings_file)
    if not lfn.exists():
        print "[analyze_content] course listings file %s doesn't exist!" % lfn

    data = None
    if listings_file.endswith('.json'):
        data_feed = map(json.loads, open(lfn))
        data_feed = csv.DictReader(open(lfn))
    for k in data_feed:
        if not 'course_id' in k:
            print "Strange course listings row, no course_id in %s" % k
            raise Exception("Missing course_id")
        if k['course_id']==course_id:
            data = k

    if not data:
        print "[analyze_content] no entry for %s found in course listings file %s!" % (course_id, lfn)

    def date_parse(field):
        (m, d, y) = map(int, data[field].split('/'))
        return datetime.datetime(y, m, d)

    launch = date_parse('Course Launch')
    wrap = date_parse('Course Wrap')
    ndays = (wrap - launch).days
    nweeks = ndays / 7.0

    print "Course length = %6.2f weeks (%d days)" % (nweeks, ndays)

    if pin_date:
        datedir = pin_date
    course_dir = find_course_sql_dir(course_id, basedir, datedir, use_dataset_latest and not pin_date)
    cfn = gsutil.path_from_course_id(course_id)

    xbfn = course_dir / ("xbundle_%s.xml" % cfn)
    if not xbfn.exists():
        print "[analyze_content] cannot find xbundle file %s for %s!" % (xbfn, course_id)

        if use_dataset_latest:
            # try looking in earlier directories for xbundle file
            import glob
            spath = course_dir / ("../*/xbundle_%s.xml" % cfn)
            files = list(glob.glob(spath))
            if files:
                xbfn = path(files[-1])
            if not xbfn.exists():
                print "   --> also cannot find any %s ; aborting!" % spath
                print "   --> Found and using instead: %s " % xbfn
        if not xbfn.exists():
            raise Exception("[analyze_content] missing xbundle file %s" % xbfn)

    # if there is an xbundle*.fixed file, use that instead of the normal one
    if os.path.exists(str(xbfn) + ".fixed"):
        xbfn = path(str(xbfn) + ".fixed")

    print "[analyze_content] For %s using %s" % (course_id, xbfn)
    # get module usage data
    mudata = get_stats_module_usage(course_id, basedir, datedir, use_dataset_latest)

    xml = etree.parse(open(xbfn)).getroot()
    counts = defaultdict(int)
    nexcluded = defaultdict(int)

    IGNORE = ['html', 'p', 'div', 'iframe', 'ol', 'li', 'ul', 'blockquote', 'h1', 'em', 'b', 'h2', 'h3', 'body', 'span', 'strong',
              'a', 'sub', 'strike', 'table', 'td', 'tr', 's', 'tbody', 'sup', 'sub', 'strike', 'i', 's', 'pre', 'policy', 'metadata',
              'grading_policy', 'br', 'center',  'wiki', 'course', 'font', 'tt', 'it', 'dl', 'startouttext', 'endouttext', 'h4', 
              'head', 'source', 'dt', 'hr', 'u', 'style', 'dd', 'script', 'th', 'p', 'P', 'TABLE', 'TD', 'small', 'text', 'title']

    problem_stats = defaultdict(int)

    def does_problem_have_random_script(problem):
        return 1 if problem has a script with "random." in it
        else return 0
        for elem in problem.findall('.//script'):
            if elem.text and ('random.' in elem.text):
                return 1
        return 0

    # walk through xbundle 
    def walk_tree(elem, policy=None):
        Walk XML tree recursively.
        elem = current element
        policy = dict of attributes for children to inherit, with fields like due, graded, showanswer
        policy = policy or {}
        if  type(elem.tag)==str and (elem.tag.lower() not in IGNORE):
            counts[elem.tag.lower()] += 1
        if elem.tag in ["sequential", "problem", "problemset", "course", "chapter"]:	# very old courses may use inheritance from course & chapter
            keys = ["due", "graded", "format", "showanswer", "start"]
            for k in keys:		# copy inheritable attributes, if they are specified
                val = elem.get(k)
                if val:
                    policy[k] = val
        if elem.tag=="problem":	# accumulate statistics about problems: how many have show_answer = [past_due, closed] ?  have random. in script?
            problem_stats['n_capa_problems'] += 1
            if policy.get('showanswer'):
                problem_stats["n_showanswer_%s" % policy.get('showanswer')] += 1
                problem_stats['n_shownanswer_finished'] += 1	# DEFAULT showanswer = finished  (make sure this remains true)
                # see https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/capa_base.py#L118
                # finished = Show the answer after the student has answered the problem correctly, the student has no attempts left, or the problem due date has passed.
            problem_stats['n_random_script'] += does_problem_have_random_script(elem)

            if policy.get('graded')=='true' or policy.get('graded')=='True':
                problem_stats['n_capa_problems_graded'] += 1
                problem_stats['n_graded_random_script'] += does_problem_have_random_script(elem)
                if policy.get('showanswer'):
                    problem_stats["n_graded_showanswer_%s" % policy.get('showanswer')] += 1
                    problem_stats['n_graded_shownanswer_finished'] += 1	# DEFAULT showanswer = finished  (make sure this remains true)
        for k in elem:
            midfrag = (k.tag, k.get('url_name_orig', None))
            if (midfrag in mudata) and int(mudata[midfrag]['ncount']) < 20:
                nexcluded[k.tag] += 1
                if verbose:
                        print "    -> excluding %s (%s), ncount=%s" % (k.get('display_name', '<no_display_name>').encode('utf8'), 
                                                                       mudata.get(midfrag, {}).get('ncount'))
                    except Exception as err:
                        print "    -> excluding ", k
            walk_tree(k, policy.copy())

    print "--> Count of individual element tags throughout XML: ", counts
    print "--> problem_stats:", json.dumps(problem_stats, indent=4)

    # combine some into "qual_axis" and others into "quant_axis"
    qual_axis = ['openassessment', 'optionresponse', 'multiplechoiceresponse', 
                 # 'discussion', 
                 'choiceresponse', 'word_cloud', 
                 'combinedopenended', 'choiceresponse', 'stringresponse', 'textannotation', 'openended', 'lti']
    quant_axis = ['formularesponse', 'numericalresponse', 'customresponse', 'symbolicresponse', 'coderesponse',

    nqual = 0
    nquant = 0
    for tag, count in counts.items():
        if tag in qual_axis:
            nqual += count
        if tag in quant_axis:
            nquant += count
    print "nqual=%d, nquant=%d" % (nqual, nquant)

    nqual_per_week = nqual / nweeks
    nquant_per_week = nquant / nweeks
    total_per_week = nqual_per_week + nquant_per_week

    print "per week: nqual=%6.2f, nquant=%6.2f total=%6.2f" % (nqual_per_week, nquant_per_week, total_per_week)

    # save this overall data in CCDATA
    ccdfn = path(CCDATA)
    ccd = {}
    if ccdfn.exists():
        for k in csv.DictReader(open(ccdfn)):
            ccd[k['course_id']] = k
    ccd[course_id] = {'course_id': course_id,
                      'nweeks': nweeks,
                      'nqual_per_week': nqual_per_week,
                      'nquant_per_week': nquant_per_week,
                      'total_assessments_per_week' : total_per_week,

    # fields = ccd[ccd.keys()[0]].keys()
    fields = ['course_id', 'nquant_per_week', 'total_assessments_per_week', 'nqual_per_week', 'nweeks']
    cfp = open(ccdfn, 'w')
    dw = csv.DictWriter(cfp, fieldnames=fields)
    for cid, entry in ccd.items():
    lock_file(CCDATA, release=True)

    # store data in course_metainfo table, which has one (course_id, key, value) on each line
    # keys include nweeks, nqual, nquant, count_* for module types *

    cmfields = OrderedDict()
    cmfields['course_id'] = course_id
    cmfields['course_length_days'] = str(ndays)
    cmfields.update({ make_key('listings_%s' % key) : value for key, value in data.items() })	# from course listings

    # cmfields.update({ ('count_%s' % key) : str(value) for key, value in counts.items() })	# from content counts

    cmfields['filename_xbundle'] = xbfn
    cmfields['filename_listings'] = lfn

    for key in sorted(counts):	# store counts in sorted order, so that the later generated CSV file can have a predictable structure
        value = counts[key]
        cmfields['count_%s' % key] =  str(value) 	# from content counts

    for key in sorted(problem_stats):	# store problem stats
        value = problem_stats[key]
        cmfields['problem_stat_%s' % key] =  str(value)

    cmfields.update({ ('nexcluded_sub_20_%s' % key) : str(value) for key, value in nexcluded.items() })	# from content counts

    course_dir = find_course_sql_dir(course_id, basedir, datedir, use_dataset_latest)
    csvfn = course_dir / CMINFO

    # manual overriding of the automatically computed fields can be done by storing course_id,key,value data
    # in the CMINFO_OVERRIDES file

    csvfn_overrides = course_dir / CMINFO_OVERRIDES
    if csvfn_overrides.exists():
        print "--> Loading manual override information from %s" % csvfn_overrides
        for ovent in csv.DictReader(open(csvfn_overrides)):
            if not ovent['course_id']==course_id:
                print "===> ERROR! override file has entry with wrong course_id: %s" % ovent
            print "    overriding key=%s with value=%s" % (ovent['key'], ovent['value'])
            cmfields[ovent['key']] = ovent['value']

    print "--> Course metainfo writing to %s" % csvfn

    fp = open(csvfn, 'w')

    cdw = csv.DictWriter(fp, fieldnames=['course_id', 'key', 'value'])

    for k, v in cmfields.items():
        cdw.writerow({'course_id': course_id, 'key': k, 'value': v})

    # build and output course_listings_and_metainfo 

    dataset = bqutil.course_id2dataset(course_id, use_dataset_latest=use_dataset_latest)

    mypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    clm_table = "course_listing_and_metainfo"
    clm_schema_file = '%s/schemas/schema_%s.json' % (mypath, clm_table)
    clm_schema = json.loads(open(clm_schema_file).read())

    clm = {}
    for finfo in clm_schema:
        field = finfo['name']
        clm[field] = cmfields.get(field)
    clm_fnb = clm_table + ".json"
    clm_fn = course_dir / clm_fnb
    open(clm_fn, 'w').write(json.dumps(clm))

    gsfnp = gsutil.gs_path_from_course_id(course_id, use_dataset_latest=use_dataset_latest) / clm_fnb
    print "--> Course listing + metainfo uploading to %s then to %s.%s" % (gsfnp, dataset, clm_table)
    gsutil.upload_file_to_gs(clm_fn, gsfnp)
    bqutil.load_data_to_table(dataset, clm_table, gsfnp, clm_schema, wait=True, verbose=False)

    # output course_metainfo

    table = 'course_metainfo'
    dataset = bqutil.course_id2dataset(course_id, use_dataset_latest=use_dataset_latest)

    gsfnp = gsutil.gs_path_from_course_id(course_id, use_dataset_latest=use_dataset_latest) / CMINFO
    print "--> Course metainfo uploading to %s then to %s.%s" % (gsfnp, dataset, table)

    gsutil.upload_file_to_gs(csvfn, gsfnp)

    mypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    SCHEMA_FILE = '%s/schemas/schema_course_metainfo.json' % mypath
    the_schema = json.loads(open(SCHEMA_FILE).read())[table]

    bqutil.load_data_to_table(dataset, table, gsfnp, the_schema, wait=True, verbose=False, format='csv', skiprows=1)
예제 #35
 def date_parse(field):
     (m, d, y) = map(int, data[field].split('/'))
     return datetime.datetime(y, m, d)
예제 #36
    for w in windows:

        user50 = """SELECT user_id FROM
        (SELECT user_id, count(*) n FROM [data-science-55:movielens100k.ratings] GROUP BY 1)
        WHERE n>50

        core = """
            a.user_id user_id, b.movie_id movie_id, b.rating rating, b.timestamp timestamp
        FROM (""" + user50 + """) as a
        LEFT JOIN [data-science-55:movielens100k.ratings] as b
        ON a.user_id = b.user_id

        dGenres = ", ".join(list(map(lambda x: "d." + x + " " + x, genres)))
        core_genres = """
        SELECT c.user_id user_id, c.rating rating, c.timestamp timestamp, """ + dGenres + """ 
        FROM (""" + core + """) as c 
        LEFT JOIN [data-science-55:movielens100k.movies] as d
        ON c.movie_id = d.movie_id

        lag = "SELECT user_id, timestamp, " + genre + ", rating"

        for i in range(1, w + 1):
            lag += ", LAG(" + genre + "," + str(
            ) + ") OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY timestamp ASC) as genre_" + str(
def main():
    """Create the model and start the training."""

    gpu_id_2 = 1
    gpu_id_1 = 0
    w, h = map(int, args.input_size.split(','))
    input_size = (w, h)

    w, h = map(int, args.input_size_target.split(','))
    input_size_target = (w, h)

    cudnn.enabled = True
    # gpu = args.gpu

    # Create network
    if args.model == 'DeepLab':
        model = DeeplabMulti(num_classes=args.num_classes)
        if args.restore_from[:4] == 'http' :
            print("from url")
            saved_state_dict = model_zoo.load_url(args.restore_from)
            print("from restore")
            saved_state_dict = torch.load(args.restore_from)
            #saved_state_dict = torch.load('/home/zhangjunyi/hjy_code/AdaptSegNet/snapshots/GTA2Cityscapes_multi_result1/GTA5_60000.pth')

        new_params = model.state_dict().copy()
        for i in saved_state_dict:
            # Scale.layer5.conv2d_list.3.weight
            i_parts = i.split('.')
            # print i_parts
            if not args.num_classes == 19 or not i_parts[1] == 'layer5':
                new_params['.'.join(i_parts[1:])] = saved_state_dict[i]
                # print i_parts
        # model.load_state_dict(new_params)


    cudnn.benchmark = True

    # init D
    model_D1 = FCDiscriminator(num_classes=args.num_classes)
    #model_D2 = model_D1
    model_D2 = FCDiscriminator(num_classes=args.num_classes)



    if not os.path.exists(args.snapshot_dir):

    trainloader = data.DataLoader(
        GTA5DataSet(args.data_dir, args.data_list, max_iters=args.num_steps * args.iter_size * args.batch_size,
                    scale=args.random_scale, mirror=args.random_mirror, mean=IMG_MEAN),
        batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.num_workers, pin_memory=True)

    trainloader_iter = enumerate(trainloader)
    _, batch_last = trainloader_iter.__next__()

    targetloader = data.DataLoader(cityscapesDataSet(args.data_dir_target, args.data_list_target,
                                                     max_iters=args.num_steps * args.iter_size * args.batch_size,
                                                     scale=False, mirror=args.random_mirror, mean=IMG_MEAN,
                                   batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.num_workers,
    # print(args.num_steps * args.iter_size * args.batch_size, trainloader.__len__())

    targetloader_iter = enumerate(targetloader)
    _, batch_last_target = targetloader_iter.__next__()

    # for i in range(200):
    #     _, batch = targetloader_iter.____next____()
    # exit()

    # implement model.optim_parameters(args) to handle different models' lr setting

    optimizer = optim.SGD(model.optim_parameters(args),
                          lr=args.learning_rate, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay)

    optimizer_D1 = optim.Adam(model_D1.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate_D, betas=(0.9, 0.99))

    optimizer_D2 = optim.Adam(model_D2.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate_D, betas=(0.9, 0.99))

    bce_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss()

    def upsample_(input_):
        return nn.functional.interpolate(input_, size=(input_size[1], input_size[0]), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)

    def upsample_target(input_):
        return nn.functional.interpolate(input_, size=(input_size_target[1], input_size_target[0]), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)

    interp = upsample_
    interp_target = upsample_target

    # labels for adversarial training
    source_label = 1
    target_label = -1
    mix_label = 0

    for i_iter in range(args.num_steps):

        loss_seg_value1 = 0
        loss_adv_target_value1 = 0
        loss_D_value1 = 0
        number1 = 0
        number2 = 0

        loss_seg_value2 = 0
        loss_adv_target_value2 = 0
        loss_D_value2 = 0

        adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, i_iter)

        adjust_learning_rate_D(optimizer_D1, i_iter)
        adjust_learning_rate_D(optimizer_D2, i_iter)
        for sub_i in range(args.iter_size):

            # train G

            # don't accumulate grads in D
            for param in model_D1.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False

            for param in model_D2.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False

            def result_model(batch, interp_):
                images, labels, _, name = batch
                images = Variable(images).cuda(gpu_id_2)
                labels = Variable(labels.long()).cuda(gpu_id_1)
                pred1, pred2 = model(images)
                pred1 = interp_(pred1)
                pred2 = interp_(pred2)
                pred1_ = pred1.cuda(gpu_id_1)
                pred2_ = pred2.cuda(gpu_id_1)
                return pred1_, pred2_, labels

            beta = 0.95
            # train with source
            # _, batch = trainloader_iter.__next__()
            _, batch = trainloader_iter.__next__()
            _, batch_target = targetloader_iter.__next__()
            pred1, pred2, labels = result_model(batch, interp)
            loss_seg1, new_labels = loss_calc(pred1, labels, gpu_id_1, beta)
            labels = new_labels
            number1 = torch.sum(labels==255).item()
            loss_seg2, new_labels = loss_calc(pred2, labels, gpu_id_1, beta)
            loss = loss_seg2 + args.lambda_seg * loss_seg1
            loss = loss / args.iter_size
            loss_seg_1 = loss_seg1.data.cpu().numpy() / args.iter_size
            loss_seg_2 = loss_seg2.data.cpu().numpy() / args.iter_size
            # print(loss_seg_1, loss_seg_2)
            pred1, pred2, labels = result_model(batch_target, interp_target)
            loss_seg1, new_labels = loss_calc(pred1, labels, gpu_id_1)
            labels = new_labels
            number2 = torch.sum(labels==255).item()
            loss_seg2, new_lables = loss_calc(pred2, labels, gpu_id_1)
            loss = loss_seg2 + args.lambda_seg * loss_seg1
            loss = loss / args.iter_size
            loss_seg_value1 += loss_seg1.data.cpu().numpy() / args.iter_size
            loss_seg_value2 += loss_seg2.data.cpu().numpy() / args.iter_size
            pred1_last_target, pred2_last_target, labels_last_target = result_model(batch_last_target, interp_target)
            pred1_target, pred2_target, labels_target = result_model(batch_target, interp_target)
            pred1_target_D = F.softmax((pred1_target), dim=1)
            pred2_target_D = F.softmax((pred2_target), dim=1)
            pred1_last_target_D = F.softmax((pred1_last_target), dim=1)
            pred2_last_target_D = F.softmax((pred2_last_target), dim=1)
            fake1_D = torch.cat((pred1_target_D, pred1_last_target_D), dim=1)
            fake2_D = torch.cat((pred2_target_D, pred2_last_target_D), dim=1)
            D_out_fake_1 = model_D1(fake1_D)
            D_out_fake_2 = model_D2(fake2_D)

            loss_adv_fake1 = bce_loss(D_out_fake_1,

            loss_adv_fake2 = bce_loss(D_out_fake_2,
            loss_adv_target1 = loss_adv_fake1
            loss_adv_target2 = loss_adv_fake2
            loss = args.lambda_adv_target1 * loss_adv_target1.cuda(gpu_id_1) + args.lambda_adv_target2 * loss_adv_target2.cuda(gpu_id_1)
            loss = loss / args.iter_size
            pred1, pred2, labels = result_model(batch, interp)
            pred1_target, pred2_target, labels_target = result_model(batch_target, interp_target)
            pred1_target_D = F.softmax((pred1_target), dim=1)
            pred2_target_D = F.softmax((pred2_target), dim=1)
            pred1_D = F.softmax((pred1), dim=1)
            pred2_D = F.softmax((pred2), dim=1)
            mix1_D = torch.cat((pred1_target_D, pred1_D), dim=1)
            mix2_D = torch.cat((pred2_target_D, pred2_D), dim=1)

            D_out_mix_1 = model_D1(mix1_D)
            D_out_mix_2 = model_D2(mix2_D)
            # D_out1 = D_out1.cuda(gpu_id_1)
            # D_out2 = D_out2.cuda(gpu_id_1)

            loss_adv_mix1 = bce_loss(D_out_mix_1,

            loss_adv_mix2 = bce_loss(D_out_mix_2,

            loss_adv_target1 = loss_adv_mix1*2
            loss_adv_target2 = loss_adv_mix2*2

            loss = args.lambda_adv_target1 * loss_adv_target1.cuda(gpu_id_1) + args.lambda_adv_target2 * loss_adv_target2.cuda(gpu_id_1)
            loss = loss / args.iter_size
            loss_adv_target_value1 += loss_adv_target1.data.cpu().numpy() / args.iter_size
            loss_adv_target_value2 += loss_adv_target2.data.cpu().numpy() / args.iter_size
            # train D

            # bring back requires_grad
            for param in model_D1.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = True

            for param in model_D2.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = True

            pred1_last, pred2_last, labels_last = result_model(batch_last, interp)

            # train with source
            pred1 = pred1.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred2 = pred2.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred1_target = pred1_target.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred2_target = pred2_target.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred1_last = pred1_last.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred2_last = pred2_last.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred1_D = F.softmax((pred1), dim=1)
            pred2_D = F.softmax((pred2), dim=1)
            pred1_last_D = F.softmax((pred1_last), dim=1)
            pred2_last_D = F.softmax((pred2_last), dim=1)
            pred1_target_D = F.softmax((pred1_target), dim=1)
            pred2_target_D = F.softmax((pred2_target), dim=1)

            real1_D = torch.cat((pred1_D, pred1_last_D), dim=1)
            real2_D = torch.cat((pred2_D, pred2_last_D), dim=1)
            mix1_D_ = torch.cat((pred1_last_D, pred1_target_D), dim=1)
            mix2_D_ = torch.cat((pred2_last_D, pred2_target_D), dim=1)

            D_out1_real = model_D1(real1_D)
            D_out2_real = model_D2(real2_D)
            D_out1_mix = model_D1(mix1_D_)
            D_out2_mix = model_D2(mix2_D_)

            # D_out1 = D_out1.cuda(gpu_id_1)
            # D_out2 = D_out2.cuda(gpu_id_1)

            loss_D1 = bce_loss(D_out1_real,

            loss_D2 = bce_loss(D_out2_real,

            loss_D3 = bce_loss(D_out1_mix,

            loss_D4 = bce_loss(D_out2_mix,

            loss_D1 = (loss_D1 + loss_D3) / args.iter_size / 2
            loss_D2 = (loss_D2 + loss_D4) / args.iter_size / 2


            loss_D_value1 += loss_D1.data.cpu().numpy()
            loss_D_value2 += loss_D2.data.cpu().numpy()

            # train with target

            pred1 = pred1.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred2 = pred2.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred1_target = pred1_target.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred2_target = pred2_target.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred1_last_target = pred1_last_target.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            pred2_last_target = pred2_last_target.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)

            pred1_D = F.softmax((pred1), dim=1)
            pred2_D = F.softmax((pred2), dim=1)
            pred1_last_target_D = F.softmax((pred1_last_target), dim=1)
            pred2_last_target_D = F.softmax((pred2_last_target), dim=1)
            pred1_target_D = F.softmax((pred1_target), dim=1)
            pred2_target_D = F.softmax((pred2_target), dim=1)

            fake1_D_ = torch.cat((pred1_target_D, pred1_target_D), dim=1)
            fake2_D_ = torch.cat((pred2_target_D, pred2_target_D), dim=1)
            mix1_D__ = torch.cat((pred1_D, pred1_last_target_D), dim=1)
            mix2_D__ = torch.cat((pred2_D, pred2_last_target_D), dim=1)

            # pred_target1 = pred_target1.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)
            # pred_target2 = pred_target2.detach().cuda(gpu_id_1)

            D_out1 = model_D1(fake1_D_)
            D_out2 = model_D2(fake2_D_)
            D_out3 = model_D1(mix1_D__)
            D_out4 = model_D2(mix2_D__)

            # D_out1 = D_out1.cuda(gpu_id_1)
            # D_out2 = D_out2.cuda(gpu_id_1)

            loss_D1 = bce_loss(D_out1,

            loss_D2 = bce_loss(D_out2,
            loss_D3 = bce_loss(D_out3,

            loss_D4 = bce_loss(D_out4,

            loss_D1 = (loss_D1+loss_D3) / args.iter_size / 2
            loss_D2 = (loss_D2+loss_D4) / args.iter_size / 2


            batch_last, batch_last_target = batch, batch_target
            loss_D_value1 += loss_D1.data.cpu().numpy()
            loss_D_value2 += loss_D2.data.cpu().numpy()


        print('exp = {}'.format(args.snapshot_dir))
        'iter = {0:8d}/{1:8d}, loss_seg1 = {2:.3f} loss_seg2 = {3:.3f} loss_adv1 = {4:.3f}, loss_adv2 = {5:.3f} loss_D1 = {6:.3f} loss_D2 = {7:.3f}, number1 = {8}, number2 = {9}'.format(
            i_iter, args.num_steps, loss_seg_value1, loss_seg_value2, loss_adv_target_value1, loss_adv_target_value2, loss_D_value1, loss_D_value2, number1, number2))

        if i_iter >= args.num_steps_stop - 1:
            print ('save model ...')
            torch.save(model.state_dict(), osp.join(args.snapshot_dir, 'GTA5_' + str(args.num_steps_stop) + '.pth'))
            torch.save(model_D1.state_dict(), osp.join(args.snapshot_dir, 'GTA5_' + str(args.num_steps_stop) + '_D1.pth'))
            torch.save(model_D2.state_dict(), osp.join(args.snapshot_dir, 'GTA5_' + str(args.num_steps_stop) + '_D2.pth'))

        if i_iter % args.save_pred_every == 0:
            print ('taking snapshot ...')
            torch.save(model.state_dict(), osp.join(args.snapshot_dir, 'GTA5_' + str(i_iter) + '.pth'))
            torch.save(model_D1.state_dict(), osp.join(args.snapshot_dir, 'GTA5_' + str(i_iter) + '_D1.pth'))
            torch.save(model_D2.state_dict(), osp.join(args.snapshot_dir, 'GTA5_' + str(i_iter) + '_D2.pth'))
예제 #38
def getKSubset(items, k): #get all k sized subsets of items (given in parameter items)
    return map(set, itertools.combinations(items, k))
예제 #39


s = QSettings()

ba = bytes(s.value("/UI/geometry"))

f = open("src/app/ui_defaults.h", "w")

f.write("#ifndef UI_DEFAULTS_H\n#define UI_DEFAULTS_H\n\nstatic const unsigned char defaultUIgeometry[] =\n{\n")

for chunk in chunks(ba, 16):
    f.write("  %s,\n" % ", ".join(map(lambda x: "0x%02x" % x, chunk)))

f.write("};\n\nstatic const unsigned char defaultUIstate[] =\n{\n")

ba = bytes(s.value("/UI/state"))

for chunk in chunks(ba, 16):
    f.write("  %s,\n" % ", ".join(map(lambda x: "0x%02x" % x, chunk)))

    ba = bytes(s.value("/Composer/geometry"))

    f.write("};\n\nstatic const unsigned char defaultComposerUIgeometry[] =\n{\n")

    for chunk in chunks(ba, 16):
        f.write("  %s,\n" % ", ".join(map(lambda x: "0x%02x" % x, chunk)))
예제 #40
파일: a.py 프로젝트: kirdmiv/Code
k, n, s, p = map(int, input().split())
print(((n + s - 1) // s * k + p - 1) // p)
예제 #41
파일: 1149.py 프로젝트: khj68/workspace
n = int(input())

dp = [[-1]*3 for _ in range(n)]
cost = []
for i in range(n) :
    cost.append(list(map(int, input().split())))

# print(cost)

# print(dp)

for i in range(n) :
  if i == 0 :
    dp[i][0] = cost[i][0]
    dp[i][1] = cost[i][1]
    dp[i][2] = cost[i][2]

  dp[i][0] = cost[i][0] + min(dp[i-1][1], dp[i-1][2])
  dp[i][1] = cost[i][1] + min(dp[i-1][0], dp[i-1][2])
  dp[i][2] = cost[i][2] + min(dp[i-1][0], dp[i-1][1])

print(min(dp[i][0], dp[i][1], dp[i][2]))
예제 #42
from math import pi
T = int(input())
for _ in range(T):
	R, C = map(int, input().split())
	h = R - (R**2 - ((C**2)/4))**0.5
	A = pi*(R-h)**2
예제 #43
 def scoreboard(self):
     inning_scores = ' | '.join(list(map(str, self.scores)))
     return ' | '.join(
         [self.__short_name, inning_scores,
          str(self.total_score)]) + ' | '
예제 #44
 def formatted_id(self):
     if isinstance(self.id, basestring):
         return self.id
     return self.separator.join(map(unicode, self.id))
	for i in range(len(list_start)):

	for elem in length_list:
		if elem not in length_list_nodup:

	length_list = length_list_nodup

	if(len(list_start) == 1):
		out1.write(end_output[k1]['chr'] + "\t" + str(list_start[-1]) + "\t" + str(list_end[-1]) + "\t" + str(k1) + "\t" + end_output[k1]['strand'] + "\t" + "single_0" + "\n")
		out2.write(end_output[k1]['chr'] + "\t" + str(list_start[-1]) + "\t" + str(list_end[-1]) + "\t" + str(k1) + "\t" + end_output[k1]['strand'] + "\t" + "single_0" + "\n")
		#print(k1 + "\t" + "single_0")

	if(all(map(lambda x: x == list_start[0], list_start))):
		end_output[k1]['result'] = "Tandem UTRs"
		end_output[k1]['result'] = "Alternative Last Exons"
	#print(k1 + "\t" + end_output[k1]['result'])

	out1.write(end_output[k1]['chr'] + "\t" + str(list_start[-1]) + "\t" + str(list_end[-1]) + "\t" + str(k1)+";")
	for elem in length_list:
		out1.write(str(elem[0]) + "," + str(elem[1]) + ";")
	out1.write("\t" + end_output[k1]['strand'] + "\t" + end_output[k1]['result'] + "\n")
	out2.write(end_output[k1]['chr'] + "\t" + str(list_start[-1]) + "\t" + str(list_end[-1]) + "\t" + str(k1) + "\t" + end_output[k1]['strand'] + "\t" + end_output[k1]['result'] + "\n")

예제 #46
 def __create_teams(self):
     return list(map(Team.create, self.__TEAM_NAMES))
예제 #47
파일: generator.py 프로젝트: ceolson/flu
def headstem_parser(string):
    head,stem = map(int,string.split(','))
    return head,stem
예제 #48
k, l = map(int, input().split())
students = []

for i in range(l):

filt = set(students)

last = []
for i in range(l - 1, -1, -1):
    if not {students[i]}.issubset(filt):

for i in range(len(last) - 1, len(last) - k - 1, -1):

# for i in range(l):
#     temp = int(input())
#     for j in range(len(students)):
#         if students[j] == temp:
#             del students[j]
#             break
#     students.append(temp)
#     if len(students) > k:
#         break
# for i in range(k):
예제 #49
def url_list(repo_urls):
    if IS_USER:
        repo_urls = [
            ensure_ssh_url(url) if can_push(url) else url for url in repo_urls
    return map(unixpath, repo_urls)
예제 #50
파일: 16.py 프로젝트: Hopw06/Python
# Question: Use a list comprehension to square each odd number in a list. The list is input by a sequence of comma-separated numbers. Suppose the following input is supplied to the program: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Then, the output should be: 1,3,5,7,9
inps = map(int, input().split(','))
print([x**2 for x in inps if x & 1 == 1])
예제 #51
파일: isam_fert.py 프로젝트: jim2420/maisoy
#ma1= ma.masked_where(ind!=8.0,ma1)
#ma2= ma.masked_where(ind!=8.0,ma2)

cmap = plt.cm.YlGn

norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
#ax1.set_title("Maize ISAM (t grains / ha cropland)",fontsize=20)
map = Basemap(projection ='cyl', llcrnrlat=-62, urcrnrlat=90,llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180, resolution='c')
#map = Basemap(projection ='cyl', llcrnrlat=-15, urcrnrlat=40,llcrnrlon=55, urcrnrlon=145, resolution='c')
x,y = map(lona11,lat)

ma1= ma.masked_where(ma1<=0.0,ma1)

cs1 = map.pcolormesh(x,y,ma1,cmap=cmap,norm=norm)
#cs1 = map.pcolormesh(x,y,ma1,cmap=plt.cm.gist_earth,vmin=0,vmax=10)

cbar = map.colorbar(cs1,location='bottom',size="5%",pad="2%",ticks=bounds)
예제 #52
import sys

N = int(sys.stdin.readline())
numbers = []

for _ in range(N):
    numbers.append(list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())))

numbers.sort(key=lambda x:(x[1], x[0]))

for i in numbers:
    print("%d %d" %(i[0], i[1]))
for t in range(1, int(input()) + 1):
    W, H, N = map(int, input().split())
    road = []
    for n in range(N):
        x, y = map(int, input().split())
        road.append([y, x])

    cnt = 0
    for i in range(N - 1):
        # 둘 다 증가 혹은 둘 다 감소할 때는 y,x 차 중 큰 값만 더 해준다.
        pre_y, next_y = road[i][0], road[i + 1][0]
        pre_x, next_x = road[i][1], road[i + 1][1]
        if (pre_y < next_y and pre_x < next_x) or (pre_y > next_y
                                                   and pre_x > next_x):
            my, mx = abs(next_y - pre_y), abs(next_x - pre_x)
            if my >= mx:
                cnt += my
                cnt += mx
        # 한쪽만 증가 혹은 감소를 할 경우는 각각의 차를 더해준다.
            my, mx = abs(next_y - pre_y), abs(next_x - pre_x)
            cnt += my + mx

    print('#{} {}'.format(t, cnt))
예제 #54
def repo_list(repo_urls, checkout_dir):
    repo_dirs = get_repo_dirs(repo_urls, checkout_dir)
    repo_dirs = map(unixpath, repo_dirs)
    return repo_urls, repo_dirs
예제 #55
def main():

    # create an initial population of 300 individuals (where
    # each individual is a list of integers)
    pop = toolbox.population(n=300)

    # CXPB  is the probability with which two individuals
    #       are crossed
    # MUTPB is the probability for mutating an individual
    # NGEN  is the number of generations for which the
    #       evolution runs
    CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN = 0.5, 0.2, 40

    print("Start of evolution")

    # Evaluate the entire population
    fitnesses = list(map(toolbox.evaluate, pop))
    for ind, fit in zip(pop, fitnesses):
        ind.fitness.values = fit

    print("  Evaluated %i individuals" % len(pop))

    # Begin the evolution
    for g in range(NGEN):
        print("-- Generation %i --" % g)

        # Select the next generation individuals
        offspring = toolbox.select(pop, len(pop))
        # Clone the selected individuals
        offspring = list(map(toolbox.clone, offspring))

        # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring
        for child1, child2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):

            # cross two individuals with probability CXPB
            if random.random() < CXPB:
                toolbox.mate(child1, child2)

                # fitness values of the children
                # must be recalculated later
                del child1.fitness.values
                del child2.fitness.values

        for mutant in offspring:

            # mutate an individual with probability MUTPB
            if random.random() < MUTPB:
                del mutant.fitness.values

        # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
        invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not ind.fitness.valid]
        fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind)
        for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
            ind.fitness.values = fit

        print("  Evaluated %i individuals" % len(invalid_ind))

        # The population is entirely replaced by the offspring
        pop[:] = offspring

        # Gather all the fitnesses in one list and print the stats
        fits = [ind.fitness.values[0] for ind in pop]

        length = len(pop)
        mean = sum(fits) / length
        sum2 = sum(x * x for x in fits)
        std = abs(sum2 / length - mean**2)**0.5

        print("  Min %s" % min(fits))
        print("  Max %s" % max(fits))
        print("  Avg %s" % mean)
        print("  Std %s" % std)

    print("-- End of (successful) evolution --")

    best_ind = tools.selBest(pop, 1)[0]
    print("Best individual is %s, %s" % (best_ind, best_ind.fitness.values))
예제 #56
파일: core.py 프로젝트: zonca/astropy
def strip_units(*arrs):
    strip = lambda a: None if a is None else np.asarray(a)
    if len(arrs) == 1:
        return strip(arrs[0])
        return map(strip, arrs)
예제 #57
#람다식: 함수의 형태를 더욱 짧게 쓸 수 있도록 해주는 문법
#map(): 다수의 원소에 대한 함수의 결과를 한 번에 얻을 수 있도록 도와줌
add= lambda x, y: x+y
print(add(1, 2))

my_function=lambda a, b: a*b
result=map(my_function, list1, list2) #같은 인덱스 자리에 있는 것끼리 더하고 빼고 할 수 있음
예제 #58
#!usr/bin/env python

import sys

    (1, 0, 0),
    (1, 0, 2),
    (2, 2, 1)

ENCRYPT = list(map(ord,

OPS_VALID = (4, 5, 23, 39, 40, 62, 68, 81)

POW9, POW10 = 3**9, 3**10

# --------------------------------------------------

def rotate(n):
    return POW9*(n%3) + n/3

def crazy(a, b):
    result = 0
    d = 1

    for i in range(10):
        result += TABLE_CRAZY[int((b/d)%3)][int((a/d)%3)] * d
        d *= 3
예제 #59
tot = 0
n = float(input())
m = int(input())
for _ in range(m):
  l, w = map(float, input().split())
  tot += l * w * n

예제 #60
dy = [1, 0, -1, 0]

def dfs(x, y, ground, N, M):
    ground[x][y] = False

    for i in range(4):
        nx = x + dx[i]
        ny = y + dy[i]

        if 0 <= nx < M and 0 <= ny < N and ground[nx][ny]:
            dfs(nx, ny, ground, N, M)

for _ in range(int(input())):
    result = 0
    M, N, K = map(int, input().split())
    ground = [[False] * N for _ in range(M)]

    for _ in range(K):
        X, Y = map(int, input().split())
        ground[X][Y] = True

    for i in range(M):
        for j in range(N):
            if ground[i][j]:
                dfs(i, j, ground, N, M)
                result += 1
