예제 #1
파일: train.py 프로젝트: caomw/autocrop
def main():
    # Go to script's directory

    # Train on Michael dataset, evaluate with Wookie dataset
    featMat = FeatMat()

    trainer = Trainer()
예제 #2
 def train_on(self, feats, annotations):
     global TrainingData
     name = annotations.name
     if name in TrainingData:
         self.train_data = TrainingData[name]
         self.train_data = FeatMat()
         self.train_data.add(feats, annotations)
         TrainingData[name] = self.train_data
     return self
예제 #3
파일: train.py 프로젝트: swook/autocrop
def main():
    # Go to script's directory

    # Train on Michael dataset, evaluate with Wookie dataset
    featMat = FeatMat()

    trainer = Trainer()
예제 #4
    def evaluate_on(self, feats, annotations):
        global TrainingData
        name = annotations.name
        if name in TrainingData:
            self.eval_data = TrainingData[name]
            self.eval_data = FeatMat()
            self.eval_data.add(feats, annotations)
            TrainingData[name] = self.eval_data

        self.eval_feats = feats
        self.eval_annos = annotations
        return self
예제 #5
파일: evaluate.py 프로젝트: caomw/autocrop
 def train_on(self, feats, annotations):
     global TrainingData
     name = annotations.name
     if name in TrainingData:
         self.train_data = TrainingData[name]
         self.train_data = FeatMat()
         self.train_data.add(feats, annotations)
         TrainingData[name] = self.train_data
     return self
예제 #6
파일: evaluate.py 프로젝트: caomw/autocrop
    def evaluate_on(self, feats, annotations):
        global TrainingData
        name = annotations.name
        if name in TrainingData:
            self.eval_data = TrainingData[name]
            self.eval_data = FeatMat()
            self.eval_data.add(feats, annotations)
            TrainingData[name] = self.eval_data

        self.eval_feats = feats
        self.eval_annos = annotations
        return self
예제 #7
 def predictImage(self, imgf):
     feats = FeatMat().getFeature(imgf)
     return self.predictFeats(feats)
예제 #8
파일: evaluate.py 프로젝트: caomw/autocrop
class Evaluator:
    name = ""

    train_data = None
    eval_feats = None
    eval_annos = None

    trainer    = None
    classifier = None

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def init(self):
        self.train_data = None
        eval_feats      = None
        eval_annos      = None
        self.trainer    = Trainer()

        return self

    def log(self, message, section=None):
        msg = ''
        if section:
            msg = '[%s|%s] ' % (self.name, section)
        elif self.name:
            msg = '[%s] ' % self.name
            msg = ''
        msg += message


        global logf
        logf.write(msg + '\n')

    def train_on(self, feats, annotations):
        global TrainingData
        name = annotations.name
        if name in TrainingData:
            self.train_data = TrainingData[name]
            self.train_data = FeatMat()
            self.train_data.add(feats, annotations)
            TrainingData[name] = self.train_data
        return self

    def evaluate_on(self, feats, annotations):
        global TrainingData
        name = annotations.name
        if name in TrainingData:
            self.eval_data = TrainingData[name]
            self.eval_data = FeatMat()
            self.eval_data.add(feats, annotations)
            TrainingData[name] = self.eval_data

        self.eval_feats = feats
        self.eval_annos = annotations
        return self

    def train(self):
        global Models
        name = self.eval_data.name
        if name in Models:
            self.trainer = Models[name]
            Models[name] = self.trainer.train(self.train_data, persist=False)
        self.classifier = Classifier(self.trainer)
        return self

    def evaluate(self):
        def log(msg):
            self.log(msg, 'eval')


        errs = []
        C = 0                    # Correctly estimated
        I = 0                    # Inconsistent annotations
        A = 0                    # in Agreement (annotations)
        C_A = 0                  # correctly estimated where annotations in agreement
        T = len(self.eval_annos) # Total

        for fname, fclassifs in self.eval_annos.data.iteritems():

            # Get ground truth
            tru = np.median(fclassifs)
            tru_cls = 1 if tru > 0.5 else 0

            # Get prediction
            est = self.classifier.predictFeats(self.eval_feats[fname])
            est_cls = 1 if est > 0.5 else 0

            if tru_cls == est_cls:
                C += 1

            # If any inconsistent classifications
            if len(np.unique(fclassifs)) > 1:
                I += 1
                A += 1
                if tru_cls == est_cls:
                    C_A += 1

            # Add errors
            errs.append(abs(tru - est))

        A   = float(A)
        C_A = float(C_A)
        T   = float(T)

        global logf
        if self.eval_annos.n > 1:
            log('%d/%d (%.2f%%) annotations in agreement' % (A, T, A/T*100))
            log('%d/%d (%.2f%%) incorrect for annotations in agreement' % (A-C_A, A, (A-C_A)/A*100))

        log('%d/%d (%.2f%%) incorrect' % (T-C, T, (T-C)/T*100))

        l1err = float(np.linalg.norm(errs, 1)) # L1-error norm
        l2err = float(np.linalg.norm(errs, 2)) # L2-error norm
        log('L1-error: %.3f' % (l1err / len(errs)))
        log('L2-error: %.3f' % (l2err / len(errs)))

        return (T-C)/T*100

    def print_correlations(self, annotations):
        pairs = combinations(annotations, 2)
        Rs = []
        for anno1, anno2 in pairs:
            _, cls1 = zip(*sorted(anno1.data.items()))
            _, cls2 = zip(*sorted(anno2.data.items()))
            cls1 = [x[0] for x in cls1]
            cls2 = [x[0] for x in cls2]
            R, p = pearsonr(cls1, cls2)
            self.log('%s <-> %s: %f %g' % (anno1.name, anno2.name, R, p))
        self.log('Mean R: %f\n' % np.mean(Rs))

    def plot_PR(self, ofpath, label):
        y_true = self.eval_data.y
        y_score = self.classifier.clf.decision_function(self.eval_data.X)

        # Scale random values to span same range as y_score
        y_score_maxp = np.max(y_score)
        y_score_maxn = -np.min(y_score)
        y_score_span = y_score_maxp + y_score_maxn
        y_rand = np.random.rand(y_true.shape[0], 1) * y_score_span - y_score_maxn

        # Calculate PR (model)
        precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_score)
        area = average_precision_score(y_true, y_score)

        x = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
        y = np.interp(x, np.flipud(recall), np.flipud(precision))

        # Calculate PR (random)
        precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_rand)
        area_rand = average_precision_score(y_true, y_rand)
        y_rand = np.interp(x, np.flipud(recall), np.flipud(precision))

        txtpath = 'PR.out'
            dat = np.genfromtxt(txtpath, delimiter='\t', names=True,
                                deletechars='', replace_space=False)
            dat = np.array(x, dtype=[('Recall', float)])

        # Add model PR
        dat = append_fields(dat, '%s (area: %.2f)' % (label, area), y)

        # Add random PR
        dat = append_fields(dat, 'Random classifier (area: %.2f)' % area_rand, y_rand)

        np.savetxt(txtpath, dat, delimiter='\t',
                   header='\t'.join(dat.dtype.names), comments='')

        if ofpath:
            title = 'Precision-Recall curve'
            ylabel = 'Precision'
            generate_graph(txtpath, ofpath, title, ylabel)
        return self

    def cleanup(self):
        return self.init()
예제 #9
class Evaluator:
    name = ""

    train_data = None
    eval_feats = None
    eval_annos = None

    trainer    = None
    classifier = None

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def init(self):
        self.train_data = None
        eval_feats      = None
        eval_annos      = None
        self.trainer    = Trainer()

        return self

    def log(self, message, section=None):
        msg = ''
        if section:
            msg = '[%s|%s] ' % (self.name, section)
        elif self.name:
            msg = '[%s] ' % self.name
            msg = ''
        msg += message


        global logf
        logf.write(msg + '\n')

    def train_on(self, feats, annotations):
        global TrainingData
        name = annotations.name
        if name in TrainingData:
            self.train_data = TrainingData[name]
            self.train_data = FeatMat()
            self.train_data.add(feats, annotations)
            TrainingData[name] = self.train_data
        return self

    def evaluate_on(self, feats, annotations):
        global TrainingData
        name = annotations.name
        if name in TrainingData:
            self.eval_data = TrainingData[name]
            self.eval_data = FeatMat()
            self.eval_data.add(feats, annotations)
            TrainingData[name] = self.eval_data

        self.eval_feats = feats
        self.eval_annos = annotations
        return self

    def train(self):
        global Models
        name = self.eval_data.name
        if name in Models:
            self.trainer = Models[name]
            Models[name] = self.trainer
            self.trainer.train(self.train_data, persist=False)
            self.trainer.train_gist(self.train_data, persist=False)
        self.classifier = Classifier(self.trainer)
        return self

    def evaluate(self):
        def log(msg):
            self.log(msg, 'eval')


        errs = []
        C = 0                    # Correctly estimated
        C_g = 0                  # - GIST + SVM
        C_r = 0                  # - random
        I = 0                    # Inconsistent annotations
        A = 0                    # in Agreement (annotations)
        C_A = 0                  # correctly estimated where annotations in agreement
        C_A_g = 0                # - GIST + SVM
        C_A_r = 0                # - random
        T = len(self.eval_annos) # Total

        for fname, fclassifs in self.eval_annos.data.iteritems():

            # Get ground truth
            tru = np.median(fclassifs)
            tru_cls = 1 if tru > 0.5 else 0

            # Get prediction
            est = self.classifier.predictFeats(self.eval_feats[fname])
            est_gist = self.classifier.predictFeats_gist(self.eval_feats.gist(fname))
            est_rand = randint(0, 1)
            est_cls = 1 if est > 0.5 else 0

            if tru_cls == est_cls:
                C += 1
            if tru_cls == est_gist:
                C_g += 1
            if tru_cls == est_rand:
                C_r += 1

            # If any inconsistent classifications
            if len(np.unique(fclassifs)) > 1:
                I += 1
                A += 1
                if tru_cls == est_cls:
                    C_A += 1
                if tru_cls == est_gist:
                    C_A_g += 1
                if tru_cls == est_rand:
                    C_A_r += 1

            # Add errors
            errs.append(abs(tru - est))

        A   = float(A)
        C_A = float(C_A)
        T   = float(T)

        global logf
        if self.eval_annos.n > 1:
            log('%d/%d (%.2f%%) annotations in agreement' % (A, T, A/T*100))
            log('%d/%d (%.2f%%) incorrect for annotations in agreement' % (A-C_A, A, (A-C_A)/A*100))
            log('%d/%d (%.2f%%) incorrect for annotations in agreement (GIST)' % (A-C_A_g, A, (A-C_A_g)/A*100))
            log('%d/%d (%.2f%%) incorrect for annotations in agreement (RAND)' % (A-C_A_r, A, (A-C_A_r)/A*100))

        log('%d/%d (%.2f%%) incorrect' % (T-C, T, (T-C)/T*100))

        l1err = float(np.linalg.norm(errs, 1)) # L1-error norm
        l2err = float(np.linalg.norm(errs, 2)) # L2-error norm
        log('L1-error: %.3f' % (l1err / len(errs)))
        log('L2-error: %.3f' % (l2err / len(errs)))

        return (T-C)/T*100

    def print_correlations(self, annotations):
        pairs = combinations(annotations, 2)
        Rs = []
        for anno1, anno2 in pairs:
            _, cls1 = zip(*sorted(anno1.data.items()))
            _, cls2 = zip(*sorted(anno2.data.items()))
            cls1 = [x[0] for x in cls1]
            cls2 = [x[0] for x in cls2]
            R, p = pearsonr(cls1, cls2)
            self.log('%s <-> %s: %f %g' % (anno1.name, anno2.name, R, p))
        self.log('Mean R: %f\n' % np.mean(Rs))

    def plot_PR(self, ofpath, label):
        y_true = self.eval_data.y
        y_score = self.classifier.clf.decision_function(self.eval_data.X)

        # Scale random values to span same range as y_score
        y_score_maxp = np.max(y_score)
        y_score_maxn = -np.min(y_score)
        y_score_span = y_score_maxp + y_score_maxn
        y_rand = np.random.rand(y_true.shape[0], 1) * y_score_span - y_score_maxn

        # Calculate PR (model)
        precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_score)
        area = average_precision_score(y_true, y_score)

        x = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
        y = np.interp(x, np.flipud(recall), np.flipud(precision))

        # Calculate PR (random)
        precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_rand)
        area_rand = average_precision_score(y_true, y_rand)
        y_rand = np.interp(x, np.flipud(recall), np.flipud(precision))

        txtpath = 'PR.out'
            dat = np.genfromtxt(txtpath, delimiter='\t', names=True,
                                deletechars='', replace_space=False)
            dat = np.array(x, dtype=[('Recall', float)])

        # Add model PR
        dat = append_fields(dat, '%s (area: %.2f)' % (label, area), y)

        # Add random PR
        dat = append_fields(dat, 'Random classifier (area: %.2f)' % area_rand, y_rand)

        np.savetxt(txtpath, dat, delimiter='\t',
                   header='\t'.join(dat.dtype.names), comments='')

        if ofpath:
            title = 'Precision-Recall curve'
            ylabel = 'Precision'
            generate_graph(txtpath, ofpath, title, ylabel)
        return self

    def cleanup(self):
        return self.init()