예제 #1
 def expand_shape(varin):
     if len(varin.shape) == 1:   # 1dim --> 3dim
         return(utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(varin, len_j, len_i))
     elif len(varin.shape) == 2: # 2dim --> 3dim
         sys.exit('case of two-dimensional ogrd is not implemented yet!')
     elif len(varin.shape) == 3: # already 3dim
         return(varin) # no expansion needed.
예제 #2
def plot_BSF(var, TorUgrid, nlevels=100, mappingtoolbox='basemap', proj='ortho', min = [], max = []):
    ''' uses utils_plt.emptyBasemapFig()'''
    # colormap
    if min == []:   min = np.floor(np.nanmin(var)) # minimum value of varin
    if max == []:   max = np.ceil(np.nanmax(var))  # maximum value of varin
    #cmap, norm = utils_plt.get_cmap(min, max, nlevels, scheme=utils_plt.get_viridis()) # viridis
    cmap = utils_plt.shiftCMap(ml.cm.seismic, midpoint=1-max/(max-min), name='shifted') # shifted blue white red

    # add cyclic border (to prevent gap in pcolor plot)
    var = utils_conv.add_cyclic(var)
    # choose U or T grid
    if TorUgrid == 'U':
        xvar = var.ULONG.values
        yvar = var.ULAT.values
    elif TorUgrid == 'T':
        xvar = var.TLONG.values
        yvar = var.TLAT.values
    # draw plot in new figure
    if mappingtoolbox == 'basemap':
        fig, map = utils_plt.emptyBasemapFig(proj)
        c1 = map.pcolor(xvar,yvar,var.values,latlon=True, cmap=cmap, rasterized=True)
    elif mappingtoolbox == 'cartopy':
        fig, map = True, True#TODO
    return(fig, map)
예제 #3
def integrate_along_dens(dat, delta):
  # expand delta, the layer-thickness, from 1d to 3d by copying the columns
  if len(delta.shape)==1:
    delta = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(delta, dat.shape[-2], dat.shape[-1])
  # calculate the total thickness of each column for normalisation (only count boxes with non-nan dat value)
  delta_sum = np.nansum(delta*(np.isnan(dat)==False).astype(int), axis=0)
  delta_sum[delta_sum==0] = np.nan
  # weighted sum and normalisation with delta_sum
  dat_int = np.nansum(dat*delta, axis=0) / delta_sum
예제 #4
 def expand_shape(varin):
     if len(varin.shape) == 1:  # 1dim --> 3dim
         return (utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(varin, len_j, len_i))
     elif len(varin.shape) == 2:  # 2dim --> 3dim
         sys.exit('case of two-dimensional ogrd is not implemented yet!')
     elif len(varin.shape) == 3:  # already 3dim
         return (varin)  # no expansion needed.
예제 #5
def integrate_along_dens(dat, delta):
    # expand delta, the layer-thickness, from 1d to 3d by copying the columns
    if len(delta.shape) == 1:
        delta = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(delta, dat.shape[-2], dat.shape[-1])
    # calculate the total thickness of each column for normalisation (only count boxes with non-nan dat value)
    delta_sum = np.nansum(delta * (np.isnan(dat) == False).astype(int), axis=0)
    delta_sum[delta_sum == 0] = np.nan
    # weighted sum and normalisation with delta_sum
    dat_int = np.nansum(dat * delta, axis=0) / delta_sum
    return (dat_int)
예제 #6
def plot_BSF(var,
    ''' uses utils_plt.emptyBasemapFig()'''
    # colormap
    if min == []: min = np.floor(np.nanmin(var))  # minimum value of varin
    if max == []: max = np.ceil(np.nanmax(var))  # maximum value of varin
    #cmap, norm = utils_plt.get_cmap(min, max, nlevels, scheme=utils_plt.get_viridis()) # viridis
    cmap = utils_plt.shiftCMap(ml.cm.seismic,
                               midpoint=1 - max / (max - min),
                               name='shifted')  # shifted blue white red

    # add cyclic border (to prevent gap in pcolor plot)
    var = utils_conv.add_cyclic(var)
    # choose U or T grid
    if TorUgrid == 'U':
        xvar = var.ULONG.values
        yvar = var.ULAT.values
    elif TorUgrid == 'T':
        xvar = var.TLONG.values
        yvar = var.TLAT.values
    # draw plot in new figure
    if mappingtoolbox == 'basemap':
        fig, map = utils_plt.emptyBasemapFig(proj)
        c1 = map.pcolor(xvar,
    elif mappingtoolbox == 'cartopy':
        fig, map = True, True  #TODO
    return (fig, map)
예제 #7
# - in-situ density ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rho = utils_mask.mask_ATLANTIC(ncdat.RHO.mean(dim='time'), ncdat.REGION_MASK)
rho = rho.mean(dim='nlon')

# =======================================================================================
#  Streamfunctions
# =======================================================================================
''' BSF: Barotropic Streamfunction
    MOC: Meridional Overturning Circulation Streamfunction
    MW:  vertical volume transport
    MV:  meridional volume transport
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Volume transports (in Sv)
MV_mgrd = utils_transp.calc_MV(ncdat)  # on model grid
MV_projauxgrd = utils_conv.project_on_auxgrd(
    MV_mgrd, ncdat.ANGLE.values)  # on auxiliary grid
MW = utils_transp.calc_MW(ncdat)  # valid on both grids

    MW_dens = utils_misc.loadvar(path_dens + 'MW_sig2_' +
                                 varname_binning)  # load from file
    MW_dens = utils_conv.resample_dens_colwise(
        MW.values, sig2, PD_bins
    )  # resampled on density axis #! however, it's still the vertical transport!!
    utils_misc.savevar(MW_dens, path_dens + 'MW_sig2_' +
                       varname_binning)  # save to file

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Streamfunctions (in Sv)...
# ... on model grid
예제 #8
def resample_colwise(odat,
     > utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp()
     > odat:        array of dim 1 or 3 | data on model grid
     > ogrd:        array of dim | old grid
     > ngrd:        new grid 
     > method:      string | 'lin'      (linear interpolation), 
                             'dMW_db'   (for dMW calculation with density as reference for weighting)
                             'dMW_zdb'  (for dMW calculation with isopycnal depth as reference for weighting)
                             'sum'      (sum over all datapoints within bin on new grid)
     > fill_value:  float or np.nan | value used to fill in for requested points outside the range of ogrd.
     > mask:        mask of densityshape [j,i], default: all True (no mask)
     > mono_method: string | 'filter' (will sort ogrd (and odat) such that ogrd is monotonically increasing (not necess. in strict sense!))
                             'force'  (will manipulate ogrd such that strictly monotonically increasing (brute method, not recommended))
     > ndat:        resampled data on new grid
     > add warning if negative gradients occur.
     > #!! for discreapencies at the low- and high-density borders see the comment in resample_1dim_weightedmean().

    print(' > columnwise resampling')

    # shape of data-array
    if len(odat.shape) == 3:
        len_j = odat.shape[-2]  # assumed to be the second last entry
        len_i = odat.shape[-1]  # assumed to be the last entry
    elif len(odat.shape) == 2:
        len_j = 1  # set to one, such that j-loop is executed only once.
        len_i = odat.shape[-1]  # assumed to be the last entry
    elif len(odat.shape) == 1:
        len_j = 1  # set to one, such that j-loop is executed only once.
        len_i = 1  # set to one, such that i-loop is executed only once.

    # expand shape ngrd, ogrd and odat to 3 dimensions
    #   note: singleton-dimensions are intended depending on original shape of odat
    def expand_shape(varin):
        if len(varin.shape) == 1:  # 1dim --> 3dim
            return (utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(varin, len_j, len_i))
        elif len(varin.shape) == 2:  # 2dim --> 3dim
            sys.exit('case of two-dimensional ogrd is not implemented yet!')
        elif len(varin.shape) == 3:  # already 3dim
            return (varin)  # no expansion needed.

    ngrd = expand_shape(ngrd)
    ogrd = expand_shape(ogrd)
    odat = expand_shape(odat)

    # get default for regional mask (i.e. do not mask anything)
    if mask == 'none': mask = np.ones(shape=[len_j, len_i], dtype=bool)

    # pre-allocation of ndat
    ndat = fill_value * np.ones_like(ngrd)

    # loop over columns
    for j in np.arange(len_j):
        utils_misc.ProgBar('step', step=j, nsteps=len_j)
        for i in np.arange(len_i):

            # skip masked [j,i]-tuples
            if mask[j, i] == False: continue

            # reduce ngrd, ogrd and odat to current column
            ngrd_ji = ngrd[:, j, i]
            ogrd_ji = ogrd[:, j, i]
            odat_ji = odat[:, j, i]

            # detect disjunct ogrd and ngrd and continue with next column
            if (np.nanmax(ogrd_ji) < np.nanmin(ngrd_ji)) or (
                    np.nanmax(ngrd_ji) < np.nanmin(ogrd_ji)):
                    'disjunct ogrd and ngrd at (j,i)=({}, {}). (please check conservation of integrated flux!)'
                    .format(j, i))

            # function to make grd strictly monotoneously increasing
            def make_mono(grd, dat, mono_method):
                if mono_method == 'sort':  # sort grd and dat relative to grd
                    idx_sort = np.argsort(grd)
                    grd, dat = grd[idx_sort], dat[idx_sort]
                elif mono_method == 'force':  # manipulate grd (i.e. increase dropping values until mon. incr.)
                    for k in np.arange(1, ogrd.shape[0]):
                        if ogrd_ji[k] <= ogrd_ji[k - 1]:
                            ogrd_ji[k] = ogrd_ji[k - 1] + 1e-10
                return (grd, dat)

            # resampling
            if method == 'lin':  # simple linear interpolation
                # make monotoneously increasing
                if any(np.diff(ogrd_ji) <= 0):
                    ogrd_ji, odat_ji = make_mono(ogrd_ji, odat_ji, mono_method)
                # linear interpolation
                    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                    idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:, j,
                     i], gaps_border, gaps_center = utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp(
                         odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd_ji, idxn_start, fill_value)

            elif method == 'dMW_db':  # for dMW calculation with density as reference for weighting
                    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                    idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:, j,
                     i], gaps_border, gaps_center = utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp(
                         odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd_ji, idxn_start, fill_value=0)

            elif method == 'dMW_zdb':  # for dMW calculation with isopycnal depth as reference for weighting
                    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                    idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:, j,
                     i], gaps_border, gaps_center = utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp(
                         odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd_ji, idxn_start, fill_value=0)
                ndat[gaps_border, j, i] = fill_value

            elif method == 'dMV':  # for dMV calculation
                    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                    idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:, j,
                     i], gaps_border, gaps_center = utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp(
                         odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd_ji, idxn_start, fill_value=0)

            elif method == 'sum':  #! doesn't work right now!
                    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                    idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:, j, i], gaps_border, gaps_center = resample_1dim_sum(
                    odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd, idxn_start, fill_value)
                ndat[:, j, i] = fill_gaps(ndat[:, j, i], gaps_border,
                                          gaps_center, fill_value)
                raise ValueError(
                    'unexpected method passed to resample_colwise.')

    return (np.squeeze(ndat)
            )  # remove singleton dimensions (i.e. (1d --> 3d) --> back to 1d)
예제 #9
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Density grid/bins
SA = ncdat.SALT[0,:,:,:].values             # absolute salinity
PT = ncdat.TEMP[0,:,:,:].values             # potential temperature
CT = gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, PT)                 # conservative temperature
sig2 = gsw.sigma2(SA, CT)                   # potential density anomaly referenced to 2000dbar
RHO = ncdat.RHO[0,:,:,:].values*1000-1000   # in-situ density anomaly [SI]
if densChoice == 'sig2': dens = sig2
elif densChoice == 'rho': dens = RHO
# density bins (db), center-values (dbc) and thicknesses (ddb, ddbc)
db = np.concatenate((np.linspace(dbsetup[0,0],dbsetup[0,1],dbsetup[0,2]), np.linspace(dbsetup[1,0],dbsetup[1,1],dbsetup[1,2]), np.linspace(dbsetup[2,0],dbsetup[2,1],dbsetup[2,2]), np.linspace(dbsetup[3,0],dbsetup[3,1],dbsetup[3,2])))
dbc = np.array([np.mean(db[i-1:i+1]) for i in np.arange(1,len(db))]) #! center-values | reasonable for non-eq-spaced db?
ddb = utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(np.diff(db)/2, 2, axis=0, crop=True)        # layer thickness of density_bins
ddbc = np.diff(db)                                                   # layer thickness from midpoint to midpoint (#! note: it is 1 element longer than ddb)
# depth of isopycnals (i.e. of density_bins at both staggered grids)
z_t_3d = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(ncdat.z_t, dens.shape[-2], dens.shape[-1])
zdb = LGS(lambda: utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d, dens, db, 'lin', fill_value=np.nan, mask = ATLboolmask, mono_method='sort'), path_zdb, 'zdb', noload=boolLGSnoload)
zdbc = LGS(lambda: utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d, dens, dbc, 'lin', fill_value=np.nan, mask = ATLboolmask, mono_method='sort'), path_zdbc, 'zdbc', noload=boolLGSnoload)
#dzdb = utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(np.diff(zdb, axis=0)/2, 2, axis=0, crop=True)      # layer thickness of isopycnal depths
dzdb = np.diff(zdb, axis=0)
del PT, CT, z_t_3d, dbsetup
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Volume representation for axis-scaling
#! check if and where db to be replaced by dbc
dz3d = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(ncdat.dz, dens.shape[-2], dens.shape[-1])    # in cgs
TAREA3d = utils_conv.exp_ji_to_kji(ncdat.TAREA, dens.shape[0])              # in cgs
vol3d = dz3d*TAREA3d                                                        # in cgs
inds = np.digitize(dens, db)
vol_dbs_glob = np.zeros(shape=[len(db)])
vol_dbs_reg  = np.zeros(shape=[len(db)])
vol_dbs_col  = np.zeros(shape=[len(db), dens.shape[-2], dens.shape[-1]])
예제 #10
sig2T = gsw.sigma2(SA, CT)                   # potential density anomaly referenced to 2000dbar
RHO = ncdat.RHO[0,:,:,:].values*1000-1000   # in-situ density anomaly [SI]

# - conversion T-->U
sig2U = np.zeros_like(sig2T)
foo1 = utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2T, 2, axis=-1)
sig2U[:,:-1,:-1] = .25*utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(foo1, 2, axis=-2)
sig2U[:,-1,:-1] = .5*utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2T, 2, axis=-1)[:,-1,:]
sig2U[:,:-1,-1] = .5*utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2T, 2, axis=-2)[:,:,-1]
sig2U[:,-1,-1] = sig2T[:,-1,-1]

# density bins:  border-values (=DBb), center-values (=DBc) and thickness (=dDB)
DBb = np.concatenate((np.linspace(DBsetup[0,0],DBsetup[0,1],DBsetup[0,2]), np.linspace(DBsetup[1,0],DBsetup[1,1],DBsetup[1,2]), np.linspace(DBsetup[2,0],DBsetup[2,1],DBsetup[2,2]), np.linspace(DBsetup[3,0],DBsetup[3,1],DBsetup[3,2]), np.linspace(DBsetup[4,0],DBsetup[4,1],DBsetup[4,2])))
DBc = np.convolve(DBb, [.5,.5])[1:-1]  # find midpoints
# depth of isopycnals (zDBbc) calculated as z(DBc) (=zDBc) and as c(zDBb) (=zDBbc)
z_t_3d = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(ncdat.z_t, sig2U.shape[-2], sig2U.shape[-1])

 # zDBc = LGS(lambda: utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d, sig2U, DBc, 'lin', fill_value=np.nan, mask = ATLboolmask, mono_method='sort'), path_zDBc, 'zDBc', noload=False)
 # zDBb = LGS(lambda: utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d, sig2U, DBb, 'lin', fill_value=np.nan, mask = ATLboolmask, mono_method='sort'), path_zDBb, 'zDBb', noload=False)
 # zDBbc = np.ones_like(zDBc) * np.nan
 # for j in np.arange(zDBb.shape[-2]):
 #     for i in np.arange(zDBb.shape[-1]):
 #         zDBbc[:,j,i] = np.convolve(zDBb[:,j,i], [.5,.5])[1:-1] # centre-values

# thickness of DB (=dDB) and zDBb (=dzDB)
dDB = np.diff(DBb)
#dzDB = np.diff(zDBb, axis=0)
del PT, CT, z_t_3d, DBsetup

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Volume representation for axis-scaling (fully on T-grid)
예제 #11
# - in-situ density ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rho = utils_mask.mask_ATLANTIC(ncdat.RHO.mean(dim='time'), ncdat.REGION_MASK)
rho = rho.mean(dim='nlon')

# =======================================================================================
#  Streamfunctions
# =======================================================================================
''' BSF: Barotropic Streamfunction
    MOC: Meridional Overturning Circulation Streamfunction
    MW:  vertical volume transport
    MV:  meridional volume transport
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Volume transports (in Sv)
MV_mgrd = utils_transp.calc_MV(ncdat)                                           # on model grid
MV_projauxgrd = utils_conv.project_on_auxgrd(MV_mgrd, ncdat.ANGLE.values)       # on auxiliary grid
MW = utils_transp.calc_MW(ncdat)                                                # valid on both grids

try:    MW_dens = utils_misc.loadvar(path_dens+'MW_sig2_'+varname_binning)      # load from file
    MW_dens = utils_conv.resample_dens_colwise(MW.values, sig2, PD_bins)         # resampled on density axis #! however, it's still the vertical transport!!
    utils_misc.savevar(MW_dens, path_dens+'MW_sig2_'+varname_binning)           # save to file

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Streamfunctions (in Sv)...
# ... on model grid
BSF_mgrd, MVzint = utils_BSF.calc_BSF_mgrd(MV_mgrd, dump_MVzint=True)
MOC_mgrd_W, MWxint_mgrd = utils_MOC.calc_MOC_mgrd('W', MW, do_norm=True, dump_Mxint=True)
 #MOC_mgrd_V, MVxint_mgrd = utils_MOC.calc_MOC_mgrd('V', MV_projauxgrd, do_norm=True, dump_Mxint=True)
dMOC_mgrd_W, dMOC_mgrd_W_norm, dMWxint_mgrd = utils_MOC.calc_MOC_mgrd_nparray('W', MW_dens, dump_Mxint=True)
예제 #12
파일: PREP_dMOC.py 프로젝트: LABclimate/MT
    # - conversion of sigma 2 on U-grid (using cannonical cumsum method)
    sig2U = np.zeros_like(sig2T)
    foo = utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2T, 2, axis=-1)
    sig2U[:,:-1,:-1] = .25*utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(foo, 2, axis=-2)
    sig2U[:,-1,:-1] = .5*utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2T, 2, axis=-1)[:,-1,:]
    sig2U[:,:-1,-1] = .5*utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2T, 2, axis=-2)[:,:,-1]
    sig2U[:,-1,-1] = sig2T[:,-1,-1]
    del foo
    # density bins:  border-values (=DBb), center-values (=DBc) and thickness (=dDB)
    DBb = np.concatenate((np.linspace(DBsetup[0,0],DBsetup[0,1],DBsetup[0,2]), np.linspace(DBsetup[1,0],DBsetup[1,1],DBsetup[1,2]), np.linspace(DBsetup[2,0],DBsetup[2,1],DBsetup[2,2]), np.linspace(DBsetup[3,0],DBsetup[3,1],DBsetup[3,2]), np.linspace(DBsetup[4,0],DBsetup[4,1],DBsetup[4,2])))
    DBc = np.convolve(DBb, [.5,.5])[1:-1] # find midpoints
    dDB = np.diff(DBb)

    # depth of isopycnals calculated as z(DBc) = zDB
    z_t_3d = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(ncdat.z_t, sig2U.shape[-2], sig2U.shape[-1])
    zDBc = utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d, sig2U, DBc, 'lin', fill_value=np.nan, mask = ATLboolmask, mono_method='sort')
    # thickness of zDBc (=dzDB) (with first thickness from surf to first bin)
    dzDBc = np.vstack([utils_conv.exp_ji_to_kji(zDBc[0],1), np.diff(zDBc, axis=0)])
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # calculate transports
    MV      = utils_transp.calc_MV(ncdat).values        # = V * DX *DZ
    MVf     = utils_transp.calc_MVflat(ncdat).values    # = V * DX

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # - MOC Streamfunction (in depth space) (in Sv)
    MVxint_mgrd     = np.nansum(MV, axis=2)
예제 #13
CT = gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, PT)                 # conservative temperature
sig2 = gsw.sigma2(SA, CT)                   # potential density anomaly referenced to 2000dbar
RHO = ncdat.RHO[0,:,:,:].values*1000-1000   # in-situ density anomaly [SI]
#db = np.linspace(28,42,100)          # db = np.linspace(1.004,1.036,65)[np.mean(b[i-1:i+1]) for i in np.arange(1,len(b))]
#db = np.concatenate((np.arange(28,35), np.linspace(35, 38, 50), np.arange(39, 43)))
#db = np.concatenate((np.linspace(28, 33, 11), np.linspace(33.1, 37.5, 45), np.linspace(38, 43, 11))) # spec_{}to{}in{}steps
#db = np.concatenate((np.linspace(20, 33, 14), np.linspace(33.1, 36, 30), np.linspace(36.05,37.5, 30), np.linspace(38, 43, 11)))
db = np.concatenate((np.linspace(20, 33, 14), np.linspace(33.1, 36, 11), np.linspace(36.05,37.5, 11), np.linspace(38, 43, 11)))
#db = np.concatenate((np.linspace(28, 33, 14), np.linspace(33.1, 36, 11), np.linspace(36.05,37.5, 11), np.linspace(38, 43, 11)))
#db = np.concatenate((np.linspace(28, 33, 11), np.linspace(33.1, 37.5, 21), np.linspace(38, 43, 11))) # spec_{}to{}in{}steps
# variables related to density_bins
dbc = np.array([np.mean(db[i-1:i+1]) for i in np.arange(1,len(db))]) #! reasonable for non-eq-spaced db?
ddb = utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(np.diff(db)/2, 2, crop=True)        # layer thickness of density_bins
ddbc = np.diff(db)                                                   # layer thickness from midpoint to midpoint (#! note: it is 1 element longer than ddb)
# depth of isopycnals (i.e. of density_bins at both staggered grids)
z_t_3d = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(ncdat.z_t, sig2.shape[-2], sig2.shape[-1])
zdb = utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d, sig2, db, 'lin', fill_value=np.nan, mask = ATLboolmask, mono_method='sort')
zdbc = utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d, sig2, dbc, 'lin', fill_value=np.nan, mask = ATLboolmask, mono_method='sort')

# total volume representated by db
#! check if and where db to be replaced by dbc
dz3d = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(ncdat.dz, sig2.shape[-2], sig2.shape[-1])    # in cgs
TAREA3d = utils_conv.exp_ji_to_kji(ncdat.TAREA, sig2.shape[0])              # in cgs
vol3d = dz3d*TAREA3d                                                                # in cgs
vol_dbs_glob = np.zeros(shape=[len(db)])
vol_dbs_reg = np.zeros(shape=[len(db)])
vol_dbs_col = np.zeros(shape=[len(db), sig2.shape[-2], sig2.shape[-1]])
inds = np.digitize(sig2, db)

for b in np.arange(len(db)):
    vol_dbs_glob[b] = np.sum(vol3d[inds==b])                                                    # global        # in cgs
예제 #14
    CT = gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, PT)                 # conservative temperature
    sig2 = gsw.sigma2(SA, CT)                   # potential density anomaly referenced to 2000dbar
    # - conversion T-->U
    densU = np.zeros_like(sig2)
    foo1 = utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2, 2, axis=-1)
    densU[:,:-1,:-1] = .25*utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(foo1, 2, axis=-2)
    densU[:,-1,:-1] = .5*utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2, 2, axis=-1)[:,-1,:]
    densU[:,:-1,-1] = .5*utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2, 2, axis=-2)[:,:,-1]
    densU[:,-1,-1] = sig2[:,-1,-1]
    # density bins:  border-values (=dbb), center-values (=dbc) and thickness (=ddb)
    dbb = np.concatenate((np.linspace(dbsetup[0,0],dbsetup[0,1],dbsetup[0,2]), np.linspace(dbsetup[1,0],dbsetup[1,1],dbsetup[1,2]), np.linspace(dbsetup[2,0],dbsetup[2,1],dbsetup[2,2]), np.linspace(dbsetup[3,0],dbsetup[3,1],dbsetup[3,2]), np.linspace(dbsetup[4,0],dbsetup[4,1],dbsetup[4,2])))
    dbc = np.convolve(dbb, np.array([.5,.5]))[1:-1]
    # depth of isopycnals (zdbbc) calculated as z(dbc) (=zdbc) and as c(zdbb) (=zdbbc)
    z_t_3d = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(ncdat.z_t, densU.shape[-2], densU.shape[-1])
    zdbc = utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d, densU, dbc, 'lin', fill_value=np.nan, mask = ATLboolmask, mono_method='sort')
    zdbb = utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d, densU, dbb, 'lin', fill_value=np.nan, mask = ATLboolmask, mono_method='sort')
    zdbbc = np.ones_like(zdbc) * np.nan
    for j in np.arange(zdbb.shape[-2]):
        for i in np.arange(zdbb.shape[-1]):
            zdbbc[:,j,i] = np.convolve(zdbb[:,j,i], np.array([.5,.5]))[1:-1] # centre-values
    # save variables
    utils_misc.savevar(sig2, path_sig2)
    utils_misc.savevar(densU, path_densU)
    utils_misc.savevar(zdbc, path_zdbc)
    utils_misc.savevar(zdbb, path_zdbb)
    utils_misc.savevar(zdbbc, path_zdbbc)
예제 #15
def resample_colwise(odat, ogrd, ngrd, method, fill_value=np.nan, mask='none', mono_method='filter'):
     > utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp()
     > odat:        array of dim 1 or 3 | data on model grid
     > ogrd:        array of dim | old grid
     > ngrd:        new grid 
     > method:      string | 'lin'      (linear interpolation), 
                             'dMW_db'   (for dMW calculation with density as reference for weighting)
                             'dMW_zdb'  (for dMW calculation with isopycnal depth as reference for weighting)
                             'sum'      (sum over all datapoints within bin on new grid)
     > fill_value:  float or np.nan | value used to fill in for requested points outside the range of ogrd.
     > mask:        mask of densityshape [j,i], default: all True (no mask)
     > mono_method: string | 'filter' (will sort ogrd (and odat) such that ogrd is monotonically increasing (not necess. in strict sense!))
                             'force'  (will manipulate ogrd such that strictly monotonically increasing (brute method, not recommended))
     > ndat:        resampled data on new grid
     > add warning if negative gradients occur.
     > #!! for discreapencies at the low- and high-density borders see the comment in resample_1dim_weightedmean().
    print(' > columnwise resampling')

    # shape of data-array
    if len(odat.shape)==3:
        len_j = odat.shape[-2] # assumed to be the second last entry
        len_i = odat.shape[-1] # assumed to be the last entry
    elif len(odat.shape)==2:
        len_j = 1              # set to one, such that j-loop is executed only once.
        len_i = odat.shape[-1] # assumed to be the last entry
    elif len(odat.shape)==1:
        len_j = 1              # set to one, such that j-loop is executed only once.
        len_i = 1              # set to one, such that i-loop is executed only once.

    # expand shape ngrd, ogrd and odat to 3 dimensions
    #   note: singleton-dimensions are intended depending on original shape of odat
    def expand_shape(varin):
        if len(varin.shape) == 1:   # 1dim --> 3dim
            return(utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(varin, len_j, len_i))
        elif len(varin.shape) == 2: # 2dim --> 3dim
            sys.exit('case of two-dimensional ogrd is not implemented yet!')
        elif len(varin.shape) == 3: # already 3dim
            return(varin) # no expansion needed.
    ngrd = expand_shape(ngrd)
    ogrd = expand_shape(ogrd)
    odat = expand_shape(odat)
    # get default for regional mask (i.e. do not mask anything)
    if mask == 'none':  mask = np.ones(shape=[len_j, len_i], dtype=bool)
    # pre-allocation of ndat
    ndat = fill_value * np.ones_like(ngrd)
    # loop over columns
    for j in np.arange(len_j):
        utils_misc.ProgBar('step', step=j, nsteps=len_j)
        for i in np.arange(len_i):
            # skip masked [j,i]-tuples
            if mask[j,i]==False: continue
            # reduce ngrd, ogrd and odat to current column  
            ngrd_ji = ngrd[:,j,i]
            ogrd_ji = ogrd[:,j,i]
            odat_ji = odat[:,j,i]
            # detect disjunct ogrd and ngrd and continue with next column
            if (np.nanmax(ogrd_ji) < np.nanmin(ngrd_ji)) or (np.nanmax(ngrd_ji) < np.nanmin(ogrd_ji)):
                print('disjunct ogrd and ngrd at (j,i)=({}, {}). (please check conservation of integrated flux!)'.format(j, i))
            # function to make grd strictly monotoneously increasing
            def make_mono(grd, dat, mono_method):
                if mono_method == 'sort':       # sort grd and dat relative to grd
                    idx_sort = np.argsort(grd)
                    grd, dat = grd[idx_sort], dat[idx_sort]
                elif mono_method == 'force':    # manipulate grd (i.e. increase dropping values until mon. incr.)
                    for k in np.arange(1,ogrd.shape[0]):
                        if ogrd_ji[k] <= ogrd_ji[k-1]:
                            ogrd_ji[k] = ogrd_ji[k-1]+1e-10
                return(grd, dat)
            # resampling
            if method == 'lin':         # simple linear interpolation
                # make monotoneously increasing
                if any(np.diff(ogrd_ji)<=0):
                    ogrd_ji, odat_ji = make_mono(ogrd_ji, odat_ji, mono_method)
                # linear interpolation
                try:    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                except: idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:,j,i], gaps_border, gaps_center = utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp(odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd_ji, idxn_start, fill_value)
            elif method == 'dMW_db':    # for dMW calculation with density as reference for weighting
                try:    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                except: idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:,j,i], gaps_border, gaps_center = utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp(odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd_ji, idxn_start, fill_value=0)
            elif method == 'dMW_zdb':   # for dMW calculation with isopycnal depth as reference for weighting
                try:    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                except: idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:,j,i], gaps_border, gaps_center = utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp(odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd_ji, idxn_start, fill_value=0)
                ndat[gaps_border,j,i] = fill_value
            elif method == 'dMV':       # for dMV calculation
                try:    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                except: idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:,j,i], gaps_border, gaps_center = utils_conv.resample_1dim_lininterp(odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd_ji, idxn_start, fill_value=0)
            elif method == 'sum':       #! doesn't work right now!
                try:    idxn_start = np.where(ngrd_ji > np.nanmin(ogrd_ji))[0][0]
                except: idxn_start = 0  #!
                ndat[:,j,i], gaps_border, gaps_center = resample_1dim_sum(odat_ji, ogrd_ji, ngrd, idxn_start, fill_value)            
                ndat[:,j,i] = fill_gaps(ndat[:,j,i], gaps_border, gaps_center, fill_value)
                raise ValueError('unexpected method passed to resample_colwise.')

    return(np.squeeze(ndat)) # remove singleton dimensions (i.e. (1d --> 3d) --> back to 1d)
예제 #16
          -1] = .5 * utils_ana.canonical_cumsum(sig2T, 2, axis=-2)[:, :, -1]
    sig2U[:, -1, -1] = sig2T[:, -1, -1]
    del foo

    # density bins:  border-values (=DBb), center-values (=DBc) and thickness (=dDB)
    DBb = np.concatenate(
        (np.linspace(DBsetup[0, 0], DBsetup[0, 1], DBsetup[0, 2]),
         np.linspace(DBsetup[1, 0], DBsetup[1, 1], DBsetup[1, 2]),
         np.linspace(DBsetup[2, 0], DBsetup[2, 1], DBsetup[2, 2]),
         np.linspace(DBsetup[3, 0], DBsetup[3, 1], DBsetup[3, 2]),
         np.linspace(DBsetup[4, 0], DBsetup[4, 1], DBsetup[4, 2])))
    DBc = np.convolve(DBb, [.5, .5])[1:-1]  # find midpoints
    dDB = np.diff(DBb)

    # depth of isopycnals calculated as z(DBc) = zDB
    z_t_3d = utils_conv.exp_k_to_kji(ncdat.z_t, sig2U.shape[-2],
    zDBc = utils_conv.resample_colwise(z_t_3d,

    # thickness of zDBc (=dzDB) (with first thickness from surf to first bin)
    dzDBc = np.vstack(
        [utils_conv.exp_ji_to_kji(zDBc[0], 1),
         np.diff(zDBc, axis=0)])

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------