예제 #1
def remove_subscription(ip, port, alarm_name):
	# TODO: This is global and should probably not be
	global subscriptions, alarm_queue
	# Does the alarm exist
	if alarm_name not in alarm_queue.names:
		return Commands.create_command_string(('FN', alarm_name))
	# Try to delete the subscription
	client_obj = Client.Client(ip, port)
	if alarm_name in alarm_queue.names:
		if alarm_name in subscriptions:
			if any(c for c in subscriptions[alarm_name] if c == client_obj):
					index = subscriptions[alarm_name].index(client_obj)
					del	subscriptions[alarm_name][index]
				except ValueError:
					# Not subscribed
					return Commands.create_command_string(('FB', alarm_name))
			# Not subscribed
				return Commands.create_command_string(('FB', alarm_name))
			# Not subscribed
			return Commands.create_command_string(('FB', alarm_name))
	# Tell the client they've been removed from the list
	return Commands.create_command_string(('S', alarm_name))
예제 #2
def subscribe_to_alarms(alarms, settings):
	# Did we subscribe to even one alarm?
	success = False
	# Connect to the server
	t = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	t.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
	t.bind((settings['address'], settings['port']))
	t.connect((settings['server_address'], settings['server_port']))

	# Ask the server to subscribe us for each alarm
	for alarm in alarms:
		command_string = Commands.create_command_string(('B', alarm))
		Log.debug('Subscription request for alarm "%s" sent.' % alarm)
		# Receive data
		command_string = t.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
		# Print the command
		Log.debug('Got response "%s"' % command_string)
		# Parse the command
		command = Commands.parse_command(command_string)

		if command[0] == 'FB':
			Log.debug('Already subscribed to alarm "%s".' % alarm)
			success = True
		elif command[0] == 'S':
			Log.debug('Successfully subscribed to alarm "%s".' % alarm)
			success = True
		elif command[0] == 'FN':
			Log.error('Server says alarm "%s" does not exist.' % alarm)
			Log.error('Unable to parse response from server.')

	return success
예제 #3
def add_subscription(ip, port, alarm_name):
	# TODO: This is global and should probably not be
	global subscriptions, alarm_queue
	# Does the alarm exist
	if alarm_name not in alarm_queue.names:
		return Commands.create_command_string(('FN', alarm_name))
	# Try to add the subscription
	client_obj = Client.Client(ip, port)
	if alarm_name in alarm_queue.names:
		if alarm_name in subscriptions:
			# Already subscribed
			if any(c for c in subscriptions[alarm_name] if c == client_obj):
				return Commands.create_command_string(('FB', alarm_name))
			subscriptions[alarm_name] = [client_obj]
	# Tell the client they've been added to the list
	return Commands.create_command_string(('S', alarm_name))
예제 #4
def listen(settings):
	# Create a socket and listen for packets
	sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
	sock.bind((settings['address'], settings['port']))
	Log.debug('Listening on port %i' % settings['port'])
	# This is our main listening thread
	while True:
		# Accept incoming connection
		connection, address = sock.accept()
		server = address[0] + ':' + str(address[1])
		Log.debug('Connection from %s' % server)
		# Receive data
		command_string = connection.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
		# Print the command
		Log.debug('Received command %s from %s.' % (command_string, server))
		# Parse the command
		command = Commands.parse_command(command_string)
		response = 'E general'
		if command:
			response = Commands.create_command_string(('F', command[1]))
			# Handle the alarm
			if command[0] == 'A':
				Log.debug('Alarm %s triggered.', command[1])
				result = dispatch_alarm(command[1])
				# Success
				if result:
					response = Commands.create_command_string(('S', command[1]))
			# Invalid command
				Log.error('Invalid command "%s" from server.', command[0])
		# Invalid command
			Log.error('Invalid command from server.')
		# Close the connection from the server
	# Close the socket
예제 #5
		# See how long we'll have to wait now
		if len(alarm_queue) > 0:
			alarm = alarm_queue.peek()
			wait = alarm.wait_time()

	Log.debug('Next alarm in %i seconds. Sleeping until then.' % wait)
	# If two alarms occur at the same time, wait will be zero or negative.
	# No point in sleeping if that's the case.
	if wait > 0:
	# Remove the alarm from the queue
	alarm = alarm_queue.pop()
	# If anybody cares about this alarm, alert them
	if alarm.name in subscriptions:
		clients = subscriptions[alarm.name]
		Log.debug('Alerting %i clients about alarm "%s"' % (len(clients), alarm.name))
		# Notify all subscribed clients
		for client in clients:
			# Spin off a thread to talk to the client
			#t_handle = thread.start_new_thread(alert_client, (client, alarm))
			c = Client.OutgoingClient(client.ip, client.port, handle_alarm_response)
			c.send_command(Commands.create_command_string(('A', alarm.name)))
		Log.debug('No subscriptions to alarm "%s"' % alarm.name)
	# Sleep for 1 second to prevent the alarm from firing again
	# Stick the alarm back in the queue if it repeats
	if not alarm.once: