예제 #1
def evaluateInvasionPlanet(planetID, missionType, fleetSupplyablePlanetIDs, empire,  secureAIFleetMissions,  verbose=True):
    "return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet"
    detail = []
    buildingValues = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE":                    1000,
                                            "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES":                 1000,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE":                        100,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC":     200,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT":      400,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST":                             300,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF":                     1000,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR":          1500,
                                            "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER":                   500,
                                            "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN":                           200,
                                            "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN":                              800,
                                            "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN":       2000,
                                            "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID":                             500,
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH":             2000,
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE":             1000,
                                            "BLD_CONC_CAMP":                                    100,
                                            "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR":      1000,
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP":         3000,
    #TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empireID = empire.empireID
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planetID)
    if (planet == None) :  #TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d"%planetID
        return [0, 0]

    sysPartialVisTurn = dictFromMap(universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID,  empireID)).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
    planetPartialVisTurn = dictFromMap(universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planetID,  empireID)).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)

    if planetPartialVisTurn < sysPartialVisTurn:
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)"%planetID
        return [0, 0]  #last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us #TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up

    if not species: #this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planetEval = ColonisationAI.assignColonisationValues([planetID],  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_COLONISATION,  [planetID],  None,  empire, detail) #evaluatePlanet is imported from ColonisationAI
        popVal = max( 0.75*planetEval.get(planetID,  [0])[0],   ColonisationAI.evaluatePlanet(planetID,  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_OUTPOST,  [planetID],  None,  empire, detail)  )
        popVal = ColonisationAI.evaluatePlanet(planetID,  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_COLONISATION,  [planetID],  specName,  empire, detail) #evaluatePlanet is imported from ColonisationAI

    for bldType in [universe.getObject(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = buildingValues.get(bldType,  50)
        bldTally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d"%(bldType,  bval))

    pSysID = planet.systemID
    capitolID = PlanetUtilsAI.getCapital()
    leastJumpsPath = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitolID:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitolID)
        if homeworld:
            homeSystemID = homeworld.systemID
            evalSystemID = planet.systemID
            if (homeSystemID != -1) and (evalSystemID != -1):
                leastJumpsPath = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(homeSystemID, evalSystemID, empireID))
                maxJumps =  len(leastJumpsPath)
    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {})
    sysFThrt = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000 )
    sysMThrt = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0 )
    sysPThrt = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {}).get('planetThreat', 0 )
    sysTotThrt = sysFThrt + sysMThrt + sysPThrt
    max_path_threat = sysFThrt
    mil_ship_rating = ProductionAI.curBestMilShipRating()
    for path_sys_id in leastJumpsPath:
        path_leg_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id,  {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000 ) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0 )
        if  path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    maxTroops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(pSysID)
    secure_targets = [pSysID] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secureAIFleetMissions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.target_id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if (not s_fleet) or (s_fleet.systemID != pSysID):
        for ai_target in mission.getAITargets(EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_SECURE):
            target_obj = ai_target.target_obj
            if (target_obj is not None) and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True

    pmaxShield = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield)
    if verbose:
        print "invasion eval of %s  %d --- maxShields %.1f -- sysFleetThreat %.1f  -- sysMonsterThreat %.1f"%(planet.name,  planetID,  pmaxShield,  sysFThrt,  sysMThrt)
    if planet.owner!=-1 : #value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemyVal= 20* (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +  2*planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch))
    if pSysID  in ColonisationAI.annexableSystemIDs: #TODO: extend to rings
        supplyVal =  100
    elif pSysID in ColonisationAI.annexableRing1:
        supplyVal =  200
    elif pSysID in ColonisationAI.annexableRing2:
        supplyVal =  300
    elif pSysID in ColonisationAI.annexableRing2:
        supplyVal =  400
    if ( max_path_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating ):
        if ( max_path_threat < 3 * mil_ship_rating ):
            supplyVal *= 0.5
            supplyVal *= 0.2
    threatFactor = min(1,  0.2*MilitaryAI.totMilRating/(sysTotThrt+0.001))**2  #devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    if system_secured:
        plannedTroops = troops
        plannedTroops = min(troops+maxJumps+buildTime,  maxTroops)
    if ( empire.getTechStatus("SHP_ORG_HULL") != fo.techStatus.complete ):
        troopCost = math.ceil( plannedTroops/6.0) *  ( 40*( 1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.shipUpkeep ) )
        troopCost = math.ceil( plannedTroops/6.0) *  ( 20*( 1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.shipUpkeep ) )
    planet_score = threatFactor*max(0,  popVal+supplyVal+bldTally+enemyVal-0.8*troopCost)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    invscore =  [ planet_score,  plannedTroops ]
    print invscore, "projected Troop Cost:",  troopCost,  ", threatFactor: ", threatFactor,  ", planet detail ",   detail, "popval,  supplyval,  bldval,  enemyval",   popVal,  supplyVal,  bldTally,  enemyVal
    return   invscore
예제 #2
def evaluateInvasionPlanet(planetID, missionType, fleetSupplyablePlanetIDs, empire):
    "return the invasion value of a planet"
    detail = []
    buildingValues = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE":                    1000, 
                                            "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES":                 1000, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE":                        100, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC":     200, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT":      400, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST":                             150, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF":                     500, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP":           500, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR":          1500, 
                                            "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER":                   500, 
                                            "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN":                           200, 
                                            "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN":                              800, 
                                            "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN":       2000, 
                                            "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID":                             500, 
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000, 
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH":             2000, 
                                            "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE":             1000, 
                                            "BLD_CONC_CAMP":                                    100, 
                                            "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR":      1000, 
                                            "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP":         3000, 
    #TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empireID = empire.empireID
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planetID)
    if (planet == None) :  #TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet %d"%planetID
        return 0, 0

    sysPartialVisTurn = dictFromMap(universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet.systemID,  empireID)).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)
    planetPartialVisTurn = dictFromMap(universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planetID,  empireID)).get(fo.visibility.partial, -9999)

    if planetPartialVisTurn < sysPartialVisTurn:
            return 0, 0  #last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us #TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
    if not species: #TODO: iterate over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after and invasion
        planetEval = ColonisationAI.assignColonisationValues([planetID],  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_COLONISATION,  [planetID],  species,  empire, detail) #evaluatePlanet is imported from ColonisationAI
        popVal = max( 0.5*planetEval[planetID][0],   ColonisationAI.evaluatePlanet(planetID,  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_OUTPOST,  [planetID],  species,  empire, detail)  )
        popVal = ColonisationAI.evaluatePlanet(planetID,  EnumsAI.AIFleetMissionType.FLEET_MISSION_COLONISATION,  [planetID],  species,  empire, detail) #evaluatePlanet is imported from ColonisationAI

    for bldType in [universe.getObject(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = buildingValues.get(bldType,  50)
        bldTally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d"%(bldType,  bval))
        capitolID = PlanetUtilsAI.getCapital()
        if capitolID:
            homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitolID)
            if homeworld:
                homeSystemID = homeworld.systemID
                evalSystemID = planet.systemID
                leastJumpsPath = len(universe.leastJumpsPath(homeSystemID, evalSystemID, empireID))
            maxJumps =  leastJumpsPath
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    maxTroops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    popTSize = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)#TODO: adjust for empire tech
    planetSpecials = list(planet.specials)
    pSysID = planet.systemID#TODO: check star value
    pmaxShield = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield)
    sysFThrt = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {}).get('fleetThreat', 1000 )
    sysMThrt = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {}).get('monsterThreat', 0 )
    sysPThrt = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(pSysID, {}).get('planetThreat', 0 )
    sysTotThrt = sysFThrt + sysMThrt + sysPThrt
    print "invasion eval of %s  %d --- maxShields %.1f -- sysFleetThreat %.1f  -- sysMonsterThreat %.1f"%(planet.name,  planetID,  pmaxShield,  sysFThrt,  sysMThrt)
    if planet.owner!=-1 : #value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemyVal= 20* (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +  2*planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch))
    if planetID  in fleetSupplyablePlanetIDs: #TODO: extend to rings
        supplyVal =  100
        if planet.owner== -1:
        #if  (pmaxShield <10):
            if ( sysFThrt < 0.5*ProductionAI.curBestMilShipRating() ):
               if ( sysMThrt < 3*ProductionAI.curBestMilShipRating()):
                    supplyVal = 50
                    supplyVal = 20
                supplyVal *= int( min(1, ProductionAI.curBestMilShipRating() /  sysFThrt )  )
    threatFactor = min(1,  0.2*MilitaryAI.totMilRating/(sysTotThrt+0.001))**2  #devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    plannedTroops = min(troops+maxJumps+buildTime,  maxTroops)
    if ( empire.getTechStatus("SHP_ORG_HULL") != fo.techStatus.complete ):
        troopCost = math.ceil( plannedTroops/6.0) *  ( 40*( 1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.shipUpkeep ) )
        troopCost = math.ceil( plannedTroops/6.0) *  ( 20*( 1+foAI.foAIstate.shipCount * AIDependencies.shipUpkeep ) )
    invscore =  threatFactor*max(0,  popVal+supplyVal+bldTally+enemyVal-0.8*troopCost),  plannedTroops
    print invscore, "projected Troop Cost:",  troopCost,  ", threatFactor: ", threatFactor,  ", planet detail ",   detail, "popval,  supplyval,  bldval,  enemyval",   popVal,  supplyVal,  bldTally,  enemyVal
    return   invscore