예제 #1
파일: MJO.py 프로젝트: timhoar/DARTpy
def load_std(E,std_mode = 'NODA',hostname='taurus',verbose=False):

	This subroutine returns the standard deviation of whatever variable is given in E['variable'], 
	for each time given in E['daterange'].
	There are several ways to compute the standard deviation, and that's determined by the input 
		std_mode='ensemble' simply computes the standard deviation of the DART ensemble  
			at each time 
		if you set std_mode to any other string, it looks up the multi-year experiment corresponding 
			to that string using the subroutine 'std_runs' in the user 
			module experiment_settings. 
			In this case, the standard deviation  
			is computed for each time over several years, rather than an ensemble 

	if std_mode == 'ensemble' :
		# cycle over the dates in the experiment dictionary 
		# and load the ensemble mean of the corresponding No-assimilation case 
		# TODO: a subroutine that returns the corresponding NODA experiment for each case  
		Xlist = []	
		ECLIM = E.copy()
		ECLIM['copystring'] = 'ensemble std'
		Xclim,lat,lon,lev,DRnew = DSS.DART_diagn_to_array(ECLIM,hostname=hostname,debug=verbose)
		if len(DRnew) != len(ECLIM['daterange']):
			print('NOTE: not all requested data were found; returning a revised datarange')
		if Xclim is None:
			print('Cannot find data for experiment '+E['exp_name'])
			return None, None, None, None

	if std_mode == 'F_W4_L66' :

		# find the corresponding dataset  
		ff = es.std_runs(std_mode,hostname=hostname,debug=verbose)

		# load the desired variables 
		from netCDF4 import Dataset
		f = Dataset(ff,'r')
		lat = f.variables['lat'][:]
		lon = f.variables['lon'][:]
		lev = f.variables['lev'][:]
		time = f.variables['time'][:]

		variable = E['variable']
		if E['variable'] == 'US':
			variable = 'U'
		if E['variable'] == 'VS':
			variable = 'V'
		if E['variable'] == 'OLR':
			variable = 'FLUT'
		VV = f.variables[variable][:]

		# choose the times corresponding to the daterange in E
		d0 = E['daterange'][0].timetuple().tm_yday	# day in the year where we start  
		nT = len(E['daterange'])
		df = E['daterange'][nT-1].timetuple().tm_yday	# day in the year where we start  

		# if df<d0, we have to cycle back to the beginning of the year
		if df < d0:
			day_indices = list(range(d0-1,365))+list(range(0,df))
			day_indices = list(range(d0-1,df))

		# also choose the lat, lon, and level ranges corresponding to those in E
		if E['levrange'] is not None:
			if E['levrange'][0] == E['levrange'][1]:
				ll = E['levrange'][0]
				idx = (np.abs(lev-ll)).argmin()
				lev2 = lev[idx]
				k1 = idx
				k2 = idx
				highest_level_index = (np.abs(lev-E['levrange'][1])).argmin()
				lowest_level_index = (np.abs(lev-E['levrange'][0])).argmin()
				# which index is k1 or k2 depends on the direction of lev 
				if highest_level_index > lowest_level_index:
					k2 = highest_level_index
					k1 = lowest_level_index
				if highest_level_index < lowest_level_index:
					k1 = highest_level_index
					k2 = lowest_level_index
				lev2 = lev[k1:k2+1]

		j2 = (np.abs(lat-E['latrange'][1])).argmin()
		j1 = (np.abs(lat-E['latrange'][0])).argmin()
		lat2 = lat[j1:j2+1]
		i2 = (np.abs(lon-E['lonrange'][1])).argmin()
		i1 = (np.abs(lon-E['lonrange'][0])).argmin()
		lon2 = lon[i1:i2+1]

		if len(VV.shape) == 4:
			Xclim = VV[day_indices,k1:k2+1,j1:j2+1,i1:i2+1]
			Xclim = VV[day_indices,j1:j2+1,i1:i2+1]

		# in this case, we don't need to change the daterange  
		DRnew = E['daterange']

	return Xclim,lat,lon,lev,DRnew
예제 #2
파일: MJO.py 프로젝트: timhoar/DARTpy
def load_climatology(E,climatology_option = 'NODA',hostname='taurus',verbose=False):

	Load a climatology option for a given DART experiment. 
	The choice of climatology is given by 'climatology_option'. Choices are:  
	'NODA' (default): take the ensemble mean of the corresponding no-DA experiment as a N-year climatology  
	'F_W4_L66': CESM-WACCM simulation with observed forcings, 1951-2010 (perfomed by Wuke Wang)  
	climatology_option_not_found = True

	if climatology_option == 'NODA' :
		climatology_option_not_found = False
		# cycle over the dates in the experiment dictionary 
		# and load the ensemble mean of the corresponding No-assimilation case 
		# TODO: a subroutine that returns the corresponding NODA experiment for each case  
		Xlist = []	
		ECLIM = E.copy()
		ECLIM['exp_name'] = 'W0910_NODA'
		ECLIM['diagn'] = 'Prior'
		ECLIM['copystring'] = 'ensemble mean'
		Xclim,lat,lon,lev,DRnew = DSS.DART_diagn_to_array(ECLIM,hostname=hostname,debug=verbose)
		if len(DRnew) != len(ECLIM['daterange']):
			print('NOTE: not all requested data were found; returning a revised datarange')
		if Xclim is None:
			print('Cannot find data for climatology option '+climatology_option+' and experiment '+E['exp_name'])
			return None, None, None, None

	if climatology_option == 'F_W4_L66' :
		from netCDF4 import Dataset
		climatology_option_not_found = False
		# in this case, load a single daily climatology calculated from this CESM-WACCM simulation  
		ff = '/data/c1/lneef/CESM/F_W4_L66/atm/climatology/F_W4_L66.cam.h1.1951-2010.daily_climatology.nc'
		f = Dataset(ff,'r')
		lat = f.variables['lat'][:]
		lon = f.variables['lon'][:]
		lev = f.variables['lev'][:]
		time = f.variables['time'][:]

		# load climatology of the desired model variable  
		variable = E['variable']
		if E['variable'] == 'US':
			variable = 'U'
		if E['variable'] == 'VS':
			variable = 'V'
		if E['variable'] == 'OLR':
			variable = 'FLUT'
		VV = f.variables[variable][:]

		# choose the times corresponding to the daterange in E
		d0 = E['daterange'][0].timetuple().tm_yday	# day in the year where we start  
		nT = len(E['daterange'])
		df = E['daterange'][nT-1].timetuple().tm_yday	# day in the year where we start  

		# if df<d0, we have to cycle back to the beginning of the year
		if df < d0:
			day_indices = list(range(d0-1,365))+list(range(0,df))
			day_indices = list(range(d0-1,df))

		# also choose the lat, lon, and level ranges corresponding to those in E
		if E['levrange'] is not None:
			if E['levrange'][0] == E['levrange'][1]:
				ll = E['levrange'][0]
				idx = (np.abs(lev-ll)).argmin()
				lev2 = lev[idx]
				k1 = idx
				k2 = idx
				highest_level_index = (np.abs(lev-E['levrange'][1])).argmin()
				lowest_level_index = (np.abs(lev-E['levrange'][0])).argmin()
				# which index is k1 or k2 depends on the direction of lev 
				if highest_level_index > lowest_level_index:
					k2 = highest_level_index
					k1 = lowest_level_index
				if highest_level_index < lowest_level_index:
					k1 = highest_level_index
					k2 = lowest_level_index
				lev2 = lev[k1:k2+1]

		j2 = (np.abs(lat-E['latrange'][1])).argmin()
		j1 = (np.abs(lat-E['latrange'][0])).argmin()
		lat2 = lat[j1:j2+1]
		i2 = (np.abs(lon-E['lonrange'][1])).argmin()
		i1 = (np.abs(lon-E['lonrange'][0])).argmin()
		lon2 = lon[i1:i2+1]

		if len(VV.shape) == 4:
			Xclim = VV[day_indices,k1:k2+1,j1:j2+1,i1:i2+1]
			Xclim = VV[day_indices,j1:j2+1,i1:i2+1]

		# in this case, we don't need to change the daterange  
		DRnew = E['daterange']

	if climatology_option_not_found:
		print('Climatology option '+climatology_option+' has not been coded yet. Returning None for climatology.')
		return None, None, None, None

	return Xclim,lat,lon,lev,DRnew