예제 #1
def LRParse(TokenList: List[Token]) -> SyntaxTree:
    对Token序列进行LR(1)分析, 生成对应的语法树
    :param TokenList:
    StateStack = stack()  # 状态栈
    CharacterStack = stack()  # 符号栈
    StateStack.push(0)  # 初始状态
    pos = 0

    while pos < len(TokenList):  # 遍历每个Token
        token = TokenList[pos]
        flag = False  # 判断这个Actionkey在不在Action表,不在就报错
        NowActionKey = ActionKey(StateStack.top(), token.type)
        if NowActionKey in ActionTable:
            NowActionVal = ActionTable[NowActionKey]
            flag = True
        elif ActionKey(StateStack.top(), TokenType.OTHERS) in ActionTable:
            NowActionVal = ActionTable[ActionKey(StateStack.top(), TokenType.OTHERS)]
            flag = True
            raise LRParsingErr(pos, NowActionKey, "unexpected token")
        if flag:
            action, ID = NowActionVal.operation, NowActionVal.num
            # print(action, ID)
            # 移进
            if action == Operation.SHIFT:  # 此时ID代表将要移进的状态
                pos += 1
            # 规约
            elif action == Operation.REDUCE:  # 此时ID代表将要规约的产生式
                ReduceExp = ExpressionTable[ID]  # 当前产生式
                ReduceExpLen = len(ReduceExp.expression)  # 产生式后面部分的长度
                NonTerminalTreeNode = TreeNode(ReduceExp.symbol)  # 产生一个节点,代表当前终结符/非终结符
                for i in range(ReduceExpLen):
                    NonTerminalTreeNode.children.append(CharacterStack.top())  # 从符号栈和状态中的内容取出len个,记录符号栈取出的内容
                NowGotoKey = GotoKey(StateStack.top(), ReduceExp.symbol)
                NonTerminalTreeNode.children.reverse()  # 出栈顺序是逆序,需要反转
                if NowGotoKey in GotoTable:
                    StateStack.push(GotoTable[NowGotoKey])  # 查找goto表是否有符合要求的Key
                    raise LRParsingErr(pos, NowGotoKey, "unknown goto key")
            # 接受
                return SyntaxTree(CharacterStack.top())
    return SyntaxTree()
    def DFS(self, start_vertex):
        start_vertex = self.get_vertex(start_vertex)

        if start_vertex is None:
            raise Exception("The vertex is not present in the graph.")

        visited = [False] * len(self._vertices)
        traversed = []

        s = stack()

        while not s.isEmpty():                  #this loop goes on until every node is traversed
            v = s.pop()
            key = v.get_key()

            if not visited[key]:
                visited[key] = True

            for neighbor in v.get_connections():
                if not visited[neighbor[0].get_key()]:

        return traversed
예제 #3
 def Get_DepthOrder(self):
     accum = []
     x = stack()
     while (1):
         r = x.pop()
         if r == False:
         accum += [r.GetVal()]
         for i in r.GetSuccessors():
     return accum
예제 #4
def makeRunway(inFile):
    runway = stack()

    # Open file to read
    runwayFile = open(inFile, "r")
    for line in runwayFile:
        # Make a plane of each line
        thisPlane = makePlane(line)
        # Place plane in stack
        push(runway, thisPlane)

    return runway
예제 #5
def quickSort(S):
    ''' len() method: O(1) '''
    n = len(S)  # Store the number of elements in the list
    if n < 2:  # If the number of elements is less than 2
        return S
    ''' For n elements, push operation: O(1) '''
    x = stack([(0, n - 1)])  # Push the list into the stack
    ''' Iteration while condition holds: O(nlogn), dependent on the iteration times '''
    while x:  # While the list is in the stack
        ''' Pop operation: O(1) '''
        e, p = low, high = x.pop(
        )  # Set e and p equal to low, set high equal to the last element pushed into the stack
        elem = S[
            e]  # Set elem equal to the value of the element in the list stored in index e
        pivot = S[
            p]  # Set pivot equal to the value of the element in the list stored in index p
        ''' Iteration while condition holds: O(nlogn) '''
        while p > e:  # Iterate while the value of p is greater than the value of e
            if elem > pivot:  # If the value of elem is greater than the pivot
                S[p] = elem  # Store elem in the element of the list at index p
                p -= 1  # Change the boundary p of the list: move leftward
                S[e] = elem = S[
                    p]  # Set S[e] and the value of elem equal to S[p]
            else:  # If the value of elem is less than the pivot
                e += 1  # Change the boundary e of the list: move rightward
                elem = S[
                    e]  # Set the value of elem equal to the value of the element in the list at index e
        S[p] = pivot  # Set the value of the element in the list at index p equal to pivot

        lsize = p - low  # Change the range length of low
        hsize = high - p  # Change the range length of high
        if lsize <= hsize:  # If the range length of low is less than or equal to the range length of high
            if 1 < lsize:
                ''' Push operations: O(1) '''
                    (p + 1,
                     high))  # Push the list in the given range into the stack
                     p - 1))  # Push the list in the given range into the stack
        else:  # If the range length of low is greater than the range length of high
            ''' Push operation: O(1) '''
                    p - 1))  # Push the list in the given range into the stack
        if 1 < hsize:
            ''' Push operation: O(1) '''
            x.push((p + 1,
                    high))  # Push the list in the given range into the stack
    return S  # Return the sorted list
예제 #6
def level_reverse_order(root):
    if root is None:
        q = queue()
        s = stack()
        node = None
        while not q.is_empty:
            node = q.de_queue
            if node.left is not None:
            if node.right is not None:
        while not s.is_empty:
def base_conversion(number, base):
    digits = '0123456789ABCDEF'

    st = stack()

    while number > 0:
        remainder = number % base
        number = number // base

    converted_num = ""
    while not st.isEmpty():
        converted_num = converted_num + str(digits[st.pop])

    return converted_num
    def dijkstra(self, source, destination):
        # initialize the distance of all nodes to infinity
        distance = [(sys.maxint, -1)] * len(self._vertices)

        #distance of source from source is 0
        distance[source] = (0, 0)

        # initially none of the nodes is visited
        visited = [False] * len(self._vertices)

        fringe = [source] #yet to be visited nodes in the same level

        # while there are still entries in the fringe
        while fringe:
            # find node with min distance in fringe as current vertex
            current_vertex_key = self._min_distance(distance, fringe)

            visited[current_vertex_key] = True
            current_vertex = self.get_vertex(current_vertex_key)

            for neighbor in current_vertex.get_connections():
                neighbor_vertex = neighbor[0].get_key()
                neighbor_weight = neighbor[1]

            if neighbor_vertex not in fringe and visited[neighbor_vertex]:

            if distance[neighbor_vertex][0] > distance[current_vertex_key][0] + neighbor_weight:
                distance[neighbor_vertex][0] = (distance[current_vertex_key][0] + neighbor_weight, current_vertex_key[0])

        s = stack()
        x = destination

        while x!= source:
            x = distance[x][1]

        shortest_path = []
        while not s.isEmpty():

        return (distance)
def is_expresion_balanced(expresion):
    s = stack()
    is_balanced = True
    index = 0

    while index < len(expresion) and is_balanced:
        exp = expresion[index]
        if exp in "({[":
            if s.isEmpty():
                is_balanced = False
                top = s.pop()
                if not is_match(top, exp):
                    return False
        index += 1

    if s.isEmpty() and is_balanced:
        return True
        return False
#Sort a stack using recursion
#Allowed methods : peek, push , pop, isEmpty

import stack

s = stack()

s2 = stack()

def sort_stack(stack_list1, stack_list2):
    if len(stack_list1) == 1:

        return stack_list2
    if stack_list1[0] > stack_list2[0]:
        sort_stack(stack_list2.pop(), stack_obj2.pop())
예제 #11
 def __init__(self):
     self._stack_data = stack()
     self._stack_min = stack()
예제 #12
    def key_return(self, key):
        """ Auto indentation when the return button is pressed """
        cline = int(self.index(INSERT).split('.')[0])
        lastcol = 0
        char = self.get('%s.%d' % (cline, lastcol))
        while char != '\n':
            lastcol += 1
            char = self.get('%s.%d' % (cline, lastcol))

        text = self.get('%s.%d' % (cline, 0), self.index(INSERT))
        line = cline + 1

        if len(text) > 1:

            #CASE OF ":"
            if text[-1] == ":" and text[-2] != ":" and\
                    text[-2] != ")" and text[-2] != "]" and text[-2] != "}":

                self.insert(INSERT, "\n")
                indent = re.search(r"^(?P<indent>[ ]*)", text).group("indent")
                self.insert('%s.%d' % (line, 0), indent + "    ")
                return "break"

            #CASE OF ): or ]: or }:
            if text[-1] == ":" and (text[-2] == ")" or\
               text[-2] == "]" or text[-2] == "}"):

                curr_index = self.index(INSERT)
                self.insert(INSERT, "\n")
                indent = 0
                start = "1.0"
                open_stack = stack()
                close_stack = stack()
                while start != curr_index:

                    if self.get(start) == "(" or\
                            self.get(start) == "[" or\
                            self.get(start) == "{":

                    elif self.get(start) == ")" or\
                            self.get(start) == "]" or\
                            self.get(start) == "}":

                    start = self.index(start + "+1c")

                if not open_stack.empty():
                    paren_line = int(open_stack.top().split('.')[0])
                    indent_col = 0
                    c = self.get('%s.%d' % (paren_line, indent_col))
                    while c == " ":
                        indent += 1
                        indent_col += 1
                        c = self.get('%s.%d' % (paren_line, indent_col))

                if self.get(self.index(INSERT)) == " ":
                    indent -= 1
                self.insert('%s.%d' % (line, 0), indent * " " + "    ")
                return "break"

            elif text[-1] == "," or text[-2] == ", ":

                curr_index = self.index(INSERT)
                self.insert(INSERT, "\n")
                indent = len(
                    re.search(r"^(?P<indent>[ ]*)", text).group("indent"))
                start = "1.0"
                open_stack = stack()
                close_stack = stack()
                while start != curr_index:

                    if self.get(start) == "(" or\
                            self.get(start) == "[" or\
                            self.get(start) == "{":

                    elif self.get(start) == ")" or\
                            self.get(start) == "]" or\
                            self.get(start) == "}":

                    if not open_stack.empty() and not close_stack.empty():

                        if (self.get(open_stack.top()) == "(" and\
                            (self.index(close_stack.top())) == ")") or\
                                 (self.index(open_stack.top())) == "[" and\
                                 (self.index(close_stack.top())) == "]") or\
                                      (self.index(open_stack.top())) == "{" and\
                                      (self.index(close_stack.top())) == "}"):

                    start = self.index(start + "+1c")

                    if not open_stack.empty():
                        indent = int(open_stack.top().split('.')[1]) + 1

                if self.get(self.index(INSERT)) == " ":
                    indent -= 1
                self.insert('%s.%d' % (line, 0), indent * " ")
                return "break"

            #CASE OF ), ], }
            elif text[-1] == ")" or text[-1] == "]" or text[-1] == "}":

                curr_index = self.index(INSERT)
                self.insert(INSERT, "\n")
                indent = 0
                start = "1.0"
                open_stack = stack()
                close_stack = stack()
                while start != curr_index:
                    if self.get(start) == "(" or\
                            self.get(start) == "[" or\
                            self.get(start) == "{":

                    elif self.get(start) == ")" or\
                            self.get(start) == "]" or\
                            self.get(start) == "}":

                    start = self.index(start + "+1c")

                if not open_stack.empty():
                    paren_line = int(open_stack.top().split('.')[0])
                    indent_col = 0
                    c = self.get('%s.%d' % (paren_line, indent_col))
                    while c == " ":
                        indent += 1
                        indent_col += 1
                        c = self.get('%s.%d' % (paren_line, indent_col))
                if self.get(self.index(INSERT)) == "":
                    indent -= 1
                self.insert('%s.%d' % (line, 0), indent * " ")
                return "break"

            start = '%s.%d' % (cline, 0)
            end = self.index(INSERT)
            return_index = self.search("return", start, stopindex=end)
            yield_index = self.search("yield", start, stopindex=end)
            raise_index = self.search("raise", start, stopindex=end)
            if return_index or yield_index or raise_index:
                if return_index:
                    indent = int(return_index.split('.')[1])
                elif yield_index:
                    indent = int(yield_index.split('.')[1])
                    indent = int(raise_index.split('.')[1])

                if indent > 0:
                    indent -= 4

                self.insert(INSERT, "\n")
                self.insert('%s.%d' % (line, 0), indent * " ")
                return "break"

                self.insert(INSERT, "\n")
                indent = re.search(r"^(?P<indent>[ ]*)", text).group("indent")
                if indent:
                    if self.get(self.index(INSERT)) == "":
                        indent = indent[:-1]
                    self.insert('%s.%d' % (line, 0), indent)
                return "break"
예제 #13
    def callback(self, result, *args):
        #Updating the position of the cursor
        index = self.index("insert")

        #for all chars that are > 79/line, highlight extra in red
        cline = self.index(INSERT).split('.')[0]
        lastcol = 0
        char = self.get('%s.%d' % (cline, lastcol))
        while char != '\n':
            lastcol += 1
            char = self.get('%s.%d' % (cline, lastcol))

        last_char = '%s.%d' % (cline, lastcol)
        first_char = '%s.%d' % (cline, 79)
        self.tag_remove("too_long", '%s.%d' % (cline, 0),
                        '%s.%d' % (cline, 0) + " lineend")
        if lastcol > 79:
            self.tag_add("too_long", first_char, last_char)

        #Updating line and column on the status bar

        #Updating line numbers on the left side

        # As the cursor moves, this part takes care of highligting       #
        # matching parentheses using a stack.                            #
        self.tag_remove("paren_match", "1.0", END)
        ccline = int(self.index("insert").split('.')[0])
        ccol = int(self.index("insert").split('.')[1]) - 1
        char = self.get('%s.%d' % (ccline, ccol))

        # If the cursor in right after an opening paren
        if (char == "(" or char == "[" or char == "{"):
            stack_index = stack()
            stack_char = stack()
            start = self.index("insert")
            while self.index(start) != self.index(END):

                line = int(self.index(start).split('.')[0])
                col = int(self.index(start).split('.')[1]) - 1

                if (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "("
                        or self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "["
                        or self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "{"):

                    stack_index.push(start + "-1c")
                    stack_char.push(self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)))

                elif (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == ")"
                      and stack_char.empty() is False):

                    if stack_char.size == 1 and stack_char.top() == "(":

                        self.tag_add('paren_match', stack_index.top(),
                                     stack_index.top() + "+1c")
                        self.tag_add('paren_match', start + "-1c", start)
                        start = END

                    elif stack_char.top() == "(":

                elif (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "}"
                      and stack_char.empty() is False):

                    if stack_char.size == 1 and stack_char.top() == "{":

                        self.tag_add('paren_match', stack_index.top(),
                                     stack_index.top() + "+1c")
                        self.tag_add('paren_match', start + "-1c", start)
                        start = END

                    elif stack_char.top() == "{":

                elif (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "]"
                      and stack_char.empty() is False):

                    if stack_char.size == 1 and stack_char.top() == "[":

                        self.tag_add('paren_match', stack_index.top(),
                                     stack_index.top() + "+1c")
                        self.tag_add('paren_match', start + "-1c", start)
                        start = END

                    elif stack_char.top() == "[":


                #CASE OF PAREN INSIDE STRING exp: print("hi(")
                elif (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == '"'
                      or self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "'"):

                    if self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == '"':
                        pos = self.search('"', start, stopindex=END)

                        pos = self.search("'", start, stopindex=END)

                    if not pos:

                    start = str(pos) + "+1c"

                start = start + "+1c"

        # If the cursor is on a closing paren
        if (char == ")" or char == "]" or char == "}"):

            stack_index = stack()  #Stack for the indexes of parens
            stack_char = stack()  #Stack for for parens
            start = self.index("insert")

            while self.index(start) != self.index("1.0"):

                line = int(self.index(start).split('.')[0])
                col = int(self.index(start).split('.')[1]) - 1
                if (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == ")"
                        or self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "]"
                        or self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "}"):

                    stack_index.push(start + "-1c")
                    stack_char.push(self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)))

                elif (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "("
                      and stack_char.empty() is False):

                    if stack_char.size == 1 and stack_char.top() == ")":
                        self.tag_add('paren_match', stack_index.top(),
                                     stack_index.top() + "+1c")
                        self.tag_add('paren_match', start + "-1c", start)
                        start = "1.0"

                    elif stack_char.top() == ")":

                elif (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "{"
                      and stack_char.empty() is False):
                    if stack_char.size == 1 and stack_char.top() == "}":

                        self.tag_add('paren_match', stack_index.top(),
                                     stack_index.top() + "+1c")
                        self.tag_add('paren_match', start + "-1c", start)
                        start = "1.0"

                    elif stack_char.top() == "}":

                elif (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "["
                      and stack_char.empty() is False):

                    if stack_char.size == 1 and stack_char.top() == "]":
                        self.tag_add('paren_match', stack_index.top(),
                                     stack_index.top() + "+1c")
                        self.tag_add('paren_match', start + "-1c", start)
                        start = "1.0"

                    elif stack_char.top() == "]":

                #CASE OF PAREN INSIDE STRING exp: print("hi(")
                elif (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == '"'
                      or self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == "'"):

                    if self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) == '"':
                        start = start + "-1c"
                        line = int(self.index(start).split('.')[0])
                        col = int(self.index(start).split('.')[1]) - 1
                        while (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) != '"'
                               and self.index(start) != self.index("1.0")):
                            start = start + "-1c"
                            line = int(self.index(start).split('.')[0])
                            col = int(self.index(start).split('.')[1]) - 1
                        start = start + "-1c"
                        line = int(self.index(start).split('.')[0])
                        col = int(self.index(start).split('.')[1]) - 1
                        while (self.get('%s.%d' % (line, col)) != "'"
                               and self.index(start) != self.index("1.0")):
                            start = start + "-1c"
                            line = int(self.index(start).split('.')[0])
                            col = int(self.index(start).split('.')[1]) - 1

                start = start + "-1c"
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, *instructions):
        self.instructions = instructions

    def __repr__(self):
        return ', '.join([repr(x) for x in self.instructions])

    def eval(self, stack):
        for x in self.instructions:
            out = x.eval(stack)
        return output(True, out.stack)

class Line(Equality):
    def __init__(self, cond, instructions):
        self.cond = cond
        self.instructions = instructions

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Line( '+repr(self.cond)+', '+repr(self.instructions)+' )'

    def eval(self, stack):
        if self.cond.eval(stack):
            out = self.instructions.eval(stack)
            stack = out.stack
        return output(True, stack)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    stack = stack([x for x in range(100, 110)])
    print(Line(Condition('*', Num('42')), Instructions(Procedure('DUP'))))
    print(Line(Condition('*', Num('42')), Instructions(Procedure('DUP'))).eval(stack).stack.__repr__())
예제 #15
from stack import *
s = stack()

a = list(input().split())

def isOperand(self, ch):
    return ch.isalpha()

def notGreater(self, op):
    precedence = {'+': 1, '-': 1, '*': 2, '/': 2, '^': 3}
    a = precedence[op]
    b = s.peek()
    return True if a >= b else False

for i in a:
    if self.isOperand(i):
        print(i, end='')

    elif i == '(':

    elif i == ')':
        while (not s.isEmpty() and s.peek != '('):
            print(s.pop(), end='')
        if (s.isEmpty()):
            print('Braces unmatched')
예제 #16
__author__ = 'newScanTron'
from BaseBall import *
from stack import *

ballCount = 0
ball_stack = stack()
user_input = input("how many pitches would you lik to throw?")
while ball_stack.size() < int(user_input):
    pitch = BaseBall()

while not ball_stack.isEmpty():
예제 #17
    def test_case_push_pop(self):
        """Pushes seguidos de pops 1000 vezes"""

        def test(clk, reset, enable, push_pop, input_1, output_1, output_2):
            def push_pop_method(val=0, pp=True, push_pop=push_pop, enable=enable, input_1=input_1):
                enable.next = 1
                input_1.next = val
                push_pop.next = pp

            def clean_flags_method(reset=reset, enable=enable, input_1=input_1, push_pop=push_pop):
                reset.next = 0
                enable.next = 0
                push_pop.next = 0
                input_1.next = 0

            def print_status(flag=VIEW_STATUS, output_1=output_1, output_2=output_2):
                if flag:
                    print output_1
                    print output_2

            ## INICIO DOS TESTES ##
            for test in range(1000):
                fake_stack = []
                for i in range(STACK_LEN):
                    # Randomic generation numbers
                    randomic_number = randrange(200)
                    previous_randomic_number = 0
                    if fake_stack:  # != []
                        previous_randomic_number = fake_stack[-1]

                    # Push fake stack

                    # Push in the actual stack
                    push_pop_method(randomic_number, 0)
                    yield clk.posedge
                    yield clk.negedge

                    # Verify the transaction
                    self.assertEqual(output_1, randomic_number)
                    self.assertEqual(output_2, previous_randomic_number)

                for i in range(STACK_LEN):
                    # Pop stack
                    current_stack_top = 0
                    next_stack_top = 0
                    if fake_stack:
                        current_stack_top = fake_stack[-1]
                    if len(fake_stack) > 1:
                        next_stack_top = fake_stack[-2]

                    # Pop actual stack
                    push_pop_method(10, True)
                    yield clk.posedge
                    yield clk.negedge

                    # Verify the transaction
                    self.assertEqual(output_1, current_stack_top)
                    self.assertEqual(output_2, next_stack_top)

            raise StopSimulation

        clk_s = Signal(bool(1))
        reset_s, enable_s = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(2)]
        push_pop_s = Signal(1)
        output_1_s, output_2_s = [Signal(0) for i in range(2)]
        input_1_s = Signal(intbv(0)[32:])

        clkgen = clk_gen(clk_s)
        check = test(clk_s, reset_s, enable_s, push_pop_s, input_1_s, output_1_s, output_2_s)
        device = stack(clk_s, reset_s, enable_s, push_pop_s, input_1_s, output_1_s, output_2_s)

        sim = Simulation(clkgen, device, check)
예제 #18
    while not s_a.empty():
        loop_count += 1
        x = s_a.pop()
        push_stack_by_order(x, s_h, s_a)
        #stack_order(s_a, s_h)

    while not s_h.empty():

    print'loop_count is %d' %(loop_count)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    num = int(sys.argv[1])
    s_a = stack()
    s_h = stack()

#    for i in xrange(0, num):
#        x = random.randint(0, 10000)
#        s_a.push(x)
    for i in xrange(num, -1, -1):

    t = time.time()
    stack_order(s_a, s_h)
    usage = time.time() - t
    print 'usage: %f' %(usage)
예제 #19
__author__ = 'newScanTron'
from BaseBall import *
from stack import *

ballCount = 0
ball_stack = stack()
user_input = input("how many pitches would you lik to throw?")
while ball_stack.size() < int(user_input):
    pitch = BaseBall()

while not ball_stack.isEmpty():
예제 #20
        if action == 0 and prohibited != M_R and not stack_mid.empty():
            if stack_right.empty() or stack_mid.peek() < stack_right.peek():
                action = M_R
                prohibited = R_M

        if action == 0:
            action = R_M
            prohibited = M_R

        move(action, stack_left, stack_mid, stack_right)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print 'Usage: python ./hanoi_stack.py number'

    N = int(sys.argv[1])

    stack_left = stack()
    stack_right = stack()
    stack_mid = stack()

    for i in xrange(N, 0, -1):

    hanoi_stack(N, stack_left, stack_mid, stack_right)
예제 #21

This is a python script to test the Stack class

import stack
from stack import *
from string import *

s1 = stack()
s2 = stack()
# filling first stack
filename = 'list1.txt'
inputFile = open(filename)
for line in inputFile:
# filling second stack
filename = 'list2.txt'
inputFile = open(filename)
for line in inputFile:
# printing both the stacks
# print stack one
print " Stack one has"
print s1
# print stack two
print " Stack two has"
print s2
# concatenating two stacks
s3 = s1 + s2
# printing stack three
예제 #22
def main():

	# ********************************************
	# Check command line argument
	# ********************************************
	if len(sys.argv) > 4:
		# Save filename
		FILE		= sys.argv[1]
		DOT_FILE	= sys.argv[2]
		CUR_SIG		= sys.argv[3]
		FSM_SIG		= sys.argv[4]
		# Insufficient number of args, exit with error
		print "Incorrect argument usage!! Aborting..."
		print "Correct usage :\n    ./extractStates.py <vhdFile> <dotFile> <curSig> <fsmSig>"
		print "Where:"
		print " <vhdFile> is the name of the VHDL file to parse"
		print " <dotFile> is the name of the DOT file to export"
		print " <curSig> is the VHDL signal used to represent current FSM state (current state)"
		print " <fsmSig> is the VHDL signal used to control FSM transitions (next state)"
	# *************************************************************
	# Setup regular expression patterns
	# *************************************************************
	# Used to search for the beginning of an FSM type definition (enumerated type)
	#	Of the form: "type <typeName> is"
	fsmTypeDefSearch = re.compile('type (.*) is')

	# Used to search for the end of an FSM type definition
	#	Of the form: ");"
	endTypeDefSearch = re.compile('\);')

	# Used to search for each name of an enumerated type
	#	Of the form: " <enum>,"
	fsmTypeSearch = re.compile('\s*(\w*)\,?')

	# Used to search for a beginning parentheses on a line
	#	Of the form: "("
	beginParenSearch = re.compile('\((\s)*')

	# Used to search for a blank line
	blankLineSearch = re.compile('(^|\r\n)\s*(\r\n|$)')

	# Used to search for the beginning of a state (when clause)
	#	Of the form: "when <stateName> => "
	stateSearch = re.compile('when\s*(\w*)\s*=>')

	# Used to search for a transition definition
	#	Of the form: "<FSM_SIG> <= <NEXT_STATE>;"
	transitionSearch = re.compile(FSM_SIG+'\s*<=\s*(\w*);')

	# Used to search for the beginning of an FSM (case statement)
	#	Of the form: "case (<sig>) is"
	fsmBeginSearch = re.compile('case\s*\((.*)\)\s*is')

	# Used to search for the end of an FSM (case statement)
	#	Of the form: "end case;"
	fsmEndSearch = re.compile('end case;')
	# ***************************************************************
	# Open up the VHDL file and read in the lines
	# ***************************************************************
	infile = open(FILE,"r")
	lines = infile.readlines()
	# ********************************************
	# Initialize program state
	# ********************************************
	# Flag to signal when the FSM has been found
	fsmFound = 0

	# Counter for the number of states encountered
	numStates = 0

	# Counter for the number of type-definition states found (for an enumeration)
	num_tdef_states = 0

	# Flag to signal when the type-definition has been found
	tdef_flag = 0

	# Counter for the current line number
	lineCount = 0

	# Variable to hold the last state that has been encountered (so any transitions are coming from this state)	
	lastState = -999
	# Array to hold states encountered
	states = []

	# Array to hold type-definition states that have been encountered
	tdef_states = []

	# Array to hold the source of all transitions
	transitions_from = []

	# Array to hold the destination of all transitions
	transitions_to = []

	# Array to hold the line number of each transition (line number in the source program)
	transitions_lineNum = []

	# Stack of encountered case statements
	caseStack = stack()
	# ********************************************
	# Parse VHDL line by line
	# ********************************************
	for line in lines:
		lineCount = lineCount + 1

		# Parse the VHDL file
		if tdef_flag == 0:

			# Check pertinent reg-ex's
			m = stateSearch.search(line)
			tdef = fsmTypeDefSearch.search(line)
			trans = transitionSearch.search(line)
			fsm = fsmBeginSearch.search(line)
			fsm_end = fsmEndSearch.search(line)

			# If the beginning of a case statement is found, check if it is the one corresponding to the FSM
			if fsm > -1:

			# If the end of a case statement is found
			if fsm_end > -1:
				if (caseStack.num_elements() > 0):
					el = caseStack.pop()
			# If a new state is found
			if m > -1:
				# Only update last state if the current "case" scope is that of the FSM and not just some conditional logic
				if (caseStack.num_elements() > 0):
					if (caseStack.top() == CUR_SIG):
						if (fsmFound == 0):
							print "FSM Found, enabling state extraction..."
							fsmFound = 1
						lastState = m.group(1)
						numStates = numStates + 1

			# If a transition is found, store it
			if trans > -1:
				# Wait until FSM has been found
				if fsmFound:
			# If an type definition is found, set the flag to capture it
			if tdef > -1:
				tdef_flag = 1
		# Parse the FSM type definition

			# Do all the reg-ex searches
			bp = beginParenSearch.search(line)
			bl = blankLineSearch.search(line)
			t = fsmTypeSearch.search(line)
			et = endTypeDefSearch.search(line)

			# If blank line, ignore
			if bl > -1:
				tdef_flag = 1
			# If beginning parentheses, ignore
			elif bp > -1:
				tdef_flag = 1
			# If end of type definition, exit
			elif et > -1:
				tdef_flag = 0
			# Otherwise, grab the state name
				num_tdef_states = num_tdef_states + 1
				tdef_flag = 1

	# If while looping the FSM was never found then exit with an error
	if (not fsmFound):
		raise "Error", "FSM Not Found!!!"

	# ********************************************
	# Create DOT file
	# ********************************************
	print "Creating DOT file..."

	# Initialize data structure that will become the DOT file
	dotArray = []
	dotArray.append("digraph G {")
	# Add all transitions
	for i in range(len(transitions_from)):
		newLine = "	"+transitions_from[i]+" -> "+transitions_to[i] + " [label =\"Line#"+str(transitions_lineNum[i])+"\"]"

	# Add in the last line of the DOT file

	# Write output file
	outFile = open(DOT_FILE, "w")
	for line in dotArray:

	print "State extraction complete."