예제 #1
 def getFAdj(self):
     lSRV_C, lSEV = self.dIA['dVDep']['lSRV_C'], self.dIA['dVDep']['lSEV']
     dFAdj = {}
     for cVar in lSRV_C:
         # list of adjustment factors (lFA) for cur. response v.
         # contains elements for all explanatory v.
         lFA = Fkt.getLFAdj(lSEV, cVar, self.dTpAdj, self.dMMAdj, self.vDir,
                            vUz, self.cAnRZ, self.pKR, self.lenZ, self.ageZ,
                            self.ageB, self.sDirN, self.cM)
         # list of according weights, as defined in dITp
         lWts = [self.dITp['dCtWt'][cVar][cSEV] for cSEV in lSEV]
         dFAdj[cVar] = Fkt.weightedGeoMean(lFA, lWts)
     return dFAdj