def main(_): print('Configurations:') print(FLAGS) log_dir = FLAGS.model_dir if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) path_prefix = log_dir + "/G2S.{}".format(FLAGS.suffix) log_file_path = path_prefix + ".log" print('Log file path: {}'.format(log_file_path)) log_file = open(log_file_path, 'wt') log_file.write("{}\n".format(FLAGS)) log_file.flush() # save configuration namespace_utils.save_namespace(FLAGS, path_prefix + ".config.json") train_files = FLAGS.train_path.split(',') trainset = [] max_node = 0 max_in_neigh = 0 max_out_neigh = 0 max_sent = 0 for file in train_files: print(file) if file.split('.')[-1] == 'json': print('Loading train amr set.') trainset_amr, trn_node, trn_in_neigh, trn_out_neigh, trn_sent = G2S_data_stream.read_amr_file( file) print('Number of training samples: {}'.format(len(trainset_amr))) trainset += list(trainset_amr) max_node = max(max_node, trn_node) max_in_neigh = max(max_in_neigh, trn_in_neigh) max_out_neigh = max(max_out_neigh, trn_out_neigh) max_sent = max(max_sent, trn_sent) elif file.split('.')[-1] == 'xml': print('Loading train rdf set.') trainset_rdf, trn_node, trn_in_neigh, trn_out_neigh, trn_sent = G2S_data_stream.read_rdf_file( file) print('Number of training samples: {}'.format(len(trainset_rdf))) trainset += list(trainset_rdf) max_node = max(max_node, trn_node) max_in_neigh = max(max_in_neigh, trn_in_neigh) max_out_neigh = max(max_out_neigh, trn_out_neigh) max_sent = max(max_sent, trn_sent) else: trainset_tmp, trn_node, trn_in_neigh, trn_out_neigh, trn_sent = ( None, 0, 0, 0, 0) random.shuffle(trainset) dev_files = FLAGS.test_path.split(',') devset = [] for file in dev_files: print(file) if file.split('.')[-1] == 'json': print('Loading dev amr set.') devset_amr, tst_node, tst_in_neigh, tst_out_neigh, tst_sent = G2S_data_stream.read_amr_file( file) print('Number of dev samples: {}'.format(len(devset_amr))) devset += list(devset_amr) max_node = max(max_node, tst_node) max_in_neigh = max(max_in_neigh, tst_in_neigh) max_out_neigh = max(max_out_neigh, tst_out_neigh) max_sent = max(max_sent, tst_sent) elif file.split('.')[-1] == 'xml': print('Loading dev rdf set.') devset_rdf, tst_node, tst_in_neigh, tst_out_neigh, tst_sent = G2S_data_stream.read_rdf_file( file) print('Number of dev samples: {}'.format(len(devset_rdf))) devset += list(devset_rdf) max_node = max(max_node, tst_node) max_in_neigh = max(max_in_neigh, tst_in_neigh) max_out_neigh = max(max_out_neigh, tst_out_neigh) max_sent = max(max_sent, tst_sent) else: devset_tmp, trn_node, trn_in_neigh, trn_out_neigh, trn_sent = ( None, 0, 0, 0, 0) random.shuffle(devset) if FLAGS.finetune_path != "": fintune_files = FLAGS.finetune_path.split(',') ftset = [] for file in fintune_files: print(file) if file.split('.')[-1] == 'json': print('Loading finetune amr set.') ftset_amr, ft_node, ft_in_neigh, ft_out_neigh, ft_sent = G2S_data_stream.read_amr_file( file) print('Number of finetune samples: {}'.format(len(ftset_amr))) ftset += list(ftset_amr) max_node = max(max_node, ft_node) max_in_neigh = max(max_in_neigh, ft_in_neigh) max_out_neigh = max(max_out_neigh, ft_out_neigh) max_sent = max(max_sent, ft_sent) elif file.split('.')[-1] == 'xml': print('Loading finetune rdf set.') ftset_rdf, ft_node, ft_in_neigh, ft_out_neigh, ft_sent = G2S_data_stream.read_rdf_file( file) print('Number of finetune samples: {}'.format(len(ftset_rdf))) ftset += list(ftset_rdf) max_node = max(max_node, ft_node) max_in_neigh = max(max_in_neigh, ft_in_neigh) max_out_neigh = max(max_out_neigh, ft_out_neigh) max_sent = max(max_sent, ft_sent) else: ftset_tmp, trn_node, trn_in_neigh, trn_out_neigh, trn_sent = ( None, 0, 0, 0, 0) random.shuffle(ftset) print('Max node number: {}, while max allowed is {}'.format( max_node, FLAGS.max_node_num)) print('Max parent number: {}, truncated to {}'.format( max_in_neigh, FLAGS.max_in_neigh_num)) print('Max children number: {}, truncated to {}'.format( max_out_neigh, FLAGS.max_out_neigh_num)) print('Max answer length: {}, truncated to {}'.format( max_sent, FLAGS.max_answer_len)) word_vocab = None char_vocab = None POS_vocab = None edgelabel_vocab = None has_pretrained_model = False best_path = path_prefix + ".best.model" if os.path.exists(best_path + ".index"): has_pretrained_model = True print('!!Existing pretrained model. Loading vocabs.') word_vocab = Vocab(FLAGS.word_vec_path, fileformat='txt2') print('word_vocab: {}'.format(word_vocab.word_vecs.shape)) char_vocab = None if FLAGS.with_char: char_vocab = Vocab(path_prefix + ".char_vocab", fileformat='txt2') print('char_vocab: {}'.format(char_vocab.word_vecs.shape)) edgelabel_vocab = Vocab(path_prefix + ".edgelabel_vocab", fileformat='txt2') POS_vocab = Vocab(path_prefix + ".POS_vocab", fileformat='txt2') else: print('Collecting vocabs.') (allWords, allChars, allEdgelabels) = G2S_data_stream.collect_vocabs(trainset) print('Number of words: {}'.format(len(allWords))) print('Number of allChars: {}'.format(len(allChars))) print('Number of allEdgelabels: {}'.format(len(allEdgelabels))) word_vocab = Vocab(FLAGS.word_vec_path, fileformat='txt2') char_vocab = None if FLAGS.with_char: char_vocab = Vocab(voc=allChars, dim=FLAGS.char_dim, fileformat='build') char_vocab.dump_to_txt2(path_prefix + ".char_vocab") edgelabel_vocab = Vocab(voc=allEdgelabels, dim=FLAGS.edgelabel_dim, fileformat='build') edgelabel_vocab.dump_to_txt2(path_prefix + ".edgelabel_vocab") POS_vocab = Vocab(voc=['amr', 'rdf'], dim=FLAGS.POS_dim, fileformat='build') POS_vocab.dump_to_txt2(path_prefix + ".POS_vocab") print('word vocab size {}'.format(word_vocab.vocab_size)) sys.stdout.flush() print('Build DataStream ... ') trainDataStream = G2S_data_stream.G2SDataStream(trainset, word_vocab, char_vocab, edgelabel_vocab, POS_vocab, options=FLAGS, isShuffle=True, isLoop=True, isSort=True) devDataStream = G2S_data_stream.G2SDataStream(devset, word_vocab, char_vocab, edgelabel_vocab, POS_vocab, options=FLAGS, isShuffle=False, isLoop=False, isSort=True) print('Number of instances in trainDataStream: {}'.format( trainDataStream.get_num_instance())) print('Number of instances in devDataStream: {}'.format( devDataStream.get_num_instance())) print('Number of batches in trainDataStream: {}'.format( trainDataStream.get_num_batch())) print('Number of batches in devDataStream: {}'.format( devDataStream.get_num_batch())) if ftset != None: ftDataStream = G2S_data_stream.G2SDataStream(ftset, word_vocab, char_vocab, edgelabel_vocab, POS_vocab, options=FLAGS, isShuffle=True, isLoop=True, isSort=True) print('Number of instances in ftDataStream: {}'.format( ftDataStream.get_num_instance())) print('Number of batches in ftDataStream: {}'.format( ftDataStream.get_num_batch())) sys.stdout.flush() # initialize the best bleu and accu scores for current training session best_accu = FLAGS.best_accu if FLAGS.__dict__.has_key('best_accu') else 0.0 best_bleu = FLAGS.best_bleu if FLAGS.__dict__.has_key('best_bleu') else 0.0 if best_accu > 0.0: print('With initial dev accuracy {}'.format(best_accu)) if best_bleu > 0.0: print('With initial dev BLEU score {}'.format(best_bleu)) init_scale = 0.01 with tf.Graph().as_default(): initializer = tf.random_uniform_initializer(-init_scale, init_scale) with tf.name_scope("Train"): with tf.variable_scope("Model", reuse=None, initializer=initializer): train_graph = ModelGraph(word_vocab=word_vocab, Edgelabel_vocab=edgelabel_vocab, char_vocab=char_vocab, POS_vocab=POS_vocab, options=FLAGS, mode=FLAGS.mode) assert FLAGS.mode in ( 'ce_train', 'rl_train', ) valid_mode = 'evaluate' if FLAGS.mode == 'ce_train' else 'evaluate_bleu' with tf.name_scope("Valid"): with tf.variable_scope("Model", reuse=True, initializer=initializer): valid_graph = ModelGraph(word_vocab=word_vocab, Edgelabel_vocab=edgelabel_vocab, char_vocab=char_vocab, POS_vocab=POS_vocab, options=FLAGS, mode=valid_mode) initializer = tf.global_variables_initializer() vars_ = {} for var in tf.all_variables(): if FLAGS.fix_word_vec and "word_embedding" in continue if not"Model"): continue vars_[":")[0]] = var print(var) saver = tf.train.Saver(vars_) sess = tf.Session() if has_pretrained_model: print("Restoring model from " + best_path) saver.restore(sess, best_path) print("DONE!") if FLAGS.mode == 'rl_train' and abs(best_bleu) < 0.00001: print("Getting BLEU score for the model") sys.stdout.flush() best_bleu = evaluate(sess, valid_graph, devDataStream, options=FLAGS)['dev_bleu'] FLAGS.best_bleu = best_bleu namespace_utils.save_namespace(FLAGS, path_prefix + ".config.json") print('BLEU = %.4f' % best_bleu) sys.stdout.flush() log_file.write('BLEU = %.4f\n' % best_bleu) if FLAGS.mode == 'ce_train' and abs(best_accu) < 0.00001: print("Getting ACCU score for the model") best_accu = evaluate(sess, valid_graph, devDataStream, options=FLAGS)['dev_accu'] FLAGS.best_accu = best_accu namespace_utils.save_namespace(FLAGS, path_prefix + ".config.json") print('ACCU = %.4f' % best_accu) log_file.write('ACCU = %.4f\n' % best_accu) print('Start the training loop.') train_size = trainDataStream.get_num_batch() max_steps = train_size * FLAGS.max_epochs total_loss = 0.0 start_time = time.time() for step in xrange(max_steps): cur_batch = trainDataStream.nextBatch() if FLAGS.mode == 'rl_train': loss_value = train_graph.run_rl_training_subsample( sess, cur_batch, FLAGS) elif FLAGS.mode == 'ce_train': loss_value = train_graph.run_ce_training( sess, cur_batch, FLAGS) total_loss += loss_value if step % 100 == 0: print('{} '.format(step), end="") sys.stdout.flush() # Save a checkpoint and evaluate the model periodically. if (step + 1) % trainDataStream.get_num_batch() == 0 or (step + 1) == max_steps or \ (trainDataStream.get_num_batch() > 10000 and (step+1)%2000 == 0): print() duration = time.time() - start_time print('Step %d: loss = %.2f (%.3f sec)' % (step, total_loss, duration)) log_file.write('Step %d: loss = %.2f (%.3f sec)\n' % (step, total_loss, duration)) log_file.flush() sys.stdout.flush() total_loss = 0.0 if ftset != None: best_accu, best_bleu = fine_tune(sess, saver, FLAGS, log_file, ftDataStream, devDataStream, train_graph, valid_graph, path_prefix, best_accu, best_bleu) else: best_accu, best_bleu = validate_and_save( sess, saver, FLAGS, log_file, devDataStream, valid_graph, path_prefix, best_accu, best_bleu) start_time = time.time() log_file.close()
POS_vocab = Vocab(model_prefix + ".POS_vocab", fileformat='txt2') print('POS_vocab: {}'.format(POS_vocab.word_vecs.shape)) edgelabel_vocab = Vocab(model_prefix + ".edgelabel_vocab", fileformat='txt2') print('edgelabel_vocab: {}'.format(edgelabel_vocab.word_vecs.shape)) char_vocab = None if FLAGS.with_char: char_vocab = Vocab(model_prefix + ".char_vocab", fileformat='txt2') print('char_vocab: {}'.format(char_vocab.word_vecs.shape)) if graph_cate == "amr": print('Loading amr test set from {}.'.format(in_path)) testset, _, _, _, _ = G2S_data_stream.read_amr_file(in_path) print('Number of samples: {}'.format(len(testset))) elif graph_cate == "rdf": print('Loading rdf test set from {}.'.format(in_path)) testset, _, _, _, _ = G2S_data_stream.read_rdf_file(in_path,mode='test') print('Number of samples: {}'.format(len(testset))) else: testset = None print('Build DataStream ... ') batch_size=-1 if mode not in ('pointwise', 'multinomial', 'greedy', 'greedy_evaluate', ): batch_size = 1 devDataStream = G2S_data_stream.G2SDataStream(testset, word_vocab, char_vocab, edgelabel_vocab, POS_vocab, options=FLAGS, isShuffle=False, isLoop=False, isSort=False, batch_size=batch_size) print('Number of instances in testDataStream: {}'.format(devDataStream.get_num_instance())) print('Number of batches in testDataStream: {}'.format(devDataStream.get_num_batch())) best_path = model_prefix + ".best.model"