def AutoCheckTest(IncidentLight,Plane,ReflectedLight,TrasmittedLight,n1,n2): #'use the Reflectedlight to calculate the Incidentlight' r2 = np.array([0,0,0]) r2 = Fun.CaRDir(ReflectedLight,Plane) #'use the Trasmitted light to calculate the Incidentlight' t2 = np.array([0,0,0]) t2 = Fun.CaTdir(TrasmittedLight,Plane,n2,n1) if abs(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(IncidentLight.dn,r2))) <= 0.1: print('yes') else: print('--------> R false for this point:--------<') IncidentLight.displayLight() print(r2) return False if abs(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(IncidentLight.dn,t2))) <= 0.1: print('ok') else: print('--------> T false for this point:--------<') IncidentLight.displayLight() print('n1 : n2') print(n1,n2) print(t2) return False return True
def test1(): a = Fun.Light() # a is Incident light b = Fun.Plane() # b is the Plane #The input of Function[-1, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0])[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]) n1 = math.sqrt(2) n2 = 1 #The output should be r1 = (Fun.CaRDir(a, b) == Fun.Normalized(np.array([1, 1, 0]))).all() r2 = (Fun.CaPoint(a, b) == np.array([0, 0, 0])).all() r3 = (Fun.CaTdir(a, b, n1, n2) == Fun.Normalized(np.array([0, 0, 0]))).all() assert r1 & r2 & r3
#'use the Test Case we set by hand' (a,b,n1,n2) = TS.InputLightPlane13() #'' if Fun.JudgeCrossPoint(a,b): # calculate the reflected light and print the point and vector,b),Fun.CaRDir(a,b)) print('The point and direction of the reflected light is:') r.displayLight() #'first judge if the total reflection will happen, Ture is not happen, and False is happen' if Fun.JudgeTotalReflection(a,b,n1,n2): # calculate the transmitted light and print the point and vector,b),Fun.CaTdir(a,b,n1,n2)) print('The point and direction of the transmitted(refractedlight) light is:') t.displayLight() # if we will test or not, # and we assume you dont want to see the figure, 100 figure is troublesome if Autotest == True: WriteN = TIS.AutoCheckTest(a,b,r,t,n1,n2) if WriteN: print('ok',file= f) else: print('wrong',file= f) else: # Display the picture of the lights and plane DisWP.DisplayWholeProcess(a,r,t,b) else: