예제 #1
def run():

    # These have to be in meters
    total_radius = Decimal(30)
    outer_radius = Decimal(4)
    wall_thickness = Decimal(.0254 * 1)

    # m/s2
    acceleration = Decimal(9.81)

    # Must be in kilograms
    additional_mass = Decimal(100000)

    # Put in terms of g/cm3
    density_of_material = Decimal(2.84)  # g/cm3 Al alloy 2219
    density_of_material = Decimal(

    # Max tensile strength of the material given in MPa
    tensile_strength = Decimal(248)

    if wall_thickness > outer_radius:
            "Wall thickness cannot be bigger than the outer radius and will be clamped to that number"
        wall_thickness = outer_radius

    # Find a lot of common variables which are used often in other equations
    linear_velocity = Formulas.linear_speed_rotational(total_radius,
    rpm = Conversions.linear_to_rpm(total_radius, linear_velocity)
    volume_of_walls = Formulas.volume_of_torus_wall(total_radius, outer_radius,

    # Calculate the stress on the torus in MPa
    stress = Formulas.stress_on_torus(total_radius, outer_radius,
                                      wall_thickness, density_of_material,
                                      acceleration, additional_mass)

    # Volume of torus wall
    print('Volume of torus wall(internal): ' +
          str(round(volume_of_walls, pretty_round)) +
          ' m3'.translate(superscript))

    # Internal volume of torus for thickness of wall
    print('Volume of torus (hollow): ' + str(
            Formulas.volume_of_hollow_torus(total_radius, outer_radius,
                                            wall_thickness), pretty_round)) +
          ' m3'.translate(superscript))

    # Speed torus would have to spin linearly to achieve centripetal acceleration
    print('Linear speed: ' + str(round(linear_velocity, pretty_round)) +
          ' m/s'.translate(superscript))

    # 2-3 rpm is optimal, 10 rpm max can be trained
    print('RPM: ' + str(
        round(Conversions.linear_to_rpm(total_radius, linear_velocity),
              pretty_round)) + ' rpm')

    # Outer circumference of torus
    print('Outer circumference: ' + str(
        round(Formulas.circumference_of_circle(total_radius), pretty_round)) +
          ' m')

    # Cross section used to calculate force acting on torus
    print('Cross Section of torus: ' + str(
            Formulas.cross_section_hollow_torus(outer_radius, wall_thickness),
            pretty_round)) + ' m2'.translate(superscript))

    # Convert to imperial so it's easier to read
    print('Internal radius of torus: ' + str(
        round(Conversions.meter_to_feet(outer_radius -
                                        wall_thickness), pretty_round)) +
          ' ft')

    # Useful when performing other calculations
    print('Angular Velocity: ' +
          str(round(Conversions.rpm_to_angular(rpm), pretty_round)) + ' rad/s')

    # Give others an idea how big torus would be
    print('Stories high: ' +
          str(round((total_radius * Decimal(2)) / Decimal(ft_per_story))) +
          ' (' + str(ft_per_story) + ' ft per story)'.translate(superscript))
    # Mass of ring
    print('Mass: ' +
          str(round(density_of_material * volume_of_walls +
                    additional_mass, 2)) + ' kg')

    # Force along cross sectional area in MPa
    print('Force on torus: ' + str(round(stress, 2)) + ' MPa')

    if stress <= tensile_strength:
        print("The torus can hold itself with: " +
              str(round(tensile_strength - stress, 2)) + ' MPa remaining (' +
              str(100 * (1 - round(
                  (tensile_strength - stress) / tensile_strength, 2))) +
              "% of total applicable)")
        print("The torus can't hold itself with: " +
              str(round(tensile_strength - stress, 2)) + ' MPa in excess (' +
              str(100 * (1 - round(
                  (tensile_strength - stress) / tensile_strength, 2))) +
              "% of total applicable)")

    if draw: