예제 #1
def parenting_cat(cat, depth=1):
    """Return the name of category id `cat` (or name), stopping at level
    if not cat:
        return None
    _, path = fsc.search_categories(cat)
    cat_is_name = fsc.choose_type(cat)
    answer = path[depth] if len(path) > depth else path[-1]
    if cat_is_name:
        return answer
    return fsc.CAT_TO_ID[:answer]
예제 #2
def question_categories(session):
    """Return a list of all categories id for the current question."""
    cats = actual_question(session).cat
    res = []
    for cat in cats:
        res.extend(fsc.get_subcategories(cat, fsc.Field.id))
    return res
예제 #3
def venues_list(db, question, city):
    """Export list of venue for a given (city, question) to a JSON file."""
    import FSCategories as fsc
    import cities as c
    space = c.GBOXES[city]
    cats = []
    for cat in QUESTIONS[question].cat:
        cats.extend(fsc.get_subcategories(cat, fsc.Field.id))
    venues = db.find({'loc': space, 'cat': {'$in': cats}},
                     {'name': 1, 'loc': 1, 'likes': 1, 'where': 1})
    res = {}

    def insert_venue(new_venue):
        """insert `new_venue` by giving it a unique name."""
        name = new_venue['name']
        i = 0
        while name in res:
            name += ' '
            i += 1
        # if i > 250:
        #     print(u'at least {} {} in {}'.format(i, name.strip(), city))
        res[name] = [venue['likes'], venue.get('where')] + loc + id_

    for venue in venues:
        loc = [round(_, 6) for _ in reversed(venue['loc']['coordinates'])]
        id_ = [str(venue['_id'])]
    import ujson
    import codecs
    import gzip
    writer = codecs.getwriter('utf8')
    filename = 'static/q/{}_{}.js.gz'.format(city, question)
    k = Key(bucket)
    k.key = filename
    k.set_metadata('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')
    with gzip.open(filename, 'wb') as result:
        writer(result).write('var CATS='+ujson.dumps(cats)+';\n')
        writer(result).write('var VENUES='+ujson.dumps(res)+';')
    with open(filename) as result:
        print('sent ' + filename)
예제 #4
def is_event(cat_id):
    """Does `cat_id` represent an event."""
    return cat_id in fsc.get_subcategories('Event', fsc.Field.id)
예제 #5
 def parenting_cat(place, depth):
     """Return the category of `place`, without going beyond `depth`"""
     _, path = fsc.search_categories(place['_id'])
     if len(path) > depth:
         return fsc.CAT_TO_ID[:path[depth]]
     return fsc.CAT_TO_ID[:path[-1]]