예제 #1
파일: FFT_test.py 프로젝트: zhuligs/physics
def main():

    X = Numeric.arange(0, 20 * Numeric.pi, 0.01, typecode=Numeric.Float)
    Y1 = Numeric.sin(X)
    Y2 = Numeric.sin(2 * X)

    out = open('fncs.dat', 'w')
    for i in range(len(X)):
        out.write(str(X[i]) + ' ' + str(Y1[i]) + ' ' + str(Y2[i]) + '\n')

    # Take FFT's
    FY1 = FFT.fft(Y1).real
    FY2 = FFT.fft(Y2).real
    N = float(len(X))  # get # of data points
    dX = X[1] - X[0]  # get distance spacing
    T = N * dX  # define the period (total time)
    dQ = 1. / T  # define frequency step
    Q = Numeric.arange(N, typecode=Numeric.Float) * dQ

    print Q[list(FY1).index(max(FY1))], max(FY1)
    print Q[list(FY2).index(max(FY2))], max(FY2)
    print list(FY1).index(max(FY1))
    print list(FY2).index(max(FY2))

    out = open('FFTs.dat', 'w')
    for i in range(len(Q)):
        out.write(str(Q[i]) + ' ' + str(FY1[i]) + ' ' + str(FY2[i]) + '\n')
예제 #2
def test_fft(ndims):
    x=randmat( ndims )

    print 'dimensions=%s' % str( Numeric.shape(x) ),
    if doreal:
        xver = FFT.real_fftnd(x)
        xver = FFT.fftnd(x)
    open('/tmp/fftexp.dat','w').write(dopack( flatten(xver) , True ) )

    err = xver - x2
    errf = flatten(err)
    xverf = flatten(xver)
    errpow = Numeric.vdot(errf,errf)+1e-10
    sigpow = Numeric.vdot(xverf,xverf)+1e-10
    snr = 10*math.log10(abs(sigpow/errpow) )
    print 'SNR (compared to NumPy) : %.1fdB' % float(snr)

    if snr<minsnr:
        print 'xver=',xver
        print 'x2=',x2
        print 'err',err
예제 #3
파일: take_PSD.py 프로젝트: zhuligs/physics
def main():

    # Retrieve user input
        f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()
        print '\n usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' XY.dat\n'

    # Parse the data
    t, y = [], []
    for line in lines:

    # Calculate the FFT and get the frequencies
    N = float(len(t))
    dt = t[1] - t[0]
    T = N * dt
    df = 1.0 / T
    f = Numeric.arange(N, typecode=Numeric.Float) * df
    H = (FFT.fft(y) * Numeric.conjugate(FFT.fft(y))).real / N

    # Write to file
    out = open('PSD.dat', 'w')
    for i in range(len(f) / 2):
        out.write(str(f[i]) + ' ' + str(H[i]) + '\n')
예제 #4
def PCreateFFT(image, dir):
    Create an FFT object suitable for FFTing an image
    Create an FFT for an efficient size equal to or larger than image
    One needed for each direction to be FFTed.
    returns  Python FFT object

    * image    = Image to be FFTed
    * dir      = FFT direction 1 -> R2C, 2 -> C2R
    # Checks
    if not Image.PIsA(image):
        raise TypeError("image MUST be a Python Obit Image")
    # Get image info from descriptor
    desc = image.Desc
    descDict = desc.Dict
    rank = 2    # Only 2D FFTs
    dim  = descDict["inaxes"]
    # Compute size to be efficient
    i = 0
    effDim = []
    for x in dim:
        i = i+1
    name = "FFT for " + Image.PGetName(image)
    out    = FFT.FFT(name, dir, 2, rank, effDim)
    return out
예제 #5
파일: take_PSD.py 프로젝트: boates/physics
def main():

    # Retrieve user input
        f = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
        lines = f.readlines()
        print '\n usage: '+sys.argv[0]+' XY.dat\n'

    # Parse the data
    t, y = [], []
    for line in lines:

    # Calculate the FFT and get the frequencies
    N  = float(len(t))
    dt = t[1] - t[0]
    T  = N * dt
    df = 1.0 / T
    f  = Numeric.arange(N,typecode=Numeric.Float)*df
    H  = ( FFT.fft(y)*Numeric.conjugate(FFT.fft(y)) ).real / N

    # Write to file
    out = open('PSD.dat','w')
    for i in range(len(f)/2):
        out.write(str(f[i])+' '+str(H[i])+'\n')
예제 #6
def caluclate_SF(hr, r, natom, alat, verbose=False):
    Perform Fourier Transform and calculate the strucure factor
    # Structure Factor Caluclation
    N = float(len(r))  # get # of data points
    dr = r[1] - r[0]  # get distance spacing
    R = N * dr  # define the period (total time)
    dQ = 1. / R  # define frequency step
    Q = Numeric.arange(N, typecode=Numeric.Float) * dQ
    H = FFT.fft(hr)  # calculate the fft
    print N, dr, R, dQ

    SF = 1.0 + (natom / alat**3) * H.real  #(Numeric.conjugate(H)*H).real
    SF = Numeric.array(list(SF)[:int(len(SF) / 2.0)])

    if verbose == True:
        hr2 = FFT.inverse_fft(H).real
        out = open('hr2.dat', 'w')
        for i in range(len(hr2)):
                str(r[i]) + ' ' + str(hr2[i]) + ' ' + str(Q[i]) + ' ' +
                str(H.real[i]) + '\n')

    return SF, Q
예제 #7
def Skew_Term_plot(sigma, v0, kappa, rho, theta):
    parameters = [sigma, v0, kappa, rho, theta]
    param_name = ['sigma', 'v0', 'kappa', 'rho', 'theta']
    chg_var = [parameters.index(v) for v in parameters
               if isinstance(v, list)][0]

    title = 'Impact of ' + param_name[chg_var]
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2)
    fig.suptitle(title, size=20)

    if chg_var == 0:
        variable = sigma
        for var in variable:
            b = FFT(var, v0, kappa, rho, theta, S0=150, r=0.025, T=0.25)
            K_T_vol_analysis(b, alpha, ax, variable)
    elif chg_var == 1:
        variable = v0
        for var in variable:
            b = FFT(sigma, var, kappa, rho, theta, S0=150, r=0.025, T=0.25)
            K_T_vol_analysis(b, alpha, ax, variable)
    elif chg_var == 2:
        variable = kappa
        for var in variable:
            b = FFT(sigma, v0, var, rho, theta, S0=150, r=0.025, T=0.25)
            K_T_vol_analysis(b, alpha, ax, variable)
    elif chg_var == 3:
        variable = rho
        for var in variable:
            b = FFT(sigma, v0, kappa, var, theta, S0=150, r=0.025, T=0.25)
            K_T_vol_analysis(b, alpha, ax, variable)
    elif chg_var == 4:
        variable = theta
        for var in variable:
            b = FFT(sigma, v0, kappa, rho, var, S0=150, r=0.025, T=0.25)
            K_T_vol_analysis(b, alpha, ax, variable)
예제 #8
def test_fft(ndims):
    if ndims == 1:
        nfft = int(random.uniform(50, 520))
        if doreal:
            nfft = int(nfft / 2) * 2

        x = Numeric.array(make_random([nfft]))
        x = randmat(ndims)

    print 'dimensions=%s' % str(Numeric.shape(x)),
    if doreal:
        xver = FFT.real_fftnd(x)
        xver = FFT.fftnd(x)

    x2 = dofft(x)
    err = xver - x2
    errf = flatten(err)
    xverf = flatten(xver)
    errpow = Numeric.vdot(errf, errf) + 1e-10
    sigpow = Numeric.vdot(xverf, xverf) + 1e-10
    snr = 10 * math.log10(abs(sigpow / errpow))
    print 'SNR (compared to NumPy) : %.1fdB' % float(snr)

    if snr < minsnr:
        print 'xver=', xver
        print 'x2=', x2
        print 'err', err
예제 #9
파일: testkiss.py 프로젝트: sustmi/oflute
def test_fft(ndims):
    x = randmat(ndims)

    print 'dimensions=%s' % str(Numeric.shape(x)),
    if doreal:
        xver = FFT.real_fftnd(x)
        xver = FFT.fftnd(x)

    open('/tmp/fftexp.dat', 'w').write(dopack(flatten(xver), True))

    x2 = dofft(x)
    err = xver - x2
    errf = flatten(err)
    xverf = flatten(xver)
    errpow = Numeric.vdot(errf, errf) + 1e-10
    sigpow = Numeric.vdot(xverf, xverf) + 1e-10
    snr = 10 * math.log10(abs(sigpow / errpow))
    print 'SNR (compared to NumPy) : %.1fdB' % float(snr)

    if snr < minsnr:
        print 'xver=', xver
        print 'x2=', x2
        print 'err', err
예제 #10
def main():
    path = 'C:/Users/2015136133/Desktop/' #경로
    fft1 = FFT.FFT()
    fft2 = FFT.FFT()
    fft3 = FFT.FFT()

    startFun(fft1, path + 'fft1.wav') #FFT 과정을 수행함
    startFun(fft2, path + 'fft2.wav') #FFT 과정을 수행함
    startFun(fft3, path + 'fft3.wav') #FFT 과정을 수행함


    fftavg = [((fft1.fftdata[i] + fft2.fftdata[i] + fft3.fftdata[i]) / 3) for i in range(len(fft1.fftdata))]
    # fft1, 2, 3의 평균값을 fftavg에다 넣어줌
    fft4 = FFT.FFT()
    startFun(fft4,path + 'fft4.wav')

    cnt = 0
    for i in range(len(fft4.fftdata)):
        if errrate(fftavg[i],fft4.fftdata[i]) > 70:

    print((cnt/len(fftavg)*100), '% 입니다.')

    FFT.FFT.saveTextFile(fft1.freq, fftavg, path + 'avgfft.txt') #fft 평균을 txt로 저장
예제 #11
def test_fft(ndims):
    if ndims == 1:
        nfft = int(random.uniform(50,520))
        if doreal:
            nfft = int(nfft/2)*2

        x = Numeric.array(make_random( [ nfft ] ) )
        x=randmat( ndims )

    print 'dimensions=%s' % str( Numeric.shape(x) ),
    if doreal:
        xver = FFT.real_fftnd(x)
        xver = FFT.fftnd(x)
    err = xver - x2
    errf = flatten(err)
    xverf = flatten(xver)
    errpow = Numeric.vdot(errf,errf)+1e-10
    sigpow = Numeric.vdot(xverf,xverf)+1e-10
    snr = 10*math.log10(abs(sigpow/errpow) )
    print 'SNR (compared to NumPy) : %.1fdB' % float(snr)

    if snr<minsnr:
        print 'xver=',xver
        print 'x2=',x2
        print 'err',err
예제 #12
파일: FFT_test.py 프로젝트: boates/physics
def main():

    X = Numeric.arange(0,20*Numeric.pi,0.01,typecode=Numeric.Float)
    Y1 = Numeric.sin(X)
    Y2 = Numeric.sin(2*X)

    out = open('fncs.dat','w')
    for i in range(len(X)):
        out.write(str(X[i])+' '+str(Y1[i])+' '+str(Y2[i])+'\n')

    # Take FFT's
    FY1  = FFT.fft(Y1).real
    FY2  = FFT.fft(Y2).real
    N  = float(len(X)) # get # of data points
    dX = X[1]-X[0] # get distance spacing
    T  = N*dX  # define the period (total time)
    dQ = 1./T # define frequency step

    print Q[list(FY1).index(max(FY1))], max(FY1)
    print Q[list(FY2).index(max(FY2))], max(FY2)
    print list(FY1).index(max(FY1))
    print list(FY2).index(max(FY2))

    out = open('FFTs.dat','w')
    for i in range(len(Q)):
        out.write(str(Q[i])+' '+str(FY1[i])+' '+str(FY2[i])+'\n')
예제 #13
파일: compression.py 프로젝트: ashumeow/FFT
def compress(filename="lena.mn",output_filename="lena",compression_factor=.5):
  '''Writes a compressed mnc file. 
  The number of values kept is the (orginal number)*(compression_factor). 
  This version of the compression function acts on square images only.'''
  data = read_mn(filename)
  transformed_data = FFT(data)
  col_length=len(transformed_data) #also equals the number of rows
  row_length=len(transformed_data[0]) #also equals the number of columns
  #flatten the array:
  #given a compression factor, compression threshold is the value below which the...
  #function throws away frequency in the FFT data
  #by symmetry, the lower half of the data can be reproduced by the top half, excluding the first row
  #split FFT data into two pieces, real and imag
  #throw away small values using compression threshold
  uh_real=np.array([i if abs(i)>compression_threshold['real'] else 0 for i in uh_real])
  uh_imag=np.array([i if abs(i)>compression_threshold['imag'] else 0 for i in uh_imag])
  #writes to mnc file
  write_mnc(output_filename+".mnc",np.around(uh_real).astype('int'),np.around(uh_imag).astype('int'), (len(data),len(data)),(1,0,1,0))
예제 #14
def azimuth_modulation_signal(param):

    # %%%%%%%%%%%%%     INTRODUCING THE AZIMUTH MODULATION     %%%%%%%%%%%%%

    # Load the data
    if param.signal == 1:
        data_signal = readsav('Scenes/compl_refl_lake.sav')
    if param.signal == 2:
        data_signal = readsav('Scenes/compl_refl_city.sav')
    if param.signal == 3:
        data_signal = readsav('Scenes/compl_refl_forest.sav')
    if param.signal == 4:
        data_signal = readsav('Scenes/compl_refl_town.sav')

    # Scene
    signal_compl_refl_zp = np.zeros((param.n_az, param.n_rg), dtype=complex)
        int(1 * param.n_az / 4):int(3 * param.n_az / 4),
        int(3 * param.n_rg / 8):int(
            5 * param.n_rg / 8
        )] = data_signal.compl_refl  # Use for data 16384x8192 (just comment out or in)
    #int(7 * param.n_rg / 16): int(9 * param.n_rg / 16)] = data_signal.compl_refl   # Use for data 32768x8192 (just comment out or in)

    # Azimuth modulation
        FFT.my_fft_azimuth(signal_compl_refl_zp) * FFT.my_fft_azimuth(

    np.save('u1_conv', np.load('u1.npy', mmap_mode='r'))
예제 #15
def compress(filename="lena.mn",
    '''Writes a compressed mnc file. 
  The number of values kept is the (orginal number)*(compression_factor). 
  This version of the compression function acts on square images only.'''
    data = read_mn(filename)
    transformed_data = FFT(data)
    col_length = len(transformed_data)  #also equals the number of rows
    row_length = len(transformed_data[0])  #also equals the number of columns
    #flatten the array:
    transformed_data = transformed_data.reshape(
        (1, np.multiply(*transformed_data.shape)))[0]
    #given a compression factor, compression threshold is the value below which the...
    #function throws away frequency in the FFT data
    compression_threshold = {'real': 0, 'imag': 0}
    compression_threshold['real'] = find_threshold(transformed_data.real,
    compression_threshold['imag'] = find_threshold(transformed_data.imag,
    #by symmetry, the lower half of the data can be reproduced by the top half, excluding the first row
    upper_half = np.array(transformed_data[:(col_length / 2 + 1) * row_length])
    #split FFT data into two pieces, real and imag
    uh_real = upper_half.real
    uh_imag = upper_half.imag
    #throw away small values using compression threshold
    uh_real = np.array(
        [i if abs(i) > compression_threshold['real'] else 0 for i in uh_real])
    uh_imag = np.array(
        [i if abs(i) > compression_threshold['imag'] else 0 for i in uh_imag])
    #writes to mnc file
    write_mnc(output_filename + ".mnc",
              np.around(uh_imag).astype('int'), (len(data), len(data)),
              (1, 0, 1, 0))
예제 #16
def PMakeBeamMask(inImage, inFFT, err):
    Make uv plane weighting array
    Creates an FArray the size of a plane in inImage, FFT,
    takes real part and normalizes the central value to one
    Resulting array is returned.

    * inImage  = Python Image whose FArray is to be converted to a weight mask
    * inFFT    = Python Obit fortward FFT object
    * err      = Python Obit Error/message stack
    # Checks
    if not Image.PIsA(inImage):
        print "Actually ", inImage.__class__
        raise TypeError, "inImage MUST be a Python Obit Image"
    if not FFT.PIsA(inFFT):
        print "Actually ", inFFT.__class__
        raise TypeError, "inFFT MUST be a Python Obit FFT"
    # Make copy of data array
    inArray = inImage.FArray
    outArray = FArray.PClone(inArray, err)
    #OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error duplicating FArray for "+Image.PGetName(inImage))

    # Add model
    PCreateModel(inImage, outArray)

    # Pad for FFT
    FFTdim = FFT.PGetDim(inFFT)
    FFTArray = FArray.PClone(inArray, err)
    naxis = FFTdim[0:2]  # Make output big enough for FFT
    FFTArray = FArray.FArray("FFT array", naxis)
    PPadArray(inFFT, outArray, FFTArray)
    del outArray  # Cleanup

    # Swaparoonie

    # FFT
    uvArray = PCreateFFTArray(inFFT)
    PFFTR2C(inFFT, FFTArray, uvArray)
    del FFTArray  # Cleanup

    # Extract Real part
    naxis = CArray.PGetNaxis(uvArray)[0:2]
    maskArray = FArray.FArray("Mask array for " + Image.PGetName(inImage),
    CArray.PReal(uvArray, maskArray)
    del uvArray  # Cleanup

    # Normalize
    pos = [0, 1 + naxis[1] / 2]
    peak = FArray.PMax(maskArray, pos)
    norm = 1.0 / peak
    FArray.PSMul(maskArray, norm)

    return maskArray
예제 #17
def FFT3D(array):
    """Returns the FFT of a three dimensional array
	This method can be used to obtain the FFT of a three dimensional array.
    import FFT
    N1, N2, N3 = array.shape
    return FFT.fft(FFT.fft2d(array, (N1, N2), axes=(0, 1)), N3, axis=2)
예제 #18
def fft2d(f):
    for m in range(Nr):
    for n in range(Nc):
def azimuth_modulation_nadir(param):

    # %%%%%%%%%%%%%     INTRODUCING THE AZIMUTH MODULATION     %%%%%%%%%%%%%

    signal_compl_refl_zp=np.load('nadir_echo.npy', mmap_mode='r').T  # Load the nadir echos signal (backscatter) file nadir_echo.npy generated with nadir_echo_generation.py

    # Azimuth modulation
    FFT.my_ifft_azimuth(FFT.my_fft_azimuth(signal_compl_refl_zp) *
                        FFT.my_fft_azimuth(Azimuth_Antenna_Pattern.antenna_pattern_signal(param)), savpath='nadir_echo_az')
예제 #20
def range_modulation_conv_nadir(param):

    # %%%%%%%%%%%%%     CONVENTIONAL SAR: LOAD AZIMUTH MODULATED DATA     %%%%%%%%%%%%%

    u1_conv = np.load('nadir_echo_az.npy', mmap_mode='r')

    # %%%%%%%%%%%%%     INTRODUCING THE CHIRP MODULATION     %%%%%%%%%%%%%

    # Range modulation (performed in the frequency domain): Conventional SAR
    filter_mod = Filters.chirp_modulation_conv(param)
    FFT.my_ifft_range(FFT.my_fft_range(u1_conv) * FFT.my_fft_range(filter_mod),
예제 #21
def main():
    from getopt import getopt
    import popen2
    opts,args = getopt( sys.argv[1:],'u:n:Rt:' )

    util = opts.get('-u','./kf_float')

        dims = [ int(d) for d in opts['-n'].split(',')]
        cpx = opts.get('-R') is None
    except KeyError:
        usage: compfft.py 
        -n d1[,d2,d3...]  : FFT dimension(s)
        -u utilname : see sample_code/fftutil.c, default = ./kf_float
        -R : real-optimized version\n""")

    x = fft.make_random( dims )

    cmd = '%s -n %s ' % ( util, ','.join([ str(d) for d in dims]) )
    if cpx:
        xout = FFT.fftnd(x)
        xout = reshape(xout,(size(xout),))
        cmd += '-R '
        xout = FFT.real_fft(x)

    proc = popen2.Popen3( cmd , bufsize=len(x) )

    proc.tochild.write( dopack( x , fmt ,cpx ) )
    xoutcomp = dounpack( proc.fromchild.read( ) , fmt ,1 )
    #xoutcomp = reshape( xoutcomp , dims )

    sig = xout * conjugate(xout)
    sigpow = sum( sig )

    diff = xout-xoutcomp
    noisepow = sum( diff * conjugate(diff) )

    snr = 10 * math.log10(abs( sigpow / noisepow ) )
    if snr<100:
        print xout
        print xoutcomp
    print 'NFFT=%s,SNR = %f dB' % (str(dims),snr)
def main():
    from getopt import getopt
    import popen2
    opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'u:n:Rt:')
    opts = dict(opts)
    exitcode = 0

    util = opts.get('-u', './kf_float')

        dims = [int(d) for d in opts['-n'].split(',')]
        cpx = opts.get('-R') is None
        fmt = opts.get('-t', 'f')
    except KeyError:
        usage: compfft.py 
        -n d1[,d2,d3...]  : FFT dimension(s)
        -u utilname : see sample_code/fftutil.c, default = ./kf_float
        -R : real-optimized version\n""")

    x = fft.make_random(dims)

    cmd = '%s -n %s ' % (util, ','.join([str(d) for d in dims]))
    if cpx:
        xout = FFT.fftnd(x)
        xout = reshape(xout, (size(xout), ))
        cmd += '-R '
        xout = FFT.real_fft(x)

    proc = popen2.Popen3(cmd, bufsize=len(x))

    proc.tochild.write(dopack(x, fmt, cpx))
    xoutcomp = dounpack(proc.fromchild.read(), fmt, 1)
    #xoutcomp = reshape( xoutcomp , dims )

    sig = xout * conjugate(xout)
    sigpow = sum(sig)

    diff = xout - xoutcomp
    noisepow = sum(diff * conjugate(diff))

    snr = 10 * math.log10(abs(sigpow / noisepow))
    if snr < 100:
        print xout
        print xoutcomp
        exitcode = 1
    print 'NFFT=%s,SNR = %f dB' % (str(dims), snr)
예제 #23
def filtre_son_extrait(t, a, b):
    """calcul de la transformee de Fourier, application du filtre [a,b],
    recomposition du signal"""
    fft = FFT.fft(t)
    global fourier
    if fourier == None and indice != None: fourier = copy.copy(fft)
    for i in xrange(0, len(t)):
        if a <= i <= b:
            fft[i] = complex(0, 0)
    tt = FFT.inverse_fft(fft)
    for i in xrange(0, len(t)):
        t[i] = int(tt[i].real)
예제 #24
def filtre_son_extrait(t,a,b):
    """calcul de la transformee de Fourier, application du filtre [a,b],
    recomposition du signal"""
    fft = FFT.fft (t)
    global fourier             
    if fourier == None and indice != None : fourier = copy.copy(fft)
    for i in xrange(0,len(t)):
        if a <= i <= b:
            fft [i] = complex(0,0)
    tt = FFT.inverse_fft(fft)
    for i in xrange(0,len(t)):
        t [i] = int(tt [i].real)
def polynomial_multi(pol1, pol2):
    '''returns the multiplication of two polynomials, parameters are lists of co-efficients here.'''
    l1 = len(pol1)
    l2 = len(pol2)
    large = l1 if l1 > l2 else l2
    exp2 = FFT.nearest_2_exp(large)
    pol1_padded = FFT.zero_padder(pol1, 2 * exp2)
    pol2_padded = FFT.zero_padder(pol2, 2 * exp2)
    #we will now evaluate the polynomials at 2*exp2 values which is at least equal to the length of the multiplied poly
    DFT1 = FFT.discrete_fourier_transform(pol1_padded)
    DFT2 = FFT.discrete_fourier_transform(pol2_padded)
    DFT_mult_pol = [DFT1[i] * DFT2[i] for i in range(2 * exp2)]
    #Now we will apply inverse fft here to get the co-efficients
    co_eff_list = Inverse_FFT.inverse_discrete_fourier_transform(DFT_mult_pol)
    return co_eff_list
예제 #26
 def getFreq(self, seconds):
     if self.fake:
         base = 300
         if random.random() < .2:
             freq = base + randint(-50, 50)
             freq = base + randint(-200, 200)
         #freq = (random.random() * 400) + 100.0
         distance = freq * 0.0051 - 0.0472
         return (distance, freq, 1, 1, 1, 1)
     data = self.read(seconds)
     self.timestamp = time.time()
     transform = FFT.real_fft(data).real
     minFreq = 20
     maxFreq = 700
     minFreqPos = int(minFreq * seconds)
     maxFreqPos = int(maxFreq * seconds)
     minFreqPos = max(0, minFreqPos)
     maxFreqPos = min(int(self.sample_rate * seconds), maxFreqPos)
     if minFreqPos == maxFreqPos:
         self.lastFreq = int(self.sample_rate * sampleTime / 2.0)
     elif minFreqPos > maxFreqPos:
         minFreqPos, maxFreqPos = maxFreqPos, minFreqPos
     freqPos = Numeric.argmax(transform[1 + minFreqPos:maxFreqPos])
     value = transform[1 + minFreqPos:maxFreqPos][freqPos]
     freq = int((freqPos + minFreqPos) / seconds)
     distance = freq * 0.0051 - 0.0472
     bestFreqPos = Numeric.argmax(transform[1:])
     bestValue = transform[1:][bestFreqPos]
     bestFreq = int(bestFreqPos / seconds)
     return (distance, freq, value, transform[0], bestFreq, bestValue)
예제 #27
    def __init__(self, input_token, threaded=True, kwargs_dict={}):
            The class implements the math processor abstract class
            the arguments in **kwargs are: 
                animated (if False means only one single frame of fft is calculated)
        window_duration_text = 'window_duration'
        window_start_text = 'window_start'
        number_of_steps_text = 'number_of_steps'
        animated_text = 'animated'

        if (not window_duration_text in kwargs_dict
                or not window_start_text in kwargs_dict
                or not number_of_steps_text in kwargs_dict
                or not animated_text in kwargs_dict):
            raise NecessaryArgNotPresent

        self.__window_duration = kwargs_dict[window_duration_text]
        self.__window_start = kwargs_dict[window_start_text]
        self.__number_of_steps = kwargs_dict[number_of_steps_text]
        self.__animated = kwargs_dict[animated_text]

        super().__init__(input_token, threaded)
        ## The queue to hold fft responses as a function of their
        ## start time
        self.__fft_frames_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.__fft_calculator = FFT.FFT()
    def compute_notch_taps(self,notchlist):
         NOTCH_TAPS = 256
         tmptaps = Numeric.zeros(NOTCH_TAPS,Numeric.Complex64)
         binwidth = self.bw / NOTCH_TAPS
         for i in range(0,NOTCH_TAPS):
             tmptaps[i] = complex(1.0,0.0)
         for i in notchlist:
             diff = i - self.observing
             if i == 0:
             if (diff > 0):
                 idx = diff / binwidth
                 idx = int(idx)
                 if (idx < 0 or idx > (NOTCH_TAPS/2)):
                 tmptaps[idx] = complex(0.0, 0.0)

             if (diff < 0):
                 idx = -diff / binwidth
                 idx = (NOTCH_TAPS/2) - idx
                 idx = int(idx+(NOTCH_TAPS/2))
                 if (idx < 0 or idx > (NOTCH_TAPS)):
                 tmptaps[idx] = complex(0.0, 0.0)

         self.notch_taps = FFT.inverse_fft(tmptaps)
def Crosspectrum_5var():
    pan_obs_gapfill = load('%s/pan_obs_gapfill_good_stations' % workspace)
    rn = load('%s/Rn_0.2_0.5_good_stations' % (workspace))
    ist = 0
    for ibasin in xrange(0, 10):
        cross_basin = []
        data = scipy.io.loadmat('%s/%s_AP.mat' % (datadir, ibasin + 1))
        for istation in good_stations[ibasin]:
            # the PowerSpectrum method take the matrix as different segment, so shoule be a 1d array
            input = [
                Gapfill(data[v][0, istation][0:tstep].flatten()).flatten()
                for v in variables
            input.insert(1, rn[ist, :].flatten())
            panobs = pan_obs_gapfill[ist, :].flatten()
                    FFT.CrossPowerSpectrum(panobs, v, sampling_frequency,
                                           'linear')[1] for v in input
                ]).reshape(1, 5, nf))
            ist = ist + 1

        cross_basin = vstack(cross_basin)
        cross_basin.dump('%s/cross_5var_good_station_%s' %
                         (workspace, basinlongs[ibasin]))

예제 #30
    def sample(self):
        newData = self.monitor.read()
        if len(newData) == 0:
        self.timeDomain = newData

        # Round our actual sample size down to the nearest power of two for the FFT,
        # and only save the absolute value of the first half of the real part.
        self.numSamples = len(self.timeDomain)
        f = 1
        while f <= self.numSamples:
            self.fftSamples = f
            f *= 2
        self.freqDomain = FFT.real_fft(self.timeDomain, self.fftSamples).real
        self.freqDomain = Numeric.fabs(self.freqDomain[:len(self.freqDomain)/2])

        self.spectrum = []
        for s in self.spectrumSamplers:
        self.spectrum = Numeric.array(self.spectrum)

        self.beat = self.spectrum - self.oldSpectrum
        self.oldSpectrum = self.spectrum

        self.vuMeter = self.vuMeterSampler.get()
def Coherence_obs_5var():

    "Prepare the data for plotting"
    pan_obs_gapfill = load('%s/pan_obs_gapfill_good_stations' % workspace)
    rn = load('%s/Rn_0.2_0.5_good_stations' % (workspace))
    ist = 0
    for ibasin in xrange(0, 10):
        cohere_obs_basin = []
        data = scipy.io.loadmat('%s/%s_AP.mat' % (datadir, ibasin + 1))
        for istation in good_stations[ibasin]:
            # the PowerSpectrum method take the matrix as different segment, so shoule be a 1d array
            input = [
                Gapfill(data[v][0, istation][0:tstep].flatten()).flatten()
                for v in variables
            input.insert(1, rn[ist, :].flatten())
            panobs = pan_obs_gapfill[ist, :].flatten()
            # Compute the coherence
                    FFT.Coherence(v, panobs, sampling_frequency, 'linear')[1]
                    for v in input
                ]).reshape(1, 5, nf))
            ist = ist + 1

        # store basin average
        cohere_obs_basin = vstack(cohere_obs_basin)
        cohere_obs_basin.dump('%s/coherence_obs_5var_good_station_%s' %
                              (workspace, basinlongs[ibasin]))
        # cohere_obs_basin.dump('%s/coherence_obs_5var_test2048_%s' %(workspace, basinlongs[ibasin]))

예제 #32
    def transform(self, inputSignal):
        # Automatic gain control
        gain = 0.4e5 / self.inputVolume

        # Read the audio, take an FFT of the left channel
        audio = inputSignal[0]
        fft = abs(FFT.real_fft(audio * gain))

        # Track the input volume, for automatic gain control
        total = abs(add.reduce(audio))
        alpha = 0.0025
        self.inputVolume = (1-alpha)*self.inputVolume + alpha*total

        # Scale down the frequency axis nicely by integrating,
        # sampling, then differentiating.
        sums = add.accumulate(fft)
        hscaled = take(sums, self.taps)
        hscaled = maximum(hscaled[1:] - hscaled[:-1], 0)
        vscaled = hscaled * 4e-7

        # Add gradual decay to bar heights
        if self.bars:
            self.bars -= 0.05
            self.bars = maximum(self.bars, vscaled)
            self.bars = vscaled
        return self.bars
예제 #33
def PBackFFT(FFTrev, inArray, outArray, err):
    Back transform half plane complex to real
    inArray is FFTed (half plane complex - real) to outArray

    * FFTref   = FFT object to FT inArray
    * inArray  = CArray with image to be FFTed
      must be a size compatable with FFTrev
    * outArray = FArray for output
      must be a size compatable with FT of inArray
    * err      = Python Obit Error/message stack
    # Checks
    if not FFT.PIsA(FFTrev):
        print("Actually ",FFTrev.__class__)
        raise TypeError("FFTrev MUST be a Python Obit FFT")
    if not CArray.PIsA(inArray ):
        print("Actually ",inArray.__class__)
        raise TypeError("inArray MUST be a Python Obit CArray")
    if not FArray.PIsA(outArray ):
        print("Actually ",outArray.__class__)
        raise TypeError("outArray MUST be a Python Obit FArray")
    if not OErr.OErrIsA(err):
        raise TypeError("err MUST be an OErr")
    # FFT
    PFFTC2R (FFTrev, inArray, outArray)

    FArray.PCenter2D (outArray)
예제 #34
 def getFreq(self, seconds):
     if self.fake:
         base = 300
         if random.random() < .2:
             freq = base + randint(-50,50)
             freq = base + randint(-200, 200)
         #freq = (random.random() * 400) + 100.0
         distance = freq * 0.0051 - 0.0472
         return (distance, freq, 1, 1, 1, 1)
     data = self.read(seconds)
     self.timestamp = time.time()
     transform = FFT.real_fft(data).real
     minFreq = 20 
     maxFreq = 700
     minFreqPos = int(minFreq * seconds)
     maxFreqPos = int(maxFreq * seconds)
     minFreqPos = max(0, minFreqPos)
     maxFreqPos = min(int(self.sample_rate * seconds), maxFreqPos)
     if minFreqPos == maxFreqPos:
         self.lastFreq = int(self.sample_rate * sampleTime/ 2.0)
     elif minFreqPos > maxFreqPos:
         minFreqPos, maxFreqPos = maxFreqPos, minFreqPos
     freqPos = Numeric.argmax(transform[1+minFreqPos:maxFreqPos])
     value = transform[1+minFreqPos:maxFreqPos][freqPos]
     freq = int((freqPos + minFreqPos) / seconds)
     distance = freq * 0.0051 - 0.0472
     bestFreqPos = Numeric.argmax(transform[1:])
     bestValue = transform[1:][bestFreqPos]
     bestFreq = int(bestFreqPos / seconds)
     return (distance, freq, value, transform[0], bestFreq, bestValue)
예제 #35
def PExtract (inFFT, inArray, outArray, err):
    Extract a Real array from one padded for FFTs
    Any blanked values are replaces with zeroes
    returns outArray

    * inFFT    = Gives size of FFT used
    * inArray  = Python FArray with FFT results.
    * outArray = Python FArray describing results
    * err      = Python Obit Error/message stack
    # Checks
    if not FFT.PIsA(inFFT):
        raise TypeError("inFFT MUST be a Python Obit FFT")
    if not FArray.PIsA(inArray):
        print("Actually ",inArray.__class__)
        raise TypeError("inArray MUST be a Python Obit FArray")
    if not FArray.PIsA(outArray):
        print("Actually ",outArray.__class__)
        raise TypeError("outArray MUST be a Python Obit FArray")
    if not OErr.OErrIsA(err):
        raise TypeError("err MUST be an OErr")
    # FFT info
    FFTrank = FFT.PGetRank(inFFT)
    FFTdim  = FFT.PGetDim(inFFT)
    # Target Array info
    ArrayNdim  = outArray.Ndim
    ArrayNaxis = outArray.Naxis

    # Get window to extract
    cen = [FFTdim[0]//2, FFTdim[1]//2];
    blc = [0,0]; trc=[0,0]
    blc[0] = cen[0] - ArrayNaxis[0] // 2; trc[0] = cen[0] - 1 + ArrayNaxis[0] // 2
    blc[1] = cen[1] - ArrayNaxis[1] // 2; trc[1] = cen[1] - 1 + ArrayNaxis[1] // 2
    # Make sure to fill output array
    if ((trc[0]-blc[0]+1)<ArrayNaxis[0]):
        trc[0] = blc[0] + ArrayNaxis[0] - 1
    if ((trc[1]-blc[1]+1)<ArrayNaxis[1]):
        trc[1] = blc[1] + ArrayNaxis[1] - 1

    # Extract
    out = FArray.PSubArr(inArray, blc, trc, err)
    return out
예제 #36
파일: fft.py 프로젝트: lmarabi/tareeg
    def execute_cb(self, *args):
        layer = gview.app.sel_manager.get_active_layer()
        if not layer_is_raster(layer):
            gvutils.error("Please select a raster layer.")
        ds = layer.get_parent().get_dataset()
        data = gdalnumeric.DatasetReadAsArray(ds)

        if self.switch_forward.get_active():
            data_tr = FFT.fft2d(data)
            data_tr = FFT.inverse_fft2d(data)

        array_name = gdalnumeric.GetArrayFilename(data_tr)
        if self.switch_new_view.get_active():
def Coherence_Frequency():

    data = scipy.io.loadmat('%s/1_AP.mat' % (datadir))
    input = data[variables[0]][0, 0][0:tstep].flatten()
    pan = data['pan'][0, 0][0:tstep].flatten()
    freq = FFT.Coherence(input, pan, sampling_frequency, 'linear')[0]

    return freq
예제 #38
파일: fft.py 프로젝트: midendian/openev2
    def execute_cb( self, *args ):
	layer = gview.app.sel_manager.get_active_layer()
	if not layer_is_raster(layer):
	    gvutils.error("Please select a raster layer.");
	ds = layer.get_parent().get_dataset()
	data = gdalnumeric.DatasetReadAsArray(ds)

	if self.switch_forward.get_active():
	    data_tr = FFT.fft2d(data)
	    data_tr = FFT.inverse_fft2d(data)

	array_name = gdalnumeric.GetArrayFilename(data_tr)
	if self.switch_new_view.get_active():
예제 #39
파일: Cube.py 프로젝트: PPRaspberryPi/cube
def register_all():
    if led_cube is not None:
        led_cube.register(Snake.Snake(api.cubeSize, frame_size),
                          Pong.Pong(api.cubeSize, frame_size),
                          PongMulti.PongMulti(api.cubeSize, frame_size),
                          Weather.Weather(api.cubeSize, frame_size),
                          FFT.AudioVis(api.cubeSize, frame_size),
                          Exit.Exit(api.cubeSize, frame_size))
예제 #40
def pdata():
    while (endFlag == 0):
        for i in range(16):
            data = sdr.read_samples(CHUNK)
    #	data=[0.1+0.1j]*CHUNK
        F = FFT.FFT(data, level)
    print('endFlag=', endFlag)
예제 #41
def filter2d_freq(img, the_filter):
    height = len(img)
    width = len(img[0])
    adjust_height = calculate_pow2(height)
    adjust_width  = calculate_pow2(width)

    FFT_filter = np.zeros((adjust_height,adjust_width), np.int32)
    adjust_img = np.zeros((adjust_height,adjust_width), np.int32)

    for x in xrange(height):
        for y in xrange(width):
            adjust_img[x, y] = img[x, y]

    for x in xrange(len(the_filter)):
        for y in xrange(len(the_filter[0])):
            FFT_filter[x, y] = the_filter[x, y]

    FFT_filter = FFT.centralize(FFT_filter)
    adjust_img = FFT.centralize(adjust_img)

    FFT_filter = FFT.fft2d(FFT_filter, 1)
    FFT_image = FFT.fft2d(adjust_img, 1)

    print "done Fourier transform"

    Result = FFT_image * FFT_filter

    print "done frequecy processing"

    Result = FFT.fft2d(Result, -1).real

    print "done Inverse Fourier transform"

    Result_img = np.zeros((height, width), np.float64)

    Result = diolog_transform(Result)

    for x in xrange(height):
        for y in xrange(width):
            Result_img[x, y] = Result[x, y]

    Result_img = centralize(Result_img)

    return Result_img
예제 #42
def InverseFFT(array):
    """Returns the inverse FFT of an array

	This method can be used to obtain the inverse FFT of an array
    import FFT
    dim = array.shape
    for i in range(len(dim)):
        array = FFT.inverse_fft(array, dim[i], axis=i)
    return array
예제 #43
def PFFTC2R (inFFT, inArray, outArray):
    Half plane complex to Real FFT

    * inFFT    = Python Obit FFT object
    * inArray  = Python CArray To be FFTed
    * outArray = Python FArray to contain the FFT
      Must previously exist
    if not FFT.PIsA(inFFT):
        raise TypeError("inFFT MUST be a Python Obit FFT")
    if not CArray.PIsA(inArray):
        print("Actually ",inArray.__class__)
        raise TypeError("inArray MUST be a Python Obit CArray")
    if not FArray.PIsA(outArray):
        print("Actually ",outArray.__class__)
        raise TypeError("outArray MUST be a Python Obit FArray")
    FFT.PC2R(inFFT, inArray, outArray)
예제 #44
def line(data, xl):
    power = math.ceil(math.log2(xl))
    length = 2**power
    remain = length - xl
    left = remain // 2
    right = remain - left
    data = ([0 + 0j] * left) + data + ([0 + 0j] * right)
    d = data[length // 2:] + data[0:length // 2]
    return FFT.iFFT(d, power)
예제 #45
 def gen_midi(self):
     Gets the samples from the .wav input file and uses the FFT object
         to transform them into a midi file.
     self.samples, self.rate = WavParser.get_samples_from_wav(str(self.infile))
     fft = FFT(
예제 #46
def test_cpx( n,inverse ,short):
    v = randvec(n,1)
    scale = 1
    if short:

    if inverse:
        tvecout = FFT.inverse_fft(v)
        if short:
            scale = 1
            scale = len(v)
        tvecout = FFT.fft(v)
        if short:
            scale = 1.0/len(v)

    tvecout = [ c * scale for c in tvecout ]

    s="""#define NFFT %d""" % len(v) + """
        double snr;
        kiss_fft_cpx test_vec_in[NFFT] = { """  + c_format(v) + """};
        kiss_fft_cpx test_vec_out[NFFT] = {"""  + c_format( tvecout ) + """};
        kiss_fft_cpx testbuf[NFFT];
        void * cfg = kiss_fft_alloc(NFFT,%d,0,0);""" % inverse + """

        snr = snr_compare(test_vec_out,testbuf,NFFT);
        printf("DATATYPE=" xstr(kiss_fft_scalar) ", FFT n=%d, inverse=%d, snr = %g dB\\n",NFFT,""" + str(inverse) + """,snr);
        if (snr<""" + str(minsnr) + """)
#undef NFFT    
    return s
    def compute_dispfilter(self,dm,doppler,bw,centerfreq):
        npts = len(self.disp_taps)
        tmp = Numeric.zeros(npts, Numeric.Complex64)
        M_PI = 3.14159265358
        DM = dm/2.41e-10

        # Because astronomers are a crazy bunch, the "standard" calcultion
        #   is in Mhz, rather than Hz
        centerfreq = centerfreq / 1.0e6
        bw = bw / 1.0e6
        isign = int(bw / abs (bw))
        # Center frequency may be doppler shifted
        cfreq     = centerfreq / doppler

        # As well as the bandwidth..
        bandwidth = bw / doppler

        # Bandwidth divided among bins
        binwidth  = bandwidth / npts

        # Delay is an "extra" parameter, in usecs, and largely
        #  untested in the Swinburne code.
        delay = 0.0
        # This determines the coefficient of the frequency response curve
        # Linear in DM, but quadratic in center frequency
        coeff = isign * 2.0*M_PI * DM / (cfreq*cfreq)
        # DC to nyquist/2
        n = 0
        for i in range(0,int(npts/2)):
            freq = (n + 0.5) * binwidth
            phi = coeff*freq*freq/(cfreq+freq) + (2.0*M_PI*freq*delay)
            tmp[i] = complex(math.cos(phi), math.sin(phi))
            n += 1

        # -nyquist/2 to DC
        n = int(npts/2)
        n *= -1
        for i in range(int(npts/2),npts):
            freq = (n + 0.5) * binwidth
            phi = coeff*freq*freq/(cfreq+freq) + (2.0*M_PI*freq*delay)
            tmp[i] = complex(math.cos(phi), math.sin(phi))
            n += 1
        self.disp_taps = FFT.inverse_fft(tmp)
예제 #48
파일: proto.py 프로젝트: elmore/sixthdev
def makeSpectrogram(slice):
    Returns a list of length 32, with the FFT of the slice.
    We seem to need 64 samples to do this.
    If the sample rate is 256Hz, then we're talking about
    1/4th of a second's worth of data here.
    assert len(slice)==64, "we want 32 bins, so we need 64 samples"

    res = abs(FFT.real_fft(slice))[:-1] # discard 33rd slot (is this okay?)
    res = Numeric.floor(res) # round off to integers
    assert len(res)==32, len(res)    
    return res
예제 #49
파일: fft.py 프로젝트: KapilRijhwani/corepy
def test_DFT_native_roots():
  x = Numeric.arange(256, typecode=Numeric.Complex)

  start = time.time()
  for i in range(10):
    X = DFT_naive_roots(x)
  stop = time.time()
  print '%.6f' % ((stop - start) / 10.0)

  XX = FFT.fft(x)

  # for x1, x2 in zip(X, XX):
  #   print x1, x2
예제 #50
def caluclate_SF(hr,r,natom,alat,verbose=False):
    Perform Fourier Transform and calculate the strucure factor
    # Structure Factor Caluclation
    N  = float(len(r))   # get # of data points
    dr = r[1] - r[0]     # get distance spacing
    R  = N*dr            # define the period (total time)
    dQ = 1./R            # define frequency step
    Q  = Numeric.arange(N,typecode=Numeric.Float)*dQ
    H  = FFT.fft(hr)     # calculate the fft
    print N,dr,R,dQ

    SF = 1.0 + (natom/alat**3)*H.real#(Numeric.conjugate(H)*H).real
    SF = Numeric.array( list(SF)[:int(len(SF)/2.0)] )

    if verbose == True:
        hr2 = FFT.inverse_fft(H).real
        out = open('hr2.dat','w')
        for i in range(len(hr2)):
            out.write(str(r[i])+' '+str(hr2[i])+' '+str(Q[i])+' '+str(H.real[i])+'\n')

    return SF, Q                        
예제 #51
파일: fft.py 프로젝트: KapilRijhwani/corepy
def test_FFT_simple():
  x = Numeric.arange(256, typecode=Numeric.Complex)

  start = time.time()
  for i in range(1):
    X = FFT_simple(x)
  stop = time.time()
  print '%.6f' % ((stop - start) / 1.0)

  XX = FFT.fft(x)

  i = 0
  for x1, x2 in zip(X, XX):
    # Complex eq is too sensitive, compare string representations
    s1, s2 = str(x1), str(x2)
    assert(s1 == s2)
예제 #52
def test_fftnd(ndims=3):
    import FFT
    import Numeric

    x=randmat( ndims )
    print 'dimensions=%s' % str( Numeric.shape(x) )
    #print 'x=%s' %str(x)
    xver = FFT.fftnd(x)
    err = xver - x2
    errf = flatten(err)
    xverf = flatten(xver)
    errpow = Numeric.vdot(errf,errf)+1e-10
    sigpow = Numeric.vdot(xverf,xverf)+1e-10
    snr = 10*math.log10(abs(sigpow/errpow) )
    if snr<80:
        print xver
        print x2
    print 'SNR=%sdB' % str( snr )
예제 #53
파일: postrack.py 프로젝트: radiasoft/warp
def plot_spect(jspec=None, plist=[0], beg=0, end=n_steps, endp=None):
    """plot_spect(jspec=None, plist=[0], beg=0, end=n_steps, endp=end/2)
    Fourier Spectra of particle trajectories.
    Plots over all species, by default, unless a range of species
    is provided via the parameter 'jspec'
    'plist' is a list of particles to calculate spectrum over (Default is
    test particle #0).
    import FFT
    if endp is None: endp = nint(end/2)
    if jspec is None: jspec = range(0, top.ns)
    for sp in jspec:
        for part in plist:
            title = runid+": species "+`sp`+' '+colors[sp % ncolors]+'; particle '+`part`
            #absc =
            for plot in plots:
                __main__.__dict__['spect_'+plot] = FFT.fft(
                    eval(plot+'_'+runid, __main__.__dict__)[sp,beg:end,part])
                plg(abs(eval("spect_"+plot, __main__.__dict__))[:endp],  marker=plot)
                #plg(eval("spect_"+plot, __main__.__dict__), absc, marker=plot)
                ptitles(plot+' '+title, "frequency", "spectral power"); fma()
예제 #54
파일: texture.py 프로젝트: oriel/SOMart
def espectrofourier(img, libdir, ts, frings, fsectors, raios, angulos):
	M,N = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
	d = min(M,N) # dimensao menor das imagens
	ci, cj = M/2, N/2 # coordenadas do centro da img
	rmax = d/2 # raio maximo da circ. que cabe na img
	slices = []
	desc = []
	F = FFT.fft2d(img)
	Fview = iadftview(F) # passar threshold aqui!
	# threshold realizado com dinamica - valores de extinção:
	#os.system('%s./extinction htop ../tmp/fv.pgm ../tmp/result.pgm' % (libdir)) 
	#Fvd = iaread('../tmp/result.pgm')
	#Fvd = (Fvd>1)*Fview
	#nz = nonzeroarea(dimask)
	#print nz
	#print "soma de tudo = "+str(nz.sum())
	#ts = nz.sum()/nz.shape[0]
	#print ts
	# threshold simples:
	#Fv = Fview
	Fv = Fview * (Fview > ts)
	#a = raw_input()
	# em seguida é cortado o lado direito da imagem do espectro
	if M>N: # se a imagem for mais alta que larga:
		rightside = iaroi(Fv,[abs(ci-rmax),cj],[(ci+rmax-1),N])
		#rightsided = iaroi(Fvd,[abs(ci-rmax),cj],[(ci+rmax-1),N])
	elif N>M: # se for mais larga que alta:
		rightside = iaroi(Fv,[0,cj],[M-1,(cj+rmax-1)])
		#rightsided = iaroi(Fvd,[0,cj],[M-1,(cj+rmax-1)])
	else: # se for quadrada:
		rightside = iaroi(Fv,[0,cj],[M,N])
		#rightsided = iaroi(Fvd,[0,cj],[M,N])
	# carrega uma lista com templates para setores
	for ang in angulos:
			file = "../imgs/templates/%d.pbm" % (ang)
	for r in raios:		
		circ = iacircle([d,d],r,[rmax,rmax])
		circ = iaroi(circ,[0,rmax],[d,d]) # recorta lado direito do circulo
		circ2 = iacircle([d,d],50,[rmax,rmax])
		circ2 = iaroi(circ2,[0,rmax],[d,d]) 
		ring = circ-circ2 # diminui circulo maior pelo menor para formar anel
		if frings == "yes":
			# quantidade de pixels do anel
			qtd = ring.sum()
			# aplica a mascara para o anel inteiro
			rough = rightside*ring 
			#roughd = rightsided*ring
			# calcular só p/ valores não-zero
			#nz = nonzeroarea(roughd)
			mean = rough.sum()/float(qtd)
			std = sqrt(((rough - mean)**2).sum()/qtd)
			desc += [std,mean]
			#desc += [nz.sum()]
		# media e desvio padrão dos setores	
		if fsectors == "yes":
			for slice in slices:
				sector = slice*ring
				qtd = sector.sum()
				area = rightside*sector
				#aread = rightsided*sector
				#nz = nonzeroarea(aread)
				mean = area.sum()/float(qtd)
				std = sqrt(((area - mean)**2).sum()/qtd)
				desc += [std,mean]
				#desc += [nz.sum()]
	return desc
 def AutoCorrelationFunction(series):
     n = 2*len(series)
     FFTSeries = FFT.fft(series,n,0)
     FFTSeries = FFTSeries*N.conjugate(FFTSeries)
     FFTSeries = FFT.inverse_fft(FFTSeries,len(FFTSeries),0)
     return FFTSeries[:len(series)]/(len(series)-N.arange(len(series)))
예제 #56

    i = i + 1

if infile is None:
if  outfile is None:

if type == None:
    type = GDT_CFloat32

indataset = gdal.Open( infile, GA_ReadOnly )

out_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format)
outdataset = out_driver.Create(outfile, indataset.RasterXSize, indataset.RasterYSize, indataset.RasterCount, type)

for iBand in range(1, indataset.RasterCount + 1):
    inband = indataset.GetRasterBand(iBand)
    outband = outdataset.GetRasterBand(iBand)

    data = inband.ReadAsArray(0, 0)
    if transformation == 'forward':
        data_tr = FFT.fft2d(data)
        data_tr = FFT.inverse_fft2d(data)