예제 #1
class TestDynamicIntegerOperations(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.a = DynamInt()
        self.b = DynamInt()
        self.temp = DynamInt()

    def test_add(self):
        # make sure we can add
        temp = self.a + self.b
        result = "3141426239936206745"
        self.assertEqual(temp.getData(), result)

    def test_subtract(self):
        # make sure we can subtract
        temp = self.a - self.b
        result = "3141426233453903879"
        self.assertEqual(temp.getData(), result)

    def test_multiply(self):
        # make sure we can multiply
        temp = self.a * self.b
        result = "10181838148727975708503062096"
        self.assertEqual(temp.getData(), result)

    def test_divide(self):
        # make sure we can multiply
        temp = self.a / self.b
        result = "969231552"
        self.assertEqual(temp.getData(), result)

    def test_modulus(self):
        # make sure we can multiply
        temp = self.a % self.b
        result = "3021441296"
        self.assertEqual(temp.getData(), result)

    def test_greater(self):
        # make sure we can do greater than
        temp = self.a > self.b
        result = True
        self.assertEqual(temp, result)

    def test_less(self):
        # make sure we can do less than
        temp = self.b < self.a
        result = True
        self.assertEqual(temp, result)

    def test_equal(self):
        # make sure we can do equal to
        temp = self.a == self.b
        result = False
        self.assertEqual(temp, result)
예제 #2
 def disguise(self,text):
     converts message to numbers
     Accomplish this by looping through each element
     in message var and converting it int. 
     This int is added to a dynamint
     @param param m: message
     @return: dynamic integer with numbers representing message
     guise =self.zero 
     for i in text:
         'convert to ascii base 10'
         ascii = DynamInt()
         guise = ascii+(guise*self.base)
     return guise
예제 #3
class RSA(object):

    def __init__(self, len):
        'number of bits for number'
        if len:
        self.p = DynamInt()
        self.q = DynamInt()
        self.d = DynamInt()
        self.e = DynamInt()
        'Convenience numbers'
        self.two = DynamInt()
        self.three = DynamInt()
        self.base = DynamInt()
    Calculating RSA Parameters4
    def createkeys(self,p,q):
        while self.millerRabin(p) == False:
            'p or q is not prime, so choose another p or q'
            print "P is not prime  :  "+p.data
        while self.millerRabin(q) == False:
            print "Q is not prime  :  "+q.data
        #p = self.randomprime()
        #q = self.randomprime()   
        'numbers are prime so lets save the data and continue generating keys'
        self.p = p
        self.q = q
        self.n = p*q        
        print " Prime P        :   "+ p.data
        print " Prime Q        :   "+ q.data
        print " Modulus n      :   "+self.n.data
        e = DynamInt(1)
        Lets get a prime 1 < e < phi
        while not  (self.gcd(e,self.phi) == self.one):
            e = e+self.one
            if e > self.phi: e = self.one
            #temp =self.gcd(e,self.phi)
        self.e = e
        constraint, 1 < d < phi
                    d = 1/e mod phi
        self.d = self.multiplicativeInverse(self.e, self.phi)
        print " encryption key :  "+ self.e.data
        print " decryption key :  "+ self.d.data
        return True
    def randomprime(self):
        generates a random prime by looping
        and testing each random number it creates
        print "Initial Prime"
        prime =  DynamInt(len)
        while self.isPrime(prime)!=True :
            print "Current Number "+prime.data          
        return prime
    def getdecryptkey(self):
        self.d = self.extendedEuclid(self.phi, self.e)
        return False
    def messageToNum(self,m):
        converts message to numbers
        @param param m: message
        @return: dynamic integer with numbers representing message
        return coded
    def numToMessage(self,m):
        converts numbers to message
        @param param m: message
        @return: dynamic integer with numbers representing message
        return text
    def createphi(self):
        Create phi = (p-1)(q-1)
    def gcd(self,a,b):
        find the gcd between two numbers
        Uses the fact that 
        b = b%a*k + r next iteration b = r a = k, r = r%k*k2 + r2 
        example a = 10 b = 20
        on first loop
        while 10
            a = 20%10 = 0
            b = 10    
        hence returns 10    
        @param a, b for example e and phi
        t =  DynamInt()
        while not a == self.zero:
                t = a
                tr = b
                a, b = b%a, a
                tt = b/a
                #print tr.data +" = " + tt.data + "*"+t.data+"+"+a.data
        return b

    def isPrime(self, num):
        checks if a number is prime using the
        selected method
        for now method is millerRabin
        return self.millerRabin(num)
    def millerRabin(self, n):
        @function millerRabin
        by using modular exponention
        @param num  number to test for primality
        @return: True or False for primality
        isPrime = False

        if n%self.two == self.zero and n != self.two:
            return isPrime
        elif (n == self.zero or n == self.one or n == self.two or n == self.three):
            isPrime = True
            return isPrime
            p = n-self.one;
            s = self.zero;
            r = self.zero;
            while (p%self.two == self.zero):
            r = p
            #r = p/pow(2,s); //this may not work with BigInt but should
            i = self.one
            while i < s or i == s:
                #generate random a where 2<=a<=n-2 here
                #while >n-2 or <2 keep generating random numbers
                a = self.zero;
                while (a > (n-self.two) or a < self.two):
                    tt = DynamInt()
                    a = tt % n
                y = self.powmod(a, r, n)
                if not y == self.one and not y == n-self.one:
                    while j < s-self.one or j == s-self.one and not y == n-self.one :
                        y = (y*y)%n;
                        if (y == self.one):
                            isPrime = False
                            return isPrime
                    if (not y == n-self.one):
                        isPrime = False;
                        return isPrime;
            isPrime = True;
            return isPrime;
    def powmod(self, a, r, n):
        return self.modularExp(a, r, n)
    def modularExp(self, a, r, n):
        function modularExp
        Calculates the modular exponentiation
        @param a,r,n
        'self.one is a dynamic integer of one, 1'
        result = self.one;

        while (r > self.zero):
            if not (r%self.two == self.zero):
                result = (result * a) % n;
            r = r/self.two;
            a = (a * a) % n;
        return result;
    def egcd(self,a, b):
        x, Xprev = self.zero, self.one
        y, Yprev = self.one, self.zero
        while (b>self.zero):
            quotient = a / b
            a, b = b, a % b
            x, Xprev = Xprev - quotient*x, x
            y, Yprev = Yprev - quotient*y, y
        return (Xprev, Yprev, a)
    def multiplicativeInverse(self,a, m):
        x, q, gcd = self.egcd(a, m)
        if gcd == self.one:
            return (x + m) % m
            return None
    '''Doing Encryption'''
    def encrypt(self, m):
        Encrypt the message using the keys created
        @param m: message
        c = self.powmod(self.messageToNum(m),self.e,self.n)
        return c
    def decrypt(self, m):
        m_ret = self.powmod(m,self.d,self.n)
        return self.reveal(m_ret)
    def disguise(self,text):
        converts message to numbers
        Accomplish this by looping through each element
        in message var and converting it int. 
        This int is added to a dynamint
        @param param m: message
        @return: dynamic integer with numbers representing message
        guise =self.zero 
        for i in text:
            'convert to ascii base 10'
            ascii = DynamInt()
            guise = ascii+(guise*self.base)
        return guise
    def reveal(self,num):
        @summary: Converts from base 10 to readable string
        @param num: number to reveal by converting from base 10 to string (8 bit data) 
        g = []
        while num >self.zero:
            r , num = num % self.base, num / self.base
            temp = r-self.one
        return g