예제 #1
def dump_font(ttf):

    (face, indexes) = FontLoader.create_cairo_font_face_for_file("../../../binaries/data/tools/fontbuilder/fonts/%s" % ttf, 0, FontLoader.FT_LOAD_DEFAULT)

    mappings = [ (c, indexes(unichr(c))) for c in range(1, 65535) ]
    print ttf,
    print ' '.join(str(c) for (c, g) in mappings if g != 0)
예제 #2
    def addMenuItem(self, itemText, itemDelegate):
        #add the actual sprite.  These are drawn automatically on the scene that's passed in.
        #there is no draw loop.
        option = spyral.Sprite(self.parentScene)
        textOption = FontLoader.GuidedText(self.parentScene, "game/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf", "Test", self.height * 1. / 8)

        #quick check if you added only 1 item.
        if(len(self.options) != 1):
            option.image = spyral.Image("game/images/logo.png")
            option.image = spyral.Image("game/images/selectedMenuItem.png")
        #recalculate the position of everything on the screen.
        option.anchor = "center"
        option.x = self.width/2
        textOption.x = self.width/2

        #fix positions.
        print("Length: " + str(self.height/2))
        curY = self.height/2 - ((len(self.options) - 1 )* self.sprites[0].height/2)

        for i in range(0, len(self.sprites)):
            print("CurY: " + str(curY))
            self.sprites[i].y = curY
            self.text[i].y = curY
            curY = curY + self.sprites[i].height + 30
class LearningDataBuilder:

    def __init__(self, fontPath, fontSize, morseSize):
        self._morseSize = morseSize
        self._fontSize = fontSize
        self._fontLoader = FontLoader(fontPath, fontSize)
        self._morseCode = {
            'A' : (0, 1),       'B' : (1, 0, 0 ,0), 'C' : (1, 0, 1, 0),
            'D' : (1, 0 ,0),    'E' : (0,),         'F' : (0, 0, 1, 0),
            'G' : (1, 1, 0),    'H' : (0, 0, 0, 0), 'I' : (0, 0),
            'J' : (0, 1, 1, 0), 'K' : (1, 0, 1),    'L' : (0, 1, 0, 0),
            'M' : (1, 1),       'N' : (1, 0),       'O' : (1, 1, 1),
            'P' : (0, 1, 1, 0), 'Q' : (1, 1, 0, 1), 'R' : (0, 1, 0),
            'S' : (0, 0, 0),    'T' : (1,),         'U' : (0, 0, 1),
            'V' : (0, 0, 0, 1), 'W' : (0, 1 ,1),    'X' : (1, 0, 0, 1),
            'Y' : (1, 0, 1, 1), 'Z' : (1, 1, 0, 0),

    def getLearningData(self):
        letters = self._fontLoader.getLetters()
        data = self._initLearningData(letters, self._morseSize)
        self._fillLearningData(data, letters)
        return data

    def _initLearningData(self, letters, morseSize):
        return LearningData(self._fontSize*self._fontSize, morseSize)

    def _fillLearningData(self, learningData, letters):
        for letter in letters:
            if letter in self._morseCode and len(self._morseCode[letter]) == self._morseSize:
                learningData.addLetter(letters[letter], self._morseCode[letter])
예제 #4
def dump_font(ttf):

    (face, indexes) = FontLoader.create_cairo_font_face_for_file(
        "../../../binaries/data/tools/fontbuilder/fonts/%s" % ttf, 0,

    mappings = [(c, indexes(unichr(c))) for c in range(1, 65535)]
    print ttf,
    print ' '.join(str(c) for (c, g) in mappings if g != 0)
 def __init__(self, fontPath, fontSize, morseSize):
     self._morseSize = morseSize
     self._fontSize = fontSize
     self._fontLoader = FontLoader(fontPath, fontSize)
     self._morseCode = {
         'A' : (0, 1),       'B' : (1, 0, 0 ,0), 'C' : (1, 0, 1, 0),
         'D' : (1, 0 ,0),    'E' : (0,),         'F' : (0, 0, 1, 0),
         'G' : (1, 1, 0),    'H' : (0, 0, 0, 0), 'I' : (0, 0),
         'J' : (0, 1, 1, 0), 'K' : (1, 0, 1),    'L' : (0, 1, 0, 0),
         'M' : (1, 1),       'N' : (1, 0),       'O' : (1, 1, 1),
         'P' : (0, 1, 1, 0), 'Q' : (1, 1, 0, 1), 'R' : (0, 1, 0),
         'S' : (0, 0, 0),    'T' : (1,),         'U' : (0, 0, 1),
         'V' : (0, 0, 0, 1), 'W' : (0, 1 ,1),    'X' : (1, 0, 0, 1),
         'Y' : (1, 0, 1, 1), 'Z' : (1, 1, 0, 0),
예제 #6
def generate_font(chars, outname, ttf, loadopts, size, renderstyle):

    (face, indexes) = FontLoader.create_cairo_font_face_for_file(ttf, 0, loadopts)

    (ctx, _) = setup_context(1, 1, face, size, renderstyle)

    (ascent, descent, linespacing, _, _) = ctx.font_extents()

    # Estimate the 'average' height of text, for vertical center alignment
    charheight = round(ctx.glyph_extents([(indexes("I"), 0.0, 0.0)])[3])

    # Translate all the characters into glyphs
    # (This is inefficient if multiple characters have the same glyph)
    glyphs = []
    for c in chars:
        idx = indexes(c)
        if ord(c) == 0xFFFD and idx == 0: # use "?" if the missing-glyph glyph is missing
            idx = indexes("?")
        if idx:
            glyphs.append(Glyph(ctx, renderstyle, c, idx))

    # Sort by decreasing height (tie-break on decreasing width)
    glyphs.sort(key = lambda g: (-g.h, -g.w))

    # Try various sizes to pack the glyphs into
    sizes = []
    for h in [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]:
        for w in [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]:
            sizes.append((w, h))
    sizes.sort(key = lambda (w, h): (w*h, max(w, h))) # prefer smaller and squarer

    for w, h in sizes:
            #packer = Packer.DumbRectanglePacker(w, h)
            packer = Packer.CygonRectanglePacker(w, h)
            for g in glyphs:
        except Packer.OutOfSpaceError:

        ctx, surface = setup_context(w, h, face, size, renderstyle)
        for g in glyphs:
        surface.write_to_png("%s.png" % outname)

        # Output the .fnt file with all the glyph positions etc
        fnt = open("%s.fnt" % outname, "w")
        fnt.write("%d %d\n" % (w, h))
        fnt.write("%s\n" % ("rgba" if "colour" in renderstyle else "a"))
        fnt.write("%d\n" % len(glyphs))
        fnt.write("%d\n" % linespacing)
        fnt.write("%d\n" % charheight)
        glyphs.sort(key = lambda g: ord(g.char))
        for g in glyphs:
            x0 = g.x0
            y0 = g.y0
            # UGLY HACK: see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1039 ;
            # to handle a-macron-acute characters without the hassle of
            # doing proper OpenType GPOS layout (which the Pagella font
            # doesn't support anyway), we'll just shift the combining acute
            # glyph by an arbitrary amount to make it roughly the right
            # place when used after an a-macron glyph.
            if ord(g.char) == 0x0301:
                y0 += charheight/3

            fnt.write("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n" % (ord(g.char), g.pos.x, h-g.pos.y, g.w, g.h, -x0, y0, g.xadvance))


    print "Failed to fit glyphs in texture"
예제 #7
def generate_font(outname, ttfNames, loadopts, size, renderstyle, dsizes):

    faceList = []
    indexList = []
    for i in range(len(ttfNames)):
        (face, indices) = FontLoader.create_cairo_font_face_for_file("../../../binaries/data/tools/fontbuilder/fonts/%s" % ttfNames[i], 0, loadopts)
        if not ttfNames[i] in dsizes:
            dsizes[ttfNames[i]] = 0

    (ctx, _) = setup_context(1, 1, renderstyle)

    # TODO this gets the line height from the default font
    # while entire texts can be in the fallback font
    ctx.set_font_size(size + dsizes[ttfNames[0]])
    (_, _, linespacing, _, _) = ctx.font_extents()

    # Estimate the 'average' height of text, for vertical center alignment
    charheight = round(ctx.glyph_extents([(indexList[0]("I"), 0.0, 0.0)])[3])

    # Translate all the characters into glyphs
    # (This is inefficient if multiple characters have the same glyph)
    glyphs = []
    #for c in chars:
    for c in range(0x20, 0xFFFD):
        for i in range(len(indexList)):
            idx = indexList[i](unichr(c))
            if c == 0xFFFD and idx == 0: # use "?" if the missing-glyph glyph is missing
                idx = indexList[i]("?")
            if idx:
                glyphs.append(Glyph(ctx, renderstyle, unichr(c), idx, faceList[i], size + dsizes[ttfNames[i]]))

    # Sort by decreasing height (tie-break on decreasing width)
    glyphs.sort(key = lambda g: (-g.h, -g.w))

    # Try various sizes to pack the glyphs into
    sizes = []
    for h in [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096]:
        sizes.append((h, h))
        sizes.append((h*2, h))
    sizes.sort(key = lambda (w, h): (w*h, max(w, h))) # prefer smaller and squarer

    for w, h in sizes:
            # Using the dump pacher usually creates bigger textures, but runs faster
            # In practice the size difference is so small it always ends up in the same size
            packer = Packer.DumbRectanglePacker(w, h)
            #packer = Packer.CygonRectanglePacker(w, h)
            for g in glyphs:
        except Packer.OutOfSpaceError:

        ctx, surface = setup_context(w, h, renderstyle)
        for g in glyphs:
        surface.write_to_png("%s.png" % outname)

        # Output the .fnt file with all the glyph positions etc
        fnt = open("%s.fnt" % outname, "w")
        fnt.write("%d %d\n" % (w, h))
        fnt.write("%s\n" % ("rgba" if "colour" in renderstyle else "a"))
        fnt.write("%d\n" % len(glyphs))
        fnt.write("%d\n" % linespacing)
        fnt.write("%d\n" % charheight)
        # sorting unneeded, as glyphs are added in increasing order
        #glyphs.sort(key = lambda g: ord(g.char))
        for g in glyphs:
            x0 = g.x0
            y0 = g.y0
            # UGLY HACK: see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1039 ;
            # to handle a-macron-acute characters without the hassle of
            # doing proper OpenType GPOS layout (which the  font
            # doesn't support anyway), we'll just shift the combining acute
            # glyph by an arbitrary amount to make it roughly the right
            # place when used after an a-macron glyph.
            if ord(g.char) == 0x0301:
                y0 += charheight/3

            fnt.write("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n" % (ord(g.char), g.pos.x, h-g.pos.y, g.w, g.h, -x0, y0, g.xadvance))


    print "Failed to fit glyphs in texture"
예제 #8
def generate_font(chars, outname, ttf, loadopts, size, renderstyle):

     indexes) = FontLoader.create_cairo_font_face_for_file(ttf, 0, loadopts)

    (ctx, _) = setup_context(1, 1, face, size, renderstyle)

    (ascent, descent, linespacing, _, _) = ctx.font_extents()

    # Estimate the 'average' height of text, for vertical center alignment
    charheight = round(ctx.glyph_extents([(indexes("I"), 0.0, 0.0)])[3])

    # Translate all the characters into glyphs
    # (This is inefficient if multiple characters have the same glyph)
    glyphs = []
    for c in chars:
        idx = indexes(c)
        if ord(
        ) == 0xFFFD and idx == 0:  # use "?" if the missing-glyph glyph is missing
            idx = indexes("?")
        if idx:
            glyphs.append(Glyph(ctx, renderstyle, c, idx))

    # Sort by decreasing height (tie-break on decreasing width)
    glyphs.sort(key=lambda g: (-g.h, -g.w))

    # Try various sizes to pack the glyphs into
    sizes = []
    for h in [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]:
        for w in [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]:
            sizes.append((w, h))
    sizes.sort(key=lambda (w, h):
               (w * h, max(w, h)))  # prefer smaller and squarer

    for w, h in sizes:
            #packer = Packer.DumbRectanglePacker(w, h)
            packer = Packer.CygonRectanglePacker(w, h)
            for g in glyphs:
        except Packer.OutOfSpaceError:

        ctx, surface = setup_context(w, h, face, size, renderstyle)
        for g in glyphs:
        surface.write_to_png("%s.png" % outname)

        # Output the .fnt file with all the glyph positions etc
        fnt = open("%s.fnt" % outname, "w")
        fnt.write("%d %d\n" % (w, h))
        fnt.write("%s\n" % ("rgba" if "colour" in renderstyle else "a"))
        fnt.write("%d\n" % len(glyphs))
        fnt.write("%d\n" % linespacing)
        fnt.write("%d\n" % charheight)
        glyphs.sort(key=lambda g: ord(g.char))
        for g in glyphs:
            x0 = g.x0
            y0 = g.y0
            # UGLY HACK: see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1039 ;
            # to handle a-macron-acute characters without the hassle of
            # doing proper OpenType GPOS layout (which the Pagella font
            # doesn't support anyway), we'll just shift the combining acute
            # glyph by an arbitrary amount to make it roughly the right
            # place when used after an a-macron glyph.
            if ord(g.char) == 0x0301:
                y0 += charheight / 3

            fnt.write("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n" % (ord(
                g.char), g.pos.x, h - g.pos.y, g.w, g.h, -x0, y0, g.xadvance))


    print "Failed to fit glyphs in texture"
예제 #9
def generate_font(outname, ttfNames, loadopts, size, renderstyle, dsizes):

    faceList = []
    indexList = []
    for i in range(len(ttfNames)):
        (face, indices) = FontLoader.create_cairo_font_face_for_file("../../../binaries/data/tools/fontbuilder/fonts/%s" % ttfNames[i], 0, loadopts)
        if not ttfNames[i] in dsizes:
            dsizes[ttfNames[i]] = 0

    (ctx, _) = setup_context(1, 1, renderstyle)

    # TODO this gets the line height from the default font
    # while entire texts can be in the fallback font
    ctx.set_font_size(size + dsizes[ttfNames[0]])
    (_, _, linespacing, _, _) = ctx.font_extents()

    # Estimate the 'average' height of text, for vertical center alignment
    charheight = round(ctx.glyph_extents([(indexList[0]("I"), 0.0, 0.0)])[3])

    # Translate all the characters into glyphs
    # (This is inefficient if multiple characters have the same glyph)
    glyphs = []
    #for c in chars:
    for c in range(0x20, 0xFFFE):
        for i in range(len(indexList)):
            idx = indexList[i](unichr(c))
            if c == 0xFFFD and idx == 0: # use "?" if the missing-glyph glyph is missing
                idx = indexList[i]("?")
            if idx:
                glyphs.append(Glyph(ctx, renderstyle, unichr(c), idx, faceList[i], size + dsizes[ttfNames[i]]))

    # Sort by decreasing height (tie-break on decreasing width)
    glyphs.sort(key = lambda g: (-g.h, -g.w))

    # Try various sizes to pack the glyphs into
    sizes = []
    for h in [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096]:
        sizes.append((h, h))
        sizes.append((h*2, h))
    sizes.sort(key = lambda (w, h): (w*h, max(w, h))) # prefer smaller and squarer

    for w, h in sizes:
            # Using the dump pacher usually creates bigger textures, but runs faster
            # In practice the size difference is so small it always ends up in the same size
            packer = Packer.DumbRectanglePacker(w, h)
            #packer = Packer.CygonRectanglePacker(w, h)
            for g in glyphs:
        except Packer.OutOfSpaceError:

        ctx, surface = setup_context(w, h, renderstyle)
        for g in glyphs:
        surface.write_to_png("%s.png" % outname)

        # Output the .fnt file with all the glyph positions etc
        fnt = open("%s.fnt" % outname, "w")
        fnt.write("%d %d\n" % (w, h))
        fnt.write("%s\n" % ("rgba" if "colour" in renderstyle else "a"))
        fnt.write("%d\n" % len(glyphs))
        fnt.write("%d\n" % linespacing)
        fnt.write("%d\n" % charheight)
        # sorting unneeded, as glyphs are added in increasing order
        #glyphs.sort(key = lambda g: ord(g.char))
        for g in glyphs:
            x0 = g.x0
            y0 = g.y0
            # UGLY HACK: see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1039 ;
            # to handle a-macron-acute characters without the hassle of
            # doing proper OpenType GPOS layout (which the  font
            # doesn't support anyway), we'll just shift the combining acute
            # glyph by an arbitrary amount to make it roughly the right
            # place when used after an a-macron glyph.
            if ord(g.char) == 0x0301:
                y0 += charheight/3

            fnt.write("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n" % (ord(g.char), g.pos.x, h-g.pos.y, g.w, g.h, -x0, y0, g.xadvance))


    print "Failed to fit glyphs in texture"