maxY = window_height defs_.pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() win = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width, window_height)) defs_.pygame.display.set_caption("BumbleBeeN'TheHood") FPS = 30 #file_json = 'Generations_data.json' file_json = 'Generations_data_double_trapezoid_1.json' hidden_neurons = 24 NN = defs_.RecurrentNeuralNetwork(12, 2, 12) start_point = defs_.Point(100, 100) robot = defs_.Robot(start_point, 25, 1, 12, 50, 10, 1, hidden_neurons) robot.create_adjust_sensors() #Reading the data from json, 90th generation Best fitness chromosome = defs_.read_weights_from_json(file_json, 23, 1) robot.NN.update_weights(chromosome) layout = 'double box' walls = defs_.Layout(layout) dust = defs_.Dust(150, maxX, maxY, 8, win) run = True while run:
window_height = 600 maxX = window_width maxY = window_height defs_.pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() win = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width, window_height)) defs_.pygame.display.set_caption("BumbleBeeN'TheHood") FPS = 30 file_json = 'Generations_data.json' NN = defs_.RecurrentNeuralNetwork(12, 2, 12) start_point = defs_.Point(100, 100) robot = defs_.Robot(start_point, 30, 1, 12, 80, 10, 1, NN) robot.create_adjust_sensors() #Reading the data from json, 90th generation Best fitness chromosome = defs_.read_weights_from_json(file_json, 90, 1) robot.NN.update_weights(chromosome) layout = 'box' walls = defs_.Layout(layout) dust = defs_.Dust(150, maxX, maxY, 8, win) run = True while run: for event in pygame.event.get():