예제 #1
    def find_offset_old(self,datafile, nonlinmin, nonlinmax, exclude, threshold):
        '''find_offset is used to determine the systematic offset present
        in the experimental setup that causes data to not be symmetric
        about zero input angle. It reads in the output of laserBench and
        returns the offset (in degrees)'''
        input_a, output_a = np.loadtxt(datafile,usecols=(0,1),unpack=True)
        for e in exclude:
            did = np.where(input_a == e)
            output_a = np.delete(output_a, did)
            input_a = np.delete(input_a, did)

        pidx = np.where(input_a > nonlinmax)
        nidx = np.where(input_a < nonlinmin)
        in_a = np.append(input_a[nidx],input_a[pidx])
        out_a = np.append(-1*output_a[nidx],output_a[pidx])
        error = np.zeros(in_a.size)+1

        b = 1000.
        offset = 0.
        while abs(b) > threshold:
            m, b = ADE.fit_line(in_a,out_a,error)
            offset += b
            in_a += b

        return offset
예제 #2
def ratio_test(t_file,data_path):

    T = thePot(t_file)
    fits_list = glob(data_path+'/*.FIT')
    volts = np.array([])
    counts = np.array([])

    for fits in fits_list:
        print fits,
        HDU = pyfits.open(fits)[0]
        exptime = HDU.header['EXPTIME']
        timestr = HDU.header['TIME-OBS']
        obstime = np.float(timestr[6:])\
            + np.float(timestr[3:5])*60.\
            + np.float(timestr[0:2])*3600.
        voltage = T.get_voltage(obstime,obstime+exptime,'V')
        r, sb, e = ADE.fast_annulize(HDU.data,300)
        r *= 0.024
        flux = np.cumsum(sb)
        rate = flux/exptime
        ADU = np.interp(54/10.,r,rate)

        print voltage, ADU

        volts = np.append(volts,voltage)
        counts = np.append(counts,ADU)

    fit = ADE.fit_line(volts,counts,np.ones(counts.shape))
    print fit
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
예제 #3
    def find_offset(self,datafile, nonlinmin, nonlinmax, exclude, threshold):

        input_a, output_a = np.loadtxt(datafile,usecols=(0,1),unpack=True)
        for e in exclude:
            did = np.where(input_a == e)
            output_a = np.delete(output_a, did)
            input_a = np.delete(input_a, did)

        pidx = np.where(input_a > nonlinmax)
        nidx = np.where(input_a < nonlinmin)
        in_a = np.append(input_a[nidx],input_a[pidx])
        out_a = np.append(-1*output_a[nidx],output_a[pidx])
        e = np.zeros(in_a.size)+1

        b = 1000.
        offset = 0.
        while abs(b) > threshold:
            m, b = ADE.fit_line(in_a,out_a,e)
            offset += b
            in_a += b

        return offset