예제 #1
파일: dictobj.py 프로젝트: Bluehorn/spyne
    def serialize(self, ctx, message):
        assert message in (self.REQUEST, self.RESPONSE)

        self.event_manager.fire_event("before_serialize", ctx)

        if ctx.out_error is not None:
            ctx.out_document = [ctx.out_error.to_dict(ctx.out_error)]

            # get the result message
            if message is self.REQUEST:
                out_type = ctx.descriptor.in_message
            elif message is self.RESPONSE:
                out_type = ctx.descriptor.out_message
            if out_type is None:

            out_type_info = out_type._type_info

            # instantiate the result message
            out_instance = out_type()

            # assign raw result to its wrapper, result_message
            for i in range(len(out_type_info)):
                attr_name = out_type_info.keys()[i]
                setattr(out_instance, attr_name, ctx.out_object[i])

            ctx.out_document = self._object_to_doc(out_type, out_instance, skip_depth=self.skip_depth)
            self.event_manager.fire_event("after_serialize", ctx)
예제 #2
파일: memtest.py 프로젝트: rallylee/gem5
def make_cache_level(ncaches, prototypes, level, next_cache):
    global next_subsys_index, proto_l1, testerspec, proto_tester

    index = next_subsys_index[level]
    next_subsys_index[level] += 1

    # Create a subsystem to contain the crossbar and caches, and
    # any testers
    subsys = SubSystem()
    setattr(system, "l%dsubsys%d" % (level, index), subsys)

    # The levels are indexing backwards through the list
    ntesters = testerspec[len(cachespec) - level]

    # Scale the progress threshold as testers higher up in the tree
    # (smaller level) get a smaller portion of the overall bandwidth,
    # and also make the interval of packet injection longer for the
    # testers closer to the memory (larger level) to prevent them
    # hogging all the bandwidth
    limit = (len(cachespec) - level + 1) * 100000000
    testers = [proto_tester(interval=10 * (level * level + 1), progress_check=limit) for i in xrange(ntesters)]
    if ntesters:
        subsys.tester = testers

    if level != 0:
        # Create a crossbar and add it to the subsystem, note that
        # we do this even with a single element on this level
        xbar = L2XBar()
        subsys.xbar = xbar
        if next_cache:
            xbar.master = next_cache.cpu_side

        # Create and connect the caches, both the ones fanning out
        # to create the tree, and the ones used to connect testers
        # on this level
        tree_caches = [prototypes[0]() for i in xrange(ncaches[0])]
        tester_caches = [proto_l1() for i in xrange(ntesters)]

        subsys.cache = tester_caches + tree_caches
        for cache in tree_caches:
            cache.mem_side = xbar.slave
            make_cache_level(ncaches[1:], prototypes[1:], level - 1, cache)
        for tester, cache in zip(testers, tester_caches):
            tester.port = cache.cpu_side
            cache.mem_side = xbar.slave
        if not next_cache:
            print "Error: No next-level cache at top level"

        if ntesters > 1:
            # Create a crossbar and add it to the subsystem
            xbar = L2XBar()
            subsys.xbar = xbar
            xbar.master = next_cache.cpu_side
            for tester in testers:
                tester.port = xbar.slave
            # Single tester
            testers[0].port = next_cache.cpu_side
예제 #3
    def create_or_update_by_guid(self, guid, **kwargs):
        Look up a FeedItem by GUID, updating it if it exists, and creating
        it if it doesn't.

        We don't limit it by feed because an item could be in another feed if
        some feeds are themselves aggregators. That's also why we don't update
        the feed field if the feed item already exists.

        Returns (item, created) like get_or_create().
            item = self.get(guid=guid)

        except self.model.DoesNotExist:
            # Create a new item
            log.debug('Creating entry: %s', guid)
            kwargs['guid'] = guid
            item = self.create(**kwargs)

            log.debug('Updating entry: %s', guid)

            # Update an existing one.
            kwargs.pop('feed', None)

            # Don't update the date since most feeds get this wrong.

            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                setattr(item, k, v)

        return item
예제 #4
 def from_element(cls, elem):
     new_note = Note()
     for child_el in elem:
         if not child_el.tag:
         setattr(new_note, child_el.tag, child_el.text)
     return new_note
예제 #5
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: inonchiu/tractor
    def _addNamedParams(self, alias, **d):
        if not alias:
            # create the reverse mapping: from parameter index to name.
            self.paramnames.update(dict((v,k) for k,v in d.items()))

        # Create a property for each named parameter.
        for n,i in self.namedparams.items():
            #print('Adding named parameter', n, 'to class', self.__class__)
            if hasattr(self.__class__, n):
                #print('  class', self.__class__, 'already has attr', n)
            #if hasattr(self, n):
            #   print('  self of type', self.__class__, 'already has that attr')
            #   continue

            # def makeGetter(ii):
            #   return lambda x: x._getThing(ii)
            # def makeSetter(ii):
            #   return lambda x,v: x._setThing(ii, v)
            # getter = makeGetter(i)
            # setter = makeSetter(i)

            def makeNamedGetter(nm):
                #return lambda x: x._getThing(self.namedparams[nm])
                return lambda x: x._getNamedThing(nm)
            def makeNamedSetter(nm):
                #return lambda x,v: x._setThing(self.namedparams[nm], v)
                return lambda x,v: x._setNamedThing(nm, v)
            getter = makeNamedGetter(n)
            setter = makeNamedSetter(n)

            prop = property(getter, setter, None, 'named param %s' % n)
            setattr(self.__class__, n, prop)
예제 #6
 def load_cascade_file(self, module_path, cascade_file_path):
     if not hasattr(self.__class__, "cascade"):
         if isabs(cascade_file_path):
             cascade_file = cascade_file_path
             cascade_file = join(abspath(dirname(module_path)), cascade_file_path)
         setattr(self.__class__, "cascade", cv.Load(cascade_file))
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, conn, dumps, loads):
     self._conn = conn
     self._dumps = dumps
     self._loads = loads
     for attr in ('fileno', 'close', 'poll', 'recv_bytes', 'send_bytes'):
         obj = getattr(conn, attr)
         setattr(self, attr, obj)
예제 #8
파일: pyclass.py 프로젝트: Alsan/pySphere
 def _set(self, value):
     '''set value for attribute %s.
     value -- initialize value, immutable type
     ''' %str(key)
     if not hasattr(self, what.attrs_aname):
         setattr(self, what.attrs_aname, {})
     getattr(self, what.attrs_aname)[key] = value
예제 #9
    def update_aggregate(self, ag_model, location):
        agg =  ag_model.objects.filter(location=location)
        if agg:
            agg = agg[0]
            agg = ag_model(location=location)
        #print agg.__dict__
        #summaries = []
        trees = Tree.objects.filter(plot__geometry__within=location.geometry)
        plots = Plot.objects.filter(geometry__within=location.geometry)
        #print trees
        agg.total_trees = trees.count()
        agg.total_plots = plots.count()

        trees = trees.exclude( Q(dbh=None) | Q(dbh=0.0) ).exclude(species=None)
        #print agg.total_trees
        #TODO figure out how to summarize diff stratum stuff
        field_names = [x.name for x in ResourceSummaryModel._meta.fields
            if not x.name == 'id']

        if agg.total_trees == 0:
            for f in field_names:
                setattr(agg, f, 0.0)
        #TODO speed this up
            for f in field_names:
                fn = 'treeresource__' + f
                s = trees.aggregate(Sum(fn))[fn + '__sum'] or 0.0
예제 #10
    def populatePanel(self, contentPanel, headerPanel):
        contentSizer = contentPanel.GetSizer()
        self.panel = contentPanel
        self.headerPanel = headerPanel

        gridPrice = wx.GridSizer(1, 3)
        contentSizer.Add( gridPrice, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 0)
        for type in ("ship", "fittings", "total"):
            image = "%sPrice_big" % type if type != "ship" else "ship_big"
            box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
            gridPrice.Add(box, 0, wx.ALIGN_TOP)

            box.Add(bitmapLoader.getStaticBitmap(image, contentPanel, "icons"), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)

            vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
            box.Add(vbox, 1, wx.EXPAND)

            vbox.Add(wx.StaticText(contentPanel, wx.ID_ANY, type.capitalize()), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT)

            hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

            lbl = wx.StaticText(contentPanel, wx.ID_ANY, "0.00 ISK")
            setattr(self, "labelPrice%s" % type.capitalize(), lbl)
            hbox.Add(lbl, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT)

#            hbox.Add(wx.StaticText(contentPanel, wx.ID_ANY, " ISK"), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
        self.labelEMStatus = wx.StaticText(contentPanel, wx.ID_ANY, "")
예제 #11
파일: pts.py 프로젝트: aaronknister/pyafs
 def _loadEntry(self):
     if not hasattr(self, '_flags'):
         info = self._pts._ListEntry(self._id)
         for field in self._attrs:
             setattr(self, '_%s' % field, getattr(info, field))
         for field in self._entry_attrs:
             setattr(self, '_%s' % field, self._pts.getEntry(getattr(info, field)))
예제 #12
            def applyMethod(sql, methodName):
                def method(self, **kwargs):
                    self.cursor.execute(sql, kwargs)
                    return self.cursor.lastrowid

                setattr(self.__class__, methodName, method)
예제 #13
            def applyMethod(stmts, methodName):
                def method(self, _=None, **kwargs):
                    # Received un-named parameter, it would be a iterable
                    if _ != None:
                        # Parameters are given as a dictionary,
                        # put them in the correct place (bad guy...)
                        if isinstance(_, dict):
                            kwargs = _

                        # Iterable of parameters, execute as normal
                            for kwargs in _:
                                for stmt in stmts:
                                    self.cursor.execute(stmt, kwargs)

                    self.cursor.execute(stmts[0], kwargs)
                    rowid = self.cursor.lastrowid

                    for stmt in stmts[1:]:
                        self.cursor.execute(stmt, kwargs)

                    return rowid

                setattr(self.__class__, methodName, method)
예제 #14
    def _lun_type(self, xml_root):
        lun_type = constants.PRODUCT_LUN_TYPE.get(self.conf.san_product,

        def _verify_conf_lun_type(lun_type):
            if lun_type not in constants.LUN_TYPE_MAP:
                msg = _("Invalid lun type %s is configured.") % lun_type
                raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)

            if self.conf.san_product in constants.PRODUCT_LUN_TYPE:
                product_lun_type = constants.PRODUCT_LUN_TYPE[
                if lun_type != product_lun_type:
                    msg = _("%(array)s array requires %(valid)s lun type, "
                            "but %(conf)s is specified.") % {
                        'array': self.conf.san_product,
                        'valid': product_lun_type,
                        'conf': lun_type}
                    raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)

        text = xml_root.findtext('LUN/LUNType')
        if text:
            lun_type = text.strip()

        lun_type = constants.LUN_TYPE_MAP[lun_type]
        setattr(self.conf, 'lun_type', lun_type)
예제 #15
        def applyMethod(stmts, methodName):
            def method(self, **kwargs):
                for stmt in stmts:
                    self.cursor.execute(stmt, kwargs)

            setattr(self.__class__, methodName, method)
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Constructor to resolve values for all Parameters.

        For example, the Task::

            class MyTask(luigi.Task):
                count = luigi.IntParameter()

        can be instantiated as ``MyTask(count=10)``.
        params = self.get_params()
        param_values = self.get_param_values(params, args, kwargs)

        # Set all values on class instance
        for key, value in param_values:
            setattr(self, key, value)

        # Register args and kwargs as an attribute on the class. Might be useful
        self.param_args = tuple(value for key, value in param_values)
        self.param_kwargs = dict(param_values)

        # Build up task id
        task_id_parts = []
        param_objs = dict(params)
        for param_name, param_value in param_values:
            if dict(params)[param_name].significant:
                task_id_parts.append('%s=%s' % (param_name, param_objs[param_name].serialize(param_value)))

        self.task_id = '%s(%s)' % (self.task_family, ', '.join(task_id_parts))
        self.__hash = hash(self.task_id)
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        xpcshell.XPCShellTestThread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # embed the mobile params from the harness into the TestThread
        mobileArgs = kwargs.get('mobileArgs')
        for key in mobileArgs:
            setattr(self, key, mobileArgs[key])
예제 #18
파일: canvas.py 프로젝트: dladd/pyFormex
 def setValues(self,**kargs):
     #print "setValues",kargs
     for k in kargs:
         #print k,kargs[k]
         if hasattr(self,k):
             #print getattr(self,k)
예제 #19
 def init(self, XMLRoot=None):
   """Initialisation is called before populating with XML data. The basic
   implementation simply dynamically assigns variable names and their values,
   converted to the most sane type found. Reimplement as necessary."""
   if XMLRoot != None:
     for prop in XMLRoot:
       setattr(self, prop.tag, Utility.convert(prop.text))
def option_none(option, opt, value, parser):
    """ checks a parameter for taking value"""
    if parser.rargs and not parser.rargs[0].startswith('-'):
        print "Option arg error"
        print opt, " option should be empty"
    setattr(parser.values, option.dest, True)
예제 #21
파일: migrate.py 프로젝트: MatsT/reddit
def port_cassavotes():
    from r2.models import Vote, Account, Link, Comment
    from r2.models.vote import CassandraVote, CassandraLinkVote, CassandraCommentVote
    from r2.lib.db.tdb_cassandra import CL
    from r2.lib.utils import fetch_things2, to36, progress

    ts = [(Vote.rel(Account, Link), CassandraLinkVote),
          (Vote.rel(Account, Comment), CassandraCommentVote)]

    dataattrs = set(['valid_user', 'valid_thing', 'ip', 'organic'])

    for prel, crel in ts:
        vq = prel._query(sort=desc('_date'),
        vq = fetch_things2(vq)
        vq = progress(vq, persec=True)
        for v in vq:
            t1 = to36(v._thing1_id)
            t2 = to36(v._thing2_id)
            cv = crel(thing1_id = t1,
                      thing2_id = t2,
            for dkey, dval in v._t.iteritems():
                if dkey in dataattrs:
                    setattr(cv, dkey, dval)

예제 #22
    def read(self, read_path=None):
        """Read the metadata from the associated file. If read_path is
        specified, read metadata from that file instead.

        Raises a `ReadError` if the file could not be read.
        if read_path is None:
            read_path = self.path
            read_path = normpath(read_path)
            f = MediaFile(syspath(read_path))
        except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
            raise ReadError(read_path, exc)

        for key in ITEM_KEYS_META:
            value = getattr(f, key)
            if isinstance(value, (int, long)):
                # Filter values wider than 64 bits (in signed
                # representation). SQLite cannot store them.
                # py26: Post transition, we can use:
                # value.bit_length() > 63
                if abs(value) >= 2 ** 63:
                    value = 0
            setattr(self, key, value)

        # Database's mtime should now reflect the on-disk value.
        if read_path == self.path:
            self.mtime = self.current_mtime()

        self.path = read_path
예제 #23
def delete_objects(seen_objs):
    Iterate through a list of seen classes, and remove any instances that are
    referred to.
        ordered_classes = seen_objs.keys()
    except CyclicDependency:
        # If there is a cyclic dependency, we cannot in general delete the
        # objects.  However, if an appropriate transaction is set up, or if the
        # database is lax enough, it will succeed. So for now, we go ahead and
        # try anyway.
        ordered_classes = seen_objs.unordered_keys()

    obj_pairs = {}
    for cls in ordered_classes:
        items = seen_objs[cls].items()
        obj_pairs[cls] = items

        # Pre-notify all instances to be deleted.
        for pk_val, instance in items:
            signals.pre_delete.send(sender=cls, instance=instance)

        pk_list = [pk for pk,instance in items]
        del_query = sql.DeleteQuery(cls, connection)

        update_query = sql.UpdateQuery(cls, connection)
        for field, model in cls._meta.get_fields_with_model():
            if (field.rel and field.null and field.rel.to in seen_objs and
                    filter(lambda f: f.column == field.column,
                if model:
                    sql.UpdateQuery(model, connection).clear_related(field,
                    update_query.clear_related(field, pk_list)

    # Now delete the actual data.
    for cls in ordered_classes:
        items = obj_pairs[cls]

        pk_list = [pk for pk,instance in items]
        del_query = sql.DeleteQuery(cls, connection)

        # Last cleanup; set NULLs where there once was a reference to the
        # object, NULL the primary key of the found objects, and perform
        # post-notification.
        for pk_val, instance in items:
            for field in cls._meta.fields:
                if field.rel and field.null and field.rel.to in seen_objs:
                    setattr(instance, field.attname, None)

            signals.post_delete.send(sender=cls, instance=instance)
            setattr(instance, cls._meta.pk.attname, None)

예제 #24
 def __call__(self, parser, namespace, fname, option_string=None):
     ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1][1:]
     if ext not in allowed:
         option_string = '({})'.format(option_string) if option_string else ''
         parser.error("file extension is not one of {}{}".format(allowed, option_string))
         setattr(namespace, self.dest, fname)
예제 #25
def get_cached_row(klass, row, index_start, max_depth=0, cur_depth=0,
    Helper function that recursively returns an object with the specified
    related attributes already populated.
    if max_depth and requested is None and cur_depth > max_depth:
        # We've recursed deeply enough; stop now.
        return None

    restricted = requested is not None
    index_end = index_start + len(klass._meta.fields)
    fields = row[index_start:index_end]
    if not [x for x in fields if x is not None]:
        # If we only have a list of Nones, there was not related object.
        obj = None
        obj = klass(*fields)
    for f in klass._meta.fields:
        if not select_related_descend(f, restricted, requested):
        if restricted:
            next = requested[f.name]
            next = None
        cached_row = get_cached_row(f.rel.to, row, index_end, max_depth,
                cur_depth+1, next)
        if cached_row:
            rel_obj, index_end = cached_row
            if obj is not None:
                setattr(obj, f.get_cache_name(), rel_obj)
    return obj, index_end
예제 #26
파일: animation.py 프로젝트: Jrius/korman
    def _make_scalar_compound_controller(self, fcurves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform):
        ctrl = plCompoundController()
        subctrls = ("X", "Y", "Z")
        for i in subctrls:
            setattr(ctrl, i, plLeafController())
        exported_frames = ([], [], [])
        ctrl_fcurves = { i.array_index: i for i in fcurves }

        for keyframe in keyframes:
            for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
                fval = keyframe.values.get(i, None)
                if fval is not None:
                    keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kBezScalarKeyFrame if i in bez_chans else hsKeyFrame.kScalarKeyFrame
                    exported = hsScalarKey()
                    exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
                    exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
                    exported.inTan = keyframe.in_tans[i]
                    exported.outTan = keyframe.out_tans[i]
                    exported.type = keyframe_type
                    exported.value = fval
        for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
            my_keyframes = exported_frames[i]

            # ensure this controller has at least ONE keyframe
            if not my_keyframes:
                hack_frame = hsScalarKey()
                hack_frame.frame = 0
                hack_frame.frameTime = 0.0
                hack_frame.type = hsKeyFrame.kScalarKeyFrame
                hack_frame.value = default_xform[i]
            getattr(ctrl, subctrl).keys = (my_keyframes, my_keyframes[0].type)
        return ctrl
예제 #27
파일: kernels.py 프로젝트: abudulemusa/PyFR
    def register(self, mod):
        # Derive the name of the kernel from the module
        name = mod[mod.rfind('.') + 1:]

        # See if a kernel has already been registered under this name
        if hasattr(self, name):
            # Same name different module
            if getattr(self, name)._mod != mod:
                raise RuntimeError('Attempt to re-register "{}" with a '
                                   'different module'.format(name))
            # Otherwise (since we're already registered) return

        # Generate the kernel providing method
        def kernel_meth(self, tplargs, dims, **kwargs):
            # Render the source of kernel
            src, ndim, argn, argt = self._render_kernel(name, mod, tplargs)

            # Compile the kernel
            fun = self._build_kernel(name, src, list(it.chain(*argt)))

            # Process the argument list
            argb = self._build_arglst(dims, argn, argt, kwargs)

            # Return a ComputeKernel subclass instance
            return self._instantiate_kernel(dims, fun, argb)

        # Attach the module to the method as an attribute
        kernel_meth._mod = mod

        # Bind
        setattr(self, name, types.MethodType(kernel_meth, self))
예제 #28
 def __getattr__(self, name):
     if name in self.ok_names:
         attr = getattr(self.real, name)
         setattr(self, name, attr)
         return attr
         raise AttributeError, name  # Attribute not allowed
예제 #29
    def write(self, path=None):
        """Write the item's metadata to a media file.

        ``path`` defaults to the item's path property.

        Can raise either a `ReadError` or a `WriteError`.
        if path is None:
            path = self.path
            path = normpath(path)
            f = MediaFile(syspath(path))
        except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
            raise ReadError(self.path, exc)

        plugins.send('write', item=self, path=path)

        for key in ITEM_KEYS_WRITABLE:
            setattr(f, key, self[key])
        except (OSError, IOError, MutagenError) as exc:
            raise WriteError(self.path, exc)

        # The file has a new mtime.
        self.mtime = self.current_mtime()
        plugins.send('after_write', item=self)
예제 #30
def _ordered_dict(loader: SafeLineLoader,
                  node: yaml.nodes.MappingNode) -> OrderedDict:
    """Load YAML mappings into an ordered dictionary to preserve key order."""
    nodes = loader.construct_pairs(node)

    seen = {}  # type: Dict
    min_line = None
    for (key, _), (node, _) in zip(nodes, node.value):
        line = getattr(node, '__line__', 'unknown')
        if line != 'unknown' and (min_line is None or line < min_line):
            min_line = line
        if key in seen:
            fname = getattr(loader.stream, 'name', '')
            first_mark = yaml.Mark(fname, 0, seen[key], -1, None, None)
            second_mark = yaml.Mark(fname, 0, line, -1, None, None)
            raise yaml.MarkedYAMLError(
                context="duplicate key: \"{}\"".format(key),
                context_mark=first_mark, problem_mark=second_mark,
        seen[key] = line

    processed = OrderedDict(nodes)
    setattr(processed, '__config_file__', loader.name)
    setattr(processed, '__line__', min_line)
    return processed
예제 #31
파일: nm.py 프로젝트: walwil77790/comitup
    parentdir = '/'.join(fullpath.split('/')[:-2])
    sys.path.insert(0, parentdir)

from comitup import iwscan  # noqa

device_list = None
settings_cache = {}

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

log = logging.getLogger('comitup')

this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
for key in nm.__dict__:
    if key.startswith("NM_"):
        setattr(this_module, key, nm.__dict__[key])

def initialize():

def nm_state():

    log.debug("Calling nm.NetworkManager.State()")
    return nm.NetworkManager.State

def none_on_exception(*exceptions):
    def _none_on_exception(fp):
예제 #32
def parse(path, module_name=None, include_dirs=None, include_dir=None,
          lexer=None, parser=None, enable_cache=True):
    """Parse a single thrift file to module object, e.g.::

        >>> from thriftpy.parser.parser import parse
        >>> note_thrift = parse("path/to/note.thrift")
        <module 'note_thrift' (built-in)>

    :param path: file path to parse, should be a string ending with '.thrift'.
    :param module_name: the name for parsed module, the default is the basename
                        without extension of `path`.
    :param include_dirs: directories to find thrift files while processing
                         the `include` directive, by default: ['.'].
    :param include_dir: directory to find child thrift files. Note this keyword
                        parameter will be deprecated in the future, it exists
                        for compatiable reason. If it's provided (not `None`),
                        it will be appended to `include_dirs`.
    :param lexer: ply lexer to use, if not provided, `parse` will new one.
    :param parser: ply parser to use, if not provided, `parse` will new one.
    :param enable_cache: if this is set to be `True`, parsed module will be
                         cached, this is enabled by default. If `module_name`
                         is provided, use it as cache key, else use the `path`.
    if os.name == 'nt' and sys.version_info < (3, 2):
        os.path.samefile = lambda f1, f2: os.stat(f1) == os.stat(f2)

    # dead include checking on current stack
    for thrift in thrift_stack:
        if thrift.__thrift_file__ is not None and \
                os.path.samefile(path, thrift.__thrift_file__):
            raise ThriftParserError('Dead including on %s' % path)

    global thrift_cache

    cache_key = module_name or os.path.normpath(path)

    if enable_cache and cache_key in thrift_cache:
        return thrift_cache[cache_key]

    if lexer is None:
        lexer = lex.lex()
    if parser is None:
        parser = yacc.yacc(debug=False, write_tables=0)

    global include_dirs_

    if include_dirs is not None:
        include_dirs_ = include_dirs
    if include_dir is not None:

    if not path.endswith('.thrift'):
        raise ThriftParserError('Path should end with .thrift')

    url_scheme = urlparse(path).scheme
    if url_scheme == '':
        with open(path) as fh:
            data = fh.read()
    elif url_scheme in ('http', 'https'):
        data = urlopen(path).read()
        raise ThriftParserError('ThriftPy does not support generating module '
                                'with path in protocol \'{}\''.format(

    if module_name is not None and not module_name.endswith('_thrift'):
        raise ThriftParserError('ThriftPy can only generate module with '
                                '\'_thrift\' suffix')

    if module_name is None:
        basename = os.path.basename(path)
        module_name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]

    thrift = types.ModuleType(module_name)
    setattr(thrift, '__thrift_file__', path)
    lexer.lineno = 1

    if enable_cache:
        thrift_cache[cache_key] = thrift
    return thrift
def _config_zero_init(config):
    configs_no_init = copy.deepcopy(config)
    for key in configs_no_init.__dict__.keys():
        if "_range" in key or "_std" in key:
            setattr(configs_no_init, key, 0.0)
    return configs_no_init
예제 #34
 def __init__(self, options=[]):
     """Create a new OptionDummy instance.  The attributes listed in
     'options' will be initialized to None."""
     for opt in options:
         setattr(self, opt, None)
예제 #35
class FancyGetopt:
    """Wrapper around the standard 'getopt()' module that provides some
    handy extra functionality:
      * short and long options are tied together
      * options have help strings, and help text can be assembled
        from them
      * options set attributes of a passed-in object
      * boolean options can have "negative aliases" -- eg. if
        --quiet is the "negative alias" of --verbose, then "--quiet"
        on the command line sets 'verbose' to false
    def __init__(self, option_table=None):

        # The option table is (currently) a list of 3-tuples:
        #   (long_option, short_option, help_string)
        # if an option takes an argument, its long_option should have '='
        # appended; short_option should just be a single character, no ':'
        # in any case.  If a long_option doesn't have a corresponding
        # short_option, short_option should be None.  All option tuples
        # must have long options.
        self.option_table = option_table

        # 'option_index' maps long option names to entries in the option
        # table (ie. those 3-tuples).
        self.option_index = {}
        if self.option_table:

        # 'alias' records (duh) alias options; {'foo': 'bar'} means
        # --foo is an alias for --bar
        self.alias = {}

        # 'negative_alias' keeps track of options that are the boolean
        # opposite of some other option
        self.negative_alias = {}

        # These keep track of the information in the option table.  We
        # don't actually populate these structures until we're ready to
        # parse the command-line, since the 'option_table' passed in here
        # isn't necessarily the final word.
        self.short_opts = []
        self.long_opts = []
        self.short2long = {}
        self.attr_name = {}
        self.takes_arg = {}

        # And 'option_order' is filled up in 'getopt()'; it records the
        # original order of options (and their values) on the command-line,
        # but expands short options, converts aliases, etc.
        self.option_order = []

    # __init__ ()

    def _build_index(self):
        for option in self.option_table:
            self.option_index[option[0]] = option

    def set_option_table(self, option_table):
        self.option_table = option_table

    def add_option(self, long_option, short_option=None, help_string=None):
        if self.option_index.has_key(long_option):
            raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
                  "option conflict: already an option '%s'" % long_option
            option = (long_option, short_option, help_string)
            self.option_index[long_option] = option

    def has_option(self, long_option):
        """Return true if the option table for this parser has an
        option with long name 'long_option'."""
        return self.option_index.has_key(long_option)

    def get_attr_name(self, long_option):
        """Translate long option name 'long_option' to the form it
        has as an attribute of some object: ie., translate hyphens
        to underscores."""
        return string.translate(long_option, longopt_xlate)

    def _check_alias_dict(self, aliases, what):
        assert type(aliases) is DictionaryType
        for (alias, opt) in aliases.items():
            if not self.option_index.has_key(alias):
                raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
                      ("invalid %s '%s': "
                       "option '%s' not defined") % (what, alias, alias)
            if not self.option_index.has_key(opt):
                raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
                      ("invalid %s '%s': "
                       "aliased option '%s' not defined") % (what, alias, opt)

    def set_aliases(self, alias):
        """Set the aliases for this option parser."""
        self._check_alias_dict(alias, "alias")
        self.alias = alias

    def set_negative_aliases(self, negative_alias):
        """Set the negative aliases for this option parser.
        'negative_alias' should be a dictionary mapping option names to
        option names, both the key and value must already be defined
        in the option table."""
        self._check_alias_dict(negative_alias, "negative alias")
        self.negative_alias = negative_alias

    def _grok_option_table(self):
        """Populate the various data structures that keep tabs on the
        option table.  Called by 'getopt()' before it can do anything
        self.long_opts = []
        self.short_opts = []

        for option in self.option_table:
                (long, short, help) = option
            except ValueError:
                raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
                      "invalid option tuple " + str(option)

            # Type- and value-check the option names
            if type(long) is not StringType or len(long) < 2:
                raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
                      ("invalid long option '%s': "
                       "must be a string of length >= 2") % long

            if (not ((short is None) or
                     (type(short) is StringType and len(short) == 1))):
                raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
                      ("invalid short option '%s': "
                       "must a single character or None") % short


            if long[-1] == '=':  # option takes an argument?
                if short: short = short + ':'
                long = long[0:-1]
                self.takes_arg[long] = 1

                # Is option is a "negative alias" for some other option (eg.
                # "quiet" == "!verbose")?
                alias_to = self.negative_alias.get(long)
                if alias_to is not None:
                    if self.takes_arg[alias_to]:
                        raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
                              ("invalid negative alias '%s': "
                               "aliased option '%s' takes a value") % \
                               (long, alias_to)

                    self.long_opts[-1] = long  # XXX redundant?!
                    self.takes_arg[long] = 0

                    self.takes_arg[long] = 0

            # If this is an alias option, make sure its "takes arg" flag is
            # the same as the option it's aliased to.
            alias_to = self.alias.get(long)
            if alias_to is not None:
                if self.takes_arg[long] != self.takes_arg[alias_to]:
                    raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
                          ("invalid alias '%s': inconsistent with "
                           "aliased option '%s' (one of them takes a value, "
                           "the other doesn't") % (long, alias_to)

            # Now enforce some bondage on the long option name, so we can
            # later translate it to an attribute name on some object.  Have
            # to do this a bit late to make sure we've removed any trailing
            # '='.
            if not longopt_re.match(long):
                raise DistutilsGetoptError, \
                      ("invalid long option name '%s' " +
                       "(must be letters, numbers, hyphens only") % long

            self.attr_name[long] = self.get_attr_name(long)
            if short:
                self.short2long[short[0]] = long

        # for option_table

    # _grok_option_table()

    def getopt(self, args=None, object=None):
        """Parse the command-line options in 'args' and store the results
        as attributes of 'object'.  If 'args' is None or not supplied, uses
        'sys.argv[1:]'.  If 'object' is None or not supplied, creates a new
        OptionDummy object, stores option values there, and returns a tuple
        (args, object).  If 'object' is supplied, it is modified in place
        and 'getopt()' just returns 'args'; in both cases, the returned
        'args' is a modified copy of the passed-in 'args' list, which is
        left untouched.
        if args is None:
            args = sys.argv[1:]
        if object is None:
            object = OptionDummy()
            created_object = 1
            created_object = 0


        short_opts = string.join(self.short_opts)
            (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(args, short_opts, self.long_opts)
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise DistutilsArgError, msg

        for (opt, val) in opts:
            if len(opt) == 2 and opt[0] == '-':  # it's a short option
                opt = self.short2long[opt[1]]

            elif len(opt) > 2 and opt[0:2] == '--':
                opt = opt[2:]

                raise DistutilsInternalError, \
                      "this can't happen: bad option string '%s'" % opt

            alias = self.alias.get(opt)
            if alias:
                opt = alias

            if not self.takes_arg[opt]:  # boolean option?
                if val != '':  # shouldn't have a value!
                    raise DistutilsInternalError, \
                          "this can't happen: bad option value '%s'" % val

                alias = self.negative_alias.get(opt)
                if alias:
                    opt = alias
                    val = 0
                    val = 1

            attr = self.attr_name[opt]
            setattr(object, attr, val)
            self.option_order.append((opt, val))

        # for opts

        if created_object:
            return (args, object)
            return args
예제 #36
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """SingleJobRunMessage - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            message (str): The status message returned from the API call.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            is_error (bool): True if there was an error performing the API call.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            object_type (str): The type of object being returned.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            status_code (int): The HTTP status code returned.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            object (SingleJobRun): [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
예제 #37
	def __init__(self, *bases, **data):
		self._bases = list(bases)
		for k,v in data.items():
			setattr(self, k, v)
예제 #38
	def __setitem__(self, key, value):
		setattr(self, key, value)
예제 #39
def p_seen_union(p):
    '''seen_union : UNION IDENTIFIER '''
    val = _make_empty_struct(p[2])
    setattr(thrift_stack[-1], p[2], val)
    p[0] = val
예제 #40
def p_exception(p):
    '''exception : EXCEPTION IDENTIFIER '{' field_seq '}' '''
    val = _make_struct(p[2], p[4], base_cls=TException)
    setattr(thrift_stack[-1], p[2], val)
    _add_thrift_meta('exceptions', val)
예제 #41
def p_enum(p):  # noqa
    '''enum : ENUM IDENTIFIER '{' enum_seq '}' '''
    val = _make_enum(p[2], p[4])
    setattr(thrift_stack[-1], p[2], val)
    _add_thrift_meta('enums', val)
예제 #42
def p_seen_struct(p):
    '''seen_struct : STRUCT IDENTIFIER '''
    val = _make_empty_struct(p[2])
    setattr(thrift_stack[-1], p[2], val)
    p[0] = val
    def _parse_qresult(self):
        """Parse query results (PRIVATE)."""
        # parse the queries
        for event, qresult_elem in self.xml_iter:
            # </Iteration> marks the end of a single query
            # which means we can process it
            if event == "end" and qresult_elem.tag == "Iteration":

                # we'll use the following schema
                # <!ELEMENT Iteration (
                #        Iteration_iter-num,
                #        Iteration_query-ID?,
                #        Iteration_query-def?,
                #        Iteration_query-len?,
                #        Iteration_hits?,
                #        Iteration_stat?,
                #        Iteration_message?)>

                # assign query attributes with fallbacks
                query_id = qresult_elem.findtext("Iteration_query-ID")
                if query_id is None:
                    query_id = self._fallback["id"]

                query_desc = qresult_elem.findtext("Iteration_query-def")
                if query_desc is None:
                    query_desc = self._fallback["description"]

                query_len = qresult_elem.findtext("Iteration_query-len")
                if query_len is None:
                    query_len = self._fallback["len"]

                blast_query_id = query_id
                # handle blast searches against databases with Blast's IDs
                # 'Query_' marks the beginning of a BLAST+-generated ID,
                # 'lcl|' marks the beginning of a BLAST legacy-generated ID
                if not self._use_raw_query_ids and (
                    query_id.startswith("Query_") or query_id.startswith("lcl|")
                    # store the Blast-generated query ID
                    id_desc = query_desc.split(" ", 1)
                    query_id = id_desc[0]
                        query_desc = id_desc[1]
                    except IndexError:
                        query_desc = ""

                hit_list, key_list = [], []
                for hit in self._parse_hit(
                    qresult_elem.find("Iteration_hits"), query_id
                    if hit:
                        # need to keep track of hit IDs, since there could be duplicates,
                        if hit.id in key_list:
                                "Renaming hit ID %r to a BLAST-generated ID "
                                "%r since the ID was already matched "
                                "by your query %r. Your BLAST database "
                                "may contain duplicate entries."
                                % (hit.id, hit.blast_id, query_id),
                            # fallback to Blast-generated IDs, if the ID is already present
                            # and restore the desc, too
                            hit.description = "%s %s" % (hit.id, hit.description)
                            hit.id = hit.blast_id
                            # and change the hit_id of the HSPs contained
                            for hsp in hit:
                                hsp.hit_id = hit.blast_id


                # create qresult and assign its attributes
                qresult = QueryResult(hit_list, query_id)
                qresult.description = query_desc
                qresult.seq_len = int(query_len)
                qresult.blast_id = blast_query_id
                for key, value in self._meta.items():
                    setattr(qresult, key, value)

                # statistics are stored in Iteration_stat's 'grandchildren' with the
                # following DTD
                # <!ELEMENT Statistics (
                #        Statistics_db-num,
                #        Statistics_db-len,
                #        Statistics_hsp-len,
                #        Statistics_eff-space,
                #        Statistics_kappa,
                #        Statistics_lambda,
                #        Statistics_entropy)>

                stat_iter_elem = qresult_elem.find("Iteration_stat")
                if stat_iter_elem is not None:
                    stat_elem = stat_iter_elem.find("Statistics")

                    for key, val_info in _ELEM_QRESULT_OPT.items():
                        value = stat_elem.findtext(key)
                        if value is not None:
                            caster = val_info[1]
                            # recast only if value is not intended to be str
                            if value is not None and caster is not str:
                                value = caster(value)
                            setattr(qresult, val_info[0], value)

                # delete element after we finish parsing it
                yield qresult
예제 #44
def p_typedef(p):
    '''typedef : TYPEDEF field_type IDENTIFIER'''
    setattr(thrift_stack[-1], p[3], p[2])
예제 #45
def attr_setdefault(obj, name, value):
    """Like dict.setdefault, but for objects."""
    if not hasattr(obj, name):
        setattr(obj, name, value)
    return getattr(obj, name)
예제 #46
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: deneme056/grr
 def __setstate__(self, state):
     for slot, value in state.items():
         setattr(self, slot, value)
예제 #47
파일: modeshell.py 프로젝트: mark3982/geke
 def change_nonspecific(key, value):
     self.key_changed = key
     self.update(self.rxcenter, self.txcenter, self.rxsps, self.txsps)
     self.key_changed = None
     setattr(self, 'last_%s' % key, value)
예제 #48
"""Augment pandas DataFrame with methods for machine learning"""
__version__ = '0.1.1'

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.base import PandasObject

from pandas_ml_common.df.ml import ML
from pandas_ml_common.lazy import LazyInit
from pandas_ml_common.utils import get_pandas_object, Constant

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_log.debug(f"numpy version {np.__version__}")
_log.debug(f"pandas version {pd.__version__}")

setattr(PandasObject, "ml", property(lambda self: ML(self)))
setattr(pd.DataFrame, "to_frame", lambda self: self)
예제 #49
    # if they don't exist.
            DEFAULT_KWARGS, **{
                'lr': 0.5,
                'lr_scheduler_divide_every_n_epochs': 20,
                'lr_scheduler_divisor': 5,
                'lr_scheduler_type': 'WarmupAndExponentialDecayScheduler',

# Set any args that were not explicitly given by the user.
for arg, value in default_value_dict.items():
  if getattr(FLAGS, arg) is None:
    setattr(FLAGS, arg, value)

def get_model_property(key):
  default_model_property = {
      'img_dim': 224,
      'model_fn': getattr(torchvision.models, FLAGS.model)
  model_properties = {
      'inception_v3': {
          'img_dim': 299,
          'model_fn': lambda: torchvision.models.inception_v3(aux_logits=False)
  model_fn = model_properties.get(FLAGS.model, default_model_property)[key]
  return model_fn
예제 #50
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: deneme056/grr
 def Stop(self):
     setattr(self.module, self.target_name, self.old_target)
	def __init__(self):
		RpcRequest.__init__(self, 'CCC', '2017-07-05', 'ListSurveys')
		if hasattr(self, "endpoint_map"):
			setattr(self, "endpoint_map", endpoint_data.getEndpointMap())
		if hasattr(self, "endpoint_regional"):
			setattr(self, "endpoint_regional", endpoint_data.getEndpointRegional())
예제 #52
파일: modeshell.py 프로젝트: mark3982/geke
    def __init__(self, icfg, tb, rx, tx, audio_tx, audio_rx, chanover, beeper):
        self.left = qtgui4.QWidget()
        self.right = qtgui4.QWidget()

        self.audio_disconnect_node = None
        self.tx_disconnect_node = None

        self.beeper = beeper

        self.chanover = chanover
        self.tb = tb
        self.rx = rx
        self.tx = tx
        self.audio_tx = audio_tx
        self.audio_rx = audio_rx
        self.active = False

        self.__connections = []

        self.last_vol = 0.0
        self.last_sq = 0.0
        self.last_freq = 0.0
        self.last_bw = 0.0

        def change_volume(value):
            self.update(self.rxcenter, self.txcenter, self.rxsps, self.txsps)
            self.key_changed = None
            self.last_vol = value

        def change_squelch(value):
            self.key_changed = 'vol'
            self.update(self.rxcenter, self.txcenter, self.rxsps, self.txsps)
            self.key_changed = None
            self.last_sq = value

        def change_frequency(value):
            self.key_changed = 'freq'
            self.update(self.rxcenter, self.txcenter, self.rxsps, self.txsps)
            self.key_changed = None
            self.last_freq = value

        def change_bw(value):
            self.key_changed = 'bw'
            self.update(self.rxcenter, self.txcenter, self.rxsps, self.txsps)
            self.key_changed = None
            self.last_bw = value

        def change_nonspecific(key, value):
            self.key_changed = key
            self.update(self.rxcenter, self.txcenter, self.rxsps, self.txsps)
            self.key_changed = None
            setattr(self, 'last_%s' % key, value)

        self.key_changed = None

        def __mf(k):
            return lambda v: change_nonspecific(k, v)

        els = []
        for k in icfg:
            ecfg = icfg[k]
            args = {}
            for kk in ecfg:
                if kk != 'type':
                    args[kk] = ecfg[kk]
            if k == 'vol':
                args['signal'] = change_volume
            elif k == 'sq':
                args['signal'] = change_squelch
            elif k == 'freq':
                args['signal'] = change_frequency
            elif k == 'bw':
                args['signal'] = change_bw
                args['signal'] = __mf(k)
            setattr(self, 'last_%s' % k, 0.0)
            qel = qlcdnumberadjustable.QLCDNumberAdjustable(**args)
            setattr(self, k, qel)

        self.shiftsrc = None
        self.shifter = None
        self.decfilter = None
        self.amper = None

        self.rxtxstatus = QTXRXStatus()

        self.rxtxstatus.setMinimumSize(75, 55)

        els.insert(0, self.rxtxstatus)

        self.left.lay = quick_layout(self.left, els, horizontal=False)
예제 #53
파일: login.py 프로젝트: zelong77/xxBot
 def set_value(self, key, value=b''):
     if hasattr(self, key):
         #v = getattr(self,key,None)
         setattr(self, key, value)
         print('no', key)
예제 #54
 def __setstate__(self, state):
     for k, v in zip(self.__slots__, state):
         setattr(self, k, v)
    def _parse_hsp(self, root_hsp_frag_elem, query_id, hit_id):
        """Yield a generator object that transforms Hit_hsps XML elements into HSP objects (PRIVATE).

        :param root_hsp_frag_elem: the ``Hit_hsps`` tag
        :type root_hsp_frag_elem: XML element tag
        :param query_id: query ID
        :type query_id: string
        :param hit_id: hit ID
        :type hit_id: string

        # Hit_hsps DTD:
        # <!ELEMENT Hsp (
        #        Hsp_num,
        #        Hsp_bit-score,
        #        Hsp_score,
        #        Hsp_evalue,
        #        Hsp_query-from,
        #        Hsp_query-to,
        #        Hsp_hit-from,
        #        Hsp_hit-to,
        #        Hsp_pattern-from?,
        #        Hsp_pattern-to?,
        #        Hsp_query-frame?,
        #        Hsp_hit-frame?,
        #        Hsp_identity?,
        #        Hsp_positive?,
        #        Hsp_gaps?,
        #        Hsp_align-len?,
        #        Hsp_density?,
        #        Hsp_qseq,
        #        Hsp_hseq,
        #        Hsp_midline?)>

        # if value is None, feed the loop below an empty list
        if root_hsp_frag_elem is None:
            root_hsp_frag_elem = []

        for hsp_frag_elem in root_hsp_frag_elem:
            coords = {}  # temporary container for coordinates
            frag = HSPFragment(hit_id, query_id)
            for key, val_info in _ELEM_FRAG.items():
                value = hsp_frag_elem.findtext(key)
                caster = val_info[1]

                # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                if value is not None:
                    if key.endswith("-from") or key.endswith("-to"):
                        # store coordinates for further processing
                        coords[val_info[0]] = caster(value)
                    # recast only if value is not intended to be str
                    elif caster is not str:
                        value = caster(value)
                    setattr(frag, val_info[0], value)

            # set the similarity characters into aln_annotation dict
            frag.aln_annotation["similarity"] = hsp_frag_elem.findtext("Hsp_midline")

            # process coordinates
            # since 'x-from' could be bigger than 'x-to', we need to figure
            # out which one is smaller/bigger since 'x_start' is always smaller
            # than 'x_end'
            for coord_type in ("query", "hit", "pattern"):
                start_type = coord_type + "_start"
                end_type = coord_type + "_end"
                    start = coords[start_type]
                    end = coords[end_type]
                except KeyError:
                    # convert to python range and setattr
                    setattr(frag, start_type, min(start, end) - 1)
                    setattr(frag, end_type, max(start, end))

            # set alphabet, based on program
            prog = self._meta.get("program")
            if prog == "blastn":
                frag.alphabet = generic_dna
            elif prog in ["blastp", "blastx", "tblastn", "tblastx"]:
                frag.alphabet = generic_protein

            hsp = HSP([frag])
            for key, val_info in _ELEM_HSP.items():
                value = hsp_frag_elem.findtext(key)
                caster = val_info[1]
                if value is not None:
                    if caster is not str:
                        value = caster(value)
                    setattr(hsp, val_info[0], value)
            # delete element after we finish parsing it
            yield hsp
예제 #56
def _plot2d(plotfunc):
    Decorator for common 2d plotting logic

    Also adds the 2d plot method to class _PlotMethods
    commondoc = """
    darray : DataArray
        Must be 2 dimensional, unless creating faceted plots
    x : string, optional
        Coordinate for x axis. If None use darray.dims[1]
    y : string, optional
        Coordinate for y axis. If None use darray.dims[0]
    figsize : tuple, optional
        A tuple (width, height) of the figure in inches.
        Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``ax``.
    aspect : scalar, optional
        Aspect ratio of plot, so that ``aspect * size`` gives the width in
        inches. Only used if a ``size`` is provided.
    size : scalar, optional
        If provided, create a new figure for the plot with the given size.
        Height (in inches) of each plot. See also: ``aspect``.
    ax : matplotlib axes object, optional
        Axis on which to plot this figure. By default, use the current axis.
        Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``figsize``.
    row : string, optional
        If passed, make row faceted plots on this dimension name
    col : string, optional
        If passed, make column faceted plots on this dimension name
    col_wrap : integer, optional
        Use together with ``col`` to wrap faceted plots
    xincrease : None, True, or False, optional
        Should the values on the x axes be increasing from left to right?
        if None, use the default for the matplotlib function
    yincrease : None, True, or False, optional
        Should the values on the y axes be increasing from top to bottom?
        if None, use the default for the matplotlib function
    add_colorbar : Boolean, optional
        Adds colorbar to axis
    add_labels : Boolean, optional
        Use xarray metadata to label axes
    vmin, vmax : floats, optional
        Values to anchor the colormap, otherwise they are inferred from the
        data and other keyword arguments. When a diverging dataset is inferred,
        setting one of these values will fix the other by symmetry around
        ``center``. Setting both values prevents use of a diverging colormap.
        If discrete levels are provided as an explicit list, both of these
        values are ignored.
    cmap : matplotlib colormap name or object, optional
        The mapping from data values to color space. If not provided, this
        will be either be ``viridis`` (if the function infers a sequential
        dataset) or ``RdBu_r`` (if the function infers a diverging dataset).
        When `Seaborn` is installed, ``cmap`` may also be a `seaborn`
        color palette. If ``cmap`` is seaborn color palette and the plot type
        is not ``contour`` or ``contourf``, ``levels`` must also be specified.
    colors : discrete colors to plot, optional
        A single color or a list of colors. If the plot type is not ``contour``
        or ``contourf``, the ``levels`` argument is required.
    center : float, optional
        The value at which to center the colormap. Passing this value implies
        use of a diverging colormap. Setting it to ``False`` prevents use of a
        diverging colormap.
    robust : bool, optional
        If True and ``vmin`` or ``vmax`` are absent, the colormap range is
        computed with 2nd and 98th percentiles instead of the extreme values.
    extend : {'neither', 'both', 'min', 'max'}, optional
        How to draw arrows extending the colorbar beyond its limits. If not
        provided, extend is inferred from vmin, vmax and the data limits.
    levels : int or list-like object, optional
        Split the colormap (cmap) into discrete color intervals. If an integer
        is provided, "nice" levels are chosen based on the data range: this can
        imply that the final number of levels is not exactly the expected one.
        Setting ``vmin`` and/or ``vmax`` with ``levels=N`` is equivalent to
        setting ``levels=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, N)``.
    infer_intervals : bool, optional
        Only applies to pcolormesh. If True, the coordinate intervals are
        passed to pcolormesh. If False, the original coordinates are used
        (this can be useful for certain map projections). The default is to
        always infer intervals, unless the mesh is irregular and plotted on
        a map projection.
    subplot_kws : dict, optional
        Dictionary of keyword arguments for matplotlib subplots. Only applies
        to FacetGrid plotting.
    cbar_ax : matplotlib Axes, optional
        Axes in which to draw the colorbar.
    cbar_kwargs : dict, optional
        Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the colorbar.
    **kwargs : optional
        Additional arguments to wrapped matplotlib function

    artist :
        The same type of primitive artist that the wrapped matplotlib
        function returns

    # Build on the original docstring
    plotfunc.__doc__ = '\n'.join((plotfunc.__doc__, commondoc))

    def newplotfunc(darray,
        # All 2d plots in xarray share this function signature.
        # Method signature below should be consistent.

        # Decide on a default for the colorbar before facetgrids
        if add_colorbar is None:
            add_colorbar = plotfunc.__name__ != 'contour'

        # Handle facetgrids first
        if row or col:
            allargs = locals().copy()

            # Need the decorated plotting function
            allargs['plotfunc'] = globals()[plotfunc.__name__]

            return _easy_facetgrid(**allargs)

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        # colors is mutually exclusive with cmap
        if cmap and colors:
            raise ValueError("Can't specify both cmap and colors.")
        # colors is only valid when levels is supplied or the plot is of type
        # contour or contourf
        if colors and (('contour' not in plotfunc.__name__) and (not levels)):
            raise ValueError("Can only specify colors with contour or levels")
        # we should not be getting a list of colors in cmap anymore
        # is there a better way to do this test?
        if isinstance(cmap, (list, tuple)):
                "Specifying a list of colors in cmap is deprecated. "
                "Use colors keyword instead.",

        xlab, ylab = _infer_xy_labels(darray=darray, x=x, y=y)

        # better to pass the ndarrays directly to plotting functions
        xval = darray[xlab].values
        yval = darray[ylab].values
        zval = darray.to_masked_array(copy=False)

        # May need to transpose for correct x, y labels
        # xlab may be the name of a coord, we have to check for dim names
        if darray[xlab].dims[-1] == darray.dims[0]:
            zval = zval.T

        _ensure_plottable(xval, yval)

        if 'contour' in plotfunc.__name__ and levels is None:
            levels = 7  # this is the matplotlib default

        cmap_kwargs = {
            'plot_data': zval.data,
            'vmin': vmin,
            'vmax': vmax,
            'cmap': colors if colors else cmap,
            'center': center,
            'robust': robust,
            'extend': extend,
            'levels': levels,
            'filled': plotfunc.__name__ != 'contour',

        cmap_params = _determine_cmap_params(**cmap_kwargs)

        if 'contour' in plotfunc.__name__:
            # extend is a keyword argument only for contour and contourf, but
            # passing it to the colorbar is sufficient for imshow and
            # pcolormesh
            kwargs['extend'] = cmap_params['extend']
            kwargs['levels'] = cmap_params['levels']

        if 'pcolormesh' == plotfunc.__name__:
            kwargs['infer_intervals'] = infer_intervals

        # This allows the user to pass in a custom norm coming via kwargs
        kwargs.setdefault('norm', cmap_params['norm'])

        if 'imshow' == plotfunc.__name__ and isinstance(aspect, basestring):
            # forbid usage of mpl strings
            raise ValueError("plt.imshow's `aspect` kwarg is not available "
                             "in xarray")

        ax = get_axis(figsize, size, aspect, ax)
        primitive = plotfunc(xval,

        # Label the plot with metadata
        if add_labels:

        if add_colorbar:
            cbar_kwargs = {} if cbar_kwargs is None else dict(cbar_kwargs)
            cbar_kwargs.setdefault('extend', cmap_params['extend'])
            if cbar_ax is None:
                cbar_kwargs.setdefault('ax', ax)
                cbar_kwargs.setdefault('cax', cbar_ax)
            cbar = plt.colorbar(primitive, **cbar_kwargs)
            if darray.name and add_labels and 'label' not in cbar_kwargs:
                cbar.set_label(darray.name, rotation=90)
        elif cbar_ax is not None or cbar_kwargs is not None:
            # inform the user about keywords which aren't used
            raise ValueError("cbar_ax and cbar_kwargs can't be used with "

        _update_axes_limits(ax, xincrease, yincrease)

        return primitive

    # For use as DataArray.plot.plotmethod
    def plotmethod(_PlotMethods_obj,
        The method should have the same signature as the function.

        This just makes the method work on Plotmethods objects,
        and passes all the other arguments straight through.
        allargs = locals()
        allargs['darray'] = _PlotMethods_obj._da
        for arg in ['_PlotMethods_obj', 'newplotfunc', 'kwargs']:
            del allargs[arg]
        return newplotfunc(**allargs)

    # Add to class _PlotMethods
    setattr(_PlotMethods, plotmethod.__name__, plotmethod)

    return newplotfunc
예제 #57
 def add_func_to_class(name, func):
     """Add a function to a class with a particular name."""
     func.__name__ = name
     setattr(cls, name, func)
예제 #58
 def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
     setattr(self.dbCursor, attr, value)
    def _setup_device(self, ad, sim_conf_file, qxdm_log_mask_cfg=None):
        ad.qxdm_log = getattr(ad, "qxdm_log", self.qxdm_log)
        ad.sdm_log = getattr(ad, "sdm_log", self.sdm_log)
        if self.user_params.get("enable_connectivity_metrics", False):
        if self.user_params.get("build_id_override", False):
            build_postfix = self.user_params.get("build_id_postfix",
        if self.enable_radio_log_on:
        list_of_models = ["sdm", "msm", "kon", "lit"]
        if any(model in ad.model for model in list_of_models):
            phone_mode = "ssss"
            if hasattr(ad, "mtp_dsds"):
                phone_mode = "dsds"
            if ad.adb.getprop("persist.radio.multisim.config") != phone_mode:
                ad.adb.shell("setprop persist.radio.multisim.config %s" \
                             % phone_mode)

        if ad.qxdm_log:
            qxdm_log_mask = getattr(ad, "qxdm_log_mask", None)
            if qxdm_log_mask_cfg:
                qxdm_mask_path = self.user_params.get("qxdm_log_path",
                ad.adb.shell("mkdir %s" % qxdm_mask_path)
                ad.log.info("Push %s to %s", qxdm_log_mask_cfg, qxdm_mask_path)
                ad.adb.push("%s %s" % (qxdm_log_mask_cfg, qxdm_mask_path))
                mask_file_name = os.path.split(qxdm_log_mask_cfg)[-1]
                qxdm_log_mask = os.path.join(qxdm_mask_path, mask_file_name)
            set_qxdm_logger_command(ad, mask=qxdm_log_mask)
            start_qxdm_logger(ad, utils.get_current_epoch_time())
        elif ad.sdm_log:
        if not unlock_sim(ad):
            raise signals.TestAbortClass("unable to unlock the SIM")

        # eSIM enablement
        if hasattr(ad, "fi_esim"):
            if not ensure_wifi_connected(self.log, ad, self.wifi_network_ssid,
                ad.log.error("Failed to connect to wifi")
            if check_google_fi_activated(ad):
                ad.log.info("Google Fi is already Activated")
                install_googleaccountutil_apk(ad, self.account_util)
                install_googlefi_apk(ad, self.fi_util)
                if not activate_google_fi_account(ad):
                    ad.log.error("Failed to activate Fi")
        if hasattr(ad, "dsds"):
            sim_mode = ad.droid.telephonyGetPhoneCount()
            if sim_mode == 1:
                ad.log.info("Phone in Single SIM Mode")
                if not phone_switch_to_msim_mode(ad):
                    ad.log.error("Failed to switch to Dual SIM Mode")
                    return False
            elif sim_mode == 2:
                ad.log.info("Phone already in Dual SIM Mode")
        if get_sim_state(ad) in (SIM_STATE_ABSENT, SIM_STATE_UNKNOWN):
            ad.log.info("Device has no or unknown SIM in it")
            # eSIM needs activation
            ensure_phone_idle(self.log, ad)
        elif self.user_params.get("Attenuator"):
            ad.log.info("Device in chamber room")
            ensure_phone_idle(self.log, ad)
            setup_droid_properties(self.log, ad, sim_conf_file)
            ensure_phone_default_state(self.log, ad)
            setup_droid_properties(self.log, ad, sim_conf_file)

        default_slot = getattr(ad, "default_slot", 0)
        if get_subid_from_slot_index(ad.log, ad, default_slot) != INVALID_SUB_ID:
            ad.log.info("Slot %s is the default slot.", default_slot)
            set_default_sub_for_all_services(ad, default_slot)
            ad.log.warning("Slot %s is NOT a valid slot. Slot %s will be used by default.",
                default_slot, 1-default_slot)
            set_default_sub_for_all_services(ad, 1-default_slot)

        # Activate WFC on Verizon, AT&T and Canada operators as per # b/33187374 &
        # b/122327716
        activate_wfc_on_device(self.log, ad)

        # Sub ID setup
        initial_set_up_for_subid_infomation(self.log, ad)

        # If device is setup already, skip the following setup procedures
        if getattr(ad, "telephony_test_setup", None):
            return True

        except Exception:

        # Disable Emergency alerts
        # Set chrome browser start with no-first-run verification and
        # disable-fre. Give permission to read from and write to storage.
        for cmd in ("pm disable com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver",
                    "pm grant com.android.chrome "
                    "pm grant com.android.chrome "
                    "rm /data/local/chrome-command-line",
                    "am set-debug-app --persistent com.android.chrome",
                    'echo "chrome --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run '
                    '--disable-fre" > /data/local/tmp/chrome-command-line'):
            ad.adb.shell(cmd, ignore_status=True)

        # Curl for 2016/7 devices
        if not getattr(ad, "curl_capable", False):
                out = ad.adb.shell("/data/curl --version")
                if not out or "not found" in out:
                    if int(ad.adb.getprop("ro.product.first_api_level")) >= 25:
                        tel_data = self.user_params.get("tel_data", "tel_data")
                        if isinstance(tel_data, list):
                            tel_data = tel_data[0]
                        curl_file_path = os.path.join(tel_data, "curl")
                        if not os.path.isfile(curl_file_path):
                            curl_file_path = os.path.join(
                        if os.path.isfile(curl_file_path):
                            ad.log.info("Pushing Curl to /data dir")
                            ad.adb.push("%s /data" % (curl_file_path))
                                "chmod 777 /data/curl", ignore_status=True)
                    setattr(ad, "curl_capable", True)
            except Exception:
                ad.log.info("Failed to push curl on this device")

        # Ensure that a test class starts from a consistent state that
        # improves chances of valid network selection and facilitates
        # logging.
            if not set_phone_screen_on(self.log, ad):
                self.log.error("Failed to set phone screen-on time.")
                return False
            if not set_phone_silent_mode(self.log, ad):
                self.log.error("Failed to set phone silent mode.")
                return False
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.error("Failure with %s", e)
        setattr(ad, "telephony_test_setup", True)
        return True
예제 #60
 def setter(name, value):
     value.__name__ = name
     setattr(cls, name, value)