예제 #1
def __get_size__(filename):
    Parses the filename to get the size of a file
    e.g. 128M+12, 110M-10
    match = FILE_REGEX.search(filename)
    if match:
        size_str = match.group('size')
        si_unit = match.group('size_si')
        shift = __get_shift__(match)
        mul = 1
        if si_unit == 'B':
            mul = 1
        elif si_unit == 'K':
            mul = ONE_K
        elif si_unit == 'M':
            mul = pow(ONE_K, 2)
        elif si_unit == 'G':
            mul = pow(ONE_K, 3)
        elif si_unit == 'T':
            mul = pow(ONE_K, 4)
        size = int(size_str)
        size_in_bytes = (size * mul) + shift
        return size_in_bytes
        raise ValueError
def sim_pearson(prefs,p1,p2):
  # Get the list of mutually rated items
  for item in prefs[p1]:
    if item in prefs[p2]: si[item]=1

  # if they are no ratings in common, return 0
  if len(si)==0: return 0

  # Sum calculations

  # Sums of all the preferences
  sum1=sum([prefs[p1][it] for it in si])
  sum2=sum([prefs[p2][it] for it in si])

  # Sums of the squares
  sum1Sq=sum([pow(prefs[p1][it],2) for it in si])
  sum2Sq=sum([pow(prefs[p2][it],2) for it in si])

  # Sum of the products
  pSum=sum([prefs[p1][it]*prefs[p2][it] for it in si])

  # Calculate r (Pearson score)
  if den==0: return 0


  return r
예제 #3
    def divide_arrays(self, num_array, num_array_error, den_array, den_array_error):
        This function calculates the ratio of two arrays and calculate the respective error values

        nbr_elements = np.shape(num_array)[0]
        # calculate the ratio array
        ratio_array = np.zeros(nbr_elements)
        for i in range(nbr_elements):
            if den_array[i] is 0:
                _tmp_ratio = 0
                _tmp_ratio = num_array[i] / den_array[i]
            ratio_array[i] = _tmp_ratio
        # calculate the error of the ratio array
        ratio_error_array = np.zeros(nbr_elements)
        for i in range(nbr_elements):
            if (num_array[i] == 0) or (den_array[i] == 0): 
                ratio_error_array[i] = 0 
                tmp1 = pow(num_array_error[i] / num_array[i],2)
                tmp2 = pow(den_array_error[i] / den_array[i],2)
                ratio_error_array[i] = math.sqrt(tmp1+tmp2)*(num_array[i]/den_array[i])
        return [ratio_array, ratio_error_array]        
예제 #4
 def test_good_result(self):
   # Note: All of these cases use integers, and would fail if the float() casts
   #       were to be remvoed from get_safe_feedrate. Try it.
   cases = [
     [[1,  0, 0, 0, 0],    # Single axis: Move under the max feedrate
      [10, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      1, 1],
     [[11, 0, 0, 0, 0],    # Single axis: Move at the max feedrate
      [2,  0, 0, 0, 0],
      2, 2],
     [[-12,0, 0, 0, 0],    # Single axis: Move in negative direction at the max feedrate
      [1,  0 ,0, 0, 0],
      1, 1],
     [[13, 0, 0, 0, 0],    # Single axis: Move faster than the max feedrate
      [1,  0, 0, 0, 0],
      10, 1],
     [[1, -1, 1,-1, 1],    # Multi axis: Move in negative direction at the max feedrate
      [1,  1, 1, 1, 1],
      pow(5,.5), pow(5,.5)],
     [[1, -2, 3,-4, 5],    # Multi axis: Move faster than the max feedrate
      [1,  1, 1, 1, 1],
      10, pow(55,.5)/5],
   for case in cases:
     self.assertEquals(case[3], makerbot_driver.Gcode.get_safe_feedrate(case[0], case[1], case[2]))
예제 #5
 def weighted_mean(self, data_array, error_array, error_0):
     weighted mean of an array        
     sz = len(data_array)
     # calculate the numerator of mean
     dataNum = 0;
     for i in range(sz):
         if (error_array[i] == 0):
             error_array[i] = error_0
         tmpFactor = float(data_array[i]) / float((pow(error_array[i],2)))
         dataNum += tmpFactor
     # calculate denominator
     dataDen = 0;
     for i in range(sz):
         if (error_array[i] == 0):
             error_array[i] = error_0
         tmpFactor = 1./float((pow(error_array[i],2)))
         dataDen += tmpFactor
     if dataDen == 0:
         data_mean = np.nan
         mean_error = np.nan
         data_mean = float(dataNum) / float(dataDen)
         mean_error = math.sqrt(1/dataDen)     
     return [data_mean, mean_error]        
예제 #6
def sim_pearson(prefs, persion1, persion2):
    si = {}
    for item in prefs[persion1]:
        if item in prefs[persion2]:
            si[item] = 1
    n = len(si)
    if n == 0:
        return 1

    sum1 = sum([prefs[persion1][it] for it in si])
    sum2 = sum([prefs[persion2][it] for it in si])

    sum1Sqre = sum([pow(prefs[persion1][it], 2) for it in si])
    sum2Sqre = sum([pow(prefs[persion2][it], 2) for it in si])

    persionSum = sum([prefs[persion1][it] * prefs[persion2][it] for it in si])

    num = persionSum - (sum1 * sum2 / n)
    den = math.sqrt((sum1Sqre - pow(sum1, 2) / n) * (sum2Sqre - pow(sum2, 2) / n))
    if den == 0:
        return 0
    r = num / den
    return r
예제 #7
 def __setXYZData(self, pixel, x, y):
     if(pixel[0] < 0.04045):
         r = pixel[0]/12.92
         r = pow((pixel[0] + 0.055)/1.055, 2.4)
     if(pixel[1] < 0.04045):
         g = pixel[1]/12.92
         g = pow((pixel[1] + 0.055)/1.055, 2.4)
     if(pixel[2] < 0.04045):
         b = pixel[2]/12.92
         b = pow((pixel[2] + 0.055)/1.055, 2.4)
     X =  0.412453*r     + 0.357580*g + 0.180423 *b
     Y =  0.212671*r     + 0.715160*g + 0.072169 *b
     Z =  0.019334*r     + 0.119193*g + 0.950227 *b
     new_pixel = [X, Y, Z]
     self.pixel_data[(x, y)] = new_pixel
     if(x == 0 and y == 0):
         print str(pixel[0]) + "," + str(pixel[1]) + "," + str(pixel[2])
         print self.pixel_data[(x, y)]
     return new_pixel
예제 #8
 def _guinier_porod(self, x):
     Guinier-Porod Model
     # parameters
     G = self.params['scale']
     s = self.params['dim']
     Rg = self.params['rg']
     m = self.params['m']
     bgd = self.params['background']
     n = 3.0 - s
     qval = x
     # take care of the singular points
     if Rg <= 0.0:
         return bgd
     if (n-3.0+m) <= 0.0:
         return bgd
     #do the calculation and return the function value
     q1 = sqrt((n-3.0+m)*n/2.0)/Rg
     if qval < q1:
         F = (G/pow(qval,(3.0-n)))*exp((-qval*qval*Rg*Rg)/n) 
         F = (G/pow(qval, m))*exp(-(n-3.0+m)/2.0)*pow(((n-3.0+m)*n/2.0),
     inten = F + bgd
     return inten
    def find_substep(target, source, value, step_size, error):
        # recursive end condition
        if step_size < 0.0001:
            # new_source = source[:]
            # substep_shift(new_source, value)
            # return new_source
            return value

        # check plus shift
        source_plus = source[:]
        substep_shift(source_plus, value + step_size)
        p_error = 0
        for vals in zip(target, source_plus):
            p_error += pow(vals[0] - vals[1], 2)

        # check minus shift
        source_minus = source[:]
        substep_shift(source_minus, value - step_size)
        m_error = 0
        for vals in zip(target, source_minus):
            m_error += pow(vals[0] - vals[1], 2)

        # take best out of plus shift, minus shift, and no shift
        if p_error < m_error:
            if p_error < error:
                return find_substep(target, source, value + step_size, step_size / 2, p_error)
                return find_substep(target, source, value, step_size / 2, error)
            if m_error < error:
                return find_substep(target, source, value - step_size, step_size / 2, m_error)
                return find_substep(target, source, value, step_size / 2, error)
예제 #10
    def run(self):
        self.time_step += 1
        self.beta1 *= self.lamb
        t = self.time_step
        learning_rate = self.alpha

        gradient = self.net.buffer.gradients
        temp = self.net.handler.allocate(gradient.shape)
        temp_m0 = self.net.handler.allocate(self.m_0.shape)
        temp_v0 = self.net.handler.allocate(self.v_0.shape)

        # m_t <- beta_1*m_{t-1} + (1-beta1) *gradient
        self.net.handler.mult_st(self.beta1, self.m_0, out=self.m_0)
        self.net.handler.mult_add_st(1.0-self.beta1, gradient, out=self.m_0)
        # v_t <- beta_2*v_{t-1} + (1-beta2) *gradient^2
        self.net.handler.mult_st(self.beta2, self.v_0, out=self.v_0)
        self.net.handler.mult_tt(gradient, gradient, temp)  # gradient^2
        self.net.handler.mult_add_st(1.0-self.beta2, temp, out=self.v_0)
        # m_hat_t <- m_t/(1-beta1^t)
        self.net.handler.mult_st(1.0/(1.0-pow(self.beta1, t)), self.m_0, out=temp_m0)
        # v_hat_t <- v_t/(1-beta2^t)
        self.net.handler.mult_st(1.0/(1.0-pow(self.beta2, t)), self.v_0, out=temp_v0)

        self.net.handler.sqrt_t(temp_v0, temp_v0)
        self.net.handler.add_st(self.epsilon, temp_v0, out=temp_v0)

        self.net.handler.mult_st(learning_rate, temp_m0, out=temp_m0)

        self.net.handler.divide_tt(temp_m0, temp_v0, temp)

        self.net.handler.subtract_tt(self.net.buffer.parameters, temp, out=self.net.buffer.parameters)
예제 #11
    def prove_decryption(self, ciphertext):
        given g, y, alpha, beta/(encoded m), prove equality of discrete log
        with Chaum Pedersen, and that discrete log is x, the secret key.

        Prover sends a=g^w, b=alpha^w for random w
        Challenge c = sha1(a,b) with and b in decimal form
        Prover sends t = w + xc

        Verifier will check that g^t = a * y^c
        and alpha^t = b * beta/m ^ c
        m = (Utils.inverse(pow(ciphertext.alpha, self.x, self.pk.p), self.pk.p) * ciphertext.beta) % self.pk.p
        beta_over_m = (ciphertext.beta * Utils.inverse(m, self.pk.p)) % self.pk.p

        # pick a random w
        w = Utils.random_mpz_lt(self.pk.q)
        a = pow(self.pk.g, w, self.pk.p)
        b = pow(ciphertext.alpha, w, self.pk.p)

        c = int(sha.new(str(a) + "," + str(b)).hexdigest(),16)

        t = (w + self.x * c) % self.pk.q

        return m, {
            'commitment' : {'A' : str(a), 'B': str(b)},
            'challenge' : str(c),
            'response' : str(t)
예제 #12
def miller_rabin_helper(a, d, s, n):
    print n
    base = pow(a, d, n)
    yield base == 1
    for r in range(s):
        yield base == n - 1
        base = pow(base, 2, n)
def _try_composite(a, d, n, s):
    if pow(a, d, n) == 1:
        return False
    for i in range(s):
        if pow(a, 2**i * d, n) == n-1:
            return False
    return True # n  is definitely composite
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_inners, num_outputs,
                 learning_rate, activation_function=None):
        self._num_nodes = {
            INPUT: num_inputs,
            INNER: num_inners,
            OUTPUT: num_outputs

        self._learning_rate = learning_rate

        # Sample weights from normal probability distribution centered around
        # zero, with a standard deviation related to the number of incoming
        # links into a node.
        self.weights = {
            ITH: numpy.random.normal(
                0.0, pow(self._num_nodes[INNER], -0.5),
                (self._num_nodes[INNER], self._num_nodes[INPUT])),
            HTO: numpy.random.normal(
                0.0, pow(self._num_nodes[OUTPUT], -0.5),
                (self._num_nodes[OUTPUT], self._num_nodes[INNER]))

        # Sigmoid-esque activation function.
        self.activation_function = (
            activation_function or (lambda x: scipy.special.expit(x)))

        # Score is initially set to 0.
        self._score = 0.0

        # Default # training epochs.
        self._training_epochs = 7
예제 #15
def generate_detail(level,map):
	global iterations
	pow_max = pow(2,iterations) # 4 4 
	pow_size = pow(2,iterations-level) # 4 2 
	#diamond step
	for i in range(int(pow_max / pow_size)): # 0 , 0 1
		for d in range(int(pow_max / pow_size)): # 0 , 0 1
			h = 0
			x = 0
			y = 0
			for u in range(2):
				for v in range(2):
					tx = int(i * pow_size + u*pow_size)
					ty = int(d * pow_size + v*pow_size)
					print(tx," ",ty)
					h += map[tx][ty]
					y += pow_size
				x += pow_size
			h = h / 4 + random.uniform(0.0,100.0/(level +1))
			map[int(i*pow_size+pow_size/2)][int(d*pow_size+pow_size/2)] = h
	#square step
	#for i in range(int(pow_max / (pow_size/2))): # 2 , 
	print("==level" , level , "configuration==")
	print("==level", level,"configuration==")
	if(iterations == level + 1):
예제 #16
파일: units.py 프로젝트: HaeffnerLab/sqip
 def __pow__(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, (WithUnit, Unit)) and not other.isDimensionless():
         raise TypeError('Exponents must be dimensionless')
     if self.unit is None:
         return WithUnit(pow(self.value, float(other)), None)
     return WithUnit(pow(self.value, float(other)),
                     pow(self.unit, other))
예제 #17
def prime(a, q, k, n):
	if pow(a, q, n) == 1:
		return True
	elif (n - 1) in [pow(a, q*(2**j), n) for j in range(k)]:
		return True
		return False
예제 #18
파일: model.py 프로젝트: mehmadi/tr-55
def runoff_pitt(precip, land_use):
    The Pitt Small Storm Hydrology method.  The output is a runoff
    value in inches.
    c1 = +3.638858398e-2
    c2 = -1.243464039e-1
    c3 = +1.295682223e-1
    c4 = +9.375868043e-1
    c5 = -2.235170859e-2
    c6 = +0.170228067e+0
    c7 = -3.971810782e-1
    c8 = +3.887275538e-1
    c9 = -2.289321859e-2
    p4 = pow(precip, 4)
    p3 = pow(precip, 3)
    p2 = pow(precip, 2)

    impervious = ((c1 * p3) + (c2 * p2) + (c3 * precip) + c4) * precip
    urb_grass = ((c5 * p4) + (c6 * p3) + (c7 * p2) + (c8 * precip) + c9) * precip  # noqa

    runoff_vals = {
        'open_water':           impervious,
        'developed_low':  0.20 * impervious + 0.80 * urb_grass,
        'cluster_housing': 0.20 * impervious + 0.80 * urb_grass,
        'developed_med':  0.65 * impervious + 0.35 * urb_grass,
        'developed_high': 0.85 * impervious + 0.15 * urb_grass,
        'developed_open':     urb_grass

    if land_use not in runoff_vals:
        raise Exception('Land use %s not a built-type.' % land_use)
        return min(runoff_vals[land_use], precip)
예제 #19
def pearson_similarity(film1_ratings, film2_ratings):
    """Produces a metric of similarity between movies, 1.0 means the movies are
    essentially identical, -1.0 means they are complete opposites on the
    @film1_ratings -- A dictionary of movie ratings, of the format {"user_id": rating, "user_id2": rating2}
    @film2_ratings -- A dictionary of movie ratings, of the format {"user_id": rating, "user_id2": rating2}
    @returns -- float"""
    common_critics = []

    for critic in film1_ratings:
        if critic in film2_ratings:
    if len(common_critics) == 0:
        return 0

    film1_sum = sum(film1_critics[critic] for critic in common_critics)
    film2_sum = sum(film2_critics[critic] for critic in common_critics)

    film1_sum_square  = sum([pow(film1_critics[critic], 2) for critic in common_critics])
    film2_sum_square  = sum([pow(film2_critics[critic], 2) for critic in common_critics])

    product_sum = sum([film1_critics[critic] * film2_critics[critic] for critic in common_critics])

    # Calculate the pearson score
    num_critics = len(common_critics)
    num = product_sum - ((film1_sum * film2_sum)/num_critics)
    den = sqrt((film1_sum_square - pow(film1_sum, 2) / num_critics) * (film2_sum_square - pow(film2_sum, 2)/num_critics))

    if den == 0:
        return 0

    return num/den
예제 #20
파일: main.py 프로젝트: flair2005/avango
    def update(self):
        date = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(0, self.TimeIn.value *
        azimuth = get_azimuth(self.city, date)
        elevation = get_elevation(self.city, date)

        r = g = b = 0.0

        if (elevation > 0):
            r = g = b = elevation / 90
            r = pow(r, 0.3) * 1.3
            g = pow(g, 0.4) * 1.2
            b = pow(b, 0.5) * 1.6

        self.SunColorOut.value = avango.gua.Color(r, g, b)
        self.MatrixOut.value = avango.gua.make_rot_mat(
            azimuth, 0, 1, 0) * avango.gua.make_rot_mat(-elevation, 1, 0, 0)
        direcion = self.MatrixOut.value * avango.gua.Vec3(0, 0, -1)
        self.DirectionOut.value = avango.gua.Vec3(direcion.x, direcion.y,

        self.BlendFactorOut.value = 0.0

        if elevation / 90 < 0:
            self.BlendFactorOut.value = abs(elevation / 90) * 5

        if direcion.y > 0:
            val = max(0.2 - direcion.y, 0)
            self.GroundColorOut.value = avango.gua.Color(val, val, val)
            self.GroundColorOut.value = avango.gua.Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
def elemop(N=1000):
    (Takes about 40ms on a first-generation Macbook Pro)
    for i in range(N):
        assert a+b == 579
        assert a-b == -333
        assert b*a == a*b == 56088
        assert b%a == 87
        assert divmod(a, b) == (0, 123)
        assert divmod(b, a) == (3, 87)
        assert -a == -123
        assert pow(a, 10) == 792594609605189126649
        assert pow(a, 7, b) == 99
        assert cmp(a, b) == -1
        assert '7' in str(c)
        assert '0' not in str(c)
        assert a.sqrt() == 11
        assert _g.lcm(a, b) == 18696
        assert _g.fac(7) == 5040
        assert _g.fib(17) == 1597
        assert _g.divm(b, a, 20) == 12
        assert _g.divm(4, 8, 20) == 3
        assert _g.divm(4, 8, 20) == 3
        assert _g.mpz(20) == 20
        assert _g.mpz(8) == 8
        assert _g.mpz(4) == 4
        assert a.invert(100) == 87
	def __init__(self, rp, t1, r1, t2, r2, t3, r3):
		t1 = t1 + 273.15               # low temperature (25C)
		r1 = r1                        # resistance at low temperature
		t2 = t2 + 273.15               # middle temperature (150C)
		r2 = r2                        # resistance at middle temperature
		t3 = t3 + 273.15               # high temperature (250C)
		r3 = r3                        # resistance at high temperature
		self.rp = rp                   # pull-up resistance
		self.vadc = 5.0                # ADC reference
		self.vcc = 5.0                 # supply voltage to potential divider
		a1 = log(r1)
		a2 = log(r2)
		a3 = log(r3)
		z = a1 - a2
		y = a1 - a3
		x = 1/t1 - 1/t2
		w = 1/t1 - 1/t3
		v = pow(a1,3) - pow(a2,3)
		u = pow(a1,3) - pow(a3,3)
		c3 = (x-z*w/y)/(v-z*u/y)
		c2 = (x-c3*v)/z
		c1 = 1/t1-c3*pow(a1,3)-c2*a1
		self.c1 = c1
		self.c2 = c2
		self.c3 = c3
def computeDistance(m1,m2):
	r = numpy.dot(m1.transpose(),m2)
	#print r
	trace = r.trace()
	s = (trace-1.0)/2.0
	if int(round(abs(s),7)) == 1:
		 (1) Vectors are the same , i.e. 0 degrees
		 (2) Vectors are opposite, i.e. 180 degrees
		diff = numpy.sum(pow((m1-m2),2))
		#apDisplay.printWarning("overflow return, diff="+str(diff)+" m1="+str(m1)+" m2="+str(m2))
		if diff < 1.0e-6:
			return 0.0
		return 180.0
		#print "calculating"
		theta = math.acos(s)
		#print 'theta',theta
		t1 = abs(theta/(2*math.sin(theta)))
		#print 't1',t1
		t2 = math.sqrt(pow(r[0,1]-r[1,0],2)+pow(r[0,2]-r[2,0],2)+pow(r[1,2]-r[2,1],2))
		#print 't2',t2, t2*180/math.pi
		dist = t1 * t2
		dist *= 180.0/math.pi
		#print 'dist=',dist
		return dist
예제 #24
 def getProfile(self, r):
     if (r<self.rcut):
         P = pow(1. + (r/self.rcore)*(r/self.rcore),-0.5) - \
             pow(1. + (self.rcut/self.rcore)*(self.rcut/self.rcore),-0.5)
     return P
예제 #25
파일: dave.py 프로젝트: Jookai/xmw
def goExForceF3d():
  fx = readImage(fxfile)
  ws = zerofloat(n1,n2)
  gs = zerofloat(n1,n2,2)
  gvf = GradientVectorFlow()
  ed = gvf.applyForEdge(sig,sig1,sig2,fx)
  et = gvf.applyForGVX(sig,sig1,sig2,ed,gs,ws) #channel 1
  wp = pow(ed,1.0)
  ws = pow(ws,1.0)
  wm = pow(wp,1)
  wm = div(wm,max(wm))
  wm = sub(1,wm)
  fs = gvf.applyForGVF(None,gs[0],gs[1],ws,wm)
예제 #26
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: PowerDNS/exabgp
def rd (tokeniser):
		value = tokeniser()

		separator = value.find(':')
		if separator > 0:
			prefix = value[:separator]
			suffix = int(value[separator+1:])

		# XXX: FIXME: we need much more checks here instead that the blank try/except...

		if '.' in prefix:
			bytes = [chr(0),chr(1)]
			bytes.extend([chr(int(_)) for _ in prefix.split('.')])
			rd = ''.join(bytes)
			number = int(prefix)
			if number < pow(2,16) and suffix < pow(2,32):
				rd = chr(0) + chr(0) + pack('!H',number) + pack('!L',suffix)
			elif number < pow(2,32) and suffix < pow(2,16):
				rd = chr(0) + chr(2) + pack('!L',number) + pack('!H',suffix)
				raise ValueError('invalid route-distinguisher %s' % value)
	except ValueError:
		raise ValueError('invalid route-distinguisher %s' % value)

	return RouteDistinguisher(rd)
예제 #27
def sim_pearson(prefs, p1, p2):
	# Get the list of mutually rated items
	si = {}
	for item in prefs[p1]:
		if item in prefs[p2]: si[item] = 1

	n = len(si)
	if 0==n: return 0

	# Add up all the preferences
	sum1 = sum(prefs[p1][it] for it in si)
	sum2 = sum(prefs[p2][it] for it in si)

	# Sum up the squares
	sum1Sq = sum([pow(prefs[p1][it], 2) for it in si])
	sum2Sq = sum([pow(prefs[p2][it], 2) for it in si])

	pSum = sum([prefs[p1][it] * prefs[p2][it] for it in si])

	num = pSum - (sum1*sum2/n)
	den = sqrt((sum1Sq-pow(sum1, 2)/n)*(sum2Sq-pow(sum2,2)/n))
	if 0==den: return 0

	r = num/den

	return r
예제 #28
def findMainObject(objectsCNT,shape,img=0):
     znajduje obiekt najbardziej po srodku plaszczyzny (bo to nie beda krawedzie lustra)

    #srodek obrazu
    yc0 = shape[0]/2
    xc0 = (shape[1]/4)*3

    min_index = -1
    min_cost = shape[0]*shape[1]

    marker = False

    for n,c in enumerate(objectsCNT):
        moments = cv2.moments(c)
        # policzenie srodkow ciezkosci figur
        yc = int(moments['m01']/moments['m00'])
        xc = int(moments['m10']/moments['m00'])

        #odległosc od srodka
        dx = xc0-xc
        dy = yc0-yc
        cost = sqrt(pow(dx,2)+pow(dy,2))

        if cost.real < min_cost:
            min_cost = cost.real
            min_index = n
    mainCNT = objectsCNT[min_index]

    return mainCNT
예제 #29
 def try_composite(a):
     if pow(a, d, n) == 1:
         return False
     for i in xrange(s):
         if pow(a, 2**i * d, n) == n - 1:
             return False
     return True
    def _insertStepsContinue(self):
        args = {
                '--o': '%s/relion' % self.ExtraDir,
                '--continue': self.optimiserFileName,
                '--iter': self.NumberOfIterations,
                '--tau2_fudge': self.RegularisationParamT,# should not be changed 
                '--flatten_solvent': '',# use always
                #'--zero_mask': '',# use always. This is confussing since Sjors gui creates the command line
                #                  # with this option
                #                  # but then the program complains about it. 
                '--oversampling': '1',
                '--norm': '',
                '--scale': '',
        iover = 1 #TODO: check this DROP THIS
         # Sampling stuff
        args['--psi_step'] = self.InPlaneAngularSamplingDeg * pow(2, iover)        
        args['--offset_range'] = self.OffsetSearchRangePix
        args['--offset_step']  = self.OffsetSearchStepPix * pow(2, iover)

        args['--j'] = self.NumberOfThreads
        # Join in a single line all key, value pairs of the args dict    
        params = ' '.join(['%s %s' % (k, str(v)) for k, v in args.iteritems()])
        params += ' ' + self.AdditionalArguments

        self.insertRunJobStep(self.program, params, self._getIterFiles(self.NumberOfIterations))
def modinv(n,p):
    return pow(n,p-2,p)
예제 #32
 def transform(self, K):
     for i in range(0, K.shape[0]):
         for j in range(0, K.shape[1]):
             K[i, j] = pow(K[i, j], 1.0 / 10.0)
     return K
from Crypto.Util import number
from itertools import permutations

with open('flag') as fp:
    flag = fp.read()

M = int(flag.encode('hex'), 16)
p = number.getPrime(1024)
q = number.getPrime(1024)
N = p * q
e = 65537

assert M < N
print "N = %d" % N
print "e = %d" % e

for a in 'MNe':
    for b in 'MNe':
        for c in 'MNe':
            print "pow(%s,%s,%s) = %d" % (a, b, c,
                                          pow(eval(a), eval(b), eval(c)))
예제 #34
    def createFile(self, filePath, fileName, size=0, randomData=True, umask="777", append=False):
        Create a file
        :param append: If True, the content will be appended to the existing file. If False, file will be overwritten
         or created
        :param filePath:
        :param fileName:
        :param size: Can be in Bytes or in the format of "1M", "5G" ...etc
        :param randomData: Boolean. To have random data or not in the file created.
        Random data takes a while to create.
        :param umask:
        :return: True/False

        if not fileName:
            autopsy_logger.error("FileName can't be empty or None")
            return False

        if not filePath:
            filePath = "~"

        if size == 0:
            self.execute("touch {0}/{1}".format(filePath, fileName))
            return self.ssh_client.exit_status_last_command == 0

        if randomData:
            inFile = "/dev/urandom"
            if self.getFileSystemType(filePath + "/") == 'ext4':
                self.execute("fallocate -l {0} {1}".format(size, filePath + "/" + fileName), sudo=True)

                if self.ssh_client.exit_status_last_command != 0:
                    autopsy_logger.error("Error creating file {0}".format(filePath + "/" + fileName))
                    return False

                self.execute("chmod {0} {1}".format(umask, filePath + "/" + fileName),
                             sudo=True, quiet=True)
                return True
                inFile = "/dev/zero"

        remainder = Utilities.convertToBytes(size)
        value = 2
        bsValues = ["1M", "1K", "1"]

        isFirst = not append

        while remainder > 0 and value >= 0:
            quotient = remainder // (pow(1024, value))
            remainder %= (pow(1024, value))

            if quotient > 0:
                if isFirst:
                    self.execute("dd if={0} bs={3} count={2} > {1}".format(inFile,
                                                                           filePath + "/" + fileName,
                                                                           bsValues[len(bsValues) - value - 1]),
                                 sudo=True, quiet=True, timeout=3600)
                    if self.ssh_client.exit_status_last_command != 0:
                            "Error doing dd command for file {0}: Exiting...".format(filePath + "/" + fileName))
                        return False
                    isFirst = False
                    self.execute("dd if={0} bs={3} count={2} >> {1}".format(inFile,
                                                                            filePath + "/" + fileName,
                                                                            bsValues[len(bsValues) - value - 1]),
                                 sudo=True, quiet=True, timeout=3600)
                    if self.ssh_client.exit_status_last_command != 0:
                            "Error doing dd command for file {0}: Exiting...".format(filePath + "/" + fileName))
                        return False
            value -= 1

        return True
예제 #35
파일: Bayes.py 프로젝트: endoedgar/Big-Data
def stdev(numbers):
    avg = mean(numbers)
    variance = sum([pow(x - avg, 2) for x in numbers]) / float(len(numbers) - 1)
    return math.sqrt(variance)
예제 #36
    def forward(self, G):
        The forward function which defines how the network is connected
        :param G: The input geometry (Since this is a forward network)
        :return: S: The 300 dimension spectra
        out = G  # initialize the out
        # Monitor the gradient list
        # For the linear part
        for ind, (fc, bn) in enumerate(zip(self.linears, self.bn_linears)):
            if ind < len(self.linears) - 1:
                out = F.relu(bn(fc(out)))  # ReLU + BN + Linear
                out = bn(fc(out))

        # If use lorentzian layer, pass this output to the lorentzian layer
        if self.use_lorentz:
            out = torch.sigmoid(
                out)  # Lets say w0, wp is in range (0,5) for now
            #out = F.relu(out) + 0.00001

            # Get the out into (batch_size, num_lorentz, 3) and the last epsilon_inf baseline
            epsilon_inf = out[:, -1]
            out = out[:, 0:-1].view([-1, int(out.size(1) / 3), 3])

            # Get the list of params for lorentz, also add one extra dimension at 3rd one to
            if self.fix_w0:
                w0 = self.w0.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2)
                w0 = out[:, :, 0].unsqueeze(2) * 1.5
            wp = out[:, :, 1].unsqueeze(2) * 5
            g = out[:, :, 2].unsqueeze(2) * 0.05

            # This is for debugging purpose (Very slow), recording the output tensors
            self.w0s = w0.data.cpu().numpy()
            self.wps = wp.data.cpu().numpy()
            self.gs = g.data.cpu().numpy()
            self.eps_inf = epsilon_inf.data.cpu().numpy()

            # Expand them to the make the parallelism, (batch_size, #Lor, #spec_point)
            w0 = w0.expand(out.size(0), self.num_lorentz, self.num_spec_point)
            wp = wp.expand_as(w0)
            g = g.expand_as(w0)
            w_expand = self.w.expand_as(g)
            Testing code
            #print("c1 size", self.c1.size())
            #print("w0 size", w0.size())
            End of testing module
            # This is version that easier to understand by human, but memory intensive
            # Therefore we implement the less memory aggressive one below, make sure you use only one
            # Get the powers first
            w02 = pow(w0, 2)
            wp2 = pow(wp, 2)
            w2 = pow(w_expand, 2)
            g2 = pow(g, 2)

            # Start calculating
            s1 = add(w02, -w2)
            s12= pow(s1, 2)
            n1 = mul(wp2, s1)
            n2 = mul(wp2, mul(w_expand, g))
            denom = add(s12, mul(w2, g2))
            e1 = div(n1, denom)
            e2 = div(n2, denom)
            # This is the version of more "machine" code that hard to understand but much more memory efficient
            e1 = div(
                mul(pow(wp, 2), add(pow(w0, 2), -pow(w_expand, 2))),
                add(pow(add(pow(w0, 2), -pow(w_expand, 2)), 2),
                    mul(pow(w_expand, 2), pow(g, 2))))
            e2 = div(
                mul(pow(wp, 2), mul(w_expand, pow(g, 2))),
                add(pow(add(pow(w0, 2), -pow(w_expand, 2)), 2),
                    mul(pow(w_expand, 2), pow(g, 2))))
            # End line for the 2 versions of code that do the same thing, 1 for memory efficient but ugly

            self.e2 = e2.data.cpu().numpy(
            )  # This is for plotting the imaginary part
            self.e1 = e1.data.cpu().numpy(
            )  # This is for plotting the imaginary part
            debugging purposes: 2019.12.10 Bens code for debugging the addition of epsilon_inf
            print("size of e1", e1.size())
            print("size pf epsilon_inf", epsilon_inf.size())
            # This is version that easier to understand by human, but memory intensive
            # Therefore we implement the less memory aggressive one below, make sure you use only one
            # the correct calculation should be adding up the es
            e1 = torch.sum(e1, 1)
            e2 = torch.sum(e2, 1)

            epsilon_inf = epsilon_inf.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(e1)        #Change the shape of the epsilon_inf

            e1 += epsilon_inf

            # print("e1 size", e1.size())
            # print("e2 size", e2.size())
            e12 = pow(e1, 2)
            e22 = pow(e2, 2)

            n = sqrt(0.5 * add(sqrt(add(e12, e22)), e1))
            k = sqrt(0.5 * add(sqrt(add(e12, e22)), -e1))
            n_12 = pow(n+1, 2)
            k2 = pow(k, 2)
            T = div(4*n, add(n_12, k2)).float()
            # This is the memory efficient version of code
            n = sqrt(0.5 * add(
                sqrt(add(pow(torch.sum(e1, 1), 2), pow(torch.sum(e2, 1), 2))),
                torch.sum(e1, 1)))
            k = sqrt(0.5 * add(
                sqrt(add(pow(torch.sum(e1, 1), 2), pow(torch.sum(e2, 1), 2))),
                -torch.sum(e1, 1)))
            T = div(4 * n, add(pow(n + 1, 2), pow(k, 2))).float()
            # End line for 2 versions of code that do the same thing, 1 for memory efficient but ugly
            Debugging and plotting (This is very slow, comment to boost)
            self.T_each_lor = T.data.cpu().numpy(
            )  # This is for plotting the transmittion
            self.N = n.data.cpu().numpy(
            )  # This is for plotting the imaginary part
            self.K = k.data.cpu().numpy(
            )  # This is for plotting the imaginary part

            # print("T size",T.size())
            # Last step, sum up except for the 0th dimension of batch_size (deprecated since we sum at e above)
            # T = torch.sum(T, 1).float()
            return T

        # The normal mode to train without Lorentz
        if self.use_conv:
            out = out.unsqueeze(1)  # Add 1 dimension to get N,L_in, H
            # For the conv part
            for ind, conv in enumerate(self.convs):
                out = conv(out)

            # Final touch, because the input is normalized to [-1,1]
            # S = tanh(out.squeeze())
            out = out.squeeze()
        return out
예제 #37
 run_else = True

assert not run_else

run_else = False
while n>5:
 n -= 1
 run_else = True

assert run_else    

# issue 135
assert pow(*(2,3)) == 8
assert pow(*(2,-3)) == 0.125
assert pow(*(-2,3)) == -8
assert pow(*(-2,-3)) == -0.125

# issue 137
assert int('-10') == -10

# issue 139
    d = []
except (IndexError,TypeError) as err:
    pass # just check that there is no SyntaxError

# issue 157 : check that the 2nd line doesn't raise a SyntaxError
예제 #38
#CalPiv2.py 蒙特卡罗方法求解圆周率
from random import random
from time import perf_counter
hits = 0.0
DARTS = 1000 * 1000 * 10
start = perf_counter()
for dot in range(1, DARTS + 1):
    x, y = random(), random()
    dist = pow(x**2 + y**2, 0.5)
    if (dist < 1.0):
        hits += 1
end = perf_counter()
pi = 4 * (hits / DARTS)
print("运行时间为:{:.2f}".format(end - start))
예제 #39
 def read_var_int():
     pos[0] += 1
     if ord(tx[pos[0]-1]) < 253:
         return ord(tx[pos[0]-1])
     return read_as_int(pow(2, ord(tx[pos[0]-1]) - 252))
# python3
from Crypto.Util.number import *
mm = bytes_to_long(b'12345678')
l = len(bin(mm)) - 2

def genkey():
    while 1:
        p = getPrime(128)
        q = getPrime(128)
        e = getPrime(32)
        n = p * q
        phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
        if GCD(e, phi) > 1:
        d = inverse(e, phi)
        return e, d, n

e, d, n = genkey()
cc = pow(mm, e, n)
f = str(pow(cc, d, n) % 2)      # oracle 一开始泄露的第一bit

for i in range(1, l):
    e, d, n = genkey()
    cc = pow(mm, e, n)          # oracle给出的密文
    ss = inverse(2**i, n)
    cs = (cc * pow(ss, e, n)) % n   # 把处理过后的密文cs发给oracle
    lb = pow(cs, d, n) % 2          # oracle返回新泄露的最后1bit
    bb = (lb - (int(f, 2) * ss % n)) % 2    # 恢复第 i bit
    f = str(bb) + f
    assert(((mm >> i) % 2) == bb)
print(long_to_bytes(int(f, 2)))
	def __preprocess_dataset(self, data_frame):

		if self.__preprocess_type == 'fft':
			for i in range(len(data_frame)):
				row_X = np.array(data_frame.iloc[i,:-1], dtype=np.float)
				row_y = np.array(data_frame.iloc[i,-1], dtype=np.float)

				row_X = self.__apply_window(row_X)

				transformed_X = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(row_X)) #Fourier transform on each sample

				decibels = []
				if self.__decibels == True: #convert to decibels scale
					for j in range(len(transformed_X)):
						decibel = transformed_X[j] * pow(10,16)
						decibels.append(10 * np.log10(decibel))
					transformed_X = np.array(decibels, dtype=np.float)

				processedRow = np.append(transformed_X, (row_y - self.__dataset_starts_at_label)) #Append y with X
					processed_dataset = np.vstack([processed_dataset,processedRow])
					processed_dataset = np.array(processedRow,dtype=float)

				if i % 1000 == 0:
					print(i, "processed rows")

			processed_X = processed_dataset[:,0:-1]
			processed_y = processed_dataset[:,-1]

			path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
			dir_path = os.path.dirname(path)
			preprocessed_X_file = dir_path + '/dataset/' + 'preprocessedSamples_X_samples_nylonGuitar_1024_Mm7_R03.data'
			preprocessed_y_file = dir_path + '/dataset/' + 'preprocessedSamples_y_samples_nylonGuitar_1024_Mm7_R03.data'


			return processed_X, processed_y
		elif self.__preprocess_type == 'stft':
			X = np.array(data_frame.iloc[:,:-1], dtype=np.float)
			y = np.array(data_frame.iloc[:,-1], dtype=np.float)

			processed_X = np.zeros((len(X),12,80,1), dtype=np.float)
			processed_y = np.zeros(len(y), dtype=np.float)

			for i in range(len(X)):
				if self.__cut_freq_above is not None:
					sample = np.fft.rfft(X[i])
					for ii in range(len(sample)):
						if ii < self.__cut_freq_above: #ignore frequencies greater than self.__cut_freq_above
							X_fft_new[ii] = sample[ii]
					X[i] = np.fft.ifft(X_fft_new)
				row_X = librosa.core.stft(y=X[i], n_fft=self.__n_fft, 
										 window=self.__window, center=True,
										 dtype=np.float32, pad_mode='reflect')

				row_X_3d = np.atleast_3d(row_X)
				processed_X[i] = row_X_3d
				processed_y[i] = y[i]
				if i % 400 == 0:
					print(i, "processed rows")

			return processed_X, processed_y
		elif self.__preprocess_type == 'chroma_stft':
			X = np.array(data_frame.iloc[:,:-1], dtype=np.float)
			y = np.array(data_frame.iloc[:,-1], dtype=np.float)

			processed_X = np.zeros((len(X),12,80,1), dtype=np.float)
			processed_y = np.zeros(len(y), dtype=np.float)
			X_fft_new = np.zeros(20480)

			for i in range(len(X)):
				if self.__cut_freq_above is not None:
					sample = np.fft.rfft(X[i])
					for ii in range(len(sample)):
						if ii < self.__cut_freq_above: #ignore frequencies greater than self.__cut_freq_above
							X_fft_new[ii] = sample[ii]
					X[i] = np.fft.ifft(X_fft_new)
				row_X = librosa.feature.chroma_stft(y=X[i],
											sr=44100, n_fft=self.__n_fft,

				row_X_3d = np.atleast_3d(row_X)
				processed_X[i] = row_X_3d
				processed_y[i] = y[i]
				if i % 400 == 0:
					print(i, "processed rows")

			return processed_X, processed_y
예제 #42

# ===========================
# Part 2

deck_size = 119315717514047
MOD = deck_size
iterations = 101741582076661
pos = 2020

offset = 0
increment = 1
for i in instr:
    i = i.split(' ')
    if 'cut' in i:
        offset += increment * int(i[1])
        offset %= MOD
    elif 'with' in i:
        increment *= pow(int(i[3]), MOD - 2, MOD)
        increment %= MOD
    elif 'into' in i:
        increment *= -1
        increment %= MOD
        offset += increment
        offset %= MOD

all_multi = pow(increment, iterations, MOD)
all_addi = (offset * (1 - all_multi) * pow(1 - increment, MOD - 2, MOD)) % MOD
res = (pos * all_multi + all_addi) % MOD
print "Part 2: %d" % res
예제 #43
 def V(self):
     """Method for calculation the volume of ball"""
     v = (4 / 3) * pi * pow(self.r, 3)
     return round(v, 2)
예제 #44
 def raise_to_exp(x):
     return pow(x, exp)
예제 #45
파일: q1.py 프로젝트: TarushS/HackCon-19
def encrypt(m):
	return pow(m,2,n)
예제 #46
def f(x,args):
    global p
    return x+p*pow(2,-(x/1.5))
예제 #47
        rel_error = abs(grad_numerical - grad_analytic) / (
            abs(grad_numerical) + abs(grad_analytic)
        assert_almost_equal(rel_error, 0, decimal=5)

    "method, y_d, domain",
        (np.positive, lambda x: 1, None),
        (np.negative, lambda x: -1, None),
        (np.exp, lambda x: pow(e, x), None),
        (np.exp2, lambda x: pow(2, x) * log(2), None),
        (np.log, lambda x: 1 / x, (0, None)),
        (np.log2, lambda x: 1 / (x * log(2)), (0, None)),
        (np.log10, lambda x: 1 / (x * log(10)), (0, None)),
        (np.sqrt, lambda x: 0.5 * pow(x, -0.5), (0, None)),
        (np.square, lambda x: 2 * x, None),
            lambda x: 1 / 3 * pow(x, -2 / 3),
            (0, None),
        ),  # Negative numbers cannot be raised to a fractional power
        (np.reciprocal, lambda x: -1 / pow(x, 2), (None, 0)),
        (np.sin, lambda x: cos(x), None),
        (np.cos, lambda x: -sin(x), None),
예제 #48
 def S(self):
     """Method for calculation the square of ball"""
     s = 4 * pi * pow(self.r, 2)
     return round(s, 2)
예제 #49
def main():
    # Examples:
    # TRLYNOP11DE633DD31 church bells
    # TRWMWTX11DE6393849 a7 unt by lithops
    # TRMTWYL11DD5A1D829 valley hi by stereolab
    #a = audio.ExistingTrack("TRMTWYL11DD5A1D829").analysis
    a = audio.LocalAudioFile(sys.argv[1]).analysis
    midi = MidiOutFile('output.mid')
        int(60000000.00 / 60.0)
    )  # 60 BPM, one Q per second, 96 ticks per Q, 96 ticks per second.)
    BOOST = 30  # Boost volumes if you want

    # Do you want the channels to be split by timbre or no?
    splitChannels = True

    for seg_index in xrange(len(a.segments)):
        s = a.segments[seg_index]

        if (splitChannels):
            # Figure out a channel to assign this segment to. Let PCA do the work here... we'll just take the sign of coeffs 1->5 as a 4-bit #
            bits = [0, 0, 0, 0]
            for i in xrange(4):
                # Can't use the first coeff because it's (always?) positive.
                if (s.timbre[i + 1] >= 0): bits[i] = 1
            channel = bits[0] * 8 + bits[1] * 4 + bits[2] * 2 + bits[3] * 1
            channel = 0

        # Get the loudnesses in MIDI cc #7 vals for the start of the segment, the loudest part, and the start of the next segment.
        # db -> voltage ratio http://www.mogami.com/e/cad/db.html
        linearMaxVolume = int(pow(10.0, s.loudness_max / 20.0) * 127.0) + BOOST
        linearStartVolume = int(
            pow(10.0, s.loudness_begin / 20.0) * 127.0) + BOOST
        if (seg_index == len(a.segments) - 1):  # if this is the last segment
            linearNextStartVolume = 0
            linearNextStartVolume = int(
                pow(10.0, a.segments[seg_index + 1].loudness_begin / 20.0) *
                127.0) + BOOST
        whenMaxVolume = s.time_loudness_max

        # Count the # of ticks I wait in doing the volume ramp so I can fix up rounding errors later.
        tt = 0

        # take pitch vector and hit a note on for each pitch at its relative volume. That's 12 notes per segment.
        for note in xrange(12):
            volume = int(s.pitches[note] * 127.0)
            midi.note_on(channel=channel, note=0x3C + note, velocity=volume)

        # Set volume of this segment. Start at the start volume, ramp up to the max volume , then ramp back down to the next start volume.
        curVol = float(linearStartVolume)

        # Do the ramp up to max from start
        ticksToMaxLoudnessFromHere = int(96.0 * whenMaxVolume)
        if (ticksToMaxLoudnessFromHere > 0):
            howMuchVolumeToIncreasePerTick = float(
                linearMaxVolume -
                linearStartVolume) / float(ticksToMaxLoudnessFromHere)
            for ticks in xrange(ticksToMaxLoudnessFromHere):
                midi.continuous_controller(channel, 7, int(curVol))
                curVol = curVol + howMuchVolumeToIncreasePerTick
                tt = tt + 1

        # Now ramp down from max to start of next seg
        ticksToNextSegmentFromHere = int(96.0 * (s.duration - whenMaxVolume))
        if (ticksToNextSegmentFromHere > 0):
            howMuchVolumeToDecreasePerTick = float(
                linearMaxVolume -
                linearNextStartVolume) / float(ticksToNextSegmentFromHere)
            for ticks in xrange(ticksToNextSegmentFromHere):
                curVol = curVol - howMuchVolumeToDecreasePerTick
                if curVol < 0:
                    curVol = 0
                midi.continuous_controller(channel, 7, int(curVol))
                tt = tt + 1

        # Account for rounding error if any
        midi.update_time(int(96.0 * s.duration) - tt)

        # Send the note off
        for note in xrange(12):
            midi.note_off(channel=channel, note=0x3C + note)

예제 #50
    def checkBlock(self, heightToCheck):
        #check content of the block for valid transactions
        block = self.tnc.getBlock(heightToCheck)
        for transaction in block['transactions']:
            targetAddress = self.tnc.checkTx(transaction)

            if targetAddress is not None:
                if targetAddress != "No attachment":
                    if not (self.otc.validateAddress(targetAddress)):
                        self.faultHandler(transaction, "txerror")
                        targetAddress = self.otc.normalizeAddress(
                        amount = transaction['amount'] / pow(
                            10, self.config['tn']['decimals'])

                        if amount < self.config['main'][
                                'min'] or amount > self.config['main']['max']:
                                              e='outside amount ranges')
                                txId = None
                                txId = self.otc.sendTx(targetAddress, amount)

                                if not (str(txId.hex()).startswith('0x')):
                                    print("INFO: send tx: " + str(txId.hex()))

                                        transaction['sender'], targetAddress,
                                        txId.hex(), transaction['id'], amount,
                                        'INFO: send tokens from tn to erc20!')

                                    #self.db.delTunnel(transaction['sender'], targetAddress)
                            except Exception as e:
                                self.faultHandler(transaction, "txerror", e=e)

                            if txId is None:
                                if targetAddress != 'invalid address':
                                        transaction['sender'], targetAddress,
                                        transaction['id'], '', amount,
                                        'tx failed to send - manual intervention required'
                                        "ERROR: tx failed to send - manual intervention required"
                                self.otc.verifyTx(txId, transaction['sender'],
                    self.faultHandler(transaction, 'noattachment')
예제 #51
class BrukerParams(ExternalParams):

    format = 'Bruker'
    # how many directories to keep in file path for default DataUrl split
    keepDirectories = 4

    def __init__(self, procs_file, **kw):

        # Accept procs directory or any file in it
        # Assume correct file is named 'procs' if there is such a file
        if os.path.isdir(procs_file):
            procs_file = os.path.join(procs_file, 'procs')

            dd, file = os.path.split(procs_file)
            if file != 'procs':
                ss = os.path.join(dd, 'procs')
                if os.path.isfile(ss):
                    print 'Switching to input file: %s' % ss
                    procs_file = ss

        self.procs_file = procs_file

        ExternalParams.__init__(self, **kw)

    # ExternalParams requires this to be defined
    def parseFile(self):

        # get processed file data
            help = BrukerParHelp('help')
            procParData = BrukerProcessingParData(self.procs_file, help.tags)
        except IOError, e:
            raise ApiError(str(e))

        # get acquisition file data
        procDir = procParData.fileDir
        func = os.path.dirname
        acqDir = func(func(procDir))
        files = set(os.listdir(acqDir))
        nAxes = 1
        while True:
            i = nAxes + 1
            if ('acqu%ds' % i) in files:
                nAxes = i
        numDim = procParData.numDim
        if nAxes < numDim:
            nAxes = numDim
            acqParData = None
            acqParData = BrukerAcqParData(os.path.join(acqDir, 'acqus'), nAxes,

            # check if we have a processed projection, a projection experiment or what
            if nAxes > numDim:
                extraDimHasPoints = [
                    x for x in acqParData.npts[numDim:nAxes] if x > 1
                if extraDimHasPoints:
                    # wb104: added the npts=1 check on 11 Mar 2011
                    # check if any dims have npts=1, in which case can eliminate
                    onePointDims = [
                        i for i in range(nAxes) if acqParData.npts[i] == 1
                    if len(onePointDims) + numDim == nAxes:
                        # can rescue this case
                        # looks like don't use most of the below but what the heck, keep consistent
                        for attr in ('baseFreq', 'npts', 'nuc',
                                     'numPointsValid', 'refppm', 'refpt', 'sf',
                            for n in reversed(onePointDims):
                                    del getattr(acqParData, attr)[n]
                                    # not sure should pass, perhaps should give up instead??
                                    # but hopefully never in this situation
                        # something is wrong here,
                        # maybe we have e.g. a 2D projection of an original 3D spectrum
                        # Anyway the acquisition parameters can not be trusted to match the
                        # processing dimensions.
                            'WARNING, Spectrum is a computed, %sD projection or slice of a %sD Experiment'
                            % (numDim, nAxes))
                        acqParData = None
                    nAxes = numDim

        self.nAxes = nAxes

        # set data from proc files
        aPars = procParData.aPars
        aPars['nAxes'] = max(nAxes, numDim)
        aPars['scale'] = pow(2, aPars['brukerScale'])

        # add data from acqus files
        if acqParData is not None:

            self.acquisitionDim = 0

            self.numScans = acqParData.numScans

            dateString = acqParData.dateString
            if dateString:
                self.date = dateString

            pulProgName = acqParData.pulProgName
            if pulProgName is not None:
                self.pulProgName = pulProgName
                self.pulProgType = 'bruker'

            # reset basefreq and sf to more accurate acqu values
            for tag in ('baseFreq', 'sf'):
                if hasattr(acqParData, tag):
                    ll = getattr(acqParData, tag)
                    getattr(self, tag)[:len(ll)] = ll

            if hasattr(acqParData, 'nuc'):
                nucs = self.nuc
                acqnucs = acqParData.nuc
                for ii, nuc in enumerate(nucs):
                    #if nuc is None:
                    # Added for TopSpin3.2: if nuc is 'off' also take from acqus
                    if nuc in (None, 'off'):
                        nucs[ii] = acqnucs[ii]

            # Add projection dimensions:
            # Assumes that first numDim acq dimensions are processed, and that
            # last nAxes-numDim dimensions are projection and add to last real dim
            # NB the test for projection experiment versus processed projection
            # has been done previously
            newInfoTags = ('sf', 'baseFreq', 'nuc', 'sw', 'refpt', 'refppm')

            if nAxes > numDim:
                # projection experiment (e.g. Prodecomp)
                for ss in newInfoTags:
                    getattr(self, ss)[numDim:nAxes] = getattr(acqParData,

            # add extra dimensions if extra displayNames present
            # (Prodecomp exps with pos/neg peaks Ca,Cb and possibly Ha,Hb)
            posNegCaCb = False
            displayNames = self.extraData.get('displayNames')
            if displayNames:
                if len(displayNames) > nAxes:
                    if 'Ca' in displayNames and 'Cb' in displayNames:
                        posNegCaCb = True
                        indx = [
                        for ss in dimParamDefs.keys():
                            ll = getattr(self, ss)
                            if ll:
                                ll.insert(indx[1], ll[indx[0]])
                        nAxes = self.nAxes = nAxes + 1

                        if len(displayNames) > nAxes:
                            if 'Ha' in displayNames and 'Hb' in displayNames:
                                indx = [
                                for ss in dimParamDefs.keys():
                                    ll = getattr(self, ss)
                                    if ll:
                                        ll.insert(indx[1], ll[indx[0]])
                            nAxes = self.nAxes = nAxes + 1

                # reset carrier and reference from CNST for C, Cab, and Ca
                constants = acqParData.constants
                for ii, name in enumerate(displayNames):

                    O1 = 1
                    if name == 'CO':
                        O1 = constants.values[21]
                    elif name == 'Cab' or (posNegCaCb
                                           and name in ('Ca', 'Cb')):
                        O1 = constants.values[23]
                    elif name == 'Ca':
                        O1 = constants.values[22]

                    if O1 == 1:

                    baseFreq = self.baseFreq[ii]
                    if baseFreq:
                        self.sf[ii] = baseFreq + 1.0e-6 * O1
                        self.refpt[ii] = 1.0
                        self.refppm[ii] = O1 + 0.5 * self.sw[ii] / baseFreq
예제 #52
 def run_operation(self):
     for engine in self.engine_objects:
         for _cache in self.cache:
             _index = "gr"
             _v_scale = self.scale
             _v_size = pow(2, _v_scale)
             _txsize = pow(2, _v_scale)
             navigate_profileName = "navigate.profile"
             now_string = self.db.now_string(True).replace(" ", "_")
             if self.tag_object:
                 navigate_profileName = "navigate." + now_string + ".profile"
             f = file("ring_search.txt", "w")
             print >> f, "0,%d" % (pow(2, _v_scale) - 1)
             print >> f, "0,%d" % (pow(2, _v_scale) - 1)
             self.ig_navigate(self.type, engine.name, self.propertyFile,
                              _v_scale, 1, _txsize, navigate_profileName,
             if self.case_object:
                 f = file(navigate_profileName, "r")
                 line = f.readline()
                 data = eval(line)
                 platform_object = self.db.create_unique_object(
                     db_objects.model.platform, "name", data["os"])
                 index_object = self.db.create_unique_object(
                     db_objects.model.index_type, "name", _index)
                 case_data_object = self.db.create_object(
                 if self.diskmap:
                     case_data_object.setDataValue("diskmap", self.diskmap)
                 case_data_object.setDataValue("edge_factor", _e_factor)
                 case_data_key = case_data_object.generateKey()
                 case_data_stat_object = self.db.fetch_using_generic(
                 if (len(case_data_stat_object) == 0):
                     case_data_stat_object = self.db.create_unique_object(
                     case_data_stat_object = case_data_stat_object[0]
예제 #53
def compound_interest(p, r , t):
    ci = p * (pow((1+ r/100), t))
    print("Compund interst for years is", ci)
예제 #54
	def computeDistance(self, point1, point2, length):
		distance = 0
		for x in range(length):
			distance += pow((point1[x] - point2[x]), 2)
		return math.sqrt(distance)
예제 #55
def _skeleton_graph(project_id,
                    post_rel='postsynaptic_to') -> nx.DiGraph:
    """ Assumes all skeleton_ids belong to project_id. """
    skeletons_string = ",".join(str(int(x)) for x in skeleton_ids)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # Fetch all treenodes of all skeletons
    SELECT id, parent_id, confidence, skeleton_id,
           location_x, location_y, location_z
    FROM treenode
    WHERE skeleton_id IN (%s)
    ''' % skeletons_string)
    rows = tuple(cursor.fetchall())
    # Each skeleton is represented with a DiGraph
    arbors: Union[DefaultDict[Any, nx.DiGraph],
                  Dict[Any, nx.DiGraph]] = defaultdict(nx.DiGraph)

    # Get reviewers for the requested skeletons
    reviews = get_treenodes_to_reviews(skeleton_ids=skeleton_ids)

    # Create a DiGraph for every skeleton
    for row in rows:
                                **{'reviewer_ids': reviews.get(row[0], [])})

    # Dictionary of skeleton IDs vs list of DiGraph instances
    arbors = split_by_confidence_and_add_edges(confidence_threshold, arbors,

    # Fetch all synapses
    relations = get_relation_to_id_map(project_id, cursor=cursor)
    SELECT connector_id, relation_id, treenode_id, skeleton_id
    FROM treenode_connector
    WHERE skeleton_id IN (%s)
      AND (relation_id = %s OR relation_id = %s)
    ''' % (skeletons_string, relations[pre_rel], relations[post_rel]))
    connectors: DefaultDict = defaultdict(partial(defaultdict, list))
    skeleton_synapses: DefaultDict = defaultdict(partial(defaultdict, list))
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        connectors[row[0]][row[1]].append((row[2], row[3]))

    # Cluster by synapses
    minis: DefaultDict[Any, List] = defaultdict(
        list)  # skeleton_id vs list of minified graphs
    locations = None
    whole_arbors = arbors
    if expand and bandwidth > 0:
        locations = {row[0]: (row[4], row[5], row[6]) for row in rows}
        treenode_connector: DefaultDict[Any, List] = defaultdict(list)
        for connector_id, pp in connectors.items():
            for treenode_id in chain.from_iterable(pp[relations[pre_rel]]):
                treenode_connector[treenode_id].append((connector_id, pre_rel))
            for treenode_id in chain.from_iterable(pp[relations[post_rel]]):
                    (connector_id, post_rel))
        arbors_to_expand = {
            skid: ls
            for skid, ls in arbors.items() if skid in expand
        expanded_arbors, minis = split_by_synapse_domain(
            bandwidth, locations, arbors_to_expand, treenode_connector, minis)

    # Obtain neuron names
    SELECT cici.class_instance_a, ci.name
    FROM class_instance ci,
         class_instance_class_instance cici
    WHERE cici.class_instance_a IN (%s)
      AND cici.class_instance_b = ci.id
      AND cici.relation_id = %s
    ''' % (skeletons_string, relations['model_of']))
    names = dict(cursor.fetchall())

    # A DiGraph representing the connections between the arbors (every node is an arbor)
    circuit = nx.DiGraph()

    for skid, digraphs in arbors.items():
        base_label = names[skid]
        tag = len(digraphs) > 1
        i = 0
        for g in digraphs:
            if g.number_of_nodes() == 0:
            if tag:
                label = "%s [%s]" % (base_label, i + 1)
                label = base_label
                    "%s_%s" % (skid, i + 1),
                        1 for v in g.nodes.values()
                        if 0 != len(v.get('reviewer_ids', []))
                    ),  # TODO when bandwidth > 0, not all nodes are included. They will be included when the bandwidth is computed with an O(n) algorithm rather than the current O(n^2)
            i += 1

    # Define edges between arbors, with number of synapses as an edge property
    for c in connectors.values():
        for pre_treenode, pre_skeleton in c[relations[pre_rel]]:
            for pre_arbor in arbors.get(pre_skeleton, ()):
                if pre_treenode in pre_arbor:
                    # Found the DiGraph representing an arbor derived from the skeleton to which the presynaptic treenode belongs.
                    for post_treenode, post_skeleton in c[relations[post_rel]]:
                        for post_arbor in arbors.get(post_skeleton, ()):
                            if post_treenode in post_arbor:
                                # Found the DiGraph representing an arbor derived from the skeleton to which the postsynaptic treenode belongs.
                                edge_props = circuit.get_edge_data(
                                    pre_arbor, post_arbor)
                                if edge_props:
                                    edge_props['c'] += 1
                                        pre_arbor, post_arbor, **{
                                            'c': 1,
                                            'pre_treenodes': [pre_treenode],
                                            'post_treenodes': [post_treenode],
                                            'arrow': 'triangle',
                                            'directed': True,

    if compute_risk and bandwidth <= 0:
        # Compute synapse risk:
        # Compute synapse centrality of every node in every arbor that has synapses
        for skeleton_id, arbors in whole_arbors.items():
            synapses = skeleton_synapses[skeleton_id]
            pre = synapses[relations[pre_rel]]
            post = synapses[relations[post_rel]]
            for arbor in arbors:
                # The subset of synapses that belong to the fraction of the original arbor
                pre_sub = tuple(treenodeID for treenodeID in pre
                                if treenodeID in arbor)
                post_sub = tuple(treenodeID for treenodeID in post
                                 if treenodeID in arbor)

                totalInputs = len(pre_sub)
                totalOutputs = len(post_sub)
                tc = {treenodeID: Counts() for treenodeID in arbor}

                for treenodeID in pre_sub:
                    tc[treenodeID].outputs += 1

                for treenodeID in post_sub:
                    tc[treenodeID].inputs += 1

                # Update the nPossibleIOPaths field in the Counts instance of each treenode
                _node_centrality_by_synapse(arbor, tc, totalOutputs,

                arbor.treenode_synapse_counts = tc

        if not locations:
            locations = {row[0]: (row[4], row[5], row[6]) for row in rows}

        # Estimate the risk factor of the edge between two arbors,
        # as a function of the number of synapses and their location within the arbor.
        # Algorithm by Casey Schneider-Mizell
        # Implemented by Albert Cardona
        for pre_arbor, post_arbor, edge_props in circuit.edges(data=True):
            if pre_arbor == post_arbor:
                # Signal autapse
                edge_props['risk'] = -2

                spanning = spanning_tree(post_arbor,
                # for arbor in whole_arbors[circuit[post_arbor]['skeleton_id']]:
                #     if post_arbor == arbor:
                #         tc = arbor.treenode_synapse_counts
                tc = post_arbor.treenode_synapse_counts
                count = spanning.number_of_nodes()
                if count < 3:
                    median_synapse_centrality = sum(
                        for treenodeID in spanning.nodes) / count
                    median_synapse_centrality = sorted(
                        for treenodeID in spanning.nodes)[count / 2]
                cable = cable_length(spanning, locations)
                if -1 == median_synapse_centrality:
                    # Signal not computable
                    edge_props['risk'] = -1
                    edge_props['risk'] = 1.0 / sqrt(
                        pow(cable / cable_spread, 2) +
                        pow(median_synapse_centrality / path_confluence, 2)
                    )  # NOTE: should subtract 1 from median_synapse_centrality, but not doing it here to avoid potential divisions by zero
            except Exception as e:
                # Signal error when computing
                edge_props['risk'] = -3

    if expand and bandwidth > 0:
        # Add edges between circuit nodes that represent different domains of the same neuron
        for skeleton_id, list_mini in minis.items():
            for mini in list_mini:
                for node in mini.nodes:
                    g = mini.nodes[node]['g']
                    if 1 == len(g) and next(
                        # A branch node that was preserved in the minified arbor
                                'id': '%s-%s' % (skeleton_id, node),
                                'skeleton_id': skeleton_id,
                                "",  # "%s [%s]" % (names[skeleton_id], node),
                                'node_count': 1,
                                'branch': True,
                for node1, node2 in mini.edges:
                    g1 = mini.nodes[node1]['g']
                    g2 = mini.nodes[node2]['g']
                        g1, g2, **{
                            'c': 10,
                            'arrow': 'none',
                            'directed': False

    return circuit
예제 #56
def diff(x):
    return marketPrice - (1 + (c / x - 1) * (1 - pow((1 + x * dt), -(T / dt))))
예제 #57
파일: fmath.py 프로젝트: mzy2240/PyGeodesy
        _Scalars = int, float  #: (INTERNAL) Scalar objects (C{tuple})

try:  # _Seqs imported by .utily
    from collections import Sequence as _Seqs  #: (INTERNAL) incl MutableSequence
except ImportError:  # PYCHOK no cover
    _Seqs = list, tuple, range  # XXX also set?

    EPS    = _float_info.epsilon   #: System's epsilon (C{float})
    MANTIS = _float_info.mant_dig  #: System's mantissa bits (C{int})
    MAX    = _float_info.max       #: System's float max (C{float})
    MIN    = _float_info.min       #: System's float min (C{float})
except AttributeError:  # PYCHOK no cover
    EPS    = 2.220446049250313e-16  #: Epsilon (C{float}) 2**-52?
    MANTIS = 53  #: Mantissa bits ≈53 (C{int})
    MAX    = pow(2.0,  1023) * (2 - EPS)  #: Float max (C{float}) ≈10**308, 2**1024?
    MIN    = pow(2.0, -1021)  # Float min (C{float}) ≈10**-308, 2**-1021?
EPS_2  = EPS / 2      #: M{EPS / 2}   ≈1.110223024625e-16 (C{float})
EPS1   = 1.0 - EPS    #: M{1 - EPS}   ≈0.9999999999999998 (C{float})
EPS1_2 = 1.0 - EPS_2  #: M{1 - EPS_2} ≈0.9999999999999999 (C{float})
# _1EPS  = 1.0 + EPS  #: M{1 + EPS}   ≈1.0000000000000002 (C{float})

INF  = float('inf')  #: Infinity (C{float}), see C{isinf}, C{isfinite}
NAN  = float('nan')  #: Not-A-Number (C{float}), see C{isnan}
NEG0 = -0.0          #: Negative 0.0 (C{float}), see C{isneg0}

_1_3rd = 1.0 / 3.0  #: (INTERNAL) One third (C{float})
_2_3rd = 2.0 / 3.0  #: (INTERNAL) Two thirds (C{float})
_3_2nd = 3.0 / 2.0  #: (INTERNAL) Three halfs (C{float})

예제 #58
from secret import flag
from Crypto.Util.number import *

assert flag.startswith('flag{')
assert flag.endswith('}')
pt = int(flag[5:-1].encode('hex'), 16)
p = getPrime(30)
q = getPrime(25)
n = p * q
e = 65537
assert pt < n

print 'e:', e
print 'n:', n
print 'ct:', pow(pt, e, n)
 def StandardDeviation(self, rss):
     average = self.MeanValue(rss)
     variance = sum([pow(RSSI-average,2) for RSSI in rss])/float(len(rss)-1)
     standarddev = math.sqrt(variance)
     return standarddev
# По данному целому числу N распечатайте все квадраты натуральных чисел, не превосходящие N, в порядке возрастания.

# Например:
# 50      1 4 9 16 25 36 49
# 10      1 4 9
# 9       1 4 9
# 4       1 4
# 1       1
# 100     1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
# 99      1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81

inp = int(input('Введите число: '))
square = 1
a = 1
print ('Искомые квадраты: ', end = ' ')
while square <= inp:
    # print ('a = ' + str(a))
    # print ('square = ' + str(square))
    a += 1
    print((square), end = ' ')    
    square = pow(a,2)