예제 #1
# Add the main chart with 240 pixels in height

# Add a 5 period simple moving average to the main chart, using brown color
c.addSimpleMovingAvg(5, 0x663300)

# Add a 20 period simple moving average to the main chart, using purple color
c.addSimpleMovingAvg(20, 0x9900ff)

# Add HLOC symbols to the main chart, using green/red for up/down days
c.addHLOC(0x008000, 0xcc0000)

# Add 20 days bollinger band to the main chart, using light blue (9999ff) as the border and
# semi-transparent blue (c06666ff) as the fill color
c.addBollingerBand(20, 2, 0x9999ff, 0xc06666ff)

# Add a 75 pixels volume bars sub-chart to the bottom of the main chart, using green/red/grey for
# up/down/flat days
c.addVolBars(75, 0x99ff99, 0xff9999, 0x808080)

# Append a 14-days RSI indicator chart (75 pixels high) after the main chart. The main RSI line is
# purple (800080). Set threshold region to +/- 20 (that is, RSI = 50 +/- 25). The upper/lower
# threshold regions will be filled with red (ff0000)/blue (0000ff).
c.addRSI(75, 14, 0x800080, 20, 0xff0000, 0x0000ff)

# Append a 12-days momentum indicator chart (75 pixels high) using blue (0000ff) color.
c.addMomentum(75, 12, 0x0000ff)

# Output the chart
예제 #2
# Add a 5 period simple moving average to the main chart, using brown color
c.addSimpleMovingAvg(5, 0x663300)

# Add a 20 period simple moving average to the main chart, using purple color
c.addSimpleMovingAvg(20, 0x9900ff)

# Add HLOC symbols to the main chart, using green/red for up/down days
c.addHLOC(0x008000, 0xcc0000)

# Add 20 days bollinger band to the main chart, using light blue (9999ff) as the
# border and semi-transparent blue (c06666ff) as the fill color
c.addBollingerBand(20, 2, 0x9999ff, 0xc06666ff)

# Add a 75 pixels volume bars sub-chart to the bottom of the main chart, using
# green/red/grey for up/down/flat days
c.addVolBars(75, 0x99ff99, 0xff9999, 0x808080)

# Append a 14-days RSI indicator chart (75 pixels high) after the main chart. The
# main RSI line is purple (800080). Set threshold region to +/- 20 (that is, RSI = 50
# +/- 25). The upper/lower threshold regions will be filled with red (ff0000)/blue
# (0000ff).
c.addRSI(75, 14, 0x800080, 20, 0xff0000, 0x0000ff)

# Append a 12-days momentum indicator chart (75 pixels high) using blue (0000ff)
# color.
c.addMomentum(75, 12, 0x0000ff)

# Output the chart

예제 #3
buyLayer.getDataSet(0).setSymbolOffset(0, 20)

# Add sell signal symbols to the main chart, using purple (0x9900cc) downward pointing arrows as
# symbols
sellLayer = mainChart.addScatterLayer(None, sellSignal, "Sell",
                                      ArrowShape(180, 1, 0.4, 0.4), 11,
# Shift the symbol higher by 20 pixels
sellLayer.getDataSet(0).setSymbolOffset(0, -20)

# Add a 5 period simple moving average to the main chart, using brown color
c.addSimpleMovingAvg(5, 0x663300)

# Add a 20 period simple moving average to the main chart, using purple color
c.addSimpleMovingAvg(20, 0x9900ff)

# Add candlestick symbols to the main chart, using green/red for up/down days
c.addCandleStick(0x66ff66, 0xff6666)

# Add a volume indicator chart (75 pixels high) after the main chart, using green/red/grey for
# up/down/flat days
c.addVolIndicator(75, 0x99ff99, 0xff9999, 0x808080)

# Append a 14-days RSI indicator chart (75 pixels high) after the main chart. The main RSI line is
# purple (800080). Set threshold region to +/- 20 (that is, RSI = 50 +/- 25). The upper/lower
# threshold regions will be filled with red (ff0000)/blue (0000ff).
c.addRSI(75, 14, 0x800080, 20, 0xff0000, 0x0000ff)

# Output the chart