def loadBEDS(self, stride=None, featureType='trajectory'): ''' BEDS specific load functions; featureType can be 'trajectory' or 'timeSeries'. Use 'trajectory' for events that we've fudged into a trajectory netCDF file using the canyon's thalweg. Use 'timeSeries' for events for which the BED does not significantly translate. ''' stride = stride or self.stride for (aName, pName, file, plotTimeSeriesDepth, fg) in zip( [ a.split('/')[-1] + ' (stride=%d)' % stride for a in self.bed_files], self.bed_platforms, self.bed_files, self.bed_depths, self.bed_framegrabs): url = os.path.join(self.bed_base, file) try: if featureType.lower() == 'trajectory': # To get timeSeries plotting for trajectories (in the Parameter tab of the UI) # assign a plotTimeSeriesDepth value of the starting depth in meters. DAPloaders.runBEDTrajectoryLoader(url, self.campaignName, self.campaignDescription, aName, pName, self.colors[pName.lower()], 'bed', 'deployment', self.bed_parms, self.dbAlias, stride, plotTimeSeriesDepth=plotTimeSeriesDepth, grdTerrain=self.grdTerrain, framegrab=fg) elif featureType.lower() == 'timeseries': DAPloaders.runTimeSeriesLoader(url, self.campaignName, self.campaignDescription, aName, pName, self.colors[pName.lower()], 'bed', 'deployment', self.bed_parms, self.dbAlias, stride) self.addPlatformResources('', pName, scalefactor=10) except (DAPloaders.OpendapError, DAPloaders.InvalidSliceRequest): pass
def loadBEDS(self, stride=None, featureType='trajectory'): ''' BEDS specific load functions; featureType can be 'trajectory' or 'timeSeries'. Use 'trajectory' for events that we've fudged into a trajectory netCDF file using the canyon's thalweg. Use 'timeSeries' for events for which the BED does not significantly translate. ''' stride = stride or self.stride for (aName, pName, file, plotTimeSeriesDepth, fg) in zip([ a.split('/')[-1] + ' (stride=%d)' % stride for a in self.bed_files ], self.bed_platforms, self.bed_files, self.bed_depths, self.bed_framegrabs): url = os.path.join(self.bed_base, file) try: if featureType.lower() == 'trajectory': # To get timeSeries plotting for trajectories (in the Parameter tab of the UI) # assign a plotTimeSeriesDepth value of the starting depth in meters. DAPloaders.runBEDTrajectoryLoader( url, self.campaignName, self.campaignDescription, aName, pName, self.colors[pName.lower()], 'bed', 'deployment', self.bed_parms, self.dbAlias, stride, plotTimeSeriesDepth=plotTimeSeriesDepth, grdTerrain=self.grdTerrain, framegrab=fg) elif featureType.lower() == 'timeseries': DAPloaders.runTimeSeriesLoader( url, self.campaignName, self.campaignDescription, aName, pName, self.colors[pName.lower()], 'bed', 'deployment', self.bed_parms, self.dbAlias, stride) self.addPlatformResources( '', pName, scalefactor=10) except (DAPloaders.OpendapError, DAPloaders.InvalidSliceRequest, webob.exc.HTTPError): pass
def loadBEDS(self, stride=None, featureType='trajectory'): ''' BEDS specific load functions; featureType can be 'trajectory' or 'timeSeries'. Use 'trajectory' for events that we've fudged into a trajectory netCDF file using the canyon's thalweg. Use 'timeSeries' for events for which the BED does not significantly translate. ''' stride = stride or self.stride for (aName, pName, file, plotTimeSeriesDepth) in zip( [ a + ' (stride=%d)' % stride for a in self.bed_files], self.bed_platforms, self.bed_files, self.bed_depths): url = self.bed_base + file if featureType == 'trajectory': # To get timeSeries plotting for trajectories (in the Parameter tab of the UI) assign a plotTimeSeriesDepth value of the starting depth in meters. DAPloaders.runTrajectoryLoader(url, self.campaignName, self.campaignDescription, aName, pName, self.colors[pName.lower()], 'bed', 'deployment', self.bed_parms, self.dbAlias, stride, plotTimeSeriesDepth=plotTimeSeriesDepth, grdTerrain=self.grdTerrain) elif featureType == 'timeSeries': DAPloaders.runTimeSeriesLoader(url, self.campaignName, self.campaignDescription, aName, pName, self.colors[pName.lower()], 'bed', 'deployment', self.bed_parms, self.dbAlias, stride) # Leave commented out to indicate how this would be used (X3DOM can't handle old style timestamp routing that we used to do in VRML) ##self.addPlaybackResources(x3dplaybackurl, aName) self.addPlatformResources('', pName)