예제 #1
def main(RPRDfile, RSfile, CTfile, fileName, addStructType=[], addRampName=[]):
    # set some variables
    with open(confFile) as f:
        confCont = f.readlines()
    whatToGet = [
        'common.RPfilePrefix', 'common.RDfilePrefix', 'common.RSfilePrefix',
        'common.CTfilePrefix', 'common.DICOMfileEnding',
        'CTC_auto.fixedMedDens', 'CTC_auto.extName', 'CTC_auto.suppName',
        'CTC_auto.suppOuter', 'CTC_auto.suppInner', 'CTC_auto.densRampName',
        'CTC_auto.externalRamp', 'CTC_auto.outsideRamp',
        'CTC_auto.otherwiseRamp', 'CTC_auto.airDens', 'CTC_auto.setAir',
        'CTC_auto.lowerDens', 'CTC_auto.spaceDelimit', 'CTC_auto.relElecFile'

    # get the variables from confFile
    cv = struct()
    cv = CTCtools.getConfVars(cv, whatToGet, confCont)

    # define additional variables
    replaceType = 'NONE'  # the structure type to be given to replaced types
    replaceList = []  # list of structure types to be replaced
    extFilterSize = 3  # number of voxel to add to external contour
    extFilt = (extFilterSize, extFilterSize, extFilterSize)
    filt = np.ones(extFilt).astype(int)

    # load density ramp
    # densRamp = CTCtools.getStructFromMatFile(cv.densRampName, 'densRamp', 1)
    densRamp = CTCtools.grabData(cv.densRampName, 'densRamp', 1, 1)

    # Use DICOM to obtain data

    # CT
    with open(CTfile) as f:
        ct = f.readlines()
    ct = map(str.strip, ct)
    # get x and y coords, just use first file in list as all will have same grid
    ct_xmesh, ct_ymesh = CTCtools.getDICOMcoords(ct[0],
                                                 True)  # get DICOMcoords in cm
    # get CT matrix and z coords
    ct_zmesh, ct_mtrx = CTCtools.getCTinfo(ct, True)

    # RD
    with open(RPRDfile) as f:
        rp = f.readline().strip()
        rd = f.readline().strip()
    # get x and y DICOMcoords in cm
    rd_xmesh, rd_ymesh = CTCtools.getDICOMcoords(rd, True)
    # get z coords
    rd_zmesh = CTCtools.getDICOMzCoord(rd, True)

    # get orientation of CT and RD
    orientCT = CTCtools.getOrient(ct[0])
    orientRD = CTCtools.getOrient(rd)

    # inverse rd_*mesh depending on orientation relative ct
    if sum(orientRD[:3]) == -sum(orientCT[:3]):
        rd_xmesh = rd_xmesh[::-1]
    if sum(orientRD[3:]) == -sum(orientCT[3:]):
        rd_ymesh = rd_ymesh[::-1]
    if len(
                [np.all(np.diff(ct_zmesh) > 0),
                 np.all(np.diff(rd_zmesh) > 0)])) > 1:
        step = np.unique(np.around(np.diff(ct_zmesh), decimals=3))
        if len(step) == 1:
            step = float(step)
            step = float(np.average(step))
        rd_zmesh = CTCtools.create1dDICOMcoord(rd_zmesh[0], step,
                                               len(rd_zmesh), -1)
        rd_zmesh = rd_zmesh[::-1]
        int(np.argwhere(ct_zmesh == rd_zmesh[-1]))
    except TypeError:
        step = np.unique(np.around(np.diff(ct_zmesh), decimals=3))
        if len(step) == 1:
            step = float(step)
            step = float(np.average(step))
        rd_zmesh = CTCtools.create1dDICOMcoord(rd_zmesh[0], step,
        len(rd_zmesh), -1)
        rd_zmesh = rd_zmesh[::-1]

    # inverse arrays and flip matrix depending on meshes
    if ct_xmesh[-1] < ct_xmesh[0]:
        ct_xmesh = ct_xmesh[::-1]
        rd_xmesh = rd_xmesh[::-1]
        ct_mtrx = ct_mtrx[:, :, ::-1]
    if ct_ymesh[-1] < ct_ymesh[0]:
        ct_ymesh = ct_ymesh[::-1]
        rd_ymesh = rd_ymesh[::-1]
        ct_mtrx = ct_mtrx[:, ::-1, :]
    if ct_zmesh[-1] < ct_zmesh[0]:
        ct_zmesh = ct_zmesh[::-1]
        rd_zmesh = rd_zmesh[::-1]
        ct_mtrx = ct_mtrx[::-1, :, :]

    # write doseGrid
    f = open(''.join([fileName, '.doseGrid']), 'w')
    f.write('{0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:d}\n'.format(rd_xmesh[0], rd_xmesh[-1],
    f.write('{0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:d}\n'.format(rd_ymesh[0], rd_ymesh[-1],
    f.write('{0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:d}\n'.format(rd_zmesh[0], rd_zmesh[-1],

    cts_xmesh = ct_xmesh[:]
    cts_ymesh = ct_ymesh[:]
    cts_zmesh = ct_zmesh[:]
    rds_xmesh = rd_xmesh[:]
    rds_ymesh = rd_ymesh[:]
    rds_zmesh = rd_zmesh[:]

    refROIs = []
    refContSeq = []

    # Read RS file
    with open(RSfile) as f:
        rs = f.readline().strip()
    RS = dicom.read_file(rs)  # open file
    # replace empty strucutre types with specified string
    for i in range(0, len(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence)):
        if len(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[i].RTROIInterpretedType) == 0:
            RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[i].RTROIInterpretedType = replaceType
            RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[i].RTROIInterpretedType = replaceType
        except ValueError:

    # start reading RS struct types
    allTypesFull = []
    for i in range(0, len(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence)):
    allTypes = list(set(allTypesFull))
    # Check for support structures
        supportStructures = True
    except ValueError:
        supportStructures = False

    if supportStructures:
        suppDim = struct()
        suppDim.X = [None] * 2
        suppDim.Y = [None] * 2
        suppDim.Z = [None] * 2
        # get indices of support structures
        suppNr = [i for i, x in enumerate(allTypesFull) if x == cv.suppName]
        # get the ref ROI number(s)
        for elem in suppNr:
        # find the corresponding ContourSequence
        for elem in refROIs:
                CTCtools.getCorrContSeq(RS.ROIContourSequence, elem))
        # get the extreme of the support structures
        for elem in refContSeq:
            suppDim = CTCtools.getExtremeOfContour(
                CTCtools.getContour(RS.ROIContourSequence[elem], ct_zmesh,
                                    abs(orientCT[1]), True), suppDim)
        # extend rd_*mesh to encompass support structures
        rds_xmesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(rd_xmesh, suppDim.X)
        rds_ymesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(rd_ymesh, suppDim.Y)
        rds_zmesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(rd_zmesh, suppDim.Z)
        suppDim.X = [rds_xmesh[0], rds_xmesh[-1]]
        suppDim.Y = [rds_ymesh[0], rds_ymesh[-1]]
        suppDim.Z = [rds_zmesh[0], rds_zmesh[-1]]
        cts_xmesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(ct_xmesh, suppDim.X)
        cts_ymesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(ct_ymesh, suppDim.Y)
        cts_zmesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(ct_zmesh, suppDim.Z)
        # pad ct using map_coordinates if cts != ct
        if ct_mtrx.shape != (len(cts_zmesh), len(cts_ymesh), len(cts_xmesh)):
            ct_mtrx = CTCtools.map_coordinates(ct_mtrx, ct_xmesh, ct_ymesh,
                                               ct_zmesh, cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh,
                                               cts_zmesh, 0)

    # Deinterpolate CT data onto dose grid
    # check if rds_zmesh is beyond cts_zmesh, if so eliminate slices
    rds_zmesh = np.intersect1d(np.around(rds_zmesh, decimals=3),
                               np.around(cts_zmesh, decimals=3),
    # density matrix is computed using cubic interpolation
    dens_mtrx = CTCtools.map_coordinates(ct_mtrx, cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh,
                                         cts_zmesh, rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh,
                                         rds_zmesh, 3)
    #ct_mtrx = CTCtools.map_coordinates(ct_mtrx, cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh,
    #cts_zmesh, rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh, rds_zmesh, 0)
    # change: use cubic interpolation also for material
    #ct_mtrx = CTCtools.map_coordinates(ct_mtrx, cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh,
    #cts_zmesh, #rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh, rds_zmesh, 3)
    ct_mtrx = copy.deepcopy(dens_mtrx)
    # set nans to 0
    dens_mtrx = np.nan_to_num(dens_mtrx)
    ct_mtrx = np.nan_to_num(ct_mtrx)

    # Locate external contour
    extNr = [
        i for i, x in enumerate(allTypesFull) if x.startswith(cv.extName)
        CTCtools.getCorrContSeq(RS.ROIContourSequence, refROIs[-1]))

    # Check if additional structure types were requested
    if len(addStructType) > 0:
        for i in range(0, len(addStructType)):
            addNr = [
                j for j, x in enumerate(allTypesFull) if x == addStructType[i]
            for j in range(0, len(addNr)):

    # Correlate between ROIContourSequence and RTROIObservationsSequence
    refObsSeq = []
    for elem in refROIs:
            CTCtools.getCorrContSeq(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence, elem))

    # create and init structures
    structures = []
    structureShell = struct()

    # get name, types and properties
    names = []
    cnt = 0
    skips = []
    for elem in refObsSeq:
        structure = copy.deepcopy(structureShell)
        # structure.init_name()
            structure.name = RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[
        except AttributeError:
            structure.name = ''
        # names.append(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[elem].ROIObservationLabel)
        structure.type = RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[
            if RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[
                        0].ROIPhysicalProperty == 'REL_ELEC_DENSITY':
                structure.RelElecDens = format(
                          ROIPhysicalPropertyValue), '.4f')
        except AttributeError:
        #if not structure.type == cv.suppName:
        #structure.RelElecDens = 1.0000  # set to 1 for all structures
        # don't append if name starts with Z_Ring
        skipNames = ['z_Tring']
        if not any(structure.name.lower().startswith(item)
                   for item in skipNames):
        cnt += 1

    # remove the skippers
    [refObsSeq.pop(x) for x in list(reversed(skips))]
    [refContSeq.pop(x) for x in list(reversed(skips))]

    # create and append structure for outside
    structure = copy.deepcopy(structureShell)
    structure.name = 'OUTSIDE'
    structure.type = 'OUTSIDE'

    # get contour sequences and create logicMatrix
    cnt = 0

    for elem in refContSeq:
        # get contour
        structures[cnt].contour = CTCtools.getContour(
            RS.ROIContourSequence[elem], ct_zmesh, abs(orientCT[1]), True)
        # deInterpolate contour onto dose grid and generate boolean matrix
        if structures[cnt].contour:
            structures[cnt].logicMatrix = CTCtools.interpStructToDose(
                structures[cnt].contour, rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh, rds_zmesh,
                cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh, cts_zmesh)
            structures[cnt].logicMatrix = np.zeros(ct_mtrx.shape)
        cnt += 1

    # outside
    out = [i for i, x in enumerate(names) if 'OUTSIDE' in x][0]
    structures[out].logicMatrix = np.ones(structures[0].logicMatrix.shape)

    # drop empty structures (due to being too small)
    structures = CTCtools.dropEmpty(structures)

    # drop structures that are not engulfed by external save dedicated types
    saveTypes = ['OUTSIDE', cv.suppName, 'BOLUS']
    structures = CTCtools.dropOutOfExt(structures, cv.extName, saveTypes)

    # expand external contour by convolution
    for cnt in range(0, len(structures)):
        if structures[cnt].type == cv.extName and not hasattr(
                structures[cnt], 'RelElecDens'):  # added && not releELec !!!
            indx = np.where(
                    structures[cnt].logicMatrix, filt, mode='nearest') >= 1)
            structures[cnt].logicMatrix = np.zeros(
            structures[cnt].logicMatrix[indx] = 1

    # make sure that each voxel only belongs to one structure
    if supportStructures:
        # remove suppInner from suppOuter
        inner = [i for i, x in enumerate(names) if cv.suppInner in x][0]
        outer = [i for i, x in enumerate(names) if cv.suppOuter in x][0]
        structures[outer].logicMatrix = np.where(
            structures[inner].logicMatrix == 1, 0,
    sortOrder = [cv.suppName, 'OUTSIDE', cv.extName, 'CTV', True]
    structures = CTCtools.sortStructures(structures, sortOrder)  # sort
    # belong to one
    structures = CTCtools.belongToOne(structures, cv.extName)
    structures = CTCtools.dropEmpty(structures)  # drop empty

    # perform HU corrections
    if cv.setAir.lower() == 'y':
        out = [i for i, x in enumerate(structures) if 'OUTSIDE' in x.name][0]
        # assumption: the density of air is below the breakpoint in the bilinear HU-dense curve
        airHU = (cv.airDens - densRamp[0][1][0]) / densRamp[0][1][1]
        ct_mtrx = np.where(structures[out].logicMatrix == 1, airHU, ct_mtrx)
        dens_mtrx = np.where(structures[out].logicMatrix == 1, airHU,

    # compute density matrix
    density = CTCtools.computeDensity(dens_mtrx, densRamp)
    # set minimum density if value is positive
    if cv.lowerDens >= 0:
        density = np.where(density < cv.lowerDens, cv.lowerDens, density)

    # assign material ramps to each structure
    for i in range(0, len(structures)):
        if structures[i].type == cv.extName:
            rampName = cv.externalRamp
        elif structures[i].type == cv.suppName:
            rampName = cv.otherwiseRamp
        elif structures[i].type == 'OUTSIDE':
            rampName = cv.outsideRamp
            # find correct rampName
            indx = [
                j for j, x in enumerate(addStructType)
                if x == structures[i].type
            rampName = addRampName[indx]
        print structures[i].name, rampName
        structures[i].ramp = CTCtools.grabData(rampName, 'materialRamp', 0, 2)

    # Build and sort total media list
    medNr, medium = CTCtools.buildGlobalMediaList(structures)

    # compute media matrix
    media = CTCtools.computeMedia(ct_mtrx, structures, medium, medNr)

    # set uniform media and density for structures with defined relElec
    relElec = struct()
    relElec.data = CTCtools.getFromFile(cv.relElecFile, 3)
    relElec.relElec = [x[1] for x in relElec.data]
    relElec.physDens = [x[2] for x in relElec.data]
    relElec.media = [x[0] for x in relElec.data]
    for struc in structures:
        if hasattr(struc, 'RelElecDens'):
                rIndex = relElec.relElec.index(getattr(struc, 'RelElecDens'))
                # get medNr corresponding to media
                    medIndx = medium.index(relElec.media[rIndex])
                    media = np.where(struc.logicMatrix == 1, medNr[medIndx],
                    density = np.where(struc.logicMatrix == 1,
                                       relElec.physDens[rIndex], density)
                except ValueError:  # add if not in list
                    medNr.append(max(medNr) + 1)
                    media = np.where(struc.logicMatrix == 1, max(medNr), media)
                    density = np.where(struc.logicMatrix == 1,
                                       relElec.physDens[rIndex], density)
            except ValueError:

    # set fixed density for medias listed in cv.fixedMedDens
    if os.path.isfile(cv.fixedMedDens):
        with open(cv.fixedMedDens) as fmd:
            fixedMedDens = fmd.readlines()
        for line in fixedMedDens:
                fixedMedia = line.split('\t')[0].strip()
                fixedDensity = float(line.split('\t')[1].strip())
                # get medNr corresponding to media
                    medIndx = medium.index(fixedMedia)
                    density = np.where(media == medNr[medIndx], fixedDensity,
                except ValueError:
            except ValueError:
            except IndexError:

    # rotate phantom and interchange rds_mesh with rds_ymesh if the orientation calls for it
    if orientCT[0] == 0:
        density = density[:, :, ::-1]
        media = media[:, :, ::-1]
        tmp = rds_ymesh[:]
        rds_ymesh = rds_xmesh[:]
        rds_xmesh = tmp[:]
        density = np.transpose(density, (2, 1, 0))
        density = np.rot90(density, 3)
        density = np.transpose(density, (2, 1, 0))
        media = np.transpose(media, (2, 1, 0))
        media = np.rot90(media, 3)
        media = np.transpose(media, (2, 1, 0))

    # write to file
    estepe = [0.25] * len(medium)  # dummy variable for ESTEPE
    if cv.spaceDelimit.lower() == 'y':
        cv.spaceDelimit = True
        cv.spaceDelimit = False
    print 'Writing egs4phant file'
    CTCtools.writeEgsphant(fileName, rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh, rds_zmesh, medium,
                           estepe, media, density, cv.spaceDelimit)
예제 #2
for i in range(0, len(structures)):
        k = structures[i].RelElecDens
        # perform RelElecDens corrections
        for j in range(0, len(relElec)):
            if np.around(structures[i].RelElecDens, decimals=5) == np.around(relElec[j][0], decimals=5):
                myDens = relElec[j][1]
                myHU = CTCtools.getHUfromDens(myDens, densRamp)
                ct_mtrx = np.where(structures[i].logicMatrix == 1, myHU, ct_mtrx)
                dens_mtrx = np.where(structures[i].logicMatrix == 1, myHU, dens_mtrx)
    except AttributeError:

# compute density matrix
density = CTCtools.computeDensity(dens_mtrx, densRamp)

# assign material ramps to each structure
for i in range(0, len(structures)):
    if structures[i].type == cv.extName:
        rampName = cv.externalRamp
    elif structures[i].type == cv.suppName:
        rampName = cv.otherwiseRamp
    elif structures[i].type == 'OUTSIDE':
        rampName = cv.outsideRamp
        # find correct rampName
        indx = [j for j, x in enumerate(addStructType) if x == structures[i].type][0]
        rampName = addRampName[indx]
        if structures[i].type == 'NONE':
예제 #3
        # perform RelElecDens corrections
        for j in range(0, len(relElec)):
            if np.around(structures[i].RelElecDens,
                         decimals=5) == np.around(relElec[j][0], decimals=5):
                myDens = relElec[j][1]
                myHU = CTCtools.getHUfromDens(myDens, densRamp)
                ct_mtrx = np.where(structures[i].logicMatrix == 1, myHU,
                dens_mtrx = np.where(structures[i].logicMatrix == 1, myHU,
    except AttributeError:

# compute density matrix
density = CTCtools.computeDensity(dens_mtrx, densRamp)

# assign material ramps to each structure
for i in range(0, len(structures)):
    if structures[i].type == cv.extName:
        rampName = cv.externalRamp
    elif structures[i].type == cv.suppName:
        rampName = cv.otherwiseRamp
    elif structures[i].type == 'OUTSIDE':
        rampName = cv.outsideRamp
        # find correct rampName
        indx = [
            j for j, x in enumerate(addStructType) if x == structures[i].type
        rampName = addRampName[indx]
예제 #4
def main(RPRDfile, RSfile, CTfile, fileName, addStructType=[], addRampName=[]):
    # set some variables
    with open(confFile) as f:
        confCont = f.readlines()
    whatToGet = ['common.RPfilePrefix', 'common.RDfilePrefix',
        'common.RSfilePrefix', 'common.CTfilePrefix', 'common.DICOMfileEnding',
        'CTC_auto.fixedMedDens', 'CTC_auto.extName',
        'CTC_auto.suppName', 'CTC_auto.suppOuter',
        'CTC_auto.suppInner', 'CTC_auto.densRampName',
        'CTC_auto.externalRamp', 'CTC_auto.outsideRamp',
        'CTC_auto.otherwiseRamp', 'CTC_auto.airDens',
        'CTC_auto.setAir', 'CTC_auto.lowerDens',
        'CTC_auto.spaceDelimit', 'CTC_auto.relElecFile']

    # get the variables from confFile
    cv = struct()
    cv = CTCtools.getConfVars(cv, whatToGet, confCont)

    # define additional variables
    replaceType = 'NONE'  # the structure type to be given to replaced types
    replaceList = []  # list of structure types to be replaced
    extFilterSize = 3  # number of voxel to add to external contour
    extFilt = (extFilterSize, extFilterSize, extFilterSize)
    filt = np.ones(extFilt).astype(int)

    # load density ramp
    # densRamp = CTCtools.getStructFromMatFile(cv.densRampName, 'densRamp', 1)
    densRamp = CTCtools.grabData(cv.densRampName, 'densRamp', 1, 1)

    # Use DICOM to obtain data

    # CT
    with open(CTfile) as f:
        ct = f.readlines()
    ct = map(str.strip, ct)
    # get x and y coords, just use first file in list as all will have same grid
    ct_xmesh, ct_ymesh = CTCtools.getDICOMcoords(ct[0], True)  # get DICOMcoords in cm
    # get CT matrix and z coords
    ct_zmesh, ct_mtrx = CTCtools.getCTinfo(ct, True)

    # RD
    with open(RPRDfile) as f:
        rp = f.readline().strip()
        rd = f.readline().strip()
    # get x and y DICOMcoords in cm
    rd_xmesh, rd_ymesh = CTCtools.getDICOMcoords(rd, True)
    # get z coords
    rd_zmesh = CTCtools.getDICOMzCoord(rd, True)

    # get orientation of CT and RD
    orientCT = CTCtools.getOrient(ct[0])
    orientRD = CTCtools.getOrient(rd)

    # inverse rd_*mesh depending on orientation relative ct
    if sum(orientRD[:3]) == -sum(orientCT[:3]):
        rd_xmesh = rd_xmesh[::-1]
    if sum(orientRD[3:]) == -sum(orientCT[3:]):
        rd_ymesh = rd_ymesh[::-1]
    if len(np.unique([np.all(np.diff(ct_zmesh) > 0), np.all(np.diff(rd_zmesh) > 0)])) > 1:
        step = np.unique(np.around(np.diff(ct_zmesh), decimals=3))
        if len(step) == 1:
            step = float(step)
            step = float(np.average(step))
        rd_zmesh = CTCtools.create1dDICOMcoord(rd_zmesh[0], step,
        len(rd_zmesh), -1)
        rd_zmesh = rd_zmesh[::-1]
        int(np.argwhere(ct_zmesh == rd_zmesh[-1]))
    except TypeError:
        step = np.unique(np.around(np.diff(ct_zmesh), decimals=3))
        if len(step) == 1:
            step = float(step)
            step = float(np.average(step))
        rd_zmesh = CTCtools.create1dDICOMcoord(rd_zmesh[0], step,
        len(rd_zmesh), -1)
        rd_zmesh = rd_zmesh[::-1]

    # inverse arrays and flip matrix depending on meshes
    if ct_xmesh[-1] < ct_xmesh[0]:
        ct_xmesh = ct_xmesh[::-1]
        rd_xmesh = rd_xmesh[::-1]
        ct_mtrx = ct_mtrx[:, :, ::-1]
    if ct_ymesh[-1] < ct_ymesh[0]:
        ct_ymesh = ct_ymesh[::-1]
        rd_ymesh = rd_ymesh[::-1]
        ct_mtrx = ct_mtrx[:, ::-1, :]
    if ct_zmesh[-1] < ct_zmesh[0]:
        ct_zmesh = ct_zmesh[::-1]
        rd_zmesh = rd_zmesh[::-1]
        ct_mtrx = ct_mtrx[::-1, :, :]

    # write doseGrid
    f = open(''.join([fileName, '.doseGrid']), 'w')
    f.write('{0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:d}\n'.format(rd_xmesh[0], rd_xmesh[-1],
    f.write('{0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:d}\n'.format(rd_ymesh[0], rd_ymesh[-1],
    f.write('{0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:d}\n'.format(rd_zmesh[0], rd_zmesh[-1],

    cts_xmesh = ct_xmesh[:]
    cts_ymesh = ct_ymesh[:]
    cts_zmesh = ct_zmesh[:]
    rds_xmesh = rd_xmesh[:]
    rds_ymesh = rd_ymesh[:]
    rds_zmesh = rd_zmesh[:]

    refROIs = []
    refContSeq = []

    # Read RS file
    with open(RSfile) as f:
        rs = f.readline().strip()
    RS = dicom.read_file(rs)  # open file
    # replace empty strucutre types with specified string
    for i in range(0, len(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence)):
        if len(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[i].RTROIInterpretedType) == 0:
            RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[i].RTROIInterpretedType = replaceType
            RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[i].RTROIInterpretedType = replaceType
        except ValueError:

    # start reading RS struct types
    allTypesFull = []
    for i in range(0, len(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence)):
    allTypes = list(set(allTypesFull))
    # Check for support structures
        supportStructures = True
    except ValueError:
        supportStructures = False

    if supportStructures:
        suppDim = struct()
        suppDim.X = [None] * 2
        suppDim.Y = [None] * 2
        suppDim.Z = [None] * 2
        # get indices of support structures
        suppNr = [i for i, x in enumerate(allTypesFull) if x == cv.suppName]
        # get the ref ROI number(s)
        for elem in suppNr:
        # find the corresponding ContourSequence
        for elem in refROIs:
            refContSeq.append(CTCtools.getCorrContSeq(RS.ROIContourSequence, elem))
        # get the extreme of the support structures
        for elem in refContSeq:
            suppDim = CTCtools.getExtremeOfContour(CTCtools.getContour(RS.ROIContourSequence[elem], ct_zmesh, abs(orientCT[1]), True), suppDim)
        # extend rd_*mesh to encompass support structures
        rds_xmesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(rd_xmesh, suppDim.X)
        rds_ymesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(rd_ymesh, suppDim.Y)
        rds_zmesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(rd_zmesh, suppDim.Z)
        suppDim.X = [rds_xmesh[0], rds_xmesh[-1]]
        suppDim.Y = [rds_ymesh[0], rds_ymesh[-1]]
        suppDim.Z = [rds_zmesh[0], rds_zmesh[-1]]
        cts_xmesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(ct_xmesh, suppDim.X)
        cts_ymesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(ct_ymesh, suppDim.Y)
        cts_zmesh = CTCtools.extendMesh(ct_zmesh, suppDim.Z)
        # pad ct using map_coordinates if cts != ct
        if ct_mtrx.shape != (len(cts_zmesh), len(cts_ymesh), len(cts_xmesh)):
            ct_mtrx = CTCtools.map_coordinates(ct_mtrx, ct_xmesh, ct_ymesh, ct_zmesh, cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh, cts_zmesh, 0)

    # Deinterpolate CT data onto dose grid
    # check if rds_zmesh is beyond cts_zmesh, if so eliminate slices
    rds_zmesh = np.intersect1d(np.around(rds_zmesh, decimals=3), np.around(cts_zmesh, decimals=3), assume_unique=True)
    # density matrix is computed using cubic interpolation
    dens_mtrx = CTCtools.map_coordinates(ct_mtrx, cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh,
    cts_zmesh, rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh, rds_zmesh, 3)
    #ct_mtrx = CTCtools.map_coordinates(ct_mtrx, cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh,
    #cts_zmesh, rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh, rds_zmesh, 0)
    # change: use cubic interpolation also for material
    #ct_mtrx = CTCtools.map_coordinates(ct_mtrx, cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh,
    #cts_zmesh, #rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh, rds_zmesh, 3)
    ct_mtrx = copy.deepcopy(dens_mtrx)
    # set nans to 0
    dens_mtrx = np.nan_to_num(dens_mtrx)
    ct_mtrx = np.nan_to_num(ct_mtrx)

    # Locate external contour
    extNr = [i for i, x in enumerate(allTypesFull)
    if x.startswith(cv.extName)][0]

    # Check if additional structure types were requested
    if len(addStructType) > 0:
        for i in range(0, len(addStructType)):
            addNr = [j for j, x in enumerate(allTypesFull)
            if x == addStructType[i]]
            for j in range(0, len(addNr)):
                refContSeq.append(CTCtools.getCorrContSeq(RS.ROIContourSequence, refROIs[-1]))

    # Correlate between ROIContourSequence and RTROIObservationsSequence
    refObsSeq = []
    for elem in refROIs:

    # create and init structures
    structures = []
    structureShell = struct()

    # get name, types and properties
    names = []
    for elem in refObsSeq:
        structure = copy.deepcopy(structureShell)
        # structure.init_name()
            structure.name = RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[elem].ROIObservationLabel
        except AttributeError:
            structure.name = ''
        # names.append(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[elem].ROIObservationLabel)
        structure.type = RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[elem].RTROIInterpretedType
            if RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[elem].ROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence[0].ROIPhysicalProperty == 'REL_ELEC_DENSITY':
                structure.RelElecDens = float(RS.RTROIObservationsSequence[elem].ROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence[0].ROIPhysicalPropertyValue)
        except AttributeError:
        #if not structure.type == cv.suppName:
        #structure.RelElecDens = 1.0000  # set to 1 for all structures

    # create and append structure for outside
    structure = copy.deepcopy(structureShell)
    structure.name = 'OUTSIDE'
    structure.type = 'OUTSIDE'

    # get contour sequences and create logicMatrix
    cnt = 0

    for elem in refContSeq:
        # get contour
        structures[cnt].contour = CTCtools.getContour(RS.ROIContourSequence[elem], ct_zmesh, abs(orientCT[1]), True)
        # deInterpolate contour onto dose grid and generate boolean matrix
        structures[cnt].logicMatrix = CTCtools.interpStructToDose(structures[cnt].contour, rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh, rds_zmesh, cts_xmesh, cts_ymesh, cts_zmesh)
        # expand external contour by convolution
        if structures[cnt].type == cv.extName and not hasattr(structures[cnt],'RelElecDens'):  # add && not releELec !!!
            indx = np.where(ndimage.convolve(structures[cnt].logicMatrix,filt,mode='nearest') >= 1)
            structures[cnt].logicMatrix = np.zeros(structures[cnt].logicMatrix.shape).astype(int)
            structures[cnt].logicMatrix[indx] = 1
        cnt += 1

    # outside
    structures[cnt].logicMatrix = np.ones(structures[0].logicMatrix.shape)

    # make sure that each voxel only belongs to one structure
    # the sorting rules are as follows:
    # If one contour is engulfed by another, the voxels will belong to the engulfed structure
    # If mutual points are found, they are removed from structures in the following order:
    # If neither of the structures are OUTSIDE or EXTERNAL the voxels are removed from the structure with the lowest index
    if supportStructures:
        # remove suppInner from suppOuter
        inner = [i for i, x in enumerate(names) if x.startswith(cv.suppInner)][0]
        outer = [i for i, x in enumerate(names) if x.startswith(cv.suppOuter)][0]
        structures[outer].logicMatrix = np.where(structures[inner].logicMatrix == 1, 0, structures[outer].logicMatrix)
    for i in range(1, len(structures) + 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(structures ) + 1):
            if CTCtools.isEngulfed(structures[-j].logicMatrix, structures[-i].logicMatrix):
                structures[-i].logicMatrix = np.where(structures[-j].logicMatrix == 1, 0, structures[-i].logicMatrix)
                #print '{0:s} is not engulfed by {1:s}'.format(structures[-j].name, structures[-i].name)
                indx = []
                indx = np.where(structures[-i].logicMatrix == structures[-j].logicMatrix)
                numPts = []
                numPts = np.where(structures[-i].logicMatrix[indx] == 1)
                numPts = np.asarray(numPts)
                #print 'Found {0:5d} mutual points'.format(len(np.reshape(numPts,-1)))
                if len(np.reshape(numPts, -1)) > 0:
                    if structures[-j].type == 'OUTSIDE':
                        structures[-j].logicMatrix = np.where(structures[-i].logicMatrix == structures[-j].logicMatrix, 0, structures[-j].logicMatrix)
                        #print 'removing mutual points from {0:s}'.format(structures[-j].name)
                    elif structures[-i].type == 'OUTSIDE':
                        structures[-i].logicMatrix = np.where(structures[-j].logicMatrix == structures[-i].logicMatrix, 0, structures[-i].logicMatrix)
                        #print 'removing mutual points from {0:s}'.format(structures[-i].name)
                        if structures[-j].type == cv.extName:
                            structures[-j].logicMatrix = np.where(structures[-i].logicMatrix == structures[-j].logicMatrix, 0, structures[-j].logicMatrix)
                        elif structures[-i].type == cv.extName:
                            structures[-i].logicMatrix = np.where(structures[-j].logicMatrix == structures[-i].logicMatrix, 0, structures[-i].logicMatrix)
                            structures[-j].logicMatrix = np.where(structures[-i].logicMatrix == structures[-j].logicMatrix, 0, structures[-j].logicMatrix)
                        #print 'removing mutual points from {0:s}'.format(structures[-j].name)

    # perform HU corrections
    if cv.setAir.lower() == 'y':
        # assumption: the density of air is below the breakpoint in the bilinear HU-dense curve
        airHU = (cv.airDens - densRamp[0][1][0]) / densRamp[0][1][1]
        ct_mtrx = np.where(structures[-1].logicMatrix == 1, airHU, ct_mtrx)
        dens_mtrx = np.where(structures[-1].logicMatrix == 1, airHU, dens_mtrx)

    # compute density matrix
    density = CTCtools.computeDensity(dens_mtrx, densRamp)
    # set minimum density if value is positive
    if cv.lowerDens >= 0:
        density = np.where(density < cv.lowerDens, cv.lowerDens, density)

    # assign material ramps to each structure
    for i in range(0, len(structures)):
        if structures[i].type == cv.extName:
            rampName = cv.externalRamp
        elif structures[i].type == cv.suppName:
            rampName = cv.otherwiseRamp
        elif structures[i].type == 'OUTSIDE':
            rampName = cv.outsideRamp
            # find correct rampName
            indx = [j for j, x in enumerate(addStructType)
            if x == structures[i].type][0]
            rampName = addRampName[indx]
        structures[i].ramp = CTCtools.grabData(rampName, 'materialRamp', 0, 2)

    # Build and sort total media list
    medNr, medium = CTCtools.buildGlobalMediaList(structures)

    # compute media matrix
    media = CTCtools.computeMedia(ct_mtrx, structures, medium, medNr)

    # set uniform media and density for structures with defined relElec
    relElec = struct()
    relElec.data = CTCtools.getFromFile(cv.relElecFile, 3)
    relElec.relElec = [x[1] for x in relElec.data]
    relElec.physDens = [x[2] for x in relElec.data]
    relElec.media = [x[0] for x in relElec.data]
    for struc in structures:
        if hasattr(struc, 'RelElecDens'):
                rIndex = relElec.relElec.index(getattr(struc, 'RelElecDens'))
                # get medNr corresponding to media
                    medIndx = medium.index(relElec.media[rIndex])
                    media = np.where(struc.logicMatrix == 1, medNr[medIndx],
                    density = np.where(struc.logicMatrix == 1,
                    relElec.physDens[rIndex], density)
                except ValueError:  # add if not in list
                    medNr.append(max(medNr) + 1)
                    media = np.where(struc.logicMatrix == 1, max(medNr),
                    density = np.where(struc.logicMatrix == 1,
                    relElec.physDens[rIndex], density)
            except ValueError:

    # set fixed density for medias listed in cv.fixedMedDens
    if os.path.isfile(cv.fixedMedDens):
        with open(cv.fixedMedDens) as fmd:
            fixedMedDens = fmd.readlines()
        for line in fixedMedDens:
                fixedMedia = line.split('\t')[0].strip()
                fixedDensity = float(line.split('\t')[1].strip())
                # get medNr corresponding to media
                    medIndx = medium.index(fixedMedia)
                    density = np.where(media == medNr[medIndx],
                    fixedDensity, density)
                except ValueError:
            except ValueError:
            except IndexError:

    # rotate phantom and interchange rds_mesh with rds_ymesh if the orientation calls for it
    if orientCT[0] == 0:
        density = density[:, :, ::-1]
        media = media[:, :, ::-1]
        tmp = rds_ymesh[:]
        rds_ymesh = rds_xmesh[:]
        rds_xmesh = tmp[:]
        density = np.transpose(density, (2, 1, 0))
        density = np.rot90(density, 3)
        density = np.transpose(density, (2, 1, 0))
        media = np.transpose(media, (2, 1, 0))
        media = np.rot90(media, 3)
        media = np.transpose(media, (2, 1, 0))

    # write to file
    estepe = [0.25] * len(medium)  # dummy variable for ESTEPE
    if cv.spaceDelimit.lower() == 'y':
        cv.spaceDelimit = True
        cv.spaceDelimit = False
    print 'Writing egs4phant file'
    CTCtools.writeEgsphant(fileName, rds_xmesh, rds_ymesh, rds_zmesh,
    medium, estepe, media, density, cv.spaceDelimit)