예제 #1
    def driver(self):
        result = []
        f = FrontEnd()
        json_string = f.input_receiver()
        json_list = list(f.parser(json_string))
        for i,read in enumerate(json_list):
            if len(read) == 19:
                board = read
            elif len(read) == 2:
                stone, move = read[0], read[1]
                if move == "pass":
                elif isinstance(move,list):
                    point, boards = move[0], move[1]
                    row, col = self.point_parser(point)
                    latest_board = boards[0]
                    occupied = Go_Board(latest_board).is_occupied(row,col)
                    if occupied is True:
                        result.append(GoRuleChecker(boards).sixth_resolve_history(stone, row, col))

        return json.dumps(result)
예제 #2
 def makePlayerMove(self, inputJouer, client):
     '''Impact the Server's Labi with the player input from his Labi Entry's widget'''
     nomClient = self.ClientsDico[client]
     mvt = FE.nextMvt(inputJouer)
     if mvt is not False:
         FE.move(self.Labi, nomClient, mvt)
         if len(list(self.ClientsDico.keys())) > 1:
         if self.Labi.getPlayerPos(
                 self.ClientsDico[client]) == self.Labi.Exit:
예제 #3
 def driver(self):
     output_list = []
     input = FrontEnd().getJson()
     for i,json_data in enumerate(input):
         output = self.send_and_receive(json_data)
         if output and output != "GO has gone crazy!":
         elif output == "GO has gone crazy!":
             return json.dumps(output_list)
     return json.dumps(output_list)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, mazeName):
     # creating a RunningLabiServer instance starts the Thread-Server, we never starts it manually
     self.Begun = False
     self.EndOfGame = False
     self.server = Server()
     self.ActivePlayer = ""  #contains the client socket of the active player (the player who can play his turn)
     self.Connexion = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     self.Connexion.bind((self.Host, self.Port))
     print("Server started")
     print("Please do NOT close this window")
     self._labi = FE.labi(mazeName)
예제 #5
 def fetch_config(self):
     json_string = FrontEnd().input_receiver('go.config')
     python_obj = json.loads(json_string)
     return python_obj["IP"], python_obj["port"], python_obj["default-player"]
예제 #6
	def __init__ (self):
		self.device_parameter_defaults = {
			# Device defaults.
			'comms_baud_rate': 57600,
			'timing_info_flag' : 0,
			'time_step' : 0.2,
			# Simulation defaults.
			'simulation_number_of_channels': 1,
			'simulation_peltier_power_ratio': 8.0,
			'simulation_hsk_temp_variation_active': False,
			'simulation_hsk_temp_variation_amplitude': 0.5,
			'simulation_hsk_temp_variation_period': 40.0,
			'simulation_display_hsk_temp': False,
			# Channel defaults.
			#	Logging
			'stop_logging_at_profile_end_flag' : [1, 1, 1, 1],
			'start_logging_at_profile_start_flag' : [1, 1, 1, 1],
			'logging_rate' : [1, 5, 5, 5],
			#	Plotting
			'enable_plotting_flag' : [1, 0, 0, 0],
			'plot_update_rate' : [5, 5, 5, 5],
			'plot_span' : [2000, 2000, 2000, 2000],
			#	Video
			'webcam_image_file_format': '.jpg',
			'webcam_available_dimensions' : ["320x240", "640x480", "800x600", "1280x720"],
			'webcam_default_dimensions': ["640x480", "320x240", "320x240", "320x240"],
			'log_video_split_flag' : [0, 0, 0, 0],
			#	Control
			'drive_mode' : [2, 2, 2, 2],
			'default_pid_coefficients': [{'P' : 0.0, 'I': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'power_multiplier': 1.0}, {'P' : 0.0, 'I': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'power_multiplier': 1.0}, {'P' : 0.0, 'I': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'power_multiplier': 1.0}, {'P' : 0.0, 'I': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'power_multiplier': 1.0}],
			'user_pid_coefficients_filepath': ['./calibrations/*/channel_' + str(i) + '/user_pid_coefficients.csv' for i in range(4)],
			'max_temperature_limit': [30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0],
			'min_temperature_limit': [-45.0, -45.0, -45.0, -45.0],
			'overload_fault_threshold_seconds': 10.0,
			#	Calibration:
			'tc_calibration_time_step': 0.2,
			'tc_calibration_logging_rate': 5,
			'auto_range_max_throttle': 100.0,
			'auto_range_min_cooling_rate_per_min': -1.0,
			'calibration_fit_polynomial_order': 7,
			'auto_calibration_temperature_steps': 10,
			'prt_calibration_coeffs_filepath' : ['./calibrations/*/channel_' + str(i) + '/prt_calibration_coeffs.csv' for i in range(4)],
			'tc_calibration_temp_data_filepath': ['./calibrations/*/channel_' + str(i) + '/tc_calibration_log_data_TEMP.csv' for i in range(4)],
			'tc_calibration_final_data_filepath': ['./calibrations/*/channel_' + str(i) + '/tc_calibration_log_data.csv' for i in range(4)],
			'tc_calibration_coeffs_filepath' : ['./calibrations/*/channel_' + str(i) + '/tc_calibration_coeffs.csv' for i in range(4)],
			'calibrated_temp_limits_filepath': ['./calibrations/*/channel_' + str(i) + '/calibrated_temp_limits.csv' for i in range(4)],
			#	Ramping
			'path_to_ramp_profile' : ["./ramp_profile.csv" for i in range(4)],
			'ramp_repeats' : [1, 1, 1, 1]
		self.start_up_config = StartUpConfig.StartUpConfig(self.device_parameter_defaults)
		self.action = self.start_up_config.action.get()
		if self.action == 'start':
			self.comms_baud = self.device_parameter_defaults['comms_baud_rate']
			self.comms_unique_id = self.start_up_config.device_unique_id.get()
			self.comms_port = self.start_up_config.device_port.get()
			self.num_channels = self.start_up_config.device_number_of_channels.get()
			self.video_device_id = [int(self.start_up_config.camera_id.get()), 0, 0, 0]
			self.video_enabled = [not bool(self.start_up_config.video_disabled_flag.get()), 0, 0, 0]
			self.timing_flag = self.device_parameter_defaults['timing_info_flag']
			self.time_step = self.device_parameter_defaults['time_step']
			self.plotting_enabled = self.device_parameter_defaults['enable_plotting_flag']
			self.drive_mode = self.device_parameter_defaults['drive_mode']
			if self.num_channels < 1:
				self.num_channels = 1
			elif self.num_channels > 4:
				self.num_channels = 4
			# Replace wildcards (*) in the default paths with unique device identifier.
			self.device_parameter_defaults['prt_calibration_coeffs_filepath'] = [self.device_parameter_defaults['prt_calibration_coeffs_filepath'][i].split('*')[0] + str(self.comms_unique_id) + self.device_parameter_defaults['prt_calibration_coeffs_filepath'][i].split('*')[1] for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			self.device_parameter_defaults['tc_calibration_temp_data_filepath'] = [self.device_parameter_defaults['tc_calibration_temp_data_filepath'][i].split('*')[0] + str(self.comms_unique_id) + self.device_parameter_defaults['tc_calibration_temp_data_filepath'][i].split('*')[1] for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			self.device_parameter_defaults['tc_calibration_final_data_filepath'] = [self.device_parameter_defaults['tc_calibration_final_data_filepath'][i].split('*')[0] + str(self.comms_unique_id) + self.device_parameter_defaults['tc_calibration_final_data_filepath'][i].split('*')[1] for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			self.device_parameter_defaults['tc_calibration_coeffs_filepath'] = [self.device_parameter_defaults['tc_calibration_coeffs_filepath'][i].split('*')[0] + str(self.comms_unique_id) + self.device_parameter_defaults['tc_calibration_coeffs_filepath'][i].split('*')[1] for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			self.device_parameter_defaults['calibrated_temp_limits_filepath'] = [self.device_parameter_defaults['calibrated_temp_limits_filepath'][i].split('*')[0] + str(self.comms_unique_id) + self.device_parameter_defaults['calibrated_temp_limits_filepath'][i].split('*')[1] for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			self.device_parameter_defaults['user_pid_coefficients_filepath'] = [self.device_parameter_defaults['user_pid_coefficients_filepath'][i].split('*')[0] + str(self.comms_unique_id) + self.device_parameter_defaults['user_pid_coefficients_filepath'][i].split('*')[1] for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			self.simulation_flag = (self.comms_port == 'none')
			# Create a root tkinter window, and then hide it.
			self.root_tk = tk.Tk()
			# Warn user if calibration files absent.
			self.CheckCalibrationFiles(self.num_channels, self.comms_unique_id)
			# Data queues.
			self.mq_front_to_back = [Queue() for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			self.mq_back_to_front = [Queue() for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			self.mq_back_to_vlogger = [Queue() if self.video_enabled[i] == True else None for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			# Image queue(s).
			self.mq_vlogger_to_front = [Queue() if self.video_enabled[i] == True else None for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			# Video fault multiprocessing event.
			self.event_vlogger_fault = [Event() if self.video_enabled[i] == True else None for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			# Calibration logging trigger multiprocessing event.
			self.event_back_to_front = [{'calibration_zeroed_flag': Event(), 'gradient_detect_flag': Event(), 'ramp_running_flag': Event()} for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			# Timestamp queue.
			# Spawn required video handler processes.
			self.process_vlogger = [Process(target = VideoHandler.VideoHandler, args = (i, self.simulation_flag, self.device_parameter_defaults, self.mq_back_to_vlogger[i], self.mq_vlogger_to_front[i], self.mq_timestamp[i], self.event_vlogger_fault[i], self.timing_flag, self.video_device_id[i])) for i in range(self.num_channels) if self.video_enabled[i] == True]
			for current_vlogger in self.process_vlogger:
			# Create instance(s) of the front end object and create a Tkinter variable that it can set when it/they close(s).
			# These will be polled to determine when all front end windows are closed so we can end the root window mainloop().
			self.close_action = [tk.StringVar(self.root_tk) for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			self.front_ends = [FrontEnd.FrontEnd(self, self.root_tk, self.device_parameter_defaults, self.num_channels, i, self.comms_unique_id, self.close_action[i], self.mq_front_to_back[i], self.mq_back_to_front[i], self.mq_vlogger_to_front[i], self.event_back_to_front[i], self.timing_flag, self.timing_monitor[i], self.timing_monitor_kill[i], self.mq_timestamp[i], self.time_step, self.video_enabled[i], self.plotting_enabled[i]) for i in range(self.num_channels)]
			# Setup a process to run the back end. Pass Queue()s, Event()s etc to allow inter-process communication.
			self.process_back_end = Process(target = BackEnd.BackEnd, args = (self.device_parameter_defaults, self.num_channels, self.mq_front_to_back, self.mq_back_to_front, self.mq_back_to_vlogger, self.mq_timestamp, self.event_vlogger_fault, self.event_back_to_front, self.video_enabled, self.comms_unique_id, self.time_step, self.timing_flag, self.drive_mode))
			# First call of the function that polls to check if all front end windows have been closed, then spin the root
			# Tkinter window mainloop() to generate and begin servicing the GUI elements.
			self.root_tk.mainloop()	# That's it, we're live folks!
			# When the user exits and the tkinter mainloop quits, having sent the appropriate shutdown command
			# to the back end, we wait for it and the video handler to complete, rejoin them, and finish.
			for current_vlogger in self.process_vlogger:
			print('Application closed.')
			print('Application closed.')
예제 #7
        elif command_or_query[0] == "place":
            return board_obj.place(command_or_query[1], row, col)
        elif command_or_query[0] == "remove":
            return board_obj.remove(command_or_query[1], row, col)
        elif command_or_query[0] == "get-points":
            return board_obj.get_points(command_or_query[1])

    def question(self, list_of_list):
        result = []
        for index, el_list in enumerate(list_of_list):
            board = el_list[0]
            command_or_query = el_list[1]
            if command_or_query[0] not in ("occupied?", "occupies?",
                                           "reachable?", "place", "remove",
                raise TypeError("Please type valid query or command")
            row, col = self.extract_coordinate(board, command_or_query)
                self.answer_command_query(board, command_or_query, row, col))
        return json.dumps(result)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = FrontEnd()
    json_string = f.input_receiver()
    json_list = list(f.parser(json_string))

    go_board = Go_Board()

예제 #8
from FrontEnd import *
from DPLL import *
from BackEnd import *

FrontEnd('Sample.txt', 'Input For DPLL.txt', 'Table.txt')

dp('Input For DPLL.txt', 'Input For Backend.txt')

Input = 'Input For Backend.txt'
Table = 'Table.txt'
backend(Input, Table)