예제 #1
 def testTelescope2(self):
     # import matplotlib
     # matplotlib.use('AGG')
     # import matplotlib.mlab as ml
     # import pylab as pl
     # import time
     w0 = 1.0
     k = 1000 * 2 * np.pi / 1.064
     gb = GaussianBeam(w0, k)
     lens = ThinLens(50, 50)
     gb2 = lens * gb
     # self.assertAlmostEqual(gb2._z0, gb._z0 + 2*151.0)
     lens2 = ThinLens(100, 160)
     gb3 = lens2 * gb2
     # self.assertAlmostEqual(gb3._z0, gb2._z0 + 2*300.0)
     # self.assertAlmostEqual(gb._w0, gb3._w0/2.0)
     lens3 = ThinLens(18.58, 380)
     gb4 = lens3 * gb3
     z = np.arange(0, 50)
     z2 = np.arange(50, 160)
     z3 = np.arange(160, 380)
     z4 = np.arange(380, 450)
     pl.plot(z, gb.w(z, k), "g", z2, gb2.w(z2, k), "g", z3, gb3.w(z3, k), "g", z4, gb4.w(z4, k), "g")
     # pl.grid()
     w_0 = min(gb4.w(z4, k))
     z_0 = [i for i, x in enumerate(gb4.w(z4, k)) if x == w_0]
     pl.title("Example of brilliant optical design!" + "w_0 = " + str(w_0) + " z_0 = " + str(z_0[0] + 380))
예제 #2
 def testTelescope(self):
     import matplotlib
     import matplotlib.mlab as ml
     import pylab as pl
     import time        
     w0 = 8.0
     k = 2*np.pi/3.0
     gb = GaussianBeam(w0, k)
     lens = ThinLens(150, 150)
     gb2 = lens*gb
     self.assertAlmostEqual(gb2._z0, gb._z0 + 2*150.0)
     lens2 = ThinLens(300, 600)
     gb3 = lens2*gb2
     self.assertAlmostEqual(gb3._z0, gb2._z0 + 2*300.0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(gb._w0, gb3._w0/2.0)
     z = np.arange(0, 150)
     z2 = np.arange(150, 600)
     z3 = np.arange(600, 900)
     pl.plot(z, gb.w(z, k), z2, gb2.w(z2, k), z3, gb3.w(z3, k))
예제 #3
def width_plot():
    # This function creates a plot of the beam width through the lens system
    if wavelength.get() and power.get() and div.get() and dist.get() and foc.get() and z.get():
        beam = GaussianBeam.GaussianBeam(float(wavelength.get())*1e-9, float(power.get())*1e-3, float(div.get()), 0)
        distances = list(map(float, dist.get().split(',')))
        focal_lengths = list(map(float, foc.get().split(',')))
        beam.thinLensPlot(distances, focal_lengths, 0, float(z.get()))
예제 #4
 def testClasses(self):
     w0 = 8.0
     lam = 3.0
     k = 2*np.pi/lam
     zc = confocalDistance(w0, k)
     z = np.array([0, zc])
     q = complexBeamParameter(zc, z)        
     #print "Testing GaussianBeam class"
     gb = GaussianBeam(beamWaist(q[0], k), k)
     (R,Z)= pl.meshgrid(np.arange(-24,24), np.arange(0,100))
     #if not dryTest: pl.figure(); pl.imshow(abs(gb.field(R, Z)))
     d = 10.0
     q = gb.q(0)
     abcd = np.matrix([[1, d],[0, 1]], dtype=float)
     qo = abcd*q
     self.assertEqual(qo, gb.q(d))
     #print "Testing ParaxialElement class"
     el = ParaxialElement(abcd, 0)
     gb2 = el*gb
     #print gb2.q(0)
     #print gb.q(d)
     self.assertEqual(gb2.q(0), gb.q(d))
예제 #5
def intensity_plot():
    # This function creates a plot of the intensity at the specified distance through the system
    if wavelength.get() and power.get() and div.get() and dist.get() and foc.get() and z.get():
        beam = GaussianBeam.GaussianBeam(float(wavelength.get())*1e-9, float(power.get())*1e-3, float(div.get()))
        distances = list(map(float, dist.get().split(',')))
        focal_lengths = list(map(float, foc.get().split(',')))
        if xw.get() and not yw.get():
            beam.lensSystemIntensity(distances, focal_lengths, float(z.get()), xw=float(xw.get())/100)
        elif not xw.get() and yw.get():
            beam.lensSystemIntensity(distances, focal_lengths, float(z.get()), yw=float(yw.get())/100)
        elif xw.get() and yw.get():
            beam.lensSystemIntensity(distances, focal_lengths, float(z.get()), xw=float(xw.get())/100, yw=float(yw.get())/100)
            beam.lensSystemIntensity(distances, focal_lengths, float(z.get()))
예제 #6
def update():
    # This function updates the labels to give the user the parameters
    if wavelength.get() and power.get() and div.get() and dist.get() and foc.get() and z.get():
        beam = GaussianBeam.GaussianBeam(float(wavelength.get())*1e-9, float(power.get())*1e-3, float(div.get()), 0)
        distances = list(map(float, dist.get().split(',')))
        focal_lengths = list(map(float, foc.get().split(',')))
        width = beam.thinLensFunction(distances, focal_lengths)(float(z.get()))
        for i in range(len(distances)):
            beam = beam.thinLens(distances[i], focal_lengths[i])
        angle = beam.divergence
        PR = beam.squareAperturePower(float(z.get()), float(xw.get())/100, float(yw.get())/100)
        W.set('Beam Diameter: ' + np.format_float_scientific(200*width, 3) + ' cm')
        theta.set('Beam Divergence: ' + np.format_float_scientific(angle, 3) + ' degrees')
        power_R.set('Power Recieved: ' + np.format_float_scientific(1000*PR, 3) + ' mW')
예제 #7
 def setUp(self):
     self.gb = GaussianBeam((8.0, -50.0), 2*np.pi/3.0)
예제 #8

AtomicDen_RingVec = np.vectorize(AtomicDen_Ring)

# %%  Derived Values  #########################################################
k = 2 * np.pi * 10**(3) / lamda  # Wave number [um-1]

# %%  Input Field: Point Object Field #########################################
# Define Array ================================================================
ROI_rad = 1.5 * max(w0, Rad_airy)  # radius of ROI, defines small ROI [um]
x = np.linspace(-ROI_rad, ROI_rad, Nx)
y = np.linspace(-ROI_rad, ROI_rad, Ny)
[X1, Y1] = np.meshgrid(x, y)
R1 = np.sqrt(X1**2 + Y1**2)
# Generating Data =============================================================
E1 = GB.PointSourceVec(1, R1[:, :], 0, w0, k)
I1 = GB.BeamInt(E1, P)
# Generating the PSF, ASF = sqrt(PSF) and generating the Image ================
ASF = OE.ASF(X1, Y1, Rad_airy, kind='airy')

def func(x):
    return np.sum(OE.ImageViaPSF(X1, Y1, E1, ASF, norm=x)) - np.sum(I1)

norm = optimize.fsolve(func, 1 / np.sum(ASF))
I1_blur = OE.ImageViaPSF(X1, Y1, E1, ASF, norm=norm)

figure = plotAll3(11, X1, Y1, I1, (norm * ASF), I1_blur, ROI_rad, 1, 1, NA=NA)
cwd = os.getcwd()
예제 #9
P = 350  # Total power in beam[mW]
PP_offset = 0  # Vertical shift of the phase plate[mm]
PP_tilt = 0  # Phase plate [degrees]
# focal lengths of Cylindrical lenses #########################################
f_cyX1 = 600  # Focal length of first lens [mm]                                  # Focal length of second lens [mm]
f_cyY1 = 40  # Focal length of first lens [mm]
f_cyY2 = 600  # Focal length of second lens [mm]
f_sph = 400  # Focal length of second lens [mm]
# Array Parameters ############################################################
Nx = 2**7
Ny = 2**7
Nz = 5

# %% Derived Values ###########################################################
k = 2 * np.pi * 10**(3) / lamda  # wave number [um-1]
zmin = -4 * GB.RayleighLength(k, w0)
zmax = 4 * GB.RayleighLength(k, w0)
x = np.linspace(-10 * w0, 10 * w0, Nx)
y = np.linspace(-10 * w0, 10 * w0, Ny)
z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, Nz)
[X, Y, Z] = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)
R = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
THETA = np.arctan2(Y, X)

# %% Common Functions ##############################################

def plotGaussianBeam(num, X, Y, I, I_fit, params, alpha_X, alpha_Y):
    # Plot a gaussian beam
    # Inputs:
    #   num: figure number
예제 #10
f1 = +300  # Focal length of first lens [mm]
Ap_rad = 1  # radius of aperture [mm]
f2 = +300  # Focal length of second lens [mm]
sigma = 3 * (589 * 10**-9)**2 / (
    2 * np.pi) * 10**12  # Absorption cross section [um^2]
# Atomic Distribution Properties ==============================================
RingRad = 100  # Radius of atomic ring [um]
RingThk = 20  # Radius of atomic ring [um]
N = 100e+3  # Number of atoms
# Array Parameters ============================================================
Nx = 2**8  # No. of point in X
Ny = 2**8  # No. of point in Y
Nz = 5  # No. of point in Z
# %% Derived Values ###########################################################
k = 2 * np.pi * 10**(3) / lamda  # Wave number [um-1]
zmin = -4 * GB.RayleighLength(k, w0)  # Min Z value [um]
zmax = 4 * GB.RayleighLength(k, w0)  # Max Z value [um]
# Larger Array ==============================================================
ROI_rad_L = 50  # radius of ROI, defines small ROI [mm]
x = np.linspace(-10 * w0, 10 * w0, Nx)
y = np.linspace(-10 * w0, 10 * w0, Ny)
z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, Nz)
[X_L, Y_L, Z_L] = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)
R_L = np.sqrt(X_L**2 + Y_L**2)
THETA_L = np.arctan2(Y_L, X_L)
# Smaller Array ===============================================================
ROI_rad_S = 500  # radius of ROI, defines small ROI [um]
x = np.linspace(-ROI_rad_S, ROI_rad_S, Nx)
y = np.linspace(-ROI_rad_S, ROI_rad_S, Ny)
z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, Nz)
[X_S, Y_S, Z_S] = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)
예제 #11
def testTelescope2(lamda, lamdared, d, dred, L, DM, f1, f2, l, fred, finfra, index, nr):
    # import matplotlib
    # matplotlib.use('AGG')
    # import matplotlib.mlab as ml
    # import pylab as pl
    # import time
    w0 = d / 2
    w0_red = dred / 2
    k = 1000000 * 2 * np.pi / lamda
    kred = 1000000 * 2 * np.pi / lamdared
    gb = GaussianBeam(w0, k)
    gbred = GaussianBeam(w0_red, kred)
    lens = ThinLens(f1, 10)
    gb2 = lens * gb
    # self.assertAlmostEqual(gb2._z0, gb._z0 + 2*151.0)
    lens2 = ThinLens(f2, f1 + f2 + l + 10)
    gb3 = lens2 * gb2
    # self.assertAlmostEqual(gb3._z0, gb2._z0 + 2*300.0)
    # self.assertAlmostEqual(gb._w0, gb3._w0/2.0)
    lens3 = ThinLens(finfra, L)
    lensred = ThinLens(fred, L)
    gb4 = lens3 * gb3
    gbred2 = lensred * gbred
    z = np.arange(0, 10)
    z2 = np.arange(10, f1 + f2 + l + 10)
    z3 = np.arange(f1 + f2 + l + 10, L)
    z4 = np.arange(L, L * 1.2, 0.01)
    zred = np.arange(0, L)
    zred2 = np.arange(L, L * 1.2, 0.01)

    zl = np.array([10, f1 + f2 + l + 10, DM, L])
    ffinfrared = np.array([f1, f2, float("inf"), finfra])

    names = ["L1", "L2", "DM", "IL"]
    for i in range(np.size(zl)):
        add_lens(zl[i], ffinfrared[i], w0_red * 1.1, L, names[i], 0.4)  # "L"+str(i))

    for i in range(nr + 1):
        factor = i * 1.0 / nr
            gb.w(z, k) * factor,
            gb2.w(z2, k) * factor,
            gb3.w(z3, k) * factor,
            gb4.w(z4, k) * factor,
            -gb.w(z, k) * factor,
            -gb2.w(z2, k) * factor,
            -gb3.w(z3, k) * factor,
            -gb4.w(z4, k) * factor,
        pl.plot(zred, gbred.w(zred, kred) * factor, "r", zred2, gbred2.w(zred2, kred) * factor, "r")
        pl.plot(zred, -gbred.w(zred, kred) * factor, "r", zred2, -gbred2.w(zred2, kred) * factor, "r")

    # pl.plot(z, gb.w(z, k), 'g', z2, gb2.w(z2, k), 'g',  z3, gb3.w(z3, k), 'g',  z4, gb4.w(z4, k), 'g')
    # pl.plot(z, -gb.w(z, k), 'g', z2, -gb2.w(z2, k), 'g',  z3, -gb3.w(z3, k), 'g',  z4, -gb4.w(z4, k), 'g')
    # pl.plot(zred, gbred.w(zred, kred), 'r', zred2, gbred2.w(zred2, kred), 'r')
    # pl.plot(zred, -gbred.w(zred, kred), 'r', zred2, -gbred2.w(zred2, kred), 'r')
    # pl.grid()
    w_0 = min(gb4.w(z4, k))
    z_0 = [i for i, x in enumerate(gb4.w(z4, k)) if x == w_0]
    w_0red = min(gbred2.w(zred2, kred))
    z_0red = [i for i, x in enumerate(gbred2.w(zred2, kred)) if x == w_0red]

    if z_0[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred) < z_0red[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred):
        NA = (gb4.w(np.size(zred), k) + gb4.w(z_0red[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred), k)) / (z_0red[0] * 0.01)
        NA = (gb4.w(np.size(zred), k) - gb4.w(z_0red[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred), k)) / (z_0red[0] * 0.01)
    if z_0[0] == 0:
        NA = 1000
        NA = gb4.w(np.size(zred), k) / (z_0[0] * 0.01)

        "$w_0^{red}$ = "
        + str(w_0red * 2000)
        + "$\mu m \quad z_0^{red}$ = "
        + str(z_0red[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred))
        + "$\ z_0$ = "
        + str(z_0[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred))
        + "\nbeamsize($z_0^{red}$) = "
        + str(gb4.w(z_0red[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred), k) * 2000)
        + "$\mu m$ NA = "
        + str(NA)
    )  # "z(waist red) = " + str(z_0[0]*0.01+np.size(zred)) +)
    pl.axis([0, L + finfra * 1.5, -w0_red * 4, w0_red * 4])

    pl.savefig("testTelescope" + str(index) + ".png")

    add_lens(z_0red[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred), float("inf"), gb4.w(z_0red[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred), k), L, "", 1.0)

    pl.axis([L + finfra * 0.8, L + finfra * 1.3, -0.2, 0.2])
    pl.savefig("testTelescope_zoom" + str(index) + ".png")
    # result = [2*w_0,z_0[0], 2*w_0red,z_0red[0], 2*gb4.w(z_0red[0],k), abs(z_0[0] - z_0red[0]), 2*gb4.w(z_0red[0]*0.01+np.size(zred),k)]
    result = [
        abs(2 * gb4.w(z_0red[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred), k) - 2 * w_0red),
        (gb4.w(np.size(zred), k) - gb4.w(z_0red[0] * 0.01 + np.size(zred), k)) / (z_0red[0] * 0.01),
        w0_red / (z_0red[0] * 0.01),
    # result = gb4.w
    return result