예제 #1
def connectToRemoteNode(Framework):
    if AgentUtils.isMigrateNeeded(Framework):
        #setting connected client identifier
        #using host name since uduid is stored in agent options and on old and new ddmi agent their location is different
        logger.debug('Connected using uda.')
        client = Framework.getConnectedClient()
        sysInfo = client.getSysInfo()
        hostName = sysInfo.getProperty('computerName')
        Framework.setProperty(InventoryUtils.UD_HOSTNAME, hostName)
        AgentUtils.setUdAgentProtocolForMigration(Framework, client.getCredentialId())
        logger.debug('Migrate is going to be performed')
        if client.hasShell():
            logger.debug('The connected Agent already supports shell, assume it is a non-native agent.')
            reason = 'The connected Agent already supports shell,it may be a non-native agent.'
            Framework.setProperty(InventoryUtils.generateSkipStep('Install Non-Native UD Agent'), reason)
            #Framework.setProperty(InventoryUtils.generateSkipStep('Check Non-Native Agent Installed'), reason)

            platform = Framework.getProperty(InventoryUtils.STATE_PROPERTY_PLATFORM)
            if platform == 'windows':
                # In windows, it is native already if it has shell.
                logger.debug('This is windows, it must be native agent.')
                Framework.setProperty(AgentUtils.DOWNLOAD_MIGRATE_LOG_FILE, '')
                reason = 'Native installation is used for Windows platform.'
                Framework.setProperty(InventoryUtils.generateSkipStep('Init Update from Non-Native to Native'), reason)
                Framework.setProperty(InventoryUtils.generateSkipStep('Install Native UD Agent'), reason)
            logger.debug('The connected client does NOT support the shell capability. This is DDMi agent!')
