예제 #1
파일: Util.py 프로젝트: robios/PyTES
        def _line_spectrum(data, min, line, dE, width, width_error):

            # Draw histogram
            n, bins = Analysis.histogram(data, binsize=binsize)

            if method in ("cs"):
                gn, gbins = Analysis.group_bin(n, bins, min=min)
                # No grouping in mle and ls
                gn, gbins = n, bins

            ngn = gn/(np.diff(gbins))
            ngn_sigma = np.sqrt(gn)/(np.diff(gbins))
            cbins = (gbins[1:]+gbins[:-1])/2

            if plotting:

                if width_error is not None:
                    label = 'FWHM$=%.2f\pm %.2f$ eV' % (width, width_error)
                    label = 'FWHM$=%.2f$ eV (Fixed)' % width

                if method == "cs":
                    errorbar(cbins, ngn, yerr=ngn_sigma, xerr=np.diff(gbins)/2, capsize=0, ecolor='k', fmt=None, label=label)
                    hist(data, bins=gbins, weights=np.ones(len(data))/binsize, histtype='step', ec='k', label=label)

                E = np.linspace(bins.min(), bins.max(), 1000)

                model = Analysis.normalization(ngn, gbins, dE, width, line=line, shift=shift) \
                            * Analysis.line_model(E, dE, width, line=line, shift=shift, full=True)

                # Plot theoretical model
                plot(E, model[0], 'r-')

                # Plot fine structures
                for m in model[1:]:
                    plot(E, m, 'b--')

                ylabel('Normalized Count$\quad$(count/eV)')

                ymin, ymax = ylim()
                ylim(ymin, ymax*1.1)

                savefig("%s-%s.pdf" % (session, line))

            if savedat:
                np.savetxt('%s-%s.dat' % (session, line), np.vstack((cbins, gn)).T,
                    header='Energy (keV), Count', delimiter='\t')
예제 #2
파일: Util.py 프로젝트: robios/PyTES
def tesana(t, p, n, lpfc=None, hpfc=None, binsize=1, max_shift=10,
            thre=0.4, filt=None, nulldc=False, offset=False, center=False, sigma=3,
            gain=None, dsr=None, shift=False, ocmethod="ols", flip=False, atom="Mn",
            kbfit=False, ignorekb=False, method="mle",
            rshunt=None, tbias=None, ites=None, ka_min=80, kb_min=40,
            tex=False, plotting=True, savedat=False, session="Unnamed"):
    Perform TES Analysis
    Parameters (and their default values):
        t:          time data (array-like)
        p:          pulse data (array-like)
        n:          noise data (array-like)
        lpfc:       low-pass filter cut-off frequency in bins (Default: None)
        hpfc:       high-pass filter cut-off frequency in bins (Default: None)
        binsize:    energy bin size for histograms and fittings (only for ls ans cs) in eV (Default: 1)
        max_shift:  maximum allowed shifts to calculate maximum cross correlation (Default: 10)
        thre:       correlation threshold for offset correction (Default: 0.4)
        filt:       window function (hanning/hamming/blackman/tukey) (Default: None)
        nulldc:     nullify the DC bin when template generation (Default: False)
        offset:     subtract DC offset (Default: False)
        center:     centering pulse rise (Default: False)
        sigma:      sigmas for median filter (Default: 3)
        gain:       feedback gain for current-space conversion (Default: None)
        dsr:        down-sampling rate (Default: None)
        shift:      treat dE as energy shift instead of scaling (Default: False)
        ocmethod:   offset correction fitting method (ols/odr) (Default: ols)
        flip:       flip x and y when offset correction fitting (Default: False)
        atom:       atom to fit (Default: Mn)
        kbfit:      fit Kb line (Default: False)
        ignorekb:   ignore Kb line when linearity correction (Default: False)
        method:     fitting method (mle/ls/cs) (Default: mle)
        rshunt:     shunt resistance value for r-space conversion (Default: None)
        tbias:      TES bias current for r-space conversion (Default: None)
        ites:       TES current for r-space conversion (Default: None)
        ka_min:     minimum counts to group bins for Ka line (valid only for ls/cs fittings) (Default: 80)
        ka_min:     minimum counts to group bins for Kb line (valid only for ls/cs fittings) (Default: 20)
        tex:        use TeX for plots (Default: False)
        plotting:   generate and save plots (Default: True)
        savedat:    save data to files (Default: False)
        session:    session name for plots and data files (Default: Unnamed)
        - Use offset option when using filt option
        - Consider using center option when using filt option

    if plotting:
        # Import matplotlib
        import matplotlib
        matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = str(tex)
        from pylab import figure, plot, errorbar, hist, axvline, xlim, ylim, loglog, xlabel, ylabel, legend, tight_layout, savefig
        print "Session: %s" % session
    # Preparation
    p = np.asarray(p)
    n = np.asarray(n)
    t = np.asarray(t)
    dt = np.diff(t)[0]
    df = (dt * t.shape[-1])**-1
    # Subtract offset
    if offset:
        ofs = np.median(n)
        p -= ofs
        n -= ofs
    # Convert to current-space if needed
    if gain:
        print "Converting to current-space"
        p /= gain
        n /= gain
    # Convert to resistance-space
    Rspace = False
    if gain and rshunt and tbias and ites:
        print "Converting to resistance-space"
        ofs = np.median(n)
        p += (ites - ofs)
        n += (ites - ofs)
        # Convert to resistance
        p = (tbias - p) * rshunt / p
        n = (tbias - n) * rshunt / n
        Rspace = True
    # Down-sample
    if dsr > 1:
        p = p[:,:p.shape[-1]/dsr*dsr].reshape(p.shape[0], -1, dsr).mean(axis=-1)
        n = n[:,:n.shape[-1]/dsr*dsr].reshape(n.shape[0], -1, dsr).mean(axis=-1)
        dt *= dsr
        t = t[::dsr]

    # Pulse centering (for filtering)
    if center:
        # Roll pulse to the center
        r = p.shape[-1] / 2 - np.median(abs(p - Filter.offset(p)[:, np.newaxis]).argmax(axis=-1))
        p = np.hstack((p[...,-r:], p[...,:-r]))

    # Calculate offset (needs to be done before applying filter)
    if p.size > 0:
        offset = Filter.offset(p)
    # Generate Filter
    if filt is None:
        if filt.lower() == "hanning":
            f = np.hanning(p.shape[-1])
        elif filt.lower() == "hamming":
            f = np.hamming(p.shape[-1])
        elif filt.lower() == "blackman":
            f = np.blackman(p.shape[-1])
        elif filt.lower() == "tukey":
            f = tukey(p.shape[-1])
            raise ValueError('Unsupported filter: %s' % filt.lower())
        print "Window filter function: %s" % filt.lower()
        # Amplitude correction
        cf = f.sum() / len(f)
        p *= (f / cf)
        n *= (f / cf)

        # Equivalent noise bandwidth correction
        enb = len(f)*(f**2).sum()/f.sum()**2
        df *= enb
    if p.size > 0:
        # Calculate averaged pulse
        avgp = Filter.average_pulse(p, max_shift=max_shift)

        if savedat:
            np.savetxt('%s-averagepulse.dat' % session, np.vstack((t, avgp)).T,
                header='Time (s), Averaged Pulse (%s)' % ('R' if Rspace else ('A' if gain else 'V')), delimiter='\t')

        if plotting:
            plot(t, avgp)
            ylabel('Averaged Pulse$\quad$(%s)' % ('R' if Rspace else ('A' if gain else 'V')))
            savefig('%s-averagepulse.pdf' % session)

        # Calculate averaged pulse spectrum
        avgps = np.sqrt(Filter.power(avgp)) / df

        if savedat:
            np.savetxt('%s-avgpulse-power.dat' % session, np.vstack((np.arange(len(avgps))*df, avgps)).T,
                header='Frequency (Hz), Average Pulse Power (%s/srHz)' % ('R' if Rspace else ('A' if gain else 'V')), delimiter='\t')
        if plotting:
            avgps[0] = 0    # for better plot
            plot(np.arange(len(avgps))*df, avgps)
            ylabel('Average Pulse Power$\quad$(%s/Hz)' % ('R' if Rspace else ('A' if gain else 'V')))
            savefig('%s-avgpulse-power.pdf' % session)

    if n.size > 0:
        # Plot noise spectrum
        avgns = np.sqrt(Filter.average_noise(n) / df)

        if savedat:
            np.savetxt('%s-noise.dat' % session, np.vstack((np.arange(len(avgns))*df, avgns)).T,
                header='Frequency (Hz), Noise (%s/srHz)' % ('R' if Rspace else ('A' if gain else 'V')), delimiter='\t')
        if plotting:
            avgns[0] = 0    # for better plot
            plot(np.arange(len(avgns))*df, avgns)
            ylabel('Noise$\quad$(%s/$\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$)' % ('R' if Rspace else ('A' if gain else 'V')))
            savefig('%s-noise.pdf' % session)

    if p.size > 0 and n.size > 0:
        # Generate template
        tmpl, sn = Filter.generate_template(p, n, lpfc=lpfc, hpfc=hpfc, nulldc=nulldc, max_shift=max_shift)

        if savedat:
            np.savetxt('%s-template.dat' % session, np.vstack((t, tmpl)).T,
                header='Time (s), Template (A.U.)', delimiter='\t')
            np.savetxt('%s-sn.dat' % session, np.vstack((np.arange(len(sn))*df, sn/np.sqrt(df))).T,
                header='Frequency (Hz), S/N (/srHz)', delimiter='\t')
        if plotting:
            # Plot template
            plot(t, tmpl)
            savefig('%s-template.pdf' % session)
            # Plot SNR
            plot(np.arange(len(sn))*df, sn/np.sqrt(df))
            savefig('%s-sn.pdf' % session)
        # Calculate baseline resolution
        print "Resolving power: %.2f (%.2f eV @ 5.9 keV)" % (np.sqrt((sn**2).sum()*2), Analysis.baseline(sn))
        # Perform optimal filtering
        pha_p = Filter.optimal_filter(p, tmpl, max_shift=max_shift)
        pha_n = Filter.optimal_filter(n, tmpl, max_shift=0)
        # Offset correction
        (a, b), coef = Analysis.fit_offset(pha_p, offset, sigma=sigma, method=ocmethod, flip=flip)
        if coef > thre:
            oc_pha_p = Analysis.offset_correction(pha_p, offset, b)
            oc_pha_n = Analysis.offset_correction(pha_n, offset, b)
            print "Offset correction with: PHA = %f * (1 + %f * Offset)" % (a, b)
            if plotting:
                ka = Analysis.ka(np.vstack((pha_p, offset)).T, sigma=sigma)
                plot(ka.T[1], ka.T[0], '.', c='k')
                x_min, x_max = xlim()
                ofs = np.linspace(x_min, x_max)
                label = '$\mathrm{PHA}=%.2f\\times(1+%.2f\\times\mathrm{Offset})$' % (a, b)
                plot(ofs, a*(1+b*ofs), 'r-', label=label)
                savefig('%s-offset.pdf' % session)
            oc_pha_p = pha_p
            oc_pha_n = pha_n
            print "Skipped offset correction: correlation coefficient (%f) is too small" % coef

        # Check line database
        if "%sKa" % atom not in Constants.LE.keys() or "%sKb" % atom not in Constants.LE.keys():
            raise ValueError('Unsupported atom: %s' % atom)

        # Linearity correction
        pha_line_center = np.asarray([ np.median(Analysis.ka(oc_pha_p, sigma=sigma)), np.median(Analysis.kb(oc_pha_p, sigma=sigma)) ])
        line_energy = np.asarray([ Constants.LE['%sKa' % atom], Constants.LE['%sKb' % atom] ])

        if ignorekb:
            a, b = Analysis.fit_linearity([pha_line_center[0]], [line_energy[0]], deg=1)
            print "Linearity correction with: PHA = %e * E" % (b)
            a, b = Analysis.fit_linearity(pha_line_center, line_energy, deg=2)
            print "Linearity correction with: PHA = %e * E^2 + %e * E" % (a, b)
            print "MnKb saturation ratio: %.2f %%" % ((pha_line_center[1]/pha_line_center[0])/(line_energy[1]/line_energy[0])*100)

        lc_pha_p = Analysis.linearity_correction(oc_pha_p, a, b)
        lc_pha_n = Analysis.linearity_correction(oc_pha_n, a, b)

        if savedat:
            np.savetxt('%s-linearity.dat' % session, array([pha_line_center[0]]) if ignorekb else pha_line_center[np.newaxis,:],
                header='%sKa PHA' % atom if ignorekb else '%sKa PHA, %sKb PHA' % (atom, atom), delimiter='\t')
        if plotting:
            x = np.linspace(0, 7e3)
            if ignorekb:
                plot(line_energy[0]/1e3, pha_line_center[0], '+', color='b')
                plot(x/1e3, x*b, 'r--')
                plot(line_energy/1e3, pha_line_center, '+', color='b')
                plot(x/1e3, x**2*a+x*b, 'r--')
            xlim((0, 7))
            savefig('%s-linearity.pdf' % session)
        # Energy Spectrum
        if plotting:
            hcount, hbin, hpatch = hist(lc_pha_p[lc_pha_p==lc_pha_p]/1e3, bins=7000/binsize, histtype='stepfilled', color='y')
            xlim(0, 7)
            savefig('%s-spec.pdf' % session)

        if savedat:
            hcount, hbin = np.histogram(lc_pha_p[lc_pha_p==lc_pha_p]/1e3, bins=7000/binsize)
            np.savetxt('%s-spec.dat' % session, np.vstack(((hbin[1:]+hbin[:-1])/2, hcount)).T,
                header='Energy (keV), Count', delimiter='\t')
        # Line fitting
        def _line_fit(data, min, line):

            # Fit
            (dE, width), (dE_error, width_error), e = Analysis.fit(data, binsize=binsize, min=min, line=line, shift=shift, method=method)

            if method == "cs":
                chi_squared, dof = e

            if method in ("mle", "ls"):
                print "%s: %.2f +/- %.2f eV @ Ec%+.2f eV" \
                    % (line, width, width_error, dE)
            elif method == "cs":
                print "%s: %.2f +/- %.2f eV @ Ec%+.2f eV (Red. chi^2 = %.1f/%d = %.2f)" \
                    % (line, width, width_error, dE, chi_squared, dof, chi_squared/dof)

            return dE, width, width_error
        def _line_spectrum(data, min, line, dE, width, width_error):

            # Draw histogram
            n, bins = Analysis.histogram(data, binsize=binsize)

            if method in ("cs"):
                gn, gbins = Analysis.group_bin(n, bins, min=min)
                # No grouping in mle and ls
                gn, gbins = n, bins

            ngn = gn/(np.diff(gbins))
            ngn_sigma = np.sqrt(gn)/(np.diff(gbins))
            cbins = (gbins[1:]+gbins[:-1])/2

            if plotting:

                if width_error is not None:
                    label = 'FWHM$=%.2f\pm %.2f$ eV' % (width, width_error)
                    label = 'FWHM$=%.2f$ eV (Fixed)' % width

                if method == "cs":
                    errorbar(cbins, ngn, yerr=ngn_sigma, xerr=np.diff(gbins)/2, capsize=0, ecolor='k', fmt=None, label=label)
                    hist(data, bins=gbins, weights=np.ones(len(data))/binsize, histtype='step', ec='k', label=label)

                E = np.linspace(bins.min(), bins.max(), 1000)

                model = Analysis.normalization(ngn, gbins, dE, width, line=line, shift=shift) \
                            * Analysis.line_model(E, dE, width, line=line, shift=shift, full=True)

                # Plot theoretical model
                plot(E, model[0], 'r-')

                # Plot fine structures
                for m in model[1:]:
                    plot(E, m, 'b--')

                ylabel('Normalized Count$\quad$(count/eV)')

                ymin, ymax = ylim()
                ylim(ymin, ymax*1.1)

                savefig("%s-%s.pdf" % (session, line))

            if savedat:
                np.savetxt('%s-%s.dat' % (session, line), np.vstack((cbins, gn)).T,
                    header='Energy (keV), Count', delimiter='\t')
        ## Ka
        ka = Analysis.ka(lc_pha_p, sigma=sigma)
        dE, width, width_error = _line_fit(ka, ka_min, "%sKa" % atom)
        _line_spectrum(ka, ka_min, "%sKa" % atom, dE, width, width_error)

        ## Kb
        kb = Analysis.kb(lc_pha_p, sigma=sigma)
        if kbfit:
            dE, width, width_error = _line_fit(kb, kb_min, "%sKb" % atom)
            width_error = None
        _line_spectrum(kb, kb_min, "%sKb" % atom, dE, width, width_error)

        ## Baseline
        f_pha_n = lc_pha_n[Filter.median_filter(lc_pha_n, sigma=sigma)]
        baseline = Analysis.sigma2fwhm(np.std(f_pha_n))
        print "Baseline resolution: %.2f eV" % baseline

        n, bins = Analysis.histogram(f_pha_n, binsize=binsize)
        if savedat:
            np.savetxt('%s-baseline.dat' % session, np.vstack(((bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2, n)).T,
                header='Energy (keV), Count', delimiter='\t')

        if plotting:
            label = 'FWHM$=%.2f$ eV' % baseline
            hist(f_pha_n, bins=bins, weights=np.ones(len(f_pha_n))/binsize, histtype='step', ec='k', label=label)
            mu, sigma = norm.fit(f_pha_n)
            E = np.linspace(bins.min(), bins.max(), 1000)
            plot(E, norm.pdf(E, loc=mu, scale=sigma)*len(f_pha_n), 'r-')
            ylabel('Normalized Count$\quad$(count/eV)')
            savefig('%s-baseline.pdf' % session)