예제 #1
파일: MJO.py 프로젝트: timhoar/DARTpy
def correlations_lag_lat_or_lon(E,maxlag,lat_or_lon = 'lon',filter_order=50,climatology_option='NODA',hostname='taurus',verbose=False):

	compute correlations between U850 or OLR in a reference are and everywhere else, 
	as a function of lag and either latitude or longitude 

	E - a standard DART experiment dictionary, with the variable field and level range corresponding to some MJO variable  
	maxlag: the limit of the lag (in days) that we look at 
	lat_or_lon: choose dimension to preserve after averaging -- 'lat' or 'lon'  
	climatology_option: choose which climatology to take the anomalies to respect with -- default is "NODA"  

	# change the given daterange to daily resolution, because the lag is specified in days  
	E['daterange'] = dart.change_daterange_to_daily(E['daterange'])

	# compute or load the daily climatology and deviation from climatology  
	anomalies,climatology,lat,lon,lev,DRnew = ano(E,climatology_option = climatology_option,hostname=hostname,verbose=verbose)

	# filter daily anomalies using a Lanczos filter
	AA,FA = filter(anomalies,filter_order,return_as_vector=False)
	if E['variable'] == 'U':
		variable_name = 'U'+str(E['levrange'][0])
		variable_name = E['variable']

	# compute the zonal and meridional mean of the resulting field 
	# the regions we average over depend on whether we want lag-lat, or lag-lon plots
	# also, note thatm by how the filtered anomalies are constructed, the 3rd dimension is always time  
	if lat_or_lon == "lon":
		# select latitudes 10S-10N and average meridionally, then plot correlations as a function of lon  	
		lat1,lon1,FAm = aave('TB',FA,lat,lon,None,variable_name,averaging_dimension='lat')
	if lat_or_lon == "lat":
		# average over the longitude corridor 80-100E and plot correlations as a function of lat
		lat1,lon1,FAm = aave('ZB',FA,lat,lon,None,variable_name,averaging_dimension='lon')

	# area averaging  the desired variable over the Indian Ocean reference point
	if (E['daterange'][0].month  >= 10) or (E['daterange'][0].month  <= 2):
		season = 'winter'
		season = 'summer'
	lat0,lon0,FA0 = aave('IO',FA,lat,lon,season,variable_name,averaging_dimension="all")

	#------ compute field of correlation coefficients   	
	# empty array size Lag by Lat
	# plus an array to keep track of sample size
	Lag_range = range(-maxlag,maxlag+1)
	nlag = len(Lag_range)
	n = FAm.shape[0]
	R = np.zeros(shape=(nlag,n))
	S = np.zeros(shape=(nlag,n))

	# loop over latitudes
	T = len(FA0)
	for ii in range(n):
		# loop over lags  
		for ilag,L in zip(range(nlag),Lag_range):
			# the time points that we can check go from L to T-L
			# so shorter lags have a larger sample size and are more significant.  
			if L < 0:
				Tsel = range(-L,T)
			if L > 0:
				Tsel = range(0,T-L)
			if L == 0:
				Tsel = range(0,T)

			# loop over the available time points and gather values to compare
			IO = []
			X  = []
			for k in Tsel:

			# now compute the correlation from this list of samples and store in the lag vs lat array  
			rho = np.corrcoef(X,IO)
			if rho != []:
				R[ilag,ii] = rho[1,0]
				S[ilag,ii] = len(IO)
				R[ilag,ii] = np.nan
				S[ilag,ii] = np.nan
	if lat_or_lon == 'lon':
		space_dim = lon1
	if lat_or_lon == 'lat':
		space_dim = lat1

	L = np.array(Lag_range)

	return R,S,L,space_dim