def GetNonStdSubgroupsmag(SGData, kvec,star=False,landau=False,maximal=False): '''Run Bilboa's k-Subgroupsmag for a non-standard space group. This requires doing a post to the Bilboa site, which returns all magnetic subgroups of the entered subgroup as the text of a web page with a table containing the BNS magnetic space group symbol, the transformation matrix and index for each subgroup. :params list kvec: propogation vector as a list of three numbers :params SGData: space group object (see :ref:`Space Group object<SGData_table>`) :returns: (error,text) error: if True no error or False; where text containts a possible web page text ''' print(''' For use of k-SUBGROUPSMAG, please cite: Symmetry-Based Computational Tools for Magnetic Crystallography, J.M. Perez-Mato, S.V. Gallego, E.S. Tasci, L. Elcoro, G. de la Flor, and M.I. Aroyo Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 2015. 45,217-48. doi: 10.1146/annurev-matsci-070214-021008 ''') starmag = 'no' if star: starmag = 'yes' land = 'no' if landau: land = 'yes' celtodas = 'no' limite = 'spgroup' if maximal: limite = 'maximal' postdict = {'centrosymmetry':'0','crystalsystem':'0','landau':land, 'eleccion':'subgrmag1_k','inicio':'nostandard','celtodas':celtodas, 'limite':limite,'list':'Submit','listado':'lista','starmagnetica':starmag, 'pointgroup':'0','polarity':'0','sub':'1.1', 'super':'','tipog':'gmag','wyckoffstrain':''} text,table = G2spc.SGPrint(SGData) OpList = G2spc.TextOps(text,table,reverse=True) # GenList = G2spc.TextGen(SGData,reverse=True) for item in OpList: item += '\n' sym = "" for i in OpList: if sym: sym += '\n' #if sym: sym += ' ' # use this for testing to generate an error in place of previous sym += i.lower() postdict['generators'] = sym for j in [1,2,3]: if kvec[3*j-3] == ' ': break for i,k in zip(('x','y','z'),kvec[3*j-3:3*j]): postdict['km%d%s'%(j,i)] = k try: r =,postdict) except: #ConnectionError? page = '' print('connection error - not on internet') return None,None if r.status_code == 200: print('request OK') page = r.text page = page.replace('<font style= "text-decoration: overline;">','<font>-') else: page = '' print('request failed. Reason=',r.reason) return None,None r.close() p = TableParser() p.feed(page) nItms = len(p.MVs) result = list(zip(p.SPGPs,p.BNSs,p.MVs,range(nItms),nItms*[[],],nItms*['[]',])) return result,range(nItms)
def GetNonStdSubgroups(SGData, kvec,star=False,landau=False,maximal=False): '''Run Bilboa's SUBGROUPS for a non-standard space group. This requires doing a post to the Bilboa site, which returns all subgroups of the entered space group as the text of a web page with a table containing the space group symbol, the transformation matrix and index for each subgroup. :params list kvec: propogation vector as a list of nine string fractions or blank :params SGData: space group object (see :ref:`Space Group object<SGData_table>`) :returns: (error,text) error: if True no error or False; where text containts a possible web page text ''' print(''' For use of SUBGROUPS, please cite: Symmetry-Based Computational Tools for Magnetic Crystallography, J.M. Perez-Mato, S.V. Gallego, E.S. Tasci, L. Elcoro, G. de la Flor, and M.I. Aroyo Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 2015. 45,217-48. doi: 10.1146/annurev-matsci-070214-021008 ''') def getSpGrp(item): return item.replace('<i>','').replace('</i>','').replace('<sub>','').replace('</sub>','') def getMatVec(item): return item.replace('{','[').replace('}',']') starmag = 'no' if star: starmag = 'yes' land = 'no' if landau: land = 'yes' celtodas = 'no' limite = 'spgroup' if maximal: limite = 'maximal' postdict = {'centrosymmetry':'0','crystalsystem':'0','landau':land, 'eleccion':'subgrmag1_k','inicio':'nostandard','celtodas':celtodas, 'limite':limite,'list':'Submit','listado':'lista','starmagnetica':starmag, 'pointgroup':'0','polarity':'0','sub':'1', 'super':'','tipog':'gesp','wyckoffstrain':''} text,table = G2spc.SGPrint(SGData) OpList = G2spc.TextOps(text,table,reverse=True) # GenList = G2spc.TextGen(SGData,reverse=True) for item in OpList: item += '\n' sym = "" for i in OpList: if sym: sym += '\n' #if sym: sym += ' ' # use this for testing to generate an error in place of previous sym += i.lower() postdict['generators'] = sym for j in [1,2,3]: if kvec[3*j-3] == ' ': break for i,k in zip(('x','y','z'),kvec[3*j-3:3*j]): postdict['knm%d%s'%(j,i)] = k page = G2IO.postURL(submagSite,postdict) if not page: print('connection error - not on internet?') return None,None page = page.replace('<font style= "text-decoration: overline;">','<font>-') result = page.replace('&','\n') result = result.split('\n') SPGPs = [] MVs = [] baseList = [] itemList = [] superList = [] altList = [] start = 0 for line in result: #work around bug report from Bilbao start += 1 if 'yesz' in line: break for line in result[start:]: if 'GGG' in line: lines = line.split('GGG') line = lines[0] alts = [] beg = True for sline in lines: items = sline.split('z') gid = int(items[0]) if beg: baseList.append(gid) beg = False alts.append(gid) itemList.append(gid) superList.append(getMatVec(items[7])) SPGPs.append(getSpGrp(items[4])) MVs.append([getMatVec(items[5]),getMatVec(items[6])]) altList.append(alts) for sline in lines[1:]: altList.append([]) else: items = line.split('z') gid = int(items[0]) altList.append([gid,]) baseList.append(gid) itemList.append(gid) superList.append(getMatVec(items[7])) SPGPs.append(getSpGrp(items[4])) MVs.append([getMatVec(items[5]),getMatVec(items[6])]) result = list(zip(SPGPs,MVs,itemList,altList,superList)) return result,baseList