def three_fields_corner_plot(): survey = 'CCAT-p' lines = ['6-5', '5-4', '4-3'] b = 3 bandwidth = 60 kmax = 1 zobs = 0.88 nuemit = np.array([CO_data.CO_lines[l] for l in lines]) nuobs = nuemit / (1.+zobs) Vsurv = CO_data.calc_Vsurv(nuobs[0], nuemit[0], bandwidth, CO_data.survey_area[survey], cosmo) Blist, Nlist = CO_data.gen_Blist_Nlist(3, bandwidth, kmax, zobs, lines, survey, cosmo) tf = threefield(zobs, Blist, Nlist, kmax, Vsurv, cosmo) labels = [r'$B_{6-5}\,[\,\text{Jy}/\text{str}\,]$', r'$B_{5-4}\,[\,\text{Jy}/\text{str}\,]$', r'$B_{4-3}\,[\,\text{Jy}/\text{str}\,]$'] fig, ax, _ = corner_plot(zobs, Blist, Nlist, cosmo, 1.75, tf=tf, labels=labels, printtext=False) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('CO_tf.pdf')
def intensity_power_spectrum(z, b, I, cosmo, kmin=1E-3, kmax=1, nk=256, nmu=256, distort=False, ztarget=None, returnk=False, angle_averaged=False): klist = np.logspace(np.log10(kmin), np.log10(kmax), nk) mulist = np.linspace(-1, 1, nmu) if distort: assert ztarget is not None, "Must specify ztarget to distort!" apar, aperp = alpha_factors(ztarget, z, cosmo) else: apar, aperp = None, None # generate distorted k, mu - if applicable # otherwise kdist, mudist = k, mu k, mu = gen_k_meshgrid(klist, mulist) kdist, mudist = gen_k_meshgrid(klist, mulist, distort=distort, apar=apar, aperp=aperp) Pden = cosmo.matterPowerSpectrum(kdist, z) B = b * I # compute prefactor from kaiser effect beta_z = fomega(z, cosmo) / b kaiser = np.add(1., np.multiply(beta_z, np.square(mudist))) kaiser = np.square(kaiser) # compute prefactor from fingerofgod effect sp2 = sigmap2(z, b, cosmo) x2 = sp2 * (kdist * cosmo.h)**2 * mu**2 fingerofgod = 1. / (1. + x2) # compute shot noise SFR, phi, alpha = CO_data._find_nearest_smit_(z, CO_data.smit_unlog_table) shot = I**2 * (2. + alpha) / (phi * gamma(2. + alpha)) shot *= CO_data.smit_h3 # put all the pieces together Pintensity = np.multiply( np.multiply(np.multiply(B**2, kaiser), fingerofgod), Pden) Pintensity = np.add(Pintensity, shot) # add in prefactor if distorted if distort: Pintensity = np.divide(Pintensity, apar * aperp**2) # angle average, if necessary if angle_averaged: k, Pintensity = _angle_average_ps_(k, mu, Pintensity) # return if returnk: if angle_averaged: return k, Pintensity else: return k, mu, Pintensity else: return Pintensity
def plot_CII_ps(z=7, name='CIIps_z7.pdf'): kmin = 0.01 kmax = 10 l = 'CII' lint = ['3-2', '4-3', '5-4', '6-5'] # lint = ['2-1', '3-2', '4-3', '5-4', '6-5', '7-6', '8-7', '9-8', '10-9', '11-10', '12-11', '13-12'] nue = CO_data.CO_lines_LT16[l] L0 = CO_data.CO_L0[l] Il = CO_data.avg_int(L0, z, CO_data.smit_unlog_table, nue, cosmo, smooth=False) bl = 3 k, Pi = mf.intensity_power_spectrum(z, bl, Il, cosmo, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, returnk=True, angle_averaged=True) del2 = k**3 * Pi / (2. * np.pi**2) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(k, del2, c=tb_c[-1], label=r'CII') del2int = np.zeros(np.shape(del2)) del2int_dist = np.zeros(np.shape(del2)) ICOtot = 0 for li in lint: nue_i = CO_data.CO_lines_LT16[li] L0 = CO_data.CO_L0[li] zint = (nue_i / nue) * (1 + z) zint -= 1 if zint > 0: Ii = CO_data.avg_int(L0, zint, CO_data.smit_unlog_table, nue_i, cosmo, smooth=False) print(li, zint, Ii, Ii / Il) ICOtot += Ii bi = 2 k, Pi = mf.intensity_power_spectrum(zint, bi, Ii, cosmo, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, returnk=True, angle_averaged=True, distort=False, ztarget=z) k, Pidist = mf.intensity_power_spectrum(zint, bi, Ii, cosmo, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, returnk=True, angle_averaged=True, distort=True, ztarget=z) del2 = k**3 * Pi / (2. * np.pi**2) del2_dist = k**3 * Pidist / (2. * np.pi**2) del2int += del2 del2int_dist += del2_dist print('ICO tot:', ICOtot) ax.plot(k, del2int, c=tb_c[2], label='CO interlopers') ax.plot(k, del2int_dist, c=tb_c[0], label='CO interlopers, distorted') # now plot values from LT16 LT16_target = np.genfromtxt('LT16_fig3/delta_mon_quad_target_z7.dat') LT16_COnodist = np.genfromtxt( 'LT16_fig3/delta_mon_quad_int_nodist_all.dat') LT16_COdist = np.genfromtxt('LT16_fig3/delta_mon_quad_int_all.dat') s = 0.5 ax.scatter(LT16_target[:, 0], LT16_target[:, 1], c='k', s=s) ax.scatter(LT16_COnodist[:, 0], LT16_COnodist[:, 1], c='r', s=s) ax.scatter(LT16_COdist[:, 0], LT16_COdist[:, 1], c='b', s=s) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(r'$k\,[\,h/\text{Mpc}\,]$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta^2 (k)\,[\,\text{Jy}^2/\text{str}^2\,]$') ax.set_xlim([0.01, 10]) ax.set_ylim([10, 1E8]) ax.legend() ax.set_title('z=' + str(z)) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(name)
def plot_all_SN(survey, lines, zbounds=[0, 10], nz=1000): freq_range = CO_data.survey_freq_range[survey] b = 3 bandwidth = 60 kmax = 1 # Vsurv = CO_data.calc_Vsurv(nuobs[0], nuemit[0], bandwidth, CO_data.survey_area[survey], cosmo) # Blist, Nlist = CO_data.gen_Blist_Nlist(3, bandwidth, kmax, zobs, lines, survey, cosmo) zextent_list = [] for l in lines: nuemit = CO_data.CO_lines[l] zextent = (nuemit - freq_range)/freq_range zextent_list.append(np.flip(zextent)) zextent_list = np.array(zextent_list) print(zextent_list) zlist = np.linspace(zbounds[0], zbounds[1], nz) lines_obs_list = [] tf_bool_list = [] for z in zlist: bool1 = z > zextent_list[:,0] bool2 = z < zextent_list[:,1] keys = np.where(np.logical_and(bool1, bool2))[0] lines_obs = [ lines[k] for k in keys ] lines_obs_list.append(lines_obs) if len(lines_obs) >= 3: tf_bool_list.append(True) else: tf_bool_list.append(False) mf_keys = np.where(tf_bool_list)[0] # first generate the S/N Cramer-Rao bound for the auto-spectrum # this is done at every redshift for each line that is in band SN_auto_list = [] SN_mf_list = [] for z, lines_at_z, mfbool in zip(zlist, lines_obs_list, tf_bool_list): SN = np.zeros(np.shape(lines)) SN_mf = np.zeros(np.shape(lines)) nuemit = CO_data.CO_lines[l] nuobs = nuemit / (1.+z) Vsurv = CO_data.calc_Vsurv(nuobs, nuemit, bandwidth, CO_data.survey_area[survey], cosmo) Blist, Nlist = CO_data.gen_Blist_Nlist(3, bandwidth, kmax, z, lines_at_z, survey, cosmo) mf = multifield(z, Blist, Nlist, kmax, Vsurv, cosmo) Vk = _Vk_(mf.klist, mf.Pklist, Vsurv) for i,l in enumerate(lines_at_z): for key, lp in enumerate(lines): if l == lp: SN[key] = Blist[i]**2 * Vk / Nlist[i] if mfbool: cov = np.linalg.inv(mf.fmat) noise = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) sn = Blist / noise for i,l in enumerate(lines_at_z): for key, lp in enumerate(lines): if l == lp: SN_mf[key] = sn[i] SN_auto_list.append(SN) SN_mf_list.append(SN_mf) SN_auto_list = np.array(SN_auto_list) SN_mf_list = np.array(SN_mf_list) for i,l in enumerate(lines): plt.plot(zlist, SN_auto_list[:,i], ls='dashed', c=tb_c[i]) plt.plot(zlist, SN_mf_list[:,i], label=l, c=tb_c[i]) # now generate the S/N Cramer-Rao bound for the auto-spectrum # done at redshifts where we have >= 3 fields plt.xlabel(r'$z$') plt.ylabel(r'$\text{S}/\text{N}(B)$') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlim(zbounds) plt.legend(frameon=False, title=r'$B$') return zlist, SN_auto_list
def plot_intensity_vs_z(): c1 = Color(tb_c[7]) c2 = Color(tb_c[0]) c3 = Color(tb_c[7]) clist1 = list(c3.range_to(c2, 10)) clist2 = list(c2.range_to(c1, 4)) clist2 = clist2[1:] clist = np.append(clist1, clist2) clist = [c.get_hex() for c in clist] clist.append(tb_c[-1]) lslist = [ 'dashed', 'dashed', 'dashed', 'dashed', 'dashed', 'dashed', 'dashed', 'dashed', 'dashed', None, None, None, None, None ] xlist = [ 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.75, 1.25, 1.5, 1.5, 8 ] lines = [ '13-12', '12-11', '11-10', '10-9', '9-8', '8-7', '7-6', '6-5', '5-4', '4-3', '3-2', '2-1', '1-0', 'CII' ] zlist = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) sigma = 1 stable = CO_data.smit_unlog_table avg_int_list = {} for l in lines: nuemit = CO_data.CO_lines[l] L0 = CO_data.CO_L0[l] avg_int_list[l] = CO_data.avg_int(L0, zlist, stable, nuemit, cosmo, smooth=True, sigma=sigma) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 7)) for l, c, ls in zip(lines, clist, lslist): ax.plot(zlist, avg_int_list[l], label=l, c=c, ls=ls) labelLines(ax.get_lines(), zorder=2.5, bbox={ 'pad': 0, 'facecolor': 'white', 'edgecolor': 'white' }, xvals=xlist, fontsize=7.5) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(r'$z$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\left< I \right> \,[\,\text{Jy}/\text{str}\,]$') fig.savefig('intensity_vs_z.pdf')
def plot_intensity_vs_nu(kplot=0.7, sigma=1): nulist = np.linspace(170, 270, 100) ltarget = 'CII' linterlopers = [ '13-12', '12-11', '11-10', '10-9', '9-8', '8-7', '7-6', '6-5', '5-4', '4-3', '3-2', '2-1', '1-0' ] nuemit_int = [CO_data.CO_lines[l] for l in linterlopers] L0l_list = [CO_data.CO_L0[l] for l in linterlopers] nuemit_target = CO_data.CO_lines[ltarget] zlist = (nuemit_target - nulist) / nulist L0target = CO_data.CO_L0[ltarget] Itarget = np.array([ CO_data.avg_int(L0target, z, CO_data.smit_unlog_table, nuemit_target, cosmo, smooth=False, sigma=sigma) for z in zlist ]) Patk_target = [] Patk_int = {l: [] for l in linterlopers} for z, nu, It in zip(tqdm(zlist), nulist, Itarget): k, Ptarget = mf.intensity_power_spectrum(z, 3, It, cosmo, returnk=True, angle_averaged=True) Pk = np.interp(kplot, k, Ptarget) Patk_target.append(Pk) for l, nue, L0l in zip(linterlopers, nuemit_int, L0l_list): zl = (nue / nuemit_target) * (1 + z) - 1 if zl >= 0.0: Itarget = CO_data.avg_int(L0l, np.array([zl]), CO_data.smit_unlog_table, nue, cosmo, smooth=True, sigma=sigma)[0] Pl = mf.intensity_power_spectrum(zl, 2, It, cosmo, angle_averaged=True) Pk = np.interp(kplot, k, Pl) Patk_int[l].append(Pk) else: Patk_int[l].append(0) Patk_target = np.array(Patk_target) for l in linterlopers: Patk_int[l] = np.array(Patk_int[l]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(zlist, kplot**3 * Patk_target / (2. * np.pi**2), c=tb_c[0], label=ltarget) Ptot = np.zeros(np.shape(Patk_target)) # for l in linterlopers: for l in ['2-1', '3-2', '4-3', '5-4', '6-5', '7-6']: ax.plot(zlist, kplot**3 * Patk_int[l] / (2. * np.pi**2), label=l) Ptot += Patk_int[l] print(Ptot) ax.plot(zlist, kplot**3 * Ptot / (2. * np.pi**2), c='k', label='int tot') ax.legend() ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(r'$z_{\text{C~\textsc{ii}}}$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta^2 (k)$')
'ns': 1.0 } cosmo = cosmology.setCosmology('myCosmo', params) survey = 'CCAT-p' lines = ['6-5', '5-4', '4-3'] b = 3 bandwidth = 60 kmax = 1 zobs = 0.88 nuemit = np.array([CO_data.CO_lines[l] for l in lines]) nuobs = nuemit / (1. + zobs) Blist, Nlist = CO_data.gen_Blist_Nlist(3, bandwidth, kmax, zobs, lines, survey, cosmo) Vsurv = CO_data.calc_Vsurv(nuobs[0], nuemit[0], bandwidth, CO_data.survey_area[survey], cosmo) fig, ax, _ = corner_plot(1, np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([100, 100, 100]), cosmo, 0.25, kmax=1, Vk=200000, norm=True, intstr=True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('corner_Nconstant.pdf')
tb_c = [ '#4e79a7', '#f28e2b', '#e15759', '#76b7b2', '#59a14f', '#edc948', '#b07aa1', '#ff9da7', '#9c755f', '#bab0ac' ] stable = CO_data.smit_unlog_table Jlist = np.arange(3, 13) Jlist_label = [str(J) + '-' + str(J - 1) for J in Jlist] freqlist = [CO_data.CO_lines_LT16[Jlabel] for Jlabel in Jlist_label] # in GHz ICOlist = [] ztarget = 7 nuCII = CO_data.CO_lines_LT16['CII'] L0CII = CO_data.CO_L0['CII'] ICII = CO_data.avg_int(L0CII, ztarget, stable, nuCII, cosmo) for l, nu in zip(Jlist_label, freqlist): zinterloper = (nu / nuCII) * (1 + ztarget) - 1 L0 = CO_data.CO_L0[l] inten = CO_data.avg_int(L0, zinterloper, stable, nu, cosmo) ICOlist.append(inten) ICOlist = np.array(ICOlist) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.scatter(Jlist, ICOlist / ICII) ax.set_xlabel(r'$J$')