def testDB(): """ ./ -test Do database stuff. """ # ds.getDBKeys() # ds.getDBRecord("ds1_idx0") # ds.delDBRecord("ds1_idx0") cal = ds.CalInfo()
def testLivetimeOutput(): dsNum, modNum, dPath = 4, 2, "../data" expDict = ds.getExposureDict(dsNum, modNum, dPath) expTot = 0. for key in expDict: expTot += sum(expDict[key]) # print key, expDict[key] print "Total exposure:", expTot
def main(argv): """ Calculates channel-by-channel cut values for LAT parameters. Cuts are calculated independent of other cut values. """ # -- ROOT options -- gROOT.ProcessLine(".x ~/env/MJDClintPlotStyle.C") gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;") # suppress ROOT messages # -- Get user args -- dsNum = int(argv[0]) fastMode = False f = dict.fromkeys(shlex.split('a b c d e'), False) # make a bunch of bools for i, opt in enumerate(argv): if opt == "-f": fastMode = True if opt == "-bcMax": f['a'] = True if opt == "-noiseWeight": f['b'] = True if opt == "-bcTime": f['c'] = True if opt == "-tailSlope": f['d'] = True if opt == "-fitSlo": f['e'] = True if opt == "-burst": burstCut(dsNum) return # -- Load chains for this DS -- homePath = os.path.expanduser('~') # glob doesn't know how to expand this inPath = homePath + "/project/lat/latSkimDS%d*.root" % dsNum fileList = glob.glob(inPath) cutFile = TFile(fileList[0]) theCut = cutFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle() cal = TChain("skimTree") cal.Add("~/project/cal-lat/latSkimDS%d*.root" % dsNum) # -- Load channel list -- chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) if dsNum == 5: # remove 692 and 1232 chList = [ 584, 592, 598, 608, 610, 614, 624, 626, 628, 632, 640, 648, 658, 660, 662, 672, 678, 680, 688, 690, 694, 1106, 1110, 1120, 1124, 1128, 1170, 1172, 1174, 1176, 1204, 1208, 1298, 1302, 1330, 1332 ] # chList = [578] print chList # -- Run routines -- if f['a']: bcMax(dsNum, theCut, cal, chList, fastMode) if f['b']: noiseWeight(dsNum, theCut, cal, chList, fastMode) if f['c']: bcTime(dsNum, theCut, cal, chList, fastMode) if f['d']: tailSlope(dsNum, theCut, cal, chList, fastMode) if f['e']: fitSlo(dsNum, theCut, cal, chList, fastMode)
def MovingAve(dsNum=1, dType='isNat'): inDir = '/Users/brianzhu/macros/code/LAT/plots/AThresh' chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum, dType[2:]) if dsNum == 5: # remove 692 and 1232 (both beges, so who cares) if 692 in chList: chList.remove(692) if 1232 in chList: chList.remove(1232) f1 = ROOT.TFile("{}/Bkg_{}_DS{}.root".format(inDir, dType, dsNum)) bkgDict = {} bkgTot = [] for key in f1.GetListOfKeys(): histName = key.GetName() if "UnCorr" in histName: for xbin in range(f1.Get(histName).GetNbinsX()): bkgTot.append(f1.Get(histName).GetBinContent(xbin)) if 'ChTot' not in histName: continue name = ''.join(c for c in histName.split('_')[2] if c.isdigit()) ch = int(name) if ch not in bkgDict.keys(): bkgDict[ch] = [] for xbin in range(f1.Get(histName).GetNbinsX()): bkgDict[ch].append(f1.Get(histName).GetBinContent(xbin)) # Moving average over 1 keV fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7)) for ch in bkgDict.keys(): ax.cla() test = np.cumsum(bkgDict[ch][:200]) moveAve = (test[5:] - test[:-5]) moveAve2 = (test[3:] - test[:-3]) moveAve3 = (test[7:] - test[:-7]) moveAve4 = (test[10:] - test[:-10]) ax.plot(np.linspace(0, len(bkgDict[ch][:200]) / 10., len(bkgDict[ch][:200])), np.array(bkgDict[ch][:200]), ls='steps', label='Spectrum') ax.plot(np.linspace(0.3, len(moveAve2) / 10., len(moveAve2)), np.array(moveAve2), label='Moving Average (0.3 keV ave)', linestyle="-") ax.plot(np.linspace(0.5, len(moveAve) / 10., len(moveAve)), np.array(moveAve), label='Moving Average (0.5 keV ave)', linestyle="-.") ax.plot(np.linspace(0.7, len(moveAve3) / 10., len(moveAve3)), np.array(moveAve3), label='Moving Average (0.7 keV ave)', linestyle="--") ax.legend() fig.savefig("{}/MovingAve_DS{}_{}_Ch{}.png".format( inDir, dsNum, dType[2:], ch)) ax.cla() test = np.cumsum(bkgTot[:200]) moveAve = (test[5:] - test[:-5]) moveAve2 = (test[3:] - test[:-3]) moveAve3 = (test[7:] - test[:-7]) ax.plot(np.linspace(0, len(bkgTot[:200]) / 10., len(bkgTot[:200])), np.array(bkgTot[:200]), ls='steps', label='Spectrum') ax.plot(np.linspace(0.3, len(moveAve2) / 10., len(moveAve2)), np.array(moveAve2), label='Moving Average (0.3 keV ave)', linestyle="-") ax.plot(np.linspace(0.5, len(moveAve) / 10., len(moveAve)), np.array(moveAve), label='Moving Average (0.5 keV ave)', linestyle="-.") ax.plot(np.linspace(0.7, len(moveAve3) / 10., len(moveAve3)), np.array(moveAve3), label='Moving Average (0.7 keV ave)', linestyle="--") ax.legend() fig.savefig("{}/MovingAve_DS{}_{}_Tot.png".format(inDir, dsNum, dType[2:]))
if os.path.exists(outDir): print "Failed: Output directory %s already exits" % ('"'+outDir+'"') exit(0) else: os.makedirs(outDir) jettypes = ["pt30_1l"] mvaBin = [ "D1", "D2","D3","D4"] systypes = ["", "_JECUp", "_JECDown", "_JERUp", "_JERDown", "_btgUp", "_btgDown", "_lepUp", "_lepDown", "_isrUp", "_isrDown", "_fsrUp", "_fsrDown", "_isr2Up", "_isr2Down", "_fsr2Up", "_fsr2Down", "_pdfUp", "_pdfDown", "_htUp", "_htDown", "_puUp", "_puDown", "_sclUp", "_sclDown"] outputfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(outDir + "/" + options.rootFile,"RECREATE") outputDataCard = options.dataCard # I hadd my MakeN files into TT.root, TTX, and OTHER, then take QCD from control region bgData = { "TT" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName=options.year+"_TT.root", label="TT", processName="bkg_tt", process="1", rate=False, lumiSys="-", scale=options.scaleB), "QCD" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName=options.year+"_QCD.root", label="QCD", processName="bkg_qcd", process="2", rate=False, lumiSys="-", scale=options.scaleB), "TTX" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName=options.year+"_TTX.root", label="TTX", processName="bkg_ttx", process="3", rate=False, lumiSys="-", scale=options.scaleB), "OTHER" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName=options.year+"_BG_OTHER.root",label="OTHER", processName="bkg_other", process="4", rate=True, lumiSys="-", scale=options.scaleB), } if options.year == "2016": sgData = { "SYY_300" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-300.root", label="SYY_300", processName="signal", process="0", rate=True, lumiSys="1.05", scale=options.scaleS*1.17424), "SYY_350" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-350.root", label="SYY_350", processName="signal", process="0", rate=True, lumiSys="1.05", scale=options.scaleS*1.16727), "SYY_400" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-400.root", label="SYY_400", processName="signal", process="0", rate=True, lumiSys="1.05", scale=options.scaleS*1.17143), "SYY_450" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-450.root", label="SYY_450", processName="signal", process="0", rate=True, lumiSys="1.05", scale=options.scaleS*1.17047), "SYY_500" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-500.root", label="SYY_500", processName="signal", process="0", rate=True, lumiSys="1.05", scale=options.scaleS*1.17459), "SYY_550" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-550.root", label="SYY_550", processName="signal", process="0", rate=True, lumiSys="1.05", scale=options.scaleS*1.17179), "SYY_600" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-600.root", label="SYY_600", processName="signal", process="0", rate=True, lumiSys="1.05", scale=options.scaleS*1.17412), "SYY_650" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=basedir, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-650.root", label="SYY_650", processName="signal", process="0", rate=True, lumiSys="1.05", scale=options.scaleS*1.16773),
def main(argv): print "========================================" print "LAT2 started:", time.strftime('%X %x %Z') startT = time.clock() gROOT.ProcessLine( "gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;") # suppress ROOT error messages dsNum, subNum, runNum = None, None, None fCal, fUpd, fBat, fFor, fPlt, fRaw, fCalPath = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 fPaths = [".", "."] if len(argv) == 0: return for i, opt in enumerate(argv): if opt == "-cal": fCal = True print "Calibration mode." if opt == "-upd": fUpd = True print "File update mode." if opt == "-p": fPlt = True print "Writing plots mode." if opt == "-debug": debugFiles() stopT = time.clock() print "Stopped:", time.strftime( '%X %x %Z'), "\nProcess time (min):", (stopT - startT) / 60 exit() if opt == "-fitRN": fitDBRiseNoise() # stopT = time.clock() # print "Stopped:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z'),"\nProcess time (min):",(stopT - startT)/60 exit() if opt == "-force": fFor = True print "Force DB update mode." if opt == "-raw": fRaw = True print "Printing raw peakfinder plots." if opt == "-d": dsNum = int(argv[i + 1]) print "Scanning DS-%d" % (dsNum) if opt == "-c": fCalPath = True print "pointing to cal path" if opt == "-f": print "Scanning DS-%d, run %d" % (dsNum, runNum) if opt == "-s": dsNum, subNum = int(argv[i + 1]), int(argv[i + 2]) print "Scanning DS-%d sub-range %d" % (dsNum, subNum) if opt == "-p": fPaths = [argv[i + 1], argv[i + 2]] print "Manual I/O paths set." if opt == "-test": testDB() if opt == "-b": fBat = True import matplotlib if os.environ.get('DISPLAY', '') == '': print "No display found. Using non-interactive Agg backend" matplotlib.use('Agg') print "Batch mode selected." global plt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if fCal: rec = calibrateRuns(dsNum, subNum, fPaths, fBat, fPlt, fRaw) ds.setDBRecord(rec, fFor) if fUpd: updateFile(dsNum, fCalPath) stopT = time.clock() print "Stopped:", time.strftime( '%X %x %Z'), "\nProcess time (min):", (stopT - startT) / 60
def SaveCalHistograms(): outDir = '/projecta/projectdirs/majorana/users/bxyzhu/LATv2/plots/spectra' calDir = '/projecta/projectdirs/majorana/users/wisecg/cal-lat' cutDir = '/projecta/projectdirs/majorana/users/bxyzhu/cuts' cInfo = ds.CalInfo() bins,lower,upper = 250,0,250 # Basic cut mNum = 2 cuts = "gain==0 && mHL==%d && isGood && !muVeto && !(C==1&&isLNFill1) && !(C==2&&isLNFill2) && C!=0&&P!=0&&D!=0"%(mNum) skimTree = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") skimCut = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") dsList = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # dsList = [1] outFile = ROOT.TFile(outDir + "/CalAcceptance_wfstd_mHL%d.root"%(mNum), "RECREATE") # Total histogram (all datasets) hCutTotal = ROOT.TH1D("hCutTotal", "", bins,lower,upper) hFullTotal = ROOT.TH1D("hFullTotal", "", bins,lower,upper) # Total histogram for Dataset hDSTotal = [] hDSFullTotal = [] dMissingCh = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] dThreshCutCh = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for iDS, dsNum in enumerate(dsList): hDSTotal.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hDSTotal[iDS] = ROOT.TH1D("hDS%d"%(dsNum), "", bins,lower,upper) hDSFullTotal.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hDSFullTotal[iDS] = ROOT.TH1D("hDS%d_Full"%(dsNum), "", bins,lower,upper) nMods = [1] if dsNum == 4: nMods = [2] if dsNum == 5: nMods = [1, 2] for modNum in nMods: chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) if dsNum==5 and modNum==1: # remove 692 and 1232 (both beges, so who cares) chList = [584, 592, 598, 608, 610, 614, 624, 626, 628, 632, 640, 648, 658, 660, 662, 672, 678, 680, 688, 690, 694] elif dsNum==5 and modNum==2: chList = [1106, 1110, 1120, 1124, 1128, 1170, 1172, 1174, 1176, 1204, 1208, 1298, 1302, 1330, 1332] # Total channel histograms, split by dataset hChTotalList = [] hChFullTotalList = [] for idx, ch in enumerate(chList): hChTotalList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hChTotalList[idx] = ROOT.TH1D("hDS%d_Ch%d"%(dsNum, ch), "", bins,lower,upper) hChFullTotalList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hChFullTotalList[idx] = ROOT.TH1D("hDS%d_Ch%d_Full"%(dsNum, ch), "", bins,lower,upper) nRanges = [0, len(cInfo.master['ds%d_m%d'%(dsNum, modNum)])] for calidx in range(nRanges[0], nRanges[1]): print "Drawing DS%d calidx%d mod%d"%(dsNum, calidx, modNum) hCutList, hFullList = [], [] skimTree.Reset() calList = cInfo.GetCalList("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), calidx, runLimit=10) for run in calList: skimTree.Add("%s/latSkimDS%d_run%d_*.root"%(calDir, dsNum, run)) for idx, ch in enumerate(chList): # Reset Tree every calidx + ch skimCut.Reset() skimCut.Add("%s/calwf/calwfstd-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root"%(cutDir, dsNum, calidx, ch)) if skimCut.GetEntries() == 0: hCutList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hFullList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) print "Channel %d, idx %d has no entries, skipping" continue hCutList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hFullList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) # Add additional cut here for channel hCutList[idx] = wl.H1D(skimCut,bins,lower,upper, "trapENFCal", cuts+"&& channel==%d"%(ch), Title="hDS%d_Ch%d_%d"%(dsNum,ch,calidx), Name="hDS%d_Ch%d_%d"%(dsNum, ch,calidx)) hFullList[idx] = wl.H1D(skimTree,bins,lower,upper, "trapENFCal", cuts+"&&channel==%d"%(ch),Title="hFullDS_%d_Ch%d_%d"%(dsNum,ch,calidx), Name="hFullDS%d_Ch%d_%d"%(dsNum,ch,calidx)) # Only write channel specific if there are counts if hCutList[idx].Integral() > 0: # Add ch+calidx histograms to ch total histogram if hCutList[idx].Write() hFullList[idx].Write() hChTotalList[idx].Add(hCutList[idx]) hChFullTotalList[idx].Add(hFullList[idx]) # Add individual ch+calidx histograms to total histogram and total DS histogram hCutTotal.Add(hCutList[idx]) hFullTotal.Add(hFullList[idx]) hDSTotal[iDS].Add(hCutList[idx]) hDSFullTotal[iDS].Add(hFullList[idx]) # Write Total channel histograms for idx, ch in enumerate(chList): if hChTotalList[idx].Integral() > 0: hChTotalList[idx].Write() hChFullTotalList[idx].Write() else: print "Channel %d has no entries!"%(ch) # Write total DS histograms hDSTotal[iDS].Write() hDSFullTotal[iDS].Write() # Write total histogram and close hFullTotal.Write() hCutTotal.Write() outFile.Close() return 0
def parseLivetimeOutput(): # for dSet in [(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(4,2),(5,1),(5,2)]: for dSet in [(5, 2)]: dsNum, modNum = dSet[0], dSet[1] chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) if dsNum == 5 and modNum == 1: chList = [ch for ch in chList if ch < 1000 and ch != 692] if dsNum == 5 and modNum == 2: chList = [ch for ch in chList if ch > 1000 and ch != 1232] expDict = {ch: [] for ch in chList} tmpDict, bkgIdx, prevBkgIdx = {}, -1, -1 with open("../data/expos_ds%d.txt" % dsNum, "r") as f: table = f.readlines() for idx, line in enumerate(table): tmp = (line.rstrip()).split(" ") if len(tmp) == 0: continue if bkgIdx != prevBkgIdx: for ch in chList: if ch in tmpDict.keys(): expDict[ch].append(tmpDict[ch]) else: expDict[ch].append(0.) tmpDict = {} prevBkgIdx = bkgIdx if tmp[0] == "bkgIdx": bkgIdx = tmp[1] if len(tmp) > 1 and tmp[1] == ":" and tmp[0].isdigit() and int( tmp[0]) in chList: ch, exp = int(tmp[0]), float(tmp[2]) tmpDict[ch] = exp if line == "All-channel summary: \n": summaryIdx = idx # get last bkgIdx for ch in chList: if ch in tmpDict.keys(): expDict[ch].append(tmpDict[ch]) else: expDict[ch].append(0.) # knock off the first element (it's 0). Now expDict is done for ch in expDict: if expDict[ch][0] > 0: print "ERROR, WTF" exit(1) expDict[ch].pop(0) # now get the all-channel summary for HG channels summaryDict = {ch: [] for ch in chList} for line in table[summaryIdx + 2:]: tmp = (line.rstrip()).split() ch, detID, aMass, runTime, expo = int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1]), float( tmp[2]), float(tmp[3]), float(tmp[4]) summaryDict[ch] = [expo, aMass] # now a final cross check print "DS%d, M%d" % (dsNum, modNum) for ch in chList: if sum(expDict[ch]) > 0 and len(summaryDict[ch]) == 0: print "That ain't shoulda happened" exit(1) elif len(summaryDict[ch]) == 0: continue mySum, ltResult, aMass = sum( expDict[ch]), summaryDict[ch][0], summaryDict[ch][1] diff = ((ltResult - mySum) / aMass) * 86400 print "%d %.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f %-8.4f" % (ch, aMass, mySum, ltResult, diff) print " "
def main(argv): inDir, cutDir, outDir = ".", ".", "./plots" specMode = False dsNum, modNum, chNum = -1, -1, -1 skimTree = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") bins, lower, upper = {1250}, 0, 250 outFile = ROOT.TFile() for i, opt in enumerate(argv): if opt == "-spec": specMode = True print "Spectrum Mode" if opt == "-d": inDir, outDir = argv[i + 1], argv[i + 2] if opt == "-ch": chNum = int(argv[i + 1]) print("Drawing specific channel %d" % (chNum)) if opt == "-s": dsNum, modNum = int(argv[i + 1]), int(argv[i + 2]) print("Drawing DS-%d Module-%d" % (dsNum, modNum)) if opt == "-cal": calMode = True print("Drawing Calibration runs") cInfo = ds.CalInfo() EnergyList = [[1., 5.], [2., 4.], [4., 9.], [9., 12.], [12., 40.], [40., 50.], [50., 100.]] # -- Load channel list -- if chNum == -1: chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) if dsNum == 5 and modNum == 1: # remove 692 and 1232 chList = [ 584, 592, 598, 608, 610, 614, 624, 626, 628, 632, 640, 648, 658, 660, 662, 672, 678, 680, 688, 690, 694 ] if dsNum == 5 and modNum == 2: # chList = [1106, 1110, 1120, 1124, 1128, 1170, 1172, 1174, 1176, 1204, 1208, 1298, 1302, 1330, 1332] # Removed ch 1110, 1208, and 1332 chList = [ 1106, 1120, 1124, 1128, 1170, 1172, 1174, 1176, 1204, 1298, 1302, 1330 ] else: chList = [chNum] # -- Load calibration files -- if dsNum == -1 or modNum == -1: print "DS, subDS, or module number not set properly, exiting" return else: # Limit to 10 calibration runs because that's all Clint processed! for subNum in cInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)].keys(): calList = cInfo.GetCalList("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), subNum, runLimit=10) for i in calList: skimTree.Add("%s/latSkimDS%d_run%d_*" % (inDir, dsNum, i)) # List of histograms (for summing together) and Dictionary of histograms (for different cuts) hList, hDict = [], {} # Create a list of DataFrames for each channel to concatenate at the end # cutNames = ["BasicCut", "+tailSlope", "+riseNoise", "+fitSlo"] cutNames = ["BasicCut", "+riseNoise", "+fitSlo"] # cutNames = ["BasicCut", "+tailSlope", "+bcMax", "+fitSlo"] if specMode: outFile = ROOT.TFile("%s/CalibHistograms_DS%d.root" % (outDir, dsNum), "RECREATE") for subNum in cInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)].keys(): runCut = "&&run>=%d&&run<=%d" % ( cInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)][subNum][1], cInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)][subNum][2]) # DB style fsD = ds.getDBRecord("fitSlo_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Peak" % (dsNum, subNum, modNum)) rnD = ds.getDBRecord("riseNoise_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Peak" % (dsNum, subNum, modNum)) bcD = ds.getDBRecord("bcMax_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Peak" % (dsNum, subNum, modNum)) # Get threshold info # goodRuns,badRuns,goodRunSigmas = ds.GetThreshDicts(dsNum) # threshrunCut = "&&(" # for idx2,runRange in enumerate(goodRuns[ch]): # threshrunCut += "(run>=%d&&run<=%d)||" % (runRange[0],runRange[1]) # # Strip all spaces to save space # totalCut = megaCut.replace(" ", "") + threshrunCut[:-2] + ")" # Create new key for dictionaries according to subNum hDict[subNum] = [] for idx, ch in enumerate(chList): # Append empty list for every subNum to store channel-based hDict[subNum].append([]) # Set high gain only! channelCut = "channel==%d&&gain==0" % (ch) # Create new array for each subDS riseNoiseCut, fitSloCut = "", "" if rnD[ch][2] == 0 or fsD[ch][2] == 0: continue else: riseNoiseCut = '&&riseNoise<%.2f' % (rnD[ch][2]) fitSloCut = '&&fitSlo<%.2f' % (fsD[ch][2]) # Set cuts here PSA1 = channelCut + runCut + riseNoiseCut PSA2 = channelCut + runCut + riseNoiseCut + fitSloCut # Save all cuts into a list to iterate through cutList = [channelCut + runCut, PSA1, PSA2] for idx2, cuts in enumerate(cutList): if specMode: hDict[subNum][idx].append(ROOT.TH1D()) hDict[subNum][idx][idx2] = wl.H1D(skimTree, bins, lower, upper, "trapENFCal", cuts, Title="h0_%d_Ch%d_%d" % (subNum, ch, idx2)) print("Drawn: h0_%d_Ch%d_%d" % (subNum, ch, idx2)) # Merge histograms into a list of histograms per cut if specMode: ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1100, 800) c1.SetLogy() leg1 = ROOT.TLegend(0.35, 0.8, 0.65, 0.89) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) for idx2, cuts in enumerate(cutList): hList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hList[idx2] = hDict[0][0][idx2] for subNum in cInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)].keys(): for idx, ch in enumerate(chList[1:]): hDict[subNum][idx][idx2].Write() hList[idx2].Add(hDict[subNum][idx][idx2]) hList[idx2].SetTitle("") hList[idx2].GetXaxis().SetTitle("Energy (keV)") hList[idx2].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Counts/ %.1f keV" % (float( (upper - lower) / bins))) # hList[idx2].SetMinimum(0.1) # Arbitrary unit right now... hList[idx2].SetLineColor(idx2 + 1) hList[idx2].Draw("SAME") leg1.AddEntry(hList[idx2], "%s" % cutNames[idx2], "l") leg1.Draw() c1.SaveAs("%s/Spec_ds%d_m%d.pdf" % (outDir, dsNum, modNum)) c1.SaveAs("%s/Spec_ds%d_m%d.C" % (outDir, dsNum, modNum)) outFile.Close()
def channelSelection(): calDB = db.TinyDB('../calDB.json') pars = db.Query() np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) # print full numpy array for dSet in [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 2), (5, 1), (5, 2)]: # for dSet in [(4,2)]: dsNum, modNum = dSet[0], dSet[1] print "DS-%d, M-%d" % (dsNum, modNum) expDict = ds.getExposureDict(dsNum, modNum, "../data") chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) if dsNum == 5 and modNum == 1: chList = [ch for ch in chList if ch < 1000 and ch != 692] if dsNum == 5 and modNum == 2: chList = [ch for ch in chList if ch > 1000 and ch != 1232] chStats = {ch: [] for ch in chList} xTicks = [] nBkg = ds.dsMap[dsNum] bkgRuns = ds.bkgRunsDS[dsNum] nCal = ds.getNCalIdxs(dsNum, modNum) calInfo = ds.CalInfo() xThresh = np.arange(0, 5, 0.01) yThreshTot = np.zeros(len(xThresh)) for bkgIdx in range(nBkg + 1): # get the exposure and efficiency thD = ds.getDBRecord("thresh_ds%d_bkgidx%d" % (dsNum, bkgIdx), False, calDB, pars) chThreshList = (ch for ch in chList if ch in thD.keys()) # python generator expression for ch in chThreshList: mu, sig = thD[ch][0], thD[ch][1] if mu > 5 or mu == 0: print "Threshold for ch%d bkgidx%d zero or too high, skipping" % ( ch, bkgIdx) continue # print bkgIdx, ch, mu, sig # threshold efficiency yThresh = 0.5 * (1 + sp.erf( (xThresh - mu) / (2**(.5) * abs(sig)))) # scale by exposure yThresh *= expDict[ch][bkgIdx] yThreshTot += yThresh # # Scale here # h3.Multiply(threshFnc) # if ch in threshDict.keys(): # threshDict[ch].Add(h3) # else: # threshDict[ch] = h3.Clone("Efficiency_ch%d"%(ch)) # get the cut coverage runLo = bkgRuns[bkgIdx][0] runHi = bkgRuns[bkgIdx][-1] calIdxLo = calInfo.GetCalIdx("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), runLo) calIdxHi = calInfo.GetCalIdx("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), runHi) # if calIdxHi != calIdxLo: # print "DS-%d bkgIdx %d Multiple calIdxs: %d - %d" % (dsNum, bkgIdx, calIdxLo, calIdxHi) for calIdx in range(calIdxLo, calIdxHi + 1): xTicks.append(bkgIdx + 0.1 * (calIdx - calIdxLo)) calRunLo = calInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)][calIdx][1] calRunHi = calInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)][calIdx][2] fsD = ds.getDBRecord( "fitSlo_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Peak" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) rnD = ds.getDBRecord( "riseNoise_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_SoftPlus" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) wfD = ds.getDBRecord( "wfstd_ds%d_idx%d_mod%d" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) goodFS = True if fsD != 0 else False goodRN = True if rnD != 0 else False goodWF = True if wfD != 0 else False print "DS%d bkgIdx %d calIdx %d FS %d RN %d WF %d" % ( dsNum, bkgIdx, calIdx, int(goodFS), int(goodRN), int(goodWF)) for ch in chList: goodChanFS = True if goodFS and fsD[ch][2] > 0 else False goodChanRN = True if goodRN and rnD[ch][3] > 0 else False goodChanWF = True if goodWF and ch in wfD.keys( ) and wfD[ch][0] == u'y' else False goodList = [goodChanFS, goodChanRN, goodChanWF] code = getErrorCode(goodList) chStats[ch].append(code) # -- Create efficiency plot -- f1 = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6), facecolor='w') ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(xThresh, yThreshTot, "r") ax.set_xlabel('Energy (keV)', x=1., ha='right') ax.set_ylabel('Exposure (kg-d)') ax.set_title("DS-%d, Module %d" % (dsNum, modNum)) plt.savefig("../plots/expo-ds%d-m%d.pdf" % (dsNum, modNum)) # -- Create bkgIdx vs. channel plot -- chData = np.asarray([chStats[ch] for ch in chStats]) xTicks = [int(t) if float(t).is_integer() else t for t in xTicks] # yTicks = [ch for ch in chStats] yTicks = [ "P%sD%s" % (str(ds.CPD[dsNum][ch])[1], str(ds.CPD[dsNum][ch])[2]) for ch in chStats ] a, b = int(len(xTicks) / 3.), int(len(yTicks) / 2.) if a < 12: a = 12 if b < 8: b = 8 print "a", a, "b", b f2 = plt.figure(figsize=(a, b), facecolor='w') ax = plt.subplot(111) im = plt.imshow(np.asarray(chData), interpolation='nearest') ax.set_xlabel('bkgIdx', x=1., ha='right') ax.set_ylabel('Detector', rotation=0) ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.01, 1.01) ax.set_title("DS-%d, Module %d" % (dsNum, modNum)) # Set the major ticks at the centers and minor tick at the edges xlocs = np.arange(0, len(xTicks), 1) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(xlocs + 0.5, minor=True) ax.xaxis.set(ticks=xlocs, ticklabels=xTicks) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=8) ylocs = np.arange(0, len(yTicks), 1) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(ylocs + 0.5, minor=True) ax.yaxis.set(ticks=ylocs, ticklabels=yTicks) ax.grid(True, which='minor') values = np.unique(chData.ravel()) colors = [im.cmap(im.norm(value)) for value in values] patches = [] for idx, val in enumerate(values): tmp = unpackErrorCode(val) lab = "FS %d RN %d WF %d" % (int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1]), int(tmp[2])) patches.append(mpatches.Patch(color=colors[idx], label=lab)) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.85, box.height]) ax.legend(handles=patches, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.savefig("../plots/dc-results-DS%d-M%d.pdf" % (dsNum, modNum))
def main(): path = "condor/Analyze1Lep_Kerasv1.2.4_HTSF/" histoNames = [ #"blind_ht_1l_4j_ge1b", "blind_ht_1l_5j_ge1b", "blind_ht_1l_6j_ge1b", "blind_ht_1l_ge7j_ge1b", "h_ht_1l_5j_ge1b", "h_ht_1l_6j_ge1b", "h_ht_1l_7j_ge1b", "h_ht_1l_8j_ge1b" #"blind_deepESM_1l_4j_ge1b", "blind_deepESM_1l_5j_ge1b", "blind_deepESM_1l_6j_ge1b", "blind_deepESM_1l_ge7j_ge1b", ] nJets = [] norm = [] expo = [] nJet = 5 for histoName in histoNames: c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 0, 0, 800, 800) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.15) ROOT.gPad.SetTopMargin(0.08) ROOT.gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1, 1) ROOT.TH1.SetDefaultSumw2() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit() data = info.DataSetInfo(basedir="condor/Analyze1Lep_Kerasv1.2.5_HTSF/", fileName="2016_Data.root", label="Data") bg = info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_AllBG.root", label="Background") dHist = data.getHisto(histoName) bHist = bg.getHisto(histoName) dHist.Rebin(10) bHist.Rebin(10) dHist.Scale(1.0 / dHist.Integral()) bHist.Scale(1.0 / bHist.Integral()) ratio = dHist.Clone("Ratio") ratio.Divide(bHist) ratio.SetMaximum(2.0) ratio.SetMinimum(0.0) ratio.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) ratio.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) ratio.SetMarkerStyle(21) ratio.SetTitle(histoName + " Ratio") ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/BG") ratio.Draw("ep") line = ROOT.TF1("1", "1", -2000, 20000) line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) line.Draw("same") ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle("H_{T} [GeV]") fit = ROOT.TF1("fit", "[0]*exp([1]*x)", 300.0, 3000.0, 2) #fit.SetParLimits(0, -1.0, 1.0) #fit.SetParLimits(1, -2.0, 2.0) #fit.SetParameter(0, -1.0) #fit.SetParameter(1, 0.0) fit.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) ratio.Fit(fit, "", "", 300.0, 3000.0) fit.Draw("same") #ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle("DeepESM Score") #fit = ROOT.TF1("fit", "[0]*x + [1]", 0.0, 1.0, 2) #fit.SetParLimits(0, -1.0, 1.0) #fit.SetParLimits(1, -2.0, 2.0) #fit.SetParameter(0, -1.0) #fit.SetParameter(1, 0.0) #fit.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) #ratio.Fit(fit, "", "", 0.0, 1.0) #fit.Draw("same") nJets.append(nJet) norm.append(fit.GetParameter(0)) expo.append(fit.GetParameter(1)) c.SaveAs(histoName + "_ratio.pdf") del c nJet += 1 #################################################### #Fit results of all the fits #################################################### nJets = np.array(nJets) norm = np.array(norm) expo = 1000 * np.array(expo) print nJets print norm print expo s = ROOT.TGraph(nJets.size, nJets.astype(np.double), norm.astype(np.double)) y = ROOT.TGraph(nJets.size, nJets.astype(np.double), expo.astype(np.double)) List = [ ("Norm Term", s, 0.0, 2.0, -5, 5, -1), #("expo",y, -0.0005, 0.0, -0.002, 0.0, -0.0001)] ("Exp Term", y, -1, 0.0, -5, 5, -1) ] for l in List: print np.max(l[2]) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "c1", 0, 0, 800, 800) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.15) ROOT.gPad.SetTopMargin(0.08) ROOT.gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1, 1) ROOT.TH1.SetDefaultSumw2() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit() l[1].SetMaximum(l[3]) l[1].SetMinimum(l[2]) l[1].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) l[1].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) l[1].SetMarkerStyle(21) l[1].SetTitle(l[0] + " Fits") l[1].GetXaxis().SetTitle("NJet") l[1].GetYaxis().SetTitle(l[0]) l[1].Draw("AP") fit = ROOT.TF1("fit", "[0]*x + [1]", 0.0, 10.0, 3) fit.SetParLimits(0, l[4], l[5]) fit.SetParLimits(1, -5.0, 5.0) fit.SetParameter(0, l[6]) fit.SetParameter(1, 0.0) fit.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) l[1].Fit(fit, "M", "", 0.0, 10.0) fit.Draw("same") c1.SaveAs(l[0] + "_fits.pdf") del c1 #################################################### #Plot Scale Factor per nJet #################################################### c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 0, 0, 800, 800) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.15) ROOT.gPad.SetTopMargin(0.08) ROOT.gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1, 1) ROOT.TH1.SetDefaultSumw2() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.65, 0.9, 0.88) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetLineWidth(1) leg.SetNColumns(1) leg.SetTextFont(42) h = ROOT.TH1F("Ht Scale Factor", "Ht Scale Factor", 1, 0, 5000) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Ht [GeV]") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Scale Factor") h.SetMaximum(1.6) h.Draw() dummyList = [] for nJet in [(ROOT.kCyan + 1, "7"), (ROOT.kCyan + 2, "8"), (ROOT.kCyan + 3, "9"), (ROOT.kCyan + 4, "10"), (ROOT.kRed, "11"), (ROOT.kRed + 1, "12"), (ROOT.kRed + 2, "13"), (ROOT.kRed + 3, "14")]: sf = ROOT.TF1( "sf" + nJet[1], "(0.06146*" + nJet[1] + "+0.7908)*exp((-0.06063*" + nJet[1] + "+0.1018)*(x/1000))", 0.0, 5000) sf.SetLineColor(nJet[0]) #sf.SetMarkerColor(nJet[0]) sf.DrawCopy("l same") hd = ROOT.TH1F("Ht Scale Factor" + nJet[1], "Ht Scale Factor" + nJet[1], 1, 0, 5000) hd.Draw("P same") hd.SetLineColor(nJet[0]) hd.SetLineWidth(3) leg.AddEntry(hd, "NJet " + nJet[1], "l") dummyList.append(hd) leg.Draw() c.SaveAs("sf.pdf") #################################################### #Plot Scale Factor per nJet #################################################### cc = ROOT.TCanvas("cc", "cc", 0, 0, 800, 800) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.15) ROOT.gPad.SetTopMargin(0.08) ROOT.gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1, 1) ROOT.TH1.SetDefaultSumw2() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) #ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.2, 0.7, 0.85, 0.88) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetLineWidth(1) leg.SetNColumns(1) leg.SetTextFont(42) h = ROOT.TH1F("Ht Scale Factor: 8 Jet Bin", "Ht Scale Factor: 8 Jet Bin", 1, 0, 5000) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Ht [GeV]") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Scale Factor") h.SetMaximum(1.6) h.Draw() nJet = (ROOT.kCyan + 2, "8") sf = ROOT.TF1( "a", "(0.06146*" + nJet[1] + "+0.7908)*exp((-0.06063*" + nJet[1] + "+0.1018)*(x/1000))", 0.0, 5000) sf.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) #sf.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) leg.AddEntry(sf, "Extrapolation: 8 Jet bin", "l") sf.DrawCopy("l same") sffit = ROOT.TF1("b", "1.353*exp(-0.0003955*x)", 0.0, 5000) sffit.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) leg.AddEntry(sffit, "Fit: 8 Jet bin", "l") sffit.DrawCopy("l same") #sfnew = ROOT.TF1("sf extrapolation: 8 Jet bin", "(0.07474*8+0.7368)*exp((-0.04826*8-0.004357)*(x/1000))", 0.0, 5000) #sfnew.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) #leg.AddEntry(sfnew, "sf extrapolation: 8 Jet bin", "l") #sfnew.DrawCopy("l same") leg.Draw() cc.SaveAs("sf_8Jetbin.pdf") del cc #################################################### #Plot Scale Factor Up and Down variation #################################################### cc = ROOT.TCanvas("cc", "cc", 0, 0, 800, 800) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.15) ROOT.gPad.SetTopMargin(0.08) ROOT.gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1, 1) ROOT.TH1.SetDefaultSumw2() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) #ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.8, 0.85, 0.88) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetLineWidth(1) leg.SetNColumns(1) leg.SetTextFont(42) h = ROOT.TH1F("Dummy", "HT Scale Factor Variation", 1, 0, 5000) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Ht [GeV]") h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("A.U.") h.SetMinimum(0.9) h.SetMaximum(1.1) h.Draw() ratio = ROOT.TF1("asf", "b/a", 0.0, 5000) ratio.DrawCopy("l same") leg.AddEntry(ratio, "Variation Up", "l") ratio2 = ROOT.TF1("yep", "a/b", 0.0, 5000) ratio2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) ratio2.DrawCopy("l same") leg.AddEntry(ratio2, "Variation Down", "l") leg.Draw() cc.SaveAs("sf_8Jetbin_Up_Down.pdf") del cc
def burstCut(dsNum): """ ./ [dsNum] -burst """ # rates = {0:(30,5), 1:(20,5), 3:(50,5), 4:(20,3), 5:(150.,5.)} # v1 - before fitSLo rates = { 0: (20, 5), 1: (20, 5), 3: (20, 5), 4: (20, 5), 5: (40., 5) } # v2 - after fitSlo chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) nDets = len(chList) maxRate = rates[dsNum][0] maxChanRate = rates[dsNum][0] * rates[dsNum][1] / float(nDets) print "maxRate %d nDets %d factor %d maxChanRate %.2f" % ( rates[dsNum][0], nDets, rates[dsNum][1], maxChanRate) energyCut = "trapENFCal >= 1" ignoreList = {0: [656], 3: [592, 692], 4: [1332], 5: [692, 1232, 1124]} bkg = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") for ch in chList: if ch not in ignoreList[dsNum]: f = "~/project/latskim/latSkimDS%d_ch%d.root" % (dsNum, ch) print "Added", f bkg.Add(f) # append to the text file (input to ds_livetimeList = open("burstCut_v1.txt", 'a') for key in ignoreList: killChs = "" for val in ignoreList[key]: killChs += " %d " % val ds_livetimeList.write("%s %s \n" % (key, killChs)) c0 = ROOT.TCanvas("c0", "c0", 1000, 600) rlo, rhi = ds.dsRanges[dsNum][0], ds.dsRanges[dsNum][1] clo, chi = 570, 700 if dsNum == 4: clo, chi = 1100, 1400 if dsNum == 5: clo, chi = 570, 1400 h0 = wl.H2D(bkg, rhi - rlo, rlo, rhi, chi - clo, clo, chi, "channel:run", energyCut, "Run Number", "Channel") h0.Draw("colz") c0.SetLogz(1) c0.Print("./plots/burst/channelRateDS%d.pdf" % dsNum) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 1600, 600) c1.Divide(2, 1, 0) ROOT.gPad.SetLogy(1) h1 = wl.H1D(bkg, rhi - rlo, rlo, rhi, "run", energyCut, "Run Number", "Counts") h1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) h1.Draw() # Run & channel-based burst cut. runs, rates = wl.npTH1D(h1, "i") idx = np.where(rates > maxRate) print "Noisy runs:", runs[idx] burstCut, invBurstCut = energyCut + " && ", energyCut + " && (" print "maxChanRate:", maxChanRate for i, run in enumerate(runs[idx]): runCut = " && run==%d" % run # h2.append(ROOT.TH1D()) h2 = wl.H1D(bkg, chi - clo, clo, chi, "channel", energyCut + runCut, "channel", "Counts") if h2.GetEntries() == 0: continue chans, chRates = wl.npTH1D(h2, "i") idx2 = np.where(chRates > maxChanRate) print "run", int(run), "noisy chans", chans[idx2], "rates", chRates[ idx2], "total entries", h2.GetEntries( ), "runCut:", energyCut + runCut # Write run + channel groups to the file (input to noisyChans = "" for ch in chans[idx2]: noisyChans += "%d " % ch ds_livetimeList.write("%d %s \n" % (run, noisyChans)) # Make the TCut runBurst = "&& !(run==%d && (" % run invBurst = "|| (run==%d && (" % run if i == 0: runBurst = runBurst[3:] invBurst = invBurst[3:] for ch in chans[idx2]: runBurst += "channel==%d|| " % ch invBurst += "channel==%d|| " % ch runBurst = runBurst[:-3] + ")) " invBurst = invBurst[:-3] + ")) " burstCut += runBurst invBurstCut += invBurst invBurstCut += ")" ds_livetimeList.close() if len(runs[idx]) == 0: burstCut, invBurstCut = energyCut, energyCut # add the dead channels back in for ch in ignoreList[dsNum]: burstCut += " && channel!=%d" % ch print "\nBURST CUT:" print burstCut print "\nINVERSE BURST CUT:" print invBurstCut print "" h1a = wl.H1D(bkg, rhi - rlo, rlo, rhi, "run", burstCut) h1a.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) h1a.Draw("same") ROOT.gPad.SetLogy(1) h1.Draw("hist") h1b = wl.H1D(bkg, rhi - rlo, rlo, rhi, "run", invBurstCut) h1b.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) h1b.Draw("hist same") c1.Print("./plots/burst/burstCutDS%d.pdf" % dsNum) c2 = TCanvas("c2", "c2", 1000, 600) c2.SetLogy(1) eb, elo, ehi = 150, 0, 30 # 5 bins/kev h2 = wl.H1D(bkg, eb, elo, ehi, "trapENFCal", "", "Energy", "Counts") h2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) h3 = wl.H1D(bkg, eb, elo, ehi, "trapENFCal", burstCut) h3.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) h2.Draw("hist") h3.Draw("hist same") c2.Print("./plots/burst/energySpecDS%d.pdf" % dsNum)
def SaveHistogramsIDX(dType='Bkg', binsize=0.1, lower=0, upper=250): """ Saves background or calibration data before and after cuts into histograms """ outDir = '/projecta/projectdirs/majorana/users/bxyzhu/LATv2/plots/spectra' calDir = '/projecta/projectdirs/majorana/users/wisecg/cal-lat' bkgDir = '/projecta/projectdirs/majorana/users/wisecg/bg-lat' bkgcutDir = '/projecta/projectdirs/majorana/users/wisecg/cuts' calcutDir = '/projecta/projectdirs/majorana/users/bxyzhu/cuts' cInfo = ds.CalInfo() bins = int((upper - lower) / binsize) # Basic cut mNum = 1 cuts = "gain==0 && mHL=={} && isGood && !muVeto && !(C==1&&isLNFill1) && !(C==2&&isLNFill2) && C!=0&&P!=0&&D!=0" % ( mNum) skimTreeCal = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") skimTreeBkg = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") skimCutCal = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") skimCutBkg = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") dsList = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] outFile = ROOT.TFile(outDir + "/AThresh_mHL{}.root" % (mNum), "RECREATE") for iDS, dsNum in enumerate(dsList): nMods = [1] if dsNum == 4: nMods = [2] if dsNum == 5: nMods = [1, 2] for modNum in nMods: chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) if dsNum == 5 and modNum == 1: # remove 692 and 1232 (both beges, so who cares) chList = [ 584, 592, 598, 608, 610, 614, 624, 626, 628, 632, 640, 648, 658, 660, 662, 672, 678, 680, 688, 690, 694 ] elif dsNum == 5 and modNum == 2: chList = [ 1106, 1110, 1120, 1124, 1128, 1170, 1172, 1174, 1176, 1204, 1208, 1298, 1302, 1330, 1332 ] # Total channel histograms, split by dataset nRangesCal = [ 0, len(cInfo.master['ds{}_m{}'.format(dsNum, modNum)]) ] nRangesBkg = [0, ds.dsMap[dsNum]] if dType == 'Cal': for calidx in range(nRangesCal[0], nRangesCal[1]): print("Drawing DS{} calidx{} mod{}".format( dsNum, calidx, modNum)) hCutList, hFullList = [], [] skimTreeCal.Reset() calList = cInfo.GetCalList("ds{}_m{}".format( dsNum, modNum), calidx, runLimit=10) for run in calList: skimTreeCal.Add("{}/latSkimDS{}_run{}_*.root".format( calDir, dsNum, run)) for idx, ch in enumerate(chList): # Reset Tree every calidx + ch skimCutCal.Reset() if not os.path.exists( "{}/calfs_rn/calfs_rn-DS{}-{}-ch{}.root". format(calcutDir, dsNum, calidx, ch)): hCutList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hFullList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) print( "Channel {}, calidx {} doesn't exist, skipping" .format(ch, calidx)) continue skimCutCal.Add( "{}/calfs_rn/calfs_rn-DS{}-{}-ch{}.root".format( calcutDir, dsNum, calidx, ch)) hCutList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hFullList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) # Add additional cut here for channel hCutList[idx] = wl.H1D( skimCutCal, bins, lower, upper, "trapENFCal", cuts + "&& channel=={}".format(ch), Title="hCalDS{}_Ch{}_CalIdx{}".format( dsNum, ch, calidx), Name="hDS{}_Ch{}_CalIdx{}".format( dsNum, ch, calidx)) hFullList[idx] = wl.H1D( skimTreeCal, bins, lower, upper, "trapENFCal", cuts + "&&channel=={}".format(ch), Title="hFullDS_{}_Ch{}_CalIdx{}".format( dsNum, ch, calidx), Name="hCalFullDS{}_Ch{}_CalIdx{}".format( dsNum, ch, calidx)) # Write all histograms (even if they're empty -- for debugging purposes) hCutList[idx].Write() hFullList[idx].Write() if dType == 'Bkg': for bkgidx in range(nRangesBkg[0], nRangesBkg[1] + 1): print("Drawing DS{} bkgidx{} mod{}".format( dsNum, bkgidx, modNum)) hCutList, hFullList = [], [] skimTreeBkg.Reset() skimTreeBkg.Add("{}/latSkimDS{}_{}_*.root".format( bkgDir, dsNum, bkgidx)) for idx, ch in enumerate(chList): # Reset Tree every bkgidx + ch skimCutBkg.Reset() if not os.path.exists( "{}/fs_rn/fs_rn-DS{}-{}-ch{}.root".format( bkgcutDir, dsNum, bkgidx, ch)): hCutList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hFullList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) print( "Channel {}, bkgidx {} has no entries, skipping" .format(ch, bkgidx)) continue skimCutBkg.Add( "{}/fs_rn/fs_rn-DS{}-{}-ch{}.root".format( bkgcutDir, dsNum, bkgidx, ch)) hCutList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) hFullList.append(ROOT.TH1D()) # Add additional cut here for channel hCutList[idx] = wl.H1D( skimCutBkg, bins, lower, upper, "trapENFCal", cuts + "&& channel=={}".format(ch), Title="hBkgDS{}_Ch{}_BkgIdx{}".format( dsNum, ch, bkgidx), Name="hDS{}_Ch{}_BkgIdx{}".format( dsNum, ch, bkgidx)) hFullList[idx] = wl.H1D( skimTreeBkg, bins, lower, upper, "trapENFCal", cuts + "&&channel=={}".format(ch), Title="hFullDS_{}_Ch{}_BkgIdx{}".format( dsNum, ch, bkgidx), Name="hBkgFullDS{}_Ch{}_BkgIdx{}".format( dsNum, ch, bkgidx)) # Write all histograms -- for debugging hCutList[idx].Write() hFullList[idx].Write() # Write total histogram and close outFile.Close() return 0
def fitDBRiseNoise(): """ ./ -fitRN For each dataset, for every channel, for every calIdx: pull the 95% riseNoise value for 50-90, 90-130, 130-170, 170-210. Then do a simple linear fit and save the channel value. """ dsNum = 1 # parse database # { recordName : { chan : 95% value } } - recordName is idxN-e50-90, etc dbDict = {} calDB = db.TinyDB('calDB.json') for item in calDB: d = dict(item) key = d["key"] vals = d["vals"] tmp = key.split("_") tmp = [str(t) for t in tmp] # ex - ['riseNoise', 'ds1', 'idx12', 'm1', '130', '170'] if tmp[0] == "riseNoise" and tmp[1] == "ds%d" % dsNum and tmp[ 4] != "Peak" and tmp[4] != "Continuum": calIdx = int(tmp[2][3:]) eLo, eHi = int(tmp[4]), int(tmp[5]) recName = "idx%s-%d-%d" % (calIdx, eLo, eHi) recDict = {} for ch in vals: chan = int(ch) val95 = vals[ch][3] # ex - [1%, 5%, 90%, 95%, 99%] recDict[chan] = val95 dbDict[recName] = recDict dsNum, module = 1, 1 if dsNum == 4: module = 2 nIdx = ds.getNCalIdxs(dsNum, module) # for plots # { chan : { calIdx : [vals] } } # plotDict = {} # for ch in ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum): ch = 578 calIdx = 0 chEne = [70, 110, 150, 190] chVals = [] chVals.append(dbDict["idx%d-%d-%d" % (calIdx, 50, 90)][ch]) chVals.append(dbDict["idx%d-%d-%d" % (calIdx, 90, 130)][ch]) chVals.append(dbDict["idx%d-%d-%d" % (calIdx, 130, 170)][ch]) chVals.append(dbDict["idx%d-%d-%d" % (calIdx, 170, 210)][ch]) chEne, chVals = np.array(chEne), np.array(chVals) slope, yint, r_val, p_val, std_err = linregress(chEne, chVals) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(chEne, chVals, 'o', label='riseNoise vals') # plt.plot(chEne, yint + slope*chEne, 'r', label='fit') # plt.legend(loc="best") # plt.xlabel("Energy (keV)") # plt.ylabel("riseNoise 95% val") # # plt.savefig("./plots/linFit.png") print "ch", ch, "vals:", chVals, slope, yint, r_val, p_val, std_err # build a db record # key: [Name]_ds[i]_idx[j]_module[k]_[descriptor] # vals: {[chan] : [slope, yint]} --> need a value for every channel. # fk. the linear fit is going to overcut. i don't even want to use it. rnKey = "riseNoise_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_idx%d-ch%d" return
def GenerateCorrectedSpectra(dsNum=1, dType='isNat', binsize=0.1, binsize2=0.001, lower=0, upper=250): """ Calculates analysis threshold and applies analysis threshold to exposure calculation Saves histograms into ROOT file """ ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) bgDir, outDir = '/Users/brianzhu/project/cuts/fs_rn', '/Users/brianzhu/macros/code/LAT/plots/AThresh' bins = int((upper - lower) / binsize) bins2 = int((upper - lower) / binsize2) cuts = "{} && gain==0 && mHL==1 && isGood && !muVeto && !(C==1&&isLNFill1) && !(C==2&&isLNFill2) && C!=0&&P!=0&&D!=0".format( dType) chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum, dType[2:]) if dsNum == 5: # remove 692 and 1232 (both beges, so who cares) if 692 in chList: chList.remove(692) if 1232 in chList: chList.remove(1232) nRanges = [0, ds.dsMap[dsNum]] if dsNum == 5: nRanges[0] = 80 # exclude DS-5A athresh = GetAnaylsisThreshold(dsNum, True) threshDict = {} threshDictSave = {} specIDXDict = {} specDict = {} outFile = ROOT.TFile( outDir + '/Bkg_{}_DS{}_Test.root'.format(dType, dsNum), "RECREATE") cutTree = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") TotalSpec = ROOT.TH1D('DS{}_{}_Corr'.format(dsNum, dType), '', bins, lower, upper) UncorrTotalSpec = ROOT.TH1D('DS{}_{}_UnCorr'.format(dsNum, dType), '', bins, lower, upper) for bkgidx in range(nRanges[0], nRanges[1] + 1): # Get Threshold dictionary tD = ds.getDBRecord("thresh_ds{}_bkgidx{}".format(dsNum, bkgidx)) # Get Analysis Threshold Dictionary and Exposure Dictionary here for idx, ch in enumerate(chList): if ch in tD: # Reset Tree cutTree.Reset() # Check dictionaries to see if variables exist if ch not in athresh[bkgidx]: print( "Warning: Analysis threshold doesn't exist for ch{} bkgidx{}" .format(ch, bkgidx)) continue if ch not in ex.Exposure[dsNum][bkgidx]: print("Warning: Exposure doesn't exist for ch{} bkgidx{}". format(ch, bkgidx)) continue if not os.path.exists( bgDir + "/fs_rn-DS{}-{}-ch{}.root".format(dsNum, bkgidx, ch)): print( "Warning: Background data doesn't exist for ch{} bkgidx{}" .format(ch, bkgidx)) continue # Load Background Data with cuts applied cutTree.Add( bgDir + "/fs_rn-DS{}-{}-ch{}.root".format(dsNum, bkgidx, ch)) # Create Trigger Efficiency function mu, sigma = tD[ch][0], tD[ch][1] threshFnc = ROOT.TF1( "fEff_{}_{}_{}".format(dsNum, ch, bkgidx), "0.5*(1+TMath::Erf((x-[0])/(TMath::Sqrt(2)*[1])))", 0, 250) threshFnc.SetParameters(mu, abs(sigma)) # Create Analysis Threshold + Exposure function dExp, dAThresh = ex.Exposure[dsNum][bkgidx][ch], athresh[ bkgidx][ch] expFnc = ROOT.TF1("fExp_{}_{}_{}".format(dsNum, ch, bkgidx), "[0]*(x>[1])", 0, 250) expFnc.SetParameters(dExp, dAThresh) # Print out info print( "DS{} Ch{} BkgIdx{} Exposure {} Thresh {} Analysis Threshold {} " .format(dsNum, ch, bkgidx, dExp, mu, dAThresh)) specIDXDict.setdefault(bkgidx, {}).setdefault(ch, ROOT.TH1D()) specIDXDict[bkgidx][ch] = wl.H1D( cutTree, bins, lower, upper, "trapENFCal", cuts + "&& trapENFCal>{:.2f} && channel=={}".format(dAThresh, ch), Title="hBkg_Ch{}_Bkgidx{}".format(ch, bkgidx), Name="hBkg_Ch{}_Bkgidx{}".format(ch, bkgidx)) # Exposure function for scaling h3 = ROOT.TH1D("hCh{}_Bkgidx{}_Scale".format(ch, bkgidx), "", bins, lower, upper) for i in range(h3.GetNbinsX() + 1): if i < dAThresh * 10: continue # Round up to set analysis threshold h3.SetBinContent(i, dExp) # Scale here -- trying to make it legible instead of messy h3.Multiply(threshFnc) threshDict.setdefault(ch, h3.Clone("Efficiency_ch{}".format(ch))) threshDict[ch].Add(h3) # Save exposure function to histogram h4 = ROOT.TH1D("hCh{}_Bkgidx{}".format(ch, bkgidx), "", bins2, lower, upper) for i in range(h4.GetNbinsX() + 1): if i < dAThresh * 1000: continue # Round up to set analysis threshold h4.SetBinContent(i, dExp) # Scale here h4.Multiply(threshFnc) threshDictSave.setdefault( ch, h4.Clone("hEff_DS{}_ch{}".format(dsNum, ch))) threshDictSave[ch].Add(h4) if specIDXDict[bkgidx][ch].Integral() == 0: print("Ch {} has 0 counts, not saving".format(ch)) continue specDict.setdefault( ch, specIDXDict[bkgidx][ch].Clone('hBkg_Ch{}'.format(ch))) specDict[ch].Add(specIDXDict[bkgidx][ch]) specIDXDict[bkgidx][ch].Write() EffTot = ROOT.TH1D("DS{}_EffTot_Divide".format(dsNum), "DS{} {}".format(dsNum, dType), bins, lower, upper) EffTotSave = ROOT.TH1D("DS{}_{}_EffTot".format(dsNum, dType), "DS{} {}".format(dsNum, dType), bins2, lower, upper) for ch in specDict: if ch not in threshDict: print("Ch {} not in threshDict... you should've fixed this!". format(ch)) continue TotalSpec.Add(specDict[ch]) UncorrTotalSpec.Add(specDict[ch]) EffTot.Add(threshDict[ch]) EffTotSave.Add(threshDictSave[ch]) # Save Channel specific h1 = specDict[ch].Clone('hDS{}_ChTot_Ch{}'.format(dsNum, ch)) h1.SetTitle('hDS{}_ChTot_Ch{}'.format(dsNum, ch)) threshDictSave[ch].Write() h1.Write() print('Channels in DS{} -- {}'.format(dsNum, dType), specDict.keys()) # Save all histograms with fancy names and axes EffTotSave.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Exposure (kg-day)') EffTotSave.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Energy (keV)') EffTotSave.Write() UncorrTotalSpec.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Energy (keV)') UncorrTotalSpec.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Counts') UncorrTotalSpec.Write() TotalSpec.Divide(EffTot) TotalSpec.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Energy (keV)') TotalSpec.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Counts/(0.1 keV)/kg/day') TotalSpec.Write() outFile.Close()
def GetAnaylsisThreshold(dsNum=2, savePlot=False): """ Returns a dictionary for analysis threshold, organized by: athreshDict[bkgidx][ch] """ inDir = '/Users/brianzhu/macros/code/LAT/plots/spectra' f1 = ROOT.TFile("{}/AThresh_mHL1.root".format(inDir)) if savePlot: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) bkgDict, bkgFullDict, athreshDict = {}, {}, {} for key in f1.GetListOfKeys(): histName = key.GetName() if 'DS{}'.format(dsNum) not in histName: continue name = ''.join(c for c in histName.split('_')[1] if c.isdigit()) idx = ''.join(c for c in histName.split('_')[2] if c.isdigit()) ch = int(name) bkgidx = int(idx) if 'BkgIdx' in histName and 'BkgFull' not in histName: for xbin in range(f1.Get(histName).GetNbinsX()): # If greater than 50 keV -- skip if f1.Get(histName).GetBinCenter(xbin) > 50.: continue bkgFullDict.setdefault(bkgidx, {}).setdefault(ch, []).append( f1.Get(histName).GetBinContent(xbin)) # Skip first 7 bins, -0.05 to 0.65 keV if f1.Get(histName).GetBinCenter(xbin) < 0.70: continue bkgDict.setdefault(bkgidx, {}).setdefault(ch, []).append( f1.Get(histName).GetBinContent(xbin)) for bkgidx in bkgDict: print("Accessing thresh_ds{}_bkgidx{}".format(dsNum, bkgidx)) tD = ds.getDBRecord("thresh_ds{}_bkgidx{}".format(dsNum, bkgidx)) print tD for ch in bkgDict[bkgidx]: if ch not in tD: print("Ch{} bkgidx{} not in thresholds database".format( ch, bkgidx)) continue x = np.array(bkgDict[bkgidx][ch]) xFull = np.array(bkgFullDict[bkgidx][ch]) noWall = True if np.cumsum(x[:50])[-1] >= 4: noWall = False # Method 1: Find first 0 walking up in energy from threshold # Works if no noise wall thresh1 = math.ceil( tD[ch][0] * 10) / 10 # Round up to the 1st decimal sigma = tD[ch][1] aThresh = 0. if noWall: thresh2 = 0.1 * np.where( x == 0)[0][0] + 0.7 # Add 0.65 or 0.7 here? aThresh = max(thresh1 + 3 * sigma, thresh2) athreshDict.setdefault(bkgidx, {}).setdefault(ch, aThresh) # print "Ch%d, idx%d -- Thresh: %.1f -- AThresh: %.1f"%(ch, bkgidx, thresh1+3*sigma, thresh2) print( "Ch{}, idx{} -- Thresh: {:.1f} -- AThresh: {:.1f}".format( ch, bkgidx, thresh1 + 3 * sigma, thresh2)) if savePlot: ax.cla() xbins = np.linspace(0, len(xFull) / 10., len(xFull)) ax.plot( xbins[:100], xFull[:100], ls="steps") # vals, bins instead of x-value, y-value ax.plot([aThresh, aThresh], [0, np.amax(x[:100])], 'k-', color='r') # Draw Line at analysis thresh fig.savefig( '/Users/brianzhu/macros/code/LAT/plots/AThresh/DS{}/NoWall_DS{}_ch{}_idx{}.png' .format(dsNum, dsNum, ch, bkgidx)) # Method 2: If there's a noise wall, find the maximum index and then start the walk from there elif not noWall: amax = np.argmax(x[:50]) thresh3 = 0.1 * (np.where(x[amax:] == 0)[0][0] + amax) + 0.7 aThresh = max(thresh1, thresh3) athreshDict.setdefault(bkgidx, {}).setdefault(ch, aThresh) print("Noise Wall Exists -- Ch{}, idx{} -- AThresh: {:.1f}". format(ch, bkgidx, thresh3)) if savePlot: ax.cla() xbins = np.linspace(0, len(xFull) / 10., len(xFull)) ax.plot( xbins[:100], xFull[:100], ls="steps") # vals, bins instead of x-value, y-value ax.plot([aThresh, aThresh], [0, np.amax(x[:100])], 'k-', color='r') # Draw Line at analysis thresh fig.savefig( '/Users/brianzhu/macros/code/LAT/plots/AThresh/DS{}/Wall_DS{}_ch{}_idx{}.png' .format(dsNum, dsNum, ch, bkgidx)) return athreshDict
def ApplyChannelCuts(dsNum, cutType, dType): """ ./ -cut [dsNum] [cutType] This runs over whole datasets. cutTypes: fs, rn, wf, fs+rn, fs+wf, rn+wf, fs+rn+wf dTypes: bkg, cal """ # load the database calDB = db.TinyDB('../calDB.json') pars = db.Query() # setup a loop over modules and dataset ranges gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;") cInfo = ds.CalInfo() nMods = [1] if dsNum == 4: nMods = [2] if dsNum == 5: nMods = [1,2] # Dummy string for file writing -- adds nothing to the directories if background dString = "" if dType == "cal": dString = "cal" for modNum in nMods: # Changed so range of idx are set here to take advantage of module number nRanges = [] if dType == "bkg": nRanges = [0, ds.dsMap[dsNum]] # if dsNum==5: nRanges[0] = 80 # exclude DS-5A elif dType == "cal": nRanges = [0, len(cInfo.master['ds%d_m%d'%(dsNum, modNum)])-1] else: print "cal or bkg not set, returning" return 0 # Loop over bkgIdx, even though for calibration runs this will represent calIdx for bkgIdx in range(nRanges[0], nRanges[1]+1): # load the chains and find the right calIdx's. skimTree = TChain("skimTree") # build the file list fRegex = "" fList = [] if dType == "bkg": fRegex = "/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/bg-lat/latSkimDS%d_%d_*.root" % (dsNum, bkgIdx) fList = glob.glob(fRegex) skimTree.Add(fRegex) elif dType == "cal": calList = cInfo.GetCalList("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), bkgIdx, runLimit=10) for i in calList: fList += glob.glob("/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/cal-lat/latSkimDS%d_run%d_*.root"%(dsNum,i)) skimTree.Add("/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/cal-lat/latSkimDS%d_run%d_*.root" % (dsNum, i)) file0 = fList[0] print "DS-%d subset %d, Mod-%d. N_files: %d" % (dsNum, bkgIdx, modNum, len(fList)) # Print some basic info about files f = TFile(file0) firstRun, lastRun, calIdxLo, calIdxHi = 0,0,0,0 theCut = f.Get("theCut").GetTitle() if dType == "bkg": skimTree.GetEntry(0) firstRun = skimTree.GetEntry(skimTree.GetEntries()-1) lastRun = calIdxLo = cInfo.GetCalIdx("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), firstRun) calIdxHi = cInfo.GetCalIdx("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), lastRun) elif dType == "cal": # All the idx are the same for calibration! calIdxLo = calIdxHi = bkgIdx firstRun, lastRun = calList[0], calList[-1] print " Entries %d firstRun %d lastRun %d calIdxLo %d calIdxHi %d" % (skimTree.GetEntries(),firstRun,lastRun,calIdxLo,calIdxHi) # build the channel list (remove 692 and 1232 from DS5 for now.) chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) if dsNum==5 and modNum==1: chList = [ch for ch in chList if ch < 1000 and ch!=692] if dsNum==5 and modNum==2: chList = [ch for ch in chList if ch > 1000 and ch!=1232] # -- create a dict of cuts for each channel, covering each calIdx. -- cutDict = {} for calIdx in range(calIdxLo, calIdxHi+1): runCovMin = cInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)][calIdx][1] runCovMax = cInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)][calIdx][2] runCut = "run>=%d && run<=%d" % (runCovMin, runCovMax) fsD = ds.getDBRecord("fitSlo_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Peak" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) rnSD = ds.getDBRecord("riseNoise_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_SoftPlus" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) rnCD = ds.getDBRecord("riseNoise_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Continuum" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) wfD = ds.getDBRecord("wfstd_ds%d_idx%d_mod%d" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) for ch in chList: fsCut, rnCut, wfCut, chanCut = None, None, None, None # print ch,":",fsD[ch][2] # fitSlo: check the 90% value is positive if fsD[ch][2] > 0: fsCut = "fitSlo<%.2f" % fsD[ch][2] # riseNoise: check the softplus curvature is positive if rnSD[ch][3] > 0: rnCut = "riseNoise<(%.3f+%.5f*TMath::Log(1+TMath::Exp((trapENFCal-(%.3f))/%.3f)))" % (max(rnSD[ch][0],rnCD[ch][4]), rnSD[ch][1], rnSD[ch][2], rnSD[ch][3]) # wfStd: check if ralph says this is ok to use if wfD!=0 and ch in wfD.keys() and wfD[ch][0]==u'y': wfCut = "abs(wfstd - sqrt((%.4e + %.4e*trapENFCal + %.4e*trapENFCal**2 + %.2e*pow(trapENFCal,3) + %.2e*pow(trapENFCal,4))**2 + %.4f)) < (%.2f+%.3f*trapENFCal)" % (wfD[ch][3], wfD[ch][4], wfD[ch][5], wfD[ch][6], wfD[ch][7], wfD[ch][8], wfD[ch][9], wfD[ch][10]) # set the combination channel cut if cutType == "fs" and fsCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s)" % (runCut, fsCut) if cutType == "rn" and rnCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s)" % (runCut, rnCut) if cutType == "wf" and wfCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s)" % (runCut, wfCut) if cutType == "fs+rn" and fsCut!=None and rnCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s && %s)" % (runCut, fsCut, rnCut) if cutType == "fs+wf" and fsCut!=None and wfCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s && %s)" % (runCut, fsCut, wfCut) if cutType == "rn+wf" and rnCut!=None and wfCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s && %s)" % (runCut, rnCut, wfCut) if cutType == "fs+rn+wf" and fsCut!=None and rnCut!=None and wfCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s && %s && %s)" % (runCut, fsCut, rnCut, wfCut) # create dict entry for this channel or append to existing, taking care of parentheses and OR's. if ch in cutDict.keys() and chanCut!=None: cutDict[ch] += " || %s" % chanCut elif ch not in cutDict.keys() and chanCut!=None: cutDict[ch] = "(%s" % chanCut # close the parens for each channel entry for key in cutDict: cutDict[key] += ")" # -- finally, loop over each channel we have an entry for, get its cut, and create an output file. -- for ch in cutDict: # TODO: threshold cut (or at least save the value for each bkgIdx) chanCut = theCut + "&& gain==0 && channel==%d" % ch if cutType == "fs": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%sfs/%sfitSlo-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& fitSlo>0 && %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "rn": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%srn/%sriseNoise-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "wf": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%swf/%swfstd-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "fs+rn": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%sfs_rn/%sfs_rn-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& fitSlo>0 && %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "fs+wf": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%sfs_wf/%sfs_wf-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& fitSlo>0 && %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "rn+wf": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%srn_wf/%srn_wf-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "fs+rn+wf": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%sfs_rn_wf/%sfs_rn_wf-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& fitSlo>0 && %s" % cutDict[ch] print " Writing to:",outFile print " Cut used:",chanCut,"\n" outFile = TFile(outFile,"RECREATE") outTree = TTree() outTree = skimTree.CopyTree(chanCut) outTree.Write() cutUsed = TNamed("chanCut",chanCut) cutUsed.Write() print "Wrote",outTree.GetEntries(),"entries." outFile.Close()
def main(argv): print "========================================" print "LAT3 started:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z') startT = time.clock() cInfo = CalInfo() pathToInput, pathToOutput = ".", "." dsNum, subNumm, modNum, chNum = -1, -1, -1, -1 skimTree = ROOT.TChain("skimTree") customPar = "" tuneNames, calList, parList, parNameList, chList = [], [], [], [], [] fTune, fFor, fastMode, fDB, fCSV = False, False, False, False, False if len(argv) == 0: return for i, opt in enumerate(argv): # -- Cut tuning options -- if opt == "-all": parList.append('bcMax'), parNameList.append('bcMax') parList.append('fitSlo'), parNameList.append('fitSlo') parList.append('riseNoise'), parNameList.append('riseNoise') print "Tuning all cuts" if opt == "-bcMax": parList.append('bcMax'), parNameList.append('bcMax') print "Tuning bcMax" if opt == "-noiseWeight": parList.append('(waveS4-waveS1)/bcMax/trapENFCal'), parNameList.append('noiseWeight') print "Tuning noiseWeight ((waveS4-waveS1)/bcMax/trapENFCal)" if opt == "-bcTime": parList.append('(bandTime-tOffset-1100)/(matchTime-tOffset)'), parNameList.append('bcTime') print "Tuning bcTime" if opt == "-tailSlope": parList.append('pol2'), parNameList.append('pol2') parList.append('pol3'), parNameList.append('pol3') print "Tuning tailSlope" if opt == "-fitSlo": parList.append('fitSlo'), parNameList.append('fitSlo') print "Tuning fitSlo" if opt == "-riseNoise": parList.append('riseNoise'), parNameList.append('riseNoise') print "Tuning riseNoise" if opt == "-Custom": customPar = str(argv[i+1]) parList.append(customPar), parNameList.append('customPar') print "Tuning custom cut parameter: ", customPar # Tune specific range -- input as string with comma separation: if opt == "-Range": rangeName = str(argv[i+1]) tuneNames = rangeName.split(',') print "Tuning ranges: ", tuneNames # -- Input/output options -- if opt == "-s": dsNum, subNum, modNum = int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2]), int(argv[i+3]) print "Processing DS-%d subDS-%d Module-%d" % (dsNum, subNum, modNum) if opt == "-d": pathToInput, pathToOutput = argv[i+1], argv[i+2] print "Custom paths: Input %s" % pathToInput if opt == "-ch": chNum = int(argv[i+1]) print "Tuning specific channel %d" % (chNum) if opt == "-fast": fastMode = True print "Tuning cuts with fastMode ON, diagnostic plots will not be generated!" if opt == "-pd": import pandas as pd dfList, fCSV = [], True print "Saving CSV file in ./output" if opt == "-db": fDB = True print "DB mode" # -- Database options -- if opt == "-force": fFor = True print "Force DB update mode." if opt == "-tune": fTune = True pathToInput = argv[i+1] print ("Cut tune mode. Input path for cal files: ", pathToInput) # -- Apply channel cuts (exits after running this) -- if opt == "-cut": dsNum = int(argv[i+1]) cutType = argv[i+2] dType = argv[i+3] print "Applying %s cut to DS-%d (%s)..." % (cutType, dsNum, dType) ApplyChannelCuts(dsNum, cutType, dType) stopT = time.clock() print "Stopped:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z'),"\nProcess time (min):",(stopT - startT)/60 return # -- Load calibration files -- if dsNum == -1 or subNum == -1 or modNum == -1: print "DS, subDS, or module number not set properly, exiting" return elif fTune: # Limit to 10 calibration runs because that's all Clint processed! What a jerk. calList = cInfo.GetCalList("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), subNum, runLimit=10) for i in calList: skimTree.Add("%s/latSkimDS%d_run%d_*" % (pathToInput, dsNum, i)) else: print "Tune or Cut option not set" return # -- Load chains for this DS -- inPath = pathToInput + "/latSkimDS%d*.root" % dsNum fileList = glob.glob(inPath) cutFile = TFile(fileList[0]) theCut = cutFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle() # -- Load channel list -- if chNum == -1: chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) if dsNum==5 and modNum == 1: # remove 692 and 1232 (both beges, so who cares) chList = [584, 592, 598, 608, 610, 614, 624, 626, 628, 632, 640, 648, 658, 660, 662, 672, 678, 680, 688, 690, 694] if dsNum==5 and modNum == 2: chList = [1106, 1110, 1120, 1124, 1128, 1170, 1172, 1174, 1176, 1204, 1208, 1298, 1302, 1330, 1332] else: chList = [chNum] print "Processing channels: ", chList print "Processing runs: ", calList # -- Tune cuts -- if fTune: tunedPars = {} # Default is peak only if not tuneNames: tuneNames.append("Peak") for par, parName in zip(parList, parNameList): for idx, tName in enumerate(tuneNames): tRange = [] if tName == "Continuum": tRange = [5, 50] elif tName == "Peak": tRange = [236, 240] elif tName == "SoftPlus": tRange = [] # Maybe should be another boolean else: tRange = [int(tName.split("_")[0]), int(tName.split("_")[1])] key = "%s_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_%s"%(parName,dsNum,subNum,modNum,tName) if not tRange: cutDict = TuneSoftPlus(dsNum, subNum, tName, skimTree, chList, par, parName, theCut, fastMode) else: cutDict = TuneCut(dsNum, subNum, tRange[0], tRange[1], tName, skimTree, chList, par, parName, theCut, fastMode) if fDB: ds.setDBRecord({"key":key,"vals":cutDict}, forceUpdate=fFor) if fCSV: dummyDict = {"DS":[dsNum]*5, "SubDS":[subNum]*5, "Module":[modNum]*5, "Cut":[parName]*5, "Range":[tName]*5, "Percentage":[1, 5, 90, 95, 99]} dummyDict2 = dict(dummyDict.items() + cutDict.items()) dfList.append(pd.DataFrame(dummyDict2)) if fCSV: dfTot = pd.concat(dfList) dfTot.to_csv("./output/Cuts_ds%d_idx%d_m%d.csv"%(dsNum,subNum,modNum)) stopT = time.clock() print "Stopped:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z'),"\nProcess time (min):",(stopT - startT)/60
def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(True) path = "condor/hadd_2016_MC_AllUpdates.04.09.2019/" histoName = "h_njets_dR_bjet1_bjet2_0l_HT500_ge2b_ge2t" # 2D histo from analyzer / x axes is deltaR, y axes is njets rebinVal = 20 # 20 bgData = { "TT": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_TT.root", sys=0.2, label="Background"), #"WJetsToLNu" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_WJetsToLNu.root", sys=0.2, label="Background"), #"DYJetsToLL_M-50" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_DYJetsToLL_M-50.root", sys=0.2, label="Background"), "QCD": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_QCD.root", sys=0.5, label="Background"), # changed as 0.5 #"ST" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_ST.root" , sys=0.2, label="Background"), #"Diboson_nonIncl" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_Diboson_nonIncl.root", sys=0.2, label="Background"), #"Diboson" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_Diboson.root" , sys=0.2, label="Background"), #"TTX" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_TTX.root" , sys=0.2, label="Background"), #"Triboson" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_Triboson.root" , sys=0.2, label="Background"), "BG_Others": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_BG_OTHER.root", sys=0.2, label="Background"), } # add uncertainty also for signal for the fake signal that big peak sgData = { "2016_rpv_stop_300": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-300.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_350": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-350.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_400": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-400.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_450": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-450.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_500": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-500.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_550": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-550.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_600": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-600.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_650": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-650.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_700": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-700.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_750": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-750.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_800": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-800.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_850": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-850.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_rpv_stop_900": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_RPV_2t6j_mStop-900.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_300_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-300.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_350_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-350.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_400_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-400.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_450_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-450.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_500_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-500.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_550_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-550.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_600_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-600.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_650_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-650.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_700_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-700.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_750_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-750.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_800_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-800.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_850_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-850.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), "2016_stealth_stop_900_SYY": info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="2016_StealthSYY_2t6j_mStop-900.root", sys=0.2, label="Signal"), } # Loop over all background and get their histograms bgHistos = {} for key in bgData: h = bgData[key].getHisto(histoName) h.RebinX(rebinVal) bgHistos[key] = {"hist": h} # Loop over all signal models and calculate sig. for each one for key in sgData: hSg = sgData[key].getHisto(histoName) hSg.RebinX(rebinVal) nBins = hSg.GetNbinsX() low = hSg.GetXaxis().GetXmin() high = hSg.GetXaxis().GetXmax() binToGeV = (high - low) / nBins sigDic = {} # Find all possible MLB cut values c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 0, 0, 800, 800) ROOT.gStyle.SetStatY(0.5) ROOT.gStyle.SetStatX(0.85) ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kRainBow) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.15) ROOT.gPad.SetTopMargin(0.08) ROOT.gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1, 1) sig1DHisto = ROOT.TH1D(key + "hist", key + "hist", nBins, low, high) for lowBin in range(1, nBins + 1): sigTot2 = 0.0 for nJetBin in range(0, hSg.GetNbinsY() + 1): highBin = hSg.GetNbinsX() nSg = hSg.Integral( lowBin, highBin, nJetBin, nJetBin) # x axes is deltaR, y axes is njets # Loop over all background histos and calculate sigma sigma2 = 0.0 for k in bgHistos: n = bgHistos[k]["hist"].Integral(lowBin, highBin, nJetBin, nJetBin) m = nSg sys1 = ((bgData[k].sys) * n)**2 sys2 = ((sgData[key].sys) * m)**2 sigma2 += n + m + sys1 + sys2 # Calculate and fill significance sig = 0.0 if (sigma2 > 0.0): sig = nSg / math.sqrt(sigma2) sigTot2 += sig**2 sig1DHisto.SetBinContent(lowBin, math.sqrt(sigTot2)) # Make the plot nice sig1DHisto.SetTitle(key + " Significance") sig1DHisto.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#DeltaR_{bj1-bj2}") sig1DHisto.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Significance") #sig1DHisto.SetAxisRange(0.0, 1.8) # cut off at 2 sig1DHisto.GetBinContent(h.GetMaximumBin()) sig1DHisto.Draw("") c1.SaveAs(key + "_2016_significance.pdf") del c1
def getData(path, scale=1.0, year="2018"): bgData = [ info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_Triboson.root", sys=0.3, label="Triboson", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_Diboson.root", sys=0.3, label="Diboson", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_DYJetsToLL_M-50.root", sys=0.3, label="DYJetsToLL_M-50", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_TTX.root", sys=0.3, label="TTX", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_WJets.root", sys=0.3, label="WJets", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_ST.root", sys=0.3, label="ST", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_QCD.root", sys=0.5, label="QCD", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_TT.root", sys=0.2, label="T#bar{T}", scale=scale), ] sgData = [ info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-300.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 300", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-350.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 350", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-400.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 400", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-450.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 450", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-500.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 500", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-550.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 550", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-600.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 600", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-650.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 650", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-700.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 700", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-750.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 750", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-800.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 800", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-850.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 850", scale=scale), info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName=year + "_RPV_2t6j_mStop-900.root", sys=-1.0, label="RPV 900", scale=scale), ] return sgData, bgData
def main(): path = "condor/Analyze1Lep_Kerasv1.2.0_MCTrigger_bTag_leptonWeight_ht300/" #path = "condor/Analyze1Lep_Kerasv1.2.0_MCTrigger_bTag_leptonWeight/" #path = "condor/Analyze1Lep_Kerasv1.2.0_noMCTrigger_PU_bTag_leptonWeight/" #histoName = "h_mbl_1l_ge7j_ge1b_noMbl" histoName = "h_njets_mbl_1l_ge7j_ge1b_noMbl" rebinVal = 5 bgData = { "TT" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="TT.root", sys=0.1, label="Background"), #"TTJets" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="TTJets.root", sys=0.3, label="Background"), "QCD" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="QCD.root", sys=0.5, label="Background"), #"DYJetsToLL_M-50" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="DYJetsToLL_M-50.root", sys=1.0, label="Background"), #"Rare" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="Rare.root", sys=1.0, label="Background"), #"Diboson" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="Diboson.root", sys=1.0, label="Background"), #"ST" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="ST.root", sys=1.0, label="Background"), #"WJetsToLNu" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="WJetsToLNu.root", sys=1.0, label="Background"), } sgData = { "rpv_stop_350" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="rpv_stop_350.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "rpv_stop_450" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="rpv_stop_450.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "rpv_stop_550" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="rpv_stop_550.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "rpv_stop_650" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="rpv_stop_650.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "rpv_stop_750" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="rpv_stop_750.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "rpv_stop_850" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="rpv_stop_850.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "stealth_stop_350_SYY" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="stealth_stop_350_SYY.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "stealth_stop_450_SYY" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="stealth_stop_450_SYY.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "stealth_stop_550_SYY" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="stealth_stop_550_SYY.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "stealth_stop_650_SYY" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="stealth_stop_650_SYY.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "stealth_stop_750_SYY" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="stealth_stop_750_SYY.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), "stealth_stop_850_SYY" : info.DataSetInfo(basedir=path, fileName="stealth_stop_850_SYY.root", sys=-1.0, label="Signal"), } # Loop over all background and get their histograms bgHistos = {} for key in bgData: h = bgData[key].getHisto(histoName) h.RebinY(rebinVal) bgHistos[key] = {"hist" : h} # Loop over all signal models and calculate sig. for each one for key in sgData: hSg = sgData[key].getHisto(histoName) hSg.RebinY(rebinVal) nBins = hSg.GetNbinsY() low = hSg.GetYaxis().GetXmin() high = hSg.GetYaxis().GetXmax() binToGeV = (high - low)/nBins sigDic = {} # Find all possible MLB cut values c1 = ROOT.TCanvas( "c", "c", 0, 0, 800, 800) ROOT.gStyle.SetStatY(0.5) ROOT.gStyle.SetStatX(0.85) ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kRainBow) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.15) ROOT.gPad.SetTopMargin(0.08) ROOT.gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.12) ROOT.gPad.SetTicks(1,1) sig2DHisto = ROOT.TH2D(key+"hist",key+"hist", nBins, low, high, nBins, low, high) for lowBin in range(1, nBins+1): for highBin in range(nBins+1): if(lowBin < highBin): sigTot2 = 0.0 for nJetBin in range(6, hSg.GetNbinsX()+1): nSg = hSg.Integral(nJetBin, nJetBin, lowBin, highBin) # Loop over all background histos and calculate sigma sigma2 = 0.0 for k in bgHistos: n = bgHistos[k]["hist"].Integral(nJetBin, nJetBin, lowBin, highBin) sys = ((bgData[k].sys)*n)**2 sigma2 += n + sys # Calculate and fill sig. sig = 0.0 if(sigma2 != 0): sig = nSg/math.sqrt(sigma2) sigTot2 += sig**2 sig2DHisto.SetBinContent(lowBin, highBin, math.sqrt(sigTot2)) # Make the plot nice sig2DHisto.SetTitle(key+" Significance") sig2DHisto.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Lower Cut [GeV]") sig2DHisto.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Higher Cut [GeV]") sig2DHisto.Draw("colz") c1.SaveAs(key+"_sig.png") del c1