def __init__(self, f_image, abc_name, sound_speed, density, dt, dx): img = self.width, self.height = img.size if abc_name == "Mur1": self.abc_field = ABC.Mur1( 0, self.width, 0, self.height, sound_speed["air"], dt, dx) elif abc_name == "Mur2": u_list = np.zeros([self.width-2, self.height-2]) self.abc_field = ABC.Mur2( 0, self.width, 0, self.height, sound_speed["air"], dt, dx, density, u_list) self.ref_points = [] field_arr = np.array(img, dtype=np.int32).T # (self.wall_area, # self.ref_points_w, # self.ref_points_h) = self.__read_field(field_arr) (self.wall_area, self.ref_points_w_p, self.ref_points_w_m, self.ref_points_h_p, self.ref_points_h_m) = self.__read_field(field_arr) self.velocity_arr, self.density_arr = self.__make_velocity_density_field( self.wall_area, sound_speed, density) R = 1 self.coef_obs = ((1+R)*(sound_speed["air"]*dt/dx) - (1-R)) / \ ((1 + R) * (sound_speed["air"] * dt / dx) + (1 - R))
def minimum_entropy(summary_stats: ["function"], n_obs: int, y_obs: [[float]], fitting_model: Models.Model, priors: ["stats.Distribution"], min_subset_size=1, max_subset_size=None, n_samples=1000, n_accept=100, k=4, printing=False) -> ([int], [[float]]): """ RETURNS [int] - indexes of best summary stats [[float]] - list of all accepted theta when "best summary stats" """ lowest = ([], maxsize, []) # all permutations of summary stats n_stats = len(summary_stats) max_subset_size = max_subset_size if (max_subset_size) else n_stats perms = [] for n in range(max(min_subset_size, 1), min(n_stats + 1, max_subset_size + 1)): perms += [x for x in combinations([i for i in range(n_stats)], n)] sampling_details = { "sampling_method": "best", "num_runs": n_samples, "sample_size": n_accept } for (j, perm) in enumerate(perms): if (printing): print("Permutation = ", perm, sep="") else: print("({}/{})".format(j, len(perms)), end="\r") ss = [summary_stats[i] for i in perm] _, accepted_theta = ABC.abc_rejection(n_obs, y_obs, fitting_model, priors, sampling_details, summary_stats=ss, show_plots=False, printing=printing) estimate_ent = __k_nn_estimate_entropy(len(priors), accepted_theta, k=k) if (printing): print("Estimate_ent of ", perm, "= {:,.2f}\n".format(estimate_ent), sep="") if (estimate_ent < lowest[1]): lowest = (perm, estimate_ent, accepted_theta) # return lowest[1] return lowest[0], lowest[2]
def __rsse(obs, target) -> float: # Residual Sum of Squares Error error = sum([ABC.l2_norm(o, target)**2 for o in obs]) error = np.sqrt(error) error /= len(obs) return error
def main(field_image, txt_data): print("field setting....") if gpu_flag: field_data = field.Field_GPU(field_image, abc_name, sound_speed_list, density_list, dt, dx) else: field_data = field.Field(field_image, abc_name, sound_speed_list, density_list, dt, dx) width = field_data.width height = field_data.height if abc_name == "Mur1": import ABC abc_field = ABC.Mur1(0, width, 0, height, sound_speed_list["air"], dt, dx) print("done") print("pulse information reading....") pulse_info_list = read_pulse_info(txt_data) print("done") if gpu_flag: print("calc with GPU start....") cp.cuda.set_allocator(cp.cuda.MemoryPool().malloc) P1 = cp.zeros((width, height), dtype=cp.float32) P2 = cp.zeros((width, height), dtype=cp.float32) if debug_flag: fig = plt.figure() image_list = Calc(field_data, P1, P2, pulse_info_list) else: print("calc without GPU start....") P1 = np.zeros((width, height), dtype=np.float32) P2 = np.zeros((width, height), dtype=np.float32) if debug_flag: fig = plt.figure() image_list = Calc(field_data, P1, P2, pulse_info_list) if debug_flag: print("make animation....") ani = animation.ArtistAnimation( fig, image_list[0], interval=100, blit=True)'ani.gif', writer="imagemagick")
def __k_nn_estimate_entropy(n_params: int, parameter_samples: [(float)], k=4) -> float: """ DESCRIPTION Kth Nearest Neighbour estimate of entropy for a posterior distribution. PARAMETERS n_params (int) - Number of parameters being fitted. parameter_samples ([(float)]) - Set of accepted sampled parameters. OPTIONAL PARAMETERS k (int) - Which nearest neighbour to consider (default=4) RETURNS float - estimated entropy """ n = len(parameter_samples) # number accepted samples if (k > n): raise ValueError("k cannot be greater than the number of samples") gamma = special.gamma(1 + n_params / 2) digamma = special.digamma(k) h_hat = np.log(np.pi**(n_params / 2) / gamma) h_hat -= digamma h_hat += np.log(n) constant = n_params / n for i in range(n): sample_i = parameter_samples[i] distances = [] for j in range(n): # find kth nearest neighbour if (j == i): continue sample_j = parameter_samples[j] distances.append(ABC.l2_norm(sample_i, sample_j)) distances.sort() h_hat += constant * np.log(distances[3]) return h_hat
def main(argv): abcConf = Config.Config(argv) abcList = list() expT ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace(" ", "").replace(":", "") for run in range(abcConf.RUN_TIME): abc = ABC.ABC(abcConf) abc.setExperimentID(run, expT) start_time = time.time() * 1000 abc.initial() abc.memorize_best_source() while(not(abc.stopping_condition())): abc.send_employed_bees() abc.calculate_probabilities() abc.send_onlooker_bees() abc.memorize_best_source() abc.send_scout_bees() abc.increase_cycle() abc.globalTime = time.time() * 1000 - start_time abcList.append(abc) Reporter(abcList)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Feb 7 18:01:49 2019 @author: GabrielAsus """ import ABC as abc import math lower = [-6, -6] def function1(x): return x[0]**2 + 2 * x[1]**2 - 0.3 * math.cos( 3 * math.pi * x[0]) - 0.4 * math.cos(4 * math.pi * x[1]) + 0.7 #return ((x[0]**2+x[1]-11)**2)+(x[0]+x[1]**2-7)**2 algoritmo = abc.ArtifitialBC(dimention=2, lower=[-100, -100], upper=[100, 100], function=function1, populationSize=30, maxIter=200) solution, fitness = print(solution) print(fitness)
def run_everything(cluster, num_sigma, red_clump, run_number, location, elem): """Return the covariance matrix statistics and KS distances for every element in APOGEE in the desired cluster, for every simulation run. Function also saves all final summary statistics and values of sigma to file. Parameters ---------- cluster : str Name of the desired cluster (e.g. 'NGC 2682') num_sigma : int Number of simulations to run red_clump : str If the red clump stars in rcsample are to be removed, set to True. If all stars are to be used, set to False. run_number : int Number of the run by which to label files. location : str If running locally, set to 'personal'. If running on the server, set to 'server'. elem : str Element being analyzed. Returns ------- D_cov_all : tuple All covariance matrix summary statistics for all simulations ks_all : tuple All KS distances for all simulations """ #Create cluster directory, if doesn't exist already cluster_dir = oc.make_directory(cluster) #Get APOGEE and spectral data apogee_cluster_data, spectra, spectra_errs, T, bitmask = oc.get_spectra( cluster, red_clump, location) num_elem = 15 num_stars = len(spectra) #Create synthetic spectra for each value of sigma and fit sigma_vals = np.random.uniform(0, 0.1, int(num_sigma)) fake_res = [] fake_err = [] y_ax_psm = [] psm_cdists = [] fake_nanless_res = [] final_real_spectra = [] final_real_spectra_err = [] for i in range(len(sigma_vals)): fake_dat = ABC.psm_data(num_elem, num_stars, apogee_cluster_data, sigma_vals[i], T, cluster, spectra, spectra_errs, run_number, location, elem) fake_res.append(fake_dat[0]) fake_err.append(fake_dat[1]) y_ax_psm.append(fake_dat[2]) psm_cdists.append(fake_dat[3]) fake_nanless_res.append(fake_dat[4]) final_real_spectra.append(fake_dat[5]) final_real_spectra_err.append(fake_dat[6]) #Fit the data real_res = [] real_err = [] real_nanless_res = [] real_nanless_err = [] real_weights = [] for i in range(len(sigma_vals)): real_dat = oc.fit_func(elem, cluster, final_real_spectra[i], final_real_spectra_err[i], T, dat_type='data', run_number=run_number, location=location, sigma_val=None) real_res.append(real_dat[0]) real_err.append(real_dat[1]) real_nanless_res.append(real_dat[7]) real_nanless_err.append(real_dat[8]) real_weights.append(real_dat[11]) #Get the cumulative distributions for the data y_ax_real = [] real_cdists = [] for i in range(len(sigma_vals)): real_cdist_dat = pp.cum_dist(real_nanless_res[i], real_nanless_err[i]) y_ax_real.append(real_cdist_dat[0]) real_cdists.append(real_cdist_dat[1]) #Calculate summary statistics D_cov_all = [] ks_all = [] for i in range(len(sigma_vals)): D_cov_all.append( ABC.d_cov(cluster, real_weights[i], real_res[i], real_err[i], fake_res[i], fake_err[i], num_stars, sigma_vals[i], elem, location, run_number)) ks_all.append( ABC.KS(cluster, y_ax_real[i], real_cdists[i], y_ax_psm[i], psm_cdists[i], sigma_vals[i], elem, location, run_number)) D_cov_all = np.array(D_cov_all) ks_all = np.array(ks_all) #Write to file timestr = time.strftime( "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") #Date and time by which to identify file name_string = str(cluster).replace(' ', '') #Remove spaces from name of cluster pid = str(os.getpid()) if location == 'personal': path = '/Users/chloecheng/Personal/run_files_' + name_string + '_' + str( elem ) + '/' + name_string + '/' + name_string + '_' + elem + '_' + timestr + '_' + pid + '_' + str( run_number) + '.hdf5' elif location == 'server': path = '/geir_data/scr/ccheng/AST425/Personal/run_files_' + name_string + '_' + str( elem ) + '/' + name_string + '/' + name_string + '_' + elem + '_' + timestr + '_' + pid + '_' + str( run_number) + '.hdf5' #Server path file = h5py.File(path, 'w') file['D_cov'] = D_cov_all file['KS'] = ks_all file['sigma'] = sigma_vals file.close() return D_cov_all, ks_all, sigma_vals
def run_everything(cluster, num_sigma, red_clump, run_number, location, elem): ###Function to run the entire algorithm """Return the covariance matrix statistics and KS distances for every element in APOGEE in the desired cluster, for every simulation run. Function also saves all final summary statistics and values of sigma to file. Parameters ---------- cluster : str Name of the desired cluster (e.g. 'NGC 2682') num_sigma : int Number of simulations to run red_clump : str If the red clump stars in rcsample are to be removed, set to True. If all stars are to be used, set to False. run_number : int Number of the run by which to label files. location : str If running locally, set to 'personal'. If running on the server, set to 'server'. elem : str Element being analyzed. Returns ------- D_cov_all : tuple All covariance matrix summary statistics for all simulations ks_all : tuple All KS distances for all simulations """ #Create cluster directory, if doesn't exist already cluster_dir = oc.make_directory( cluster) ###Make a directory named after the cluster #Get APOGEE and spectral data apogee_cluster_data, spectra, spectra_errs, T, bitmask = oc.get_spectra( cluster, red_clump, location) ###Get the allStar data and spectra num_elem = 15 ###Number of elements in APOGEE num_stars = len(spectra) ###Number of stars in the cluster #Create synthetic spectra for each value of sigma and fit sigma_vals = np.random.uniform( 0, 0.1, int(num_sigma) ) ###Create an array of sigma values between 0 and 0.1 dex that are randomly drawn from a uniform ###distribution, the size of the number of simulations that you want to run at once fake_res = [] ###Empty list for the fake residuals fake_err = [] ###Empty list for the fake errors y_ax_psm = [ ] ###Empty list for the y-axis for the fake cumulative distributions psm_cdists = [] ###Empty list for the fake cumulative distributions fake_nanless_res = [ ] ###Empty list for the fake residuals with NaNs removed final_real_spectra = [ ] ###Empty list for the observed spectra that are masked in the same way as the fake spectra final_real_spectra_err = [ ] ###Empty list for the observed spectral errors that are masked in the same way as the fake spectra for i in range( len(sigma_vals) ): ###Iterate through the number of simulations you want to run ###Run the psm_data function from to get the fake fits, etc. fake_dat = ABC.psm_data(num_elem, num_stars, apogee_cluster_data, sigma_vals[i], T, cluster, spectra, spectra_errs, run_number, location, elem) fake_res.append(fake_dat[0]) ###Get the fake residuals fake_err.append(fake_dat[1]) ###Get the fake errors y_ax_psm.append( fake_dat[2] ) ###Get the y-axis for the fake cumulative distributions psm_cdists.append( fake_dat[3]) ###Get the fake cumulative distributions fake_nanless_res.append( fake_dat[4]) ###Get the fake residuals with no NaNs final_real_spectra.append( fake_dat[5] ) ###Get the observed spectra that are masked in the same way as the fake spectra final_real_spectra_err.append( fake_dat[6] ) ###Get the observed spectral errors that are masked in the same way as the fake spectra #Fit the data real_res = [] ###Empty list for the real residuals real_err = [] ###Empty list for the real errors real_nanless_res = [] ###Empty list for the real residuals with no NaNs real_nanless_err = [] ###Empty list for the real errors with no NaNs real_weights = [ ] ###Empty list for the weights of the windows for the element for i in range( len(sigma_vals)): ###Iterate through the number of simulations ###Run the fit_func function from to get fits for real data, using the observed spectra and errors masked in the same way as the simulations real_dat = oc.fit_func(elem, cluster, final_real_spectra[i], final_real_spectra_err[i], T, dat_type='data', run_number=run_number, location=location, sigma_val=None) real_res.append(real_dat[0]) ###Get the real residuals real_err.append(real_dat[1]) ###Get the real errors real_nanless_res.append( real_dat[7]) ###Get the real residuals with no NaNs real_nanless_err.append( real_dat[8]) ###Get the real errors with no NaNs real_weights.append( real_dat[11]) ###Get the weights of the windows for the element #Get the cumulative distributions for the data y_ax_real = [] ###Empty list for y-axis for real cumulative distributions real_cdists = [] ###Empty list for real cumulative distributions for i in range( len(sigma_vals)): ###Iterate through the number of simulations real_cdist_dat = pp.cum_dist( all_real_nanless_res[i], all_real_nanless_err[i] ) ###Compute the cumulative distributions using the cum_dist function from y_ax_real.append( real_cdist_dat[0] ) ###Get the y-axes for the real cumulative distributions real_cdists.append( real_cdist_dat[1]) ###Get the real cumulative distributions #Calculate summary statistics D_cov_all = [] ###Empty list for the delta covariance statistics ks_all = [] ###Empty list for the KS distance statistics for i in range(len(sigma_vals)): ###Iterate through the simulations ###Compute the delta covariance statistics D_cov_all.append( ABC.d_cov(cluster, real_weights[i], real_res[i], real_err[i], fake_res[i], fake_err[i], num_stars, sigma_vals[i], elem, location, run_number)) ###Compute the KS distance statistics ks_all.append( ABC.KS(cluster, y_ax_real[i], real_cdists[i], y_ax_psm[i], psm_cdists[i], sigma_vals[i], elem, location, run_number)) D_cov_all = np.array(D_cov_all) ###Make into array ks_all = np.array(ks_all) ###Make into array #Write to file timestr = time.strftime( "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") #Date and time by which to identify file name_string = str(cluster).replace(' ', '') #Remove spaces from name of cluster pid = str(os.getpid()) ###PID for file labelling if location == 'personal': ###If running on Mac path = '/Users/chloecheng/Personal/run_files/' + name_string + '/' + name_string + '_' + elem + '_' + timestr + '_' + pid + '_' + str( run_number) + '.hdf5' elif location == 'server': ###If running on server path = '/geir_data/scr/ccheng/AST425/Personal/run_files/' + name_string + '/' + name_string + '_' + elem + '_' + timestr + '_' + pid + '_' + str( run_number) + '.hdf5' #Server path file = h5py.File(path, 'w') ###Write file file['D_cov'] = D_cov_all file['KS'] = ks_all file['sigma'] = sigma_vals file.close() return D_cov_all, ks_all, sigma_vals
def abc_semi_auto(n_obs: int, y_obs: [[float]], fitting_model: Models.Model, priors: ["stats.Distribution"], distance_measure=ABC.l2_norm, n_pilot_samples=10000, n_pilot_acc=1000, n_params_sample_size=100, summary_stats=None, printing=True) -> (["function"], [[float]]): group_dim = lambda ys, i: [y[i] for y in ys] summary_stats = summary_stats if (summary_stats) else ([ (lambda ys: group_dim(ys, i)) for i in range(len(y_obs[0])) ]) sampling_details = { "sampling_method": "best", "num_runs": n_pilot_samples, "sample_size": n_pilot_acc, "distance_measure": distance_measure, "params_sample_size": n_params_sample_size } #perform pilot run _, pilot_params = ABC.abc_rejection(n_obs=n_obs, y_obs=y_obs, fitting_model=fitting_model, priors=priors, sampling_details=sampling_details, summary_stats=summary_stats, show_plots=False, printing=printing) # calculate distribution of accepted params new_priors = [] for i in range(fitting_model.n_params): pilot_params_dim = [x[i] for x in pilot_params] dist = stats.gaussian_kde(pilot_params_dim) new_priors.append(dist) if (printing): print("Calculated posteriors from pilot.") # Sample new parameters and simulate model m = sampling_details["params_sample_size"] if ( "params_sample_size" in sampling_details) else 1000 samples = [] for i in range(m): if (printing): print("{}/{}".format(i, m), end="\r") theta_t = [list(p.resample(1))[0][0] for p in new_priors] # observe theorised model fitting_model.update_params(theta_t) y_t = fitting_model.observe() s_t = [s(y_t) for s in summary_stats] samples.append((theta_t, s_t)) if (printing): print("Generated {} parameter sets.".format(m)) # create summary stats # NOTE - other methods can be used new_summary_stats = [] X = [list(np.ravel(np.matrix(x[1]))) for x in samples] # flatten output data X = np.array(X) coefs = [] for i in range(fitting_model.n_params): y = np.array([x[0][i] for x in samples]) reg = LinearRegression().fit(X, y) coefs.append(list(reg.coef_)) new_summary_stats = [ lambda xs: list(, np.ravel(np.matrix(xs)))) ] s_t = [s(samples[0][1]) for s in new_summary_stats] if (printing): print("Generated summary statistics") return new_summary_stats, coefs
def two_step_minimum_entropy(summary_stats: ["function"], n_obs: int, y_obs: [[float]], fitting_model: Models.Model, priors: ["stats.Distribution"], min_subset_size=1, max_subset_size=None, n_samples=1000, n_accept=100, n_keep=10, k=4, printing=False) -> ([int], [[float]]): """ OPTIONAL PARAMETERS n_keep (int) - number of (best) accepted samples to keep from the set of stats which minimise entropy (`best_stats`) and use for evaluating second stage (default=10) """ n_stats = len(summary_stats) max_subset_size = max_subset_size if (max_subset_size) else n_stats # find summary stats which minimise entropy me_stats_id, accepted_theta = minimum_entropy( summary_stats, n_obs, y_obs, fitting_model, priors, min_subset_size=min_subset_size, max_subset_size=max_subset_size, n_samples=n_samples, n_accept=n_accept, k=k, printing=printing) me_stats = [summary_stats[i] for i in me_stats_id] s_obs = [s(y_obs) for s in me_stats] if (printing): print("ME stats found -", me_stats_id, "\n") # identify the `n_keep` best set of parameters theta_scores = [] for (i, theta) in enumerate(accepted_theta): fitting_model.update_params(theta) y_t = fitting_model.observe() s_t = [s(y_t) for s in me_stats] weight = ABC.l1_norm([ ABC.l2_norm(s_t_i, s_obs_i) for (s_t_i, s_obs_i) in zip(s_t, s_obs) ]) theta_scores.append((weight, i)) theta_scores.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) me_theta = [accepted_theta[x[1]] for x in theta_scores[:n_keep]] if (printing): print("ME theta found.\n") # all permutations of summary stats n_stats = len(summary_stats) perms = [] for n in range(min_subset_size, max_subset_size + 1): perms += [x for x in combinations([i for i in range(n_stats)], n)] lowest = ([], maxsize, []) # compare subsets of summary stats to sampling_details = { "sampling_method": "best", "num_runs": n_samples, "sample_size": n_accept, "distance_measure": ABC.log_l2_norm } for (i, perm) in enumerate(perms): if (printing): print("Permutation = ", perm, sep="") else: print("{}/{} ".format(i, len(perms)), end="\r") ss = [summary_stats[i] for i in perm] _, accepted_theta = ABC.abc_rejection(n_obs, y_obs, fitting_model, priors, sampling_details, summary_stats=ss, show_plots=False, printing=printing) rsses = [__rsse(accepted_theta, theta) for theta in me_theta] mrsse = np.mean(rsses) if (printing): print("MRSSE of ", perm, "= {:,.2f}\n".format(mrsse), sep="") if (mrsse < lowest[1]): lowest = (perm, mrsse, accepted_theta) return lowest[0], lowest[2]
def joyce_marjoram(summary_stats: ["function"], n_obs: int, y_obs: [[float]], fitting_model: Models.Model, priors: ["stats.Distribution"], param_bounds: [(float, float)], distance_measure=ABC.l2_norm, KERNEL=ABC.uniform_kernel, BANDWIDTH=1, n_samples=10000, n_bins=10, printing=True) -> [int]: """ DESCRIPTION Use the algorithm in Paul Joyce, Paul Marjoram 2008 to find an approxiamtely sufficient set of summary statistics (from set `summary_stats`) PARAMETERS summary_stats ([function]) - functions which summarise `y_obs` and the observations of `fitting_model` in some way. These are what will be evaluated n_obs (int) - Number of observations available. y_obs ([[float]]) - Observations from true model. fitting_model (Model) - Model the algorithm will aim to fit to observations. priors (["stats.Distribution"]) - Priors for the value of parameters of `fitting_model`. param_bounds ([(float,float)]) - The bounds of the priors used to generate parameter sets. KERNEL (func) - one of the kernels defined above. determine which parameters are good or not. BANDWIDTH (float) - scale parameter for `KERNEL` n_samples (int) - number of samples to make n_bins (int) - Number of bins to discretise each dimension of posterior into (default=10) RETURNS [int] - indexes of selected summary stats in `summary_stats` """ if (type(y_obs) != list): raise TypeError("`y_obs` must be a list (not {})".format(type(y_obs))) if (len(y_obs) != n_obs): raise ValueError( "Wrong number of observations supplied (len(y_obs)!=n_obs) ({}!={})" .format(len(y_obs), n_obs)) if (len(priors) != fitting_model.n_params): raise ValueError( "Wrong number of priors given (exp fitting_model.n_params={})". format(fitting_model.n_params)) group_dim = lambda ys, i: [y[i] for y in ys] summary_stats = summary_stats if (summary_stats) else ([ (lambda ys: group_dim(ys, i)) for i in range(len(y_obs[0])) ]) s_obs = [s(y_obs) for s in summary_stats] # generate samples SAMPLES = [] # (theta,s_vals) for i in range(n_samples): if (printing): print("{:,}/{:,}".format(i + 1, n_samples), end="\r") # sample parameters theta_t = [pi_i.rvs(1)[0] for pi_i in priors] # observe theorised model fitting_model.update_params(theta_t) y_t = fitting_model.observe() s_t = [s(y_t) for s in summary_stats] SAMPLES.append((theta_t, s_t)) if (printing): print() for i in range(len(summary_stats)): print("var_{}={:,.3f}".format(i, np.var([x[1][i] for x in SAMPLES]))) # consider adding each summary stat in turn ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID = [] # index of accepted summary stats id_to_try = randint(0, len(summary_stats) - 1) ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID = [id_to_try] tried = [] while True: if (printing): print("Currently accepted - ", ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID) # samples using current accepted summary stats samples_curr = [(theta, [s[j] for j in ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID]) for (theta, s) in SAMPLES] s_obs_curr = [s_obs[j] for j in ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID] accepted_params_curr = [] for (theta_t, s_t) in samples_curr: norm_vals = [ distance_measure(s_t_i, s_obs_i) for (s_t_i, s_obs_i) in zip(s_t, s_obs_curr) ] if ( KERNEL(ABC.l1_norm(norm_vals), BANDWIDTH) ): # NOTE - ABC.l1_norm() can be replaced by anyother other norm accepted_params_curr.append(theta_t) # chooose next ss to try available_ss = [ x for x in range(len(summary_stats) - len(tried)) if (x not in ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID) and (x not in tried) ] if (len(available_ss) == 0): return ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID id_to_try = available_ss[randint(0, len(available_ss) - 1)] tried += [id_to_try] if (printing): print("Trying to add {} to [{}]".format( id_to_try, ",".join([str(x) for x in ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID]))) # samples using current accepted summary stats and id_to_try samples_prop = [ (theta, [s[j] for j in ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID + [id_to_try]]) for (theta, s) in SAMPLES ] s_obs_prop = [ s_obs[j] for j in ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID + [id_to_try] ] accepted_params_prop = [] for (theta_t, s_t) in samples_prop: norm_vals = [ distance_measure(s_t_i, s_obs_i) for (s_t_i, s_obs_i) in zip(s_t, s_obs_prop) ] if ( KERNEL(ABC.l1_norm(norm_vals), BANDWIDTH) ): # NOTE - ABC.l1_norm() can be replaced by anyother other norm accepted_params_prop.append(theta_t) if (printing): print("N_(k-1)={:,}".format(len(accepted_params_curr))) if (printing): print("N_k ={:,}".format(len(accepted_params_prop))) if (__compare_summary_stats(accepted_params_curr, accepted_params_prop, param_bounds, n_params=len(priors), n_bins=10)): # add id_to_try ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID += [id_to_try] if (printing): print("Accepting {}.\nCurrently accepted - ".format(id_to_try), ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID) # consider removing previous summaries if (printing): print("\nConsider removing previous summaries") for i in range(len(ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID) - 2, -1, -1): ids_minus = [ x for (j, x) in enumerate(ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID) if j != i ] if (printing): print("Comparing [{}] to [{}]".format( ",".join([str(x) for x in ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID]), ",".join([str(x) for x in ids_minus]))) # samples using reduced set samples_minus = [(theta, [s[j] for j in ids_minus]) for (theta, s) in SAMPLES] s_obs_minus = [s_obs[j] for j in ids_minus] accepted_params_minus = [] for (theta_t, s_t) in samples_minus: norm_vals = [ distance_measure(s_t_i, s_obs_i) for (s_t_i, s_obs_i) in zip(s_t, s_obs_minus) ] if ( KERNEL(ABC.l1_norm(norm_vals), BANDWIDTH) ): # NOTE - ABC.l1_norm() can be replaced by anyother other norm accepted_params_minus.append(theta_t) if (__compare_summary_stats(accepted_params_prop, accepted_params_minus, param_bounds, n_params=len(priors), n_bins=10)): if (printing): print("Removing - ", ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID[i]) ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID = ids_minus if (printing): print("Reduced to - ", ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID) if (printing): print() return ACCEPTED_SUMMARY_STATS_ID
import psyneulink as pnl import ABC ABC = pnl.Composition(name='ABC') A_0 = pnl.TransferMechanism(name='A_0', function=pnl.Linear(intercept=2, slope=5)) A_input_0 = pnl.TransferMechanism(name='A_input_0', function=pnl.Linear(default_variable=0)) B_0 = pnl.TransferMechanism(name='B_0', function=pnl.Logistic) C_0 = pnl.TransferMechanism(name='C_0', function=pnl.Exponential) ABC.add_node(A_0) ABC.add_node(A_input_0) ABC.add_node(B_0) ABC.add_node(C_0) ABC.add_projection(projection=pnl.MappingProjection(name='Edge A_0 to B_0'), sender=A_0, receiver=B_0) ABC.add_projection( projection=pnl.MappingProjection(name='Edge A_input_0 to A_0'), sender=A_input_0, receiver=A_0) ABC.add_projection(projection=pnl.MappingProjection(name='Edge A_0 to C_0'), sender=A_0, receiver=C_0){A_input_0: 0}, log=True, num_trials=50) print('Finished running model')