예제 #1
    def newton_raphson_root_find(self, b_curve, p, u):
        """A method to compute roots of polynomials
        using the NewtonRaphson method"""

        # print("calling newton raphson")
        q_u = b_curve.get_value(u)

        q_1 = BezierCurve(
            control_points=[((b_curve.get_control_point(i + 1)[0] -
                              b_curve.get_control_point(i)[0]) * 3.0,
                             (b_curve.get_control_point(i + 1)[1] -
                              b_curve.get_control_point(i)[1]) * 3.0)
                            for i in range(3)])

        q_2 = BezierCurve(control_points=[(
            (q_1.get_control_point(i + 1)[0] - q_1.get_control_point(i)[0]) *
            (q_1.get_control_point(i + 1)[1] - q_1.get_control_point(i)[1]) *
            2.0) for i in range(2)])

        q_1u = q_1.get_value(u)
        q_2u = q_2.get_value(u)

        numerator = (q_u[0] - p[0]) * q_1u[0] + (q_u[1] - p[1]) * q_1u[1]
        denominator = q_1u[0] ** 2 + q_1u[1] ** 2 + (q_u[0] - p[0]) * q_2u[0] + \
                      (q_u[1] - p[1]) * q_2u[1]

        if denominator == 0.0:
            return u

        u_prime = u - (numerator / denominator)
        return u_prime
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, size, amplitude_min, amplitude_max,
                 amplitude_lerp_speed, x_squish, y_squish, bezier_visibility,
                 invert_color, constant_increase, is_drawing_instant,

        self.size = size
        self.amplitude_min = amplitude_min
        self.amplitude_max = amplitude_max
        self.amplitude_lerp_speed = amplitude_lerp_speed
        self.x_squish = x_squish
        self.y_squish = y_squish
        self.bezier_visibility = bezier_visibility
        self.constant_increase = constant_increase
        self.is_drawing_instant = is_drawing_instant

        self.amplitude = self.amplitude_min
        self.frequency = frequency

        self.is_first_cycle = True
        self.points_exist = True

        self.xar = []
        self.yar = []

        self.move_speed = 100
        self._frequency = 0.5
        self.phase = 0.0

        self.ax = None
        self.ani = None
        self.is_increasing = False

        if invert_color:
            self.line_color = 'white'
            self.bg_color = '#2f3136'
            self.line_color = '#2f3136'
            self.bg_color = 'white'

        self.bezier_curve = BezierCurve.BezierCurve()
        self.points_file = self.bezier_curve.get_points_from_file(

        self.bezier_points = self.bezier_curve.get_bezier_points(
            self.points_file, 0.01)

        self.index = 0
        self.initial_bezier_point = []
        self.target_bezier_point = self.bezier_points[0]

        self.bezier_x = []
        self.bezier_y = []

        for points in self.bezier_points:
예제 #3
    def fit_cubic(self, first, last, t_hat1, t_hat2):
        """Fit a Bezier curve to a set of digitalized points given
        tHat1, tHat2"""
        n_pts = last - first + 1
        if n_pts == 2:
            b_curve = [self._dpoints[0]]
            dist = np.linalg.norm(self._dpoints[1] - self._dpoints[0]) / 3.0
            b_curve.append(b_curve[0] + dist * t_hat1)
            b_curve.append(self._dpoints[1] + dist * t_hat2)
            c_points = [x.tolist() for x in b_curve]
            return [BezierCurve(control_points=c_points)]

        u = self.chord_length_parametrize(first, last)
        b_curve = self.generate_bezier_curve(first, last, u, t_hat1, t_hat2)
        max_error, split_point = self.compute_max_error(
            first, last, b_curve, u)

        # print("Max error %f" % max_error)
        if max_error < self._error:
            return [b_curve]

        iteration_error = self._error**2

        if max_error < iteration_error:
            for i in range(self._reparam_max_iter):
                u_prime = self.reparametrize(first, last, u, b_curve)
                b_curve = self.generate_bezier_curve(first, last, u_prime,
                                                     t_hat1, t_hat2)
                max_error, split_point = self.compute_max_error(
                    first, last, b_curve, u_prime)
                if max_error < self._error:
                    return [b_curve]
                u = u_prime

        # at this moment, fitting failed
        t_hat_center = self.compute_center_tangent(split_point)
        b1_curve = self.fit_cubic(first, split_point, t_hat1, t_hat_center)
        t_hat_center *= -1
        b2_curve = self.fit_cubic(split_point, last, t_hat_center, t_hat2)

        return b1_curve + b2_curve
예제 #4
import BezierCurve
import pygame

# Points
p = [{"x": 200, "y": 350}, {"x": 200, "y": 50}, {"x": 250, "y": 50}]
p1 = [{"x": 250, "y": 50}, {"x": 300, "y": 100}, {"x": 300, "y": 150}]
p2 = [{"x": 300, "y": 150}, {"x": 300, "y": 100}, {"x": 350 , "y": 50}]
p3 = [{"x": 350, "y": 50}, {"x": 400, "y": 50}, {"x": 400, "y": 350}]

BLUE = (0, 0, 255)

screen = pygame.display.set_mode([900, 500])
c1 = BezierCurve.BezierCurve(p, BLUE, screen, pygame)
c2 = BezierCurve.BezierCurve(p1, BLUE, screen, pygame)
c3 = BezierCurve.BezierCurve(p2, BLUE, screen, pygame)
c4 = BezierCurve.BezierCurve(p3, BLUE, screen, pygame)
running = True

while running:

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False

    screen.fill((255, 255, 255))

예제 #5
    def generate_bezier_curve(self, first, last, u_prime, t_hat1, t_hat2):
        """generate control points for bezier curve for region using
        least-squares method"""
        n_pts = last - first + 1
        b_curve = BezierCurve()
        matrix_C, matrix_X = np.zeros((2, 2)), np.zeros(2)
        matrix_A = []

        for i in range(n_pts):
                b_curve.bezier_multiplier(u_prime[i], 1) * t_hat1,
                b_curve.bezier_multiplier(u_prime[i], 2) * t_hat2

        for i in range(n_pts):
            matrix_C[0, 0] += np.dot(matrix_A[i][0], matrix_A[i][0])
            matrix_C[0, 1] += np.dot(matrix_A[i][0], matrix_A[i][1])
            matrix_C[1, 0] = matrix_C[0, 1]
            matrix_C[1, 1] += np.dot(matrix_A[i][1], matrix_A[i][1])

            tmp = self._dpoints[first + i] - \
                (b_curve.bezier_multiplier(u_prime[i], 0) * self._dpoints[first] +
                (b_curve.bezier_multiplier(u_prime[i], 1) * self._dpoints[first] +
                    b_curve.bezier_multiplier(u_prime[i], 2) * self._dpoints[last] +
                    b_curve.bezier_multiplier(u_prime[i], 3) * self._dpoints[last]

            matrix_X[0] += np.dot(matrix_A[i][0], tmp)
            matrix_X[1] += np.dot(matrix_A[i][1], tmp)

        det_C0_C1 = matrix_C[0, 0] * matrix_C[1, 1] - matrix_C[
            1, 0] * matrix_C[0, 1]
        det_C0_X = matrix_C[0, 0] * matrix_X[1] - matrix_C[1, 0] * matrix_X[0]
        det_X_C1 = matrix_X[0] * matrix_C[1, 1] - matrix_X[1] * matrix_C[0, 1]

        # compute values of alphas
        alpha_l = 0.0 if det_C0_C1 == 0 else det_X_C1 / det_C0_C1
        alpha_r = 0.0 if det_C0_C1 == 0 else det_C0_X / det_C0_C1

        seg_length = np.linalg.norm(self._dpoints[last] - self._dpoints[first])
        epsilon = 1.0e-6 * seg_length

        if alpha_l < epsilon or alpha_r < epsilon:
            dist = seg_length / 3.0
            b_curve = BezierCurve(control_points=[
                (self._dpoints[first] +
                 dist * t_hat1).tolist(), (
                     self._dpoints[last] +
                     dist * t_hat2).tolist(), self._dpoints[last].tolist()
            return b_curve

        b_curve = BezierCurve(control_points=[
            (self._dpoints[first] + alpha_l * t_hat1).tolist(),
            (self._dpoints[last] +
             alpha_r * t_hat2).tolist(), self._dpoints[last].tolist()

        return b_curve
예제 #6
import numpy as np
import BezierCurve as bezcur

points = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 1], [5, 1, 0, 5]])
ts = 0.01 * np.array(range(101))

bc = bezcur.BezierCurve(points)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import timeit
    print timeit.timeit('bc(ts)',
                        setup='from __main__ import *',
from MeshLib import *
from BezierCurve import *
from BsplineCurve import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

if __name__ == "__main__":
    curve1 = BezierCurve([])
    curve2 = BsplineCurve([])
    LINEAR = 1
    CUBIC = 3
    QUARTIC = 4

    # Q1(a)
    uncomment each line to see different basis
    #curve1.plot_basis(no_of_variables = 1,  degree = LINEAR, func = curve1.bezier_basis,  labels=['t', 'N(t)'], title = 'Linear Basis Function over unit interval') #Q1(a)
    #curve1.plot_basis(no_of_variables = 1,  degree = QUADRATIC, func = curve1.bezier_basis, labels=['t', 'N(t)'], title='Quadratic Basis Function over unit interval') #Q1(a)
    #curve1.plot_basis(no_of_variables = 2, degree = LINEAR, func = curve1.bezier_basis, labels=['t', 's', 'N(s,t)'], title='Linear Basis Function over unit square')  # Q1(a)
    #curve1.plot_basis(no_of_variables = 2, degree = QUADRATIC, func = curve1.bezier_basis, labels=['t', 's', 'N(s,t)'], title='Quadratic Basis Function over unit square')  # Q1(a)
        uncomment each line to see different basis
    #curve2.plot_basis(k = 2, labels = ['t', 'N_i,2(t)'], title = "Bspline Basis with linear basis") #Q1(b)
    #curve2.plot_basis(k = 3, labels = ['t', 'N_i,3(t)'], title = "Bspline Basis with Quadratic basis") #Q1(b)
    #curve2.plot_basis(k = 4, labels = ['t', 'N_i,4(t)'], title = "Bspline Basis with Qubic basis") #Q1(b)
    #curve2.plot_basis(k= 5, labels=['t', 'N_i,5(t)'], title="Bspline Basis with Quartic basis")  # Q1(b)
        uncomment one set of points, and then uncomment plot curve function to see the curve. Uncomment, show points, to view control points.
예제 #8
# Total time curve takes to complete, in seconds
max_t = 2

# Define a Point2D() to spawn particles at
particle_spawn = Point.Point2D(360, 120)

# Create a window and set the caption
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((480, 240))
pygame.display.set_caption("VFXCollection Demo")

# Create a clock to limit framerate and calculate delta-time
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

# Create an instance of the VFXCollection BezierCurve class
bezier_curve = BezierCurve.BezierCurve(nodes, max_t)

# Create an instance of the VFXCollection ParticleGenerator class
particle_generator = ParticleGenerator.ParticleGenerator(
    particle_gravity=Point.Point2D(0, 50),

# On startup, start everything so that people don't need to know what buttons to press in order to start anything
# Start the curve
    0.001)  # since dt isn't defined yet, just pass a tiny value in instead
# Start the particle generator