def get_rbratios_tohoku(mc=5.0,'UTC')), winlen=None, avlen=None, targmag=9.0, ndithers=10, nContours=nContours1, bigmag=7.0, lons=[135., 148.5], lats=[30., 45.25], refreshcat=True, dt0=mhp.dtm.datetime(1990,1,1, tzinfo=mhp.pytz.timezone('UTC')), catname='cats/', mt=7.6): # # fetch and return a standard rb-ratio set. # if refreshcat==True: #cl1=yp.catfromANSS(lon=[92.0, 106.0],lat=[-9.0, 10.0], minMag=3.5, dates0=[yp.dtm.datetime(1990,1,1, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), yp.dtm.datetime(2012,6,19, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC'))], fout=catname) cl1=atp.catfromANSS(lon=lons,lat=lats, minMag=mc, dates0=[dtm.datetime(1990,1,1, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')),'UTC'))], fout=catname) # plt.figure(1) plt.clf() c1=eqp.eqcatalog([]) c1.loadCatFromFile(catname) = lambda x:x[0]) dlambda=1.76 N_sequence = rfp.getNofm(targmag, mc) if avlen==None: avlen = max(1,int(N_sequence/10)) tohokuEvent=c1.getMainEvent() print "n_seq: %d" % N_sequence tohokuLatLon = tohokuEvent[1], tohokuEvent[2] Lr = 10.0**(.5*targmag - 1.76) lfactor=.5 # c1.subcats+=[['r1', rfp.circularcat(c1.getcat(0), latlon=[tohokuEvent[1], tohokuEvent[2]], Rkm=Lr*lfactor)]] # #rbratios = c1.plotIntervalRatiosAx(winlen=N_sequence, cat=c1.getcat(1), hitThreshold=1.0, bigmag=9.0, thisAx=myaxes[i], ratios=None, delta_t=1, avlen=rbavelen, mainEv=mainshock, logZ=None, rbLegLoc=0, reverse=False) rbratios = c1.plotIntervalRatiosAx(winlen=N_sequence, cat=c1.getcat(1), hitThreshold=1.0, bigmag=9.0, thisAx=None, ratios=None, delta_t=1, avlen=avlen, mainEv=tohokuEvent, logZ=None, rbLegLoc=0, reverse=False) plt.figure(1) log_fact = math.log10(N_sequence) # #plt.plot(map(operator.itemgetter(0), rbratios), map(operator.itemgetter(5), rbratios), '-') plt.semilogy(map(operator.itemgetter(1), rbratios), [x[4]*1.0 for x in rbratios], 'k-', alpha=.8, zorder=11) return rbratios
def rtree_test1(lons=[-124., -114.], lats=[30., 41.5], mc=3.0): # # get an earthquake catalog from ANSS: # def catfromANSS(lon=[135., 150.], lat=[30., 41.5], minMag=4.0, dates0=[dtm.datetime(2005,01,01, tzinfo=tzutc), None], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True): anss_cat = atp.catfromANSS(lon=lons, lat=lats, minMag=mc, dates0=[dtm.datetime(2000,01,01, tzinfo=atp.tzutc), None], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True) # #return anss_cat # now, set up an index. do we need a bunch of indices, or is that the whole point of this? # idx = index.Index() # our bounding box: left,bottom,right,top = lons[0], lats[0], lons[1], lats[1] bounds = (left, bottom, right, top) # # now, insert all item indices from anss_cat into idx. nominally, we could insert the row as an object, or an index as an object... or we can synch the id with the # row index, and use the id as the index. note we insert elements as points, with left=right, top=bottom. [idx.insert(j, (rw['lon'], rw['lat'], rw['lon'], rw['lat'])) for j,rw in enumerate(anss_cat)] # # now, how 'bout find each point's NN: NN_1s=[list(idx.nearest((rw['lon'], rw['lat'], rw['lon'], rw['lat']),1)) for j,rw in enumerate(anss_cat)] NN_2s=[list(idx.nearest((rw['lon'], rw['lat'], rw['lon'], rw['lat']),2)) for j,rw in enumerate(anss_cat)] # idx2 = index.Index() idx2.insert(0, (0.,0.,1.,1.)) idx2.insert(1, (1.5,.5,1.5,.5)) # point at 1.5,.5 idx2.insert(2, (.5, 1.5, .5, 1.5)) # point at .5, 1.5 # # note, if we are looking for NNs to an object in the database (index), it will find itself first. this is not "find the NNs of object X in the index"; # the object/window is independent and external. print "indersections: ", list(idx2.intersection((0.,0.,1.,1.))) print "NNs: : ", list(idx2.nearest((0.,0.,1.,1.),2)) # return NN_1s, NN_2s
def pull_region_history(lon_range, lat_range, mc=4.5, date_range=['1990-1-1', None]): minlon = lon_range[0] maxlon = lon_range[1] minlat = lat_range[0] maxlat = lat_range[1] if date_range[1] == None: date_range[1] ='UTC')) # for j, dt in enumerate(date_range): if isinstance(dt, str): date_range[j] = mpd.num2date(mpd.datestr2num(dt)) # # start_date = date_range[0] end_date = date_range[1] incat = atp.catfromANSS(lon=[minlon, maxlon], lat=[minlat, maxlat], minMag=mc, dates0=[start_date, end_date], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True) return incat
def nepal_bm_decorator(cm=None, prams = nepal_ETAS_prams, fnum=0, map_res='i', big_mag=6.28, hours_after=None, **kwargs): cm = (cm or nepal_basemap()) prams.update(kwargs) # lons_nepal = [83., 87.] todt=prams.get('todt', None) catlen=prams.get('catlen', 5.*365.) lons=prams['lons'] lats=prams['lats'] mc = prams['mc'] # if todt==None: todt ='UTC')) dt0 = todt - dtm.timedelta(days=catlen) # get a catalog: cat_0 = atp.catfromANSS(lon=lons, lat=lats, minMag=mc, dates0=[dt0, todt], fout=None, rec_array=True) #print cat_0[0:5] #print list(cm(cat_0[0][2], cat_0[0][1])) quakes_map = [[rw[0]] + list(cm(rw[2], rw[1])) + [rw[3]] for rw in cat_0] max_mag = max([m for m in zip(*cat_0)[3]]) print("max magnitude: ", max_mag) for rw in cat_0: if rw[3]==max_mag: mainshock = rw break # make a datetime type for mainshock: mainshock_dtm = numpy_date_to_datetime(mainshock[0]) if hours_after!=None: time_after = dtm.timedelta(hours=hours_after) else: time_after = my_now()-mainshock_dtm # cat_big = [x for x in cat_0 if (x[3]>big_mag and x[0]>mainshock[0] and x!=mainshock)] # just big aftershocks... # plt.plot([mainshock[2]], [mainshock[1]], 'r*', ms=17, zorder=6) plt.plot([mainshock[2]], [mainshock[1]], 'k*', ms=20, zorder=5) plt.plot(*list(zip(*[[rw[1], rw[2]] for rw in quakes_map if rw[0]<mainshock[0]])), marker='o', ms=5, ls='', color='r', zorder=5, label='befores') # plt.plot(*list(zip(*[[rw[1], rw[2]] for rw in quakes_map if (rw[0]>mainshock[0] and rw[0]<mainshock[0].tolist()+time_after)])), marker='o', ls='', ms=5, color='b', zorder=5, label='afters') # # ... and the big ones: for rw in cat_big: print(rw) dt=rw[0].tolist() # plt.plot([rw[2]], [rw[1]], 'o', ms=15.*(rw[3]/8.), label='m=%.2f, %d/%d' % (rw[3], dt.month,, zorder=6, alpha=.6) # plt.legend(loc=0, numpoints=1) return cm
def mpi_cat(lons=[-123., -114.], lats=[31.5, 43.], mc=2.5, date_range=None, cat_len=10.*365.25): # date_range = (date_range or [None, None]) date_range[0] = (date_range[0] or'UTC'))-dtm.timedelta(days=cat_len)) date_range[1] = (date_range[1] or'UTC'))) # # cat0 = atp.catfromANSS(lon=lons, lat=lats, minMag=mc, dates0=date_range, Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True) # # but for now, something simpler... n_cpu = mpp.cpu_count() ary = mpp.Array(list(range(10*n_cpu))) # return cat0
def rtree_test2(lons=[-124., -114.], lats=[30., 41.5], anss_cat=None, mc=3.0): # # get an earthquake catalog from ANSS: # def catfromANSS(lon=[135., 150.], lat=[30., 41.5], minMag=4.0, dates0=[dtm.datetime(2005,01,01, tzinfo=tzutc), None], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True): # use rtree index to select objects (earthquakes) from a geo-spatial region. # note also nearest-neighbor test script(s). if anss_cat==None: anss_cat = atp.catfromANSS(lon=lons, lat=lats, minMag=mc, dates0=[dtm.datetime(2000,01,01, tzinfo=atp.tzutc), None], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True) cols, formats = [list(x) for x in zip(*anss_cat.dtype.descr)] # print "catalog fetched. now set up index..." # #return anss_cat # now, set up an index. do we need a bunch of indices, or is that the whole point of this? # idx = index.Index() # our bounding box: left,bottom,right,top = lons[0], lats[0], lons[1], lats[1] bounds = (left, bottom, right, top) #print "bounds: ", bounds #return anss_cat # # now, insert all item indices from anss_cat into idx. nominally, we could insert the row as an object, or an index as an object... or we can synch the id with the # row index, and use the id as the index. note we insert elements as points, with left=right, top=bottom. [idx.insert(j, (rw['lon'], rw['lat'], rw['lon'], rw['lat'])) for j,rw in enumerate(anss_cat)] # # now, we can use idx to get the index (row number) of elements inside some bounding rectangle like (i think): # note: height, width, etc. have to be defined. this is basically pseudo-code at this point. ev_x = numpy.mean(lons) ev_y = numpy.mean(lats) zone_width = .3*abs(lons[1]-lons[0]) zone_height = .3*abs(lats[1]-lats[0]) print "mean position: ", ev_x, ev_y, zone_width, zone_height # event_neighbor_indices = list(idx.intersection((ev_x-zone_width, ev_y-zone_height, ev_x + zone_width, ev_y+zone_height))) event_neighbors = [anss_cat[j] for j in event_neighbor_indices] lat_index = cols.index('lat') lon_index = cols.index('lon') # zone_box = [[ev_x-zone_width, ev_y-zone_height],[ev_x+zone_width, ev_y-zone_height], [ev_x+zone_width, ev_y+zone_height], [ev_x-zone_width, ev_y+zone_height], [ev_x-zone_width, ev_y-zone_height]] # plt.figure(0) plt.clf() plt.plot(anss_cat['lon'], anss_cat['lat'], '.', color='b') plt.plot(*zip(*zone_box), color='g', ls='--', lw=1.5, alpha=.8) plt.plot(*zip(*[[anss_cat[k][lon_index], anss_cat[k][lat_index]] for k in event_neighbor_indices]), marker = '+', ls='', color='g', alpha=.7) plt.plot([ev_x], [ev_y], '*', ms=15, color='r') # return anss_cat, idx
def __init__(self, lat_min=31., lat_max=42., lon_min=-125., lon_max=-115., mc=3.0, grid_dx=10., grid_dy=10., grid_units='km', date_min=dtm.datetime(1990,1,1, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), date_max=None, N_max=None, cat_out_file=None): # make a lattice of grid sites (really points with some spacing; for now, assume rectalinearly equal spacing). # get a catalog of earthquakes; create an auxilary catalog as well. # self.lat_min=lat_min self.lat_max=lat_max self.lon_min=lon_min self.lon_max=lon_max self.grid_dx = grid_dx self.grid_dy = grid_dy self.grid_units=grid_units self.date_min=date_min self.date_max=date_max # note: these may differ from the values in the catalog, so we might want to write some code/commentary to be specific. self.N_max=N_max self.cat_out_file=cat_out_file # self.catalog = atp.catfromANSS(lon=[lon_min, lon_max], lat=[lat_min, lat_max], minMag=mc, dates0=[date_min, date_max], Nmax=N_max, fout=cat_out_file, rec_array=True)
def pull_region_history(lon_range, lat_range, mc=4.5, date_range=['1990-1-1', None]): minlon = lon_range[0] maxlon = lon_range[1] minlat = lat_range[0] maxlat = lat_range[1] if date_range[1]==None: date_range[1] ='UTC')) # for j,dt in enumerate(date_range): if isinstance(dt, str): date_range[j] = mpd.num2date(mpd.datestr2num(dt)) # # start_date = date_range[0] end_date = date_range[1] incat = atp.catfromANSS(lon=[minlon, maxlon], lat=[minlat, maxlat], minMag=mc, dates0=[start_date, end_date], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True) return incat
def __init__(self, lat_min=31., lat_max=42., lon_min=-125., lon_max=-115., mc=3.0, grid_dx=10., grid_dy=10., grid_units='km', date_min=dtm.datetime(1990, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), date_max=None, N_max=None, cat_out_file=None): # make a lattice of grid sites (really points with some spacing; for now, assume rectalinearly equal spacing). # get a catalog of earthquakes; create an auxilary catalog as well. # self.lat_min = lat_min self.lat_max = lat_max self.lon_min = lon_min self.lon_max = lon_max = mc self.grid_dx = grid_dx self.grid_dy = grid_dy self.grid_units = grid_units self.date_min = date_min self.date_max = date_max # note: these may differ from the values in the catalog, so we might want to write some code/commentary to be specific. self.N_max = N_max self.cat_out_file = cat_out_file # self.catalog = atp.catfromANSS(lon=[lon_min, lon_max], lat=[lat_min, lat_max], minMag=mc, dates0=[date_min, date_max], Nmax=N_max, fout=cat_out_file, rec_array=True)
def gr_thing(lats=[31., 43.], lons=[-126., -114.], mc=3.0, t0=dtm.datetime(1990,1,1, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')),'UTC')), m0=6.0, b0=1.0): N0=1000. cat = ANSStools.catfromANSS(lon=lons, lat=lats, minMag=mc, dates0=[t0, t1], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True) # # nominally, we'd get some sort of spatial subcats, but we won't bother just yet. # now, get subcats between each of the m>m_0 events; plot, fit, etc. # my_axes = [] for fnum in range(4): plt.figure(fnum) plt.clf() my_axes += [plt.gca()] if fnum<2: my_axes[-1].set_yscale('log') b=b0 # though later, we might fit this # #for best speed and memory performance, we should just walk through this, but this will be easier to code: # m_index = [[j,m] for j,m in enumerate(cat['mag']) if m>=m0] abmag = [] # for j,rw in enumerate(m_index[1:]): # color for plotting (optinal): this_color = colors_[j%len(colors_)] # these_mags = sorted(cat['mag'][m_index[j][0]+1:rw[0]].copy()) # if len(these_mags)<2: print("insufficient sequence length: %d" % len(these_mags)) continue # these_mags.reverse() Ns = numpy.arange(1., len(these_mags)+1, 1.) my_axes[0].plot(these_mags, Ns, 'o-') # # now, scale these for stacking. scale counts to m0. m_start = cat['mag'][m_index[j][0]] m_stop = cat['mag'][rw[0]] m_mean = .5*(m_start+m_stop) # #Ns_prime = [n*(10.**(b*(m0-m))) for n,m in zip(Ns, these_mags)] #Ns_prime = [n*(10.**(b*(m0-m_mean))) for n,m in zip(Ns, these_mags)] Ns_prime = [n*Ns[0]/Ns[-1] for n in Ns] delta_log_ratio = abs(math.log10(Ns_prime[0]/Ns_prime[-1]))/math.log10(Ns[-1]) ms_prime = [m*delta_log_ratio for m in these_mags] #my_axes[1].plot(these_mags, Ns_prime, '.-') my_axes[1].plot(ms_prime, Ns_prime, '.-') # # fit for b values: #print "len[%d]: (%d/%d:%f): %d " % (j, m_index[j][0], rw[0], rw[1], len(these_mags)) # fits = numpy.linalg.lstsq(numpy.array([[m,1.0] for m in these_mags]), numpy.log10(Ns))[0] print("fits: ", fits[0]) abmag += [[fits[1], fits[0], m_index[j][1], rw[1]]] # my_axes[2].plot([m_index[j][1], rw[1]], [fits[1], fits[1]], 'o-', color=this_color) #my_axes[2].plot([fits[1]], [rw[1]], 'o', color=this_color) # my_axes[3].plot([m_index[j][1], rw[1]], [fits[0], fits[0]], 'o-', color=this_color) #my_axes[3].plot([fits[0]], [rw[1]], 'o', color=this_color) # print("b-values:\n median: %f, mean: %f \\pm %f" % (numpy.median([rw[1] for rw in abmag]), numpy.mean([rw[1] for rw in abmag]), numpy.std([rw[1] for rw in abmag]))) # plt.figure(2) #plt.clf() #plt.plot(*zip(*[[rw[0], rw[2]] for rw in abmag]), marker='o', ls='') #plt.plot(*zip(*[[rw[0], rw[3]] for rw in abmag]), marker='o', ls='') plt.ylabel('a-val') plt.xlabel('magnitude $m$') plt.figure(3) #plt.clf() #plt.plot(*zip(*[[rw[1], rw[2]] for rw in abmag]), marker='o', ls='') #plt.plot(*zip(*[[rw[1], rw[3]] for rw in abmag]), marker='o', ls='') plt.ylabel('b-val') plt.xlabel('magnitude $m$') ax_bcdf = my_axes[3].twiny() bs = [rw[1] for rw in abmag] bs.sort() ax_bcdf.plot(range(1,len(bs)+1), bs, 's-', lw=2, alpha=.7) ax_bcdf.set_ylabel('$N<b$')
def parkfield_pca(L_r_factor=3.0): # a test example using the parkfield earthquake. let's throw in some rtree as well. # catfromANSS(lon=[135., 150.], lat=[30., 41.5], minMag=4.0, dates0=[dtm.datetime(2005,01,01, tzinfo=tzutc), None], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True): # d_lambda = 1.76 # parkfield = { 'dt': dtm.datetime(2004, 9, 28, 17, 15, 24, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), 'lat': 35.815, 'lon': -120.374, 'mag': 5.96 } L_r = 10.**(parkfield['mag'] / 2. - d_lambda) d_lat = L_r_factor * L_r / 111.1 d_lon = L_r_factor * L_r * math.cos(deg2rad * parkfield['lat']) / 111.1 print "d_lat, d_lon: ", d_lat, d_lon # x = parkfield['lon'] y = parkfield['lat'] parkfield_cat_prams = { 'lon': [x - d_lon, x + d_lon], 'lat': [y - d_lat, y + d_lon], 'minMag': 1.5, 'dates0': [ dtm.datetime(2004, 9, 28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), dtm.datetime(2010, 9, 28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')) ], 'Nmax': None, 'fout': None, 'rec_array': True } # cat = atp.catfromANSS(**parkfield_cat_prams) # # i still don't get what this does... #my_pca = PCA(numpy.array(zip(cat['lon'], cat['lat']))) my_pca = ptp.yoda_pca(zip(cat['lon'], cat['lat'])) # returns (eig_vals, eig_vecs) e_vals = my_pca[0] e_vecs = numpy.array(my_pca[1]) # e_vals_n = e_vals / min(e_vals) # print "e_vecs:", e_vecs[0][0], e_vecs[0][1], e_vecs[1][0], e_vecs[1][1] circle_xy = simple_circle(x=x, y=y, r=L_r * L_r_factor / 111.1) # # a rotational transformation: # elliptical distribution; a = r, b = {something < a}. this is distinct from the equal-area transform, in which a>r. # note that for this transform, the initial rate-density is adjusted to the new (surface projection) area. mu_x, mu_y = [numpy.mean(col) for col in zip(*circle_xy)] #print "means: ", mu_x, mu_y #circle_xy_prime =[[rw[0]-mu_x, rw[1]-mu_y] for rw in circle_xy], e_vecs_prime) circle_xy_prime = [[rw[0] - mu_x, rw[1] - mu_y] for rw in circle_xy] # circle_xy_prime = [[, e_vecs[0]) * e_vals_n[0],, e_vecs[1]) * e_vals_n[1] ] for rw in circle_xy_prime] #circle_xy_prime =[[rw[0] + mu_x, rw[1]+mu_y] for rw in circle_xy_prime], zip(*e_vecs)) #circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs.transpose()) circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs) circle_xy_prime = [[j + mu_x, k + mu_y] for j, k in circle_xy_prime] #circle_xy_prime =, zip(*e_vecs)) # plt.figure(0) plt.clf() plt.plot(cat['lon'], cat['lat'], '.') plt.plot([x], [y], 'r*', ms=15) Lry = abs(L_r_factor * L_r / 111.1) Lrx = abs(Lry * math.cos(y * deg2rad)) # Wts = [xx / max(e_vals) for xx in e_vals] print "Wts: ", Wts #e_vecs = e_vecs.transpose() #plt.plot([x, x + Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') #plt.plot([x, x + Lrx*e_vecs[1][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.plot([x, x + Wts[0] * Lry * e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Wts[0] * Lry * e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') plt.plot([x, x + Wts[1] * Lry * e_vecs[1][0]], [y, y + Wts[1] * Lry * e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.plot(*zip(*circle_xy), ls='-', marker='', lw=2.) plt.plot(*zip(*circle_xy_prime), ls='--', color='r', marker='', lw=1.5, alpha=.7, zorder=11) #plt.plot([x, x+Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][0]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') #plt.plot([x, x+Lrx*e_vecs[0][1]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.figure(1) plt.clf() #plt.plot([0., Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [0., Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], '.-') #plt.plot([0., Lrx*e_vecs[1][0]], [0., Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], '.--') plt.plot([0., e_vecs[0][0]], [0., e_vecs[0][1]], '.-') plt.plot([0., e_vecs[1][0]], [0., e_vecs[1][1]], '.--') # return my_pca
def etas_auto(lon_center=None, lat_center=None, d_lat_0=.25, d_lon_0=.5, dt_0=10, Lr_map_factor=5.0, mc=2.5, mc_0=None, dm_cat=2.0, gridsize=.1, to_dt=None, mainshock_dt=None, fnameroot='etas_auto', catlen=5.0*365.0, d_lambda=1.76, doplot=False, show_legend=True): ''' # , Lr_as_factor=.5 # a version of this exists also in, but for now let's just develop separately. # # a starter script to auto-select some parameters for an ETAS run. in practice, give this script a center location (probably a mainshock epicenter). # the script will find the largest earthquake in that region and scale up an ETAS parameter set accordingly. # d_lat_0, d_lon_0, dt_0 are the starting catalog parameters (largest earthquake in d_lat_0 x d_lon_0 x dt_0 cube). # # i think this is an earlier version of a similar (nearly identical?) script in ETASscripts ''' # lw=2.5 # catch some default value exceptions: if dt_0==None: dt_0=10 # _colors = mpl.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] Lr_as_factor=.5 # #if to_dt == None: to_dt ='UTC')) to_dt = (to_dt or'UTC'))) mc_0 = (mc_0 or mc) mainshock_dt = (mainshock_dt or to_dt) # if lon_center==None and lat_center==None: # let's look for any large earthquake in the world. assume for this, mc mc_0=6.0 lat_center = 0. lon_center = 0. d_lat_0 = 88. d_lon_0 = -180. # # get a preliminary catalog: #cat_0 = atp.catfromANSS(lon=[lon_center-d_lon_0, lon_center+d_lon_0], lat=[lat_center - d_lat_0, lat_center+d_lat_0], minMag=mc_0, dates0=[to_dt-dtm.timedelta(days=dt_0), to_dt], fout=None, rec_array=True) cat_0 = atp.catfromANSS(lon=[lon_center-d_lon_0, lon_center+d_lon_0], lat=[lat_center - d_lat_0, lat_center+d_lat_0], minMag=mc_0, dates0=[to_dt-dtm.timedelta(days=dt_0), mainshock_dt], fout=None, rec_array=True) # diagnostic: output catalog length print("catalog length: %d" % len(cat_0)) # # if there are no events, we probably are looking for a long range ETAS, so let's look for ALL events in the full catlen interval: if len(cat_0)==1: print("empty catalog. search over the whole catalog length...") # note: when we return as a recarray, an empty array has length 1 (pull up an empty array and figure out the details some time). cat_0 = atp.catfromANSS(lon=[lon_center-d_lon_0, lon_center+d_lon_0], lat=[lat_center - d_lat_0, lat_center+d_lat_0], minMag=mc_0, dates0=[to_dt-dtm.timedelta(days=catlen), to_dt], fout=None, rec_array=True) # #biggest_earthquake = filter(lambda x: x['mag']==max(cat_0['mag']), cat_0)[0] print("fetch preliminary catalog; find *mainshock*") mainshock = {cat_0.dtype.names[j]:x for j,x in enumerate(filter(lambda x: x['mag']==max(cat_0['mag']), cat_0)[0])} #print "biggest event(s): ", mainshock # # now, get new map domain based on rupture length, etc. #L_r = .5*10.0**(.5*mainshock['mag'] - 1.76) L_r = Lr(mainshock['mag'], fact=Lr_as_factor, d_lambda=d_lambda) d_lat = Lr_map_factor*L_r/lon2km d_lon = Lr_map_factor*L_r/(lon2km*math.cos(deg2rad*mainshock['lat'])) lats = [mainshock['lat']-d_lat, mainshock['lat']+d_lat] lons = [mainshock['lon']-d_lon, mainshock['lon']+d_lon] print("lats, lons: ", lats, lons, L_r) print("mainshock found: ", mainshock, ".\nNow, find aftershocks...") # #working_cat = atp.catfromANSS(lon=[mainshock['lon']-d_lon, mainshock['lon']+d_lon], lat=[mainshock['lat']-d_lat, mainshock['lat']+d_lat], minMag=mc, dates0=[to_dt-dtm.timedelta(days=catlen), to_dt], fout=None, rec_array=True) primary_cat = atp.catfromANSS(lon=lons, lat=lats, minMag=mc, dates0=[to_dt-dtm.timedelta(days=catlen), to_dt], fout=None, rec_array=True) # if not doplot: return primary_cat aftershock_cat = numpy.core.records.fromarrays(list(zip(*[rw for rw in primary_cat if rw['mag']>=(mainshock['mag']-dm_cat)])),dtype=primary_cat.dtype) # #cat_map = get_catalog_map(lats=lats, lons=lons, eq_cat = aftershock_cat) cat_map = get_catalog_map(lats=lats, lons=lons) # # now, let's draw circles around (some of) these events. this will be a bit sloppy, since we need to convert coordinates from dist -> lat/lon -> map. # for k,ev in enumerate(aftershock_cat): print("event: %d: " % k, ev) for j,lr_fact in enumerate([.5, 1.0]): lr = Lr(ev['mag'], fact=lr_fact, d_lambda=d_lambda) #as_circle = circle_geo(lon0=ev['lon'], lat0=ev['lat'], R=lr*1000., d_theta=None, N=250, units_theta='deg', R_units='m') #Xa, Ya = cat_map(*zip(*as_circle)) # if j==0: line_style = '--' else: line_style='-' # Xa, Ya = cat_map(*list(zip(*circle_geo(lon0=ev['lon'], lat0=ev['lat'], R=lr*1000., d_theta=None, N=250, units_theta='deg', R_units='m')))) plt.plot(Xa, Ya, '%s' % line_style, zorder=7, color=_colors[k%len(_colors)], lw=lw) x,y = cat_map(ev['lon'], ev['lat']) ev_dtm = ev['event_date'].tolist() lbl_str = 'm=%.2f, %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d' % (ev['mag'], ev_dtm.year, ev_dtm.month,, ev_dtm.hour,ev_dtm.minute,ev_dtm.second) # # plot pre-mainshock events as squares, post-mainshock events as circles: if ev['event_date']<mainshock['event_date']: marker_str = 's' if ev['event_date']==mainshock['event_date']: marker_str = '*' if ev['event_date']>mainshock['event_date']: marker_str = 'o' # plt.plot([x], [y], marker_str, ms=15.*ev['mag']/8.0, color=_colors[k%len(_colors)], label=lbl_str, zorder=7) if show_legend: plt.legend(loc=0, numpoints=1) plt.plot(*cat_map(primary_cat['lon'], primary_cat['lat']), marker='.', ls='', ms=3., zorder=5, alpha=.6) # # and for now, let's plot time-links (lines betwen sequential events): for k, ev in enumerate(aftershock_cat[1:]): X,Y = cat_map([aftershock_cat[k]['lon'], ev['lon']], [aftershock_cat[k]['lat'], ev['lat']]) plt.plot(X,Y, '.-', ms=8, color=_colors[k%len(_colors)]) # f=plt.figure(1) plt.clf() ax3d = f.add_axes([.1, .1, .8, .8], projection='3d') ax3d.plot(aftershock_cat['lon'], aftershock_cat['lat'], aftershock_cat['event_date_float'], 'o-') #z = [mpd.date2num(dt.tolist()) for dt in aftershock_cat['event_date']] #ax3d.plot(aftershock_cat['lat'][1:], aftershock_cat['lon'][1:], [x for x in (aftershock_cat['event_date_float'][1:]-mainshock['event_date_float'])], 'o-') #ax3d.plot(aftershock_cat['lat'][1:], aftershock_cat['lon'][1:], [math.log10(x-z[0]) for x in z[1:]], 'o-') ax3d.set_ylabel('latitude') ax3d.set_xlabel('longitude') ax3d.set_zlabel('time') #print "times: ", [x-z[0] for x in z[1:]] # f=plt.figure(2) plt.clf() ax3d2 = f.add_axes([.1, .1, .8, .8], projection='3d') ax3d2.plot(aftershock_cat['lon'][1:], aftershock_cat['lat'][1:], numpy.log10(aftershock_cat['event_date_float'][1:]-aftershock_cat['event_date_float'][0]), 'o-') # ax3d2.set_ylabel('latitude') ax3d2.set_xlabel('longitude') ax3d2.set_zlabel('$log(\\Delta t)$') # print("log(dt): ", numpy.log10(aftershock_cat['event_date_float'][1:]-aftershock_cat['event_date_float'][0])) # f=plt.figure(3) plt.clf() ax3d3 = f.add_axes([.1, .1, .8, .8], projection='3d') ax3d3.plot(aftershock_cat['lon'][0:], aftershock_cat['lat'][0:], aftershock_cat['depth'][0:], 'o-') ax3d3.set_ylabel('latitude') ax3d3.set_xlabel('longitude') ax3d3.set_zlabel('depth $z$') # #print "mainshock: ", mainshock, mainshock['event_date'] cat = atp.catfromANSS(lon=lons, lat=lats, minMag=mc, dates0=[mpd.num2date(mainshock['event_date_float']-1.0), to_dt], fout=None, rec_array=True) f=plt.figure(4) plt.clf() ax3d = f.add_axes([.1, .1, .8, .8], projection='3d') ax3d.plot(cat['lon'], cat['lat'], cat['event_date_float'], 'o') # # ax3d.set_title('All quakes, lat, lon, time') ax3d.set_ylabel('latitude') ax3d.set_xlabel('longitude') ax3d.set_zlabel('time') #return aftershock_cat return primary_cat
def doSumatra(mc=5.0, targmag=9.1, rbavelen=None, bigmag=9.5, intlist=None, catname='cats/', refreshcat=False, plotevents=False, mt=7.55, lons=[92.0, 106.0],lats=[-9.0, 10.0], lfactor=.5): # get a bunch of sumatra fits from rbTectoFigs. we'll want analysis on 0, 2, 3 #sumatra_catalog = rfp.sumatraQuad() cl1=atp.catfromANSS(lon=lons,lat=lats, minMag=mc, dates0=[dtm.datetime(1990,1,1, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')),'UTC'))], fout=None) catalogs=[] # c1=eqp.eqcatalog(cl1) c1.targmag = targmag # = lambda x:x[0]) dlambda=1.76 Lr=10.0**(targmag/2.0 - dlambda) latlonMS=[3.316, 95.854] #mainshock #mainshock = [dtm.datetime(2004, 12, 26, 0, 58, 53, 449995, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), 3.295, 95.982, 9.0, 30.0] mainshock=c1.getMainEvent() mainshock[3]=9.1 #ANSS seems to be listing sumatra as 9.0 lately. mevIndex = mainshock[-1] # foreshocks = [] foreshocks+=[mainshock[:]] foreshocks+=[mainshock[:]] #foreshocks+=[[dtm.datetime(2000, 6, 4, 16, 28, 26, 170001, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), -4.721, 102.087, 7.9, 33.0]] #foreshocks+=[[dtm.datetime(2001, 2, 13, 19, 28, 30, 260001, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), -4.68, 102.562, 7.4, 36.0]] #foreshocks+=[[dtm.datetime(2002, 11, 2, 1, 26, 10, 699996, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), 2.824, 96.085, 7.4, 30.0]] # # adjust mainshock: foreshocks[0][1]+=0. foreshocks[0][2]-=0. # for i in xrange(mevIndex+1,len(c1.getcat(0))): if c1.getcat(0)[i][3]>=8.0: foreshocks+=[c1.getcat(0)[i]] print "large aftershock: ", c1.getcat(0)[i] # interesting_quads = [0,2,3] # we know these are interesting... interesting_quads = range(len(foreshocks)) for i in interesting_quads: #thiscatnum=i #thisfignum=i thismag=foreshocks[i][3] thisLr = 10.0**(thismag/2.0 - dlambda) # #if i>0: fsLatLon=[foreshocks[i][1], foreshocks[i][2]] #if i>0: c1.subcats+=[['r%d' %i, circularcat(c1.getcat(0), latlon=fsLatLon, Rkm=Lr*lfactor)]] catalogs+=[eqp.eqcatalog(rfp.circularcat(c1.getcat(0), latlon=fsLatLon, Rkm=Lr*lfactor))] catalogs[-1].mainshock = catalogs[-1].getMainEvent() # # some stuff we know: catalogs[0].mainshock[3] = targmag # or 9.1... but anss sometimes reports this differently in think. # # fignum0=11 current_fig = plt.figure(fignum0) # for i_catalog, catalog in enumerate(catalogs): # #mev = catalog.getMainEvent() mev = catalog.mainshock # which we've added in this script. otherwise, use catalog.getMainEvent() print "mev: ", mev interval_len = rfp.winlen(m=mev[3], mc=mc, mt=mt, doInt=True) avlen = max(1,int(interval_len/10)) # current_fig = plt.figure() plt.clf() catalog.rbomoriQuadPlot(targmag=mev[3], mc=mc, weighted=False, fignum=current_fig.number) # current_fig = plt.figure() plt.clf() catalog.rbomoriQuadPlot(targmag=mev[3], mc=mc, weighted=True, fignum=current_fig.number) # # poisson ratio limits: these_axes = current_fig.axes if len(these_axes)>=3: ax_rb = these_axes[2] # poisson ratio bit: # this doesn't vary much, so for now just do a regular gr guess: n_rb_poisson = 10**(mev[3]-mc-2.0) poisson_ratio_0 = list(ratio_sigma(n_rb_poisson, 1.0)) poisson_ratio_1 = list(ratio_sigma(n_rb_poisson, .5)) print 'sigma_ratios: ', poisson_ratio_0, poisson_ratio_1 #plt.figure(fignum0-1) for y in poisson_ratio_0 + poisson_ratio_1: #print catalog.getcat(0)[0] ax_rb.plot([catalog.getcat(0)[0][0], catalog.getcat(0)[-1][0]], [y, y], 'm-', lw=2) # #rbratios = catalog.getNRBratios(intervals=None, winlen=interval_len, delta_t=1, reverse=False) #rb_values = map(operator.itemgetter(4), rbratios) #mean_rbs = [numpy.mean(rb_values[max(i-interval_len, 0):i+1]) for i, x in enumerate(rb_values)] #for i,x in enumerate(mean_rbs): rbratios[i]+=[x] # #return rbratios # #fits = get_ratio_fits(ratios=rbratios, Nfits=[interval_len]) #plotses = plot_ratio_fits(fits, new_figs=False, fignum0=fignum0) #fignum0+=4 # #return (rbratios, rbratio_fits, rbf_plot) return None
def parkfield_pca(L_r_factor=3.0): # a test example using the parkfield earthquake. let's throw in some rtree as well. # catfromANSS(lon=[135., 150.], lat=[30., 41.5], minMag=4.0, dates0=[dtm.datetime(2005,01,01, tzinfo=tzutc), None], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True): # d_lambda = 1.76 # parkfield={'dt':dtm.datetime(2004,9,28,17,15,24, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), 'lat':35.815, 'lon':-120.374, 'mag':5.96} L_r = 10.**(parkfield['mag']/2. - d_lambda) d_lat = L_r_factor * L_r/111.1 d_lon = L_r_factor * L_r*math.cos(deg2rad*parkfield['lat'])/111.1 print "d_lat, d_lon: ", d_lat, d_lon # x=parkfield['lon'] y=parkfield['lat'] parkfield_cat_prams = {'lon':[x-d_lon, x+d_lon], 'lat':[y-d_lat, y+d_lon], 'minMag':1.5, 'dates0':[dtm.datetime(2004,9,28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), dtm.datetime(2010,9,28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC'))], 'Nmax':None, 'fout':None, 'rec_array':True} # cat = atp.catfromANSS(**parkfield_cat_prams) # # i still don't get what this does... #my_pca = PCA(numpy.array(zip(cat['lon'], cat['lat']))) my_pca = ptp.yoda_pca(zip(cat['lon'], cat['lat'])) # returns (eig_vals, eig_vecs) e_vals = my_pca[0] e_vecs = numpy.array(my_pca[1]) # e_vals_n = e_vals/min(e_vals) # print "e_vecs:", e_vecs[0][0], e_vecs[0][1], e_vecs[1][0], e_vecs[1][1] circle_xy = simple_circle(x=x, y=y, r=L_r*L_r_factor/111.1) # # a rotational transformation: # elliptical distribution; a = r, b = {something < a}. this is distinct from the equal-area transform, in which a>r. # note that for this transform, the initial rate-density is adjusted to the new (surface projection) area. mu_x, mu_y = [numpy.mean(col) for col in zip(*circle_xy)] #print "means: ", mu_x, mu_y #circle_xy_prime =[[rw[0]-mu_x, rw[1]-mu_y] for rw in circle_xy], e_vecs_prime) circle_xy_prime = [[rw[0]-mu_x, rw[1]-mu_y] for rw in circle_xy] # circle_xy_prime = [[,e_vecs[0])*e_vals_n[0],, e_vecs[1])*e_vals_n[1]] for rw in circle_xy_prime] #circle_xy_prime =[[rw[0] + mu_x, rw[1]+mu_y] for rw in circle_xy_prime], zip(*e_vecs)) #circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs.transpose()) circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs) circle_xy_prime = [[j+mu_x, k+mu_y] for j,k in circle_xy_prime] #circle_xy_prime =, zip(*e_vecs)) # plt.figure(0) plt.clf() plt.plot(cat['lon'], cat['lat'], '.') plt.plot([x], [y], 'r*', ms=15) Lry = abs(L_r_factor * L_r/111.1) Lrx = abs(Lry*math.cos(y*deg2rad)) # Wts = [xx/max(e_vals) for xx in e_vals] print "Wts: ", Wts #e_vecs = e_vecs.transpose() #plt.plot([x, x + Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') #plt.plot([x, x + Lrx*e_vecs[1][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.plot([x, x + Wts[0]*Lry*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Wts[0]*Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') plt.plot([x, x + Wts[1]*Lry*e_vecs[1][0]], [y, y + Wts[1]*Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.plot(*zip(*circle_xy), ls='-', marker='', lw=2.) plt.plot(*zip(*circle_xy_prime), ls='--', color='r', marker='', lw=1.5, alpha=.7, zorder=11) #plt.plot([x, x+Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][0]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') #plt.plot([x, x+Lrx*e_vecs[0][1]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.figure(1) plt.clf() #plt.plot([0., Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [0., Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], '.-') #plt.plot([0., Lrx*e_vecs[1][0]], [0., Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], '.--') plt.plot([0., e_vecs[0][0]], [0., e_vecs[0][1]], '.-') plt.plot([0., e_vecs[1][0]], [0., e_vecs[1][1]], '.--') # return my_pca
def parkfield_pca(L_r_factor=3.0): # a test example using the parkfield earthquake. let's throw in some rtree as well. # catfromANSS(lon=[135., 150.], lat=[30., 41.5], minMag=4.0, dates0=[dtm.datetime(2005,01,01, tzinfo=tzutc), None], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True): # d_lambda = 1.76 # parkfield = { 'dt': dtm.datetime(2004, 9, 28, 17, 15, 24, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), 'lat': 35.815, 'lon': -120.374, 'mag': 5.96 } L_r = 10.**(parkfield['mag'] / 2. - d_lambda) d_lat = L_r_factor * L_r / 111.1 d_lon = L_r_factor * L_r * math.cos(deg2rad * parkfield['lat']) / 111.1 print("d_lat, d_lon: ", d_lat, d_lon) # x_pf = parkfield['lon'] y_pf = parkfield['lat'] parkfield_cat_prams = { 'lon': [x_pf - d_lon, x_pf + d_lon], 'lat': [y_pf - d_lat, y_pf + d_lon], 'minMag': 1.5, 'dates0': [ dtm.datetime(2004, 9, 28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), dtm.datetime(2010, 9, 28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')) ], 'Nmax': None, 'fout': None, 'rec_array': True } # cat = atp.catfromANSS(**parkfield_cat_prams) # # i still don't get what this does... #my_pca = PCA(numpy.array(zip(cat['lon'], cat['lat']))) my_pca = ptp.yoda_pca(list(zip( cat['lon'], cat['lat']))) # returns (eig_vals, eig_vecs) e_vals = my_pca[0] e_vecs = numpy.array(my_pca[1]) # #e_vals_n = e_vals/min(e_vals) e_vals_n = numpy.array([min(4.0, x / min(e_vals)) for x in e_vals]) # print("e_vecs:", e_vecs[0][0], e_vecs[0][1], e_vecs[1][0], e_vecs[1][1]) circle_xy = simple_circle(x=x, y=y, r=L_r * L_r_factor / 111.1) #T = numpy.array([[e_vals_n[j]*x for x in rw] for j,rw in enumerate(e_vecs)]) #circle_xy_prime =,T.transpose()) # note: this syntax will add [x,y] to all members of circle_xy_prime like [[a+x,b+y], [a+x,b+y],...] T =[[e_vals_n[0], 0.], [0., e_vals_n[1]]], e_vecs) circle_xy_prime =, T) #circle_xy_prime =, [[e_vals_n[0],0.],[0., e_vals_n[1]]]) #circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs) #circle_xy = numpy.array(circle_xy)+numpy.array([x,y]) circle_xy_prime = [[j + x_pf, k + y_pf] for j, k in circle_xy_prime] circle_xy = [[j + x_pf, k + y_pf] for j, k in circle_xy] #print "T: ", T # # a rotational transformation: # elliptical distribution; a = r, b = {something < a}. this is distinct from the equal-area transform, in which a>r. # note that for this transform, the initial rate-density is adjusted to the new (surface projection) area. #mu_x, mu_y = [numpy.mean(col) for col in zip(*circle_xy)] #print "means: ", mu_x, mu_y #circle_xy_prime = [[rw[0]-mu_x, rw[1]-mu_y] for rw in circle_xy] # #circle_xy_prime = [[,e_vecs[0])*e_vals_n[0],, e_vecs[1])*e_vals_n[1]] for rw in circle_xy_prime] #circle_xy_prime =[[rw[0] + mu_x, rw[1]+mu_y] for rw in circle_xy_prime], zip(*e_vecs)) #circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs.transpose()) #circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs) #circle_xy_prime = [[j+mu_x, k+mu_y] for j,k in circle_xy_prime] #circle_xy_prime =, zip(*e_vecs)) # plt.figure(0) plt.clf() plt.plot(cat['lon'], cat['lat'], '.', label='parkfield cat') plt.plot([x_pf], [y_pf], 'r*', ms=15) plt.legend(loc=0, numpoints=1) # plot_axes = (L_r / 111.2) * numpy.array([e_vecs[0], [0., 0.], e_vecs[1] ]) + numpy.array([x_pf, y_pf]) plt.plot(*zip(*plot_axes), ls='-', marker='o') # Lry = abs(L_r_factor * L_r / 111.1) Lrx = abs(Lry * math.cos(y_pf * deg2rad)) # Wts = [xx / max(e_vals) for xx in e_vals] print("Wts: ", Wts) #e_vecs = e_vecs.transpose() #plt.plot([x, x + Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') #plt.plot([x, x + Lrx*e_vecs[1][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') ''' #<<<<<<< HEAD plt.plot([x, x + Wts[0]*Lry*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Wts[0]*Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') plt.plot([x, x + Wts[1]*Lry*e_vecs[1][0]], [y, y + Wts[1]*Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.plot(*list(zip(*circle_xy)), ls='-', marker='', lw=2.) plt.plot(*list(zip(*circle_xy_prime)), ls='--', color='r', marker='', lw=1.5, alpha=.7, zorder=11) #======= ''' #ax1 = plt.plot([x_pf, x_pf + Wts[0] * Lry * e_vecs[0][0]], [y_pf, y_pf + Wts[0] * Lry * e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') plt.plot([x_pf, x_pf + Wts[1] * Lry * e_vecs[1][0]], [y_pf, y_pf + Wts[1] * Lry * e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.plot(*zip(*circle_xy), ls='-', marker='', lw=2.) plt.plot(*zip(*circle_xy_prime), ls='--', color='r', marker='', lw=1.5, alpha=.7, zorder=11) #plt.plot([x, x+Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][0]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') #plt.plot([x, x+Lrx*e_vecs[0][1]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.figure(1) plt.clf() #plt.plot([0., Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [0., Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], '.-') #plt.plot([0., Lrx*e_vecs[1][0]], [0., Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], '.--') #plt.plot([0., e_vecs[0][0]], [0., e_vecs[0][1]], '.-') #plt.plot([0., e_vecs[1][0]], [0., e_vecs[1][1]], '.--') plt.plot(*zip([0., 0.], e_vecs[0]), marker='.', ls='--') plt.plot(*zip([0., 0.], e_vecs[1]), marker='^', ls='-') plt.plot(*zip([0., 0.], T[0]), marker='.', ls='--') plt.plot(*zip([0., 0.], T[1]), marker='^', ls='-') # return my_pca
def parkfield_pca(L_r_factor=3.0): # a test example using the parkfield earthquake. let's throw in some rtree as well. # catfromANSS(lon=[135., 150.], lat=[30., 41.5], minMag=4.0, dates0=[dtm.datetime(2005,01,01, tzinfo=tzutc), None], Nmax=None, fout=None, rec_array=True): # d_lambda = 1.76 # parkfield={'dt':dtm.datetime(2004,9,28,17,15,24, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), 'lat':35.815, 'lon':-120.374, 'mag':5.96} L_r = 10.**(parkfield['mag']/2. - d_lambda) d_lat = L_r_factor * L_r/111.1 d_lon = L_r_factor * L_r*math.cos(deg2rad*parkfield['lat'])/111.1 print("d_lat, d_lon: ", d_lat, d_lon) # x_pf=parkfield['lon'] y_pf=parkfield['lat'] parkfield_cat_prams = {'lon':[x_pf-d_lon, x_pf+d_lon], 'lat':[y_pf-d_lat, y_pf+d_lon], 'minMag':1.5, 'dates0':[dtm.datetime(2004,9,28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')), dtm.datetime(2010,9,28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC'))], 'Nmax':None, 'fout':None, 'rec_array':True} # cat = atp.catfromANSS(**parkfield_cat_prams) # # i still don't get what this does... #my_pca = PCA(numpy.array(zip(cat['lon'], cat['lat']))) my_pca = ptp.yoda_pca(list(zip(cat['lon'], cat['lat']))) # returns (eig_vals, eig_vecs) e_vals = my_pca[0] e_vecs = numpy.array(my_pca[1]) # #e_vals_n = e_vals/min(e_vals) e_vals_n = numpy.array([min(4.0, x/min(e_vals)) for x in e_vals]) # print("e_vecs:", e_vecs[0][0], e_vecs[0][1], e_vecs[1][0], e_vecs[1][1]) circle_xy = simple_circle(x=x, y=y, r=L_r*L_r_factor/111.1) #T = numpy.array([[e_vals_n[j]*x for x in rw] for j,rw in enumerate(e_vecs)]) #circle_xy_prime =,T.transpose()) # note: this syntax will add [x,y] to all members of circle_xy_prime like [[a+x,b+y], [a+x,b+y],...] T =[[e_vals_n[0],0.],[0., e_vals_n[1]]], e_vecs) circle_xy_prime =, T) #circle_xy_prime =, [[e_vals_n[0],0.],[0., e_vals_n[1]]]) #circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs) #circle_xy = numpy.array(circle_xy)+numpy.array([x,y]) circle_xy_prime = [[j+x_pf, k+y_pf] for j,k in circle_xy_prime] circle_xy = [[j+x_pf, k+y_pf] for j,k in circle_xy] #print "T: ", T # # a rotational transformation: # elliptical distribution; a = r, b = {something < a}. this is distinct from the equal-area transform, in which a>r. # note that for this transform, the initial rate-density is adjusted to the new (surface projection) area. #mu_x, mu_y = [numpy.mean(col) for col in zip(*circle_xy)] #print "means: ", mu_x, mu_y #circle_xy_prime = [[rw[0]-mu_x, rw[1]-mu_y] for rw in circle_xy] # #circle_xy_prime = [[,e_vecs[0])*e_vals_n[0],, e_vecs[1])*e_vals_n[1]] for rw in circle_xy_prime] #circle_xy_prime =[[rw[0] + mu_x, rw[1]+mu_y] for rw in circle_xy_prime], zip(*e_vecs)) #circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs.transpose()) #circle_xy_prime =, e_vecs) #circle_xy_prime = [[j+mu_x, k+mu_y] for j,k in circle_xy_prime] #circle_xy_prime =, zip(*e_vecs)) # plt.figure(0) plt.clf() plt.plot(cat['lon'], cat['lat'], '.', label='parkfield cat') plt.plot([x_pf], [y_pf], 'r*', ms=15) plt.legend(loc=0, numpoints=1) # plot_axes = (L_r/111.2)*numpy.array([e_vecs[0], [0.,0.], e_vecs[1]]) + numpy.array([x_pf, y_pf]) plt.plot(*zip(*plot_axes), ls='-', marker='o') # Lry = abs(L_r_factor * L_r/111.1) Lrx = abs(Lry*math.cos(y_pf*deg2rad)) # Wts = [xx/max(e_vals) for xx in e_vals] print("Wts: ", Wts) #e_vecs = e_vecs.transpose() #plt.plot([x, x + Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') #plt.plot([x, x + Lrx*e_vecs[1][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') ''' #<<<<<<< HEAD plt.plot([x, x + Wts[0]*Lry*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Wts[0]*Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') plt.plot([x, x + Wts[1]*Lry*e_vecs[1][0]], [y, y + Wts[1]*Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.plot(*list(zip(*circle_xy)), ls='-', marker='', lw=2.) plt.plot(*list(zip(*circle_xy_prime)), ls='--', color='r', marker='', lw=1.5, alpha=.7, zorder=11) #======= ''' #ax1 = plt.plot([x_pf, x_pf + Wts[0]*Lry*e_vecs[0][0]], [y_pf, y_pf + Wts[0]*Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') plt.plot([x_pf, x_pf + Wts[1]*Lry*e_vecs[1][0]], [y_pf, y_pf + Wts[1]*Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.plot(*zip(*circle_xy), ls='-', marker='', lw=2.) plt.plot(*zip(*circle_xy_prime), ls='--', color='r', marker='', lw=1.5, alpha=.7, zorder=11) #plt.plot([x, x+Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][0]], ls='-', marker='o', color='r') #plt.plot([x, x+Lrx*e_vecs[0][1]], [y, y + Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], ls='-', marker='^', color='m') plt.figure(1) plt.clf() #plt.plot([0., Lrx*e_vecs[0][0]], [0., Lry*e_vecs[0][1]], '.-') #plt.plot([0., Lrx*e_vecs[1][0]], [0., Lry*e_vecs[1][1]], '.--') #plt.plot([0., e_vecs[0][0]], [0., e_vecs[0][1]], '.-') #plt.plot([0., e_vecs[1][0]], [0., e_vecs[1][1]], '.--') plt.plot(*zip([0.,0.],e_vecs[0]), marker='.', ls='--') plt.plot(*zip([0.,0.],e_vecs[1]),marker='^', ls='-') plt.plot(*zip([0.,0.],T[0]), marker='.', ls='--') plt.plot(*zip([0.,0.],T[1]),marker='^', ls='-') # return my_pca