def setup(cls): def multipleOf4Criterion(number): return number % 4 == 0 def multipleOf8Criterion(number): return number % 8 == 0 cls.generatorA = Generator(65, 16807, criterion=multipleOf4Criterion) cls.generatorB = Generator(8921, 48271, criterion=multipleOf8Criterion)
def generateNewImage(self): if (self.dataset.get() == 1): path = "models/faces/celeba" + str(self.num.get() * 10) + ".model" firstModel = torch.load(path) netG = Generator(ngpu).to(self.device) netG.load_state_dict(firstModel["generator_state_dict"]) netG.eval() fake1 = netG(self.noise).detach().cpu() array = np.transpose( vutils.make_grid(fake1, padding=2, normalize=True), (1, 2, 0)).numpy() im = np.array( Image.fromarray((array * 255).astype(np.uint8)).convert('RGB')) self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=Image.fromarray(im)) self.imageMatrix.configure(image=self.img) self.imageMatrix.image = self.img self.imageMatrix.pack() elif (self.dataset.get() == 2): path = "models/landscapes/scenery" + str(self.num.get()) + ".model" firstModel = torch.load(path) netG = Generator(ngpu).to(self.device) netG.load_state_dict(firstModel["generator_state_dict"]) netG.eval() fake1 = netG(self.noise).detach().cpu() array = np.transpose( vutils.make_grid(fake1, padding=2, normalize=True), (1, 2, 0)).numpy() im = np.array( Image.fromarray((array * 255).astype(np.uint8)).convert('RGB')) self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=Image.fromarray(im)) self.imageMatrix.configure(image=self.img) self.imageMatrix.image = self.img self.imageMatrix.pack() elif (self.dataset.get() == 3): path = "models/art/art" + str(self.num.get() * 100) + ".model" firstModel = torch.load(path) netG = Generator(ngpu).to(self.device) netG.load_state_dict(firstModel["generator_state_dict"]) netG.eval() fake1 = netG(self.noise).detach().cpu() array = np.transpose( vutils.make_grid(fake1, padding=2, normalize=True), (1, 2, 0)).numpy() im = np.array( Image.fromarray((array * 255).astype(np.uint8)).convert('RGB')) self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=Image.fromarray(im)) self.imageMatrix.configure(image=self.img) self.imageMatrix.image = self.img self.imageMatrix.pack()
def lanzar_dados(dado1, jugador, dado2, total, n): h = 0 n = n for i in range(n): dado1.append( Generator(m=i * 5 + 2, low=1, high=6, rounded=True).throw()) dado2.append(Generator(m=9 + i, low=1, high=6, rounded=True).throw()) if i > 0: while dado1[i] + dado2[i] in total: h += 1 dado1[i] = Generator(a=h, low=1, high=6, rounded=True).throw() dado2[i] = Generator(c=h + 4, low=1, high=6, rounded=True).throw() total.append(dado1[i] + dado2[i]) return total, dado1, dado2
def showImages(path): device = torch.device("cuda:0" if ( torch.cuda.is_available() and ngpu > 0) else "cpu") fixed_noise = torch.randn(64, nz, 1, 1, device=device) #total = torch.load(path) firstModel = torch.load(".art0.model") print(firstModel["generator_state_dict"]) print("______________________________________________________________") netG = Generator(ngpu).to(device) netG.load_state_dict(firstModel["generator_state_dict"]) netG.eval() fake1 = netG(fixed_noise).detach().cpu() firstModel = torch.load(".art1.model") print(firstModel["generator_state_dict"]) netG.load_state_dict(firstModel["generator_state_dict"]) netG.eval() fake2 = netG(fixed_noise).detach().cpu() plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.axis("off") plt.title("Fake 1") plt.imshow( np.transpose(vutils.make_grid(fake1, padding=2, normalize=True), (1, 2, 0))) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.axis("off") plt.title("Fake2") plt.imshow( np.transpose(vutils.make_grid(fake2, padding=2, normalize=True), (1, 2, 0)))
def __init__(self, input_size, word_vec_dim, hidden_size, output_size, n_layers=4, dropout_p=.2): self.input_size = input_size self.word_vec_dim = word_vec_dim self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.output_size = output_size self.n_layers = n_layers self.dropout_p = dropout_p super(Seq2Seq, self).__init__() self.emb_src = nn.Embedding(input_size, word_vec_dim) self.emb_dec = nn.Embedding(output_size, word_vec_dim) self.encoder = Encoder(word_vec_dim, hidden_size, n_layers=n_layers, dropout_p=dropout_p) self.decoder = Decoder(word_vec_dim, hidden_size, n_lyaers=n_layers, dropout_p=dropout_p) self.attn = Attention(hidden_size) self.concat = nn.Linear(hidden_size*2, hidden_size) self.tanh = nn.Tanh() self.generator = Generator(hidden_size, output_size)
def __init__(self, scene): self.scene = scene self.scene.onKeyboard = self.onKeyBoard self.background1 = Background("Images/background/background.png", 0) self.background1.locate(self.scene, self.background1.x, 0) self.background2 = Background("Images/background/background.png", 1280) self.background2.locate(self.scene, self.background2.x, 0) self.backgroundTimer = BackgroundTimer(0.01, self.scene, self.background1, self.background2) self.backgroundTimer.start() self.user = User("Images/character/user/run/user_1.png", self.scene, 0.9, self) self.user.locate(self.scene, self.user.x, self.user.y) def up_background_velocity(): self.backgroundTimer.velocity += 1 def down_background_velocity(): self.backgroundTimer.velocity = 5 self.user.up_background_velocity = up_background_velocity self.user.down_background_velocity = down_background_velocity self.generator = Generator(self.scene, self.user)
def generate(outputDir, db, kernels, libxsmmGenerator, architecture, prefix=''): Expr.analyseKernels(db, kernels) for matrixInfo in db.itervalues(): matrixInfo.generateMemoryLayout(architecture, alignStartrow=matrixInfo.leftMultiplication) for prototype in kernels: prototype.kernel.generateMemoryLayout(architecture, alignStartrow=True) print('\nKernels') print('-------') for prototype in kernels: print(u'{}: {}'.format(, prototype.kernel.symbol)) print('\nMemory layout') print('-------------') keys = db.keys() keys.sort(key=lambda s: s.lower()) for key in keys: name = db[key].name for block in db[key].blocks: print('{:16} {}'.format(name, block)) name = '' generator = Generator.Generator(db, libxsmmGenerator, architecture, prefix) generator.generateKernels(outputDir, kernels) generator.generateInitializer(outputDir) generator.generateUnitTests(outputDir, kernels)
def init_static_dialog_agent(args) : print "reading in Ontology" ont = Ontology.Ontology(sys.argv[1]) print "predicates: " + str(ont.preds) print "types: " + str(ont.types) print "entries: " + str(ont.entries) print "reading in Lexicon" lex = Lexicon.Lexicon(ont, sys.argv[2]) print "surface forms: " + str(lex.surface_forms) print "categories: " + str(lex.categories) print "semantic forms: " + str(lex.semantic_forms) print "entries: " + str(lex.entries) print "instantiating Feature Extractor" f_extractor = FeatureExtractor.FeatureExtractor(ont, lex) print "instantiating Linear Learner" learner = LinearLearner.LinearLearner(ont, lex, f_extractor) print "instantiating KBGrounder" grounder = KBGrounder.KBGrounder(ont) load_parser_from_file = False if len(args) > 4 : if args[4].lower() == 'true' : load_parser_from_file = True if load_parser_from_file : parser = load_model('static_parser') grounder.parser = parser grounder.ontology = parser.ontology else : print "instantiating Parser" parser = Parser.Parser(ont, lex, learner, grounder, beam_width=10, safety=True) print "instantiating Generator" generator = Generator.Generator(ont, lex, learner, parser, beam_width=sys.maxint, safety=True) print "instantiating DialogAgent" static_policy = StaticDialogPolicy.StaticDialogPolicy() A = StaticDialogAgent(parser, generator, grounder, static_policy, None, None) if not load_parser_from_file : print "reading in training data" D = A.read_in_utterance_action_pairs(args[3]) if len(args) > 4 and args[4] == "both": print "training parser and generator jointly from actions" converged = A.jointly_train_parser_and_generator_from_utterance_action_pairs( D, epochs=10, parse_beam=30, generator_beam=10) else: print "training parser from actions" converged = A.train_parser_from_utterance_action_pairs( D, epochs=10, parse_beam=30) print "theta: "+str(parser.learner.theta) save_model(parser, 'static_parser') return A
def __init__(self, dimensions=(100, 100)): self.dimensions = dimensions self.layers = {} self.generator = Generator.Generator() for layer_name in self.generator.generation_order: self.add_layer(layer_name)
def gird_model(name, day, timeDs, engine, priceRatio=0.2, geneRatio=0.2, loadRatio=0.1): #pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) #pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) res = [] generator = Generator(name, day, engine, frash_ratio=geneRatio) load = Load(name, day, engine, frash_ratio=loadRatio) storage = Storage(name, engine) pricetable = Para_PriceTable(day, engine, frash_ratio=priceRatio) dayplan = Para_DayAheadPlan(day, engine) timenow = datetime(int(day[0:4]), int(day[5:7]), int(day[8:10])) timeD = timedelta(minutes=timeDs) while timenow < datetime(int(day[0:4]), int(day[5:7]), int( day[8:10])) + timedelta(days=1): print('Do:', timenow, '-------------------------------------------') policy = gird_model_dynamic(timenow, storage, load, generator, pricetable, dayplan) log = Do_policy(timenow, timeD, policy, pricetable.get_PP_bytime_buy(timenow).price, pricetable.get_PP_bytime_sale(timenow).price, storage, load, generator, dayplan) res.append(log.tolist()) timenow += timeD generator.refrash(timenow) load.refrash(timenow) pricetable.refrash(timenow) return pd.DataFrame(res, columns=Para_DoLog.get_names())
def generate_noisy_dataset(): Gen = Generator() Gen.load_params(generator_weights) contexts = pickle.load(open("contexts",'r')) for c in contexts.iterkeys(): contexts[c] = Gen.res_gen([c]) return contexts
def norepalgo(): contador1 = 0 contador1S = 0 contador2 = 0 contador2S = 0 contador3 = 0 contador3S = 0 contador4 = 0 contador4S = 0 contador5 = 0 contador5S = 0 contador6 = 0 contadorG = 0 rarrayt = [] i = 0 j = 3 for n in range(19): while contadorG != 19: i += 1 j += 1 r = Generator(a=i, c=j / 2, low=1, high=6, rounded=True).throw() if r == 1 and contador1 != 4: contador1 += 1 rarrayt.append(r + contador1S) contador1S += 10 elif r == 2 and contador2 != 4: contador2 += 1 rarrayt.append(r + contador2S) contador2S += 10 elif r == 3 and contador3 != 4: contador3 += 1 rarrayt.append(r + contador3S) contador3S += 10 elif r == 4 and contador4 != 3: contador4 += 1 rarrayt.append(r + contador4S) contador4S += 10 elif r == 5 and contador5 != 3: contador5 += 1 rarrayt.append(r + contador5S) contador5S += 10 elif r == 6 and contador6 != 1: contador6 += 1 rarrayt.append(r) contadorG = contador1 + contador2 + contador3 + contador4 + contador5 + contador6 print("Arreglo global de los terrenos del tablero") return (rarrayt) print("")
def __init__(self, input_shape, depth_layers_discriminator=[64, 128, 256, 512], depth_layers_generator=[1024, 512, 256, 128], dim_noise=100, model="simple", data="MNIST", flip_discri_labels=False, final_generator_activation="tanh", test_name='_1'): """DCGAN model (for each parameter, the default value is the value used in the DCGAN paper) :param input_shape: format [height, width, depth] :param depth_layers_discriminator: the depth of the different layers used by the discriminator, only for the dcgan models :param depth_layers_generator: the depth of the different layers used by the generator, only for the dcgan models :param dim_noise: size of the input noise used by the generator :param model: type of model to use (simple, intermediate, dcgan_custom, dcgan_vanilla) :param data: dataset used :param flip_discri_labels: flip labels in the computation of the discrimination loss (10% flip) :param final_generator_activation: activation function for the output layer of the generator :param test_name: to give a name to the current execution""" #Saving param self.test_name = test_name # Global model self.model = model = data # Dimension of data self.output_height = input_shape[0] self.output_width = input_shape[1] self.output_depth = input_shape[2] self.dim_noise = dim_noise # Useful variables self.real_images_probabilities = 0 self.fake_images_probabilities = 0 # Build input variables #self.X_batch = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, self.output_depth*self.output_height*self.output_width], name='X') self.X_batch = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[ None, self.output_height, self.output_width, self.output_depth ], name='real_images') self.noise_batch = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, self.dim_noise], name='noise') # Build both components self.final_generator_activation = final_generator_activation self.discriminator = Discriminator(input_shape, depth_layers_discriminator, model=model) self.generator = Generator(input_shape, depth_layers=depth_layers_generator, model=model, data=data, final_activation=final_generator_activation) # Construct the graph self.build_graph(flip_discri_labels=flip_discri_labels)
def _generate_cpp(self , header): filename = self.filename + ".cpp" cppfile = Generator.Generator(filename) self._write_author( self.cpp , cppfile ) cppfile.Write('#include "{0}"\n'.format(header)) self._write_using_namespace(cppfile) self._write_constructor(cppfile) self._write_deconstructor(cppfile) cppfile.Destory()
def start(): global dataset # THIS IS THE DATA THAT IS RETRIEVED IN DATASET dataset = DataR.DatasetRetrieval() dataset = dataset.retrieveImages() # first half is orig images, 2nd half is pixelated images print('Loaded ', dataset[0].shape, dataset[0].shape[1:], " Image sizes") # Image shape is 96 x 96 x 3 in this dataset image_shape = dataset[0].shape[1:] # define descriminator model descrim_model = Discriminator.Discriminator(image_shape) descrim_model= descrim_model.define_discriminator() # Define generator model gen_model = Generator.Generator((32,32,3)) gen_model= gen_model.define_gen() # GAN MODEL IMPLEMENTS BOTH GENERATOR AND DESCRIMINATOR INSIDE gan_model = define_GAN(gen_model, descrim_model,image_shape) n_patch = descrim_model.get_output_shape_at(1)[1] # size 1 n_batches= dataset[0].shape[0] # unpack dataset train_hr, train_lr = dataset # num of batches per epoch #################################### # # Train Discriminator... # ##################################### bat_per_epo = int(len(train_hr) / 1) # Calculates total iterations needed based on epochs (100 epochs) n_steps = bat_per_epo * 1000 #100,000 iterations... # iterate through each epoch through steps for i in range(n_steps): # retrieve real samples X_real_hr, X_real_lr,real_y1= generate_real_samples(n_batches, n_patch) # generate fake images X_fakeB,fake_y = Generator.generateFakeSamples(gen_model, X_real_lr, n_patch,) #X_real_hr = (X_real_hr + 1) / 2.0 #X_real_lr = (X_real_lr + 1) / 2.0 #X_fakeB = (X_fakeB + 1) / 2.0 # Loss function of first set of real images _,d_loss_real = descrim_model.train_on_batch(X_real_hr,real_y1) # Loss function for fake images _,d_loss_fake = descrim_model.train_on_batch(X_fakeB,fake_y) d_loss= 0.5 * np.add(d_loss_real,d_loss_fake)# d_loss[0]--> shape(2,) _,g_loss,_= gan_model.train_on_batch(X_real_lr, [X_real_hr,real_y1]) #in_src,[gen_out,dis_out] model # Loss functions printed out print('>%d, dreal[%.4f], dfake[%.4f], g[%.4f]' % (i + 1, d_loss_real, d_loss_fake,g_loss)) # save data after epoch if (i + 1) % (200) == 0: summarize_performance(i, gen_model)
class Tester(): minSup = 2 delta = 5 upperDelta = 20 size = 20 nEvents = 6 debug = False gen = Generator(42) eventSeq = gen.generate(size, nEvents) print('Event sequence:') print(eventSeq) bf = BruteForce(eventSeq, minSup, delta, upperDelta, debug) t1 = time.time() F1 = bf.apply() t2 = time.time() print('F1') print(F1) m = Meselo(eventSeq, minSup, delta, upperDelta, debug) t3 = time.time() F2 = m.apply() t4 = time.time() print('F2') print(F2) print("Comparison:" + str(F1 == F2)) btime = (t2 - t1) mtime = (t4 - t3) print('btime:' + str(btime) + "VS" + 'mtime' + str(mtime)) print('Other small custom test...') customSeq = gen.generateCustom() print('CustomSequence:') print(customSeq) bf2 = BruteForce(customSeq, 1, 3, 3, debug) m2 = Meselo(customSeq, 1, 3, 3, debug) t5 = time.time() F3 = bf2.apply() t6 = time.time() print('F3') print(F3) t7 = time.time() F4 = m2.apply() t8 = time.time() print('F4') print(F4) btime2 = (t6 - t5) mtime2 = (t8 - t7) print('btime:' + str(btime2) + "VS" + 'mtime' + str(mtime2)) print('Comparison:' + str(F3 == F4)) # print(eventSeq) print('end........')
def one_shot(name): global dims,n_layers r_net = net.FFNN(n_layers) g_net = net.FFNN(n_layers) b_net = net.FFNN(n_layers) r_build = gen.Generator(dims,r_net) g_build = gen.Generator(dims,g_net) b_build = gen.Generator(dims,b_net) colours = [r_build,g_build,b_build] mapping = [] for x in colours: x.genEnv(0) mapping.append(x.getEnv()) main = scene.Draw(dims,mapping) main.save_image(f"Images//PerlinNoise{name}","PNG",main.res)
def _generate_cpp(self , header): filename = self.filename + ".cpp" cppfile = Generator.Generator(filename) self._write_author( self.cpp , cppfile ) cppfile.Write('#include "gtest/gtest.h"\n'.format(header)) cppfile.Write('#include "{0}.h"\n'.format( cppfile.Write('#include "{0}.h"\n'.format(header)) self._write_using_namespace(cppfile) self._write_gtest(cppfile) cppfile.Destory()
def Adveraisl_training(G, g_op, D, d_op, d_loader): G_beta = Generator(embed_size, hidden_size, vocab_size, num_layers, use_cuda=cuda) restore(G_beta, G_path) log = open('save/log.txt', 'w') print('start Adveraisl_training!') for i in range(epochs): #train G start = time.time() buffer = 'start epoch{}'.format(i + 1) print(buffer) log.write(buffer) for _ in range(g_step): g_op.zero_grad() #Frist generate a whole seqence samples, preds = G.generate_sample(batch_size, seq_len) #Then get reward step by step rewards = get_rewards(G_beta, D, samples, rollout_num) loss = G.PG_loss(samples, preds, rewards) buffer = 'reward = {:.3f} PGloss={:.3f}'.format( (rewards.mean()).data.item(), (loss).data.item()) print(buffer) log.write(buffer) loss.backward() clip_grad_norm_(G.parameters(), max_norm=max_norm) g_op.step() #updata G_bata updataG_beta(G_beta, G, update_rate) #teain D for _ in range(d_step): G.get_negsample(neg_path, neg_num, seq_len) d_loader.create_batch(pos_num, batch_size) for r in range(3): d_loader.reset_pointer() losses = 0 for j in range(d_loader.batch_num): d_op.zero_grad() sentence, labels = d_loader.next_batch() loss = D.loss_fn(sentence, labels) losses += loss loss.backward() d_op.step() loss = test(G, g_loader) buffer = 'test loss={:.3f}'.format((loss)) log.write(buffer) print('epoch{}Done! cost{:.2f}s'.format(i + 1, time.time() - start)) save(D, D_path) save(G, G_path)
def main(): with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.device("/gpu:1"): session_conf = tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=FLAGS.allow_soft_placement, log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_device_placement) sess = tf.Session(config=session_conf) with sess.as_default(), open(log_precision, "w") as log, open( loss_precision, "w") as loss_log: DIS_MODEL_FILE = "model/irgan_eval_pre-trained.model" # overfitted DNS param = pickle.load(open(DIS_MODEL_FILE, "rb")) #add loss_type = "pair" with tf.name_scope('discriminator_setting') as scope: discriminator = Discriminator.Discriminator( sequence_length=FLAGS.max_sequence_length, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, vocab_size=len(vocab), embedding_size=FLAGS.embedding_dim, filter_sizes=list( map(int, FLAGS.filter_sizes.split(","))), num_filters=FLAGS.num_filters, learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate, l2_reg_lambda=FLAGS.l2_reg_lambda, # embeddings=embeddings, embeddings=None, paras=param, loss=loss_type) with tf.name_scope('generator_setting') as scope: generator = Generator.Generator( sequence_length=FLAGS.max_sequence_length, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, vocab_size=len(vocab), embedding_size=FLAGS.embedding_dim, filter_sizes=list( map(int, FLAGS.filter_sizes.split(","))), num_filters=FLAGS.num_filters, learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate * 0.1, l2_reg_lambda=FLAGS.l2_reg_lambda, # embeddings=embeddings, embeddings=None, paras=param, loss=loss_type) tw = tf.summary.FileWriter("log_dir", graph=sess.graph) #add evaluation(sess, discriminator, log, 0) '''
def __init__(self, master, controller): # parameters that you want to send through the Frame class. Frame.__init__(self, master) self.controller = controller #reference to the master widget, which is the tk window self.master = master self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if ( torch.cuda.is_available() and ngpu > 0) else "cpu") self.noise = torch.randn(64, nz, 1, 1, device=self.device) self.model = Generator(ngpu).to(self.device) self.dataset = IntVar() self.num = IntVar() self.init_window()
def __init__(self,item,customer): self.item = item self.customer = customer self.seller = Seller(item,customer) self.customer_sequence = [] self.generator = Generator(customer) self.revenue = {} #self.revenue_upper_bound = {} #只需要获取最后一天的upper_bound self.revenue_upper_bound=0 self.time_length = 0 self.IB_function_type = '' self.IB_function_type_sequence = [] self.customer_choose_mode = '' self.log = {}
def main(): ''' Iterate over all .txt files in the directory. This is useful for making a script that periodically scans all feeds for updates, without opening a new browser for each feed ''' for feed in os.listdir("."): if feed.endswith(".txt"): input_file = open(feed, "r") information = input_file.readlines() ''' Strip newline from every line of input ''' i = 0 info_len = len(information) while i < info_len: information[i] = information[i].rstrip('\n') i += 1 ''' Grab the information to send to the generator ''' title = information[0] link = information[1] description = information[2] browser.get(link) title_selector = information[3] link_selector = information[4] description_selector = information[5] generator = Generator(browser, title, link, description) generator.find_new_articles(title_selector, link_selector, description_selector) if generator.error_no_new_articles() is True: continue if os.path.isfile(generator.get_filename()) is False: generator.generate_new_feed() else: generator.append_feed() generator.archive_new_feeds() input_file.close() browser.quit()
def uppercase(): url = request.GET.get('s', default=None) if url is not None: #url = "" sc = Scrapper.Scrapper() obj = sc.scrap(url) #print obj #obj = json.dumps({'privacy':{'p':[{'name':'first para in privacy'},{'name':'second para in privacy'}] }, # 'taxes':{'p':[{'name':'first para in taxes'},{'name':'second para in taxes'}] } #}) obj = Analysis.Analysis().analysis(obj) #obj = json.dumps({'privacy':{'classify':'computer software','p':[{'name':'first para in privacy','summarizer':'example of summarized paragraph','tags':['tag1','tag2','tag3']},{'name':'second para in privacy','summarizer':'example of summarized paragraph','tags':['tag1','tag2','tag3']}] }, # 'taxes':{'classify':'computer software','p':[{'name':'first para in taxes','summarizer':'example of summarized paragraph','tags':['tag1','tag2','tag3']},{'name':'second para in taxes','summarizer':'example of summarized paragraph','tags':['tag1','tag2','tag3']}] } #}) obj = Generator.Generator().generate(obj) return json.dumps(obj, indent=4)
def _genator_header(self): filename = self.filename + ".h" hfile = Generator.Generator(filename) self._write_author(self.cpp, hfile) defineHeader = self.filename.upper() hfile.Write("#ifndef __{0}_H__\n".format(defineHeader)) hfile.Write("#define __{0}_H__\n".format(defineHeader)) self._write_include(hfile) self._write_namespace_begin(hfile) hfile.Write("{0}class {1} {2}\n".format(self.format, self.filename, self.extend)) hfile.Write("{0}{1}\n".format(self.format, '{')) hfile.Write("{0}public:\n".format(self.format)) self._write_constuctor(hfile) self._write_deconstructor(hfile) hfile.Write("{0}{1};\n".format(self.format, '}')) self._write_namespace_end(hfile) hfile.Write("#endif\n".format()) hfile.Destory() return filename
def open_map(self): # Clear all map tiles for i in range(15, 20): self.image_tiles[i]["tilesImages"] = [] # Decides whether to generate a new map new = raw_input("Generate New map (Y/N): ") if new == "Y" or new == "y": g = Generator.Generator(self.TILE_SIZE, self.image_tiles) name = g.generate_maps() self.parse_data_file(name) else: while True: name = raw_input("map Name? ") if os.path.exists(name): break else: print "map doesn't exist" self.parse_data_file(name) self.build_tiles()
def setup(cls): cls.generatorA = Generator(65, 16807) cls.generatorB = Generator(8921, 48271)
def PatternTheory(inputFile, semanticBondPath, topK, outFile): BondID = count(0) genID = count(0) localSwapSpace = {} topKLabel = 0 priorScale = 10 #changed from 100 to 10 on 3/28/2020 7:29 PM #Load Feature labels and create feature generators equivalence = {} feature_generators = [] with open(inputFile) as f: for featFile in f: feat = str.split(featFile.replace('\n', '')) feat = str.split(featFile.replace('/home/saakur/Desktop/', './')) equivalence = {} with open(feat[1]) as fl: for line in fl: l = str.split(line.replace('\n', '')) equivalence[l[0]] = float(l[1]) if topKLabel > 0: sorted_equiv = sorted(equivalence.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) equivalence = {} for k, v in sorted_equiv[:topKLabel]: equivalence[k] = v * supBondWeight G = gen.Generator(next(genID), feat[0], feat[0], "Feature", feat[0]) supBG = sup_b.SupportBond(next(BondID), "SupportBond", "OUT", G.generatorID) supBG.compatible = deepcopy(equivalence) G.addOutBond(supBG) feature_generators.append(G) localSwapSpace[G.feature] = [] filelist = [f for f in os.listdir(semanticBondPath) if f.endswith(".txt")] semBondDict = {} #Load semantic bonds for semanticBondFile in filelist: semBondName = str.split( str.split(semanticBondFile.replace('\n', ''), '_').pop(), '.')[0] if semBondName not in semBondDict.keys(): semBondDict[semBondName] = {} equivalence = {} with open(semanticBondPath + semanticBondFile) as fl: for line in fl: semBondDict_Concept = {} l = str.split(line.replace('\n', ''), ',') label = l.pop(0) label = str.split(label, '-')[0] for l1 in l: l2 = str.split(l1.replace('\n', ''), ':') if (semBondName != "Similarity"): semBondDict_Concept[l2[0]] = float( l2[1]) * priorScale * semBondWeight else: semBondDict_Concept[l2[0]] = float( l2[1]) * semBondWeight * priorScale equivalence[label] = dict(semBondDict_Concept.copy()) semBondDict[semBondName] = dict((equivalence.copy())) #For each of the feature generators, create generators for each of the label possibilties # and bonds for each of the generators for g in feature_generators: #Determine the label category to create generators for them genType = g.generatorName #For each of the outbound bonds of the feature generators, create the generators for each of the label candidates for bondID in g.outBonds.keys(): b = g.outBonds[bondID] #For each of the each of the label candidates, create the generators and bonds for label in b.compatible: #Create the generator G = gen.Generator(next(genID), label, label, genType, g.generatorName) #Create and add complementary support bond supBG_IN = sup_b.SupportBond(next(BondID), "SupportBond", "IN", G.generatorID) G.addInBond(supBG_IN) for semBondName in semBondDict.keys(): if label in semBondDict[semBondName].keys(): #Create a semantic bond semBG_OUT = sem_b.SemanticBond(next(BondID), semBondName, "OUT", G.generatorID) #Add the equivalence table for the semantic bond semBG_OUT.compatible = deepcopy( semBondDict[semBondName][label]) #Create complementary semantic bond semBG_IN = sem_b.SemanticBond(next(BondID), semBondName, "IN", G.generatorID) #Add created bonds to the generator G.addOutBond(semBG_OUT) G.addInBond(semBG_IN) #Add created generator to list with generators of equivalent modality localSwapSpace[G.feature].append(G) globalSwapSpace = {} for fg in feature_generators: globalSwapSpace[fg.generatorID] = fg debugFIle = "./debugFile.txt" # globalProposalChance Helps avoid local minima. Need to be less than 1 when using MCMC candidate proposal globalProposalChance = 1.0 PS = inf.Inference(localSwapSpace, globalSwapSpace, False, debugFIle, topK, globalProposalChance) topKConfig = PS.run_inference() topVal = 1 ftFile = open(outFile, 'w') ftFile.write("Top %s results:\n" % topK) ftFile.close() for key in sorted(topKConfig): topKConfig[key].printConfig(outFile, localSwapSpace.keys()) topVal += 1 # Clean up for Anneal filelist = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".state")] for f in filelist: os.remove(f)
def process(fold_index=0): with tf.Graph().as_default(): #with tf.device('/gpu:0'): session_conf = tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=FLAGS.allow_soft_placement, log_device_placement=FLAGS.log_device_placement) sess = tf.Session(config=session_conf) with sess.as_default(), open(precision_log + str(fold_index), 'w') as log: if len(sys.argv) > 1: paramG = cPickle.load(open(pre_trained_path + sys.argv[1], 'r')) paramD = cPickle.load(open(pre_trained_path + sys.argv[2], 'r')) else: paramG = None paramD = None eb_samples, pro_samples = cPickle.load( open(path + 'train_samples' + str(fold_index), 'r')) query_prof_dim = len(pro_samples[0][0]) response_prof_dim = len(pro_samples[0][-1]) batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size num_batches = int(math.ceil(len(eb_samples) / batch_size)) print np.shape(eb_samples), np.shape( pro_samples), query_prof_dim, response_prof_dim dis = Discriminator.Discriminator( FLAGS.max_sequence_len, FLAGS.batch_size, len(vocab), FLAGS.embedding_dim, list(map(int, FLAGS.filter_sizes.split(","))), FLAGS.num_filters, query_prof_dim, response_prof_dim, FLAGS.dropout, FLAGS.l2_reg, FLAGS.learning_rate, paramD, None, FLAGS.loss, True, FLAGS.score_type) gen = Generator.Generator( FLAGS.max_sequence_len, FLAGS.batch_size, len(vocab), FLAGS.embedding_dim, list(map(int, FLAGS.filter_sizes.split(","))), FLAGS.num_filters, query_prof_dim, response_prof_dim, FLAGS.dropout, FLAGS.l2_reg, FLAGS.learning_rate / 50, paramG, None, FLAGS.loss, True, FLAGS.score_type) for i in range(FLAGS.num_epochs): #g_batch_size = len(eb_samples) for g_epoch in range(FLAGS.g_epochs_num): #if i == 0: # break step, current_loss, positive,negative, pos_score, neg_score = 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, [],[] for _index, row in enumerate(eb_samples): #candidate_index = range(len(eb_samples)) #sampled_index = list(np.random.choice(candidate_index, size=[batch_size],replace=False)) #if _index not in sampled_index: # sampled_index[-1] = _index #sampled_index = list(candidate_index) for ib in range(1): ib = _index / batch_size end_index = min((ib + 1) * batch_size, len(eb_samples)) eb_sample_pools = eb_samples[end_index - batch_size:end_index] pro_sample_pools = pro_samples[ end_index - batch_size:end_index] feed_dict = { gen.input_x_1: [row[0]] * batch_size, gen.input_x_2: [row[1]] * batch_size, gen.input_x_3: eb_sample_pools[:, 2], gen.prof_1: [pro_samples[_index][0]] * batch_size, gen.prof_2: [pro_samples[_index][1]] * batch_size, gen.prof_3: list(pro_sample_pools[:, 2]) } predicted =, feed_dict) exp_rating = np.exp(np.array(predicted) * 10) prob = exp_rating / np.sum(exp_rating) neg_index = np.random.choice(range(batch_size), size=[FLAGS.gan_k], p=prob, replace=False) feed_dict = { dis.input_x_1: [row[0]] * FLAGS.gan_k, dis.input_x_2: [row[1]] * FLAGS.gan_k, dis.input_x_3: eb_sample_pools[neg_index][:, 2], dis.prof_1: [pro_samples[_index][0]] * FLAGS.gan_k, dis.prof_2: [pro_samples[_index][1]] * FLAGS.gan_k, dis.prof_3: list(pro_sample_pools[neg_index][:, 2]) } reward =, feed_dict) feed_dict = { gen.input_x_1: eb_sample_pools[:, 0], gen.input_x_2: eb_sample_pools[:, 1], gen.input_x_3: eb_sample_pools[:, 2], gen.prof_1: list(pro_sample_pools[:, 0]), gen.prof_2: list(pro_sample_pools[:, 1]), gen.prof_3: list(pro_sample_pools[:, 2]), gen.neg_index: neg_index, gen.reward: reward } _, step, current_loss, gan_score, pos, neg, pos_score, neg_score = [ gen.gan_updates, gen.global_step, gen.gan_loss, gen.gans, gen.positive, gen.negative, gen.pos_score, gen.neg_score ], feed_dict) #print pos_score[:1], neg_score[:1],current_loss, step, _index, len(eb_samples) line = ( "%s: GEN step %d %d, loss %f gan score %f ,pos score %f, neg score %f, total step: %d " % (timestamp(), step, i, current_loss, gan_score, pos, neg, FLAGS.num_epochs * FLAGS.g_epochs_num * len(eb_samples))) print line log.write(line + "\n") d_eb_samples, d_pro_samples = gan_samples( eb_samples, pro_samples, sess, gen) for d_epoch in range(FLAGS.d_epochs_num): step, current_loss, accuracy = 0, 0.0, 0.0 for ib in range(num_batches): end_index = min((ib + 1) * batch_size, len(d_eb_samples)) eb_batch = d_eb_samples[end_index - batch_size:end_index] pro_batch = d_pro_samples[end_index - batch_size:end_index] feed_dict = { dis.input_x_1: eb_batch[:, 0], dis.input_x_2: eb_batch[:, 1], dis.input_x_3: eb_batch[:, 2], dis.prof_1: list(pro_batch[:, 0]), dis.prof_2: list(pro_batch[:, 1]), dis.prof_3: list(pro_batch[:, 2]) } _, step, current_loss, accuracy, pos_score, neg_score = [ dis.updates, dis.global_step, dis.loss, dis.accuracy, dis.positive, dis.negative ], feed_dict) line = ( "%s: Dis step %d %d, loss %f with acc %f, pos score %f, neg score %f, total step: %d " % (timestamp(), step, i, current_loss, accuracy, pos_score, neg_score, FLAGS.num_epochs * FLAGS.d_epochs_num * num_batches)) print line log.write(line + '\n') if i != FLAGS.num_epochs - 1: evaluation(sess, gen, log, batch_size, path + 'test_samples' + str(fold_index)) evaluation(sess, dis, log, batch_size, path + 'test_samples' + str(fold_index)) evaluation(sess, gen, log, batch_size, path + 'test_samples' + str(fold_index), True) evaluation(sess, dis, log, batch_size, path + 'test_samples' + str(fold_index), True)
import chainer from chainer import serializers import nn.DCGAN import Generator from utils import config_parse as cp from computations.trainer import generate_training_video MODEL_PATH = './models/generator.npz' N_GENERATIONS = 100 conf_parser = cp.Config('setup.ini') params = conf_parser.get_params() generator = Generator(, params.latent_dim) serializers.load_npz(MODEL_PATH, generator) for i in range(N_GENERATIONS): print(f'Generator video {i} / {N_GENERATIONS}', end='\r') generate_training_video(generator, filename=f'./gifs/gif_{i}.gif')