예제 #1
def results(path, string, optionsList, results, time, colors):
    numResults = getNumResults(results)
    # display how many items were found in how many seconds (rounded to two decimals) a ternary operation is emulated
    # for the potential pluralization of 'Result(s)'
    print colors.green() + '--FastSearch Found \'' + string + '\' ' + str(numResults) + ' Time%s in ' % (numResults != 1 and 's' or '') \
          + optionsList[5] + ' in ' + str(round(time, 2)) + ' Seconds--' + colors.end()
    # a full search was performed
    if optionsList[4]:
        itemNum = 1
        # scan through and print the full path for each folder result (if folders are displayed)
        if optionsList[1] == 1 or optionsList[1] == 2:
            print colors.green() + '\n::Matching Folder Names::' + colors.end()
            if len(results[0]) != 0:
                for item in results[0]:
                    print colors.green() + '[' + str(itemNum) + ']: ' + item + colors.end()
                    itemNum += 1
                print colors.alert() + '-None Found-' + colors.end()

        # scan through and print full paths for each file result (if files are displayed)
        if optionsList[1] == 0 or optionsList[1] == 2:
            print colors.green() + '\n::Matching File Names::' + colors.end()
            if len(results[1]) != 0:
                for item in results[1]:
                    print colors.green() + '[' + str(itemNum) + ']: ' + item + colors.end()
                    itemNum += 1
                print colors.alert() + '-None Found-' + colors.end()

        # scan through and print full paths for each file the string was found within (if a deep search was run)
        if optionsList[0]:
            print colors.green() + '\n::Found in Files::' + colors.end()
            if len(results[2]) != 0:
                for item in results[2]:
                    print colors.green() + '[' + str(itemNum) + ']: ' + item[0] + '\n  On Line%s: ' % (len(item[1]) != 1 and 's' or '') + str(item[1]) + colors.end()
                    itemNum += 1
                print colors.alert() + '-None Found-' + colors.end()
    # a partial search was performed
        # print the only folder found
        if optionsList[1] == 1 or optionsList[1] == 2:
            print colors.green() + '\n::Matching Folder::' + colors.end()
            if len(results[0]) != 0:
                print colors.green() + '[1]: ' + results[0][0] + colors.end()
                print colors.alert() + '-None Found-' + colors.end()
        # print the only file found
        if optionsList[1] == 0 or optionsList[1] == 2:
            print colors.green() + '\n::Matching File::' + colors.end()
            if len(results[1]) != 0:
                    print colors.green() + '[1]: ' + results[1][0] + colors.end()
                print colors.alert() + '-None Found-' + colors.end()

        # print the only file the string was found within
        if optionsList[0]:
            print colors.green() + '\n::Found in File::' + colors.end()
            if len(results[2]) != 0:
                print colors.green() + '[1]: ' + results[2][0][0] + '\n  On Line%s: ' % (len(results[2][0][1]) != 1 and 's' or '') + str(results[2][0][1]) + colors.end()
                print colors.alert() + '-None Found-' + colors.end()
    # if the user desires, write this to the recent searches list
    if optionsList[8]:
        FileHandler.writeSearchHistory(path, string, optionsList, results, time)

    if os.name == 'posix':
        print colors.alert() + '\n--To open a search result, type its corresponding number from the main menu--\n' + colors.end()